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Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR)

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International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-4, Issue-11, Nov.


Kuwait Oil Company

E-mail: afuzaie@kockw.com

Abstract - this procedure provides the minimum requirements for preparation and conducting of Pre-Startup Safety Reviews
(PSSRs) of operating, new or modified facilities. PSSR shall be performed after mechanical completion, prior to
commissioning or the introduction of hazardous substances in the process.

I. INTRODUCTION completed. In other words, the purpose of the PSSR is

not to determine whether the PSM and other
The PSSR process entails identifying, documenting fundamental design aspects have been adequately
and managing all startups from all type of shutdowns, addressed, but rather its purpose is to verify that those
ensuring that all the Process Safety Management critical aspects have been considered in the design,
(PSM) elements have been analyzed, and any new or and that all recommendations stemming from those
modified system is ready and safe to start.. The PSSR aspects have been implemented. It is also part of its
process shall ensure the following: purpose to sample the coverage and condition of those
 New or modified facilities and equipment are PSSR is also mandatory to confirm any plant is ready
built, installed and tested in accordance with for startup after partial or total operational shutdown.
design requirements.
 The required safety reviews are conducted prior to Determining if a PSSR is required:
startup. A PSSR is required for all new facilities (including
 All applicable operating, safety, emergency and equipment) and modified facilities when the
maintenance procedures (developed) are adequate modification is significant enough to require a change
and in place prior to startup. in the process safety information (PSI). In addition, it
 All Process Hazard Analyses (PHA) or is mandatory for all operational facilities and
Management of Change (MOC) has been equipment after partial or total shutdown before
implemented and the recommendations returning to normal operation or when construction /
satisfactorily solved before startup. modification / maintenance activities are completed.
 Each employee involved with the operation of the
covered process has been adequately trained. Categorizing the PSSR by Risk (projects and
 PSSRs shall be conducted for the following MOC):
trigger events: The PSSR shall be categorized by the risk level
 Any modification being made to an existing determined by the corresponding risk assessment
process, when the modification is significant studies performed for projects or MOC, otherwise, a
enough to require a change in the process safety qualitative risk assessment based on KOC.PS.018,
“Process Safety Risk Assessment and Management
Procedure” shall be performed.
 Any new Capital Project related to Operational
Building the PSSR Team and Selecting the
 Re-start of an idled process (e.g. mothballed
Checklist Form (projects and MOC).
process). The PSSR team shall be formed by appropriate
 After maintenance shutdown planned for the members based on their knowledge, experience and
facility. responsibilities associated with the covered process
Although the PSSR team composition can vary, the
II. PROCEDURES typical participants may include representatives from
the following groups:
PSSR Philosophy:  Design & Construction.
It is important to understand that the PSSR process is
 Operations.
the verification step that a new project, or modification
to an existing facility or process, were carried out as  Engineering.
prescribed and that the recommendations from the  Maintenance (Static, Rotating, Piping)
PSM and HSE studies and those other processes such  Electrical.
as MOC, Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), Site  Instrument.
Acceptance Test (SAT) or punch listing, have been  Quality Control.

Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) Procedure at Kuwait Oil Company

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-4, Issue-11, Nov.-2018
 Civil civil and general items. These checklists are classified
 PSM (Asset/ Directorates). as “short form” and “long form”, and are depicted in
 HSE (Asset/ Directorates). appendices 1 and 2, respectively.
 Fire (Support Services) Team. The PSSR team will perform a physical review of the
facility just before startup to confirm that all related
Conducting the PSSR (projects and MOC) requirements have been met before the hazardous
The PSSR Coordinator schedules the team meetings substances are introduced in the process and/ or
and assigns roles for the team members. equipment.
The review will consist of two parts: All members of the PSSR team shall review and sign
 A review of the changes and the PSSR checklist in the PSSR form to confirm the facility is safe for
an effort to discuss the status of the checklist startup.
items not requiring a field visit (e.g. training,
procedures, etc.) and to generate a list of items for Tracking of Corrective Actions (projects and
review in the field. MOC)
 A field visit by the PSSR team to verify the status If, during the PSSR process, incorrect or incomplete
of items requiring a field visit, as well as to verify items are found by the PSSR Team, they may be
the status of issues identified during the review divided into two groups:
mentioned above.  Actions that shall be corrected before startup, i.e.
items that must be completed or corrected before
The PSSR coordinator shall lead the team in the process can safely startup.
completing the PSSR checklist. For each portion of the  Actions that shall be corrected after startup, i.e. an
checklist, the team must determine if the status of the issue that does not impact safe startup or
item is adequate to allow the unit to start safely. operation but, if corrected, enhances process
If the team determines that there are substandard safety.
conditions, they must identify the corrective action Note: The completion dates for both pre and post
and the individual who is responsible for ensuring that startup cases must be included in the action tracker.
the issues are resolved, as well as the appropriate due Priority on resolution of these corrective actions
date for the resolution of the issue. The team must also should be based on the residual risk associated with
determine whether the issues must be resolved prior to the items, with highest priority given to those items
starting the equipment, or they can be postponed until that must be completed prior to startup of the
after the startup. Safety critical shall not be started equipment.
until all corrective actions that require resolution prior
to startup are verified as completed. Authorization for Startup (projects and MOC)
The Team conducts physical examination of the new Startup. Upon completion of all pre-startup action
or modified plant, process or equipment, or that has items, the PSSR report and corresponding form are
been shut down for any reason. This physical forwarded to the Operations Manager/Team Leader of
examination is necessary to verify that the plant or the area for approval to implement and startup the
process was built according to design and that all project or modification.
necessary safety features have been incorporated and After Startup. The Project Manager or MOC Change
are functioning. Coordinator as appropriate shall ensure that the “after
This examination includes interviews with key startup” action items are completed by the target date,
personnel and reviews of documentation such as and that the new or modified equipment is safe to
specifications and drawings to verify that the design operate.
criteria are met The PSSR team members shall
confirm that: Closure of PSSR (projects and MOC)
 All Construction and equipment have been The PSSR Coordinator will verify that all
verified and tested in accordance with original recommendations and issues have been satisfactory
design specification. resolved and proceeded to signature and closure of the
 Operating, Maintenance, HSE and Emergency PSSR process. The PSSR shall be closed only when all
procedures are in place and adequate. before and after start-up items are completed. The
 All PHA and required process safety closure of a PSSR shall be communicated to all
concerned persons, including the PSSR team
documentation have been performed, are updated
and on file.
The PSSR Coordinator should seek out all appropriate
 Training of each employee involved in the
approvals prior to reviewing the PSSR with the
operating process is complete.
Operations Manager/Team Leader.
Completing the PSSR Form (projects and MOC)
Completing the PSSR Form (Operational PSSR)
PSSR is carried out with the help of checklists for
The Operations responsible person (Operator 1 on
mechanical, instrumentation, electrical, fire, HSE,
duty or the employee assigned by the facility

Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) Procedure at Kuwait Oil Company

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-4, Issue-11, Nov.-2018
custodian) will confirm by the application of the safety features shall be available to recommence
Operational PSSR Checklist if there are substandard production.
conditions on the process equipment after a partial or The operations on duty will confirm through the
total shutdown. This person shall monitor the physical examination of the plant processes or
implementation of corrective actions until those equipment that the safe operating conditions for
substandard conditions are eliminated. Then he will startup exist completing the Operational Checklist (it
authorize starting the equipment or plant to normal shall be filled totally but whenever some items are to
operations. Equipment shall not be started until be omitted simply tick them as NA).
identified deviations are corrected. All necessary


Figure 1: PSSR Checklist

CONCLUSION Construction and equipment are in accordance with

design specifications; Safety, operating, maintenance,
A systematic and thorough check of a process prior to and emergency procedures are in place and are
the introduction of a highly hazardous chemical to a adequate; A process hazard analysis has been
process. The PSSR must confirm the following: performed for new facilities and recommendations

Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) Procedure at Kuwait Oil Company

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-4, Issue-11, Nov.-2018
have been resolved or implemented before startup, and REFERENCES
modified facilities meet the management of change
requirements; and training of each employee involved [1] KOC.PS.014 - Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) Procedure
in operating a process has been completed.


Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) Procedure at Kuwait Oil Company


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