Submit Any Five Questions As Assignment 5. Submission Date Is 16 November 2019

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Problem Set 4: Fluid Mechanics (CE 203)

Submit any five questions as assignment 5. Submission date is 16th November 2019
Q1. What is a velocity potential function? Consider the two dimensional incompressible velocity
potential   xy  x 2  y 2 . Show that  2  0 and explain its meaning. Find the stream function
 ( x, y ) of this flow. Find the equation of the streamline that passes through (x, y) = (2, 1).

Q2. A simple flow model for a two dimensional converging nozzle is given by

 x
u  U 0 1  
 L 

v  U 0

(a) Show that a velocity potential function exists?

(b) Sketch the potential which passes through the point L 2 , L 2 . 
Q3. For a steady velocity distribution V  3x iˆ  0 ˆj  Cy kˆ , find the value of C for an irrotational
Q4. A two dimensional flow field for a non-viscous , incompressible fluid is described by the
velocity components
u  U0  2y

where U 0 is a constant. If the pressure at the origin is p0 , determine the expression for pressure at
(a) point A, and (b) point B. Assume the units are consistent and body forces are neglected.
Q5. The stream function for a two dimensional non viscous, incompressible flow field is given by
the expression
  2( x  y )

where the stream function has the units of ft2/s with x and y in feet.
(a) Is the flow irrotational? If so, determine the corresponding velocity potential.
(b) Determine the pressure gradient in the x direction at the point (2, 2).
Q6. The following data relate to an orificemeter:
(c) Diameter of the pipe= 240 mm
(d) Diameter of the orifice= 120 mm
(e) Sp. Gravity of oil= 0.88
(f) Reading of differential manometer= 400 mm of mercury
(g) Coefficient of discharge of the meter= 0.65
(h) Determine the rate of flow
Q7. Water flows at the rate of 0.015 m3/s through a 100 mm diameter orifice used in a 200 mm
pipe. What is the difference of pressure head between the upstream section, and the vena
contracta section? Take co-efficient of contraction Cc=0.60 and Cv= 1.0
Q8. (a) Derive an expression for the volumetric flow rate of a fluid flowing through an
orificemeter. Write down the advantage and disadvantages of using orificemeter over a
(b) Water is flowing through a pipeline of 50 cm inner diameter at 30 degree Celsius. An orifice
is placed in the pipeline to measure the flow rate. Orifice diameter is 20 cm. If the manometer
reads 30 cm of Hg, calculate the water flow rate and velocity of fluid through the pipe.
Q9. .An orifice meter with orifice diameter 10 cm is inserted in a pipe of 20 cm diameter. The
pressure gauges fitted upstream and downstream of the orifice meter gives readings of 19.62
N/cm2 and 9.81 N/cm2 respectively. Co-efficient of discharge for the meter is given as 0.6. Find
the discharge of water through pipe.
Q10.An orifice meter with orifice dia. 15cm is inserted in a pipe of dia. 30 cm. The pressure
difference measured by mercury oil differential manometer on the two sides of the orifice meter
gives a reading 50cm of mercury. Find the rate of flow of oil of specific gravity 0.9 when
coefficient of discharge of the meter is 0.64.
Q11.A venturimeter is fitted in a pipe of 30 cm diameter inclined at 40° to the horizontal to
measure the flow rate of petrol having a specific gravity of 0.8. The ratio of areas of main pipe and
throat is 5 and the throat is at 1 m from the inlet along its length. The difference in manometer
head is 40 mm of mercury. Assuming the coefficient of discharge as 0.96. Calculate the discharge
through the venturimeter and the pressure difference between the throat and the entry point of the
Q12. A venturimeter is used to measure liquid flow rate of 7500 litres per minute. The difference
in pressure across the venturimeter is equivalent to 8 m of the flowing liquid. The pipe diameter is
19 cm. Calculate the throat diameter of the venturimeter. Assume the coefficient of discharge for
the venturimeter as 0.96.
Q13. Determine the height of a rectangular weir of length 6m to be built across a rectangular
channel. The maximum depth of water on the upstream side of the weir is 1.8m and discharge is
2000 liters/sec. Take Cd=0.6 and neglect end contractions.
Q14.Derive the expression for the discharge over a triangular weir.
Q15. Water flows over a rectangular weir 1m wide at a depth of 150 mm and afterwards passes
through a right angled triangular weir. Cd for rectangular and triangular weirs are given as 0.62
and 0.59 respectively. Find the depth over the triangular weir.
Q16.A submerged sharp crested weir 0.81m high stands clear across a channel having vertical
sides and width of 3.15 m. The depth of water in the channel of approach is 1.26 m and 10.5 m
downstream from the weir the depth of water is 0.93m. Determine the discharge in liters per
minute. Coefficients of discharge for free and drowned portions are 0.58 and 0.80 respectively.

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