Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Tugas Bahasa Inggris
3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis tentang jenis jenis tempat umum dalam
bahasa inggris.
3.2.2 Mengenal fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
interpersonal lisan dan tulis tentang fungsi fungsi tempat umum melalui
bantuan gambar.
3.2.3 Merespon dan mentranslate kata kata public place dari bahasa indonesia ke
dalam bahasa inggris dalam bentuk permainan.
4.2.1 Melakukan percakapan tentang fungsi tempat umum secara berpasangan.
4.2.2 Menghafal beberapa tempat umum di sertai terjemahannya
4.2.3 Memberikan komentar dan gambaran tentang tempat tempat umum sesuai
dengan gambar.
4.2.4 Melengkapi percakapan pendek yang berisi tentang tempat umum.
Practice 2
1. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the fungction is . . . .
2. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the fungction is . . . .
3. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the fungction is . . . .
4. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the function is . . . .
5. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the function is . . . .
6. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the function is . . . .
7. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the function is . . . .
8. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the function is . . . .
9. A : What is that?
B : That is a . . .
A : What is the function that place?
B : the function is . . . .
Practice 4
No Questions Answers
1. A place a doctor and nurse work . .. a. Stadion
2. A place to save money . .. b. Hospital
3. A place to go to study everyday . .. c. Airport
4. A place the people play football and jogging . .. d. Post office
5. A place to go to picnic and swimming . .. e. Market
6. A place to see animals . .. f. Zoo
7. A place for planes to land and to take-off . .. g. Bank
8. A place to send a letter . .. h. School
9. A place a childreen to walk, play and relasx . .. i. Park
Practice 5
10. A place to buy something and vegetables. . .. j. Beach
Mr.Hasan is postman
He work in the post office
He send and deliver a letter
Practice 6
Resepsionist Postman
Teacher Doctor
Port is a facility at the end of the ocean, river, or lake for receiving ships and
transferring cargo and passengers into it. Ports usually have tools specifically
designed to load and unload cargo ships docked. Cranes and refrigerated
warehouses are also provided by the manager as well as private parties
concerned. Are often built adjacent supporting facilities such as canning and
processing of goods. Government Regulation 69 of 2001 regulates the harbor
airports airport is a facility where aircraft can take off and land. The simplest
airport has a runway minimal but large airports typically include various other
facilities, both for operators and flight services for its users.
Teacher read a conversation in the text how to ask and give information of
plubic places and students listen carefully
Father : Right. The bank and the post office are next to each
The students analysis the public places, the preposition and classifiers of
Fill the following below based on the picture about the public places.
the students fill the question below by telling the location of public holiday
from the picture.
Practice 10