Antenna Impedance Models

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The presentation discusses antenna impedance models, both old and new. It covers topics such as dipole impedance, equivalent circuit models, immittance functions, and broadband models. Newer topics like metamaterials and photonic bandgap surfaces are also mentioned.

Some of the main topics covered in the presentation include dipole impedance, equivalent circuit models, immittance functions, previous narrowband models, new narrowband models, and broadband models that span multiple resonances.

Previous models discussed include series and parallel RLC equivalent circuit models and Witt's series stub model. Newer models mentioned are based on immittance functions and include the Hamid-Hamid model, Long-Werner-Werner model, and Streable-Pearson model.

Antenna Impedance Models – Old and New

Steve Stearns, K6OIK

Northrop Grumman
Electromagnetic Systems Laboratory
[email protected]
[email protected]

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 1 October 15, 2004

Electromagnetics and antenna engineering basics

Dipole impedance by antenna theory
Induced EMF method
King-Harrison-Middleton iterative methods (1943-46)
Hill’s radiation pattern integration method (1967)
MoM solution of Hallen’s or Pocklington’s integral equations
Antenna impedance models
What are they; what are they good for; why are they needed?
Kinds of impedance models
General mathematical approximations
Equivalent circuits

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 2 October 15, 2004
Outline continued

Previous narrowband impedance models for dipoles at

resonance & antiresonance
Series and parallel RLC equivalent circuit models
Witt’s series stub model (1995)
New (better) narrowband models
Immittance functions
Approximating dipole impedance with immittance functions
Converting immittance functions to equivalent circuits
Using EDA software to compare models
Broadband models that span multiple resonances
Hamid-Hamid model (1997)
Long-Werner-Werner model (2000)
Streable-Pearson model (1981)

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 3 October 15, 2004
Antenna Engineering Basics

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 4 October 15, 2004
Hot Topics in Antenna Engineering Today

Photonic/Electronic band-gap surfaces (PBG/EBG)

Engineered “metamaterials”
Twisted light

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 5 October 15, 2004
Antenna Using PBG/EBG

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 6 October 15, 2004
Metamaterials - The Boeing Cube

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 7 October 15, 2004
Twisted Light Modes

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 8 October 15, 2004
Fact or Myth?

A dipole is center fed

For lossless antennas, directivity and gain are the same

A dipole has maximum gain when it is a half wavelength long
An antenna’s radiation resistance is not unique. It depends
on a reference current or location
In the far-field, the electric and magnetic fields have the same
waveform as the transmitted signal
In free space, a digital data signal transmitted with a dipole
and received with a loop will have low bit error rate if the SNR
is high enough

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 9 October 15, 2004
Fact or Myth?

A dipole is resonant when its length is a half wavelength

In free space, a half-wavelength dipole has a real (resistive)
feedpoint impedance
The feedpoint resistance of a half-wave dipole depends on its
The feedpoint reactance of a half-wave dipole depends on its
The resonant length of a dipole depends on its diameter
Dipoles are resonant at lengths slightly shorter than an odd
number of half-wavelengths
Dipoles are anti-resonant at lengths slightly longer or shorter
(which?) than an even number of half-wavelengths
As frequency increases, a dipole’s impedance converges to a
finite value or diverges to infinity (which?)
If a linear wire antenna is resonant, then its feedpoint
impedance is real everywhere along its length
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 10 October 15, 2004
Dipole Directivity and Gain versus Length

1.269λ Dipole 2.6λ Dipole

3.30 3.30
3.5 9λ/4 Dipole
5.18 dBi 5.18 dBi
4.87 dBi
Directivity and Gain


λ/2 Dipole
2 1.64
2.15 dBi


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Dipole Length in Wavelengths

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 11 October 15, 2004
Antenna Impedance Calculation

Getting the current distribution

Induced EMF method
Hallen’s integral equation (1938)
Pocklington’s integral equation (1897)
Mathematical solution
Iterative and variational methods
– Approximation as ratio of infinite series
– King-Harrison (Proc IRE, 1943); Middleton-King (J Appl Phys, 1946)
Hill’s radiation pattern integration method (Proc IEE, 1967)
Harrington’s method of moments (Proc. IEEE, 1967)
Numerical solution
Many software programs are available for electromagnetic analysis
Finite difference method (FD)
Finite element method (FEM)
Method of moments (MoM)
Geometric theory of diffraction (GTD)
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 12 October 15, 2004
Design Software for Antennas and Matching Networks

Software for antennas and fields

NEC (NEC-2 is public domain, NEC-4 is restricted)
WIRA (Dr. Frank Harris’s program used at Technology for
Communications International)
WIPL-D (MoM for wires, plates, and dielectrics; free Lite version)
Ansoft HFSS (finite element method, professional, expensive)
Zeland IE3D (MoM) and Fidelity (finite difference method)
CST Microwave Studio (MWS) (free 30-day trial)
Many others …
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software for rf circuits
and networks
SPICE and its variants… (Orcad pSPICE, free Lite version)
ARRL Radio Designer (10 variable optimizer, discontinued)
Ansoft’s Serenade SV (4 variable optimizer, discontinued)
Ansoft’s Designer SV (no optimizer, free)
Agilent’s Advanced Design System (ADS)
Applied Wave Research’s Microwave Office (MWO) (free 30-day trial)
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 13 October 15, 2004
Induced EMF Method

Assumes sinusoidal current distribution

Method gives pattern, radiation resistance, and reactance
Accurate for pattern and impedance of dipoles up to half-
wavelength and verticals up to quarter-wavelength
Inaccurate for impedance of dipoles longer than half-
wavelength and verticals longer than quarter wavelength
Used widely for the design of AM broadcast vertical towers

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 14 October 15, 2004
Induced EMF Method continued

Radiation resistance
⎧ 1
Rin = ⎨C + ln(kl ) − Ci(kl ) + sin(kl )[Si( 2kl ) − 2Si( kl )]
2 ⎛ kl ⎞ ⎩ 2
2π sin ⎜ ⎟ Terms vanish when l/λ
⎝ ⎠ is a half integer

1 ⎡ ⎛ kl ⎞ ⎤⎫
+ cos(kl ) ⎢C + ln⎜ ⎟ + Ci( 2kl ) − 2Ci(kl )⎥ ⎬
2 ⎣ ⎝2⎠ ⎦⎭
Wire radius term

η⎧⎪ 1 ⎡ ⎛ 2ka 2 ⎞⎤
X in = ⎨Si( kl ) + sin(kl ) ⎢Ci( 2kl ) − 2Ci( kl ) + Ci⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎥
⎛ kl ⎞ 2
2π sin 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎪⎩ ⎣ ⎝ l ⎠⎦
1 ⎫
+ cos(kl )[Si( 2kl ) − 2Si( kl )]⎬
2 ⎭
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 15 October 15, 2004
Method of Moments

Is a general method for solving integro-differential equations

by converting them into matrix equations
Introduced to electromagnetics by Roger Harrington in 1967
Gives better results with Hallen’s integral than Pocklington’s
Basis functions can be global or local
Local basis functions break antenna into small conducting
segments or patches
Expresses current as weighted sum of basis functions
Solves for the coefficients of the basis functions on all segments
Calculates radiation pattern and feedpoint impedance from currents
Software for antennas made of round wires, no dielectrics
Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC), EZNEC, EZNEC ARRL, and
NEC WinPlus
WIRA (proprietary to Technology for Communications International)
For antennas of round wires, flat plates, and dielectric slabs
WIPL-D and WIPL-D Lite
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 16 October 15, 2004
Limitations of Antenna Modeling by MoM (NEC)

NEC is “blind” to current modes – computes total current, not

resolved into common and differential current modes
Current modes are “noumena;” total current is “phenomena”
Antennas that rely on interacting modes do not scale if λ/λg
or vp changes
Dielectric insulation on wires affects common and differential current
modes differently ⇒ published antenna designs often irreproducible
Antennas of dielectric covered wire can’t be analyzed by NEC
Twin lead folded dipole
Twin lead J-pole
Butternut radials
Amateur literature
“Plastic-insulated wire lowers the resonant frequency of halfwave
dipoles by about 3%.” (ARRL Antenna Book, p. 4-31)
“Plastic-insulated wire increases the antiresonant frequency of 1λ
dipoles by about 5%.” (K6OIK, ARRL Pacificon 2003)
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 17 October 15, 2004
Example Dipole Used in this Talk

⎛ l⎞ ⎛ 2l ⎞ l is total length
Omega Ω′ = 2 ln⎜ ⎟ = 2 ln⎜ ⎟ d is wire diameter
20 (exact) ⎝a⎠ ⎝d⎠ a is wire radius
Length: Half wavelength at 5 MHz
29.9792458 meters
98.3571056 feet
Length-to-diameter ratio
Resonances Antiresonances
Diameter 4.868 MHz 9.389 MHz
0.107170 inches 72.2 Ω 4,970 Ω
AWG # 9.56 14.834 MHz 19.245 MHz
106 Ω 3,338 Ω
24.820 MHz 29.158 MHz
122 Ω 2,702 Ω

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK A R R L P acificon 2004

Page 18 October 15, 2004
Feedpoint Resistance
Induced EMF Method versus MoM


Resistance RA ohms

Induced EMF Method (right)
Method of Moments (left)
600 King-Wu (dashed)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Frequency MHz
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 19 October 15, 2004
Feedpoint Reactance
Induced EMF Method versus MoM

Induced EMF Method

Method of Moments
2,000 King-Wu (dashed)
Reactance XA ohms




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Frequency MHz
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 20 October 15, 2004
Comparison of Induced EMF versus MoM up to 3λ
Compare to ARRL Antenna Book, p. 2-4, Figure 3.

Induced EMF Method
Method of Moments
2,000 King-Wu (dashed)

Reactance XA ohms








1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000

Resistance RA ohms
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 21 October 15, 2004
Dipole Impedance by MoM on the Smith Chart

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 22 October 15, 2004
Dipole Impedance Near 1st Resonance

For exact half-wave dipole, l = λ/2

Independent of
Z A = 73.08 + j 41.52 wire diameter

For resonant dipole, l < λ/2

Z A = RA + j 0
RA < 73.08 Depends on
wire diameter
Dipole thickness

l l l is total length
= d is wire diameter
d 2a a is wire radius
⎛ l⎞
Ω′ = 2 ln⎜ ⎟
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK
⎝a⎠ ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 23 October 15, 2004
Favorite Antenna Books

Books for antenna engineers and students

Antenna Engineering Handbook, 3rd ed., R. C. Johnson editor,
McGraw-Hill, 1993, ISBN 007032381X. First edition published in
1961, Henry Jasik editor.
C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory, 2nd ed., Wiley, 1996, ISBN
0471592684. First edition published in 1982 by Harper & Row.
J. D. Kraus & R. J. Marhefka, Antennas, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2001,
ISBN 0072321032. First edition published in 1950; 2nd edition 1988.
The 3rd edition added antennas for modern wireless applications.
R. S. Elliott, Antenna Theory and Design, revised ed., IEEE Press,
2003, ISBN 0471449962. First published in 1981 by Prentice Hall.
S. J. Orfanidis, Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas, draft textbook
online at
Books for radio amateurs
ARRL Antenna Book, 20th ed., Dean Straw editor, American Radio
Relay League, 2003, ISBN 0872599043.

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 24 October 15, 2004
Narrowband Models of Dipole Impedance
Near the 1st Resonance

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 25 October 15, 2004
Blind Observer Problems

Albert Einstein (1916)

Blind observer can only measure force
Gravity or acceleration?
Equivalence principle & General theory of relativity
Alan Turing (1950)
Blind observer can only send and receive text messages to unknown
Man, woman or machine?
Turing test for Artificial Intelligence
Steve Stearns, K6OIK (2004)
Blind observer can only measure impedance at any frequency
Antenna or circuit?

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 26 October 15, 2004
Introducing the Smart Dummy

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 27 October 15, 2004
What Are Equivalent Circuits for Antenna Impedance
Good For?

Build dummy loads that act like real antennas

Perform realistic tuning and loading tests without radiating
Facilitate matching network design in winSMITH
Overcome the 15 point limit on load impedance files
Build and test wideband impedance matching networks
Put the “proxy” antenna on the lab bench
Adjust the matching network on the bench, instead of on the tower
Calculate the Fano bound (1947)
How much potential VSWR bandwidth is left on the table?
What can more network complexity buy?

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 28 October 15, 2004
Series RLC Equivalent Circuit
for Dipoles at Resonance

Z in = + sL + R
LCs 2 + RCs + 1
Example Dipole
= 1st resonance
R = 72.3 Ω
L = 26.9 µH
R 1 C = 39.8 pF
s + s+

= pole at ∞
× σ

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 29 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Series RLC Model

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 30 October 15, 2004
Parallel RLC Equivalent Circuit
for Dipoles at Antiresonance

Z in =
1 1
sC + +
sL R
LRCs 2 + Ls + R
1 s jω
Example Dipole
= 1st antiresonance
C s2 + 1 s + 1 R = 4,400 Ω
L = 7.77 µH
RC LC × C = 37.5 pF
zero at ∞
linear σ
quadratic ×

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 31 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Parallel RLC Model

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 32 October 15, 2004
Witt’s Open Circuited Quarter-Wave Stub Model
for Dipoles at Resonance

Z in = R ( f ) + jX ( f )

Example Dipole
R0 = 72.6 Ω
KR = 3.18

⎡ ⎛ f ⎞⎤
R( f ) = R0 ⎢1 + K R ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟⎥ where 3 ≤ K R ≤ 3.5
⎣ ⎝ f0 ⎠⎦
πf η ⎡ ⎛ 8110 ⎞ ⎤
X ( f ) = − Z 0 cot where Z 0 = ⎢ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − 1⎥
2 f0 π ⎣ ⎝ df 0 ⎠ ⎦
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 33 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Witt’s Open Stub Model

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 34 October 15, 2004
Better Lumped-Element Equivalent Circuits for
From DC to Beyond the 1st Resonance

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 35 October 15, 2004
Objective and Approach

Find simple lumped-element equivalent circuits that

approximate the impedance of a resonant dipole better than
existing models, by using network synthesis
Step 1: Obtain reference impedance data for 5 MHz half-wave
dipole from 1 MHz to 30 MHz
Run broadband EZNEC sweep, and write to a MicroSmith .gam file
Step 2: Fit the rational function to the dipole’s impedance
Order must be at least quadratic
Program a general rational function by using Ansoft Serenade SV’s
“RJX” element or ARRL Radio Designer’s “SRL” element
Use optimizer for S matrix goal from 1 MHz to 7 MHz
Factor to ensure no poles or zeros in right half plane (RHP)
Test to ensure positive real (p.r.)

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 36 October 15, 2004
Approach continued

Step 4: Synthesize equivalent circuit from rational function

Extract lumped-element circuit topology in Darlington form
Continued fraction expansion gives ladder network
Partial fraction expansion gives series/parallel network
Step 5: Check the result
Program the circuit into Ansoft Serenade SV or ARRL Radio Designer
Compare against original dipole
Compare against other approximations

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 37 October 15, 2004
The Subject of Ports is an Important Subject

Resistors 2-Port Filters

Capacitors Matching networks
Network Transformers
Stubs Transmission lines
1-Port Amplifiers
?Antennas? Network ?Antennas?

N-port networks:
Terminals are paired
Port voltages defined across terminal pairs
Port currents defined as differential current into/out of terminal pairs
Laws of physics determine properties and relations among,
port impedances
Conservation of energy

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 38 October 15, 2004
Immittance (Impedance & Admittance) Functions

Analytic in the RHP, and no poles or zeros

Poles and zeros allowed only on jω axis and in LHP
Input immittances of passive reciprocal networks and devices
Real and imaginary parts are related by Poisson integral
Every immittance function has a Darlington equivalent circuit,
Port immittances of lumped R, L, C networks
Are rational functions with positive coefficients
Degrees of numerator and denominator polynomials differ by 0 or 1
If the degrees are the same, the network has losses

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 39 October 15, 2004
Darlington Forms

Any one-port immittance function can be realized by a

lossless two-port terminated by a resistor
A resistor in series or shunt with a lossless one-port lacks
generality – antennas don’t act like this


This…… Not This!

Every antenna impedance function has an equivalent circuit

in Darlington form
The Darlington form is the starting point for understanding
the Fano bound on impedance matching

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 40 October 15, 2004
Finding a Rational Approximating Function

Initial form
Z A ( s) =
as 3 + bs 2 + cs + d
es 2 + s
Real part
(be − a )ω 2 + ( c − de)
RA ( jω ) =
e 2ω 2 + 1
Imaginary part

aeω 4 + (b − ce)ω 2 − d
X A ( jω ) =
e 2ω 3 + ω
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 41 October 15, 2004
ARRL Radio Designer Optimization Code
* This file was generated initially by Serenade Schematic Netlister
* Edited manually for ARRL Radio Designer by K6OIK
A : 74.3954E-24
B : 27.5199E-6
D : 25.3813E9
E : 4.66048E-9
C : 72.2976
w :(2*pi*f)
r :(((b*e-a)*w^2+(c-d*e))/((e*w)^2+1))
x :((a*e*w^4+(b-c*e)*w^2-d)/(w*((e*w)^2+1)))
srl 122 R=r L=(x/w)
dipole5: 1POR 122
Step 1MHz 7MHz 50kHz
R1 = 50
dipole5 R1 = 50
F 1MHz 7MHz S=antdata
R1 = 50
antdata: Z RI INTP=CUB
*Impedance of 5-MHz dipole by EZNEC. Length=98.35710566 ft., Dia=0.1071697366 in.,
1.00MHz 1.89876587 -3035.57432668
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ... [impedance data file continued...] ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 42 END October 15, 2004
Coefficients Found By ARD’s Optimizer in Four Tries

First attempt with no constraints; negative coefficient

− 7.74 × 10−14 s 3 + 2.70 × 10−5 s 2 + 1.83 × 10−5 s + 2.50 × 1010
Z A ( s) =
1.83 × 10−9 s 2 + s
Second attempt, forced coefficients > 0; but RA < 0 at low f
7.44 × 10−23 s 3 + 2.75 × 10−5 s 2 + 72.3s + 2.54 × 1010
Z A ( s) =
4.66 × 10−9 s 2 + s
Third attempt, constrained c = de, so RA(jω) ≥ 0 for all ω ☺
5.36 × 10−23 s 3 + 2.72 × 10−5 s 2 + 72.3s + 2.52 × 1010
Z A ( s) =
2.88 × 10−9 s 2 + s
Fourth attempt, eliminated negligible cubic term ☺
2.72 × 10−5 s 2 + 72.3s + 2.52 × 1010
Z A ( s) =
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK
Page 43
2.88 × 10−9 s 2 + s ARRL Pacificon 2004
October 15, 2004
Finding a Rational Approximating Function
Final Solution with Proper Constraints

Final form
Z A ( s) =
bs 2 + des + d
es 2 + s
2.72 × 10−5 s 2 + 72.3s + 2.52 × 1010
2.88 × 10−9 s 2 + s

= 9,445
(s + (0.13 ± j 3.04) × 107 )
s (s + 3.48 × 108 )

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 44 October 15, 2004
Confirm that Approximation is Positive Real

jω ZA analytic in RHP

ZA real if s is real

× × σ Poles on jω axis are

simple and have pass
positive real residues

Real part of ZA ≥ 0 on jω
axis pass

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 45 October 15, 2004
Network Synthesis

Divide, and voila !

bs 2 + des + d
Z A ( s) =
es 2 + s
d 1
= +
s 1 +e
bs b C = 39.7 pF
L = 27.2 µH
1 1
= + R = 9,445 Ω
sC 1 + 1
sL R

A three-element equivalent circuit in Darlington form !

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 46 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of 3-Element Equivalent Circuit

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 47 October 15, 2004
5-Element Equivalent Circuit

Z A ( s) =
as 4 + bs 3 + cs 2 + ds + e
fs 3 + gs 2 + s
= sL1 +
1 L1 = 945 nH
sC1 + C1 = 12.5 pF
1 1
+ C2 = 39.0 pF
sC2 1 1 L2 = 26.7 µH
+ R = 8,992 Ω
sL2 R
A five-element equivalent circuit in Darlington form !
1 pole at the origin, 1 pole at infinity, 1 pair conjugate poles, 2
pairs of conjugate zeros
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 48 October 15, 2004
Apply Positive Real Tests

jω ZA analytic in RHP

× ZA real if s is real
pole at ∞
× σ Poles on jω axis are
simple and have pass
positive real residues

× Real part of ZA ≥ 0 on jω
axis pass

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 49 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of 5-Element Equivalent Circuit
Impedance of reference dipole and
equivalent circuit coincide perfectly

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 50 October 15, 2004
Dipole Model in winSMITH

4 elements define the antenna over many octaves,

leaving 6 elements to define a matching network.
Load Data table is not needed!

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 51 October 15, 2004
Matching Network Design in winSMITH
5 MHz to 5.5 MHz, VSWR < 1.48

Matching Network Antenna Model

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 52 October 15, 2004
Broadband Models of Dipole Impedance
Spanning Multiple Resonances and Antiresonances

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 53 October 15, 2004
Hamid & Hamid’s Broadband Equivalent Circuit (1997)

Example Dipole: C1 = 22.9 pF C2 = 30.3 pF C3 = 57.1 pF

C0 = 43.9 pF L1 = 12.5 µH L2 = 2.26 µH L3 = 522 nH
L∞ = 4.49 µH R1 = 4,970 Ω R2 = 3,338 Ω R3 = 2,702 Ω

Foster’s 1st canonical form with small losses added

Fits dipole impedance best near antiresonances
Reference: Ramo, Whinnery, and Van Duzer, Fields and Waves
in Communication Electronics, Wiley, 1965, Section 11.13

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 54 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Hamid & Hamid’s Equivalent Circuit

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 55 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Hamid & Hamid’s Equivalent Circuit

are wrong!

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 56 October 15, 2004
Foster’s 2nd Canonical Form with Small Losses Added

Example Dipole
C∞ = 5.44 pF
C1 = 42.9 pF
C2 = 5.05 pF
C3 = 1.92 pF
L0 = ∞
L1 = 24.9 µH
L2 = 22.8 µH
L3 = 21.4 µH
R1 = 72.2 Ω
R2 = 106 Ω
R3 = 122 Ω

Fits dipole impedance best near resonances

Reference: Ramo, Whinnery, and Van Duzer, Fields and Waves
in Communication Electronics, Wiley, 1965, Section 11.13

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 57 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Foster’s 2nd Form With Small Losses

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 58 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Foster’s 2nd Form With Small Losses

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 59 October 15, 2004
Long, Werner, & Werner’s Broadband Model (2000)
Frequency Scaled to f0 = 5 MHz, Ω′ = 7.8

Cs = 150 pF C11 = -975 pF R11 = 13.1 Ω C21 = 17.6 pF R21 = 700 Ω

Z1 = 215 Ω E1 = 44.9 deg Z2 = 195 Ω E2 = 46.9 deg
C12 = 24.0 pF R12 = 3,600 Ω C22 = -3.00 pF R22 = 295 Ω
C13 = 8.33 pF R13 = 500 Ω
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 60 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Long, Werner, & Werner’s Model

Resonant frequency
5.3 MHz is too high!

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 61 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Long, Werner, & Werner’s Model

Resonant resistance
96 Ω is too high!

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 62 October 15, 2004
Streable & Pearson’s Broadband Equivalent Circuit (1981)
Frequency Scaled to f0 = 5 MHz, Ω′ = 10.6

C11 = 86.6 pF C31 = 15.0 pF C51 = 7.17 pF C71 = 4.51 pF

L11 = 13.8 µH C32 = 33.8 pF C52 = 8.87 pF C72 = 3.98 pF
R11 = 0.663 Ω L31 = 11.7 µH L51 = 10.9 µH L71 = 10.3 µH
R12 = 2,201 Ω R31 = 4,959 Ω R51 = 6,514 Ω R71 = 7,542 Ω

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 63 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Streable & Pearson’s Equivalent Circuit

3rd Antiresonant
frequency is too high

Resistance should
decrease to zero

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 64 October 15, 2004
Accuracy of Streable & Pearson’s Equivalent Circuit

λ/2 impedance
88+j47 Ω
is a bit off

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 65 October 15, 2004
Comparison of Antenna Impedance Models

Antenna Approximation Realizable Darlington Element Maximum

Impedance Accuracy Equivalent Form Types Frequency
Model Circuit Range
Series R L C fair yes yes R, L, C 0.94 f0 to
1.05 f0
Witt model good no yes variable 0.6 f0 to
1.2 f0
TL stub
K6OIK 3-Element good yes yes R, L, C 0.90 f0 to
1.08 f0
K6OIK 5-Element excellent yes yes R, L, C DC to 1.4 f0
Hamid-Hamid poor yes no R, L, C no limit
Fosters 2nd Form fair, best near yes no R, L, C no limit
with small losses resonances
Long-Werner- fair no no R, C, TL 5 octaves
Streable-Pearson excellent yes no R, L, C no limit

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 66 October 15, 2004
Ansoft Serenade SV vs ARRL Radio Designer
Lessons Learned

ARD runs on the netlists generated in Serenade SV with

simple modifications to observe ARD restrictions
ARD restricts names and labels to 8 characters (no spaces)
Serenade SV’s optimizer runs faster than ARD’s
ARD’s optimizer gives better answers than Serenade SV
ARD 6 digits; Serenade SV 5 digits
ARD accepts goals on S, Y, or Z matrices, but only one;
Serenade SV accepts compound goals
Serenade SV accepts data in files or data blocks; ARD uses
only data blocks
Serenade SV creates the 1st line of a data block of the form
Antdata: IMP INTP = CUB
ARD accepts the 1st line of a data block of the form
Antdata: Z RI INTP = CUB (but apparently ignores INTP = CUB)

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 67 October 15, 2004
Summary and Conclusions

Classical series and parallel RLC approximations of dipoles

at resonance and antiresonance are good over very limited
Approximations of an immittance function can be realizable
or not
Realizable approximations can be converted to equivalent
Two new narrowband approximations for dipole impedance
near resonance have been obtained by network synthesis
Lumped-element RLC networks having 3 and 5 elements
The 5-element network is an extremely accurate fit to the dipole
Darlington form – single resistor terminates lossless 2-port
Stage set for Fano bound analysis
Broadband, multiple-resonance models were compared
Streable-Pearson is best equivalent circuit

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 68 October 15, 2004

S. Ramo, J. R. Whinnery, and T. Van Duzer, Fields and Waves

in Communication Electronics, Wiley, 1967
R. F. Harrington, “Matrix Methods for Field Problems,” Proc.
IEEE, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 136-149, Feb. 1967
G. W. Streable and L. W. Pearson, “A Numerical Study on
Realizable Broad-Band and Equivalent Admittances for
Dipole and Loop Antennas,” IEEE Trans. AP, vol. 29, no. 5,
pp. 707-717, Sept. 1981
F. Witt, “Broadband Matching with the Transmission Line
Resonator” and “Optimizing the 80-Meter Dipole,” ARRL
Antenna Compendium, Vol. 4, pp. 30-48, American Radio
Relay League, 1995
M. Hamid and R. Hamid, “Equivalent Circuit of Dipole
Antenna of Arbitrary Length,” IEEE Trans. AP, vol. 45, no. 11,
pp. 1695-1696, Nov. 1997
B. Long, P. Werner, and D. Werner, “ A Simple Broadband
Dipole Equivalent Circuit Model,” Proc. IEEE Int’l Symp.
Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2, pp. 1046-1049, Salt Lake
City, July 16-21, 2000
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 69 October 15, 2004
Tomorrow’s Presentation

Hot topics in antenna engineering today

PBG/EBG, metamaterials, and twisted light
Design of impedance matching networks for arbitrary
antenna impedance functions
Perfect matching is always possible at any number of discrete
Networks for single-frequency matching
Networks for multiple-frequency matching
The theoretical (Fano) limit on matching a series RLC antenna
impedance model
Perfect matching is impossible over a continuous band of
frequencies, even with networks of infinite complexity!
How close can simple networks get to the limit?
Design software demo
Network design procedures
Lots of examples
S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004
Page 70 October 15, 2004
The End

S.D. Stearns, K6OIK ARRL Pacificon 2004

Page 71 October 15, 2004

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