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EACT536 - Industrial Automation and Robotics - CoursePlan

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Ethiopian Technical University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Technology

Course syllabus
1. Instructor Information
Name Dr. Saravanakumar Gurusamy
Office Location Block #9, Room #110
Phone Number 0987204395
E-mail [email protected]
Office Hours 8.30 AM to 5.00PM
2. Course Information
Course Name Industrial automation and Robotics
Course Code EACT536
Credit hours 2-1-3
Prerequisite EACT 531
3. Course Description
Course objectives
After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Select & identify suitable automation hardware for the given application.
• Understand the elements of an industrial robot, mechanisms, sensors, actuators and end
• Program robotic manipulators
• Acquaintance with artificial intelligence applications in robotics
• Introduce industrial control circuits and applications of PLCs in modern industrial control
• Demonstrate self-learning capability.
Automation principles and strategies, Modeling Automated Manufacturing Systems, Introduction
to industrial robots, Drive systems and Sensors, Kinematics and Dynamics of Robots, Robot
control, Programming and Applications.
4. Method of Instruction
Class lectures 2 fifty minutes lecture hours every week
• Active learning (involves the full participation of
• Conducting the lecture using deductive and inductive
methods according to the nature of the topic provided.
• Use multi-media, animated models, written materials and
physical objects
In-class Tutorial (Evaluation) 3 fifty minutes tutorial hours every alternative 3week
• Student shall perform the given assignments, solve
assigned problems in the class, prepares plans for
laboratory works.
• Discuss on problems associated with given course,
raise questions that are unclear in the lecture time and
while reading the materials related to the course,
answer questions correctly.
Study of lecture notes, related  This is fully the responsibility of the student
materials with the course and
reference books, observing and
analyzing industrial automation
and robotics and their nature
outside the class
Demonstrations Demonstrating industrial automation techniques of various
types, Modeling Automated Manufacturing Systems, Drive
systems and Sensors, Robot Control, Programming as well
as Applications of industrial robots
Lab assignments 3fifty minutes laboratory hours two consecutive weeks
The student must prepare the Modeling Automated
Manufacturing Systems using appropriate engineering software,
Robot control programming for certain industrial application
Provide automation and robot control elements of various types
and materials as well as computer with engineering software for
modeling, programming, test quality of automation and robot
• Clear the work area after each laboratory work
• Discus and conclude the results obtained on modeling
Manufacturing Systems and Robot Control Programming
and Report the results.
Group Assignment • The student shall include him/her self in a group, which
comprises 2 members organized by the lab assistance or
instructor to perform the assigned assignment and job
• Participate in the group work equally and share the
responsibility equally.
Individual assignment  The student shall perform the given assignment as per the
schedule individually
5. Learning Outcomes
After the completion of this course the student will be able to:
5.1 Knowledge
5.1.1 Analyze automation principles and strategies problems

5.1.2 Understand processing in manufacturing industry, production concepts and automation

5.1.3 Analyze fixed automation and automated flow lines of manufacturing industry
5.1.4 Analyze role of performance modeling of manufacturing industry
5.1.5 Analyze classification of robots, present status and future trends of industrial robots
5.1.6 Analyze drive systems and sensors of industrial robots
5.1.7 Analyze kinematics and dynamics of Robots
5.1.8 Analyze the applications of industrial robot
5.2 Intellectual and practical skills
5.2.1 Performing Simulation Models, and Analytical Models using modeling tools.
5.2.2 Identify Basic components of industrial robotic system
5.2.3 Identify drive system and sensor defects and provide solutions of automation and robotics
5.2.4 Practicing Kinematics and Dynamics of Robots with simulation
5.2.5 Programming robot control for certain application
5.3 Attitude and behavior
5.3.1 Appreciate the role of modeling of automation manufacturing system
5.3.2 Value the Robot Control, Programming and Applications

6. Course Outline
Learnin Assignments/
Wee g activity
Chapter Topics to be covered (Lecture hours)
k Outcom (Tutorial
es hours)
Definition, basic elements of advanced
functions, Information processing in
Chapter:1 manufacturing industry, Production concepts Discussion in
and automation strategies. Fixed Automation: the class,
Automation Automated flow lines, methods of work part Lecture,
principles and transport, transfer mechanism – continuous discussion,
strategies 1,2, transfer, intermittent transfer, Indexing 5.1.1 questions and
3 mechanism, Operator-Paced free transfer answers
machine, buffer storage, control functions, and 5.1.2
automation for machining operations, design
and fabrication considerations. 5.1.3
Analysis of Automated Flow Lines: General
terminology and analysis, analysis of transfer
tines without storage, partial automation,
automated flow lines with storage buffers.
Chapter:2 Discussion
Role of performance modeling, performance and
Modeling 4,5 measures, performance modeling tools: 5.1.4 Demonstratio
Automated Simulation models, analytical models. n in the
Manufacturin 5.2.1 class,
g Systems Lecture,
5.3.1 laboratory
questions and

Chapter:3 6,7 History of robots, Classification of robots, Discussion

Present status and future trends. Basic and
Introduction to components of robotic system. Basic 5.1.5 Demonstration
industrial terminology- Accuracy, Repeatability in the class,
robots Resolution, Degree of freedom. Mechanisms and Lecture,
transmission, End effectors, Grippers- different discussion,
methods of gripping, Mechanical grippers-Slide 5.2.2 questions and
crank mechanism, answers
Screw type, Rotary actuators, Cam type gripper,
Magnetic grippers, Vacuum grippers Air ,
operated grippers; Specifications of robot.
8 Mid semester examination
Chapter: 4 Drive system- hydraulic, pneumatic and electric 5.1. Discussion in
systems, Sensors in robot – Touch sensors, 6 the class,
Drive systems 9,10 Tactile sensor, Proximity and range sensors, lecture,
and Sensors Robotic vision sensor, Force sensor, Light 5.2. demonstratio
sensors, Pressure sensors. 3 n, laboratory

Chapter: 5 2D, 3D Transformation, Scaling, Rotation,

Translation, Homogeneous coordinates,
Kinematics multiple transformation, Simple problems. 5.1. Discussion,
and Matrix representation, Forward and reverse 5 demonstration
Dynamics of kinematics of three degree of freedom, modeling with
Robots Homogeneous, transformations, Inverse 5.2. simulation
11,1 4
2 kinematics of robot, robot arm dynamics, D-H
representation of robots, Basics of trajectory
Chapter: 6 Robot controls-Point to point control, 5.1. Discussion
Continuous path control, Intelligent robot, 8 and
Robot Control system for robot joint, Control actions, demonstration
Control, Feedback devices, Encoder, Resolver, LVDT, 5.2. ;
Programming Motion Interpolations, Adaptive control. 5 programming
and 13,14, Introduction to Robotic Programming, On-line practice;
Applications 15 and off-line programming, programming 5.3. laboratory
examples. Robot applications, Material 2 activities
handling, Machine loading and unloading,
assembly, Inspection, Welding, Spray painting.
16 Final Examination period
7. Laboratory Activities
No Experiments Title
1 Modeling automation system design practice
2 Drive system and sensor element identification and testing practice
3 Robot programming practice
4 Exercise on robotic simulation software
5 Demonstration of robots with 2D and 3D
6 Assignments on programming the robot for applications
7 Program for pick and place activity
8 Identify drive system and sensor defects and provide solutions of automation and robotics
Case study (Two case studies of applications of robots in industry)
1 Robot application for welding.
2 Robot application for spray painting.
8. Required Text and Reference
Text Book 1. Ray Asfahl. C., “Robots and Manufacturing Automation”, John Wiley & Sons
2. Mikell P Groover, Nicholas G Odrey, Mitchel Weiss, Roger N Nagel, Ashish
Dutta, “Industrial Robotics, Technology programming and Applications",
McGraw Hill, 2012.
Books 1. Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB® - Peter
Corke, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Volume 73, 2011
2. Carl D. Crane and Joseph Duffy, "Kinematic Analysis of Robot manipulators",
Cambridge University press, 2008.
3. Mikell P.Grover, “Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated
Manufacturing”, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
4. C.RayAsfahl, “Robots and manufacturing Automation”, John Wiley and Sons
New York, 1992.
5. N.Viswanadham and Y.Narahari, “Performance Modeling of Automated
Manufacturing Systems”,Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd, 1992.
6. Stephen J. Derby, “Design of Automatic Machinery”, Special Indian Edition,
Marcel Decker, New York, Yesdee publishing Pvt. Ltd, Chennai, 2004.
Type Weight submitting date Behavior and Criteria
Mid semester Examination will be set to address learning
Exam outcomes 5.1.1, 5.1.2,
8th week of the
25% 5.1.3,5.1.4,5.1.5,5.2.1, and 5.2.2
Note: at least 95% the questions should be
Final semester Examination will be set to address learning
Exam outcomes
15th-16th week of the
40% 5.1.6, 5.1.7, 5.1.8,5.2.3, 5.2.4,5.3.1,5.3.2 Note :all
questions should be answered correctly

Individual Question(s) related to the designed course will be

Assignment prepared for each student to enable him/her
2 times in a
perform assignments individually and to evaluate
10% the achievement of the stated learning outcome or
(end of 4th week and
objective. All the questions of the assignments
12th week)
should be answered correctly.

Lab Practice Perform all the stated laboratory activities

Every 3 consecutive completely and report the results in a written and
weeks formatted form on time.
Group Problems related to designed course will be
assignment 10% Up to the end of the performed. The student to will develop new
/Project sixteenth week of scientific approaches in solving problems, enable to
the semester organize Technological documents appropriately as
well as relevant document, scientific approach to
develop presentation skill. The project should be
provided in a written form with appropriate
formatted document and logical scientific analysis
and correct answers.
10. Academic Honesty
In all cases i.e. in performing assignments, laboratory works, project works and examinations, copying
from others and using others‟ work as own is considered to be cheating and cheating is forbidden by the
law of the academic principles and regulation of the institute. Failure to do so will lead to take
disciplinary action starting from canceling the results of the assignments; project works, laboratory
activities and examination up to the dismissal of the institute in consultation with the concerned body.
11. Submitting Date
All assignments, project works and laboratory reports should be submitted to the instructor or laboratory
assistance according to the timetable provided. All assignments, project works and laboratory results
will be invalid if they are not submitted on time and will be reported to the concerned body as miss
conduct of the student.
12. Classroom Behavior
Classroom discipline is primary for healthy teaching learning process. Therefore, it is the responsibility
of the class to avoid disturbing behaviors and activities that competes the attention of the class and the
instructor. Switching off the cell phone is vital in the class. Failure to do so will lead to take disciplinary
13. Approval (Affidavit)
Name Signature Date

Saravanakumar Gurusamy
Associate Professor

Section Head:
Department Head:

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