Exercise Specific Latent Heat

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Specific Latent Heat

1) What is the quantity of heat 2) How much energy has to be 3) A 800 W electric heater is used to
required to melt 2.0 kg ice at removed from 4.0 kg of water at boil water. What is the time
0C ? (The specific latent heat of 20C to produce a block of ice at required to reduce the mass of
0C ? water by 4 kg after the water has
fusion of ice = 3.34  10 5 Jkg 1 )
[specific heat capacity of water = reached its boiling point? [ Specific
[ 6.68  10 5 J ] latent heat of vaporisation of water
4.2  10 3 Jkg 1 C 1 , specific
= 2.26  10 6 Jkg 1 ] [1.13 x 104 s]
latent heat of fusion of ice =
3.34  10 5 Jkg 1 ] [1.672 x 106 J]

4) Calculate the heat required to 5) 0.5 kg of a solid is heated by a 100 6) 200 g of toluene is heated with an
convert 4 kg of ice at 15C to W heater. The graph shows how immersion heater rated 1000W at
steam at 100C . [ Specific heat the temperature varies with time. boiling point 110℃. Find the time
capacity of ice = taken to change all the liquid
toluene to gas . [Specific latent heat
2.1  10 3 Jkg 1 C 1 , Specific heat of vaporisation of toluene =
capacity of water =
3 1 1
3.51  10 5 Jkg 1 ] [70.2s]
4.2  10 Jkg C , specific
latent heat of fusion of ice = Calculate the specific latent heat of
5 1 fusion of the solid. [1.5 x 105Jkg-1]
3.34  10 Jkg , specific latent
heat of vaporisation of water =
2.26  10 6 Jkg 1 ] [1.218 x 107 J ]

7) Calculate the amount of heat needed to melt 200 g of 8) The diagram is the temperature-time graph of a
solid gold at 30℃ to liquid gold at 2 660℃. [Specific substance, W of mass 250g that is heated using a 1500W
heat capacity of gold = 129 Jkg-1℃-1, specific latent heat heater. Determine
of fusion of gold = 6.44 x 104 J kg-1] [80734J] a) The specific heat capacity of W in solid state
b) The specific latent heat of fusion of W
c) The specific heat capacity of W in liquid state
d) The specific latent heat of vaporisation of W
[2000Jkg-1℃-1, 120 000Jkg-1, 666.67 Jkg-1℃-1, 180 000 Jkg-1]

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