26 Foundations of Education

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MAEd Code: 26


Instructions: Analyze each item carefully and critically then, answer each question
comprehensively. Provide theoretical, philosophical and legal bases/underpinnings to support
your point/stand. Use blue book for your answers

1. Mention at least three educational philosophies that you commonly embrace in your teaching that
somehow have contributed in the total formation of our educational system in general, and to you as
a current classroom teacher, in particular. Along with the given philosophies, cite the significant
concepts, aims, methods, activities and classroom implications

 As a teacher, my teaching approach must be well-guided by the educational

philosophies to ensure the quality of education I give to my students. Actually, I influence
my teaching style with different educational philosophies depending on the needs of the
students, set goals and objectives, and assessment that I will use at the end of the lesson.
However, there are at least three educational philosophies I often refer to that make me
more effective and efficient teacher and these are Essentialism, Progressivism, and

First is the behaviorism. I use this philosophy for the reason that It is the most
traditional method of teaching. Somehow, I know that it brings a bad implication especially
in the modern days because of the word “traditional”. But I still use this because it embraces
the “back to basic” concept. As a teacher, I believe that all students must have sound
knowledge about the fundamentals before they move to a more complex lesson as they
reach different grade levels. However, this philosophy is limited because it only focuses in
reading, writing, and arithmetic or the 3R’s. It’s not comparable to the spiral curriculum that
we use nowadays. Also in here, less is more. Some disadvantages of this philosophy are the
ff.: the teacher is very strict and the only source of knowledge and learning is a one-way
process only.

Aside from essentialism, I also base my teaching style from the progressivist educational
philosophy because of the ff. reasons: Of course, it is a modern method of teaching wherein
“learning by doing” concept is being emphasized. This is an effective philosophy for me
especially when my lessons require the students to have hands-on experience for them to
really grasp the concept of the lesson.

And lastly, behaviorism. I refer to this philosophy because of its concept that a person
only responds to environmental stimulations. Also, behaviorists believe that it is very
important to provide a conducive learning environment for the children.
2. Philosophy, as considered to be the mother of the sciences, is a reflective study of human
experience and the result of the things and to obtain a unified and consistent world view.

2.1 Concomitant to the philosophical dimension hereto above stated, give your analytical
perspective and/or critical point of view in the context of your personal academic undertaking
experiences reflective of educational systems development.

 Philosophy brings light to the right path of each individual. It directs us to our desires by
influencing our minor and major decisions in life. In teaching, philosophy contributes to
the strong foundation of our educational system nowadays. In my career as a teacher, I
can confidently say that it helps me to become more competent and well-equipped
teacher because of various reasons. First, philosophy helps me become more
reasonable of my actions not just in my profession but also in my personal life. We have
to think thoroughly about our decisions and make sure that they are rational for our
actions to be good and beneficial for ourselves and for the other people. Secondly,
philosophy gives me important knowledge about the greatest things in life which are
product of the brilliant minds of great philosophers in the past and it allows me to think
about my thinking as a professional and as an individual. Lastly, philosophy helps me
become more creative in a way that I can ponder on the beliefs of different people
about life and this serves as my standard in thinking about the new ways I will perform
my roles and responsibilities as an effective teacher.

2.2 Guided by the same given philosophical concept, state your own philosophy in the context
of your personal life existence and your educational philosophy that you live within your daily
teaching endeavor and you would be philosophy as future educational manager.

 A great philosopher named Plato once said, “For a man to conquer himself is the first
and noblest of all victories”. This statement has been influencing my philosophical
concept about myself since I realized how to be a mature individual. Personally, I believe
that true victory comes from our self-actualization as a human being. In this life, we
must know our purpose by discovering who we really are and by knowing our strength
and weaknesses. As for my educational philosophy and philosophy as a future
educational manager, I believe to what the late U.S President J.F Kennedy once said,
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” I believe that leadership
comes from our passion to serve and this service that we give to other people give us
opportunity to learn and embody our philosophy in life every single day.
3. Our educational system at present is the product of amalgamation of academic metamorphosis
that has evolved in the passing of time subsequently in different periods sketched in our timeline
historical account.

3.1 Cite the Philippine historical timeline that has influenced our educational system at
present and trace the significant educational developments and progress that have been
through in each period/era.

 Pre-Spanish Period
o Education is very informal and learning just took place by observation, imitation,
trial-and-error, and intuition. In this period, teaching is unsystematic as there is
no need for curriculum engineering.
 Spanish Period
o The focus of education in this period were to teach Spanish as the target
language, religious orientation, emphasis on good manners and right conduct,
and the learners were introduced to 3R’s which are Reading, Writing,
Arithmetic. In here, the primary goal of education is to spread Christianity.
 American Regime
o The Americans believed that Filipinos have the potential to be well-educated
and therefore, established the public school system in the country. English was
used as the medium language and curriculum became the channel to
enculturate Filipinos about the American culture, government, and ways of life.
 Commonwealth Period
o Educational Act of 1940 was passed wherein secondary normal schools were
elevated to college level and gave emphasis on farming, trade, business, and
domestic science.
 Japanese Regime
o In this regime, education focused on teaching the students to become
extremely nationalistic. Revisions of the elementary and secondary curricula
were implemented to uphold the power of the Japanese people in our country.
 Philippine Republic (1946-1971)
o Focused to the idea that school is an effective instrument for social change that
led to the introduction of the revised Philippine Educational Program.
 New Society (1972-1986)
o Proposal of a New Curriculum called “The New Secondary Curriculum”
 Cory Government (1986-2000)
o PRODED or Program for Decentralized Education was launched in elementary
 Arroyo Government
o Focused on the implementation of BEC or Basic Education Curriculum.
 Aquino Government
o Passes the law that upgrades the Basic Education Curriculum or the K-12
3.2 Analyzing the present trends of our educational system, determine particular period that
has great contribution to our present educational system in the light of structure, curriculum
models, teaching-learning theories, academic qualifications, related programs and school set-

 Of course, all of the historical foundations of education greatly contributed to the

quality educational system we have now. But in terms of being influential, I believe that
the American Regime gave a long-lasting influence to us because the public school
system they introduced way back and the curriculum revisions they started are still
being used nowadays by modern day teachers.

4. The school is a system that comprises different subsystems of various structures concomitant to: (1)
psychological; (2) philosophical; (3) social; (4) historical; and (5) legal aspects/tenets of education
underpinned in the curriculum development.

4.1 Using systems approach to contextual analysis of the program, cite specific influences,
impacts, significant effects of the said 5 factors to institutional system operation. Provide
justifications to prove your points/premise

 Psychological – Operant Conditioning Theory by B.F Skinner.

o Teachers use the strategy of rewarding the good behavior and punishing the
bad and it has been around in our educational system because of its emphasis
of reinforcement to mold the student.
 Philosophical – Progressivism by John Dewey
o In the K-12 curriculum, teachers are now facilitators inside the classroom while
they let their students explore and discover the answer that will satisfy their
curiosity about the lesson.
 Social – Education Act of 1901
o Educational system in the Philippines is divided into three main
o categories: elementary, secondary, and tertiary as patterned to what the
Americans have introduced to us.
 Historical – Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or the K-12 Law
o This law became the latest curricular revision in the educational system in our
country that adds two more years to in secondary to make the students globally
 Legal Aspects - Section 1, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution
o This law provides that the state shall protect and promote of all citizens to
quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all. ...
5. Using the various foundations of education that you have previously taken in the graduate school
along with its dynamics and dimensions, what makes an educated man?

 An educated man is the one who has knowledge, skills, and values system who has the
sense of responsibility, diligence, respect, humility, leadership, self-actualization and the
most important of all, Faith in God.

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