Cash Flow Statement

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Cash Flow Statement | Cash Flow Statement Format

on  March 17, 2019

Cash flow Statement

          Cash flow Statement is a statement which shows inflows (receipts) and

outflows(payments) of cash and cash equivalents in an enterprise during a specified period of
time. Cash flow statement report should include operating activities, investing activities and
financing activities. Cash flow statement is prepared so that the cash  movement can been
discovered and can give still more detailed report of financial position of the company or
organization. The limitations of fund flow statement also lead to the giving rise to cash flow

Cash Flow Analysis

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended …………………….

Particulars Amount Amount

Cash flow from Operating Activities
         P&L A/c Closing Balance XXX
     ± Non operating (Non Fund items) XXX
    (-) P&L A/c Opening Balance XXX
         C.F.F .O.A before Working Capital XXX
          Adjustment of Working Capital
               + Decrease in Current Liabilities XXX
               + Increase in Current Liabilities XXX
               -Increase in Current Assets (XXX)
               -Decrease in Current Liabilities (XXX)
                              C.F.F.O.A before tax XXX
                (-)Tax paid (XXX)
                               Net C.F.F.O.A XXX

C F F in Investment Activities (Fixed Assets & Investments)

               Sale of Fixed Asset XXX
               Sale of Investment XXX
               Purchase of Fixed Asset (XXX)
               Purchase of Investment (XXX)
               Dividend Received XXX
               Interest Received XXX
                                Net C.F.F.I.A XXX

C F F Financing Activities(Shares, Debentures, Loans)

               Issue of shares and debentures XXX
               Borrowing of loan XXX
               Redemption of debentures and shares (XXX)
               Repayment of loan (XXX)
               Dividend Paid (XXX)
               Interest Paid (XXX)
                               Net Cash flow from financing activities XXX
Increase/Decrease in Cash/Cash Equivalents XXX
(+) Cash/ Cash Equivalents @ tax beginning XXX
                                            Cash / Cash Equivalents at the end XXX


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