Penta Pacific Realty Corporation Vs Ley Corp - MONTEJO

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Penta Pacific Realty Corporation vs.

Ley Construction And Development

G.R. No. 161589; November 24, 2014

Penta Pacific leased its properties to Ley Construction. Both parties then entered
into a contract to sell. Ley Construction failed to pay its amortizations prompting Penta
Pacific to file an action for ejectment.
The CA affirmed the ruling of the RTC that the MeTC had no jurisdiction over the case.

W/N the courts can take judicial notice of the assessed or market value of the
realty if value of the realty is not found in the complaint in the case at bar.

No. The courts cannot take judicial notice of the assessed or market value of the
The allegation of the assessed value of the realty must be found in the complaint,
if the action (other than forcible entry or unlawful detainer) involves title to or possession
of the realty, including quieting of title of the realty. If the assessed value is not found in
the complaint, the action should be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction because the trial
court is not thereby afforded the means of determining from the allegations of the basic
pleading whether jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action pertains to it or to
another court. Courts cannot take judicial notice of the assessed or market value of the

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