Test KD 3.1 (CHAPTER 1)

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Bidang studi : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester :7/1
Materi : Greeting, leave taking, thanking, apologizing
Tahun Pelajaran : 2021/2022

A. Choose the best answer by crossing a,b,c or d

The dialog 1 is for question number 1 to 3

Mr. Robby : Good morning, Tania.

Tania : (1) ..., Mr. Robby.
Mr. Robby : How are you?
Tania : Very well, thank you. And (2) ....Sir?
Mr. Robby : Fine, thank you. Did you have a good night's (3) ... last night?
Tania : Yes, Sir. Thank you.

1. Answer..
a. Good night b.Good morning c.Good afternoon d.God evening
2. Answer...
a. how's everything b. how are you c. how's life d. how are things
3. Answer..
a. Rest b. resent c. Rents d. rescue

The dialog 2 is for question number 4 to 5

Datin : Hi, Viky.

Viky : Hello, Datin. How's everything?
Datin : (4) ..., thanks, and how about you?
Viky : Good, thanks. How was yourweekend, Datin?
Datin : It was great. I went to Yogya.What about you?
Viky : Not too bad. I just (5) ... at home,we had a family gathering.

4. Answer..
a. Fine b. That's fine c. It's fine d. Just fine
5. Answer..
a. stay b. staying c. stayed d. Stead

6. Sigit : I have to go now. Nice to meet you.

Adi :.... Sigit.
a. Bye b. Nice to meet you, too
b. How do you do? c. Pleased to meet you
7. Nicky : I'm going to sleep now.
Reza : Okay. .....
a. Goodnight b. Goodbye c.Bye d. Good evening
8. Rian : I'm sorry, I broke your ruler.
Angga : ....
a. Thank you . c. Please excuse me
b. Never mind d. You are welcome
9. Deka : I apologize for my mistake.
Ami :....
a. Thank you c. It doesn't matter
b. My pleasure d. You are welcome
10. Riri : Mom, I'm sorry, I forgot to buy 1 kg of sugar as you requested.
Mother : What? How could you forget? Oh, Okay ....
a. you're welcome c. my pleasure
b. thank you d. never mind
11. Donny : How are you doing, Donna?
Donna :..., thank you. .
a. That's okay c. I'm very well
b. That's alright d. How do you do
12. Clerk : Excuse me, Sir. This is not a smoking area.
Guest : Oh, ... I don't see the sign.
a. how sorry c. I am sorry
b. it's a pity d. I accept your apologize ,
13. Gilang :Thank you very much for your help.
Terry : ....
a. No, I didn't. c. It will be my pleasure.
b. Don't mention it. d. Never mind.
14. Netta : Happy birthday, Serly. This is present for you.
Serly :................
a. Oh, thank you! c. Oh, yes!
b. How kind of you to stay that! d. Is this for me?
15. Tina :... for lending me the books.
Sita : You are welcome.
a. That's good idea. c. Thank you very much.
b. No, I'd be glad to. d. I'm afraid I can't.
16. You meet your friend’s mother, Mrs. Heru, in the afternoon. You greet her .....
a. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Heru.” c. “Good night, Mrs. Heru.”
b. “Good evening, Mrs. Heru.” d. “Goodbye, Mrs. Heru.”
17. You want to go bed. You say to your mother .....
a. “Good afternoon, mom.” c. “Good evening, mom.”
b. “Good morning, mom.” d. “Good night, mom.”
18. Hendrik : Salma, may I borrow your friend?
Salma : Sure, you can.
Hendrik : ..... , Salma.
Salma : Any time.
a. You are welcome c. Thanks a lot
b. Don’t mention it d. It’s fine
19. Tiara : Hey, you are stepping on my foot.
Donna : ..... .
a. Oh, I don’t know c. Well, let me see
b. Oh, I am so sorry d. You are right

20. You want to go home. You tell your friends ..... .

a. “Good morning, friends.” c. “Good night, friends.”
b. “Good afternoon, friends.” d. “Goodbye, friends.”

B.Arrange the bold words in the dialog below with the correct answer

Student : I'm sorry, Ma'am. I(1) kerob the beaker.
Teacher :(2)thigral tshat. Next time be careful.
Student : I will, Ma'am. I(3)semipro about my mistake.

Dialog 2
Andi :I'm sorry, Sir. I'm late to come to the class.
Teacher :It's OK this time. Please (4)metinobe in the future.
Student : Yes, I(5)liwl, Sir.

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