Flylady Day Planner

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Morning Routine









Kick off Your Day!!!
Your Morning Routine puts
you on Auto-pilot
Afternoon Routine ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

You’re not behind, Your Afternoon Routine keeps

Just jump right in! you going!
Before Bed Routine ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

The most important routine of Your Before Bed Routine gets

the day you ready for tomorrow!
Reminders Take Regular Breaks!

These are here to remind you throughout your I want you to stop for a few minutes every
day to keep you on track! Check it often! hour and take a break. During this break,
spend 15 minutes sharpening your axe. LOL!

1. Make a list of what needs to be done.

Morning Routine 2. Look at the list and prioritize, don't just up
Swish and Swipe to do it yet.
3. Drink some water, tea or your favorite
Paper Patrol beverage.
Laundry Habit 4. Spend these 15 minutes calming yourself.
Breathing deep and slowly thinking about
Drink Your Water the next hour and what you can get done.
Where are your Shoes? 5. Love on your babies.
6. Kiss your husband.
Calendar Check 7. Then go back to work with a renewed spirit.
What’s for Dinner? No more turning in circles, not knowing what
Afternoon Routine to do next. You have a plan. You can do this, if
you will just think slowly and calmly, write a
Before Bed Routine few things down and then you won't feel so
Shine your Sink stressed. Being stressed about this is not going
to help. In fact it will make things worse.
Go to Bed!!
Now set a timer for 15 minutes and take a

I’m So Proud of You! You are Really FLYing when you can do this!

~FlyLady ~FlyLady
Crisis Cleaning 101
5. Now take a break and walk around and look at what you
have accomplished in just 45 minutes. Set the timer for 15
minutes and drink a cup of tea or coffee or whatever you
1. GO GET DRESSED ALL THE WAY TO SHOES, HAIR love and just relax. When the timer goes off. You are back
FIXED AND FACE MOISTURIZED OR MAKEUP PUT in work mode for 15 more minutes.
NOW. Put on some good working music. Not too fast, 6. This 15 minute session is in the bathroom. Clean the
just slow and steady. peppy, but not aerobic. Light a bathroom sink first, swish the toilet, then pick up towels
candle that has a good scent or put on some spices on to and dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. DO NOT
boil on a very low heat. GET SIDETRACKED AND START A LOAD OF
2. We are going to start in our kitchens. As the kitchen LATER!
goes, so does the rest of the house.
7. When the timer goes off, you are back in the kitchen. For 15
Set a timer and spend 15 minutes in the kitchen. If your more minutes. We can do anything in 15 minutes. Keep
sink is not clean and shiny, then shine it first, and then working till the timer goes off. Then you go to the living
you can fill the sink up with hot soapy water and start room once again.
to clear off the left and right counters. Empty the
dishwasher, when the timer goes off. Stop what you are 8. In the living room, continue to pick up and put away.
doing and go to the living room.
9. Every 45 minutes take a 15 minute break. Do you
3. Set the timer again and do 15 minutes cleaning off the understand this?
coffee tables or picking up toys or newspapers.
Concentrate on one thing. Not all of it. Get a laundry Adapt this schedule to fit your physical limitations and
basket and put the things that don't belong in the living children's needs. But you get the picture. Stay focused on one
room in the basket. Take a garbage bag with you too. job for 15 minutes. You are going to be so surprised at how
Start throwing away the trash. Don't get caught up in much you get done in a day's time.
the guilt we have about recycling this stuff. Just bag it
up for now. As you get your home in order there will be My timer is my best friend.
plenty of time to recycle. For now we are focusing on
getting the home presentable. You can't do this if you You can do this. Now turn off the computer and get to work!
are hyper focusing on sorting and recycling. So get over
this perfectionism attitude. When the timer goes off,
head back to the kitchen.

4. In the kitchen set the timer for 15 more minutes,

continue to work on clearing the counters. DO NOT
De-Clutter in just 15
clutter inferno! Watch for the Hot Spot fire drill reminder - then
try it - it works!

minutes a day using these 3. The 5 Minute Room Rescue

great tools! This is a reminder to spend just 5 minutes clearing a path in your
worst room. You know this area of your home: the place you
would never allow anyone to see. Just 5 minutes a day for the
1. The 27-Fling Boogie next 27 days and you will have a place that you can be proud to
take anyone!
We do this assignment as fast as we can. Take a garbage bag and
4. Kelly's Daily Missions
walk through your home and throw away 27 items. Do not stop
until you have collected all 27 items. Then close the garbage bag
Each day (or almost each day) Kelly will e-mail a 5-minute
and pitch it. DO NOT LOOK IN IT!!! Just do it.
mission for you to do. It will be in the area of the home that we
are focusing on for that week (the zone). These missions will
Next, take an empty box and go through your home collecting take you to places you may have never been before! Have fun
27 items to give away. Suze Orman taught me this in her book, with this! We will also be posting Kelly's missions for the week
The Courage to be Rich. This will change the energy in your in the Flight Plan.
home and bring about good feelings. Every time I do this I feel
better and my home is becoming de-cluttered in the process. As 5. Work in your Zones
soon as you finish filling the box, take it to the car. You are less
tempted to rescue the items. Each week FlyLady will tell you what zone we are working in.
After a full month, you will have worked our way around the
Rule of thumb: if you have two of any item and you only need majority of the living areas of your home. Do not worry if you
one, get rid of the least desirable. have not gotten to every room in your house the first month. As
one area gets cleaned, it will become easier to do and you will
I also sing a wonderful song as I am doing this fun job: "Please have more time to face those areas that don't seem to fit in any
Release Me, Let Me Go" as sung from the stuff's point of view zone. See the Flight Plan for more information. Remember:
FlyLady wants you to take baby steps. Don't worry about zones
2. The Hot Spot Fire Drill until you have conquered the basics!

Here is a problem that we all have and continue to struggle with

- Hot Spots. What is a hot spot?

A hot spot is an area, when left unattended will gradually take

over. My favorite analogy is of a hot spot in a forest fire, if left
You can do anything for
alone, it will eventually get out of hand and burn up the whole
forest. This is what happens in our homes. If left unattended, the 15 minutes!
hot spot will grow and take over the whole room as well as
making the house look awful. When you walk into a room, this
is the first thing you see.


Do you have areas like this that continue to grow if left alone?
Does the rest of the family see this as a place to put things when
they do not want to put them where they belong? It is our job to
nip this in the bud! Get rid of that pile, find the surface
underneath and stop this Hot Spot from becoming a raging
My Basic Weekly Plan! My Basic Weekly Plan!

Monday: ___________________________________ Wednesday: ________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

Tuesday: ___________________________________ Thursday: __________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

Housework done incorrectly still blesses your Housework done incorrectly still blesses your
family! family!
My Basic Weekly Plan! Weekly Home Blessing
Only spend 10 minutes on each item. You are
running through the house not trying to do one
Friday: _____________________________________
room at a time. Remember you don’t have to
clean like your mother did! Set your timer and
go as fast as you can. Put on some fun music
and bless your home as well as your body. If
you need to break it down into days then pencil
in the day of the week. When the timer goes
off—STOP! I promise you will get faster at this
the more you practice it. Do not get into
perfectionist mode. We are just hitting the

Vacuum the traffic areas of your home

Saturday: __________________________________
Toss out last week’s magazines: They
are clutter!!
Change the sheets on your bed, have
your children do theirs with
Sweep, then mop the kitchen and
bathroom floors
Sunday: ____________________________________ Clean glass mirrors and doors:
____________________________________ Handprints, toothpaste, and
____________________________________ dog nose prints
____________________________________ Gather up all the trash in the house
____________________________________ and recyclables and put with the
____________________________________ trash can.
Grab your feather duster and dance
through your home with your final
Housework done incorrectly still blesses your blessing
Zone 1 Zone 1
Entrance, Dining Room, & Front Porch Entrance, Dining Room, & Front Porch
Clean Cobwebs Front Porch:
Dust Window Sills and Front Door Sweep down spiders and Cobwebs
Clean fingerprints off as needed Sweep off Porch Furniture
Rinse off plants in shower Sweep Porch
Dust Furniture Throw away Dead plants
Dust Baseboards Prune back as needed
Straighten Coat Closet Refill Bird Feeders
Sweep, vacuum, and mop floor Wipe off Tables Banisters
Return plants to their places Light fixtures
Add your own welcoming touches! Get rid of unwanted items
_________________________________________ Add your own welcoming touches!
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
Dining Room
Clean Cobwebs
Dust window sills
Clean Doors of China Cabinet Zone 1 is the first week of the month!
Dust furniture Whether or not if it starts on a Monday or a
Clean and Straighten ONE drawer Wednesday!
Rinse plants off in the shower
Dust bottoms of the chairs Try to do one of Kelly’s missions
Clean off Top of dining table, & polish everyday too!
Dust the baseboards
Move furniture: Vacuum underneath You’re not behind, just jump right in!
(Do not move anything too heavy)
Add personal touches to the table!
Zone 2 Zone 3
Kitchen Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Office and
Laundry room!
Clean Cobwebs
Dust Window Sills and Front Door Do not get blown away by how big this list is!
Clean fingerprints off as needed We do not do all of it in one week. Each month
Rinse off plants in shower we focus on the main bathroom and a different
Empty Fridge/clean thoroughly room and only do just a little in the other
Clean Microwave inside and out rooms. After a few months it will be very easy!
Clean stove/oven BabySteps!
Straighten drawers and Cabinets It did not get dirty overnight and it is NOT
(Only do one at a time!) going to get clean in a day!
Wash Canisters/knick-knacks
Wipe off fingerprints Bathrooms: Main and Children’s
Clean vent/fan filter and hood (* Clean daily with swish and swipe method!)
Scrub down cabinet fronts Wash area rugs
(Only do a few at a time!) Clean medicine cabinet
Clean light glass bowls over light bulbs Straighten drawers/cabinets
Clean under sink/Throw away old (Only do one at a time!)
rags, empty containers, and sacks Clean shower stall/wax (not the floor!)
Clean pet *Clean tub
_________________________________________ Scrub bath tub toys
_________________________________________ Wash shower door/curtain
_________________________________________ Clean scale
_________________________________________ *Clean sink
_________________________________________ *Clean toilet
_________________________________________ Throw away empty bottles
Empty trash
Vacuum and/or sweep & mop
Zone 2 is the second week of the month! _________________________________________
Zone 3 Zone 3
Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Office and Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Office and
Laundry room! Laundry room!

Spare Bedroom: Office: Do Not Stop To Pay Bills!!

Clean Cobwebs Clear off the surface of your desk
Straighten Drawers Throw away pens that don’t work
Wash sheets mattress pad, & dust ruffle Sharpen pencils
Flip Mattress Throw out all trash
Wash Curtains Put items to keep in a pending file
Wash Windows Straighten one drawer at a time
Straighten Bookcase Toss out old receipts over 7 years
Clean out the Closet Clean off the monitor screen
Put away stray items Fill printer caddy with paper
Polish Furniture Establish a place for current bills
Rinse off plants in shower Vacuum under desk and whole room
_________________________________________ Dust furniture
_________________________________________ Clean windows
Remove Cobwebs
Children’s Bedrooms: The above list PLUS Check office supplies:
Straighten Toy Shelves/Toy boxes
Clean out from under the bed Laundry Room:
Sort Out-Grown Clothes Wipe down the top of appliances
Clean Fingerprints off door/walls Clean gunk from under the washer lid
Rearrange Videos, games, and Books Throw out empty bottles and boxes
_________________________________________ Empty trash can
_________________________________________ Check supplies
Sweep and mop floor
Remove cobwebs
Put away all clothes
BabySteps! Look behind appliances for odd socks
Zone 4 Zone 4
The Master Bedroom Suite The Master Bedroom Suite

Master Bathroom: Master Bedroom:

(* Clean daily with swish and swipe method!) Clean Cobwebs
Wash area rugs Straighten Drawers
Clean medicine cabinet Wash sheets mattress pad, & dust ruffle
Straighten drawers/cabinets Flip Mattress
(Only do one at a time!) Wash Curtains
Clean shower stall/wax (not the floor!) Wash Windows
*Clean tub Straighten Bookcase
Scrub bath tub toys Clean out the Closet
Wash shower door/curtain Put away stray items
Clean scale Polish Furniture
*Clean sink Clean under the bed
*Clean toilet _________________________________________
Throw away empty bottles _________________________________________
Empty trash
Vacuum and/or sweep & mop

Master Closet:
Straighten the top shelf
Arrange shoes
Put away Suitcases
Get rid of clothes that are too
Finally Loving Yourself!
small/big if you don’t like them
Zone 5 A Take of Clutter

Living Room, Family Room and/or I like to have a tidy home

Den a pleasant place to be,
one I might be proud of
for friends of mine to see.
Clean Cobwebs But my home took on a cluttered look
Clean windows which filled me with despair,
Straighten Bookcases I had collected far too much
and things were everywhere.
Wash Knick-Knacks
Then I tried to clean my home
Clean out end tables it was a futile try,
Straighten Closets the clutter was frustrating
Straighten Drawers and I'd give up with a sigh.
(Only do one at a time) So to rid me of frustration
and my home of its hodgepodge,
Wipe off fingerprints
I boxed up all this clutter
Polish furniture into the garage.
Clean out Magazine racks But there to my discouragement
Clean phone this story does not end,
Clean out fireplace the garage could not contain these things,
the car would not fit in.
Move furniture and Vacuum
Then one day on the internet
(Do not move anything too heavy) a solution came my way,
Shampoo Carpet and Upholstery I met someone named "FlyLady"
as needed. who had these words to say--
_________________________________________ "Go label three large boxes with words
- Trash - Keep - Give away,
and You Can Organize Your Home,
Get Started Now Today!
If you have a family room, game room, sun Just take 27 items,
porch, or any other room that is used by the and dispose of them this way,
family for living purposes, then concentrate on don't let things clutter up your life
and live in disarray.
de-cluttering one room each month- Or as you
And if you will do this every week,
find more time. Do not push yourself. They very soon you'll see-
did not get cluttered in one month and they Your home will be the tidy place
will not get clean in one week. BabySteps! you wished that it might be."
by Konnie Kabboord June 4, 2001
God Bless FlyLady!
FlyLady's 11 Points to
to the weather conditions; gather up a change of clothes

Preparedness for Evacuation

along with outer clothing: coats, rain gear, boots, gloves
and hats. If you have babies remember diapers.
Remember to grab your children's favorite blanket,
"We can FLY in the face of Danger and Emergency if we are stuffed animal or toy. A game or a deck of cards could
prepared. Don't wait till you are being asked to evacuate. keep them occupied and calm too.
Everyone thinks that it could not happen to them. Well it could
and it is up to you to make sure you are prepared. Don't wait! 8. JOURNAL: These documents have all the information
DO IT NOW!!" -- FlyLady you will need from phone numbers, insurance numbers
and important dates. They are small and filled with
1. PEOPLE: Have a plan for getting out of the house and things you don't have to try to remember.
make sure everyone knows it. Have an emergency bag
of food and water for your family. Include wholesome 9. PERSONAL PROTECTION: Many of us still have that
snacks and treats for the children: dried fruit, nuts, time of the month. Be sure and grab a box of your
peanut butter, crackers and granola bars. preferred protection. It may be hard to find if you have
been evacuated. Stress can cause our bodies to do
2. PETS: Keep pet carriers and leashes readily available to strange things too. So be prepared. Take medication for
lead pets to safety. Also take pet food with you. cramps too.

3. PICTURES: Keep negatives or CDs of pictures in a lock 10. PHONES and RADIOS: Many of us have cell phones
box or at a family member's home. Have picture now. Always keep them charged up and have a charger
albums in one place ready to grab and go at a moments in the car or an extra battery. They may not work in
notice. the event of power outages, but then they might. Know
which local radio station has emergency bulletins. Keep
4. PAPERS: Have all your important papers in a lock box your battery powered radio tuned to that local station
at a bank and only keep copies at the house. This keeps and have plenty of batteries for it.
you from panicking. If you have them at home then put
them in a folder that you can easily grab if you have to 11. PATIENCE: This is one of the most important things to
move fast. Color code it so you can find it! pack. Keep it inside of you so that you have a clear
calm head. Having your P's to Preparedness list guiding
5. PRESCRIPTIONS: Take your medications with you. you will keep you patient. In the event of an evacuation
Don't forget the ones that have to be refrigerated like there will be lots of displaced people. Being patient will
insulin. Have small ice chest and cold packs readily make things less stressful. Your children need to see you
accessible to pack and go. If you have babies; remember calm and collected. This will help keep them calm too.
their formula or medications.

6. PURSES and PETROL: This is where you keep your

identification, credit cards and cash. Keep a stash of
cash for emergencies and grab it. You may not be able
to use an ATM in the event of a power outage. Make
sure your car always has a half a tank of gas.
Emergency Section Other Emergency Numbers
Now listen very closely: I want you to Doctors:
take a deep breath and calm yourself for Husband’:
just a second. Now you can do what you Name: ___________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
need to do! Keep in mind that you can
Address: __________________________________
do anything for 15 minutes, even in the _____________________________________________
worst of tragedies!
{{HUGS}} Name: ___________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
~FlyLady Address: __________________________________
Emergency Phone Number: 9-1-1
IF you don’t have 911 in your area: Name: ___________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
Sheriff/Police: _____________________ Address: __________________________________
Fire Department: __________________
Pet’s Veterinarian:
Ambulance: _______________________ Name: ___________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
Poison Control Center: __________________ Address: __________________________________

Pharmacy: _________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Important Numbers You May Need Important Numbers You May Need
Personal numbers for immediate family Personal numbers for immediate family
members members

Name: ________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________

SSN: __________________________________________ SSN: __________________________________________
Health Insurance Company: Health Insurance Company:
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Insurance Number: __________________________ Insurance Number: __________________________
Cell Phone Number: __________________________ Cell Phone Number: __________________________
Work: _________________________________________ School: ________________________________________
Work Phone: __________________________________ School Phone Number: _______________________

Name: ________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________

SSN: __________________________________________ SSN: __________________________________________
Health Insurance Company: Health Insurance Company:
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Insurance Number: __________________________ Insurance Number: __________________________
Cell Phone Number: __________________________ Cell Phone Number: __________________________
Work: _________________________________________ School: ________________________________________
Work Phone: __________________________________ School Phone Number: _______________________

Name: ________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________

SSN: __________________________________________ SSN: __________________________________________
Health Insurance Company: Health Insurance Company:
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Insurance Number: __________________________ Insurance Number: __________________________
Cell Phone Number: __________________________ Cell Phone Number: __________________________
School: ________________________________________ School: ________________________________________
School Phone Number: _______________________ School Phone Number: _______________________
Back up Numbers for your Records Vehicle Information:

Bank _______________________________ Owner: ________________________________

Account Numbers: Make: _____________ Model: __________
Checking: ____________________ Year: _______________ Color: ___________
Savings: ____________________ VIN (on the dash) ____________________________
Phone: _____________________________ License Plate Number: ________________
Address: ___________________________ Insurance Company: __________________
_____________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________
Insurance Policy Number: ___________
Credit Cards:
** Numbers can be stolen!! Be careful! Owner: ________________________________
Make: _____________ Model: __________
Card Name: _______________________ Year: _______________ Color: ___________
Phone number: ____________________ VIN (on the dash) ____________________________
License Plate Number: ________________
Card Name: _______________________ Insurance Company: __________________
Phone number: ____________________ Phone Number: _______________________
Insurance Policy Number: ___________
Card Name: _______________________
Phone number: ____________________ Owner: ________________________________
Make: _____________ Model: __________
Card Name: _______________________ Year: _______________ Color: ___________
Phone number: ____________________ VIN (on the dash) ____________________________
License Plate Number: ________________
F.A.C.E.○ your finances!
R Insurance Company: __________________
Phone Number: _______________________
Insurance Policy Number: ___________
Emergency Repair Phone Numbers Contact Phone Numbers
Cable/Satellite Company: _______________ Husband’s Name: _______________________
Electric Company: ______________________ Address: _________________________________
Garbage: _________________________________ ___________________________________________
Gas Company: ___________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Phone Company: ________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Water/Sewer: ___________________________ Work: ___________________________________
Work Address: __________________________
Repair Specialists: ___________________________________________
Appliances: _____________ Phone: _______ Work Phone: ____________________________
Car Mechanic: __________ Phone: _______
Carpenter: ______________ Phone: _______
Electrician: _____________ Phone: _______
Plumber: _______________ Phone: _______ Wife’s Name: ____________________________
Wrecker: ________________ Phone: _______ Address: _________________________________
Restoration Company: flood/fire repair ___________________________________________
__________________________ Phone: _______ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________
Take 15 minutes to learn to shut off Work: ___________________________________
water to: Work Address: __________________________
Toilets Washing Machine
Ice Maker Bathtub
Shower Water Heater
Work Phone: ____________________________
Sink Whole House

Turn off: Electricity natural gas

Check smoke and CO alarms MONTHLY!!
Address Book: Address Book:

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________
Address Book: Address Book:

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________
Address Book: Address Book:

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________
Address Book: Address Book:

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________
Address Book: Address Book:

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Cell: ______________________________________ Cell: ______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________
Memo: ___________________________________ Memo: ___________________________________
What’s For Supper? Wednesday: ( )
Week of: _______________ Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________
Sunday: ( ) Vegetable: __________________________
Main: _______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Thursday: ( )
Beverage: ___________________________ Main: _______________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________
Monday: ( ) Bread: ______________________________
Main: _______________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________ Friday: ( )
Bread: ______________________________ Main: _______________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________
Tuesday: ( ) Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Saturday: ( )
Vegetable: __________________________ Main: _______________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
What’s For Supper? Wednesday: ( )
Week of: _______________ Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________
Sunday: ( ) Vegetable: __________________________
Main: _______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Thursday: ( )
Beverage: ___________________________ Main: _______________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________
Monday: ( ) Bread: ______________________________
Main: _______________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________ Friday: ( )
Bread: ______________________________ Main: _______________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________
Tuesday: ( ) Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Saturday: ( )
Vegetable: __________________________ Main: _______________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
What’s For Supper? Wednesday: ( )
Week of: _______________ Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________
Sunday: ( ) Vegetable: __________________________
Main: _______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Thursday: ( )
Beverage: ___________________________ Main: _______________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________
Monday: ( ) Bread: ______________________________
Main: _______________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________ Friday: ( )
Bread: ______________________________ Main: _______________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________
Tuesday: ( ) Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Saturday: ( )
Vegetable: __________________________ Main: _______________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
What’s For Supper? Wednesday: ( )
Week of: _______________ Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________
Sunday: ( ) Vegetable: __________________________
Main: _______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Thursday: ( )
Beverage: ___________________________ Main: _______________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________
Monday: ( ) Bread: ______________________________
Main: _______________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________ Friday: ( )
Bread: ______________________________ Main: _______________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________
Tuesday: ( ) Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Saturday: ( )
Vegetable: __________________________ Main: _______________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
What’s For Supper? Wednesday: ( )
Week of: _______________ Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________
Sunday: ( ) Vegetable: __________________________
Main: _______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Thursday: ( )
Beverage: ___________________________ Main: _______________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________
Monday: ( ) Bread: ______________________________
Main: _______________________________ Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Side Dish: __________________________
Vegetable: __________________________ Friday: ( )
Bread: ______________________________ Main: _______________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Bread: ______________________________
Tuesday: ( ) Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Main: _______________________________
Side Dish: __________________________ Saturday: ( )
Vegetable: __________________________ Main: _______________________________
Bread: ______________________________ Side Dish: __________________________
Beverage: ___________________________ Vegetable: __________________________
Dessert: ______________________________ Bread: ______________________________
Beverage: _________Dessert: __________
Produce: Fresh Fruit: Meat: Canned Foods:
Broccoli Apples Bacon
Cabbage Peaches Beef Roast Fruits:
Carrots Banana Chicken Cocktail
Celery Oranges Fish Peaches
Corn Lemons Hamburger Pears
Garlic Berries Pork chops Pineapple
Green Beans Pork Roast ___________________________
Lettuce Snacks: Sausage
Onions ___________________________ Steaks Soup:
Peas ___________________________ Stew Meat Tomato
Peppers Ham CK Noodle
Spinach Staples: Turkey Cream of Chicken Soup
Squash Flour ___________________________ Cream of Mushroom Soup
Sweet Potatoes Sugar ___________________________ ___________________________
Tomatoes Baking Powder
___________________________ Baking Soda Deli Meats:
Corn Starch Ham Sauce
Corn Syrup Turkey Stewed
Dried Fruit: Corn Meal Hot dogs Crushed
Apricots Pasta Spaghetti Bologna Paste
Dates Pasta -Mac Roast Beef
Plums Pasta noodles ___________________________
Raisins ___________________________
Rice Peas
Yeast Corn
___________________________ Dairy Case: Green Beans
Nuts: ___________________________ Butter ___________________________
Almonds ___________________________ Cheddar
Pecans ___________________________ Mozzarella
Peanuts ___________________________ Monterey Jack
Other items:
___________________________ ___________________________ Sliced-Cheese Pork & Beans
Eggs Chili
Heavy Cream ___________________________
Fruit Juices: ___________________________
Punch Milk
Sour Cream ___________________________
Grape Bakery Products: ___________________________
Orange Bread Soy Milk
Yogurt ___________________________
Apple Bagels ___________________________
___________________________ Muffins ___________________________
Cakes ___________________________
Cereal: Cookies ___________________________
Boxed ___________________________
Oatmeal ___________________________
Paper Products: Hair Gel Office Supplies:
Baby Wipes Hair Spray Dry Erase Markers ___________________________
Lunch Bags Mouthwash Fax Cartridges ___________________________
Diapers Razors Glue ___________________________
Tissues Shaving cream Markers ___________________________
T.P. Sunscreen Notebook paper ___________________________
Towels Floss Paper clips ___________________________
Napkins Fem. Hygiene Pencils ___________________________
Plates Face cleanser Pens ___________________________
Face lotions Post-its ___________________________
Cleaning: Face toner Printer Cartridges ___________________________
All Purpose Contact Lens Solution Printer Paper ___________________________
Bathroom Scotch tape ___________________________
Broom Medicine: Staples ___________________________
Cleanser Pain killer ___________________________
Dishwasher Detergent Antacid Other Supplies: ___________________________
Dish Soap Antibiotic Ointment Fertilizer ___________________________
Lysol Benadryl Weed killer ___________________________
Dust pan Cortisone cream Bug Killer ___________________________
Fabric Softener Cough syrup Lime ___________________________
Furniture Polish Decongestants Potting Soil ___________________________
Trash Bags Eye Drops Mulch ___________________________
Mop Eye Wash Seeds ___________________________
Non scratch Pads Midol Weed Eater String ___________________________
Oven Cleaner Nose Spray Lawn mower oil ___________________________
Sponges ___________________________ Oil ___________________________
Rubber Gloves ___________________________ Duct tape ___________________________
Spot Remover ___________________________ ___________________________
Steele Wool Pads First Aide: ___________________________ ___________________________
Swiffer Pads Ace Bandage ___________________________ ___________________________
Vacuum Bags Tape ___________________________ ___________________________
Windex Band-Aids ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Balls Other Items that are ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Pads ___________________________
needed: ___________________________
Gauze ___________________________
Heat Pack ___________________________
Personal Products ___________________________ ___________________________
Soap Ice Pack ___________________________
Protective Gloves ___________________________
Lotions ___________________________ ___________________________
Bubble bath ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Shampoo ___________________________ ___________________________
Condition ___________________________ ___________________________
Toothpaste ___________________________ ___________________________
Deodorant ___________________________ ___________________________
Make up remover ___________________________
Produce: Fresh Fruit: Meat: Canned Foods:
Broccoli Apples Bacon
Cabbage Peaches Beef Roast Fruits:
Carrots Banana Chicken Cocktail
Celery Oranges Fish Peaches
Corn Lemons Hamburger Pears
Garlic Berries Pork chops Pineapple
Green Beans Pork Roast ___________________________
Lettuce Snacks: Sausage
Onions ___________________________ Steaks Soup:
Peas ___________________________ Stew Meat Tomato
Peppers Ham CK Noodle
Spinach Staples: Turkey Cream of Chicken Soup
Squash Flour ___________________________ Cream of Mushroom Soup
Sweet Potatoes Sugar ___________________________ ___________________________
Tomatoes Baking Powder
___________________________ Baking Soda Deli Meats:
Corn Starch Ham Sauce
Corn Syrup Turkey Stewed
Dried Fruit: Corn Meal Hot dogs Crushed
Apricots Pasta Spaghetti Bologna Paste
Dates Pasta -Mac Roast Beef
Plums Pasta noodles ___________________________
Raisins ___________________________
Rice Peas
Yeast Corn
___________________________ Dairy Case: Green Beans
Nuts: ___________________________ Butter ___________________________
Almonds ___________________________ Cheddar
Pecans ___________________________ Mozzarella
Peanuts ___________________________ Monterey Jack
Other items:
___________________________ ___________________________ Sliced-Cheese Pork & Beans
Eggs Chili
Heavy Cream ___________________________
Fruit Juices: ___________________________
Punch Milk
Sour Cream ___________________________
Grape Bakery Products: ___________________________
Orange Bread Soy Milk
Yogurt ___________________________
Apple Bagels ___________________________
___________________________ Muffins ___________________________
Cakes ___________________________
Cereal: Cookies ___________________________
Boxed ___________________________
Oatmeal ___________________________
Paper Products: Hair Gel Office Supplies:
Baby Wipes Hair Spray Dry Erase Markers ___________________________
Lunch Bags Mouthwash Fax Cartridges ___________________________
Diapers Razors Glue ___________________________
Tissues Shaving cream Markers ___________________________
T.P. Sunscreen Notebook paper ___________________________
Towels Floss Paper clips ___________________________
Napkins Fem. Hygiene Pencils ___________________________
Plates Face cleanser Pens ___________________________
Face lotions Post-its ___________________________
Cleaning: Face toner Printer Cartridges ___________________________
All Purpose Contact Lens Solution Printer Paper ___________________________
Bathroom Scotch tape ___________________________
Broom Medicine: Staples ___________________________
Cleanser Pain killer ___________________________
Dishwasher Detergent Antacid Other Supplies: ___________________________
Dish Soap Antibiotic Ointment Fertilizer ___________________________
Lysol Benadryl Weed killer ___________________________
Dust pan Cortisone cream Bug Killer ___________________________
Fabric Softener Cough syrup Lime ___________________________
Furniture Polish Decongestants Potting Soil ___________________________
Trash Bags Eye Drops Mulch ___________________________
Mop Eye Wash Seeds ___________________________
Non scratch Pads Midol Weed Eater String ___________________________
Oven Cleaner Nose Spray Lawn mower oil ___________________________
Sponges ___________________________ Oil ___________________________
Rubber Gloves ___________________________ Duct tape ___________________________
Spot Remover ___________________________ ___________________________
Steele Wool Pads First Aide: ___________________________ ___________________________
Swiffer Pads Ace Bandage ___________________________ ___________________________
Vacuum Bags Tape ___________________________ ___________________________
Windex Band-Aids ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Balls Other Items that are ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Pads ___________________________
needed: ___________________________
Gauze ___________________________
Heat Pack ___________________________
Personal Products ___________________________ ___________________________
Soap Ice Pack ___________________________
Protective Gloves ___________________________
Lotions ___________________________ ___________________________
Bubble bath ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Shampoo ___________________________ ___________________________
Condition ___________________________ ___________________________
Toothpaste ___________________________ ___________________________
Deodorant ___________________________ ___________________________
Make up remover ___________________________
Produce: Fresh Fruit: Meat: Canned Foods:
Broccoli Apples Bacon
Cabbage Peaches Beef Roast Fruits:
Carrots Banana Chicken Cocktail
Celery Oranges Fish Peaches
Corn Lemons Hamburger Pears
Garlic Berries Pork chops Pineapple
Green Beans Pork Roast ___________________________
Lettuce Snacks: Sausage
Onions ___________________________ Steaks Soup:
Peas ___________________________ Stew Meat Tomato
Peppers Ham CK Noodle
Spinach Staples: Turkey Cream of Chicken Soup
Squash Flour ___________________________ Cream of Mushroom Soup
Sweet Potatoes Sugar ___________________________ ___________________________
Tomatoes Baking Powder
___________________________ Baking Soda Deli Meats:
Corn Starch Ham Sauce
Corn Syrup Turkey Stewed
Dried Fruit: Corn Meal Hot dogs Crushed
Apricots Pasta Spaghetti Bologna Paste
Dates Pasta -Mac Roast Beef
Plums Pasta noodles ___________________________
Raisins ___________________________
Rice Peas
Yeast Corn
___________________________ Dairy Case: Green Beans
Nuts: ___________________________ Butter ___________________________
Almonds ___________________________ Cheddar
Pecans ___________________________ Mozzarella
Peanuts ___________________________ Monterey Jack
Other items:
___________________________ ___________________________ Sliced-Cheese Pork & Beans
Eggs Chili
Heavy Cream ___________________________
Fruit Juices: ___________________________
Punch Milk
Sour Cream ___________________________
Grape Bakery Products: ___________________________
Orange Bread Soy Milk
Yogurt ___________________________
Apple Bagels ___________________________
___________________________ Muffins ___________________________
Cakes ___________________________
Cereal: Cookies ___________________________
Boxed ___________________________
Oatmeal ___________________________
Paper Products: Hair Gel Office Supplies:
Baby Wipes Hair Spray Dry Erase Markers ___________________________
Lunch Bags Mouthwash Fax Cartridges ___________________________
Diapers Razors Glue ___________________________
Tissues Shaving cream Markers ___________________________
T.P. Sunscreen Notebook paper ___________________________
Towels Floss Paper clips ___________________________
Napkins Fem. Hygiene Pencils ___________________________
Plates Face cleanser Pens ___________________________
Face lotions Post-its ___________________________
Cleaning: Face toner Printer Cartridges ___________________________
All Purpose Contact Lens Solution Printer Paper ___________________________
Bathroom Scotch tape ___________________________
Broom Medicine: Staples ___________________________
Cleanser Pain killer ___________________________
Dishwasher Detergent Antacid Other Supplies: ___________________________
Dish Soap Antibiotic Ointment Fertilizer ___________________________
Lysol Benadryl Weed killer ___________________________
Dust pan Cortisone cream Bug Killer ___________________________
Fabric Softener Cough syrup Lime ___________________________
Furniture Polish Decongestants Potting Soil ___________________________
Trash Bags Eye Drops Mulch ___________________________
Mop Eye Wash Seeds ___________________________
Non scratch Pads Midol Weed Eater String ___________________________
Oven Cleaner Nose Spray Lawn mower oil ___________________________
Sponges ___________________________ Oil ___________________________
Rubber Gloves ___________________________ Duct tape ___________________________
Spot Remover ___________________________ ___________________________
Steele Wool Pads First Aide: ___________________________ ___________________________
Swiffer Pads Ace Bandage ___________________________ ___________________________
Vacuum Bags Tape ___________________________ ___________________________
Windex Band-Aids ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Balls Other Items that are ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Pads ___________________________
needed: ___________________________
Gauze ___________________________
Heat Pack ___________________________
Personal Products ___________________________ ___________________________
Soap Ice Pack ___________________________
Protective Gloves ___________________________
Lotions ___________________________ ___________________________
Bubble bath ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Shampoo ___________________________ ___________________________
Condition ___________________________ ___________________________
Toothpaste ___________________________ ___________________________
Deodorant ___________________________ ___________________________
Make up remover ___________________________
Produce: Fresh Fruit: Meat: Canned Foods:
Broccoli Apples Bacon
Cabbage Peaches Beef Roast Fruits:
Carrots Banana Chicken Cocktail
Celery Oranges Fish Peaches
Corn Lemons Hamburger Pears
Garlic Berries Pork chops Pineapple
Green Beans Pork Roast ___________________________
Lettuce Snacks: Sausage
Onions ___________________________ Steaks Soup:
Peas ___________________________ Stew Meat Tomato
Peppers Ham CK Noodle
Spinach Staples: Turkey Cream of Chicken Soup
Squash Flour ___________________________ Cream of Mushroom Soup
Sweet Potatoes Sugar ___________________________ ___________________________
Tomatoes Baking Powder
___________________________ Baking Soda Deli Meats:
Corn Starch Ham Sauce
Corn Syrup Turkey Stewed
Dried Fruit: Corn Meal Hot dogs Crushed
Apricots Pasta Spaghetti Bologna Paste
Dates Pasta -Mac Roast Beef
Plums Pasta noodles ___________________________
Raisins ___________________________
Rice Peas
Yeast Corn
___________________________ Dairy Case: Green Beans
Nuts: ___________________________ Butter ___________________________
Almonds ___________________________ Cheddar
Pecans ___________________________ Mozzarella
Peanuts ___________________________ Monterey Jack
Other items:
___________________________ ___________________________ Sliced-Cheese Pork & Beans
Eggs Chili
Heavy Cream ___________________________
Fruit Juices: ___________________________
Punch Milk
Sour Cream ___________________________
Grape Bakery Products: ___________________________
Orange Bread Soy Milk
Yogurt ___________________________
Apple Bagels ___________________________
___________________________ Muffins ___________________________
Cakes ___________________________
Cereal: Cookies ___________________________
Boxed ___________________________
Oatmeal ___________________________
Paper Products: Hair Gel Office Supplies:
Baby Wipes Hair Spray Dry Erase Markers ___________________________
Lunch Bags Mouthwash Fax Cartridges ___________________________
Diapers Razors Glue ___________________________
Tissues Shaving cream Markers ___________________________
T.P. Sunscreen Notebook paper ___________________________
Towels Floss Paper clips ___________________________
Napkins Fem. Hygiene Pencils ___________________________
Plates Face cleanser Pens ___________________________
Face lotions Post-its ___________________________
Cleaning: Face toner Printer Cartridges ___________________________
All Purpose Contact Lens Solution Printer Paper ___________________________
Bathroom Scotch tape ___________________________
Broom Medicine: Staples ___________________________
Cleanser Pain killer ___________________________
Dishwasher Detergent Antacid Other Supplies: ___________________________
Dish Soap Antibiotic Ointment Fertilizer ___________________________
Lysol Benadryl Weed killer ___________________________
Dust pan Cortisone cream Bug Killer ___________________________
Fabric Softener Cough syrup Lime ___________________________
Furniture Polish Decongestants Potting Soil ___________________________
Trash Bags Eye Drops Mulch ___________________________
Mop Eye Wash Seeds ___________________________
Non scratch Pads Midol Weed Eater String ___________________________
Oven Cleaner Nose Spray Lawn mower oil ___________________________
Sponges ___________________________ Oil ___________________________
Rubber Gloves ___________________________ Duct tape ___________________________
Spot Remover ___________________________ ___________________________
Steele Wool Pads First Aide: ___________________________ ___________________________
Swiffer Pads Ace Bandage ___________________________ ___________________________
Vacuum Bags Tape ___________________________ ___________________________
Windex Band-Aids ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Balls Other Items that are ___________________________
___________________________ Cotton Pads ___________________________
needed: ___________________________
Gauze ___________________________
Heat Pack ___________________________
Personal Products ___________________________ ___________________________
Soap Ice Pack ___________________________
Protective Gloves ___________________________
Lotions ___________________________ ___________________________
Bubble bath ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Shampoo ___________________________ ___________________________
Condition ___________________________ ___________________________
Toothpaste ___________________________ ___________________________
Deodorant ___________________________ ___________________________
Make up remover ___________________________
Body Clutter Investigator Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart for our Metabolism and
Loving Ourselves! How much fiber did I eat toady? ______________

Did I take my medications, vitamins,

M T W TH F S SU supplements today? ____________________________
Date: _____________
Today’s Scale reading: _______ Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
This is NOT who you are! Don’t be afraid Did I move any today?
Did I spend time Waling? _________ mins.
Lifting Weights? _________ mins.
Sleep: Bed time: _____ Get up time: _____
In aerobic activity? _________ mins.
How many times did I wake up? ______ Stretching? _________ mins.
Did I take a nap today? _______________
Total Hours of Sleep ____________________ What happened today? _________________________
AM Routine _______ PM Routine _______ ___________________________________________________
Quick Check—fill in the boxes.
How do I feel about it? __________________________
Meals Fruits Vitamins
Water Snacks ___________________________________________________
Veggies Dairy
Walking Weights Aerobic Stretching Did I experience any Emotional Body clutter?
Food intake: (meals and snacks) ___________________________________________________
AM Snack __________________________________
Lunch _______________________________________
PM Snack ___________________________________ Go Me! I am so proud of me for
Dinner ______________________________________ facing all my Body Clutter!
Late Snack __________________________________
Body Clutter Investigator Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart for our Metabolism and
Loving Ourselves! How much fiber did I eat toady? ______________

Did I take my medications, vitamins,

M T W TH F S SU supplements today? ____________________________
Date: _____________
Today’s Scale reading: _______ Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
This is NOT who you are! Don’t be afraid Did I move any today?
Did I spend time Waling? _________ mins.
Lifting Weights? _________ mins.
Sleep: Bed time: _____ Get up time: _____
In aerobic activity? _________ mins.
How many times did I wake up? ______ Stretching? _________ mins.
Did I take a nap today? _______________
Total Hours of Sleep ____________________ What happened today? _________________________
AM Routine _______ PM Routine _______ ___________________________________________________
Quick Check—fill in the boxes.
How do I feel about it? __________________________
Meals Fruits Vitamins
Water Snacks ___________________________________________________
Veggies Dairy
Walking Weights Aerobic Stretching Did I experience any Emotional Body clutter?
Food intake: (meals and snacks) ___________________________________________________
AM Snack __________________________________
Lunch _______________________________________
PM Snack ___________________________________ Go Me! I am so proud of me for
Dinner ______________________________________ facing all my Body Clutter!
Late Snack __________________________________
Body Clutter Investigator Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart for our Metabolism and
Loving Ourselves! How much fiber did I eat toady? ______________

Did I take my medications, vitamins,

M T W TH F S SU supplements today? ____________________________
Date: _____________
Today’s Scale reading: _______ Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
This is NOT who you are! Don’t be afraid Did I move any today?
Did I spend time Waling? _________ mins.
Lifting Weights? _________ mins.
Sleep: Bed time: _____ Get up time: _____
In aerobic activity? _________ mins.
How many times did I wake up? ______ Stretching? _________ mins.
Did I take a nap today? _______________
Total Hours of Sleep ____________________ What happened today? _________________________
AM Routine _______ PM Routine _______ ___________________________________________________
Quick Check—fill in the boxes.
How do I feel about it? __________________________
Meals Fruits Vitamins
Water Snacks ___________________________________________________
Veggies Dairy
Walking Weights Aerobic Stretching Did I experience any Emotional Body clutter?
Food intake: (meals and snacks) ___________________________________________________
AM Snack __________________________________
Lunch _______________________________________
PM Snack ___________________________________ Go Me! I am so proud of me for
Dinner ______________________________________ facing all my Body Clutter!
Late Snack __________________________________
Body Clutter Investigator Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart for our Metabolism and
Loving Ourselves! How much fiber did I eat toady? ______________

Did I take my medications, vitamins,

M T W TH F S SU supplements today? ____________________________
Date: _____________
Today’s Scale reading: _______ Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
This is NOT who you are! Don’t be afraid Did I move any today?
Did I spend time Waling? _________ mins.
Lifting Weights? _________ mins.
Sleep: Bed time: _____ Get up time: _____
In aerobic activity? _________ mins.
How many times did I wake up? ______ Stretching? _________ mins.
Did I take a nap today? _______________
Total Hours of Sleep ____________________ What happened today? _________________________
AM Routine _______ PM Routine _______ ___________________________________________________
Quick Check—fill in the boxes.
How do I feel about it? __________________________
Meals Fruits Vitamins
Water Snacks ___________________________________________________
Veggies Dairy
Walking Weights Aerobic Stretching Did I experience any Emotional Body clutter?
Food intake: (meals and snacks) ___________________________________________________
AM Snack __________________________________
Lunch _______________________________________
PM Snack ___________________________________ Go Me! I am so proud of me for
Dinner ______________________________________ facing all my Body Clutter!
Late Snack __________________________________
Body Clutter Investigator Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart for our Metabolism and
Loving Ourselves! How much fiber did I eat toady? ______________

Did I take my medications, vitamins,

M T W TH F S SU supplements today? ____________________________
Date: _____________
Today’s Scale reading: _______ Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
This is NOT who you are! Don’t be afraid Did I move any today?
Did I spend time Waling? _________ mins.
Lifting Weights? _________ mins.
Sleep: Bed time: _____ Get up time: _____
In aerobic activity? _________ mins.
How many times did I wake up? ______ Stretching? _________ mins.
Did I take a nap today? _______________
Total Hours of Sleep ____________________ What happened today? _________________________
AM Routine _______ PM Routine _______ ___________________________________________________
Quick Check—fill in the boxes.
How do I feel about it? __________________________
Meals Fruits Vitamins
Water Snacks ___________________________________________________
Veggies Dairy
Walking Weights Aerobic Stretching Did I experience any Emotional Body clutter?
Food intake: (meals and snacks) ___________________________________________________
AM Snack __________________________________
Lunch _______________________________________
PM Snack ___________________________________ Go Me! I am so proud of me for
Dinner ______________________________________ facing all my Body Clutter!
Late Snack __________________________________
Body Clutter Investigator Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart for our Metabolism and
Loving Ourselves! How much fiber did I eat toady? ______________

Did I take my medications, vitamins,

M T W TH F S SU supplements today? ____________________________
Date: _____________
Today’s Scale reading: _______ Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
This is NOT who you are! Don’t be afraid Did I move any today?
Did I spend time Waling? _________ mins.
Lifting Weights? _________ mins.
Sleep: Bed time: _____ Get up time: _____
In aerobic activity? _________ mins.
How many times did I wake up? ______ Stretching? _________ mins.
Did I take a nap today? _______________
Total Hours of Sleep ____________________ What happened today? _________________________
AM Routine _______ PM Routine _______ ___________________________________________________
Quick Check—fill in the boxes.
How do I feel about it? __________________________
Meals Fruits Vitamins
Water Snacks ___________________________________________________
Veggies Dairy
Walking Weights Aerobic Stretching Did I experience any Emotional Body clutter?
Food intake: (meals and snacks) ___________________________________________________
AM Snack __________________________________
Lunch _______________________________________
PM Snack ___________________________________ Go Me! I am so proud of me for
Dinner ______________________________________ facing all my Body Clutter!
Late Snack __________________________________
Body Clutter Investigator Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart for our Metabolism and
Loving Ourselves! How much fiber did I eat toady? ______________

Did I take my medications, vitamins,

M T W TH F S SU supplements today? ____________________________
Date: _____________
Today’s Scale reading: _______ Blessing my Body with Loving Movement:
This is NOT who you are! Don’t be afraid Did I move any today?
Did I spend time Waling? _________ mins.
Lifting Weights? _________ mins.
Sleep: Bed time: _____ Get up time: _____
In aerobic activity? _________ mins.
How many times did I wake up? ______ Stretching? _________ mins.
Did I take a nap today? _______________
Total Hours of Sleep ____________________ What happened today? _________________________
AM Routine _______ PM Routine _______ ___________________________________________________
Quick Check—fill in the boxes.
How do I feel about it? __________________________
Meals Fruits Vitamins
Water Snacks ___________________________________________________
Veggies Dairy
Walking Weights Aerobic Stretching Did I experience any Emotional Body clutter?
Food intake: (meals and snacks) ___________________________________________________
AM Snack __________________________________
Lunch _______________________________________
PM Snack ___________________________________ Go Me! I am so proud of me for
Dinner ______________________________________ facing all my Body Clutter!
Late Snack __________________________________
Master To Do List Master To Do List



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Project Sheet Project Sheet

Project:____________________________________ Project:____________________________________
Deadline: ________________________________ Deadline: ________________________________
By Date: By Date:
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Notes: ___________________________________________ Notes: ___________________________________________

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Just 15 minutes a day! Just 15 minutes a day!
Project Sheet Project Sheet

Project:____________________________________ Project:____________________________________
Deadline: ________________________________ Deadline: ________________________________
By Date: By Date:
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Notes: ___________________________________________ Notes: ___________________________________________

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Just 15 minutes a day! Just 15 minutes a day!

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