OBGYN 1st Round 2021 Answered
OBGYN 1st Round 2021 Answered
OBGYN 1st Round 2021 Answered
2) What is the main task of the physician during the 2nd stage of normal labor?
a. Controlled cord traction (Brand Andrew maneuver) to enhance placental delivery.
b. Jaw flexion shoulder traction to deliver after-coming head in breech presentation.
c. Controlled head extension with perineal support (Ritgen maneuver).
d. Repeated ergometrine injection to ensure strong uterine contractions.
e. Episiotomy once the cervix is fully dilated.
3) A 24 year old multipara underwent a vaginal delivery of a full term infant. The placenta wasn’t
delivered spontaneously for about 60 minutes. Next step in management for this patient is:
a. Repeated fundal pressure to expel the placenta.
b. Hysterotomy.
c. Manual removal of the placenta under anesthesia.
d. Exert marked traction on the cord to pull the placenta out.
e. Cut the cord and leave the placenta for spontaneous autolysis.
5) During an abdominal examination of a 28 weeks PG, fundal level was found to be at level of the
xiphisternum. Choose a possible cause:
a. Polyhydramnios.
b. Fetal growth restriction.
c. Normal finding.
d. Contracted pelvis.
e. P.R.O.M.
6) Which of the following is considered a warning symptom in pregnancy?
a. Breathing discomfort on exertion
b. Nausea and appetite change
c. Fluid leak from the vagina
d. Increased quickening
e. Constipation
9) Which of the following is encouraging for a trial of vaginal delivery in breech presentation?
a. Previous breech delivery.
b. Preterm breech
c. Estimated fetal weight is between 3.5 kg to 4.0 kg.
d. Footling presentation
e. Extended fetal head as detected by ultrasound.
11) Parameters studied in biophysical profile to diagnose chronic fetal distress include:
a. Active fetal movements.
b. Response of fetal heart to uterine contractions.
c. Degree of placental maturity.
d. Fetal umbilical artery Doppler.
e. Amniotic fluid turbidity.
12) A 40 year old multipara attends for antenatal care as she had a delayed menstruation for 1
week. She did serum hCG twice, 1st reading was 3000 mIU/ml and the 2nd, two days later, was
2500 mIU/ml. How can you interpret these levels?
a. Non pregnant levels.
b. Not conclusive.
c. Normal pregnancy.
d. Blighted ovum
e. Molar pregnancy.
13) Of the following women, which patient would be at greater risk for ectopic pregnancy:
a. a healthy woman on birth control pills for more than 18months duration
b. Pregnancy after artificial insemination
c. Pregnancy on top of intrauterine contraceptive device
d. a woman with a previous history of polycystic ovarian disease
e. a woman with a past history of vaginitis
14) A 25 year old PG at 32 weeks gestation was admitted to ER due to eclamptic fits. Choose the
most appropriate statement regarding treatment:
a. Diuretics should be given to prevent pulmonary edema.
b. Patient should receive general anesthesia to stop convulsions.
c. Oral antihypertensive agents may be tried 1st to control blood pressure.
d. Control convulsions and continue pregnancy to reach fetal maturity.
e. Magnesium sulphate and pregnancy termination should be done.
15) A 2nd gravida para 1 with previous delivery of a healthy baby attends in the current
pregnancy at 20 weeks gestation for antenatal care. Her RH type was negative and she did not
receive anti D in the previous pregnancy. Indirect comb test was negative. What will be your
recommendation for this case?
a. Cordocentesis.
b. Amniocentesis.
c. Give anti D after labor.
d. Termination of pregnancy is advised.
e. Delivery should be by caesarian section.
16) A healthy 23 years old G2P2 has had an uncomplicated pregnancy to date. She is disappointed
because she is 41 weeks and still had not delivered. She reports good fetal movements. On PV,
her cervix was soft, central, 80% effaced, and 2 cm dilated. The vertex is at zero station and
estimated fetal weight is 3200 gm. What is the recommended management for this case?
a. Schedule her for caesarian section.
b. Induction of labor by vaginal misoprostol.
c. Oxytocin infusion and artificial rupture of membranes.
d. Continue fetal kick count monitoring and recheck after 2 week.
e. Check fetal lung maturation before making an action.
18) Regarding disturbed tubal ectopic pregnancy, which of the following is correct?
a. Commonly disturbs during 1st trimester.
b. Usually associated with severe vaginal bleeding.
c. Absent pelvic pain is characteristic.
d. Snow storm appearance on ultrasound is a diagnostic feature.
e. Serum hCG is usually negative.
20) A 30 weeks PG with breech presentation presents by sudden gush of fluid. She has a
temperature of 37o, pulse: 80/minute and a lax abdomen. Leucocytic count is 4000/ml and
ultrasound shows normal for date fetus with AFI: 10. What is the most suitable management
for this case?
a. Conservative management.
b. External cephalic version.
c. Caesarian section.
d. Induction of labor.
e. Cervical cerclage.
21) Which of the following ligaments is responsible for uterine anteverted position?
a. Ovarian ligament.
b. Round ligament.
c. Mackenrodt”s ligament.
d. Broad ligament.
e. Infundibulo-pelvic ligament.
22) Effects of progesterone production in menstrual cycle include:
a. Increases amount of cervical secretions.
b. Facilitates upward transfer of sperms at day of ovulation.
c. Renders the endometrium suitable for implantation.
d. Responsible for colicky pains at onset of menstrual flow.
e. Exerts +ve feedback on FSH and LH in mid-luteal period.
23) A newly married 22 year old presents with right lower abdominal pain 1 week after the end of
her menses. This pain is associated with a mild increase in vaginal secretions and blood
spotting. Ultrasound reveals a normal sized AVF uterus and a right adnexal clear cystic
structure 24 mm in diameter. What is your provisional diagnosis for this case?
a. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease.
b. Ovulatory pain.
c. Endometriosis.
d. Polycystic ovarian disease.
e. Ectopic pregnancy.
25) A 45 years old slim woman had undergone total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-
opherectomy for uterine leiyomyoma, she came to the clinic counseling about HRT. What
would you suggest?
a. combined estrogen progesterone HRT
b. Estrogen only HRT
c. Progesterone only pills
d. low dose thyroxin
e. GnRH analogue
27) Polycystic ovarian disease commonly includes one of the following characteristics:
a. elevated FSH and decreased LH
b. low androgen level
c. high progesterone level
d. multiple large dominant follicles in ultrasound
e. obesity with increased insulin resistance
28) A 30years old P0+1 presented with 2ry amenorrhea for 1year following surgical evacuation of
10weeks pregnancy. She received cyclic oral contraceptive pills for few months but no
withdrawal bleeding occurred. Your provisional diagnosis:
a. Sheehan syndrome
b. Asherman syndrome
c. Turner syndrome
d. polycystic ovarian disease
e. premature ovarian failure
30) A 30 years old P1+2, presents by heavy menstrual flow for 1 year. Transvaginal ultrasound
reveals a submucous fibroid 3 cm filling the uterine cavity. What is the treatment option with
best chance to preserve fertility?
a. Medical treatment with GnRH analogue.
b. Medical treatment with progestagens.
c. Open abdominal myomectomy.
d. Laparoscopic myomectomy.
e. Hysteroscopic myomectomy.
31) A 27yrs old woman P1+0, presents with excess yellow offensive discharge mainly in the past
menstrual period associated with vaginal soreness. Speculum examination reveals
erythematous vagina and cervical punctuations. Which is the most likely diagnosis:
a. Allergic reaction
b. candida vaginalis
c. Trichomonas vaginalis
d. bacterial vaginosis
e. Gonorrhea infection
32) A 60years old multipara, menopausal for 10years, presented by an attack of mild vaginal
bleeding. She is known to be hypertensive with poor control. US revealed AVF normal sized
uterus with a 14 mm endometrial thickness. How will you proceed?
a. control hypertension and follow up
b. progestagens for 6 months
c. fractional curettage
d. check FSH and LH before taking an action
e. Hysterosalpingography for further uterine evaluation
33) A 45 year old multipara presents by repeated bleeding in the form of spotting following sexual
intercourse. Which of the following investigations will be most valuable?
a. Endometrial curettage.
b. Colposcopy.
c. C.T pelvis.
d. CA-125.
e. Diagnostic laparoscopy.
34) An unmarried 20 years old female with an accidentally discovered dermoid cyst 8cm during an
regular ultrasound checkup. Which of the following is the best treatment for her?
a. aspiration of the cyst guided by ultrasound
b. unilateral ovariectomy
c. ovarian cystectomy
d. assurance , conservative management and follow up
e. combined oral contraceptive pills for 3months
37) A 35years old P1+0 presented with irregular vaginal bleeding. Endometrial curettage revealed
simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. She had not yet completed her family. How can
you manage this case?
a. Just follow up
b. Progestagens for 6 months
c. Hysterectomy
d. Pelvic irradiation
e. Endometrial ablation
38) A couple with 1ry infertility for 10 years attended to the clinic. Male semen analysis showed a
count of 1 million/ml with non-progressive motility. Female partner was 37years old with
normal hormone profile and free hysterosalpingography. What is the most suitable line of
a. treat the husband and re do semen analysis after 6 months
b. Laparoscopy to confirm tubal patency
c. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
d. IUI for 6 cycles
e. induce ovulation with timed intercourse for 6 months
39) A 25years old P1+0 attended the outpatient clinic for a method of contraception. She delivered
by CS 3 months ago and she is nursing her baby with amenorrhea since delivery. She is
planning to delay next pregnancy for 2 years. Most appropriate contraceptive method for this
a. No need ad long as lactational amenorrhea is present
b. IUD
c. COPs
d. Postcoital douching
e. safe period
40) A 45 years multipara, presented with a mass protruding from the vulva on straining and lack
of sexual satisfaction. Examination revealed a descent of posterior vaginal wall with deficient
perineum. Cervix was felt at level of ischial spines. Most suitable treatment for her:
a. Pelvic floor exercise
b. posterior colpo-perineorrhaphy
c. classical repair
d. colposacropexy
e. Manchester (Fothergill’s) operation
42) Rupture of membranes with drained liquor at 20 weeks may be treated conservatively till
fetal viability under good cover of antibiotics. False
43) Ovarian cysts associating molar pregnancy resolves spontaneously after molar evacuation
as they are hormone dependent. True
45) The most common cause of puerperal pyrexia is breast engorgement with milk. True
46) Most commonly used investigation to diagnose ovulation is ultrasound folliculometry. True
47) Non contraceptive use of Mirena IUCD is treatment of endometrial hyperplasia. True
48) Benign ovarian tumor with highest incidence to turn malignant is dermoid cyst. False
52) A 35 year old P4+2 with deteriorating general condition and persistent uterine Aton
after vaginal delivery not responding to ecbolics. D
53) A 38 year old P5+0 with persistent vaginal bleeding after prolonged labor of a fetus in
occipito-posterior position that ended by difficult vacuum extraction. Uterus is well
contacted uterus. B
54) A 25 year old PG with repeated episodes of uterine atony encountered during elective
C.S for marked cephalo-pelvic disproportion. E
55) A 2nd GP1 has complete perineal tear and multiple vaginal lacerations after precipitate
labor. After surgical repair there is a continuous trickling of fresh blood though no
uterine atony. F
Questions 56-60 are preceded by a list of lettered options. Select the one letter that is most
closely associated with it. Each letter may be used once, more than once, or not at all:
a.Placenta previa.
b.Pathologically adherent placenta.
c.Concealed accidental hemorrhage.
d.Revealed accidental hemorrhage.
e.Vasa previa.
f.Rupture uterus.
56) A full term P4+3 suddenly collapsed after 1 hour of oxytocin infusion to augment
contractions during 1st stage of labor. Fetus is easily felt , fetal heart becomes inaudible
and there is mild vaginal bleeding. F
57) A full term P5+3 suddenly developed severe attack of vaginal bleeding during 1st stage
of labor. Previous milder attack occurred to her 1 month ago. A
58) After control of eclamptic fit in a 36 weeks primigravida, abdomen is felt hard with
absent fetal heart and the patient vital signs started to deteriorate. C
59) A full term G2+1, previous CS during the 1st stage of labor; has hematuria and severe
fetal bradycardia following spontaneous ROM at 8 cm cervical dilatation with mild
vaginal bleeding. F
60) Following an ECV, a 32 weeks PG has moderate vaginal bleeding with normal fetal
heart. D
Questions 61-65 are preceded by a list of lettered options. Select the one letter that is most closely
associated with it. Each letter may be used once, more than once, or not at all:
c.Post-menopausal bleeding.
d.Contact bleeding.
e.Normal menses.
61) Adenomyosis. A
62) Pelvic endometriosis F
63) Cervical carcinoma. D
64) Endometrial carcinoma. C
65) Dermoid cyst. E
Questions 66-70 are preceded by a list of lettered options. Select the one letter that is most closely
associated with the tumor. Each letter may be used once, more than once, or not at all:
a.Cancer cervix.
b.Endometrial carcinoma.
c.Primary ovarian carcinoma.
e.Uterine sarcoma.
f.Uterine fibroid.
3) How can you council the patient regarding IUCD with pregnancy?
a. It increases the incidence of abortion if left in place.
b. It should be left in place even if threads are visible.
c. It should be removed even if threads are not protruding from the cervix.
d. Cupper content is teratogenic.
e. Perforated uterus may occur with advancement of pregnancy.
4) After 8 weeks from the initial visit the patient presents to ER with severe vaginal bleeding
and abdominal colics. Cervix is felt opened and ultrasound reveals a living fetus
corresponding to her gestational age. What is your recommended management?
a. Rest and progesterone supplementation.
b. Oral and vaginal misoprostol.
c. Suction evacuation.
d. Abdominal hysterotomy.
e. Cervical cerclage.
5) After managing the severe attack of bleeding, patient gets well and was discharged from the
hospital according to medical rules. She returned back after 1 week with recurrence of
abdominal colics and bleeding though less severe. What is your provisional diagnosis?
a. Inevitable abortion.
b. Uterine perforation.
c. Infected uterine hysterotomy scar.
d. Retained products of conception.
e. Associated tubal ectopic pregnancy.
Questions 6-10: A 30 year old PG at 32 weeks gestation presents for routine antenatal checkup.
Her BP is 150/90, albumin in urine: + , normal fundal height and US reveals single fetus,
breech presentation with normal fetal biometry, fundal placenta and AFI:10
6) How can you interpret the given findings?
a. Unremarkable findings.
b. The main issue is the malpresentation.
c. Mild preeclampsia.
d. Severe preeclampsia.
e. Essential hypertension with pregnancy.
2) What is the clinical importance of the previous hospital admission in this case?
a. Ovarian reserve could be diminished.
b. PID with subsequent tubal damage.
c. Cervix may be stenosed. .
d. Intrauterine adhesions may follow.
e. Residual inflammatory mediators disturb ovum pickup.
3) What is the clinical significance of this pain pattern associating her menstrual flow?
a. It denotes pelvic congestion.
b. It denotes residual pelvic infection.
c. It denotes cervical erosion.
d. It denotes ovulatory cycles.
e. It suggests endometriosis.
4) Semen analysis for the male in this case reveals a volume of 3 cm, count of 20 million/ml,
motility of 5% (grade A and grade B) and abnormal forms of 20%. How do you consider
these parameters?
a. Normal.
b. Oligospermia.
c. Asthenospermia.
d. Teratospermia.
e. Azoospermia.
9) If this case is left untreated, which of the following gynecologic pathologies is likely to
a. Adenomyosis.
b. Malignant ovarian tumor.
c. Uterine sarcoma.
d. Endometrial hyperplasia.
e. Premature menopause.
10) Few months later, this case presents as newly married and seeks for pregnancy. Repeated
induction by oral drugs gave poor response. What is the commonest side effect of
gonadotropin injections if used in this case?
a. Local allergy and abscess at injection site.
b. Decreased receptivity of endometrium.
c. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
d. Worsen the quality of cervical mucus.
e. Disturbs tubal motility with higher risk of ectopic pregnancy.