Lesson 7 - Activity and Fragment Lifecycles

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Lesson 7:

Activity and
fragment lifecycles

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About this lesson
Lesson 7: Activity and fragment lifecycles
● Activity lifecycle
● Logging
● Fragment lifecycle
● Lifecycle-aware components
● Tasks and back stack
● Summary

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Activity lifecycle

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Why it matters

● Preserve user data and state if:

○ User temporarily leaves app and then returns
○ User is interrupted (for example, a phone call)
○ User rotates device
● Avoid memory leaks and app crashes.

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Simplified activity lifecycle
Activity launched

App is running

Activity shut down

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Activity lifecycle
Activity launched

Activity running

Activity shut down

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Activity states



Activity is running




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● Activity is created and other initialization work occurs

● You must implement this callback
● Inflate activity UI and perform other app startup logic

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● Activity becomes visible to the user

● Called after activity:
○ onCreate()
○ onRestart() if activity was previously stopped

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● Activity gains input focus:

○ User can interact with the activity
● Activity stays in resumed state until system triggers activity to
be paused

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● Activity has lost focus (not in foreground)

● Activity is still visible, but user is not actively interacting with it
● Counterpart to onResume()

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● Activity is no longer visible to the user

● Release resources that aren’t needed anymore
● Save any persistent state that the user is in the process of
editing so they don’t lose their work

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● Activity is about to be destroyed, which can be caused by:

○ Activity has finished or been dismissed by the user
○ Configuration change
● Perform any final cleanup of resources.
● Don’t rely on this method to save user data (do that earlier)

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Summary of activity states
State Callbacks Description

Created onCreate() Activity is being initialized.

Started onStart() Activity is visible to the user.

Resumed onResume() Activity has input focus.

Paused onPause() Activity does not have input focus.

Stopped onStop() Activity is no longer visible.

Destroyed onDestroy() Activity is destroyed.

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Save state
User expects UI state to stay the same after a config change or if the app
is terminated when in the background.
● Activity is destroyed and restarted, or app is terminated and activity is
● Store user data needed to reconstruct app and activity Lifecycle
○ Use Bundle provided by onSaveInstanceState().
○ onCreate() receives the Bundle as an argument when activity
is created again.

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Logging in Android
● Monitor the flow of events or state of your app.
● Use the built-in Log class or third-party library.
● Example Log method call: Log.d(TAG, "Message")

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Write logs

Priority level Log method

Verbose Log.v(String, String)
Debug Log.d(String, String)
Info Log.i(String, String)
Warning Log.w(String, String)
Error Log.e(String, String)

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Fragment lifecycle

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Fragment states



Fragment is running




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Fragment lifecycle diagram

Fragment is

Fragment is Fragment is
active destroyed

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● Called when a fragment is attached to a context

● Immediately precedes onCreate()

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● Called to create the view hierarchy associated with the

● Inflate the fragment layout here and return the root view

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● Called when view hierarchy has already been created

● Perform any remaining initialization here (for example, restore
state from Bundle)

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onDestroyView() and onDetach()

● onDestroyView() is called when view hierarchy of fragment

is removed.
● onDetach() is called when fragment is no longer attached to
the host.

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Summary of fragment states
State Callbacks Description

Initialized onAttach() Fragment is attached to host.

Created onCreate(), onCreateView(), Fragment is created and layout is being

onViewCreated() initialized.
Started onStart() Fragment is started and visible.

Resumed onResume() Fragment has input focus.

Paused onPause() Fragment no longer has input focus.

Stopped onStop() Fragment is not visible.

Destroyed onDestroyView(), onDestroy(), Fragment is removed from host.


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Save fragment state across config changes

Preserve UI state in fragments by storing state in Bundle:

● onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle)

Retrieve that data by receiving the Bundle in these fragment

● onCreate()
● onCreateView()
● onViewCreated()

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Android Development with Kotlin This work is licensed under the Apache 2 license. 28
Lifecycle-aware components

Adjust their behavior based on activity or fragment lifecycle

● Use the androidx.lifecycle library
● Lifecycle tracks the lifecycle state of an activity or fragment
○ Holds current lifecycle state
○ Dispatches lifecycle events (when there are state changes)

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● Interface that says this class has a lifecycle

● Implementers must implement getLifecycle() method
Examples: Fragment and AppCompatActivity are
implementations of LifecycleOwner

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Implement LifecycleObserver interface:

Add the observer to the lifecycle:

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Tasks and back stack

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Back stack of activities


Back stack

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Add to the back stack



Back stack

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Add to the back stack again




Back stack

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Tap Back button


popped off the stack



Back stack

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Tap Back button again


popped off the stack


Back stack

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First destination in the back stack



Back stack

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Add a destination to the back stack



Back stack

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Tap Back button

fragment popped off the stack


Back stack

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Another back stack example


Result Question2Fragment


Back stack

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Modify Back button behavior

pop additional destinations Question3Fragment

off the back stack
Welcome Question2Fragment


Back stack

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Android Development with Kotlin This work is licensed under the Apache 2 license. 43
In Lesson 7, you learned how to:
● Understand how an activity instance transitions through different lifecycle
states as the user interacts with or leaves your app
● Reserve UI state across configuration changes using a Bundle
● Fragment lifecycle callback methods similar to activity, but with additions
● Use lifecycle-aware components help organize your app code
● Use default or custom back stack behavior
● Use logging to help debug and track the state of the app

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Learn more

● Understand the Activity Lifecycle

● Activity class
● Fragments guide and lifecycle
● Fragment class

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Practice what you’ve learned by

completing the pathway:
Lesson 7: Activity and Fragment

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