Inorganic Marathon

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Periodic Properties
Atomic Radius

Covalent radius Metallic radius

It is one - half of the It is one-half of the It is one -half of the

internuclear distance distance between the internuclear distance
nuclei of two adjacent between two adjacent
between the two covalently
metal atoms atoms in two nearest
bonded atoms
neighbouring molecules

rcovalent < r metallic < r vander waal

Exception :

● In the transition series (e.g. in first transition series), the covalent

radii of the elements decrease from left to right across a row until
near the end when the size increases slightly

Screening effect = nuclear charge

Nearly same

Element Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn

Atomic radius (A) 1.44 1.32 1.22 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.15 1.17 1.25

Decreases Increases
Due to increase in nuclear Screening effect > nuclear charge
Ionization energy

Amount of energy required to remove the most loosely

bound electron from an isolated gaseous atom to form
a cation.


IE1 < IE2 < IE3 < ...
Ionization energy

● Moving from left to right in a period I.E. ↑ as (Zeff ↑)

● Moving from top to bottom in a group I.E. ↓ as (Size↑)
❖ Exception :

● For transition elements

Generally in period IE increases, but the increase is not so
regular (Sc, Ti, V, Cr) differ only slightly from each other and
Fe, Co, Ni, Cu values are fairly close to each other from Cu -
Zn again increasing
Electron gain enthalpy ΔHeg

● The energy released when an electron is added to an

isolated gaseous atom to produce a monovalent
anion is known as electron gain enthalpy
❖ Electron gain enthalpy :

● Enthalpy change of this process is known as electron

gain enthalpy

● Minus sign indicates that energy is released

electron gain
ΔHeg = -Ae - 5/2 (ΔHeg = electron gain enthalpy)
Factors affecting Electron gain enthalpy
● Atomic radius or size of the atom : ΔHe Atomic size

Nuclear charge 𝛼 E.A.

● Nuclear charge :

● Half filled and fully filled electronic configuration :

Atoms having above configuration is most stable and they do

not show tendency to accept the extra electron.

electron gain enthalpy

❖ In a period, atomic size decreases with increase in effective

nuclear charge and hence increase in electron gain
Exception :
● The values of electron gain enthalpy of inert gases are zero,
because there outermost orbit has fully-filled p orbitals.
electron gain enthalpy

❖ The values of electron gain enthalpy normally decreases

on going from top to bottom in a group because the
atomic size increases which decreases the actual force of
attraction by the nucleus.
Exception :
● The values of electron gain enthalpy of alkali metals and
alkaline earth metals can be regarded as zero, because
they do not have tendency to form anions by accepting
electron gain enthalpy
Expected : EA
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Be B C N O F Ne

1s2 2s2 1s2 2s2 2p1 1s2 2s2 2p2 1s2 2s2 2p3
Full filled p orbital (stable) Half filled p orbital (stable)

EA of Be < B EA of N < C
Actual : F > O > C > B > N > Be

● The E.A. of 2nd period is lower than E.A. of 3rd period elements.
● E.A (F) < E.A. (Cl)
F is small size and
Expected: F > Cl > Br > I Actual : Cl > F > Br > I incoming e- experience
Expected: Cl > S > P > Si Actual : Cl > S > Si > P

● Ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract

shared electrons to itself
● Defined in bonded state

Mulliken scale :

Mulliken Scale: Mulliken gave the electronegativity as

the average value of ionisation potential and electron
gain enthalpy of an atom.
Among the statements (I – IV), the correct ones are:
(I) Be has smaller atomic radius compared to Mg.
(II) Be has higher ionization enthalpy than AI.
(III) Charge/radius ratio of Be is greater than that of
(IV) Both Be and AI form mainly covalent compounds.

A (I), (III) and (IV) B (II), (III) and (IV)

C (I), (II) and (III) D (I), (II) and (IV)

Among the statements (I – IV), the correct ones are:
(I) Be has smaller atomic radius compared to Mg.
(II) Be has higher ionization enthalpy than AI.
(III) Charge/radius ratio of Be is greater than that of
(IV) Both Be and AI form mainly covalent compounds.

A (I), (III) and (IV) B (II), (III) and (IV)

C (I), (II) and (III) D (I), (II) and (IV)

The atomic radius of Ag is closest to

A Ni B Cu

C Au D Hg
The atomic radius of Ag is closest to

A Ni B Cu

C Au D Hg
The increasing order of the atomic radii of the
following elements is:
(a) C (b) O (c) F (d) Cl (e) Br

A (a) < (b) < (c) < (d) < (e)

B (d) < (c) < (b) < (a) < (e)

C (c) < (b) < (a) < (d) < (e)

D (b) < (c) < (d) < (a) < (e)

The increasing order of the atomic radii of the
following elements is:
(a) C (b) O (c) F (d) Cl (e) Br

A (a) < (b) < (c) < (d) < (e)

B (d) < (c) < (b) < (a) < (e)

C (c) < (b) < (a) < (d) < (e)

D (b) < (c) < (d) < (a) < (e)

The electronegativity of aluminium is similar to

A carbon B beryllium

C boron D lithium
The electronegativity of aluminium is similar to

A carbon B beryllium

C boron D lithium
In general, the properties that decrease and increase
down a group in the periodic table respectively are

A atomic radius and electronegativity

B electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity

C electronegativity and atomic radius

D electronegativity and electron gain enthalpy

In general, the properties that decrease and increase
down a group in the periodic table respectively are

A atomic radius and electronegativity

B electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity

C electronegativity and atomic radius

D electronegativity and electron gain enthalpy

For Na+, Mg2+, F– and O2– ; the correct order of
increasing ionic radii is :

A O2– < F– < Na+ < Mg2+

B Na+ < Mg2+ < F– < O2–

C Mg2+ < Na+ < F– < O2–

D Mg2+ < O2– < Na+ < F–

For Na+, Mg2+, F– and O2– ; the correct order of
increasing ionic radii is :

A O2– < F– < Na+ < Mg2+

B Na+ < Mg2+ < F– < O2–

C Mg2+ < Na+ < F– < O2–

D Mg2+ < O2– < Na+ < F–

Chemical Bonding
VSEPR theory

● This theory predicts the shape of the molecule by considering the most stable
configuration of the bond angles in the molecule. This theory states :
● Electron pairs in the valence shell of the central atom of a
molecule, whether bonding or lone pairs are regarded as
occupying localised orbitals. These orbitals arrange
themselves in so as to minimize the mutual electronic
repulsions. LP – LP repulsion

LP – BP repulsion

BP – BP repulsion
Lone pair-lone pair > lone pair - bonded pair > bonded pair - bonded pair
VSEPR theory

● The electronic repulsion between two pairs of

electrons will be minimum if they are as far apart as

● The actual shape of the molecules containing lone pairs is a little distorted from
the basic shape as in the NH3 and H2O molecules. The bond angles are not
109028’ but 1070 and 104.50 respectively due to presence of one lone pair in NH3

and two lone pairs in H2O.

H H H 104.5o H
Geometry in which the central atom has no lp of e-

Number of electron Arrangement of Molecular

pairs electron pairs Geometry

2 BeCl2, HgCl2

3 BF3

4 CH4, NH4+
Geometry in which the central atom has no lp of e-

Number of Arrangement of electron

Molecular Geometry Examples
electron pairs pairs

5 PCl5

6 SF6
Geometry in which central atom has one or more lp of e-

No. of
Molecule No. of lone Arrangement of
Bonding Shapes and Examples
Type pairs electron pairs

AB2E 2 1 Bent, SO2, O3

AB3E 3 1 Trigonal Pyramidal, NH3

AB2E2 2 2 Bent, H2O

Geometry in which central atom has one or more lp of e-

No. of
Molecule No. of lone Arrangement of
Bonding Shapes and Examples
Type pairs electron pairs

AB4E 4 1 See saw, SF4

AB3E2 3 2 T- Shape, ClF3

Geometry in which central atom has one or more lp of e-

No. of
Molecule No. of lone Arrangement of electron
Bonding Shapes and Examples
Type pairs pairs

AB5E 5 1 Square Pyramidal, BrF5

AB4E2 4 2 Square Pyramidal, XeF4

Identify the pair in which the geometry of the species
is T-shape and square-pyramidal, respectively :

A ICl2– and ICl5

B IO3- and IO2F2-

C ClF3 and IO4-

D XeOF2 and XeOF4

Identify the pair in which the geometry of the species
is T-shape and square-pyramidal, respectively :

A ICl2– and ICl5

B IO3- and IO2F2-

C ClF3 and IO4-

D XeOF2 and XeOF4

Identify the pair in which the geometry of the species
is T-shape and square-pyramidal, respectively :

Total number of lone pair of electron in I3- ion is

A 3

B 6

C 9

D 12
Total number of lone pair of electron in I3- ion is

A 3

B 6

C 9

D 12
The structure of PCl5 in the solid state is:

A square planar [PCl4]+ and octahedral [PCl6]–

B trigonal bipyramidal

C tetrahedral [PCl4]+ and octahedral [PCl6]

D square pyramidal
The structure of PCl5 in the solid state is:

A square planar [PCl4]+ and octahedral [PCl6]–

B trigonal bipyramidal

C tetrahedral [PCl4]+ and octahedral [PCl6]

D square pyramidal

Following overlappings are not allowed.

(A) Zero overlapping:
● Internuclear distance(x) ↓ repulsion ↑ P.E.↑ stability ↓

● Also in an s-orbital, ψ is positive throughout but in p-

∴ Total overlapping will zeroorbital it is positive and negative

● This type of overlapping is not allowed. Because it is

neither along the molecular axis nor ⊥ to it.

Following overlappings are not allowed.

(B) Negative overlapping:

Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed

Sigma σ

● When orbitals overlap along their internuclear axis, σ - bnd is formed

Example : The bond formed by overlapping of s - s , s - p, s p - p (axia),
sp3 - s, sp2 - s, sp3 - sp3, sp3 - sp2 and sp - sp atomic orbitals
Sigma bond

s-s overlapping

Sigma bond

s-p overlapping
pi(𝞹) bond and Delta(𝝳) Bond
● When two p-orbitals overlap along the lateral axis(side way), 𝞹-
bond is formed

● It is special type of lateral overlapping in which all four lobes of d-orbital

are overlap laterally with other similar d-orbital produce delta(δ) - bond.
The correct statements among I to III are :
I. Valence bond theory cannot explain the color exhibited
by transition metal complexes.
II. Valence bond theory can predict quantitatively the
magnetic properties of transition metal complexes.
III. Valence bond theory cannot distinguish ligands as
weak and strong field ones.

A II and III only B I, II and III

C I and II only
D I and III only
The correct statements among I to III are :
I. Valence bond theory cannot explain the color exhibited
by transition metal complexes.
II. Valence bond theory can predict quantitatively the
magnetic properties of transition metal complexes.
III. Valence bond theory cannot distinguish ligands as
weak and strong field ones.

A II and III only B I, II and III

C I and II only
D I and III only
Solution :
Among the given statements, correct statements are I and
III only. Valence bond theory (VBT) cannot explain the
colour exhibited by transition metal complexes. This theory
cannot distinguish ligands as weak and strong field ones.
If two different non-axial d-orbitals having ‘xz’
nodal plane form π-bond by overlapping each other,
then internuclear axis will be :

A x

B y

C z

D They don’t form π-bond

If two different non-axial d-orbitals having ‘xz’
nodal plane form π-bond by overlapping each other,
then internuclear axis will be :

A x

B y

C z

D They don’t form π-bond


Two different non-axial d-orbitals will lie in planes perpendicular to

each other, such d-orbital will not formed.

● Intermixing of the orbitals of slightly different energies, so as to redistribute their

energies resulting in the formation of new set of orbitals of equivalent energies
and shape.

s + p (Atomic orbitals) = Hybrid orbitals

● The phenomenon is called hybridisation.

Salient Features of hybridisation
● Only orbitals of almost similar energies and belonging to the same atom or ion
undergo hybridization.
● The number of hybrid orbitals produced is equal to the number of pure orbitals
mixed during hybridization.

● In the excited state, the number of unpaired electrons must correspond to the
oxidation state of the central atom in the molecule.

● Most of the hybrid orbitals are similar in shape, size and energy.

4 sets of sp3 orbitals

Types of hybridisation

s+p s+p+d

sp dsp2
sp2 sp3d
sp3 dsp3

To predict hybridisation following formulae may be used: d2sp

No. of hybrid orbital = 1/2 [Total number of valence e- in the central atom + total
number of monovalent atoms - charge on cation + charge on anion]

Molecule Structure Hybridisation

BeCl2 Cl−Be−Cl





Molecule Structure Type B+L Hybridisation

BeCl2 Cl−Be−Cl AB2 2 sp

BF3 AB3 3 sp3

SO2 AB2L 3 sp3

PCl5 AB3 5 sp3d

NH3 AB3L 4 sp3

The correct statement about ICl5 and ICl4- is

A ICl5 is square pyramidal and ICl4- is tetrahedral

B ICl5 is square pyramidal and ICl4- is square planar

C Both are isostructural

D ICl5 is trigonal bipyramidal and ICl4- is tetrahedral

The correct statement about ICl5 and ICl4- is

A ICl5 is square pyramidal and ICl4- is tetrahedral

B ICl5 is square pyramidal and ICl4- is square planar

C Both are isostructural

D ICl5 is trigonal bipyramidal and ICl4- is tetrahedral

The type of hybridisation and number of lone pair(s)
of electrons of Xe in XeOF4 respectively are

A sp3d2 and 1 B sp3d and 2

C sp3d2 and 2 D sp3d and 1

The type of hybridisation and number of lone pair(s)
of electrons of Xe in XeOF4 respectively are

A sp3d2 and 1 B sp3d and 2

C sp3d2 and 2 D sp3d and 1

In which of the following pairs, the two species are
iso-structure ?

A SO32- and NO3-

B BF3 and NF3

C BrO3- and XeO3

D SF4 and XeF4

In which of the following pairs, the two species are
iso-structure ?

A SO32- and NO3-

B BF3 and NF3

C BrO3- and XeO3

D SF4 and XeF4

Both BrO3- and XeO3 have sp3 hybridization but due to presence of
one lp of electrons they have trigonal pyramidal geometry.
Given by hund and Mulliken

● Two atomic orbital come nearer and then overlap each other to form two molecular
orbitals (MO)
● Combination of two atomic orbital (AO) forms two molecular, orbital (MO):

ABMO (antibonding molecular orbital)

BMO (bonding molecular orbital)

● Like atomic orbitals, the filling of electrons in molecular orbitals is governed by the
three principles such as aufbau principle, hund’s rule and Pauli’s exclusion
● Energy of BMO < Energy of ABMO.
Energy level diagram for 2px atomic orbitals

❖ Order of energy in molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules.

● From H2 to N2

σ 1s < σ *1s < σ 2s < σ *2s < 𝜋 2px = 𝜋 2py < σ 2pz < 𝜋 *2px = 𝜋 *2py < σ *2pz

● For O2 and F2:

σ 1s < σ *1s ; < σ 2s < σ *2s < σ 2pz < 𝜋 2px = 𝜋 2py < 𝜋 *2px = 𝜋 *2py < σ *2pz
σ *, 𝜋 * = antibonding molecular orbital
σ, 𝜋 = bonding molecular orbital

Nb - N a
Bond order =
Nb = No. of electron in bonding MO’s
Na = No. of electron in antibonding MO’s

● If bond order = 0, it means species does not exist.

● Bond order of 1, 2 and 3 corresponds to a single bond, double and triple bond


● Bond order ↑ stability of molecule ↑ bond length ↓

Magnetic property

One or more e- in MOs

All e- in MOs are paired
are unpaired

Diamagnetic Paramagnetic

Nitrogen molecule N2

Molecule or Bond order

MO configuration Magnetic
ion behaviour

H2 (σ 1 s)2 1 Diamagnetic

H 2+ (σ 1 s)1 0.5 Paramagnetic

H2 (σ 1s)2. (σ * 1s)1 0.5 Paramagnetic

KK(σ 2s)2, (σ * 2s)2 (σ 2pz)2

O22- (𝜋 2px)2, (𝜋 2py)2 1 Diamagnetic
(𝜋 *2px)2, (𝜋 *2py)2

KK(σ 2s)2, (σ * 2s)2 (σ 2pz)2

F2 (𝜋 2px)2, (𝜋 2py)2 1 Diamagnetic
(𝜋 *2px)2, (𝜋 *2py)2
Among the following species, the diamagnetic molecule is


B B2


D O2
Among the following species, the diamagnetic molecule is


B B2


D O2
The correct order of increasing C一O bond length of CO, CO32- , CO2

A CO32- < CO2 < CO

B CO2 < CO32- < CO

C CO< CO32- < CO2

D CO < CO2 < CO32-

The correct order of increasing C一O bond length of CO, CO32- , CO2

A CO32- < CO2 < CO

B CO2 < CO32- < CO

C CO< CO32- < CO2

D CO < CO2 < CO32-

According to molecular orbital theory, which of the
following is true with respect to Li2+ and Li2- ?

A Li2+ is unstable and Li2- is stable

B Li2+ is stable and Li2- is unstable

C Both are stable

D Both are unstable

According to molecular orbital theory, which of the
following is true with respect to Li2+ and Li2- ?

A Li2+ is unstable and Li2- is stable

B Li2+ is stable and Li2- is unstable

C Both are stable

D Both are unstable

S Block Elements
The metal that gives hydrogen gas upon treatment with both acid
as well as base is

A Magnesium

B Mercury

C Zinc

D Iron
The metal that gives hydrogen gas upon treatment with both acid
as well as base is

A Magnesium

B Mercury

C Zinc

D Iron
The correct order of hydration enthalpies of alkali metal ions is

A Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Cs+ > Rb+

B Na+ > Li+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+

C Na+ > Li+ > K+ > Cs+ > Rb+

D Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+

The correct order of hydration enthalpies of alkali metal ions is

A Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Cs+ > Rb+

B Na+ > Li+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+

C Na+ > Li+ > K+ > Cs+ > Rb+

D Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+

A metal on combustion in excess air forms X . X upon hydrolysis
with water yields H2O2 and O2 along with another product. The
metal is

A Li

B Mg

C Rb

D Na
A metal on combustion in excess air forms X . X upon hydrolysis
with water yields H2O2 and O2 along with another product. The
metal is

A Li

B Mg

C Rb

D Na
The temporary hardness of water is due to calcium bicarbonate
can be removed by adding


B Ca(OH)2

C CaCl2

The temporary hardness of water is due to calcium bicarbonate
can be removed by adding


B Ca(OH)2

C CaCl2

The correct order of increasing thermal stability of K2CO3, MgCO3,
CaCO3 and BeCO3 is

A BeCO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < K2CO3

B MgCO3 < BeCO3 < CaCO3 < K2CO3

K2CO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < BeCO3

D BeCO3 < MgCO3 < K2CO3 < CaCO3

The correct order of increasing thermal stability of K2CO3, MgCO3,
CaCO3 and BeCO3 is

A BeCO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < K2CO3

B MgCO3 < BeCO3 < CaCO3 < K2CO3

K2CO3 < MgCO3 < CaCO3 < BeCO3

D BeCO3 < MgCO3 < K2CO3 < CaCO3

Among CaH2, BeH2, BaH2, the order of ionic character is

A BeH2 < CaH2 < BaH2

B CaH2 < BeH2 < BaH2

BeH2 < BaH2 < CaH2

D BaH2 < BeH2 < CaH2

Among CaH2, BeH2, BaH2, the order of ionic character is

A BeH2 < CaH2 < BaH2 ● On moving down the group, metallic
character of metals increases.

B CaH2 < BeH2 < BaH2 ● So ionic character of metal hydrides

● BeH2 will be least ionic
BeH2 < BaH2 < CaH2

D BaH2 < BeH2 < CaH2

Solubility of the alkaline earth metal sulphates in water
decreases in the sequence

A Sr > Ca > Mg > Ba

B Ba > Mg > Sr > Ca

Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba

D Ca > Sr > Ba > Mg

Solubility of the alkaline earth metal sulphates in water
decreases in the sequence

A Sr > Ca > Mg > Ba

● Solubility of alkaline earth metal
sulphates decreases down the group
B Ba > Mg > Sr > Ca because hydration energy decreases.

Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba

D Ca > Sr > Ba > Mg

The alkaline earth metal nitrate that does not
crystallise with water molecules is

A Mg(NO3)2

B Sr(NO3)2

C Ca(NO3)2

D Ba(NO3)2
The alkaline earth metal nitrate that does not
crystallise with water molecules is

A Mg(NO3)2

B Sr(NO3)2

C Ca(NO3)2

D Ba(NO3)2
The temporary hardness of a water sample is due to
compound X . Boiling this sample converts X to
compound Y . X and Y , respectively, are

A Mg(HCO3)2 and Mg(OH)2

B Ca(HCO3)2 and Ca(OH)2

C Mg(HCO3)2 and MgCO3

D Mg(HCO3)2 and MgCO3

The temporary hardness of a water sample is due to
compound X . Boiling this sample converts X to
compound Y . X and Y , respectively, are

A Mg(HCO3)2 and Mg(OH)2

B Ca(HCO3)2 and Ca(OH)2

C Mg(HCO3)2 and MgCO3

D Mg(HCO3)2 and MgCO3

Solution :
The temporary hardness of a water sample is due to compound X
[i.e. Mg(HCO3)2]. Boiling of this sample converts
X[i.e.Mg(HCO3)2] to compound Y[i.e. Mg(OH)2].

The incorrect statement is

A lithium is the strongest reducing agent among the alkali metals.

B lithium is least reactive with water among the alkali metals.

C LiNO3 decomposes on heating to give LiNO2 and O2.

D LiCl crystallise from aqueous solution as LiCl .2H2O.

The incorrect statement is

A lithium is the strongest reducing agent among the alkali metals.

B lithium is least reactive with water among the alkali metals.

C LiNO3 decomposes on heating to give LiNO2 and O2.

D LiCl crystallise from aqueous solution as LiCl .2H2O.

Solution :
Statement (c) is incorrect. LiNO3(Lithium nitrate) on
heating gives a mixture of Li2O, NO2 and O2.

4LiNO3 2Li2O + 4NO2 ↑ + O2 ↑
Both lithium and magnesium display several similar
properties due to the diagonal relationship; however,
the one which is incorrect is

A Both form basic carbonates

B Both form soluble bicarbonates

C Both form nitrides

nitrates of both Li and Mg yield NO2 and O2 on heating

Both lithium and magnesium display several similar
properties due to the diagonal relationship; however,
the one which is incorrect is

A Both form basic carbonates

B Both form soluble bicarbonates

C Both form nitrides

nitrates of both Li and Mg yield NO2 and O2 on heating

Solution :
Mg can form basic carbonate while Li cannot.
Magnesium powder burns in air to give
Magnesium powder burns in air to give

A MgO and Mg3N2

B Mg(NO3)2 and Mg3N2

C MgO only

D MgO and Mg(NO3)2

Magnesium powder burns in air to give
Magnesium powder burns in air to give

A MgO and Mg3N2

B Mg(NO3)2 and Mg3N2

C MgO only

D MgO and Mg(NO3)2

Solution :
Calamine, malachite, magnetite and cryolite,
respectively, are

A ZnSO4, Cu(OH)2, Fe3O4, Na3AlF6

B ZnCO3, CuCO3, Fe2O3, Na3AlF6

C ZnSO4, CuCO3, Fe2O3, AlF3

D ZnCO3, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2, Fe3O4, Na3AlF6

Calamine, malachite, magnetite and cryolite,
respectively, are

A ZnSO4, Cu(OH)2, Fe3O4, Na3AlF6

B ZnCO3, CuCO3, Fe2O3, Na3AlF6

C ZnSO4, CuCO3, Fe2O3, AlF3

D ZnCO3, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2, Fe3O4, Na3AlF6

Calamine, malachite, magnetite and cryolite,
respectively, are

(i) Calamine, ZnCO3
(ii) Malachite, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
(iii) Magnetite, Fe3O4
(iv) Cryolite, Na3AlF6
The cyanide process of gold extraction involves
leaching out gold from its ore with CN– in the
presence of Q in water to form R. Subsequently, R is
treated with T to obtain Au and Z. Choose the correct

A R is [Au(CN)4]–

B T is Zn

C Q is O2

D Z is [Zn(CN)4]2–
The cyanide process of gold extraction involves
leaching out gold from its ore with CN– in the
presence of Q in water to form R. Subsequently, R is
treated with T to obtain Au and Z. Choose the correct

A R is [Au(CN)4]–

B T is Zn

C Q is O2

D Z is [Zn(CN)4]2–
The cyanide process of gold extraction involves
leaching out gold from its ore with CN– in the
presence of Q in water to form R. Subsequently, R is
treated with T to obtain Au and Z. Choose the correct
Which among the following statement(s) is(are) true
for the extraction of aluminium from bauxite?

Hydrated Al2O3 precipitates, when CO2 is bubbled

through a solution of sodium aluminate.
B Addition of Na3AlF6 lowers the melting point of
C CO2 is evolved at the anode during electrolysis.

D The cathode is a steel vessel with a lining of carbon.

Which among the following statement(s) is(are) true
for the extraction of aluminium from bauxite?

Hydrated Al2O3 precipitates, when CO2 is bubbled

through a solution of sodium aluminate.
B Addition of Na3AlF6 lowers the melting point of
C CO2 is evolved at the anode during electrolysis.

D The cathode is a steel vessel with a lining of carbon.

The purest form of commercial iron is

A scrap iron and pig iron

B wrought iron

C cast iron

D pig iron
The purest form of commercial iron is

A scrap iron and pig iron

B wrought iron

C cast iron

D pig iron
Among the reactions (a)-(d), the reaction(s) that
does/do not occur in the blast furnace during the
extraction of iron is/are:
(a) CaO+ SiO2 ⟶ CaSiO3 (b) 3Fe2O3 + CO⟶2Fe3 O4+ CO2
(c)FeO + SiO2 ⟶FeSiO3 (d) FeO⟶ Fe +½ O2

A (c) and (d) B (a)

C (a) and (d) D (d)

Among the reactions (a)-(d), the reaction(s) that
does/do not occur in the blast furnace during the
extraction of iron is/are:
(a) CaO+ SiO2 ⟶ CaSiO3 (b) 3Fe2O3 + CO⟶2Fe3 O4+ CO2
(c)FeO + SiO2 ⟶FeSiO3 (d) FeO⟶ Fe +½ O2

A (c) and (d) B (a)

C (a) and (d) D (d)

Hall-Herolut’s process is given by

Hall-Herolut’s process is given by

With respect to an ore, Ellingham diagram helps to
predict the feasibility of its

A Electrolysis

B Thermal reduction

C Vapour phase refining

D Zone refining
With respect to an ore, Ellingham diagram helps to
predict the feasibility of its

A Electrolysis

B Thermal reduction

C Vapour phase refining

D Zone refining
In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore,
metal is finally obtained by the oxidation of cuprous
sulphide with :


B Fe2O3

C Cu2O

In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore,
metal is finally obtained by the oxidation of cuprous
sulphide with :


B Fe2O3

C Cu2O

Match the refining methods (Column I) with metals (Column II).
Column I Column II
(Refining methods) (Metals)
(I) Liquation (a) Zr
(II) zone Refining (b) Ni
(III) Mond process (C) Sn
(IV) Van Arkel Method (d) Ga

A (I) – (b); (II) – (c); (III) – (d); (IV) – (a)

B (I) – (b); (II) – (d); (III) – (a); (IV) – (c)

C (I) – (c); (II) – (a); (III) – (b); (IV) – (d)

D (I) – (c); (II) – (d); (III) – (b); (IV) – (a)

Match the refining methods (Column I) with metals (Column II).
Column I Column II
(Refining methods) (Metals)
(I) Liquation (a) Zr
(II) zone Refining (b) Ni
(III) Mond process (C) Sn
(IV) Van Arkel Method (d) Ga

A (I) – (b); (II) – (c); (III) – (d); (IV) – (a)

B (I) – (b); (II) – (d); (III) – (a); (IV) – (c)

C (I) – (c); (II) – (a); (III) – (b); (IV) – (d)

D (I) – (c); (II) – (d); (III) – (b); (IV) – (a)

P-Block elements
P-Block elements
Group-13 Elements : Boron Family

1. Electronic Configuration (ns2 , np1 )

2. Electronic Configuration (ns2 , np1 )

Stability of +3 oxidation state decreases down the group

and that of +1 oxidation state increases down the group
due to inert pair effect.
P-Block elements

3. Hydrides
Boron hydrides exist in dimeric or polymeric form.
B, Al and Ga form complex anionic hydrides, e.g.
NaBH4 , LiAlH4 . All are strong reducing agents.

4. Halides
Halides have incomplete octet, therefore, have a
high tendency to accept electrons and behave as
Lewis acid.
BI3 > BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3 (Acidic character)
P-Block elements

3. Oxides
On moving down the group, their basic character
increases. e.g. B2O3 is weakly acidic, Al2O3 is
amphoteric and other oxides are basic in nature.
P-Block elements
Group-14 Elements : Carbon Family

1. Electronic Configuration (ns2 , np2 )

2. Catenation

The tendency for catenation is maximum in carbon and it

decreases down the group due to steady decrease in M—
M bond strength.
C >> Si > Ge = Sn >> Pb
P-Block elements

3. Oxidation States
Down the group, stability of +4 oxidation state
decreases and of +2 oxidation state increases due
to inert pair effect

4. Oxides
CO2 , SiO2 and GeO2 are acidic, whereas SnO2
and PbO2 are amphoteric in nature.
P-Block elements
Group-15 Elements : Nitrogen Family

1. Electronic Configuration (ns2 , np3 )

2. Oxidation State
The tendency to exhibit −3 oxidation state decreases
down the group. The stability of + 5 oxidation state
decreases down the group and that of +3 oxidation state
increases down the group
P-Block elements
Group-16 Elements : Oxygen Family

1. Electronic Configuration (ns2 , np4 )

2. Oxidation State
Oxidation states exhibited by 16th group elements are −2,
+2, +4, +6 but +4 and +6 are more common.
On moving down the group, stability of +6 oxidation state
decreases and that of +4 oxidation state increases due to
inert pair effect.
P-Block elements

3. Hydrides
All the hydrides except water possess reducing
property and this character increases from H2S to

4. Oxides

All these elements (except O2 ) form MO2 type

P-Block elements
Group-17 Elements : Halogens Family

1. Electronic Configuration (ns2 , np5 )

2. Oxidation State
Ground state and excited state in fluorine will be same
due to absence of d-orbitals and oxidation state of
fluorine is always –1.
P-Block elements
Group-18 Elements : Noble gases

1. Electronic Configuration (ns2 , np5 )

The number of 2-centre-2-electron and 3-centre-2-electron
bonds in B2H6 , respectively, are

A 4 and 2

B 2 and 4

C 2 and 2

D 2 and 1
The number of 2-centre-2-electron and 3-centre-2-electron
bonds in B2H6 , respectively, are

A 4 and 2

B 2 and 4

C 2 and 2

D 2 and 1
The electronegativity of aluminium is similar to

A lithium

B carbon

C beryllium

D boron
The electronegativity of aluminium is similar to

A lithium

B carbon

C beryllium

D boron
The relative stability of + 1 oxidation state of group 13 elements
follows the order

A Al < Ga < Tl < In

B Al < Ga < In < Tl

C Tl < In < Ga < Al

D Ga < Al < In < Tl

The relative stability of + 1 oxidation state of group 13 elements
follows the order

A Al < Ga < Tl < In

B Al < Ga < In < Tl

C Tl < In < Ga < Al

D Ga < Al < In < Tl

Aluminium is usually found in +3 oxidation state. In contrast,
thallium exists in +1 and +3 oxidation states. This is due to

A lattice effect

B lanthanoid contraction

C inert pair effect

D diagonal relationship
Aluminium is usually found in +3 oxidation state. In contrast,
thallium exists in +1 and +3 oxidation states. This is due to

A lattice effect

B lanthanoid contraction

C inert pair effect

D diagonal relationship
The increasing order of atomic radii of the following Group 13
elements is

A Al < Ga < In < Tl

B Ga < Al < In < Tl

C Al < In < Ga < Tl

D Al < Ga < Tl < In

The increasing order of atomic radii of the following Group 13
elements is

A Al < Ga < In < Tl

B Ga < Al < In < Tl

C Al < In < Ga < Tl

D Al < Ga < Tl < In

The stability of +1 oxidation state among Al, Ga, In and Tl increases in
the sequence

A Al < Ga < In < Tl

B Tl < In < Ga < Al

C In < Tl < Ga < Al

D Ga < In < Al < Tl

The stability of +1 oxidation state among Al, Ga, In and Tl increases in
the sequence

A Al < Ga < In < Tl Lower oxidation state

become more stable on
moving down the group
B Tl < In < Ga < Al
Al < Ga < ln < Tl

C In < Tl < Ga < Al

D Ga < In < Al < Tl

How many bridging oxygen atoms are present in P4O10 ?

A 6

B 4

C 2

D 5
How many bridging oxygen atoms are present in P4O10 ?

A 6

B 4

C 2

D 5
Which is the correct thermal stability order for H2E (E = O, S, Se, Te and
Po) ?

A H2Se < H2Te < H2Po < H2O < H2S

B H2S < H2O < H2Se < H2Te < H2Po

C H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te < H2Po

D H2Po < H2Te < H2Se < H2S < H2O

Which is the correct thermal stability order for H2E (E = O, S, Se, Te and
Po) ?

A H2Se < H2Te < H2Po < H2O < H2S ● Thermal stability of hydrides
decreases from H2O to H2Po.
● As the size of atom E in H2E
B H2S < H2O < H2Se < H2Te < H2Po increases, the bond H-E
becomes weaker and thus
breaks on heating.
C H2O < H2S < H2Se < H2Te < H2Po ● Thus order D is correct.

D H2Po < H2Te < H2Se < H2S < H2O

Among the following, the correct order of acidity is

A HClO2 < HClO < HClO3 < HClO4

B HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO < HClO3

C HClO3 < HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO

D HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4

Among the following, the correct order of acidity is

A HClO2 < HClO < HClO3 < HClO4

● This can be explained on the basis
of relative stability of the anions
B HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO < HClO3 left after removal of a proton.
● Since, the stability of the anion
decreases in the order:
C HClO3 < HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO
ClO4- > ClO3- > ClO2- > ClO-

D HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4

Identify the incorrect statement, regarding the molecule XeO4

A XeO4 molecule is square planar.

B There are four p𝜋 - d𝜋 bonds.

C There are four sp3- p , σ bonds.

D XeO4 molecule is tetrahedral.

Identify the incorrect statement, regarding the molecule XeO4

A XeO4 molecule is square planar.

B There are four p𝜋 - d𝜋 bonds.

C There are four sp3- p , σ bonds.

D XeO4 molecule is tetrahedral.

The reaction of NO with N2O4 at 250 K gives:



C N2O3

D N2O5
The reaction of NO with N2O4 at 250 K gives:



C N2O3

D N2O5
The compound(s) which generate(s) N2 gas upon
thermal decomposition below 300ºC is (are)


B (NH4)2Cr2O7

C Ba(N3)2

D Mg3N2
The compound(s) which generate(s) N2 gas upon
thermal decomposition below 300ºC is (are)


B (NH4)2Cr2O7

C Ba(N3)2

D Mg3N2
The compound(s) which generate(s) N2 gas upon
thermal decomposition below 300ºC is (are)
The green colour produced in the borax bead test of a
chromium (III) salt is due to

CrB B Cr2O3

C Cr(BO2)3 D Cr2(B4O7)3
The green colour produced in the borax bead test of a
chromium (III) salt is due to

CrB B Cr2O3

C Cr(BO2)3 D Cr2(B4O7)3
In a molecule of pyrophosphoric acid, the number of
P – OH, P = O and P – O – P bonds/ moiety(ies)
respectively are

A 4, 2 and 1

B 4, 2 and 0

C 2, 4 and 1

D 3, 3 and 3
In a molecule of pyrophosphoric acid, the number of P
– OH, P = O and P – O – P bonds/ moiety(ies)
respectively are

A 4, 2 and 1

B 4, 2 and 0

C 2, 4 and 1

D 3, 3 and 3
With respect to hypochlorite, chlorate and perchlorate
ions, choose correct statement(s).

A The hypochlorite ion is strongest conjugate base

B The molecular shape of only chlorate ion is influenced

by the lone pair of electrons of Cl
C The hypochlorite and chlorate ions disproportionate to
give rise to identical set of ions
D The hypochlorite ion oxidizes the sulfite ion
With respect to hypochlorite, chlorate and perchlorate
ions, choose correct statement(s).

A The hypochlorite ion is strongest conjugate base

B The molecular shape of only chlorate ion is influenced

by the lone pair of electrons of Cl
C The hypochlorite and chlorate ions disproportionate to
give rise to identical set of ions
D The hypochlorite ion oxidizes the sulfite ion
The reaction of H3N3B3Cl3(A) with LiBH4 in tetrahydrofuran gives
inorganic benzene (B). Further, the reaction of (A) with (C) leads to
H3N3B3(Me)3. Compounds (B) and (C) respectively, are:

A Borazine and MeBr

B Boron nitride and MeBr

C Diborane and MeMgBr

D Borazine and MeMgBr

The reaction of H3N3B3Cl3(A) with LiBH4 in tetrahydrofuran
gives inorganic benzene (B).
Further, the reaction of (A) with (C) leads to H3N3B3(Me)3.
Compounds (B) and (C) respectively, are:

A Borazine and MeBr

B Boron nitride and MeBr

C Diborane and MeMgBr

D Borazine and MeMgBr

Diborane (B2H6) reacts independently with O2 and
H2O to produce, respectively:

A H3BO3 and B2O3

B B2O3 and H3BO3

C HBO2 and H3BO3

D B2O3 and [BH4]-

Diborane (B2H6) reacts independently with O2 and
H2O to produce, respectively:

A H3BO3 and B2O3

B B2O3 and H3BO3

C HBO2 and H3BO3

D B2O3 and [BH4]-

Among the oxides of nitrogen :
N2O3, N2O4 and N2O5 ; the molecule(s) having
nitrogen-nitrogen bond is/are :

A N2O3 and N2O4

B N2O4 and N2O5

C N2O3 and N2O5

D Only N2O5
Among the oxides of nitrogen :
N2O3, N2O4 and N2O5 ; the molecule(s) having
nitrogen-nitrogen bond is/are :

A N2O3 and N2O4

B N2O4 and N2O5

C N2O3 and N2O5

D Only N2O5
The oxoacid of sulphur that does not contain bond
between sulphur atoms is:

A H2S2O3

B H2S2O4

C H2S2O7

D H2S4O6
The oxoacid of sulphur that does not contain bond
between sulphur atoms is:

A H2S2O3

B H2S2O4

C H2S2O7

D H2S4O6
Xenon hexafluoride on partial hydrolysis produces
compounds 'X' and 'Y'. Compounds 'X' and 'Y' and
the oxidation state of Xe are respectively :

A XeOF4 (+6) and XeO3 (+6)

B XeOF2 (+4) and XeO3 (+6)

C XeOF4 (+6) and XeO2F2 (+6)

D XeO2F2 (+6) and XeO2 (+4)

Xenon hexafluoride on partial hydrolysis produces
compounds 'X' and 'Y'. Compounds 'X' and 'Y' and
the oxidation state of Xe are respectively :

A XeOF4 (+6) and XeO3 (+6)

B XeOF2 (+4) and XeO3 (+6)

C XeOF4 (+6) and XeO2F2 (+6)

D XeO2F2 (+6) and XeO2 (+4)

Concentrated nitric acid upon long standing, turns
yellow-brown due to the formation of




D N2O4
Concentrated nitric acid upon long standing, turns
yellow-brown due to the formation of




D N2O4
Solution :
NO2 is a brown coloured gas and imparts this colour to
concentrated HNO3 during long standing

4HNO3⟶ 2H2O + 4NO2 + O2

d and f Block Elements
Trend of Atomic radii of transition elements
Trend of melting Point of transition elements
Properties of d-block elements

Oxidation state
Colours of Some of the First Row of Transition Metal Ions
Properties of f-block elements
The element that can be refined by distillation is:

A nickel B zinc

C tin gallium
The element that can be refined by distillation is:

A nickel B zinc

C tin gallium
Mischmetal is an alloy consisting mainly of:

A lanthanoid metals

B actinoid and transition metals

C lanthanoid and actinoid metals

D actionoid metals
Mischmetal is an alloy consisting mainly of:

A lanthanoid metals

B actinoid and transition metals

C lanthanoid and actinoid metals

D actionoid metals
With reference to aqua regia, choose the correct

Reaction of gold with aqua regia produces NO2 in the

absence of air
B The yellow colour of aqua regia is due to the presence
of NOCl and Cl2.
C Aqua regia is prepared by mixing conc. HCl and conc.
HNO3 in 3 : 1 (v/v) ratio.
D Reaction of gold with aqua regia produces an anion
having Au in +3 oxidation state.
With reference to aqua regia, choose the correct

Reaction of gold with aqua regia produces NO2 in the

absence of air
B The yellow colour of aqua regia is due to the presence
of NOCl and Cl2.
C Aqua regia is prepared by mixing conc. HCl and conc.
HNO3 in 3 : 1 (v/v) ratio.
D Reaction of gold with aqua regia produces an anion
having Au in +3 oxidation state.
With reference to aqua regia, choose the correct
The incorrect statement is

A In manganate and permanganate ions, the л -

bounding takes place by overlap of p –orbitals of
oxygen and d – orbitals of manganese
B Manganate ion is green in colour and permanganate
ion is purple in colour
C Manganate and permanganate ions are paramagnetic

D Manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral

The incorrect statement is

A In manganate and permanganate ions, the л -

bounding takes place by overlap of p –orbitals of
oxygen and d – orbitals of manganese
B Manganate ion is green in colour and permanganate
ion is purple in colour
C Manganate and permanganate ions are paramagnetic

D Manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral

The effect of lanthanoid contraction in the lanthanoid
series of elements by the large means

A increase in both atomic and ionic radii

B decrease in atomic radii and increase in ionic radii

C decrease in both atomic and ionic radii

D increase in atomic radii and decrease in ionic radii

The effect of lanthanoid contraction in the lanthanoid
series of elements by the large means

A increase in both atomic and ionic radii

B decrease in atomic radii and increase in ionic radii

C decrease in both atomic and ionic radii

D increase in atomic radii and decrease in ionic radii

The lanthanoid that would show colour is:

A Gd3+

B La3+

C Lu3+

D Sm3+
The lanthanoid that would show colour is:

A Gd3+

B La3+

C Lu3+

D Sm3+
The strength of 11.2 volume solution of H2O2 is [Given that molar
mass of H = 1 g mol-1 and O = 16 g mol-1 ]

A 1.7%

B 34%

C 13.6%

D 3.4%
The strength of 11.2 volume solution of H2O2 is [Given that molar
mass of H = 1 g mol-1 and O = 16 g mol-1 ]

A 1.7%

B 34%

C 13.6%

D 3.4%
The total number of isotopes of hydrogen and number of
radioactive isotopes among them, respectively, are

A 2 and 1

B 3 and 2

C 2 and 0

D 3 and 1
The total number of isotopes of hydrogen and number of
radioactive isotopes among them, respectively, are

A 2 and 1

B 3 and 2

C 2 and 0

D 3 and 1
The chemical nature of hydrogen peroxide is

oxidising and reducing agent in both acidic and

basic medium

oxidising and reducing agent in acidic medium, but

not in basic medium

reducing agent in basic medium, but not in acidic


oxidising agent in acidic medium, but not in basic

The chemical nature of hydrogen peroxide is

oxidising and reducing agent in both acidic and

basic medium

oxidising and reducing agent in acidic medium, but

not in basic medium

reducing agent in basic medium, but not in acidic


oxidising agent in acidic medium, but not in basic

The isotopes of hydrogen are

A deuterium and tritium only

B protium and deuterium only

C protium, deuterium and tritium

D tritium and protium only

The isotopes of hydrogen are

A deuterium and tritium only

B protium and deuterium only

C protium, deuterium and tritium

D tritium and protium only

Hydrogen peroxide in its reaction with KIO4 and NH2OH
respectively, is acting as a

A reducing agent, oxidising agent

B reducing agent, reducing agent

C oxidising agent, oxidising agent

D oxidising agent, reducing agent

Hydrogen peroxide in its reaction with KIO4 and NH2OH
respectively, is acting as a

A reducing agent, oxidising agent

B reducing agent, reducing agent

C oxidising agent, oxidising agent

D oxidising agent, reducing agent

Dihydrogen of high purity (>99.95%) is obtained

A the reaction of Zn with dilute HCl.

B the electrolysis of acidified water using Pt

C the electrolysis of brine solution.

D the electrolysis of warm Ba(OH)2 solution using

Ni electrodes.
Dihydrogen of high purity (>99.95%) is obtained

A the reaction of Zn with dilute HCl.

B the electrolysis of acidified water using Pt

C the electrolysis of brine solution.

D the electrolysis of warm Ba(OH)2 solution using

Ni electrodes.
The chemical nature of hydrogen peroxide is

A Oxidizing agent in acidic medium , but not in

basic medium.
B reducing agent in basic medium but not in acidic
C oxidising and reducing agent in acidic medium
but not in basic medium
D oxidising and reducing agent in both acidic and
basic medium
The chemical nature of hydrogen peroxide is

A Oxidizing agent in acidic medium , but not in

basic medium.
B reducing agent in basic medium but not in acidic
C oxidising and reducing agent in acidic medium
but not in basic medium
D oxidising and reducing agent in both acidic and
basic medium
Coordination Compound
Which of the following is the correct order of increasing field
strength of ligands to form coordination compounds ?

SCN- < F-<CN- < C2O42-

B F-< SCN- < C2O42- < CN-

CN- < C2O42- < SCN- < F-

SCN- < F- < C2O42- < CN-
Which of the following is the correct order of increasing field
strength of ligands to form coordination compounds ?

SCN- < F-<CN- < C2O42-

B F-< SCN- < C2O42- < CN-

CN- < C2O42- < SCN- < F-

SCN- < F- < C2O42- < CN-
The calculated spin only magnetic moment of Cr2+ ion is:

4.90 BM

B 5.92 BM

2.84 BM

3.87 BM
The calculated spin only magnetic moment of Cr2+ ion is:

4.90 BM

B 5.92 BM

2.84 BM

3.87 BM
The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the complex
[Ni(CO)4] are

A Square planar &


B Tetrahedral &

C Tetrahedral &

D Square planar &

The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the complex
[Ni(CO)4] are

A Square planar &


B Tetrahedral &

C Tetrahedral &

D Square planar &

Which of the following will exhibit minimum paramagnetic
behaviour? (At. no Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27)

A [Mn(H2O)6]2+

B [Fe(H2O)6]2+

C [Co(H2O)6]2+

D [Cr(H2O)6]2+
Which of the following will exhibit minimum paramagnetic
behaviour? (At. no Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27)

A [Mn(H2O)6]2+

B [Fe(H2O)6]2+

C [Co(H2O)6]2+

D [Cr(H2O)6]2+
Match each set of hybrid orbitals from LIST-I with
complex(es) given in LIST-II.
(P) dsp2 (1) [FeF6]4–
(Q) sp3 (2) [Ti(H2O)3Cl3]
(R) sp3d2 (3) [Cr(NH3)6]3+
(S) d2sp3 (4) [FeCl4]2–
(5) Ni(CO)4
(6) [Ni(CN)4]2–
The correct option is

A P-5 ; Q-4,6; R-2,3; S-1 B P-5,6; Q-4 ; R-3 ; S-1, 2

C P-6; Q-4,5; R-1; S-2, 3 D P-4,6 ; Q-5,6; R-1,2 ; S-3

Match each set of hybrid orbitals from LIST-I with
complex(es) given in LIST-II.
(P) dsp2 (1) [FeF6]4–
(Q) sp3 (2) [Ti(H2O)3Cl3]
(R) sp3d2 (3) [Cr(NH3)6]3+
(S) d2sp3 (4) [FeCl4]2–
(5) Ni(CO)4
(6) [Ni(CN)4]2–
The correct option is

A P-5 ; Q-4,6; R-2,3; S-1 B P-5,6; Q-4 ; R-3 ; S-1, 2

C P-6; Q-4,5; R-1; S-2, 3 D P-4,6 ; Q-5,6; R-1,2 ; S-3

The pair of metal ions that can give a spin-only
magnetic moment of 3.9 BM for the complex
[M(H2O)6]Cl2 is

A V2+ and Co2+ B V2+ and Fe2+

C Co2+ and Fe2+ Cr2+ and Mn2+

The pair of metal ions that can give a spin-only
magnetic moment of 3.9 BM for the complex
[M(H2O)6]Cl2 is

A V2+ and Co2+ B V2+ and Fe2+

C Co2+ and Fe2+ Cr2+ and Mn2+

The metal d-orbital that can directly facing the
ligands in K3[Co(CN)6] are


The metal d-orbital that can directly facing the
ligands in K3[Co(CN)6] are


Two complexes [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3 (A) and [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3
(B) are violet and yellow coloured respectively. The
incorrect statement regarding them is

Δ0 values of (A) and (B) are calculated from the

energies of violet and yellow light, respectively.
B both are paramagnetic with three unpaired
C both absorbs energies corresponding to their
complementary colours
D Δ0 value for (A) is less than that of (B)
Two complexes [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3 (A) and [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3
(B) are violet and yellow coloured respectively. The
incorrect statement regarding them is

Δ0 values of (A) and (B) are calculated from the

energies of violet and yellow light, respectively.
B both are paramagnetic with three unpaired
C both absorbs energies corresponding to their
complementary colours
D Δ0 value for (A) is less than that of (B)
Which of the following ligand does not act as π-acid


C C2H4 O22-
Which of the following ligand does not as π-acid


C C2H4 O22-
Which of the following ligand does not as π-acid

Sol : Due to absence of vacant atomic orbital as well π*

molecular orbital, O22- does not as π acid ligand.
Which is low spin complex?

A [Fe(CN)6]3-

B [Co(NO2)6]3-

C [Mn(CN)6]3-

D All of these
Which is low spin complex?

A [Fe(CN)6]3-

B [Co(NO2)6]3-

C [Mn(CN)6]3-

D All of these
What is electronic arrangement of metal atom/ion in octahedral
complex with d4 configuration, if Δ0 < pairing energy?


What is electronic arrangement of metal atom/ion in
octahedral complex with d4 configuration, if Δ0 <
pairing energy?


In which of the following complex ion the value of
magnetic moment (spin only) is B.M. and outer d-
orbitals is used in hybridization:

A [Fe(NH3)6]3+ B [Mn(CN)6]4-

C [CuCl5]2-
D [Co(NH3)6]2+
In which of the following complex ion the value of
magnetic moment (spin only) is B.M. and outer d-
orbitals is used in hybridization:

A [Fe(NH3)6]3+ B [Mn(CN)6]4-

C [CuCl5]2-
D [Co(NH3)6]2+
In which of the following complex ion the value of
magnetic moment (spin only) is B.M. and outer d-
orbitals is used in hybridization:

Sol : [CuCl5]2-; sp3d-hybridisation (outer orbital complex

(Magnetic moment = B.M.)
[Fe(NH3)6]3+, [Mn(CN)6]4- and [Co(NH3)6]2+ are inner orbital
complexes and are also paramagnetic in nature having magnetic
moment of B.M.
Correct sequence of CO bond order in given
compounds is :
(P) Fe(CO)5 (Q) CO
(R) H3B⬅CO (S) [Mn(CO)5]-


D R > Q >P > S
Correct sequence of CO bond order in given
compounds is :
(P) Fe(CO)5 (Q) CO
(R) H3B⬅CO (S) [Mn(CO)5]-


D R > Q >P > S
Correct sequence of CO bond order in given
compounds is :
(P) Fe(CO)5 (Q) CO
(R) H3B⬅CO (S) [Mn(CO)5]-

Sol :CO bond order ∝

Correct sequence of CO bond order :

H3B ⬅CO > CO > Fe(CO)5 > [Mn(CO)5]-
(Co bond order >3.0) B.O. = 3.0 CO bond order < 3.0 (CO bond order
< 3.0
Which of the following isomerism, exhibited by

A Ionization

B Geometrical

C Hydrate

D Linkage
Which of the following isomerism, exhibited by

A Ionization

B Geometrical

C Hydrate

D Linkage
Which of the following isomerism, exhibited by

Sol : [CrCl2(OH)2(NH3)2] show cis and trans isomerism, cis

isomer is optically active
Which of the following will have two stereoisomeric
(I)[Cr(NO3)3(NH3)3] (II)K3[Fe(C2O4)3]
(III)[CoCl2(en)2]+ (IV) [CoBrCl(ox)2]3-

A I only

B I and II

C III and IV

D All of these
Which of the following will have two stereoisomeric
(I)[Cr(NO3)3(NH3)3] (II)K3[Fe(C2O4)3]
(III)[CoCl2(en)2]+ (IV) [CoBrCl(ox)2]3-

A I only

B I and II

C III and IV

D All of these
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