Final Mine Closure Plan
Final Mine Closure Plan
Final Mine Closure Plan
for (Name of the Mine with ML/TC No) of M/s Aswathy Granites Pvt
Ltd over an area of 9.3969 Ha situated in Pathanamthitta District of
Kerala State.
Status of lessee:
(Private individual/ Cooperative
Association/ Private Company/ Public
Company/ PSU etc.)
Name of partner/ Directors with full
address & phone fax & email details
etc. justifying the capacity of the reservoir and suitability for Pisciculture.
(Location of monitoring stations to be given)
5.1.6 Air Quality Management:
(Location of monitoring stations to be given)
5.1.7 Waste Management:
(Grid reference to be mentioned)
5.1.8 Tailings Dam Management:
(Grid reference to be mentioned)
5.1.9 Surface subsidence mitigation measures through backfilling of
underground mine
voids or by any other means and its monitoring mechanism.
(Grid reference to be mentioned)
5.1.10 A brief about surface features existing within a periphery of 500 m
from the lease
boundary as per the Rule 32(5)(b) of MCDR?2017.
5.1.11 Infrastructure Details:
An account of infrastructural facilities available in the ML area should be
given in