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v01 NBU83ADM - Lab 01 Introducing NetBackup Linux

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Lab 01: Introducing NetBackup

In this lab, you perform tasks to install NetBackup master, media and client software. You become
familiar with the NetBackup 8.3 Administration Console used in this lab environment.

This lab includes the following exercises:

• Exercise A: Creating web service user and group on NetBackup master server
• Exercise B: Installing NetBackup master server software
• Exercise C: Installing NetBackup Java Remote Administration Console
• Exercise D: Installing NetBackup media server software
• Exercise E: Installing NetBackup client software
• Exercise F: Exploring the NetBackup Administration Console
• Exercise G: Viewing NetBackup Host Properties

Exercise A: Creating web service user and group on NetBackup

master server

Beginning with NetBackup 8.0, the NetBackup master server includes a configured web server to
support critical backup operations. This web server operates under user account elements with
limited privileges. These user account elements must be available on each master server. In this
exercise, you will create this user account and install the master server software.

1. Access the desktop of the console system.

console.vrtsedu.lab UserID: vrtsedu\Administrator Password: P@ssw0rd

2. To connect to the Linux-based lab system, double-click the PuTTY shortcut.

Within a moment the PuTTY Configuration window is displayed.

3. In the Saved Session pane select lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab then click Open.

Within a moment a PuTTY window is displayed that will enable you to log in
to lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab.

4. Log on to your Linux master server using the credentials provided in the table
Operating System Master server name User Name Password

Linux lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab root P@ssw0rd

lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab User name: root Password: P@ssw0rd

6. To create the local group, at the command prompt, type the command shown
below, and press Enter.

Command: groupadd nbwebgrp

7. To create the local user account and to add it to nbwebgrp group, enter the

Command: useradd -G nbwebgrp nbwebsvc

8. Allow the Putty session to remain open.

Exercise B: Installing NetBackup master server software

In this exercise, you perform the steps to install the NetBackup 8.3 master server and login to
your master server system. The software is pre-downloaded for this lab.

1. Access the desktop of the console console.vrtsedu.lab system.

console.vrtsedu.lab UserID: vrtsedu\Administrator Password: P@ssw0rd

2. Connect to your lnxmaster server using saved Putty session. Use the credentials
provided in the table below.

lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab User name: root Password: P@ssw0rd

3. Navigate to the directory /NetBackup_8.3_files using the command:

Command: cd /NetBackup_8.3_files/install/cdrom

4. Enter the following command to begin the installation:

Command: ./install

5. When the following message appears press Enter to continue:

6. Press Enter when following question appears:

Is this host a master server? [y/n] (y)

7. Answer n to the question : Are you currently performing a disaster recovery

of your master server ?
8. Enter the following path for customer registration file. This file has been pre-
downloaded for this lab purpose in the following directory:


9. Enter or type y to when the question :

Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? [y,n] (y)

This may take several minutes.

10. When Enter license key : prompt appears , perform following steps:

a. Minimize the current Putty session.

b. Access the desktop of console server and launch a new/additional Putty seesion
to lnxmaster server.

c. Login using the credentials below:


User name: root

Password: P@ssw0rd

d. Change directory to NetBackup_8.3_files using:

cd /NetBackup_8.3_files

e. Display the contents of License_key.txt using

cat license.txt

f. Copy the license key to clipboard by selecting it and pressing CTRL+C

g. Minimize the putty session.

h. Maximize earlier putty session where installation is in progress.

11. At the Enter license key prompt, paste the license key which you copied in
previous steps (right-click) and press Enter.
12. Say n to to add license keys for other NetBackup options and agents and
press Enter to continue.
13. Accept the NetBackup server name as lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab by pressing Enter
14. Say y to Do you want to add any media servers now? [y, n] (y)
15. In the Enter the fully qualified name of a media server (q to quit):, enter the
following name of the media server:


16. Type q when it prompts for additional media server. Refer to following figure.
Monitor the progress of installation. It may take several minutes to complete.

17. Answer y to the following question when it appears:

Do you want to start the NetBackup job-related processes so backups and

restores can be initiated? [y, n] (y)

18. Accept the default value for OpsCenter server and press Enter .
19. Verify the installation is successful.
20. Minimize the putty sessions.

Exercise C: Installing NetBackup Java Remote Administration Console

In the steps that follow, you install NetBackup Java Remote Administration Console on
the console vm.

1. Log in to the console system using the credentials provided below:

User ID: Vrtsedu\Administrator

Password: P@ssw0rd

2. Locate and double-click the File Explorer shortcut.

3. Double-click the DVD Drive (D:) NetBackup_8.3_Win .
4. Double-click the browser.exe to execute.
5. On the initial browser screen (Home), click Installation.
6. On the Installation screen, select NetBackup Java Remote Administration
Console Installation
7. In the "UAC is enabled on this host.." dialoge box, click Yes.
8. On the Welcome screen, review the content and click Next.
9. On the License Agreement screen, accept the terms of the agreement and
click Next.
10. On the Installation Type screen, select Install to this computer only,
click Typical, and then click Next.
11. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, review the Installation
Summary that shows your selections from the previous steps. Click Install

This process may take several minutes.

12. On the Installation Complete screen, click Finish.

13. Exit the Veritas DVD Browser.
14. From the Windows>Start menu, search and launch NetBackup 8.3
Administration Console.
15. Login with the following information:

Host Name: lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab

User Name: root

Password: P@ssw0rd

16. Click Yes when **Do you want to add this CA to the trust store?" appears.
17. Minimize the NetBackup Administration console open; you will use it in the next

Exercise D: Installing NetBackup media server software

In this exercise, you perform the steps to install media server software on a designated virtual

1. Access the desktop of the console system.

console.vrtsedu.lab UserID: vrtsedu\Administrator Password: P@ssw0rd

2. To connect to the Linux-based lab system, double-click the PuTTY shortcut.

Within a moment the PuTTY Configuration window is displayed.

3. In the Saved Session pane select lnxmedia.vrtsedu.lab then click Open.

Within a moment a PuTTY window is displayed that will enable you to log in
to lnxmedia.vrtsedu.lab.

4. Log on to your Linux master server using the credentials provided in the table
Master server name User Name Password

lnxmedia.vrtsedu.lab root P@ssw0rd

5. Navigate to the directory /NetBackup_8.3_files/install/cdrom using the


Command: cd /NetBackup_8.3_files/install/cdrom

6. Enter the following command to begin the installation:

Command: ./install

7. When the following message appears press Enter to continue:

8. Press y when the question Do you wish to continue? appears.

9. Press n when following question appears:

Is this host a master server? [y/n] (y)

10. Accept the NetBackup server name as lnxmmedia.vrtsedu.lab **by pressing
11. Enter the fully qualified name of the master server as : lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab
12. When the following question appears, answer y .

Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files [y,n] (y)

13. CA certificate details are displayed. Enter y when Is this Correct? question

You will learn more about NetBackup Certificates in Lesson and Lab 9 of this course.

14. Within few moments, a prompt related to Java GUI and JRE appears.

Read the options carefully and select 2 to Exclude the Java GUI and JRE.

Monitor the progress of the installation. This will take few minutes.

15. Perform following actions when Enter license key prompt appears:

a. Minimize current Putty session

b. Initiate another Putty session to lnxmaster server .

c. Use the username and password as:

User name: root

Password: P@ssw0rd

d. Enter the following command to display the license key:

cat /NetBackup_8.3_files/license.txt

e. Copy the command to clicpboard.

f. Return to the lnxmedia putty session where the installation is in progress.

16. Paste the license key which you copied to the clipboard.
17. Enter n when Do you want to additional license keys now? [y,n] (y) appears.
18. Installer will continue and NetBackup services will be started.
19. Verify the installation completes successfully. Minimize the putty session.
20. Access the NetBackup Administration Console.
21. Browse to NetBackup Management>Host Properties>Media Servers
An entry for lnxmedia should appear in the right side pane.

22. Minimize the NetBackup Administration Console

Exercise E: Installing NetBackup client software

In the steps that follow, you install NetBackup client software.

1. Log in to the console system using the credentials provided below:

User ID: Vrtsedu\Administrator

Password: P@ssw0rd

2. Locate and double-click the File Explorer shortcut.

3. Double-click the DVD Drive (D:) NetBackup_8.3_Win .
4. Double-click the browser.exe to execute.
5. On the initial browser screen (Home), click Installation.
6. On the Installation screen, select NetBackup Client Software Installation
7. In the "UAC is enabled on this host.." dialoge box, click Yes.
8. On the Welcome screen, review the content and click Next.
9. On the License Agreement screen, accept the terms of the agreement and
click Next.
10. In the Veritas NetBackup Client Installation Type, accept the default values
and click Next.
11. On the NetBackup System Names screen, enter the following information and
click Next
12. On the NetBackup Certificate screen,select I recognize the fingerprint for
this host. Proceed with the certificate deployment. and click Next
13. In the Authorization Token window, select Proceed without providing an
authorization token and click Next.

It will take few moments for the installer to load.

14. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, review the Installation
Summary that shows your selections from the previous steps. Click Install

This process may take several minutes.

15. On the Installation Complete screen, click Finish.

16. Close the Veritas DVD Browser.
17. Navigate to Start>Windows Administrative tools>services.
18. Ensure NetBackup Client Service is installed and running.

An installation log file provides detailed installation information and shows whether
any errors occurred which is at the following location:
Exercise F: Exploring the NetBackup Administration Console

In this exercise, you will:

• Identify the general NetBackup Administration Console layout for a master server.
• In the steps that follow, you locate and identify the tasks the can be performed using
the NetBackup Administration Console by viewing the layout of the user interface.

1. Access the desktop of the console system.

2. Access the open NetBackup Administration Console window.

If a NetBackup Administration Console window is not currently open, launch a

new Administration Console window. (You will find the shortcut in Windows>Start
menu. )

3. Collapse all entries in the left pane of the Administration Console – so that a
minimum number of entries are displayed.
4. Take note of the entries listed in the “tree” in the left pane.
5. Review the NetBackup tree entries listed in the table below.

lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab (Master Server)

Backup, Archive, and Restore

Activity Monitor

NetBackup Management

Media and Device Management

Security Management

Deployment Management

Vault Management
lnxmaster.vrtsedu.lab (Master Server)

Bare Metal Restore Management

Logging Assistant

6. Click the symbol to the left of the NetBackup Management entry in the left
pane of the Administration Console to expand the NetBackup Management entry.
7. Take note of the entries listed below the NetBackup Management entry. These
functions and categories are listed in the table below.





Host Properties


8. Click the name of the master server, located at the top of the left pane of the
Administration Console. (This is the entry immediately above the Backup, Archive,
and Restore entry.)
9. Take note of the names of the NetBackup wizards that are displayed in the right
pane of the Administration Console. The master server wizards are listed in the table

Getting Started

Configure Storage Devices

Configure Disk Storage Servers

Getting Started

Configure Cloud Storage Server

Configure Disk Pool

Configure Volumes

Configure the Catalog Backup

Create a Policy

Recover the catalogs

Introducing Veritas Smart Meter

Exercise G: Viewing NetBackup Host Properties

In the steps that follow, you view the types and categories of Host Property settings that are
available for NetBackup master servers, media servers, and clients.

1. Expand the Host Properties entry, located under NetBackup Management in

the left pane of the Administration Console.
2. Click the Master Servers entry, located under Host Properties.

The right pane of the Administration Console displays a master server entry.

3. Click the entry for the master server in the right pane of the Administration
4. In the tool bar of the Administration Console, select Actions and
then Properties.
The Master Server Properties window for your master server is displayed.

Master Server Host Properties

The left pane of the Master Server Properties window contains a list of Host
Properties categories for a master server, including: Global Attributes, Universal
Settings, Retention Periods, and many more.

When you click on a Properties category in the left pane of the Master Server
Properties window, the right pane of the window displays the parameters that can
be configured for that Properties category.

5. Click the Global Attributes entry in the left pane of the Master Server
Properties window.
6. Take note of the Global Attributes parameters that can be configured.

For now, do not change any of the Global Attributes parameter settings.

7. Click the Retention Periods entry in the left pane of the Master Server
Properties window.
8. [Take note of the default Retention Periods that are associated with each
standard (default) NetBackup Retention Level.

A Retention Period is the amount of time that a backup image is retained (from the
time it was created) until it is expired. Each Retention Level is assigned a Retention

For now, do not change any of the Retention Periods parameter ettings.

9. Click the Media entry in the left pane of the Master Server Properties window.
10. Take note of the Media parameters that can be configured.

For now, do not change any of the Media parameter settings.

11. Take a few minutes to browse through other Master Server

Properties categories before continuing to the next step of this lab activity.
12. Click Cancel to close the Master Server Properties window without making any

Media Server Host Properties

In the steps that follow, you view media server Host Properties to become familiar
with the categories of media server properties that can be configured.

13. Click the Media Servers entry, located under Host Properties in the left pane
of the Administration Console window.

The right pane of the Administration Console displays a list of media servers that
exist in your NetBackup environment, as illustrated in the figure below.

A NetBackup master server can simultaneously serve as a media server, as is the case
in the lab environment for this course.

The right pane of your Administration Console contains two entries – one for your
master/media server, and another for your media server – as illustrated in the figure

14. Double-click the entry for your media server, lnxmedia.vrtsedu.lab. The Media
Server Properties window is displayed.
15. Click the Properties entry, located at the top of the left pane of the Media
Server Properties window.

The left pane of the Media Server Properties window lists

the Properties categories, as illustrated in the figure below.
The contents of the right pane of the Media Server Properties window varies,
depending upon the Properties category that is selected in the left pane.

16. Browse the Media Server Properties categories before continuing to the next
17. Click Cancel to close the Media Server Properties window.

Client Host Properties

18. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select NetBackup Management,
followed by Host Properties.

NetBackup Management > Host Properties

19. Click the Clients entry, located under Host Properties in the left pane of the
Administration Console.
20. At the moment 0 clients are displayed. This is because we have not created any
policy to add the client Console.

A client will not appear under Host Properties>Clients unless it is added in a policy.
You will learn about policies in next Labs.
End of Lab

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