Vertiv Hybrid Off Grid Solar Solution Telecom

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Hybrid Off-Grid

Solar Solution
For Telecom Applications
Table of Contents
We Are Vertiv™. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Introduction to Off-Grid Solar

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Dedicated Services for Off-Grid Telecom Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Monitoring System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Off-Grid Solar Solution Offering

Vertiv's Off-Grid Solar Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Netsure™ 531 Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
NetSure™ 7100 Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
HSS 48 Series Solar Subrack Power System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
EPC48300/2900 Series Outdoor Enclosures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Solar Panels For Telecom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Solar Array Frames For Telecom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Solar Array Junction Box.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
NCU - Netsure™ Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Learn More About Hybrid Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

We Are Vertiv™

Vertiv (NYSE: VRT) brings together hardware, software, analytics and ongoing
services to ensure its customers’ vital applications run continuously, perform
optimally and grow with their business needs. As Architects of Continuity™, Vertiv
solves the most important challenges facing today’s data centers, communication
networks and commercial and industrial facilities with a portfolio of power, cooling
and IT infrastructure solutions and services that extends from the cloud to the
edge of the network. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, USA, Vertiv employs
approximately 20,000 people and does business in more than 130 countries.

For more information, and for the latest news and content from Vertiv, visit

Vertiv Services and Software

Architects of Continuity™
With a unique combination
of industry expertise, technology,
and resources, our mission is
to support and power mission- Large Infrastructure IT and Edge Infrastructure
critical technologies that AC Power, DC Power, Energy Edge Systems, IT Systems, Rack,
Storage, Industrial Solutions, Rack PDU, Rack Thermal,
drive possibility. Thermal Rack UPS

Chloride® Liebert® Netsure™

Our global industrial power solutions Our global power and thermal Our global intelligently engineered DC
meet the most demanding technical management solutions are some of the power systems deliver high availability,
specifications and provide safe, reliable world’s most efficient and reliable power energy efficiency and scalability for
power- no matter the challenge and cooling technologies converged networks

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

With the demand for network access y Flexible to meet today's and Tailored Support for Off-Grid
and mobile broadband consistently tomorrow's needs; Telecom Installations
growing, the telecom sector is now
experiencing an increasing need to y Reliable, resulting in improved uptime In this hyper-connected, technology
improve networks and expand services and lower maintenance costs; dependent world, you can’t afford for
while maximising efficiency, reducing your critical network infrastructure to go
y Holistic with power protection,
costs and ensuring reliable performance. down. The success of your business
monitoring to service;
depends on it. Our team of experts
To serve this growing demand for brings together global reach with local
connectivity, telecom providers are now y Cost effective, to contribute to the
short, medium and long term energy knowledge to take on your most
expanding, more than ever, in remote complex challenges, creating solutions
regions, where the grid is absent. saving objectives;
that keep your Hybrid Off-Grid Solar
y Increased intelligence with 24x7 Solution running—and your business
Stay on Top of Telecom Trends remote and on-site monitoring, moving.
providing real-time visibility and
In this environment, where conventional immediate detection of anomalies;
energy sources are becoming more
expensive, there is a growing y Enhanced support with a dedicated
opportunity to make use of renewable team of experts to assist.
energy. The solution is a hybrid 1
approach that minimises the use of
Centralised Monitoring and Control
diesel generators, used only in case of
emergency, while maximizes the use of Minimises Operational Cost
solar power and batteries, boosting the Meeting the expectations for constant
performance stability and financial availability while minimizing operational
return required to operate a telecom cost is key. Once your hybrid solution is
business. up and running, a constant monitoring
and control system provides real-time
Flexible Hybrid Solutions to visibility into your remote network by
Reduce OPEX and Ensure Optimal managing, controlling and validating the
delivery of power from generator, solar
and battery to the load. All giving you
Technologies that minimise expensive unparalleled system protection and
energy consumption and enable flexible, support, for complete peace of mind.
reliable and responsive infrastructure
have been developed in recent years
and will continue to evolve.
This critical infrastructure can now be
enabled through the use of intelligent
energy solutions that allow the system
to adapt as conditions change.

Off-grid hybrid solutions provide

significant energy savings opportunities
to the telecom infrastructure through:
y Simplicity in design and enhanced
intelligent features;

Challenges Consequences Opportunities
Fuel expense is high due to:

y Frequent generator operation y Strategically blend power from batteries, solar

and other sources to achieve lowest possible
energy cost
y Theft and quality/dilution High operating cost
y Actively manage sites to ensure proper battery
health, optimal generator maintenance, clean
y Site accessibility solar panels, and tracked fuel quality and level

Deployment speed slowed by:

y Infrastructure not in place y Ensure site readiness by selecting a single
coordinator for all site infrastructure and installation
y Complex supply chains Consumers choose competing carriers
y Managed integrated supply chain with a common
y Availability of installation experts objective for schedule and delivery

Operation and maintenance costs impacted by:

y Engineer the hybrid site solution for the desired
y Improper hybrid dimensioning balance between capital and operational cost
y Lack of site visibility post installation Increase maintenance staff y Leverage smart hybrid technologies to minimize
y Calendar-based maintenance dispatch maintenance dispatch and achieve maximum ROI,
even as operating conditions change

Site reliability impacted by:

y Validate vendor focus on the technologies and skills
y Use of consumer system or parts not
Increase downtime and increase maintenance cost associated with deploying operating energy and
designed for unattended operation
passive infrastructure.

y Integration of discrete parts not y Keep vendor engaged in site performance post
Use of unplanned funds to keep site operational
validated to work as one solution deployment

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Dedicated Services for Off-Grid Telecom Sites

No two situations are alike. Vertiv When evaluating a hybrid solar To maximise the potential of your
supports its customers with an installation, you should look for a installation, our Telecom Professionals
extensive service offering, enhancing solution that offers the most will also provide you and your staff with
network availability and ensuring total comprehensive support options and a On-Site Training services, which
peace of mind 24/7. With the broadest, partner that can walk you through the include installation, operation and
most comprehensive service presence in design and testing as well as offer maintenance of the solution, to help you
the industry and more than 600 support and training even once the understand the full power of your hybrid
Customer Engineers dedicated to equipment is installed. solar station. And with the addition of a
servicing Asia Pacific, Vertiv ensures dedicated Help Desk, you can always
that your business is protected 100% of get direct access by phone to our
the time and that assistance is close by experienced support team 24/7.
whenever needed.

When launching new facilities or powering up Services to ensure that your business
new equipment you want to do it the right way critical infrastructure operates reliably,
– right from the start safely, and efficiently
Plan Preventive and corrective
Design maintenance
Integrate Remote services and
Commission monitoring
Project Management Fan/Battery replacements
Spare parts

Increase mean time Decrease

between failure PERFORMANCE operating cost

Full range of services designed to optimize infrastructure

performance and reduce process complexity
Assess and Configure Help Desk
Audit Train Remote

Take Control of Your Network. Benefits
Monitoring System y Improved availability
As your network expands, the demand Via remote connection, the supervisory • Minimize downtime
to get your system under an Energy system gathers a continuous stream of • Solve problems faster with
Operating Center grows. With all the vital health parameters and equipment advanced alarm
user-friendly convenience and power of alarms at the site, while our Customer identification
a computerized system, monitoring Support Center professionals are also on y Optimized preventive and
systems improve your network’s hand 24 hours a day to provide corrective maintenance
reliability and availability, reducing multilingual assistance in real-time. • Diagnose problems
operating and maintenance costs. remotely
Functioning as a master system that
Vertiv EMS provides a unified collects and stores power-energy data, • Reduce on-site travel with
management environment for remote Vertiv EMS can provide you with the advanced alarm
sites to monitor the elements that could KPIs suited best for your business and identification
hinder the delivery of services. assist you in improving the performance • Perform remote battery
and lower the cost of your operation. tests
y Improved investment planning
• Plant re-engineering - know
the necessary resources
(how much, where and
when) ahead of time
• Optimize spare parts

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Key Features Vertiv's Off-Grid Energy Solutions are suitable for telecom
applications – from microwave repeaters to large, remote
y Complete Solution: Vertiv cellular sites.
provides all of the matched
pieces from cables to power to
training, for ease of planning Vertiv's Off-Grid Solar Solution
and execution
Vertiv’s off-grid solar solution offers a complete energy portfolio that provides reliable
y Flexibility: off-grid energy and efficient telecom service, supporting remote areas where grid access is not
solution utilizes common feasible and fuel delivery is prohibited. Built around a core of proven components, this
building blocks capable of solution can expand and adapt as required. The Vertiv off-grid solution includes:
supporting loads from 200 to
6000 W y NetSure™ Hybrid DC Power system, available from 6kW up to 24kW, supports solar
converters and 24V DC converters
y Adaptability: with the use of
common blocks, this solution y NetSure™ EPC Series: the a robust outdoor enclosure platform able to
can change and adapt, withstand the harshest environmental conditions; available in standard sizes
providing investment or customized cabinets
y Solar panels matched to the solution to provide for best fit, endurance and
y Simplicity on the Field:
applicable intelligence and
efficiency from a proven global supply chain.
effort up-front so as to reduce
y Solar panels with proven quality, continuous supply and form factor
the cost of installation and
maintenance teams y Solar frames with clearance underneath for placement of equipment in the shade
y Efficiency and Resilience: y Cable sets that are colour coded with keyed quick connects and the elimination of
high efficiency from solar to
a combiner box simplifies the installation; providing for increase speed of execution
load, with rectifiers and
converters that provide full
and reducing risk of errors.
power up to +65°C
y Partial State of Charge (PSOC) batteries and battery enclosure best suited for
y Support: training to enable solar installations from 170 Ah to 7000 Ah
predictable, durable and
reliable performance Available options include an open independent DC port for easy expansion of
alternative energy sources, such as wind turbines, fuel cells or a DC generator. The
y Remote Management: HTTP, system also supports an AC standby generator, such as a portable generator, for
TC/IP, IPv6, SNMP, Modbus and backup during maintenance activities or emergency responses. The NetSure™ DC
Vertiv's EMS monitoring power system and the Netsure™ EPC Series enclosures are available in a number of
system, the site can be configurations, allowing the site operator to integrate customer equipment, inverters,
efficiently managed remotely,
+24V DC converters, extended distribution, load surge protection, and more.
reducing the need to visit and
monitor the site

y Remote Access and

Communication: HTTP/
SNMP V2/V3 and Modbus,
plus GPRS/3G/4G modems

y Value: Demonstrated financial


Hybrid Solutions
With 5G infrastructure on the horizon, telecom operators are
faced with new challenges in their critical infrastructure. Not
only do they require solutions to support next-generation
technologies and ultra-fast broadband connection, they also
need a cost-efficient approach to enabling 5G infrastructure.
Renewable energy is fast becoming a viable option, especially
in remote locations where stable utility power remains a
Vertiv’s hybrid solutions for telecom sites are fully
customizable, rugged and flexible to adapt to your different
challenges. Our rectifiers and energy storage solutions
support renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.
Our hybrid solutions can be deployed virtually anywhere
including network edge and remote telecom sites.

Hybrid Solution Applications

Poor Grid Hybrid Off-Grid Pure Off-Grid Grid-Connected

Solar Solutions Solar Solutions Hybrid Solutions Hybrid Solutions
Solar power as a main Solar as the primary energy Solar power option to reduce Solar power and standby
source during daytime, source with long standby genset usage together with batteries as power source
while batteries and genset batteries and optional high discharge batteries reduces dependency on both
as supplementary sources standby genset. without connection to the grid and generators.
when grid is unavailable. the grid.

Genset Grid Solar Battery

Poor Grid Hybrid Solar Solution    
Off-Grid Pure Solar Solution — —  
Off-Grid Hybrid Solutions  —  
Grid-Connected Hybrid Solutions —   

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Guidelines on Poor Grid Hybrid Solar Solutions

y Multiple energy sources
y Efficient supplement for poor AC areas, improve power
system reliability.
y Solar mainly to support the load during the day, generator
to support when grid is not available at the rest of the day
y Batteries supporting stressed cyclic demand and fast
y Genset management, start the genset automatically based
on the remaining capacity of the battery or a fixed daily
working schedule

Guidelines on Off Grid Pure Solar Solutions

y Suitable for rich solar resources area
y 100% Energy saving
y Environment friendly and no CO2 discharge
y Increase network coverage especially at remote area
y Easy to install, less maintenance, lower operating cost
y Improve power supply reliability and optimal safety
y Suitable for low power consumption application (<1kW)

Guidelines on Off Grid Hybrid Solar Solutions

y Solar option to reduce generator running time and
maintenance visits, reduce Genset OPEX

y Energy by priority: Solar -> Battery -> Generator

y Typically, Genset can reduced to run at around 3 to 4 hours

daily as compared to normal CDC that runs for 12hrs daily

y DC Power controller starts/stop Genset automatically

(time based or battery capacity based)

Guidelines on Poor Grid Hybrid Solar Solutions

y Multiple energy sources
y Efficient supplement for poor AC areas, improve power
system reliability.
y Solar mainly to support the load during the day, generator
to support when grid is not available at the rest of the day
y Batteries supporting stressed cyclic demand and fast
y Genset management, start the genset automatically based
on the remaining capacity of the battery or a fixed daily
working schedule.

Netsure™ 531 Series

Key Features
The Netsure™ 531 series from Vertiv is a fully-integrated DC power system consisting
of a rectifier and controller that provides maximum efficiency for mobile
y The installation space and cost
can be saved due to its small communication applications such as LTE and FTTx deployments or macro stations. It
size and embedded installation is designed to meet the high-efficiency demands of mobile applications, with high
reliability, high power density, and fully digital features.
y Wide input voltage range
(85–300VAC), strong ability in The built-in high efficiency R48-2000e3 rectifier also provides an ultra-high efficiency
adapting power grid of up to 96%, significantly improving the energy efficiency.

y Rectifier working temperature

range: -40~+30°C

y Supports ECO sleep

technology, that optimises
system efficiency

y Intelligent battery management

system, which prolongs the
working life of the battery

y Provide multiple
communication ports such as Netsure™ 531 A41 Netsure™ 531 A91
RS232, Ethernet port, dry
contacts, etc., for flexible
networking to achieve remote System Configuration
Configuration Netsure™ 531 A41 Netsure™ 531 A91
System Capacity 8kW 18kW
Controller M221S / M222S / M830B
Rectifier Max: 4 × R48-2000e3 Max: 9 × R48-2000e3
AC Distribution Input 1×63A/2P
Output 1×16A /1P
Applications Battery Capture 2×63A/1P 2×125A/1P
DC Distribution BLVD 2×16A/1P
5×63A/1P, 5×32A/1P, 8×10A/1P
y Power supply for LTE LLVD 2×63A/1P, 2×32A/1P
in-building solutions
C-level lightning protection at AC side,
Lightning Protection
D-level lighting protection at DC side and signal side
y Power supply for FTTx
broadband multi-solutions Dry Contact 3 alarm inputs, 4 alarm outputs (8 alarm outputs is optional)
Optional Top Cover, Temperature Sensor, Battery Rack
y Power supply for macro station
and outdoor cabinet

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom


Configuration Model
Efficient Module R48-2000e3

Electric Parameters Description

Input Voltage 85VAC~300VAC
Power Factor �0.99
Efficiency �96%
Outpu Voltage -42Vdc~-58Vdc
Nominal Voltage -48Vdc
Rated Voltage -53.5Vdc

Controller M221S / M222S / M830B

Model M221S M222S M830B

Display LCD with 8×16 characters 128×160 pixels TFT LCD
Communication Interface RS232, Ethernet RS232 RS232, RS485, Ethernet, USB
Protocol YDN23
YDN23 SNMP V2/V3, SocTpe, Rsoc, Modbus
2 battery currents, 1 load current, 1
1 battery currents, 1 bus voltage,
bus voltage, 2 battery voltages, 3
Analog 1 battery voltage, 2 temperatures,
temperatures, 1 fuel sensor and much
4 midpoint battery voltage
more with additional interface boards

Inputs 2 load fuses, 4 battery fuses, 1

bi-stable contactor status, 4 user
1 input for status of SPD auxiliary
inputs(Optional, need extra board)
Digital contacts, 12 load fuses, 6 battery
load fuse and battery fuse can be
fuses, bistable contactor status
configured as midpoint battery
voltage, load fuse and battery fuse M222s

1 LVD mono & bistable contractors, 1

Outputs LVD mono contactor, 8 user relay 3 LVD mono & bistable contactors
outputs (Optional, need extra board)

Mechanical Parameters NetSure™ 531 A41 NetSure™ 531 A91

Structure 19 inches(W), 4U(H) 19 inches(W), 8U(H)
Dimensions (W × D × H) mm 483 × 310 × 178 483 × 310 × 356
Weight (kg) ≤25 (exclude rectifier and controller) ≤40 (exclude rectifier and controller) M830B

NetSure™ 7100 Series

Key Features Highly reliable, uninterruptible cost-effective power

systems for telecom installations
y Easily Adaptable - Tolerates a
wide range of input voltage, i.e. Description
from 85 to 305 VAC
The NetSure™ 7100 series, a compact -48 VDC power solution, features an intelligent
y High Efficiency - 96.3%
efficient eSure rectifier delivers
controller, a high-efficiency rectifier, and multiple distribution options to meet a variety
optimized total cost of of application demands. .
ownership The NetSure™ 7100 series provides both reliable DC output power and low total cost
y ECO Mode - Embedded with of ownership. The 3500W eSure rectifier delivers peak system efficiency above 96%.
an advanced energy Maximum efficiency is achieved by an advanced energy optimization function known
optimisation technique that as ECO mode, enabling significant energy savings even at low load operation.
enables significant savings,
Standard remote monitoring and software upgrades are available through ethernet.
even at low load operation
Remote access via RS485 (Modbus), as well as GPRS/3G/4G modems are available
y Advanced Battery Management as options.
- Automatic battery tests in
conjunction with battery
Multi Function Unit (MFU)
midpoint monitoring (optional)
ensures early detection of
battery problems

y Multiple Communication
Interface: Built-in
communication ports such as
RS 232, RS 485, USB, and
Ethernet enable flexible remote
controlling & monitoring

Rectifier R48-3000e3/R48-3500e3

NetSureTM 731 A91

The NetSure™ 7100 series is ideal for telecom access and network edge applications
requiring reliable, high power density up to 540 A at -48 VDC. The system is available
as a subrack for integration in an outdoor enclosure or existing cabinet, mounted on
top of a battery rack.

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Technical Specifications

Model NetSure™ 731 A91-S1 NetSure™ 731 A91-S2 NetSure™ 731 A91-S3
Capacity 540 A 540 A/450 A 450 A
R48-3500e3, R48-3000e3 / R48-3500e3, R48-3000e3,
Max 9 numbers max 9 numbers Max 9 numbers
Controller M 830B M 530B M 830B
Input Voltage 3P + N + PE / 380 -415 VAC
Input Frequency Range 45 to 65 Hz
Input Voltage Range 85 VAC to 305 VAC (output derating below 176 VAC)
Input Power Factor ≥0.99
Rectifier Efficiency, Peak R48-3500e3: 96.3%; R48-3000e3: 95.5%
Output DC Voltage -43.2 to -57.6 VDC
DC Power Distribution BLVD 63A/1P×2MCB;32A/1P×2MCB;16A/1P×2MCB
LLVD 63A/1P×3MCB;32A/1P×3MCB;16A/1P×2MCB
Battery MCB 4 × 125 A/1P
Lightning Protection The AC side of the system is equipped with Class C lightning protection and the DC side is equipped with class D lightning protection
Weight ≤60 kg (Including Rectifiers & Controller)
Dimensions (H×W×D) mm 352 × 483 × 400

Controller M830B M530B

Display 128 x 160 Pixels TFT LCD 128 x 160 Pixels TFT LCD
Communication Interface RS 232, RS 485, Ethemet, USB RS 485, RS 232, 10/100Mbps Ethernet, IPv4 & IPv6, CAN
Protocol IPv4, IPv6, HTTPS, SNMP V2/V3, EEM Soc Tpe, Rsoc, Modbus HTTP, SNMP, YDN23
2 battery currents, 1 load current, 1 bus voltage, 3 battery current, 1 bus voltage, 3 AC voltages,
Inputs Analog 2 battery volt- ages, 3 temperatures, 1 fuel level sensor and much 3 AC currents, 9 battery current, 1 DC energy meter-voltage,
more with additional interface boards 3 DC energy meter-current
1 input for status of surge protective device auxiliary contacts,
Digital 20 load fuses, 4 battery fuses, 1 SPD alarm
12 load fuses, 6 battery fuses, bi-stable contractor status
Outputs 3 LVD mono & bistable contractors 2 Mono Contactors

Rectifier R48-3500e3 R48-3000e3

Input Voltage 85 to 305 VAC (output derating below 176 VAC)
Input Frequency 45 Hz to 65 Hz
Power Factor >0.99 for 50% to 100% load
Efficiency, Peak 96.3% 95.5%
Maximum Input Current 22 A
Output Voltage -42 VDC to 58 VDC
Maximum Output Current 73 A @ -48 VDC 62.5 A @ -48 VDC
Operating Temperature -40 to +75°C (-40 to +167°F) -40 to +70°C (-40 to +158°F)

HSS 48 Series Solar Subrack Power System

Key Features
The HSS 48 series solar sub-rack provides an easy, interruption-free and economical
solution to upgrade a legacy DC power system. This ultra compact, modular sub-rack
y Seamless integration with the
legacy DC power system brings an alternate solar energy source for access and transmission networks. Its fast
and precise MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm provides real-time
y Compact, modular, hot power tracking and improves power harvesting. By leveraging the solar power at
pluggable solar subrack telecom sites, operators can substantially reduce their operational expenses.
y Interruption free installation

y Equipped with an MPPT

Typical System Architecture
charger providing a maximum
power track precision of up to

y Delivers an ultra-high efficiency

of up to 98% Rectifier

y Supports soft scalable


y Integrated protection from

external lightning surges Solar converter
y Full front access for easy
operation & maintenance

y Safety: CE certified and

complies with EN60950 and
EN62109 standards

y Flexible to pair with NetSure™

531/731 series to form a hybrid

Netsure 531/731
Subrack Solar Subrack


y LTE in-building solutions

y FTTx broadband

y Macro station and outdoor


Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

HSS series MPPT 50A, 100A Solar Subrack Parameters

Model Name HSS4850/XMX-1 HSS48100/XMX-1

Rated power 3000W 6000W
MPPT converter S48-3000
Solar Input 58 to 150 VDC
DC Output Voltage -42 to 58VDC HSS4850
Efficiency ≥98.2%
1 × MPPT module + SPD + Input & 2 × MPPT module + SPD + Input &
Subrack configuration
output distribution output distribution
Interface from solar array 2 × 16 mm, rear connected 4 × 16 mm ,rear connected
Interface to -48VDC power system 2 × 16 mm, rear connected 4 × 16 mm, rear connected
Dimensions (WxHxD) mm 440 × 355 × 44
Weight ≤13kg ≤16kg
RS232 communication, input & HSS48100
Communication alarm interface Output dry contact
output dry contact

HSS series MPPT 60A Solar Subrack Parameters

Model Name HSS4860/XSX-1
Rated power 4000W
MPPT converter S48-2000e3
Solar input 200 to 300VDC
DC Output Voltage -42 to 58VDC
Efficiency ≥96%
Subrack configuration 2 × MPPT module + SPD + Output distribution
Interface from solar array 2 × M5 Screws, rear connected HSS4860
Interface to -48VDC power system 2 × M8 Screws, rear connected
Dimensions (W×H×D) mm 440 × 355 × 44
Weight ≤10kg
Communication alarm interface Output dry contact

Solar MPPT Converter Parameters

Model Name S48-2000e3 S48-3000

Rated power 2000W 3000W
Input voltage range 120 to 420 VDC* 58 to 150VDC
Output voltage range -42 to 58 VDC -42 to 58 VDC
MPPT Precision ≥99% ≥99.5%
S48-2000e3 S48-3000
Conversion efficiency ≥96% ≥98.2%
Dimensions (W×D×H) mm 84.5 × 41.4 × 252.5 41.4 × 132.3 × 287
Weight ≤2kg ≤3kg

EPC48300/2900 Series Outdoor Enclosures

Key Features
The EPC 48300/2900 Series is a compact and flexible enclosure solution for housing
electronics, distribution, and battery backup equipment in outdoor telecom networks.
y Houses a centralized power
supply system, cooling system, To provide maximum protection for your equipment investment, the EPC
environmental monitoring, and 48300/2900 Enclosure is designed and tested to withstand the most severe
battery backup system among environmental conditions. Thermal management is achieved through use of heat
others exchanger or air conditioner cooling which keeps electronics from exceeding their
optimal temperatures, yet never introduces outside air and pollutants into the
y Large space for flexible equipment chamber. The EPC 48300/2900 series cabinet is extremely flexible, and a
application: the user equipment
modular approach is taken wherever possible so the cabinet can be quickly
and battery chamber can share
the same space, which can be
configured to meet your exact requirements.
flexibly adjusted based on the
user requirements.
y Highly reliable temperature
control system: the system This cabinet can economically house a variety of next generation electronic
integrated various temperature equipment including telco backhaul, fiber distribution, and radio equipment for
control units include a heat wireless applications.
exchanger, air conditioner, and
heater which can be flexibly
configured according to the
on-site environment. The
temperature in the cabinet can
be adjusted in an intelligent

y High degree of protection


y The cap of the cabinet adopts

a bevel design, eliminating
accumulation of rain water and
snow; the base adopts an
extensional design, facilitating
EPC48300/2900-M2 EPC48300/2900-M21 EPC48300/2900-F2
system installation &

y Comprehensive ECCUP
environment monitoring
system applications: the
system performs monitoring
and alarm uploading for the
power supply system,
temperature control unit and
all environmental variables;
provides different environment
variable detection data to meet
the practical user requirements.

y Integrate different
communication interfaces
including RS232/485 and TCP/ EPC48300/2900-H2 EPC48300/2900-A2
IP, etc. and helps realize system
alarm uploading and remote

y CE certified.

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Technical Specifications

Model Name EPC48300/ EPC48300/ EPC48300/ EPC48300/ EPC48300/

2900-M2 2900-M21 2900-H2 2900-F2 2900-A2
Power supply system (optional) Vertiv 19 inches NetSure™ Power system
AC user socket 10 A single-phase AC socket
Equipment Precise air-conditioning:
Heat exchanger: 80W/K Forced ventilation: 1500W Heat exchanger: 150W/K
Chamber Forced ventilation: 1500W cooling, 1200
Temperature Battery Precise air-conditioning: 300 W cooling, 1500W heating, Standard
Natural ventilation emergent ventilation
control Chamber 600W heating; emergent ventilation, (optional)
Heater Equipment chamber: 600W;
Equipment chamber 600 W 600W or 1200W 600W
(optional) Battery chamber: 600W

Environment Standard LED lighting, access control switch

Monitoring Optional ECCUP (optional temperature and humidity sensor, smoke sensor, flood sensor vibration and inclination)
Reserved space 36 U flexible 19 inches space shared by power system, batteries and user equipment
Protection class IP 55
Optional parts Network interface board, AC distribution unit, heater component, rectifier module blank panel, cabinet base cover plate

Mechanical Parameters EPC48300/ EPC48300/ EPC48300/ EPC48300/ EPC48300/

2900-M2 2900-M21 2900-H2 2900-F2 2900-A2
Dimensions Cabinet 700 mm(W) × 700 mm(D) × 2030 mm(H), including base and cap
(W×D×H) mm Battery Chamber 610 mm(W) × 580mm(D) × 330mm(H) each layer
≤235 kg (excluding ≤210 kg (excluding ≤215 kg (excluding ≤ 185 kg (excluding ≤ 240 kg (excluding
module and battery) module and battery) module and battery) module and battery) module and battery)

Solar Panels For Telecom

Key Features Vertiv™ solar panels for telecom applications provide

supply and support with leading manufacturers at a global
Complete with Flexibility level who have demonstrated quality and efficiency.
y A comprehensive portfolio
focusing on high value and
In a dynamic market of supply where manufacturers quickly rise and fail, Vertiv has
chosen to work with Trina Solar, a leader who has demonstrated a global supply chain
y Each panel is supported by the that has delivered quality and efficiency for 20 years.
same structure, cabling and
protection for a universal fit
Efficient and Resilient
y High-efficiency panels (+18 %) Whether used to support loads in a bad-grid environment or to provide the
available supporting energy source in an off-grid solution, solar panels represent an investment
y Vertiv is committed to pass that demonstrates a commitment to reducing and managing operating cost.
forward continuous gains in Vertiv solar panel solutions offer an efficient and comprehensive portfolio with easy
performance, while maintaining installation, high value and implementation of best practices to maximize power-
backwards compatibility energy while using the smallest space possible. These solutions not only reduce
y Third-party certificates green house gas emissions, but they also provide reliable service that minimize your
demonstrate survival under demands on expensive energy.
environmental stress
y Global supply and delivery,
including the EU, and thus
providing one global solution
to reduce planning and
support costs
y 60 to 156 mm cell panels, ideal
for availability and transport
y Guarantees durability with
leading-industry warranty from
a company that has been a
provider for 20 years
Reliable and Durable
y PID resistant
y 2400 Pa wind load
y 5400 Pa snow load
y 35 mm hail stones at 97 km/h
Comprehensive certificates
y IEC 61215/ IEC 61730/ UL 1703/
IEC 61701/IEC 62716
y 1000V UL/1000V IEC certified
y ISO 9001: Quality Management
y ISO 14001: Environmental
Management System
y ISO 14064: Greenhouse Gases
Emissions Verification

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Technical Specifications Dimensions of Modules (mm)

Mono-Crystalline Solar Panel – Allmax Plus Framed 60 Cell Module
Rated Power WP 275 295 300 315
Power Output Tolerance (%) 0/+5
Maximum Power Voltage - Vmpp (VDC) 31.4 32.5 32.6 32.9
Maximum Power Current - Vmpp (I) 8.76 9.08 9.19 9.46
Open Circuit Voltage - Voc (VDC) 38.7 39.7 39.8 40.5
Short-Circuit Current - ISC (I) 9.24 9.68 9.77 9.72
Module Efficiency (%) 16.8 18.0 18.3 19.2

Temperature Coefficient
Pmax (%/K) -0.39 -0.39 -0.39 -0.39
Voc (%/K) -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29
Isc (%/K) +0.05 +0.05 +0.05 +0.05

Mono-Crystalline Solar Panel – Tallmax Plus Framed 144 Half Cell Module
Rated Power WP 385 400
Power Output Tolerance (%) 0/+5 275-315W Panel
Maximum Power Voltage - Vmpp (VDC) 40.1 41.1
Maximum Power Current - Vmpp (I) 9.61 9.74
Open Circuit Voltage - Voc (VDC) 48.5 50.4
Short-Circuit Current - ISC (I) 10.03 10.18
Module Efficiency (%) 18.9% 19.7%

Temperature Coefficient – VOC

Pmax (%/K) -0.37 -0.37
Voc (%/K) -0.29 -0.29
Isc (%/K) +0.05 +0.05

Common Data
Operating Temperature: -40 to +85C
30 Panels per Pallet
840 Panel per 40’ Container / 660 Panel (385-400W) per 40’ Container
Product Workmanship Warranty: 10 years
Linear Power Warranty: 25 years

Warranty provided by Original Manufacturer, Changzhou Trina

Solar Energy Co, Ltd. All reported values reflect STC: 1000W/ 385-400W Panel
m2, Cell Temperature 25°C. Performance values for panels that
are planned and un-released are left blank.

Solar Array Frames For Telecom

Key Features Standard set of solar arrays allowing for ease of planning,
selection and delivery.
Complete with Flexibility
y Providing full support for A solution that focuses on the tools, skills and practices that are readily available at
Vertiv™’s Hybrid Solution from remote telecom locations.
2kW to 24KW
Not all solar array solutions for residential and utilities work well with telecom. The use
y Mounted onto concrete. of utility pile / screw posts requires impractical machinery for installation or demands
soil conditions not present to place posts 2+m into the ground; while designing
y Open space under the array
discrete solutions from residential units does not scale for efficient roll across a
designed to locate and shade
telecom equipment
telecom network.
Our solution maintains the principles of providing a solution for telecom that
y Support sample layout
addresses efficiency, ease of planning and simplicity of execution.
drawings with documentation
illustrating best practices for This simplicity has been achieved by a set of 2 KW and 2.5 KW “brick” solutions. With
layout, site management and these common building blocks, a full portfolio with supporting documentation that
installation addresses ease of planning and efficient use of land is available.
y Training available to instruct
and demonstrate best
practices and installation

y Efficient Arrangement defined

to minimise losses associated
with shadows, walls, fences, tall
grass, etcetera.

Reliable and Durable

y Structural analysis and reports
at 45 m/s wind loads

y Steel Frame, Hot Dipped


Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Technical Specifications

Common Building Blocks Available in

Standards tilts, as defined by country 12°, 22°, 32°
Heights (at front edge) 1.2 m, 2.0 m,
Array size building blocks 2kw, 2.5kw

*Replacement parts are available

Anti-theft liquid metal – Loctitie (to seal bolt heads)
Anchor bolt kits

Common Features
Mounting Method Onto Concrete
y Foundation posts, profiles and rails Steel, hot-dip galvanized
y Fasteners Steel, hot-dip galvanized or high-grade steel
Maximum acceptable slope 10° EW and NS
Wind load 45m/s ASCE 07
Product workmanship warranty 5 Years

Solar Array Junction Box

Key Features In support of ease and speed of execution, Vertiv™ provides

the cables and protection with our solar arrays.
Flexible portfolio
y Vertiv provides a In providing the full solution from array to power, Vertiv provides cables, circuit
comprehensive hybrid breakers and protection proven to support durable telecom applications.
solutions that range from 2kW
to 24kW Vertiv continues to demonstrate its approach to provide the best solution from energy
to load, with its set of Protection Boxes and quick connect cables, that eliminates the
y Supporting the NetSure™ 2.5 need to source discrete combiner boxes and spools of open wire.
kW blocks that allow for
expansion based on current The cable sets are connected to a combiner box which simplifies the installation; this
needs, without having to rewire leads to an increase in the speed of execution of a problem-free installation.
what is there or over-invest in
future infrastructure

Comprehensive support
y A part of the complete solution,
with reference wiring and site

y Equipped with terminal blocks

and label kits, enabling low-risk

Efficient wiring
y Specifically designed and
defined for solar array

Reliable and durable

y No sacrifices or substitutes
come, with an IP55 protection
level box

Added value
y Eliminate the need to a source
separate combiner boxes and
open spool wire

y Quick keyed connectors for

rapid installation

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Technical Specifications

Solar Junction Box

Operating Conditions (under Array) -15° C to +55° C
Environmental Protection IP55, with transparent door for quick inspection
Safety Compliance ROHS
Wire Entry 6 X 4 routes, every four input branches routes collected into one route
DC Input Voltage 36 – 96VDC
DC Input Current Max 15A one input
DC Output 6 Routes
DC Output Voltage 36 – 96VDC
DC Output Current Max 50° one output
Insulation resistance DC circuit and earth is not less than 2MΩ
Protection Level IP55

Dimensions (W × H × D) 420 × 380 × 150
Weight Less than 12kg

*All parts are compliant with ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU

When you order an array, Vertiv proposes –the basic (minimum) wire and protection box kit for standard layout. Or you can select in accordance to your
own site plan.

NCU - Netsure™ Controller

Key Features The advanced NetSure™ Control Unit (NCU) from Vertiv™
takes remote monitoring and control to the next level with
y Simplified user interface
includes an installation wizard,
a user-friendly color interface, secure connectivity, data
graphical color display and statistics and multiple communication options.
user friendly web pages

y Backwards compatible with Description

The NetSure™ Control Unit (NCU) is an advanced controller designed for a wide
y Supports encrypted
(HTTPS) multi-browsers range of DC power applications. The NCU enables remote monitoring and control of
including Internet Explorer, modern communication sites and is backward compatible with existing NetSure power
FireFox, Chrome, Safari systems. The controller is factory installed or can be added in the field to deliver data
and control for all aspects of the power chain, including AC mains, DC power plant,
y Ethernet connectivity battery backup, diesel generator and the local site environment. The addition of
via IPv4 and/or IPv6 optional interface boards enables the user to access an even greater set of site
y Dual Network port option parameters.
which allows for permanent The NCU features advanced battery management for temperature compensation and
connection and available craft
boost charge control, prediction of remaining time and capacity, constant current
port for service
testing, scheduled battery testing, and short duration battery testing. Thresholds for
PC simultaneously
battery current measurement, detailed alarms, inventory management and three LVD
y Modbus as monitoring option– levels can be programmed easily through the controller. Control of rectifiers (24V, 48V
communicates with energy and 400V) and converters (24V, 48V, 400V and solar) is possible in this convenient
devices and/or a supervisory pluggable module.
(NOC) Expanded information and alarm data can be monitored or controlled via password
protected and encrypted web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google
y Battery management features Chrome, and Apple Safari. Network element management support for data
include temperature communication is also available via standard protocols, such as SNMP version 2 and 3,
compensation, thermal
and Modbus. In addition, Modbus device integration for many industry standard
runaway management,
monitoring devices is now possible with the versatile NCU controller.
recharge current limit, reserve
time prediction, and optional The new patent-pending Intelligent Load Management functionality displays current
midpoint monitoring per fuse and circuit breaker and can measure each site rack’s aggregated current in
y Easily configurable file upload/ relation to rack capacity. This feature requires optional system distribution
download minimises installation measurement devices for breaker or fuse positions.

y Supports six
user-selectable languages

y Intelligent Load Management

support for systems that
include SMDU+ or SMDUH

y Delivers hybrid energy

management, including control
and management of generators
M830B M830D
and solar power

Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom

Technical Specifications

Power Supply 19 VDC to 60 VDC
Power Consumption, Maximum 18 W
-20°C to +65°C (nominal), -40°C to +75°C (extended conditions) / -4°F to
Temperature Range, Operating
+149°F (nominal), -40°F to +167°F (extended conditions)
Relative Humidity 0 to 90%

Safety and Standards Compliance

Electrical IEC 60950-1, EN 60950-1, UL 60950-1
EMC EN 300 386, 2001 Class B; FCC Part 15, Class B
Environmental CE; NEBS Level 3

Mechanical Data M830B M830D

43.4 × 86 × 208 (mm) 86.2 × 87 × 208 (mm) NetSure™ Control Unit User Interface
Dimensions (H × W × D)
1.65 × 3.41 × 8.33 (inches) 3.41 × 3.42 × 8.33 (inches)
Standard Installation Methods Hot pluggable in stand-alone or embedded power plants
Weight < 1 kg / 2.2 lbs.

Inputs / Outputs M830B M830D

Display 128 × 160 Pixels TFT LCD 320 × 240 Pixels TFT LCD
Communication RS232, RS485, Ethernet, USB
Protocol IPv4, IPv6, HTTPS, SNMP V 2/ V 3, EEM, SocTpe, Rsoc, Mod Bus
2 battery currents, 1 load current, 1 bus voltage, 2 battery voltages, 3
Analog Inputs temperatures, 1 fuel level sensor and much more with additional interface
Web Interface Home Page
1 input for status of surge protective device auxiliary contacts, 12 load
Digital Inputs
fuses, 6 battery fuses, bi-stable contactor status
Outputs 3 LVD mono & bistable contactors

Ordering Information

Model Model Number Description

M830B 1M830BAXX NCU3.0+ controller, 1 × 2 RU
M830D 1M830DAXX NCU3.0+ controller, 2 × 2 RU

Optional Interface Board

EIB 5 relay outputs, 8 DC voltages, 3 DC currents, 2 temperatures
IB1 4 relay outputs, 4 digital inputs
IB2 8 relay outputs, 8 digital inputs, 2 temperatures
IB4 1 additional Ethernet port

Supervision Modules
SMDU 4 shunts, 1 voltage input, 20 fuse alarms, and 2 LVD controls
SMDU+ 25 shunts, and 25 fuse alarms
SMTEMP Temperature concentrator with up to 8 temperature sensors
SMDUH 20 Hall effect sensors to measure DC distribution load current from 0 A to 100 A

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Vertiv-Hybrid Off-Grid Solar Solution for Telecom-BR  (R01/01072020)

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