UCSP Module 4 - Activities

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Quarter 1 – Week 4 – Module # 4

Name: __________________________________ School Branch: _________________________

Subject: Understanding Culture, Society and Political Science Teacher: Sir. Teddy B. Catimbang

Enrichment Activity 1:

The Evolution of Man

A. Write inside the boxes the corresponding name of the species.


Enrichment Activity 2:

B. Enumerate the practices or activities of early people that are still being practiced or
observed by the people today.

Socio-cultural Political Practices/ Economic Practices/

Practices/Activities Activities Activities
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Quarter 1 – Week 4 – Module # 4

Name: __________________________________ School Branch: _________________________

Subject: Understanding Culture, Society and Political Science Teacher: Sir. Teddy B. Catimbang

Direction: Group Multiple Choices. Select the right answer from the choices inside the box.

Choices for 1-4:

A. Hominids C. Homo Erectus
B. Homo Habilis D. Homo Sapiens

1. They were the first hunters with improvised tools such as axes and knives, and were the
first to produce fire.
2. First to make stone tools.
3. Described as manlike primates.
4. They were the first to produce art in cave paintings and crafting decorated tools and

Choices for 5-8:

A. Palaeolithic Period C. Metal Age
B. Neolithic Period D. Age of Modern Technology

5. Also known as the computer age.

6. Trading flourished in and among tribes, kingdoms, empires and later on state.
7. The period when the considered new people learned farming, domesticating animals and
use wove cloth as protection of their skin.
8. People during this period are nomadic.

Choices for 9-12

A. basket C. plough
B. weaving of cloth D. banga/clay pot

9. Used for food preservation and storing of water.

10. What materials they produced or made to help them in harvesting crops?
11. With great skills, a loom is a device for;
12. Traditional tool in farming.

Choices for 13-15:

A. Language C. Values
B. Beliefs D. Norms

13. Performing rituals -butchering of animals, offering of foods, for the dead relatives.
14. Killing, stealing and many more are strictly prohibited by society.
15. Elders are given high respect in the society.

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