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Libertad Street is the nearby place where some schools, cooperatives, apartments, church and

establishments are located. It is a popular rental neighbourhood for more than historical reasons.

This place was surrounded by businesses so there are a lot of visitors at all times of day.

The concept of natural products had been existing in places in Luzon. Basically, the purpose of

putting up this type of cafe is for people to have a place to rest, and to promote tasty and healthy

kind of foods since as what we observed in our surroundings, lots of businesses right now are

more focused on nice view and common dishes due to its popularity instead of giving an

appropriate kind of foods. As a matter of fact, there is a nature cafe established in the

Municipality of Lucban, where the hungry and tired travelers from Manila to Bicol region or

other parts of Quezon Province can stop and gobble. The situation in Dumaguete is different.

Yes, there are a lot of food resto but there is the absence of nutrition and ill-natured ambiance

which can lead people uncomfortable.

The taste of nature does not only limit itself to serving and providing healthy food for

individuals but as well as tourist for them to experience how great our locale is.

For the proposed business, it primarily will serve to all people. However, with

presence of students and professionals, the business is as well open to the idea of providing free

Wi-Fi who happened to have academic or work requirements to accomplish where they are free

to use our facility upstairs whenever they need.

It is clearly observed by the researchers that people in Dumaguete make use of

fast-food chains to study or did some paper works where it is not even conducive for learning

while consuming improper foods. However, they are not able to concentrate that much due to

fast food chain’s management, in one way or another, would require them to order more often

times since they are using their facility. Aside from that, they are eating too much carbs or fatty

foods that can cause abdominal weight. In addition to that, they can’t focus much since it’s too

crowded and humid.

The study is learning towards the establishment of Café Jungle: A taste of Nature

in Libertad Street, Dumaguete City Negros Oriental. This project is to be established in order to

provide healthy delicious foods and service to address the growing numbers of mankind in locale

who could be a good market for establishing the business.

Review of Related Literature

A Café Jungle is known as Pilipino menu. We are dedicated to nutritious, wholesome Pilipino

food at a reasonable cost. By using high quality ingredients, utilizing conscious preparation by

our employees, and eliminating animal products, we acknowledge the interconnectedness of our

environment, spiritual and physical selves. We present Jungle Café here at Libertad Dumaguete

community with love and gratitude and are delighted to nourish everyone with delicious meals

served in a welcoming environment.

We provide natural ingredients called honeyis a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey

bees and some related insects. Bee produces honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral

nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic

activity, and water evaporation. Bees store honey in wax structures called honey combs. The

variety of honey produced by honey bees is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial

production and human consumption.

Café Jungle provide a calamansi it is indigenous to the Philippines. The tree grows to about 25

feet tall at maturity. Its pulp has a distinctive flavor described as “a cross between lime and

orange. It is a common thing in some Filipino cuisines. It is used as a condiment in pansit canton

and arroz caldo. Chicken inasal and inihawnababoy are not complete without it. It’s a basic

sawsawan (Filipino dip)—combined with soy sauce or patis – for fish, lumpiang shanghai,

lumpiang singkamas or dumplings.

Majority of Filipinos are coffee drinkers. The growing number of coffee shops in almost every

corner of the metro has become the most evident indication that the coffee industry is a thriving

business. Whether it’s a form of social activity or simply a favorite pastime, drinking coffee has

become an inevitable trend. With the popularity of coffee as a beverage comes the cautious effort

to lessen the caffeine intake especially among health-conscious consumers. Hence, introducing

alternative drinks that will let people enjoy drinking coffee without worrying too much caffeine


“Corn coffee looks and tastes like your good ol’ caffeinated coffee, but it is healthier to drink.

Perhaps a distinction comes with the aroma since corn coffee comes from ground, roasted corn,”

explained Mr. Chito Rodriguez of the Institute of Plant Breeding-University of the Philippines

Los Baños (IPB-UPLB) in a seminar talk organized by the Bureau of Agricultural Research

(BAR).In the presentation titled, “Corn Coffee: Health and Economic Benefits,” Rodriguez

underscored the “dark side of caffeine” one common of which are panic attacks.“Caffeine intake
triggers the fight-or-flight mechanism in our bodies. When the fight attack mode wears off, panic

attack starts. We get nervous, jittery, sweaty, and shaky. Caffeine is also addictive so once we

get into the habit of getting our caffeine fix, our body begins to crave the boost that we get from

it. If we fail to get the dose of caffeine that our body has adapted to, we become irritable, tired,

and even depressed,” Rodriguez explained.Given the side effects of caffeine, he advised trying

coffee corn instead.

In another study in Concordia University in Canada, their research revealed that the

overwhelming majority of respondents come to library to use the quiet study space. Jungle Café

also provide free wifi connection. The most reason for having the dedicated area called Jungle

café is that it sharpens the mind and improves concentration. A separate study area is better than

using a bedroom, kitchen or living room since the student is much likely to be disturbed by other

people home. A dedicated study area will inevitably. United Kingdom homework webpage

explained that one way of helping students to developed study skills is to provide them with a

good study area. For students often choose an area that is not particularly conductive to effective


Ever since the early eighteenth century, social gathering places -the so-called third places -gained

importance in cities. Cafe shops are often prevalent in these spaces (Oldenburg, 1999;Trugman,

2016). These familiar coffee shops in certain urban neighborhoods are daily rituals and influence

the routines of people (Waxman, 2006). Customers frequent coffee shops for many more reasons

than just sating hunger or quenching thirst.

Café shops had become places where people would gather, speak freely and mingle with others

from their community, disregarding rank and social status (Sennet, 1974;Oldenburg,
1999;Pendergrast, 1999). These third places act as conductors in society, providing neutral

ground where one is easily able to connect with people as well as exchange news and ideas

(Waxman, 2006). Third places have been integral in facilitating communication while their

"significance has increased during specific historic periods, providing a petri dish for social

action, cultural shifts and political change" (Trugman, 2016: 1).

Another factor that influences humanbehavior regarding choice of third places (coffee shops,

wine bars, and craft beer boutiques) is place attachment. This involves the creation of positively

experienced bonds over time from the behavioral, affective and cognitive ties between

individuals and/or groups and their socio-physical environments (Brown & Perkins,

1992;Waxman, 2006). Waxman (2006) has even made a comprehensive assessment, from an

architect's point of view, of social spaces, especially cafe shops.

In the United States, Waxman (2006) explored the physical and social characteristics of coffee

shops that encourage people to patronize and become attached to these places. His study revealed

that coffeehouses serve as a 'third place' to regularly interact with other members of the

community. ...

His study revealed that coffeehouses serve as a 'third place' to regularly interact with other

members of the community. Waxman (2006) also found that the most important physical design

characteristics for customers were cleanliness, appealing aroma, adequate lighting, comfortable

furniture and view of the outside. Regarding the social characteristics of the coffee shops, the

attributes identified were: opportunity to linger; ownership and territoriality; trust, respect and

anonymity; productivity and personal growth; social beings and familiar strangers; and support.
Unlike Waxman (2006), Tumanan and Lansangan (2012) did not specifically identify the

attributes that attracted consumers to cafe houses in the Philippines. Instead, they examined

whether cultural, social physical and environmental dimensions were associated with Filipinos'

attachment to local café houses.

Only a few scholars have examined café houses' community-building function. Waxman (2006)

identified the physical and social factors that encouraged people to gather and develop a place

attachment to three café houses, in a mid-size city, in the southeastern United States. The top

physical characteristics for fostering a convivial environment based on a customer survey were

cleanliness, appealing aroma, adequate lighting, comfortable furniture, and a view outside. ...

In sum, all four café houses share a core attribute of a third place, namely they are easily

accessible to people residing within their immediate vicinity. Waxman's (2006) study of

coffeehouse patrons identified "comfortable furniture," "adequate lighting," and a "view to the

outside" as key design features affecting attachment to a particular establishment. All the

coffeehouses, except Hexagon, had windows overlooking a street that allowed natural light into

the space.

Other works have examined jungle cafe shops and their deep connection to our social life. Cafe

shops are social capital in that a good ce shop can provide a stronger sense of community for the

residents of a neighborhood. One can consider places such as coffee shops, plazas, market places

etc. as "the heart of a community's social vitality and the grassroots of democracy”.

The nature of the cafe shop as a place applies to cafe connoisseurs. The mind and body are

inherently related in the interpretation of physical experiences. Experience is created through the
interaction of people and places, relationships that can be used to promote peopleplace

relationships in cafe shops.

Jungle Café is the best place to study in which there is nothing else to do. In this environment

morestudents likely to study, and to retain information that they have studied. This does not

mean that the area has to be completely silent or set up as a study area, but it does mean that it is

important to find a place to study the suits the student’s personality and learning style.

Historical background of the Study

Initially, the researchers thought of putting a school or an apartelle. However, the idea has been

rejected since there are already a lot of existing businesses that are the same with what has been

proposed. Since Libertad Street doesn’t have any cafe in the area, the idea of putting up a café

has been thought of. According to the study, this community is one of the busiest in the town of

Dumaguete. Where lot of infrastructures are located in this place. Such as; schools, stores,

apartments, cooperatives, rentals and church. Consequently, the location of this business is the

perfect place to establish.

Name of the Project

The name of the business is Café Jungle. The name of the project is made up of four

syllables, making it easy to remember. Café jungle is a place where all customers can relax

through the jungle theme along with beautiful and relaxing music as if you are with all the

animals in the forest that you do not think of their ferociousness because it seems like you are in
a quiet forest felt. Providing tasty products made of natural sources and satisfying service. With

that making the business name very suggestive to its customers. According to Harvard research,

a business name should be easy to spell, say and remember. In other words, they need to linger at

the front of your customer’s brain, even when they’re not using your products or services.

A long with the business name is the tagline “A Taste of Nature”. The tagline suggests

that the business aside from providing service it also offers healthy products for the sake of

everyone’s health.


The business will be located in Libertad Street, corner Dr. Locsin Street near Police

Station, Dumaguete City Negros Oriental. This is the chosen location for two reasons. One, it is

very accessible and second, there is a presence of high customer traffic. The figure on the next

page will illustrate the exact location of the busines.

Fig.1 Map of Dumaguete City Negros Oriental

Dumaguete City
Fig.3 Location of the
Nature of the Business

The nature of its business is similar to having an experience of dining in the virgin forest

where adventure begins with your family or friends just to be one with nature. Other cafés

usually in offers drinks and snacks with simple table set up to the customers but, Café Jungle

primarily offer not just delicious food but also offers a native way of service where customers are

given opportunity to relax on a custom-made wooden furniture with their own electrical

connection for their gadgets to charge or use while studying or reading a book. Not only they

will have a relaxing moment, but they can also enjoy native and original delicacies and drinks for

convenience. Café Jungle only objective is to deliver good service with great ambiance and

serenity while enjoying the sound and beauty of the indoor waterfalls.

Mode of Financing

Our proposed business will be capitalized by Café Jungle itself. With that, the proponent

will be solely effectuating the business operations.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of a Feasibility study is to determine whether or not a certain plan of action is

likely to produce the anticipated result in urban area that is, whether or not it will work, and

whether or not it is worth doing economically.


Statement of the Problem

The feasibility study will help determine if the business will be feasible in the market

The following are considered to be the specific problems of the study:

1. Is the management aspect of the proposed project feasible?

2. Is the project feasible in the marketing aspects?

3. Is the proposed project feasible in the technical aspect?

4. How financially feasible is the proposed project?

5. Could the proposed project be socio-economically feasible?

Significance of the Study

The feasibility aims to provide the needed information as to how feasible the business is for the

proponent to know. However, the study is not only beneficial to the proponent but to other

individuals and institutions as listed below.

1. Dumaguete Local Government Unit – The business will be paying taxes and licenses to

the local government if the business will be realized.

2. The Respondents – The respondents will be benefited since they are the main prospect of

the business and are able to avail of the services of the business if everything will be

3. Business in Negros Oriental – The proposed business will be dealing with other

businesses in Negros Oriental to purchase supplies and other items. With that, other

businesses whom the proposed business will be dealing with will be able to earn profit.

4. The Researches – The researchers will be benefited for they are imparted the right

knowledge and ways on how to make a feasibility study.

Scope and Limitation

The purpose of this feasibility study is to determine that establishing a “Caf é Jungle”

Libertad Street, corner Dr. Locsin Street near Police Station, Dumaguete City Negros Oriental

will achieve its community goals and enhance the economy of the stated place. This research

study will be based on the five business aspects; The Management, Marketing, Technical, Socio-

economic, and Financial aspect.

The scope of the study covers the humanity of the said municipality, located in Libertad

Street, Dumaguete City Negros Oriental, which is the main target of this study. The researchers

limit to these respondents since they were nearer to the area and were expected to venerate this

style of business.

The research methodology will discuss the research environment, respondents, instruments and

the data gathering procedure. The sub topics of the research methodology mentioned above will

be thoroughly presented on the succeeding pages.

Research Environment

Dumaguete,officially the City of Dumaguete is a 3rd class component city and capital of

the province of Negros Oriental, Philippines. According to the 2015 census, it has a population

of 131,377 people. It is the capital and most populous city of the province of Negros Oriental.

One of its communities is located in Libertad Street which is surrounded with variety of


There are Three (3) Private Schools nearby. These includes ACSAT, Foundation

University (both College and High School), and STI College. Then, three (3) cooperatives;

PHCCI, DCCCO, and Cooperative Bank of Negros Oriental; and also have One (1) Sto. Niño

Church. Lastly, it was surrounded with Buildings for rental.

Research Respondents

The research respondents of the study are students of Foundation University, STI, and ACSAT,

Professionals working from various establishments and people living and renting in the area.

These are the chosen respondents since they are nearer to the location. There are 2,800 students
from Foundation University, 2,000 from STI and, 1,900 students from ACSAT. Overall total

with workers and residents in the area is 1,800.

The researchers distributed 100% of the survey questionnaires at far with the

number of students and residents in the neighborhood. However, there are only 500

questionnaires that were returned to the researchers.

Research Instruments

The research instrument of the study is the survey questionnaire that the researchers made. It is

composed of questions asking for the profile of the respondents, the type of service they prefer,

willingness to pay for the services, length of stay that they will prefer, day and time preferred

and their willingness to venerate the business. For documentation purposes we used laptops and

cellular phones.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data gathering procedure is composed of different steps. It starts with the formulation of the

questionnaires and having it approved by research experts. The researchers then choose nearby

schools, cooperatives, rental buildings, some establishments, and people that are close to the

proposed business site to float the questionnaires. After locating the respondents, they would

have to wait for the questionnaires.

Statistical Measures Used

For the study conducted, the following measures are used:

1. Payback Period = Initial Investment / Cash flow per Period

2. Return on Investment = Net Profit / Total Investment x 100


This part of the study contains the definition of various terms used in the study.

Café- Offering more healthier and satisfying products, and services to the costumers.

Jungle- this is where to give the wildest yet chilliest kind of service for humanity.

Financial – the heart of feasibility study report here you will do all the financial analysis and

report the various performance indicators. Where proponents used their assets for starting this


Management- It involves planning, organizing, controlling and staffing and to provide

satisfaction for consumers.

Nature’s Hub - This service offers a table to study with free Wi-Fi for all the customers.

Nature’s photobooth- The feature of this service is to make our beloved customers happy and

enjoy their one of the unforgettable moments of their life with us.

Marketing- It includes promoting through social media accounts and advertisement through

television and radio.

Socio-economic – health is wealth and some mankind is complaining with their health that’s why

providing natural kind of products can help reduce health risk.

Technical- Provides free Wi-Fi, electric connections and CCTV for security and jungle theme

murals to be more attractive.

Taste of Nature – is a service offered by the business where people can freshen and eat native or

natural form of food, provided with eco-friendly setting for the benefits of humanity in the

Survey Questionnaire

A Survey Questionnaire on

The Feasibility Study of Establishing Café Jungle: A Taste of Nature

in Libertad Street, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Name (Optional) ______________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________

Please put a check mark (✓) in every item that corresponds to your answer.

Café Jungle is a type of Nature café that is open from 9:00am up until 2:00am, where the
primary service is to provide healthy foods and drinks made of natural sources wherein
customers get a place to freshen up their minds with free Wi-Fi, study hub upstairs and feel the
nature’s ambiance within the café.

1. Demographic Profile

Age: [ ] 15-20 Gender: [ ] Female

[ ] 21-26 [ ] Male
[ ] 27-32
[ ] 33-38
[ ] 38 and above

Monthly allowance/Salary:
[ ] 1,500-4,000 [ ] 4,500-10,000
[ ] 10,000-15,000 [ ] more than 15,000

2. How much are you willing to spend for the food/drink you want to eat?
[ ] 50-150 [ ] 150-350
[ ] 350-500 [ ] 500-750
[ ] 750-1,000 [ ] more than 1,000
3. What other types of service would you like to avail in a café that offers healthy
foods/drinks and a place for students/workers to freshen up? (Please provide your

4. What other amenities do you prefer/want/need? (Check as many as applicable)

[ ] Mini Study Hub
[ ] Mini Library
[ ] Printer
[ ] Overnight/Camping

5. If you are to visit the business, are you going

[ ] solo [ ] with partner [ ] in group

6. How many hours do you often spend for hanging outside? (Please provide your answer)

7. Are you willing to patronize a nature café providing healthy foods/drinks and services
presented above and will be established Libertad Street, Dumaguete City?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Comments and Suggestions:


Thank you and God Bless



Management Aspect

Management is the process of positioning the resources to meet objective of the business. It

is very significant in any business organization and plays a major role. With the correct

execution of management, the desired objectives can be achieved. It is an important aspect

because it coordinates the individual’s accuracy and resources efficiency. Management plays a

very vital role in managing organization.

This chapter tackles on the overall organizational arrangement of the business. The

management aspect suggests a serene and precise identification of the job and responsibilities,

movement of authority and all effort of the human beings’ level of requirement. This included in

the forming of the business organizational structure. In order to achieve the objective of the

business, management must be able to arrange all the activities in establishing the business to

become vital and competitive to its possible competitors.

Project Timetable
The project timetable of the business presents the different activities that the business

needs to accomplish. The project timetable works like a checklist of activities the management

needs to accomplished before the business will start operating. It is estimated that the business

will operate 12 months after the start of conducting the idea formulation and feasibility study.

2020 2021

Activities 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Idea formulation and Design

Feasibility Study

Legal Requirements

Building Construction

Processing for the Business

Permits and Licenses

Recruitment of Employees

Employee Training Period


Personnel Orientation

Start of Operation

Figure 3. Projected Timetable

Form of Organization

The business will be solely financed by Café Jungle, the proponent of the business. They own

a lot of different businesses in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental such as apartments, pharmacy,

clinic and convenient store. Also, the proponent owns the land where the proposed business will
be established. The proponent will use their assets and savings to purchase the necessary

materials and equipments to initially start the normal operation of the business. With that, the

owner will solely be incurring all the profits and loss of the said business.

Organizational Chart

The organizational chart of the business will help employees determine the flow of

command among its co-employees. The figure below will show the organizational chart of the

business. The chart is simple since the business is not labor intensive or does not require much of

the manpower needed unlike other cafés.

In order to produce a much clearer view of the chain of command in the business, an

organizational chart is produced and is shown on the figure below.


Cashier Supervisor
(2) (2)

Service Crew Production

(6) Crew (6)

Figure 4. Organizational Chart

The figure illustrates the organizational chart of the business. The cafe supervisor directly

reports to the owner. There are two cafe supervisors for the business will be open in
approximately 17 hours, therefore, a first and second shift supervisor will be hired. Same is true

with other personnel. They will be divided into two groups for a first and second shift will be

provided with enough manpower. All other personnel will report directly to their respective shift


Recruitment Program

In hiring staff for the business, the owner will be seeking from family members,

relatives and friends in order to look for the cafe supervisor. For the security personnel, the

management will be seeking assistance from an agency. Recruitment of other employees will be

hired from online social media posting and other traditional means such as job posting through

the Local Government Unit of Dumaguete.

Manpower Requirements

This part is developed in order for employees to be guided as to the scope and limitations

of the job assigned to them. As for the business, the job analysis is presented on the succeeding



Café Supervisor 1. Male/Female 1. They are in charge of the 11, 040.00

2. At least 25 years old overall operations of the
3. Good verbal and business.
communication skills 2. They directly report to
4. Preferably a graduate of the owner with the
business administration course monthly sales of the
5. With at least 1-2 years of business.
3. They will regulate the
experience employee performance
with monthly meetings,
incident report evaluation
and customer
4. They are in charge as
well of taking care of the
finances of the business
by doing weekly deposits
of sales and sending out
to the owner with the
weekly sales of the
5. Any other legal matters
shall be strictly imposed
by the supervisors.
Production Crew 1. Male/Female 1. In charge of assisting 8,784.00
clients with the
2. At least 21 years old availability of unlimited
3. Must be college level 2. Notify staff of items that
need to be replenished
4. Good verbal and and restocked.
communication skills 3. Make sure that
workstation for clients
5. With pleasing personality and employees are clean
and free of hazardous
6. With an experience is a materials.
plus factor 4. Help assist in
maintaining the peace,
and security in the
Cashier/Receptionis 1. They are in charge of 9,120.00
letting those first-timers
1. Male/Female sign some papers for
filing purposes.
2. At least 21 years old 2. Every time a customer
enters the establishments,
3. Must be college level (if they are in charge of
not, must be NC II holder logging it in their system
relating to business) so that they could track
loyal customers.
4. Good verbal and 3. They accept and records
communication skills sales from the customers
then reports to the
5. With pleasing personality manager daily.
4. Resolve customer
6. Must be able to do multi- complaints.
tasking and computer 5. Answer customer’s
literate. questions, and provide
information on
7. Has a good cash handling procedures or policies.
8. With experience is a plus 6. Issue receipts, refunds,
factor. and credits.
7. Greet customers entering
the establishment.
Service Crew 1. Male/Female 1. In charge of the nature’s 8,784.00
2. At least 21 years old
2. They are in charge of
3. Must be college level providing the toiletries
4. Good verbal and
communication skills 3. Making sure that the
surrounding is clean.
5. With pleasing personality 4. Help assist in
maintaining the peace,
6. With an experience is a and security in the
plus factor business.
In the establishment of the business, the manpower requirement will not be limited only to

the local residence of the city and recommendation of the family and friends of the owner. The

management shall consider individuals who will pass the core competencies and requirements set

forth by the owner.

Training Program

The following are the activities that will comprise the training program of the business;

Conference and Trainings, Critical Incident Notes, Peer Assisted Learning, Seminars and

Workshops. The following training programs could be defined as follows:

 Conference and Trainings are activities set by the admin council and the school

administrator that aims to add or improve the knowledge of the employees on certain

fields in the business. It is a method in which a trainee and a trainer hold one-to-one

discussions on the subject matter to be imparted or taught.

 Critical Incident Notes are reports made either by the school head or the secretary or

employees regarding a certain happening. Such record will be kept for the personnel to

check on and that such happening will be avoided in the future since alternative courses

of action are listed in the report.

 Peer Assisted Learning is similar to participative learning or team learning where

personnel get to develop or trained though the help of the others.

 Seminars and workshops are forms of academic instructions provided to the employees

with regards to a certain topic or agenda.

Organizational Policies

In order to maintain the orderliness in the business, the following organizational policies

are formulated and shall be strictly imposed:

1. All efforts of the employees and the management shall be directed towards business growth.

2. Aftercare activities of the business should be done properly and all waste products shall be

segregated to help the environment.

3. Official receipts, payments of taxes and licenses shall be strictly paid or provided to maintain

the legal operations of the business.

4. The management will help maintain and develop more functional areas to add conduciveness

for the customer’s satisfactory.

5. The organization shall comply to the legal and environmental regulations set forth by the

laws, regulations and ordinances of the municipality and of the province.

6. All the employees shall take responsibilities to the overall operation of the business.

Work Policies

To regulate a workable and healthy environment, the following should be taken in

consideration as part of the working guidelines of the organization:

1. The owner and all employees should maintain a positive vibes or attitude in the business.

2. The employees shall always be approachable, kind, and must greet clients with a smile all

the time.

3. Disregard personal matter during work.

4. All concerns of the clients must be heard by the employees and shall be reported to the


5. All employees need to make sure that the services are done correctly, safely, and cleanly.

6. The owner, together with the employees, need to maintain the cleanliness of the business.

7. Rest day schedules are located at the personnel’s area for reference and shall be observed


8. Prior to having a leave, a 24 to 48-hour notice shall be sent to the manager.

9. The presence of the employees during their designated working days will be strictly


10. Strictly NO employees should have a relationship.

Employee Policies

The following are the specific Employee Policy of the business to project a well-

respected image towards the customers:

1. No ID, No Entry.

2. Employees need to report 20 minutes before the opening time.

3. Employees need to punch in their time card. Late will be subject to deduction and

payments are provided for the overtime work.

4. Employees must wear hairnet; yet should not wear any jewelry; they should be wearing

light make-up and ponytailed hair for girls and observe proper hair cut for boys.

5. Strictly NO drunk employees allowed to work; and prohibited to bring alcohol drinks,

dangerous objects and illegal items.

6. Property of the business should be used for the business only.

7. Problems encountered by the employees with the client shall be fixed by the

owner/manager or if in her absence, the front desk personnel will take charge in solving

the concerns.

8. Employees with three (3) records of tardiness shall make a letter explaining the reason for

being tardy and shall be addressed to the supervisor.

9. Every employee should ensure that their working area is clean, organize and neat.

10. Every employee will take turns in serving the clients. If clients prefer a specific service

provider, that specific provider shall do the service.

Employee Working Schedule

The business will be open sixteen (16) hours. Each of the employees will be working

six (6) days in a week with 1 rest day. The figure below will illustrate the working

schedule of the employees with the rest days.

Café REST 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am
Supervisor DAY to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm
& 1:00pm & & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm
(1) to 6:00pm 1:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm

Café REST 6:00pm to 6:00pm 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to

Supervisor DAY 2:00am to 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am


Production REST 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

Crew DAY to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm
& 1:00pm & & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm
(1&2) to 6:00pm 1:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm

Production REST 6:00pm to 6:00pm 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to

Crew DAY 2:00am to 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am


Service REST 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

Crew DAY to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm
& 1:00pm & & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm
(1&2&3) to 6:00pm 1:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm

Service REST 6:00pm to 6:00pm 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to

Crew DAY 2:00am to 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am


Cashier REST 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am

DAY to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm to 12pm
(1) & 1:00pm & & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm & 1:00pm
to 6:00pm 1:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm
Cashier REST 6:00pm to 6:00pm 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to 6:00pm to
DAY 2:00am to 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am 2:00am

Hiring Policies

To ensure equal opportunity regardless of work, to choose the most qualified productive

and loyal employees, to help turnover and put the business in the best possible sight of the

costumer. The following are the policies on the process of hiring employees. Every applicant

should undergo the following steps before getting hire.

Decision and
Job Offer

Reference Resume
Checks Screening

Background Screening
Checks Call

Personal Assessment
Interview Test

Wages and Salaries

The salaries of the employees will be fixed. No commission will be provided. The

salaries of the employees are shown on the table below. Aside from the given salary, statutory

benefits will be provided to the employees such as, SSS, Philhealth, and Pag-Ibig.

Table 1. Employees Monthly Salary

Position Per day No. of days in a Monthly

Café Supervisor 1 460.00 24 11, 040

Café Supervisor 2 460.00 24 11, 040

Cashier 1 380.00 24 9, 120

Cashier 2 380.00 24 9, 120

Service Crew 1 366.00 24 8,784

Service Crew 2 366.00 24 8,784

Service Crew 3 366.00 24 8,784

Service Crew 4 366.00 24 8,784

Service Crew 5 366.00 24 8,784

Service Crew 6 366.00 24 8,784

Production Crew 1 366.00 24 8,784

Production Crew 2 366.00 24 8,784

Production Crew 3 366.00 24 8,784

Production Crew 4 366.00 24 8,784

Employees will be receiving their statutory benefits as mandated by the law such as SSS,

Philhealth, Pag-ibig contribution and the 13th month pay.

Business Policies
The government protects employees and provides them with privileges that may affect

their pay/salary or employee leaves. The following are a few of those policies as mandated by

the law and that the business will strictly follow these policies.

1. Overtime Pay. If ordinary days, additional plus twenty-five percent (25%) of the basic

hourly rate is given; If special holidays, rest day and holidays thirty percent (30%) will be

added to their regular hourly rate on the said date.

2. Five Days of Leave with Pay. An employee must have rendered at least one (1) year of

service to be entitled to service leave pay.

3. Holiday Pay. Includes January 1 or New Year’s Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday,

May 1 (Labor Day), June 12 (Independence Day), November 30 (Bonifacio Day),

December 25 (Christmas Day), and December 30 (Rizal Day).

4. Maternity Leave. Female employee shall be given financial benefit which shall be of

cash equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of her current basic salary all access and

other benefits. However, these benefits are subject to these conditions:

a. That you shall have notified your employer about your pregnancy and due date, it

should also be transmitted to SSS and subject to their rules and regulations,

b. Your employer will make the advanced payment which shall be paid into equal

installments within 30 days from the day you filled your maternity leave application;


c. In case of delivering caesarian section, you shall be paid 70 days worth of benefits

while on maternity leave; one day is equivalent to 100 percent of your daily wage.
5. Paternity Leave. Male employees will be granted seven (7) days with full pay to attend

the needs of legal wife, during and after delivery. This leave will only take effect for the

first three (3) kids of the wife.

Legal Policies

The following are requirements and application for the legalization of the business and

also to have the clarifications for whatever agreement and conditions for the business that the

government may set.

1. Business Permit

2. Barangay Clearance (business location)

3. Sanitary Permit (Municipal Health Office)

4. Municipal Engineers Office (inspection)

5. Environment and Natural Resources Office

6. Municipal Treasures Office

7. Department of Trade and Industry

8. SSS/PhilHealth/Pag-ibig/BIR (R-NVAT)

9. Bureau of Fire Protection

Before the actual operation of the business, it should be registered under the Department of

Trade Industry so that the operation is legal. The following are the steps to be accomplished in

order to register the business.

1. Secure an application form with a duplicate copy, index card and preferred

name/verification slip at the business center.

2. Fill up the application form and index card, only the owner of the business is

authorized to sign all the form.

3. Proposed Business Name (Scope and Location)

4. After filing up all the documents, proceed to the cashier’s counter. Present the said

form and pay registration fee.

5. The cashier will examine the application and supporting documents. If the application

is in order, priority number will be issued.

6. Proceed to the waiting area and wait for your number to be called.

7. Proceed to the designated window to file your application. Wait for the certificate that

can be released within 15 minutes, if your application is found organize.

8. If your application is defective, the immediate returned for correction or completion.

9. The certificate of the business name registration will be released after you have

signed the duplicate of the business name registration certificate to be provided by the


For proper tax computation and contribution, the following steps should be accomplished at the

Bureau of Internal Revenue for the registration of the business under the said office.
Marketing Aspects

The marketing aspects of the business focus on the proper communication as to the existence of

the business in the market. Marketing is plainly not about selling. This aspect helps us determine

the extent to which the goods/services be generated by the project and to design the appropriate

marketing strategies and plans that will help ensure that the project’s output will reach and be

accepted by the target users. This aspect focuses on the project description, the target market

description, the presence and analysis of the demand and supply.

A good marketing aspect aims to analyze the past and present demand and supply

situations, expected future behaviors and the resulting demand – supply gaps as they relate to the

outputs of the projects whether they carry market prices or not (e.g.,Public goods) and to

undertake the analysis, planning and formulation of workable marketing programs, product mix

strategy, marketing organization that can effectively inform, motivate and service the markets.

Project Description

The name of the business is Café Jungle. The name of the project is made up of

four syllables, making it easy to remember. Café Jungle is a place where all customers can relax
through the Jungle theme along with beautiful and relaxing music as if you are with all the

animals in the forest that you do not think of their ferociousness because it seems like you are in

a quiet forest felt. Providing tasty products made of natural sources and satisfying service. With

that making the business name very suggestive to its customers.

Target Market Description

The main target of the business are the high schoolers and universities, and

establishments in Dumaguete City. The clients are the humankind of the municipality.


The demand for the business is shown in the survey findings as majority of the

respondents are willing to patronize the business. Knowing that the business will catering to

students and workers and the fact that it was surrounded with lots of rental buildings located in

Libertad and Locsin Street, potential clients of the business is already present in the location of

the propose business.


If the business will be realized this will be the first jungle café in Dumaguete. This

implies that the business well solely supplies the existing demand for the business.

Supply and Demand Analysis

There is demand for the business as shown on the findings revealed through the survey.

However, there is the absence of the nature’s café type of business with no competition, the
demand will not be supplied. Nonetheless, as the business will be realized, the demand will

solely be supplied by café jungle.

Marketing Program

The marketing program is composed of different strategies that the business will be

using in order for it to survive potential competition. The different strategies are composed of

techniques and ways focuses on the services of the business, the pricing, the place, promotion,

positioning and for customer service.

Product Strategy- A product is composed of two types-the good or tangibles ones and the

services or the services or the intangible ones. The business is primarily serving service to the

clients. The business will be focusing in the delivering the service in much shorter period of

time. As soon as the clients comes in, the employees need to assists and deliver the service to the

client within 5 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes of waiting time.

Place Strategy- The place strategy is focused on strategizing a good location for the business

located in Libertad Street., Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. The location is desirable place to

catch possible customers since it is located along the highway. The geographical area is easy to
track down considering that the business can be seen simply whether the route is taken from

South and North. The site is suitable since it would be the first Jungle Café in the said location.

For the ambiance of the business, the management will be using the correct lighting

and air-conditioning system so clients feel comfortable as they stay in the business. Also, light

and instrumental music will be played to provide much cozy atmosphere.

Promotional Strategy- The promotional strategy will utilize advertising through social media

and printed materials such as posters, flyers and streamers. The researchers produced printed

materials design that contains the name of the business, logo, the services and the location of the

business. The different promotional materials for the business are presented on the appendix

section of the feasibility study.

Customer Service Strategy- For the customer service strategy, the business will be offering the

Industrious Awardee Program. This program aims to provide freebies for those clients who have

been very industrious with their studies and continuously patronize the business as their learning

buddy. The following are the inclusions of the program:

1. Clients are provided with additional free one hour for the Nature’s Hub Service after the client

was able to stay for 2 hours or more.

2. For the Nature’s Photo booth service, the client can get two pieces of free pictures.

3. For the Taste of Nature service, the client can get 100 pesos off when purchased ten times.
Positioning Strategy- Since the business is different from other café due to the products it

offers, it is then differentiated with other existing café shops in Libertad Street, Dumaguete City

Negros Oriental.

Survey Findings

The survey findings are a result of floating the questionnaires. The data collected is presented

in table form with the appropriate description per table for ease of understanding.

Table 1. Age Frequency of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

15 to 20 years old 5 14

21 to 26 years old 22 60

27 to 32 years old 9 24

33 to 38 years old 1 2

TOTAL 37 100

Table 1 illustrates the age profile of the respondents. Fourteen percent (14%) of the respondents

are 15 to 20 years old and the 21 to 26 years old sixty percent (60%) and the 27 to 32 years old

twenty-four percent (24%) and the remaining two precent (2%) are within the age bracket of 33
to 38 years old. This implies that almost all future potential clients of the business are young

individuals or teenagers who loves chicken.

This could be for the fact that the average age for all the students and employees.

Table 2. Sex Frequency of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 21 57%

Male 16 43%

TOTAL 37 100

The table above illustrates the sex profile or frequency of the respondents. Fifty seven percent

(57%) are female and the remaining forty-three present (43%) are male. This implies that more

than half of the respondents of future clients of the business are female. This could be brought by

the fact that majority of secondary education students are female.

According to Philippine Statistics Authority’s 2019 Factsheet Women and Men Date, it

shows that Department of Education conducted a survey last 2016 and the ratio of boys to girls

in secondary education is 1:2.

Table 3. Monthly Allowance Frequency of the Respondents

Monthly Allowance Frequency Percentage

1,500-4,000 25 66%

4,500-10,000 8 22%

10,000-15,000 2 5%

More than 15,000 2 5%

TOTAL 37 100

The monthly allowance profile of the respondents is shown on table 3 above. Sixty sex percent

(66%) of the respondents are given a monthly allowance between 1,500- 3,000 and the twenty

two percent (22%) of the respondent are given a monthly allowance between 4,500- 10,000 and

the five percent (5%) of the 10,000- 15,000 and the remaining five percent (5%) receives a

monthly more than 15,000. This implies that majority of the respondents receives an average of

100.00 daily allowance.

According to an essay in entitled High School and Universities Students that

their Allowances Management in the Philippines, it shows that high school and universities

students get an average of 100.00- 150.00 a day with 20-30 schools’ days in a month.

Table 4. Respondent’s Willingness to Patronize the Business

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 35 97%

No 2 3%

TOTAL 37 100
Table 4 shows the willingness of respondents to patronize the business. Ninety seven percent

(97%) says yes and the remaining three percent (3%) says no. This implies that there is the

presence of the demand for the business.

Table 5. Amount Willing to Spend by respondents for the Food and Drinks

Customer’s Refreshments Frequency Percentage

50-150 17 46

150-350 11 30

350-500 6 16

More than 1,000 3 8

TOTAL 37 100

The table above shows the amount willing to spend for the food and drinks. Forty six percent

(46%) of the respondents are willing to spend 50- 150. Thirty percent (30%) of the responses

comes from those who are willing to spend 150-350. Sixteen percent (16%) of the responses

comes from 350-500 and around eight percent (8%) are willing to spend 1000. This implies that

several respondents are willing to spend the price given they get to enjoy to their food and


Table 6. Respondent’s Companion in Studying and in Visiting the Business

Study Companion Frequency Percentage

Solo 6 16

By pair 11 30

In Group 20 54

TOTAL: 37 100%

The table above shows the respondents study companion. Fifty-four percent (54%) of the

respondents are to study in group, thirty percent (30%) studies by pair and the remaining sixteen

percent (16%) studies alone. This implies that more than half of the respondents goes in group

and could suggests double in sales.

Going to study in groups is beneficial. According to an article by last

November 2018, studying in groups stimulates willingness to study and could help memorize

and understand things faster.

Table 7. Amenities Preferred by the Respondents

Amenities Frequency Rank

Mini Library 17 45

Printer 5 14

Overnight Stay 15 41

TOTAL: 37 100

Table 7 shows the other amenities preferred by the respondents. The amenity with the

highest frequency is the mini-library, followed by the overnight stay then printer. This implies
that as the business progresses, improvement of the business set up will be considered and by

adding the amenities preferred by the respondents.

Technical Aspects

This section will show the technicalities of the project, the project location and the

project layout. The machines and tools to be used in the daily operation and the list of different

services with the corresponding costs/prices. Moreover, the technical aspect of the business aims

to provide related information to the detailed technical considerations in order for the business to

operate normally for a specific time period.

The technical aspects of the business will include the discussion of the services of the

business, the price of the service provision process, the equipment or materials needed and the

supplies as well.

The succeeding page will illustrate and discuss the mentioned topics or concerns

under the technical aspects.

Product Specification

Service – The primary service of the business is to tasty products made of natural sources for the

clients. Secondary services offered are Study hub for students and workers with free Wi-Fi and

the Nature’s relaxing ambiance to freshen up.

Services Inclusions
Nature’s Hub Service This service offers a table to study with free
Wi-Fi for all the students, government
employees and private workers to study, and
free from noise.

Taste of Nature Service This service letting customers experience all

tasty products that we provide for them here
in Café Jungle. A privy place to relax!

Nature’s Photography Service The feature of this service is to make our

beloved customers happy and more satisfying
experience by providing photos with beautiful
backgrounds in our good-looking place.

Natures Hub Service

1. Clients are required to deposit their Identification cards or Student ID’s that the customer

can provide.
2. For new customers they are required to fill out a form for records purposes of the


3. The Identification Card will be given to the personnel in charge and in return will be

provided with the Space Number where clients are to position as they study and avail of

the service.

Taste of Nature Service

1. Only for customers who buy our products can avail our preeminent offered services.

2. Clients are free for sightseeing to the beautiful and fantastic view of Café Jungle, while

enjoying our tasty products.

Nature’s Photography Service

1. In order for the clients to avail of this service, they are advised to purchase our product


2. The clients are provided only limited photos based on the required terms and conditions

provided by the management.

3. Clients are welcome to bring more friends, relatives and family so that they can avail one

free photo with café jungle product.

Service Provision Process

The service provision will show a diagram of the step-by-step process before a client can

avail of the services of the business. The three services have own service provision process. The

succeeding pages show the figure of the service provision process.

Customer approaches After filling out the

the main reception form, an ID needs to
area. be given in exchange
of a number

The number First timers need to

corresponds to the fill out a form
specific location where provided for record
the customer will sit purposes
and study

They have been As the customer

monitored through the finished studying,
time input made by he/she would retrieve
personnel in charge his/her ID back and
then has to pay the
equivalent amount
Note: Customers have free 2 hours
when purchasing the products once
they have rendered, the exceeding time The payment is
will be paid off with 50 per hours if equivalent to the
group and 30 pesos if solo. They are time he had
free to connect the Wi-Fi and the water exceeded in the
on the side. Customers are encouraged café after 2 hours.
to bring their refillable bottles.
Figure7. Service Process for Study Hub Service

Figure 7 illustrates how the customer will avail of the nature’s hub service.

Service crew will The service crew will

approach the ask for their orders
customers and will be
taken to the vacant
table with number

When the orders arrive The customers will

the service crew will wait 10-15 minutes
ask the customers if for their orders to
they need anything arrive

Note: For availing the

The customer is products or services the
ready to eat/drink customers can go directly to
its order.
the personnel in charge
Figure 8. Service Process for customers who will avail the Taste of Nature
Figure 8 shows how clients will avail the Taste of Nature Service.

Customers will Customers need to

approach the main inform the personnel
that he would avail the
reception area
Nature’s Photography

The customers will pay The service crew will

first at the reception help/guide the
before they get their customers to the photo
photos booth and take pictures,
which cost 15 each

Note: Photo booth is made of

Nature’s beautiful background
which uses Polaroid for capturing
customer’s memorable day.
Figure 9. Service Process for Customers who will avail of the Nature’s Photography Service

Figure 9 illustrates the service process for customers who will avail of the Nature’s

Photography Service

Business Lay-out

The business lay-out is consists of the floor plan of the establishment, mural, elevation,

electrical and plumbing lay-out. The images shown on the succeeding page shows the business

lay-out for proposed business.




Premium Cement 5 40kg/Bag 220 1100

Sand 1 M^3 500 500



HARDIIFLEX 4.4MM THICKNESS 47 4x8 Ft 533 25051

METAL FURRING 50 pcs 250 12500

RIVET NAILS 2 boxes 390 780



3”α10 WATTS-PINLIGHT 38 pcs 250 9500

PANEL BOARD 1 pcs 550 550

Light Switch 3 gang 2 pcs 245 490

Light Switch Single 8 pcs 130 1040

NO.14 Thin stranded wire 2 roll 2700 5400

NO.12 Thin stranded wire 2 roll 4200 8400

CONVENIENCE OUTLET 23 pcs 136 3128

Circuit Breaker 9 pcs 360 3240

Junction box 30 pcs 35 1050

NO. 6 Thin Wire 0.5 roll 9000 4500



Paint Thinner 2 Gal 250 500

Roller Brush 5 pcs 30 150

NON-BLOSSY GRAY PAINT 15 liters 180 2400

SKIM COAT 10 kilo 45 450

Flat Latex (white) 20 liters 137 2740




Bronz glass two doors 1 2m x 21m 15000 15000

Bronz glass fixed windows 7 2.75 x 1.7m 9000 63000

WOOD DOOR 6 0.9 x 2.1m 1200 7200


Item Qnty Unit of Unit price Total price


Air condition 2 Unit 42,000 84, 000

Exhaust fan 2 Unit 1,099.75 2,199.50

Electric dispenser 2 Unit 1,124.00 2,248.00

Modem 2 Unit 2,500 5,000.00

Computer set 2 Sets 26,490 53,980.00

Ceiling fan 3 Unit 3,000 9,000

Cash register 1 unit 17,000 17,000


Refrigerator 1 Unit 16,000 16,000

electric blender 3 Unit 1,000 3,000

Coffee maker 3 Unit 6,397.91 19,193.73

Juicer 3 Unit 9,000 27,000

freezer 1 unit 20, 000 20,000



Figure 11. Furnitures and Fixture

Item Quantity Unit of meas. Unit price Total price

filing cabinets 2 Pcs 3,126.79 6,253.58

Wooden Tables 10 Pcs 14,000.00 140,000.00

with chairs(big)

Wooden Tables 30 Pcs 3,000.00 90,000.00

with chairs (small)

Filer 5 pcs 150.00 750.00

Interior design 50,000.00 50,000.00


TOTAL 287,003.58

Figure 12. Nature’s Hub Supplies

Item Quantity Unit of meas. Unit price Total price

Stuff toys 35 Pcs 500.00 17,500

Mini emoji pillow case 35 pcs 399.00 13, 965

Total 31, 465

Figure 13. Nature’s Photo Booth Supply

Item Quantity Unit of meas. Unit price Total price

Polaroid 1 Pc 10,790.00 10, 790.00

Total 10,790.00

Figure 14. A Taste of Nature Supplies

Item Quantity Unit Of meas. Unit price Total price per week

Mango 10 Kilos 70 700

Avocado 10 Kilos 65 650

Apple 10 Kilos 80 800

Watermelon 10 Kilos 40 400

Grapes 10 Kilos 100 1,000

Calamansi 20 Kilos 35 700

Orange 10 Kilos 75 750

Pineapple 10 Kilos 50 500

Buko juice 10 Per gallon 100 1,000

Guyabano 10 Kilos 50 500

Kiwi 10 Kilos 50 500

Strawberry 10 Kilos 65 650

Lemon 10 Kilos 95 950

Spices 10 Kilos 150 1,500

Chicken 50 Kilos 120 6,000

Green Tea 2 Per box (50 pcs) 249 498

Bombay Chai tea 1 Per box 249 249

Apricot tea 1 Per box 249 249

Blue ginger 1 Per box 249 249

Cucumber tea 1 Per box 249 249

Malunggay tea 1 Per box 249 249

Cassava cake 2 Per size (12x12) 470 940

Banana cake 2 Per size 499 998

Carrot and walnut 2 Per size 529 1,058

Flourless orange 2 Per size 549 1,098

Veggie cake 2 Per size 470 940

Banana bread 2 Per box 399 798


Watermelon 2 Per box 399 798


TOTAL 25, 845

Customers Price Total
Willingness to spent
50-150 408 4896 150.00 734,400.00
150-350 264 3168 350.00 1,108,800.00
350-500 144 1728 500.00 864,000.00
more than 1,000 72 864 1,000.00 864,000.00
TOTAL 3,571,200.00
Juice for 50.00 240 2880 50.00 144,000.00
Tea for 65.00 240 2880 65.00 187,200.00
Coffee for 79-129.00 240 2880 129.00 371,520.00
Shake for 80.00 72 864 80.00 69,120.00
Pastries for 50-55.00 48 576 55.00 31,680.00
Chicken for 199-299.00 48 576 299.00 172,224.00
TOTAL 975,744.00
Customers Price Total
Visiting the business:
free 1 hour if exceed and if didn't order they will pay
₱30 for 2 hours 150 1800 30.00 54,000.00

₱ 50 for 2 hours 200 2400 50.00 120,000.00

₱75 for 2 hours 450 5400 75.00 405,000.00
TOTAL 579,000.00

Customers Price Total

1 pc for ₱35 190 2280 35.00 79,800.00

3 pcs for ₱100 240 2880 100.00 288,000.00
5 pcs for ₱150 170 2040 150.00 306,000.00
8pcs for ₱250 144 1728 250.00 432,000.00
10 pcs for ₱320 144 1728 320.00 552,960.00
TOTAL 1,658,760.00

6,784,704.00 YEAR 1

7,123,939.20 YEAR 2

7,480,136.16 YEAR 3

7,854,142.97 YEAR 4

8,246,850.12 YEAR 5
DESCRIPTION Qty Unit Unit cost Total
Premium cement 5 40Kg/Bag ₱220.00 ₱1,100.00
Sand 1 m^3 ₱500.00 ₱500.00
Total ₱1,600.00


HARDIFLEX 4.4MM THICKNESS 47 4x8 Ft ₱533.00 ₱25,051.00
METAL FURRING 50 pcs ₱250.00 ₱12,500.00
RIVET NAILS 2 boxes ₱390.00 ₱780.00
Total ₱38,331.00

3"Ø10 WATTS- PINLIGHT WITH RIM 38 pcs ₱250.00 ₱9,500.00
PANEL BOARD 1 pcs ₱550.00 ₱550.00
Light Switch 3 gang 2 pcs ₱245.00 ₱490.00
Light Switch single 8 pcs ₱130.00 ₱1,040.00
NO. 14 Thhn stranded wire 2 roll ₱2,700.00 ₱5,400.00
NO. 12 Thhn stranded wire 2 roll ₱4,200.00 ₱8,400.00
CONVENIENCE OUTLET 23 pcs ₱136.00 ₱3,128.00
Circuit Breaker 9 pcs ₱360.00 ₱3,240.00
Junction box 30 pcs ₱35.00 ₱1,050.00
No. 6 Thhn Wire 0.5 roll ₱9,000.00 ₱4,500.00
Total ₱37,298.00
Bronz glass two doors 1 2m x 21m 0 ₱15,000.00
2.75 x 1.7
Bronz glass fixed windows 7 m ₱9,000.00 ₱63,000.00
Wood door 6 0.9 x 2.1 m ₱1,200.00 ₱7,200.00
Total ₱85,200.00


4" Ø PIPE 4 length ₱250.00 ₱1,000.00

3/ 4"Ø PVC BLUE 20 length ₱120.00 ₱2,400.00

2" Ø PVC PIPE 10 length ₱160.00 ₱1,600.00

Total ₱5,000.00



ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION - Build Im ₱27,763.66 year1

₱55,527.32 year2

₱83,290.98 year3
4 year4
0 year5
Repair and Maintenance Expenses

Amount year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5
Building ₱277,636.60 ₱13,881.83
Equipments ₱295,421.23 ₱14,771.06
Furnitures and Fixtures ₱287,003.58 ₱14,350.18
TOTAL: ₱43,003.07 ₱45,153.22 ₱47,410.89 ₱49,781.43 ₱52,270.50

43003.07 45153.22 47410.89 49781.43 52270.50

Furniture and Fixture

Unit of Useful Salvage

Item Qnty Unit price Total price Depreciatio
meas. life value
filing cabinets 2 Pcs ₱3,126.79 ₱6,253.58 15 ₱416.91
Wooden Tables with ₱15,000.0 ₱150,000.0
10 Pcs ₱15,000.00
chairs(big) 0 0 10
Wooden Tables with ₱10,500.0 ₱315,000.0
30 Pcs ₱31,500.00
chairs (small) 0 0 10
Filer 5 pcs ₱950.00 ₱4,750.00 5 ₱950.00
Interior design and ₱50,000.0
₱50,000.00 ₱-
embellishments 0 0
TOTAL ₱47,866.91


Café Equipment
EQUIPMENT of Unit price Total price Useful life Depreciation
Air condition 2 unit ₱42,000.00 ₱84,000.00 10 ₱8,400.00
Exhaust fan 2 unit ₱1,099.75 ₱2,199.50 8 ₱274.94
Electric dispenser 2 unit ₱1,124.00 ₱2,248.00 8 ₱281.00
Modem 2 unit ₱2,500.00 ₱5,000.00 5 ₱1,000.00
Computer set 2 Sets ₱26,490.00 ₱52,980.00 5 ₱10,596.00
Ceiling fan 3 unit ₱3,000.00 ₱9,000.00 5 ₱1,800.00
Cash register machine 1 unit ₱17,000.00 ₱17,000.00 5 ₱3,400.00
Refrigerator 1 unit ₱16,000.00 ₱16,000.00 5 ₱3,200.00
electric blender 3 unit ₱1,000.00 ₱3,000.00 5 ₱600.00
Coffee maker 3 unit ₱6,397.91 ₱19,193.73 5 ₱3,838.75
Juicer 3 unit ₱9,000.00 ₱27,000.00 5 ₱5,400.00
freezer 1 unit ₱20,000.00 ₱20,000.00 15 ₱1,333.33
TOTAL ₱257,621.23 ₱40,124.02

EQUIPMENT Qnty of Unit price Total price Useful life

POLAROID (CAMERA) 2 PCS ₱685.00 ₱1,370.00 12 ₱114.17

MIni Pillowcase 35 pcs ₱299.00 ₱10,465.00 5 ₱2,093.00

Animal Stuff toys 35 pcs ₱399.00 ₱13,965.00 5 ₱2,793.00

TOTAL ₱25,800.00 ₱5,000.17

s Hub

Qnt Unit of Unit Depreciatio

EQUIPMENT Total price Useful life
y meas price n
BOOKSTAND 20 Pcs ₱600.00 0 ₱800.00
0 ₱800.00

TOTAL EQUI Depreciation

year1 year2 year3 year4 year5

₱295,421.23 ₱45,924.18 ₱91,848.37 ₱137,772.55 ₱183,696.73 ₱229,620.92

₱295,421.23 ₱45,924.18 ₱91,848.37 ₱137,772.55 ₱183,696.73 ₱229,620.92


Mayor's Permit ₱250.00

Tax Clearance ₱25.00
BIR Registration ₱500.00
DTI Registration ₱350.00
Sanitary Permit ₱100.00
Business Plate/Sticker ₱200.00
Zooning Clearance Fee ₱500.00
Barangay Clearance ₱100.00
Fire Safety Inspection ₱500.00
TOTAL ₱2,525.00



From Year 1 to Year 5
Beginning, Year 1 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5

Current Assets

Current Liabilities 4.752346475 9.482115475 14.78828888 20.69434783 27.22487985


Quick Assets

Current Liabilities 4.1847789 9.482115475 14.78828888 20.69434783 27.22487985


Net Income

Total Revenues 39% 41% 42% 43% 44%

Net Income

Total Assets
56% 43% 35% 29% 26%

Net Income

Total Equity
84% 52% 38% 31% 26%

Net Cash Inflow 1.792209381
Socio-Economic Aspects

The propose business will bring satisfaction to customers, who are looking for a privy

place where they could be healthy and study, finish their work or academic related activities and

requirements. The business is committed to promoting equal opportunity for all in terms of

acquiring the services of the business.

The proposed business will benefit the economy through providing employment. This will

give the hired employees and their families their source of income for their living needs. That

consumers income will help keep the economy active.

The business owners and business will pay their tax obligation as provided by law. Tax will

help the government generate funds for the improvement of public service and government


The business becomes beneficial to other customers especially to the students, employees and

people in the city because it provides them a comfortable and spacious place to study and chill.

The business is abiding to necessary environment laws of the land. Proper environmental

protection and conservation of our natural resources will be strictly implemented by the

management. Separation of biodegradable, non-biodegradable and hazardous waste will be

strictly observed by the business to avoid any unfortunate and unlikely events.


Re-Statement of the Problem

The feasibility will help determine if the business will be feasible in the market. The following

are considered to be the specific problems of the study

1. Is the project feasible in the marketing aspect?

2. Is the management aspect of the proposed project feasible?

3. Is the proposed project realistic in the technical aspect?

4. How financially viable is the proposed project?

5. Could the proposed project be socio-economically feasible?


Marketing Aspects

1. The proposed name of the business is Café Jungle: A Taste of Nature

2. The primary markets of the business are the students and workers located in the same place.

3. The determination of the demand for the services of the business is shown in the results of

the survey conducted. The survey revealed that majority of the respondents are willing to

patronize the business. Also, it is a given fact that the municipality has numerous educational

institutions including the different establishments in the place.

4. There is still the absence of direct competition for the business in the place where the

business is located. This implies that there is no other study café in the place. However, there

is already the presence of indirect competition in the forms of local café shops.

5. The marketing program of the business is focused on product strategy, place strategy,

customer service strategy, promotional strategy and the positioning strategy. The customer

service strategy focuses on offering the Industrious Awardee Program as a form of

acknowledging the most hard-working student or client of the business.

6. Ninety Six percent (96%) of the correspondents are willing to patronize the business.

Therefore, there is the presence of demand as presented and revealed by the survey


Technical Aspects

1. The primary service offered by the business is the Taste of Nature Services. The

business will also offer the Nature’s Hub Service, and Nature’s Photography Service.

2. The researchers produced clear guidelines to avoid confusions of the provision about

the services and the products that the company has offered. Through this, the

employee and the clients as well are guided as to what to do first and what will

happen next in order to avail of the services of the business.

3. The researchers produced different tables that would summarize the list of equipment

and supplies that the business so that it could operate normally.

4. The researchers presented a business layout that includes the floor plan, electrical

layout, air conditioning and power layout, water layout the three-dimensional
perspective as well in order for the proponent and the readers get a visual grasp as to

how the business would like if realized.

Management Aspects

1. The need manpower of the business will be scouted in Libertad, Dumaguete City,

to give and provide employment opportunities for the local people. A job analysis

that contains the job requirements, qualification and responsibilities were

formulated by the researchers so that the proponent will be guided as to what are

needed qualifications for the manpower of the business. Also, this was made by

the researchers so that as the business operates, each employee will be guided as

to the scope and limitation of their job.

2. The researchers devised a project timetable in order to produce a concrete

checklist that will serve as guide for the proponent as to what are the activities

that needs to be accomplished before the business will start operating. This

project timetable is presented in Gantt chart.

3. The researchers as well formulated numerous policies that will guide the

proponent, the business and its employees as to the ethical thing to do in the

Financial Aspects

1. The researchers projected a positive and yearly increase in figures for the

projected financial statements that suggests that the business will be earning.

2. The projected financial ratios made by the researchers’ present positive figure as


3. Payback period is within 1-2 years from the operation. This implies a good thing

since that the business, or the proponent will be earning back its investment with

such shorter of time.

Socio-Economic Aspects

1. The researchers projected as well as that the business will be able to give back to

the people or institution surrounding the business. The business helps generate

income for other business, provide income to the government through tax opens

job opportunities and help the environment by segregating waste.


7. The researchers conclude that the marketing aspect is feasible given that there is the demand

for the business. Also, the appropriate marketing strategies were presented for the business to

8. The management aspect of the business is also feasible as concluded by the researchers

because the manpower is available, and the appropriate job analysis were also formulated so

that the business and employees are guided.

9. The researchers conclude that the technical aspect is feasible since the researchers were able

to produce the list of equipment and supplies and even provided a detailed description of the

services provision processes as well.

10. The researchers projected that the business will be yielding profit thus, concluding that the

financial aspect of the business is feasible.

11. The socio-economic aspect of the business is also feasible for the business will be able to

contribute or help and institutions surrounding it as presented by the researchers in the

previous pages.


With regards to the information gathered and the conclusions formulated found the proposed

project feasible, the following recommendations are made:

12. The researchers recommend that the management will consider adding other amenities such

as function room or a private study area.

13. The researchers recommend adding another building or developing a third floor for the

business as soon as the demand will increase.

14. The researchers recommend the management to have overnight stay and have a meeting

room where privacy is a must.

15. As time the business progresses, the inclusion of other budget affordable snacks can be made

so that the clients will enjoy and while they are nurturing the beautiful view as if that they are

in the Jungle.

16. The business can also capitalize in establishing a photocopy and printing section where it

also offers school supplies for the customer.

Dumaguete City – BUSINESS PERMIT


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