Solar Photovoltaic Cells Industry Wastew
Solar Photovoltaic Cells Industry Wastew
Solar Photovoltaic Cells Industry Wastew
To cite this article: Nadjib Drouiche , Fadila Djouadi-Belkada , Tarik Ouslimane , Aissa Kefaifi , Jihane Fathi &
Emina Ahmetovic (2013): Photovoltaic solar cells industry wastewater treatment, Desalination and Water Treatment,
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Desalination and Water Treatment (2013) 1–9
doi: 10.1080/19443994.2012.763217
Nowadays, in the photovoltaic (PV) industry there still remains a huge potential to be exploited,
where markets are dominated by crystalline silicon PV-based cells. However, in the future it is
expected that thin films PV will have a larger market share. Until recently, the prevailing tech-
nology based on mono-crystalline silicon has been gradually exceeded by poly-silicon technol-
ogy due to its lower production cost. In PV industry, solar-graded silicon is the main material
used in manufacturing process. In this industry, manufacturing and production processes
require large amounts of water that result in important discharged industrial effluents contain-
ing different pollutants such as hydrogen fluorides, suspended solids, mixed acids, SiO2, and
high oxide particles. Among discharged pollutants, the hydrofluoric acid is significantly used in
photovoltaic’s (PV) manufacturing for both quartz cleaning and wafer etching. In fact, wastewa-
ters from PV industries have high concentrations of fluoride, typically in a range of 500–
2,000 mg/L. They are considered highly toxic and need to be strictly monitored and regulated.
Three production phases that generate the highest flow of wastewaters are texturing (multi-
crystalline silicon wafers need a mixture of HF/HNO3 dilution and also a hot caustic solution
with IPA used for the multi-crystalline wafers mixture), etching, and formation of PV cells.
Phosphorus diffusion leads to formation of phosphorus silicate layer that needs to be eliminated
by means of hydrofluoric acid (HF) application. Classification of effluents from a point of
source, concentration, chemical, or composition feature is compared. Wastewater treatment
optimization is often conducted and we discussed major treatment methods in solar cells manu-
facturing: treatment of HF discharges, neutralization, and collection of isopropanol discharges.
The article discusses design of wastewater treatment system that is operational in practice.
Keywords: Solar cell; Silicon wafers; Treatment of hydrofluoric acid; Isopropanol discharges;
Neutralization; Sedimentation; Filtration
of electricity produced from solar cells is continuously most performed solar panels are manufactured from the
increasing, environmental concerns are unavoidable in larger crystals that also may contain a fewer defects [3].
the choice of industrial products [1]. Using various saws, ingots produced are cut into
Solar cells are manufactured in a complex process bricks and then into wafers. The wafers are attacked
that requires enormous know-how. The objective is to by an acid or base to reduce their reflectivity.
produce panels with high level of efficiency at low In the diffusion furnace, phosphorous atoms are
cost. To achieve this, different production processes added to the surface of the cells creating an electric
are used with a fundamental distinction between field where electrons will be collected. A nitride
solar cells on the basis of silicon wafers and thin-film deposit then allows to the reflectivity to be improved
cells. The latter technology, known as the second-gen- further. Contacts are deposed by screen printing that
eration PV cells relies on special process to apply the allows to the electric charges to be collected. Cells are
photovoltaic layer onto a carrier medium. Photovol- then annealed to eliminate solvents and ensure the
taic cells manufacturers of solar cells are constantly mechanical strength.
developing and improving production processes. Finally, a laser is used to isolate the junction. The
Regardless of technology used, large quantities of finished cells are then assembled into modules that
water are required and this eventually results with are characterized and tested under real sunlight.
polluted wastewaters. Water is becoming increasingly
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valuable as a raw material necessitating efficient 2.2. Types of effluents generated: characteristic and
water management of this resource. The wastewater classification
from the production process must be treated in a
way to recycle as much water as possible. The treated Photovoltaic cells production generates different
wastewater must comply with discharge parameters types of effluents from successive processes steps:
in order to prevent pollutants going into environ-
ment. For this reason, optimization of the production • Crystalline growth (elaboration of multi-crystalline
process and the wastewater treatment are often silicon wafers)
necessary [2]. • Silicon wafers sawing
Environmental and economic impacts associated • Texturing
with the photovoltaic systems are mainly due to • Phosphorous doping
hydrofluoric acid (HF) effluents generated during the • Etching
various steps of fabrication. • Metallization
This article provides an overview for the typical
wastewater techniques for silicon solar cell manufac- Some processes steps generate low volumes of
turing. The main steps of the process are described effluents, while others produce significant volumes of
as well as types of waste generated during produc- rinsing water and concentrated acids that must be
tion. Methods of the treatment of HF streams are treated. The process steps that generate the most
presented. In addition, few options for the water significant flux and concentration of wastewater are
reclamation and reuse are discussed and guidelines the following (Fig. 1):
for the design of wastewater treatment systems are
given. • Texturing
• Phosphorous doping
• Photovoltaic cell formation
2. Production process
Typical characteristics of wastewater resulting
2.1. Description
from photovoltaic solar cells wastewater plant are
Solar cells are produced from solar grade silicon summarized in Table 1.
(SOG). Silicon is manufactured by a silica reduction
process in an arc furnace. Metallurgical quality silicon
2.2.1. Texturing
is obtained in this way, containing around 1% impuri-
ties. The silicon then solidifies ejecting metallic Depending on the type of silicon wafers, several
impurities. After that, it is purified using a plasma methods are used for the sawing defects elimination
torch to remove any boron. (texturing process):
The crystallization of the silicon is performed by
extracting heat through the base of the container that • The multi-crystalline silicon wafers need a mixture
allows to the crystals to grow in a controlled way. The of hydrofluoric and nitric acids diluted (HF/HNO3).
N. Drouiche et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 3
InWaCleaner Si 011 20.0 l/h level is relatively low compared to the first three
CT-BW 480 l/h processes. The other production process steps usually
SiO2 2.9 g/l generate little or no wastewater [6].
HF: hydrofluoric acid; HNO3: nitric acid; HCl: hydrochloric acid;
NaOH: sodium hydroxide; NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite; Si: sili- 2.2.4. Effluent characteristics
con; SiC: silicon carbide; PEG: polyethylene glycol; HF-D: HF Wastewater from photovoltaic wafers production
diluted; HF-C: HF concentrated; AWC: acid wastewater concen-
industry contains HF, mixed acid etchant, suspended
trated; CAW: caustic wastewater; CW-D: caustic wastewater
solid (SS), turbidity, SiO2, and high oxide particle. The
diluted; IWW: industrial wastewater.
pH of wastewater is between 2 and 4.
This so called buffer edge solution is needed to
eliminate defects in the crystal structure caused by 2.2.5. Effluent classification
the manufacturing process of the wafers (on the Different types of wastewaters are generated dur-
surface of each wafer). During the process, chemical ing the production of photovoltaic solar cells which
baths are doped in order to maintain the quality of are made from crystalline silicon. Distinction can be
the etching solution constant [1–5]. Nevertheless, the made according to their source (bathing, cleaning),
bath should be completely changed at regular inter- concentration (diluted, concentrated), the chemical
vals, depending on consumption. This requirement (acids, bases), or according to their compositions (con-
leads to a steady flow of HF/HNO3 solutions at a taining fluoride, not containing fluoride) [7,8].
high concentration, which in turn require further In practice, different types of wastewaters are
treatment. classified according to chemical concentration and
• For mono-crystalline silicon wafers, the process is composition. Wastewaters from the production of
usually performed using a mixture of hot caustic photovoltaic cells are generally classified into two
solution with IPA. groups of wastewater:
• As for poly-crystalline silicon wafers, the baths
used in this process must be completely changed at • Rinsing effluent: the rinsing water, which has much
regular intervals and for the same reasons. lower concentrations of chemicals, is treated in situ
in wastewater treatment system.
Concentrated flows of isopropanol (IPA) are • Concentrated acids effluents: strong acids are
problematic, primarily due to their high temperature, generally collected for external discharge.
so they need to be cooled before they are collected for
the final discharge. From the perspective of the composition, the level
of fluoride content is one of the most important
parameters to be considered because of its relatively
2.2.2. Phosphorous doping
strict discharge concentration limit.
During the doping process, phosphorus is used to Fig. 1 shows the process steps and types of
diffuse into the substrate doped with boron in order wastewater streams generated during the production of
4 N. Drouiche et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
Fig. 1. Breaking down production process of solar modules with pricing information for various components.
a) BHF/HNO3 conc.
HF/HNO3 rinse
HF conc.
Caustic and acid
Downloaded by [Nadjib Drouiche] at 14:51 08 March 2013
HF rinse
c)PSG etching
Filter cake to
external diposal
Pre clarification /
Sludge collection
inclined plate clarifer
Filter press tank
4. Collection of isopropanol alcohol (IPA) Cutting fluids are viscous slurry consisting of solid
In the case of solar silicon single crystal production, silicon carbide and fluid glycol. Silicon carbide is used
waste stream containing IPA is separated and collected as a sawing agent in the sawing process of wafers; it is
in containers to be transported to landfill. As described applied to the wire saw in order to provide the
above, other waste streams can be processed in a necessary specific hardness to saw wafers. The glycol
common processing system. acts as substrate as well as a coolant for the silicon
carbide [18].
The effluent of cutting fluids called silicon kerf is
formed as slurry along with the cutting fluid (usually
5. Discharges generated by silicon wafers cutting
polyethylene glycol) and other impurities, mainly
Silicon wafers are cut with the wire saw in order from the broken particles of the SiC abrasive and iron
to obtain wafers of 200 microns thickness. The cutting from the wire. It has a non-negligible environmental
fluids are called “slurry.” This is a mixture of organic and economic impact associated with the manufactur-
solvent and abrasive form of micro beads of silicon ing process of PV systems. During the cutting process,
carbide (SiC). When sawing, it takes care of the silicon they carry silicon and iron particles respectively from
particles and iron (from steel cable) [15–17]. the base material and sawing wire. Disposal of such
Downloaded by [Nadjib Drouiche] at 14:51 08 March 2013
Chemicals water
Concentrated acids
Collection External treatment
(e.g.HF, HNO3)
waste is subject to specific regulations regarding dis- 7. Opportunities for reuse of rinsing water
posal of hazardous waste, which depends on special The rinsing water of the etching process which was
industrial waste plans [19]. These types of wastes not contaminated with nitric acid (HNO3) is collected
must not be leaved or burned in open air. Because of separately in a receiving tank. Therefore a separate line
their highly polluting nature, it is recommended to is required to manage and to recycle only the rinsing
collect, concentrate, and regenerate them [20]. water. In a first step, this rinsing water is filtered to
Separation of the solvent and particles is possible prevent damage to the reverse osmosis membrane by
at about 80% and the rate of reuse can exceed 80% broken particles of silicon wafers or others. The pH
[20]. Regeneration of cutting fluids via simple and value of the filtered water is adjusted before the
cheap processes should allow the reuse of used fluid changeover to the reverse osmosis unit, where fluoride
through recovery of its lubricating characteristics. It salts dissolved in the concentrate are retained [22].
allows reduction of the virgin fluid consumption This concentrate will need additional treatment to
while preserving the environment [18]. precipitate fluorides to meet specific requirements. The
permeate from reverse osmosis could be recovered
and used for many purposes, such as water supply for
6. Wastewater treatment plant design scrubbers and cooling towers [1,22].
Downloaded by [Nadjib Drouiche] at 14:51 08 March 2013
conditions are important for stable functioning. For major concern. It is used extensively in PV manufac-
this reason, concentrates (discontinuously discharged turing for wafer etching and quartz cleaning opera-
or rejected treatment baths) are collected separately tions. Fluoride concentrations of 500–2,000 mg/L are
and then dosed. The pretreated inorganic wastewater found in typical wastewater of local PV industry.
is then evaporated. All organically contaminated Fluoride contamination in certain aquatic systems
wastewater is subjected to anaerobic biological worldwide has caused health concern. Due to its high
treatment. The cleaned wastewater is treated by toxicity, industrial wastewater containing fluoride is
membrane technology in order to be used in the strictly regulated.
cooling tower [2]. Contamination can be safely and efficiently
removed from wastewater using conventional
precipitation/neutralization processes or by especially
9. Conclusion
engineered polymers and membrane technologies to
Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion is increasingly comply with the strictest standards. Using the new
regarded as a technology which may contribute to the treatment technology, photovoltaic cell industries can
world energy supply in a way that is compatible with reduce operating costs, reprocess the water to allow
the concept of sustainable development. However, to either recycling within the same processes or reuse it
ensure that PV energy can indeed fulfill this in another process in the facility, comply with expand-
expectation, a careful consideration of potential ing environmental regulation and improve relations
environmental risks of PV energy conversion is neces- within the local community.
sary. PV manufacturing process, which requires
extremely high precision, generates both conventional
and hazardous wastes. References
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