Global Marketing MCQ

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Sub- Contemporary Issues In Marketing

Topic- Global Marketing

1) International marketing is dominated by countries.
A. poor
B. developing
C. developed
D. rich

2) International marketing ensures utilisation of resources.

A. minimum
B. maximum
C. normal
D. Proper

3) Direct exporting ensures

A. low profit margin

B. high profit margin (
C. normal profit margin
D. Profit margin
4) Trade barriers are obstacles imposed on imports of the other countries.
A. Natural
B. artificial
C. political
D. revenue

5) Quota system is a type of barrier.

A. tariff
B. non-tariff
C. revenue
D. non-revenue

6) Trading blocs give benefits to countries.

A. member
B. non-member
C. rich
D. poor

7) Franchising is a form of
A. exporting
B. licensing
C. merger
D. strategic alliance

8) In merger, two companies come together and survives

A. only one
B. both
C. new company formed
9) Non-tariff barriers additional revenue to the government
A. provide
B. do not provide
C. provide limited

10) The headquarters of EU is at

A. London
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. Brussels

11) Customs regulations are barriers of trade. ·

A. tariff
B. non-tariff
C. political
D. social

12) Regionalism in trade should be replaced by

A. multilateralism
B. free trade
C. trading blocs
D. Trading countries

13) OPEC is an organisation of countries.

A. software producing
B. steal producing
C. oil producing
D. cement producing

14) Trade barriers are to the growth of international trade.

A. useful
B. harmful
C. supportive
D. Neutral

15) Contract manufacturing is a type of _

A. outsourcing
B. made to order agreement
C. assembling activity
D. dismantling

16) Direct Exporting means exporting the products

A. by joint venture
B. through middlemen
C. through franchising
D. by the manufacturer himself
17) ·is a horizontal expansion of a firm.
A. Merger
B. Diversification
C. Combination
D. None of these ..

18) International economic environment is the result of economic factors operating at

the level
A. local
B. national
C. International
D. business

19) International marketing environment is in character.

A. stable
B. static
C. flexible
D. fluid and flexible

20) International economic Institutions mainly provide to poor and developing countries.
A. financial assistance
B. consultancy services
C. legal assistance
D. Medical Assistance

21) IFC is one of world bank.

A. sister institution
B. affiliate
C. financial agency
D. advisory

22) One objective of IMF is to promote _

A. exchange rate stability
B. industrial growth
C. infrastructure development
D. stable interest rates

23) India is a of International Finance Corporation (IFC).

A. founding member
B. assoc;ate member
C. full dialogue partner
D. shareholder

24) EU is the best example of .

A. economic union
B. free trade area
C. customs union
D. common Market

25) Legal environment relater to laws which govern

A. political activities
B. economic activities
C. business activities
D. social activities

26) Democracy is regarded as the political system.

A. worse
B. best
C. most. ineffective
D. corrupt

27) Traditions, customs and culture are used as based for law.
A. civil
B. theocratic
C. common
D. criminal

28) Dumping is a practice for entry in foreign markets.

A. fair
B. unfair
C. easy
D. freely allowed

29) Cultural environment is .

A. static
B. flexible
C. Stable
D. Rigid

30) International marketing research deals with markets.

A. domestic
B. foreign
C. local
D. retail

31) International marketing research facilities

A. initial entry in foreign market
B. large scale imports
C. expansion of domestic marketing
D. none of these
32) In International marketing research , the use of should be made liberally.
A. primary
B. secondary data
C. unpublished data .
D. External data

33) The international Finance Corporation, an affiliate of the World Bank was established in
A. 1960
B. 1982
C. 1953
D. 1956

34) Entering a new price slot and a new market segment is called line
A. stretching
B. down
C. filling
D. All of these

35) Product gives confidence to customers.

A. standardisation
B. adaptation
C. pruning
D. Procurement

36) Innovation requires similar, culture and economic conditions.

A. Scientific
B. Local
C. Overseas

37) Packaging requires both and mandatory changes

A. compulsory
B. regulatory (
C. discretionary

38) Health and safety warnings are included in

A. packaging
B. branding
C. labeling
D. positioning

39) has the advantage of modifying it for each local market

A. Branding
B. Packaging
C. Labeling
D. Positioning

40) Market segmentation is better than market

A. targeting
B. positioning
C. aggregation

41) segmentation has become highly popular.

A. Geographic
B. Gender
C. Psychographic
D. Regional

42) Strategy can cater to large number of customers

A. Undifferentiated marketing
B. Multi-segment
C. Micro marketing
D. Macro marketing

43) Smart phones are marketed through positioning.

A. special-interest
B. high-tech
C. product-user
D. User friendly

44) Product life cycle is an factor influencing pricing.

A. internal
B. external
C. insider
D. Outsider

45) cost is a part of marginal cost pricing.

A. Maintenance
B. Variable
C. Transfer
D. Fixed

46) pricing indicates product benefits.

A. Target
B. Value
C. Discount
D. None of these

47) Promotional expenditure is limited in pricing.

A. skimming
B. penetration
C. differential
D. Cost plus
48) is international price discrimination.
A. Counter trade
B. Buyback
C. Dumping
D. Grey market

49) Differentiation indicates that the product is

A. unique
B. standard
C. common
D. all of these.

50) International marketing plan must address payment and

A. credit
B. paperwork
C. Lien
D. Receipt

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