21 Candlesticks U Should Know

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Dr. Melvin Pasternak

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By: Dr. Melvin Pasternak


Candles Anticipate, Indicators Follow,
Trendlines Confirm
How To Read A Candlestick Chart
Bar vs. Candlestick Charts
Optimism and Pessimism as Shown by Candles

Advantages of Candle vs. Bar Charts

Candles Anticipate Short Term Reversals
Why Candlesticks Work
"The Rule of Two"
Candles in Action: Dow Jones Analysis
Candles 1-4: The Four Dojis Show Stocks That
Have Stalled
Candles 5-6: Hammer and Hangman
Candlesticks Signal Key Reversals
Candles 7-8: Bullish and Bearish Engulfing
Candles Spot Key Trend Changes Before They
Take Place
Candle 9: Dark Cloud Cover Warns of
Impending Market Tops
Candle 10: The Piercing Candle Is a Potent
Reversal Signal
Candles 11-12: The Three Candle Evening and
Morning Star Patterns Signal Major Reversals
Candle 13: The Shooting Star Can Wound
Candle 14: The Inverted Hammer Indicates The
Shorts May Be Ready To Cover
Candle 15: The Harami is "Pregnant" With
Candle 16: The "Full" Marubozu Is a Candle
Without Shadows
Candles 17-18 High Wave and Spinning Top
Express Doubt and Confusion
Candle 19: The Ominous Call of Three Black
III Gaps From a Japanese Candlestick Viewpoint
The Four Types of Gaps: Common,
Continuation, Breakaway and Exhaustion
Candlestick Theory on Gaps

Synthesis of Western Wisdom and Eastern

IV A Concluding Challenge
About the Author


Candlesticks are one of the most powerful technical analysis tools

in the trader's toolkit. While candlestick charts dates back to
Japan in the 1700's, this form of charting did not become popular
in the western world until the early 1990's. Since that time, they
have become the default mode of charting for serious technical
analysts replacing the open-high-low-close bar chart.

There has been a great deal of cogent information published on

candlestick charting both in book form and on the worldwide web.
Many of the works, however, are encyclopedic in nature. There
are perhaps 100 individual candlesticks and candle patterns that
are presented, a daunting amount of information for a trader to

In this book I have selected 21 candles that I believe every trader

should know by name. These are the candles that in my
experience occur most frequently and have the greatest
relevance for making trading decisions. Just as knowing the
name of a person helps you immediately recognize them on a
crowded street, so being able to name the candlestick allows you
to pick it out of a chart pattern. Being able to name it allows you
to appreciate its technical implications and increases the accuracy
of your predictions.

In my trading, I try to integrate candlestick analysis, moving

averages, Bollinger bands, price patterns (such as triangles) and
indicators such as stochastics or CCI to reach decisions. I find
the more information which is integrated, the more likely the
decision is to be correct. In this book, I have chosen to combine
moving averages, Bollinger bands and two indicators, stochastics,
and CCI on various charts. As we discuss individual candlesticks
or candle patterns, I integrate these tools into the discussion.
Hopefully, you will not only learn how to recognize candles from
this book, but also appreciate how you can combine them with
the traditional tools of technical analysis.

In this book my focus is on Minor trend reversals, the kind of

reversal of most interest to a trader. The Minor trend typically
lasts 5 to 15 days although on occasion, I have seen it stretch out
to about 30 trading days. These same candle principles work
equally as well, however, on 5 minute or weekly charts. It is
simply a matter of adapting this information to the time frame
you are trading in.



I call candlesticks an "anticipatory" indicator. You haven't come

across this wording before, since it is my own terminology. An
anticipatory indicator gives a signal in advance of much other
market action -- in other words it is a leading indicator of market

Momentum indicators such as CCI or stochastics are also

anticipatory since usually momentum precedes price. Typically,
however, even rapidly moving momentum indicators such as CCI
lag the candle signal by a day or two. When you receive a candle
signal followed by a momentum signal such as stochastics which
communicates the same message, it is likely that in combination
they are accurately predicting what will happen with a stock.

On the other hand, the break of a trendline or a moving average

crossover is what I call a "confirming" signal. It usually occurs
days later than the peak or bottom of price and much after the
candlestick and indicator signal.

Depending on your trading style, you can act on the anticipatory

signal. However, if you prefer to be cautious and wait for more
evidence, candlesticks anticipate a change in trend and put you
on the alert that a reversal may be imminent.


If you are already familiar with the basics of candlesticks, you can
skim this section. If you have seen candles on the web, but have
not studied them in some detail, then you'll now be given the
background you need to use candles.

Candles may be created for any "period" of chart—monthly,

weekly, hourly, or even one minute. When I discuss candles in
this book, I will use daily chart examples, but be aware that you
can create candle charts for virtually any period.


Below are a three month bar chart and a three month candlestick
chart for IBM. See if you can spot any differences in the "data
Hard to spot the difference? That's because there isn't any. Both
the bar chart and the candlestick chart contain exactly the same
information, only it's presented to the trader in different form.
Both the bar chart and the candle chart contain the same data:
the high for the period (the day), the low, the open and the close.
In a candlestick chart, however, the names are changed. The
difference between the open and the close is called the real
body. The amount the stock went higher beyond the real body is
called the upper shadow. The amount it went lower is called
the lower shadow. If the candle is clear or white it means the
opening was lower than the high and the stock went up. If the
candle is colored then the stock went down. This information is
shown below:


Here is an idea about candlesticks that helps me better use them

and which I haven't seen in books or on the web.

It is generally acknowledged that the opening of the trading day

is dominated by amateurs. The close, on the other hand, is
dominated by professional traders. The low of the day, one
might say, is set by the pessimists -- they believed the market
was going lower and sold at the bottom. The high of the day is
set by the optimists. They were willing to pay top price but were
incorrect in their analysis, at least in the short term.

Individual candlesticks may be understood by combining this

concept with the candle chart. I will use only two examples, but
you might want to experiment with this idea yourself.
Shaven Bottom/Shaven Head. The shaven bottom/ shaven top
candle depicts a day in which the market opened at the low and
closed at the high. It is a day on which the amateurs are also the
pessimists. They sell early and their shares are gobbled up by
eager buyers. By the end of the day the optimists and
professionals close the stock sharply higher. This bullish candle
frequently predicts a higher open on the next day.

Shaven Head/Shaven Bottom. This candle is the opposite of the

one just described. Depicted here is a day when the amateurs
are the optimists. They buy at the top of the day, only to watch
prices steadily decline. By the end of trading, prices have
declined sharply and the professional pessimists are in control of
the market. The opening the next day is often lower.

Candles can be made more sense of by reasoning them out in

this way. Particularly when you see a candle with a large real
body, ask yourself who won the battle of the day, the optimists or
the pessimists, the amateurs or the professionals. This question
will often provide you with an important clue to subsequent
trading action.


There are three major advantages of candlestick charts

compared to bar charts.
1. Candlestick charts are much more "visually immediate" than
bar charts. Once you get used to the candle chart, it is much
easier to see what has happened for a specific period be it a
day, a week an hour or one minute.

With a bar chart you need to mentally fill in the price action.
You need to say to yourself, "The left tick says that's where it
opened, the right tick where it closed. Now I see. It was an
up day." With a candlestick chart it is done for you. You can
spend your energy on analysis, not figuring out what happened
with the price.

2. With candles you can spot trends more quickly by looking for
whether the candles are clear or colored. Within a period of
trend, you can easily tell what a stock did in a specific period.

The candle makes it easier to spot "large range" days. A large

candlestick suggests something "dramatic" happened on that
trading day. A small range day suggests there may be relative
consensus on the share price. When I spot a large range day,
I check the volume for that day as well. Was volume unusual?
Was it say 50% higher than normal? If so, it is very likely that
the large range day may set the tone for many days afterward.

3. Most important, candles are vital for spotting reversals. These

reversals are usually short term --precisely the kind the trader
is looking for.

When traditional technical analysis talks about reversals,

usually it is referring to formations that occur over long periods
of time. Typical reversal patterns are the double top and head
and shoulders. By definition, these involve smart money
distributing their shares to naive traders and normally occur
over weeks or even months.

Candlesticks, however, are able to accurately pick up on the

changes in trend which occur at the end of each short term
swing in the market. If you pay meticulous attention to them,
they often warn you of impending changes.


The message of candlesticks is most powerful when the

markets are at an extreme, that is when they are overbought
or oversold. I define overbought as a market which has gone
up too far too fast. Most of the buyers are in and the sellers
are eager to nail down profits.

An oversold market, on the other hand, is one in which the

sellers have been in control for several days or weeks. Prices
have gone down too far too fast. Most of the traders who want
to sell have done so and there are bargains -- at least in the
short term -- to be had.

There are many overbought and oversold indicators, such as

CCI, RSI, and Williams' % R. However, one of the best is
stochastics, which essentially measures the stock's price in
relation to its range usually over the past 14 periods. CCI
typically agrees with stochastics and is useful for providing
confirmation of its signal. I also almost always put a Bollinger
Band on charts I analyze. John Bollinger created this tool to
include 19 out of every 20 closing prices within the bands.
Therefore, a close outside the band is significant. A close
outside the upper band usually say the stock is overbought.
When it is outside the lower band it is oversold.

When both stochastics, CCI and the Bollinger bands agree a

stock or index is overbought or oversold, I take their alignment
very seriously. There is a good chance a reversal is overdue.
A significant candlestick tells me more exactly when the
reversal might be here.


A chart may be thought of as picture of the war between
supply and demand. When a stock is moving up, the buyers
are in control. There is more demand than supply. Purchasers
are eager to acquire the stock and will pay up, hitting the ask
price to do so. When a stock is declining, the reverse is true.
Sellers are fearful and will not dicker over a few cents, being
more likely to accept the bid. Candlesticks graphically show
the balance between supply and demand. At key reversal
junctures, this supply/demand equation shifts and is captured
in the candle chart.

"The Rule of Two"

Generally, no one candlestick should be judged in isolation.

The general principle is even if you see a key reversal
candlestick, you should wait at least part of one more day
before acting. If for example, you spot a candle called a doji,
seek verification from the action of the next trading day. If
there is a down gap and prices begin to decline then it is
prudent to take your position.


As stated, in candlestick theory, there are many candles which

signal important reversals. To conclude this section, we will
focus on only four (!) candlesticks which called every major
turn in the Dow Jones Industrial Average over nearly a six
month period! Think how much more accurately you could
have traded the market if you knew these candles names and
implications as well as had recognized them when they

The good news is these are reversal signatures and are apt to
occur again. Your ability to recognize them could lead to large
trading gains. First, I will explain the candlesticks, then apply
this theory to analysis of the graph. The candles are pointed
out on the Dow chart below.

The bullish engulfing is most significant when it occurs after a

prolonged downtrend. The stock or index has been selling off
sharply. On the day of the bullish engulfing, prices will often
start the day by falling. However, strong buying interest
comes in and turns the market around.

The bullish engulfing is named because this candle surrounds

or engulfs the previous one. When I discuss this candle with
college students enrolled in my stock market course, I call it
"Pac-Man" because like the video game character, it "eats" the
candle before it. The bullish engulfing represents a reversal of
supply and demand. Whereas supply has previously far
outstripped demand, now the buyers are far more eager than
the sellers. Perhaps at a market bottom, this is just short-
covering at first, but it is the catalyst which creates a buying

When analyzing the bullish engulfing, always check its size.

The larger the candle, the more significant the possible
reversal. A bullish engulfing which consumes several of the
previous candles, speaks of a powerful shift in the market.

This hammer marks a reversal off a bottom or off an important
support level. On the day of the hammer, prices decline. They
hit bottom and then rebound sharply making up all the ground
– and sometimes more – compared to where the sell-off
started. The candle shows that the buyers have seized control.
A bullish candlestick on the following day confirms this


If you were to learn only one candle by name, this would have
to be the one. A "common" doji, as I call it, is shaped like a
cross. A doji has no real body. What it says is that there is a
stalemate between supply and demand. It is a time when the
optimist and pessimist, amateur and professional are all in
agreement. This market equilibrium argues against a strong
uptrend or downtrend continuing, so a doji often marks a
reversal day.

A doji in an overbought or oversold market is therefore often

very significant. The opening of the next day should be
watched carefully to see if the market carries through on the
reversal. Note, a candle with a very small real body often can
be interpreted as a doji.

The gravestone doji occurs far less frequently than the

common one, but gives even a clearer signal. At the top of an
extended move, it says the bulls tried to move the market
higher and couldn’t do it. The stock, or in this case the index,
can not sustain the probe to new high ground. It opens and
closes at the exact same level creating the appearance of a


During the period the chart pictures, the Dow Jones Industrial
Average went sideways in a broad trading range between
10000 and 11000. I have placed only one moving average on
the chart, the 50-day. A 50-day moving average describes the
Intermediate trend and when it moves sideways like it does
here, you can also be sure it describes a market in a sideways
consolidation pattern.

Despite the sideways movement, there were many good

trading opportunities, both long and short. The first came in
early March when the Dow peaked just below 11000. All
round numbers represent key support and resistance in the
major averages and this top was no exception. The candle
formed was a gravestone doji. Note the long upper shadow
and the absence of a real body. This combination signalled
that the bulls did not have the strength to push the Dow
through the 11000 mark. Over the next month the Dow
retreated nearly 1000 points, finally bottoming right at 10000.
The late April bottom at 10000 is marked by a bullish engulfing
candle. Immediately before the bullish engulfing note the
three very large back candles which saw the Dow drop nearly
500 points in three days. That left it substantially oversold as
shown by the stochastics indicator which reveals an oversold
reading when it goes below 20 (above 80 is overbought). An
oversold market can be described as one which has gone down
too far, too fast.

The bullish engulfing candle was very large, adding to its

significance. It implied that with the Dow able to hold 10000,
the shorts were covering, buying interest had emerged at this
level, or both. While the Dow didn't soar higher in the coming
day, neither did it drop below 10000 again. By early May it
rallied back to resistance near 10400. Note how a horizontal
line can be drawn across the chart to mark this resistance level
and how its role as both support and resistance alternated
during the six-month period.
The Minor uptrend brought the Dow back to 10400. Traders
looking for the Dow to stall at this level did not have long to
wait. Here's a small test of what you've learned so far. Can
you name the candlestick which helped mark the peak at this
time. If you said a gravestone doji, you get high marks.

The gravestone doji candle led to another small down wave in

the Dow. This was part of a secondary bottom that saw the
index bottom well above 10000, closer in fact to 10100. Note
there is a candle you have seen before—the bullish engulfing.

From 10075 the Dow advanced over the next month to a peak
just below 10600. For almost a month, in what must have
seemed like an eternity for traders, the Dow vacillated in an
excruciatingly narrow range between 10400 and 10600. When
it finally got beyond resistance at 10600, it formed three doji-
like candles in a row. (The candles are doji-like since they
have very small real bodies). These dojis showed that the
bulls and bears were at a stalemate. After a lengthy uptrend
they indicated that the bulls lacked the buying power to move
the market higher. Not surprisingly a strong sell-off ensued.

The decline ended well above 10000 this time finding a bottom
at 10175. The candle which formed here can be interpreted as
a hammer, despite the very small upper shadow. The hammer
candle occurred after the Dow had found support near 10250
for several days.

On the day of the hammer, a dramatic news event sent prices

sharply lower in the morning, but then the selling pressure
dried up. By late afternoon, prices had turned positive as can
be seen from the small white real body. The hammer led to a
subsequent rally which lifted the Dow several hundred points in
two trading days taking it right back into the 10400 to 10600
range of resistance it had been in the month previous.

I find it intriguing that the same candlestick patterns repeat

over and over. Candles are your personal sentry providing you
with consistent early warnings of impending trend change.
They provide the earliest signal I know of that the patterns in
the market are about to reverse.

All in all, there are about 100 candles patterns the trader can
become familiar with. Of these, 21 candles recur frequently
enough and are significant enough that the trader should be
able to spot them by name. Knowing their names allows you
to spot them more easily and assess their implications. When
faced with the need for a quick decision during the heat of
trading, the trader who can name these 21 candles has a
distinct advantage over one who can't.

In the previous section of this book, I showed how certain key

candlesticks were able to identify every major trend reversal in
the Dow Jones Industrial Average for a period of several
months. It is vital for trading success, I argued, to recognize
candlesticks and assess their implications.

Candles are vital to trading because they identify possible

reversals in trend. Failure to spot these key candles can lead
to costly trading errors. Why should you be able to identify
these candles? Because they can make you money!

Here then are the 21 candlesticks I find most useful in my own




If you were to ask me which of all the candlesticks is the most

important to recognize, I would answer unhesitatingly -- the
doji. On a daily chart, the doji often marks the beginning of a
minor or intermediate trend reversal. Fail to recognize the
doji's implications and you run the risk of buying at the top or
staying far too late in a trade and leaving substantial profits on
the table.

There are four types of dojis -- common, long-legged,

dragonfly and gravestone. All dojis are marked by the fact that
prices opened and closed at the same level. If prices close very
close to the same level (so that no real body is visible or the
real body is very small), then that candle can be interpreted as
a doji.

After a long uptrend, the appearance of a doji can be an

ominous warning sign that the trend has peaked or is close to
peaking. A doji represents an equilibrium between supply and
demand, a tug of war that neither the bulls nor bears are
winning. In the case of an uptrend, the bulls have by definition
won previous battles since prices have moved higher. Now, the
outcome of the latest skirmish is in doubt. After a long
downtrend, the opposite is true. The bears have been
victorious in previous battles, forcing prices down. Now the
bulls have found courage to buy and the tide may be ready to

What I call a "common" doji has a relatively small trading

range. It reflects indecision. Here's an example of a common

A "long-legged" doji is a far more dramatic candle. It says that

prices moved far higher on the day, but then profit taking
kicked in. Typically, a very large upper shadow is left. A close
below the midpoint of the candle shows a lot of weakness.
Here's an example of a long-legged doji:

When the long-legged doji occurs outside an upper Bollinger

band after a sustained uptrend, my experience says you
should be extremely vigilant for the possibility of a reversal. A
subsequent sell signal given by an indicator such as stochastics
is typically a very reliable warning that a correction will occur.
A "gravestone doji," as the name implies, is probably the most
ominous candle of all. On that day, prices rallied, but could not
stand the "altitude" they achieved. By the end of the day they
came back and closed at the same level. Here's an example of
a gravestone doji:

Finally, a "dragonfly" doji depicts a day on which prices opened

at a high, sold off, and then returned to the opening price. In
my experience, dragonflies are fairly infrequent. When they do
occur, however, they often resolve bullishly (provided the stock
is not already overbought as shown by Bollinger bands and
indicators such as stochastics). Here's an example of a
dragonfly doji:

When assessing a doji, always take careful notice of where the

doji occurs. If the security you're examining is still in the early
stages of an uptrend or downtrend, then it is unlikely that the
doji will mark a top. If you notice a short-term bullish moving
average crossover, such as the four-day moving average
heading above the nine-day, then it is likely that the doji marks
a pause, and not a peak. Similarly, if the doji occurs in the
middle of a Bollinger band, then it is likely to signify a pause
rather than a reversal of the trend.

As significant as the doji is, one should not take action on the
doji alone. Always wait for the next candlestick to take trading
action. That does not necessarily mean, however, that you
need to wait the entire next day. A large gap down, after a doji
that climaxed a sustained uptrend, should normally provide a
safe shorting opportunity. The best entry time for a short trade
would be early in the day after the doji.

The chart of the Disk Drive Index ($DDX) shows three of the
four dojis just described and gives some guidance as to how to
effectively interpret this candle depending on where it occurs in
a trend. The Disk Drive Index consists of 11 stocks in the
computer storage and hard drive businesses. This index's
performance therefore usually correlates highly with the
Nasdaq Composite. In March, the $DDX hit a peak of 125.06
and then a prolonged sell-off in conjunction with the overall
market in general and tech stocks in particular. Also, note,
how in early May, the $DDX traded sideways for several days,
finding support or buying interest at the mid-97 level with
resistance or selling pressure near the psychological barrier of
Finally, the buyers were able to overwhelm the sellers and the
$DDX pierced 100. Note on this day, the four-day moving
average penetrated the nine-The 4-day moving average day
and both began to slope upward. That pattern suggested an
uptrend was beginning. The four-day moving average going
above the nine is a bullish moving average crossover. While I
wouldn't trade on this very short-term signal in isolation, it
provides a useful confirmation that the immediate trend is up.

The next day, a common doji appeared (labeled "1"). While a

doji should always be noted, this one was early in the trend.
The previously described "rule of two" also says to wait another
day before taking trading action. The following day was

Two days later a dragonfly doji appeared ("2") with prices

closing at their highs. Again, a dragonfly doji often resolves
positively as did this candle. Three days after that ("3") a
second dragonfly doji occurred. This one was more worrisome
since it came after a substantial advance and was close to the
top of a Bollinger band. However, the uptrend continued.

By early June, the $DDX was trading close to 115. It had

rallied nearly 20% off its early May low. Whereas during the
core of the uptrend, there had been several large white candles
indicating bullish enthusiasm, now the real bodies of
thecandles turned small showing caution on the part of buyers.
Always observe the size of the candles in your analysis.

In mid-June, two consecutive dojis ("4") appeared on the

chart. The first was a common doji; the second closer to a
long-legged variety. For those traders in a long position,
extreme vigilance was now warranted. Substantial profits were
there for nailing down in the $DDX. The index was stalling; the
bulls and bear were stalemated.

In the two days after the dojis appeared, the $DDX struggled
to move higher without much success. On the second day, the
candle turned dark showing selling pressure. Note also that
the four-day moving average penetrated down through the
nine-day, the first time this had happened since the uptrend
began in early May.

The subsequent slide in the $DDX was not dramatic. However,

the trader who failed to heed the dojis' warning surrendered a
large portion of his or her profits. Dojis should not be assessed
mechanically. However, after a strong trend in either direction
they often mark major turning points. Always recognize the
doji when it occurs, and be prepared the next trading day to
take appropriate action.
The one kind of doji not found in the $DDX chart is the
gravestone doji, already seen in the chart of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average. Candlestick names are typically very
colorful and this one is no exception. If you are a bull, the
gravestone doji should sound ominous and one should always
be prepared to take rapid action on its appearance. When it
occurs after a prolonged uptrend, and the upper shadow
penetrates through the upper Bollinger band, the candle takes
on added significance.

To review, a gravestone doji occurs on a day when prices open

and close at the same level. During the session, however,
prices move sharply higher, but the bulls can not sustain the
advance. This trading action leaves a long upper shadow on
the chart. If the gravestone doji does not serve as a key
reversal day, it certainly will mark a resistance area that will
normally stall an advance for several sessions. In either case,
the trader is often prudent to nail down profits after its

The chart of airline stock AMR Corp. (AMR) is a classic example

of why it's vital to recognize the gravestone doji by name.
AMR bottomed at $9.80 in late April. In early June, it had
advanced nearly 40% and was probing the $14 area. On June
17th it opened at $14 and shot up to a peak of $14.95. Notice,
how a large part of the upper shadow pierced through the
Bollinger band. But traders did not like the altitude that AMR
was flying at and stock closed unchanged for the day. The
session created a long-legged doji, a warning that the bulls
were not able to maintain control.
Traders who required additional evidence that a reversal had
occurred did not need to wait long. Notice, how the four day-
moving average crossed below the nine day. A trendline break
also occurs shortly after this crossover, suggesting AMR's flight
path is now lower. Traders who ignored these signals, paid a
high price. By the end of June, AMR was probing $11, not far
from where the rally began. This was one round trip that
would have been avoided through assessing the implications of
the gravestone doji.


The doji candle is probably the single most important candle
for the trader to recognize. Not far behind in value are
hammer and hangman.

It is easy to get these two candlesticks confused since they

look identical. Both the hangman and hammer have a very
long shadow and a very small real body. Typically, they have
no upper shadow (or at the very most, an extremely small
one). To be an "official" hammer or hangman, the lower
shadow must be at least twice the height of the real body. The
larger the lower shadow, the more significant the candle

How can you tell the two candles apart? The hangman candle,
so named because it looks like a person who has been
executed with legs swinging beneath, always occurs after an
extended uptrend. The hangman occurs because traders,
seeing a sell-off in the shares, rush in to snap up the stock at
bargain prices. To their dismay they subsequently find they
could have bought the stock at much cheaper levels. The
hangman looks like this:

On the other hand, the hammer puts in its appearance after

a prolonged downtrend. On the day of the hammer candle,
there is strong selling, often beginning at the opening bell.
As the day goes on, however, the market recovers and
closes near the unchanged mark, or in some cases even
higher. In these cases, the market is potentially
"hammering" out a bottom. Here is an example of a hammer
As with all candles, the "rule of two" applies. That is to say,
a single candle may give a strong message, but one should
always wait for confirmation from another indicator before
taking any trading action. It may not be necessary to wait
an entire trading day for this confirmation. When it comes to
the hangman, for example, confirmation may be a gap down
the next day. With the hammer, a gap opening with
gathering strength as the day wears on may be all that is
necessary to initiate a trade from the long side.

I will start with the hammer. In my experience, when a

hammer candle appears in the chart of one of the major
averages, it is always a signal worth noting. This is
particularly true when it has come after a steady and
prolonged sell-off.

The chart of the Nasdaq Composite ($COMPQ) shows the

value for the trader of recognizing the hammer candle.
From March to late May, Nasdaq was in a steep downtrend
having declined from almost 2100 to just below 1900. Right
above the price chart, is another technical tool I frequently
use, the Price Relative to $SPX. SPX stands for the S&P
500, so this chart compares the performance of Nasdaq to
the S&P. Note that the thick line had a downward slope
throughout the period of the chart and that it was under the
thin line which was the 20-day moving average. What that
tells the trader, is that Nasdaq was under performing the
S&P throughout the entire period.
The hammer candle occurred on the final day of April. On
this day, the Composite breached 1900 intraday, but the
bears did not have the power to close it under that
psychological support level. Instead, the Composite closed
slightly positively on the day, hence the small white head at
the top of the candle.

In itself, the hammer gave a powerful, warning that Nasdaq

was reversing course. The alert trader might take a long
position in a leading Nasdaq stock or an ETF such as the
QQQQ on the next trading day when the Composite bullishly
followed through on the previous day's action. On the
second trading day after the hammer, the four-day moving
average crossed above the nine-day and both began to
slope higher, another bullish sign. Shortly thereafter, the
Price Relative broke out above its own moving average and
for several weeks Nasdaq became the market leader instead
of the laggard.
Additional technical confirmation of the hammer came from
the behavior of the stochastics oscillator. Stochastics
compares the behavior of price relative to itself. It is a
rapidly moving indicator which gives timely buy and sell
signals. In this case, stochastics demonstrated bullish
momentum divergence as marked on the chart. Bullish
divergence occurs when price goes lower, but the stochastics
oscillator rises. The day after the hammer, stochastics gave
its first buy signal in roughly two weeks. The buy signal
occurred as both %K and %D broke above 20 on the
stochastics scale.
From that time onward, throughout the entire month of May,
Nasdaq was off to the races. The Composite rallied roughly
200 points, from below 1900 to nearly 2100. The hammer
candle was the technical signal that it was time to be long
not short Nasdaq.

The candle opposite of the hammer is called hangman.

When I have taught candlesticks in college stock market
classes, students have easily become confused between the
two. This is because they look exactly alike. The key
difference is where they occur in a chart. The hammer
occurs after a long decline when the market is oversold. In
contrast, hangman puts in its appearance near the end of an
uptrend when the market is overbought.

There are times when a hangman candle can look a great

deal like the dragonfly doji. Such is the case with Forest
Labs (FRX). In April, FRX had gapped down sharply from
the $38 area when it announced below expectation earnings.
Forest bottomed at $32.46, in conjunction with strength in
the pharmaceutical stocks began a gradual move higher. On
the day of the hammer, it recovered to a peak of $40.76,
butting up against strong resistance in the $40 to $42 area
formed in February and March.

As shown in the chart below, the hammer candle occurred

outside the Bollinger band, a sign the stock was very
overbought. I have also placed the CCI indicator on the
chart. On this indicator, +100 is overbought and +200
highly overbought. Note that when the hammer candle
occurred, CCI was well over 200 and was beginning to trend
downward. Stochastics gave the same message as it gave a
sell signal after having reached overbought levels.
The hammer was indeed the profit-taking signal in FRX. The
next day the stock opened just above $40 and slid
persistently during the day, reaching a low of $37.60 before
recovering. A simple trendline drawn from the $32.46 low
confirmed that it was time to exit the position. The trendline
was broken the next trading day. CCI also dipped below the
+100 level, giving a sell signal on this indicator. When a
candlestick, indicator and trendline all give the same
message, it is time to listen to these messages. While FRX
went sideways rather than sharply down after the hammer,
a position in the stock was dead money.

If the doji wins the race as the most important candle to

recognize, and hammer/hangman is a close second then the
"engulfing" candle places third. Whereas the doji and
hammer/hangman are a single candle, the engulfing pattern
consists of two candles.

The engulfing candle must completely "consume" the real

body of the previous candle. Because stocks have fewer
gaps than commodities, an engulfing candle may violate this
rule very slightly by being just above or below the top or
bottom of the previous candle. In most cases, you should
interpret this as an engulfing pattern. If you or your
children are in the age group to remember the early video
game Pac Man, you can think of the engulfing candle as
being similar to the hero of that game in that it eats or
consumes the previous candle.

A bullish engulfing candle occurs after a significant

downtrend. Note that the engulfing candle must encompass
the real body of the previous candle, but need not surround
the shadows. Below you will find an illustration of a bullish
engulfing candle:

A bearish engulfing candle occurs after a significant uptrend.

Again, the shadows need not be surrounded. Below you will
find an illustration of a bearish engulfing candle:
The power of the engulfing candle is increased by two
factors -- the size of the candle and the volume on the day it
occurs. The bigger the engulfing candle, the more significant
it is likely to be. A large bullish engulfing candle says the
bulls have seized control of the market after a downtrend.
Meanwhile, a large bearish engulfing says the bears have
taken command after an uptrend. Also, if volume is above
normal on the day when the signal is given, this increases
the power of the message.

A good example of a bearish engulfing candle ending a rally

is found in Avid Technology (AVID), a maker of video editing
software. In early March the stock peaked in conjunction
with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite just above $68. A
few days later, when it was trading at $62, it made an
acquisition and was punished severely. Intraday, the stock
was off nearly $5 and left a large gap between
approximately the $60 and $62 level on the chart. Note also
the large volume spike on that day. As we shall see later in
this book, gaps in candlestick theory are called "windows,"
and create resistance to further price advances.

AVID eventually bottomed in late April at $47.64 and began

to recover. By mid-June it was back above $60 and trading
into the window it had created the day of the acquisition.
That in itself should have made any long cautious on AVID.
Another reason for prudence, however, was that it was
overbought. It was outside the Bollinger band. In addition
to being in overbought territory on stochastics, there was
also bearish momentum divergence. The day after the
bearish engulfing candle, the stock gapped down.
Stochastics and CCI gave clear sell signals and the trendline
from the late April low was broken soon after. AVID
retreated to near $51 before finally going outside the
Bollinger band and becoming oversold, then staging a
modest recovery.

The Utility TXU Corp (TXU) provides a good example of a

bullish engulfing candle. From a low just under $60 in
January, TXU had a spectacular run to $86.64 before pulling
back. Readers should note the strong support that existed
between approximately $73 and $74, a level the shares did
not did go below from February on.
In a single day in early May TXU went from just over $80
down to support at $74. Note the long lower shadow which
probed outside the Bollinger band on this session. While this
candle does not meet the requirements of a hammer (the
shadow is not double the real body), traders should still pay
close attention to long shadows especially in areas of
support. They suggest that there is buying interest at that

Note also the bullish divergence on the CCI indicator which

was recovering from oversold levels. Traders needed to wait
two additional days for the bullish engulfing candle, but
when it did come it was a highly reliable signal. The candle
was fairly large as the stock moved almost $2.50 on the
day. CCU subsequently recovered to near $85, just below
the previous highs.

Bullish and bearish engulfing candles warn of trend change

before it happens. Combine the appearance of these candles
with other technical tools such as CCI, and you should
quickly pick up on trend changes. The ability to spot the
trend change is key to positioning yourself on the right side
of the market, and is vital for trading success.



The candlestick we will next explore is called "Dark Cloud

Cover." It is a close relative of the bearish engulfing, but is
not quite as negative in its implications. Still, the
appearance of this candle should be a warning to the trader
to protect profits in a position. It also suggests that you
should watch a stock as a possible short candidate in the
trading days ahead.

The Dark Cloud Cover candle occurs after a strong uptrend.

A series of ascending candles is ultimately "capped" by a
final white candle. At this point, the stock or index seems
technically healthy and the bulls may be lulled into a sense
of false complacency.

On the day of the dark cloud cover, the stock opens above
the previous day's high. For a true dark cloud cover to
emerge, therefore, the stock should gap above the upper
shadow of the previous white "capping" candle. At the
opening bell on this trading day, it seems like the uptrend
will continue.
As the day wears on, however, the bears wrest control. On
the dark cloud cover day, the stock closes at least halfway
into the previous white "capping" candle. The larger the
penetration of the previous candle (that is, the closer this
candle is to being a bearish engulfing), the more powerful
the signal. Traders should pay particular attention to a dark
cloud cover candle if it occurs at an important resistance
area and if the end-of-day volume is strong. Below you will
find an example of a Dark Cloud Cover candle:

Film and digital camera maker Eastman Kodak (EK) provides

an example of the dark cloud cover. The stock traded as
high as $33 in April, immediately before it released earnings
and its second quarter forecast. With earnings came out in
mid-April the shares were changing hands at just above $30.
Results were below expectations, the stock dropped
precipitously on their release, gapping down to $27.16 and
over the next several days an falling as low at $24.40. As
we shall see when gaps are explored, the trader should now
anticipate resistance between $27.16 the low end of the gap
and just above $30, the upper end.

Over the next month and a half, EK began a grudging

recovery, regaining $27, backing off and then finding
consistent support at $26. The shares then broke out
forming four consecutive white candlesticks and reaching a
high of $28.19. While the third candlestick was not large, it
if the four candles were combined into one, it certainly
would have been.
When the dark cloud cover emerged therefore, traders
should have been wary. While this candle was relatively
small, it retreated half-way back into the final white candle.
The next day a doji appeared, emphasizing the resistance
near $28. EK then retreated toward the $26 level before
finding support and rallying. While the Dark Cloud Cover is
not as potent a reversal candle as bearish engulfing, its
appearance in the chart should be respected.



The dark cloud cover and piercing candles are like bookends.
Whereas the dark cloud cover warns that an uptrend might
be coming to an end and is thus a signal to take profits on
long trades, a piercing candle intimates that a downtrend
may be about to reverse and shorts should be covered.

The first thing to look for to spot the piercing pattern is an

existing downtrend. With daily candles, the piercing pattern
will often end a minor downtrend (a downtrend that often
lasts between five and fifteen trading days). The day before
the piercing candle appears, the daily candle should ideally
have a fairly large dark real body, signifying a strong down
day. Here is an example of the piercing candle:

In the classic piercing pattern, the next day's candle gaps

below the lower shadow, or previous day's low. I find with
stocks (in comparison to commodities), however, that the
gap is very often below the previous day's close, but not less
than the previous day's low.

On the piercing day, the candle comes back into and closes
at least halfway into the real body of day one. If it does
not come at least halfway back, then the candle is not a
piercing candle and needs to be called by a different name.
(The candle is "on-neck" if it closes at day one's low, "in-
neck" if it closes slightly back into day one's real body, and
"thrusting" if it closes substantially into the real body, but
less than halfway.) In addition, the second day's candle
cannot totally make up the ground lost in day one, otherwise
it would be a bullish engulfing.

Here are a few other points on the piercing candle. The

closer it is to being a bullish engulfing candle, the more
positive it is, and thus the greater the possibility of a
reversal. Second, take particular note of the piercing candle
if it occurs at an important support level. Third, if volume is
strong on the piercing day, then the candle gains added

An interesting example of a piercing candle is found in the

chart of Avici Systems (AVCI) a VOIP or Voice Over Internet
Protocol play. In mid-April, AVCI had bottomed near $3.70
for several days, creating a short-term basing formation.
Toward the end of the month, it created a gap between
approximately the $4.15 and $4.50 area, and then retreated
to $4.16. Note the long lower shadow of the day the $4.16
bottom was made. Large lower shadows often serve as
support areas. This one was doubly significant as it held the
very upper end of the gap or window created several days
AVCI then advanced from $4.16 to $4.90 in mid-May,
topping out just below "round number" resistance at $5.
From there the stock went into a Minor decline of 21 trading
days, finally bottoming at $4.20. Note that at this level
AVCI was at important support created by the $4.16 low as
well as was still above its late April gap.
The piercing candle appeared at support two days later. It
was not a large range day and was accomplished on low
volume. A trader who observed it might have made a
mental note and watched with interest the trading action of
the second day. Now the trend became much clearer. AVCI
broke the downtrend line off the $4.90 high. It went back
above its 4 and 9 day moving average which gave a buy
signal. Eventually, AVCI ran to $5.10 in mid-June before
topping. Even if the trader had purchased at $4.50 and sold
a few days later near $5, the percentage gain was

The piercing candle is a less powerful signal than the doji or

bullish engulfing. Nevertheless, it is potent. Make a mental
note to include it in your analysis the next time it occurs in a
stock you own or are watching.

By this point in 21 Candles, you should be able to spot

several reversal candles. Many times, only one candle is
necessary to put a trader on high alert that a reversal may
be happening. A doji candlestick, whether it occurs after a
long uptrend or downtrend, indicates that supply and
demand are in equilibrium and that the recent trend may be
coming to a conclusion.

Several major reversal patterns consist of two candlesticks.

A bullish or bearish engulfing candle often signals a trend's
conclusion. This two-candle pattern is also relatively easy to

The evening star and morning star are, in my experience,

harder patterns for the eye to pick out. The reason for this is
simple -- since both patterns consist of three candles, these
candles must be perceived as a group. However, once
you've identified one of these patterns, then your job is
pretty much over. Unlike most other candle formations, no
further confirmation is needed. The evening and morning
star are complete in and of themselves, so the trader should
strongly consider taking trading action immediately upon
their appearance.

The evening star pattern occurs during a sustained

uptrend. This is my nursery rhyme for the evening star: "IF
On the first day we see a candle with a long white body.
Everything looks normal and the bulls appear to have full
control of the stock. On the second day, however, a star
candle occurs. For this to be a valid evening star pattern,
the stock must gap higher on the day of the star. The star
can be either black or white. A star candle has a small real
body and often contains a large upper shadow.

The star communicates that the bulls and bears are involved
in a tug of war, yet neither side is winning. After a sustained
uptrend, those who want to take profits have come into
balance with those eager to buy the stock. A large upper
shadow indicates that the stock could not sustain its probe
into new high ground. A potential reversal has been

On the third day, a candle with a black real body emerges.

This candle retreats substantially into the real body of the
first day. The pattern is made more powerful if there is a
gap between the second and third day's candles. However,
this gap is unusual, particularly when it comes to equity
trading. As such, it is not a required part of the pattern. The
further this third candle retreats into the real body of
the first day's candle, the more powerful the reversal
signal. Since the third day affirms the star's potentially
bearish implications, no further confirmation is needed.

Continental Airlines (CAL) provides a good illustration of the

evening star formation. The shares bottomed in late April as
the stock created a hammer candle. The bottom was
deceptive -- the next day, the hammer was followed by a
bearish engulfing and that candle was in turn succeeded by
a large white candle. CAL rallied up close to its previous
high of $13.36 of mid-April, backed off and then soared.
The shares completed an ascending triangle breakout on
high volume and reached a peak of $15.60 in early June.
The evening star pattern is circled on the chart below. On
the first day, there is a reasonably large white candle. The
second session see a gap higher, indicated by the top of the
black candle being somewhat higher than the white candle
before it. Note the large upper shadow on this candle,
indicating that CAL was not able to sustain prices above $15.
The upper shadow occurred entirely above the top Bollinger
band indicating that CAL was substantially overbought.
On the third day of the formation, prices closed well back
into the range of the first day, the final requirement of the
evening star. Daily stochastics and CCI gave sell signals
during this session also suggesting that the top for CAL was
in. Note, how much earlier these signals were than the
broken uptrend line which lagged the evening star by almost
two weeks. , And remember my trader's rhyme, "if you see
the evening star, a top is often not very far."

Having explored the evening star in detail, we need say little

more about the morning star formation since it is the exact
opposite of the evening star. It occurs in a downtrend and
starts with a large black candle. On the second day, a star
forms on a gap. The third day completes the reversal by
closing well into the real body of day one.

Pharmaceutical giant and Dow Jones Industrial Average

component Merck (MRK) is a stock in a long-term
downtrend. In 2001 the shares peaked near $100 and
began a steady decline that took the shares to the mid-$40's
in late 2004. Then the news hit that a key drug of Merck,
VIOXX, increased the risk of heart attack and stroke. The
headlines caused the stock to lose more a third of its market
capitalization in late September and continue to its rock
bottom low of $25 in November.

From there, Merck began a very gradual recovery that saw

the stock peak at $34.95 in early April. If you noticed that
$25 and $35 were round numbers and reflected that these
are both option strike prices, you've noted an important
After reaching $34.95, MRK went sideways for several weeks
and then hit a secondary peak of $34.79 in early May. From
here, MRK went into a prolonged slide reaching a low of
$30.12 (notice again the $5 interval) in late June, rallying
slightly and then testing a slightly lower low of $29.90 in
early July.

The second low was revealing in a number of ways. First, as

shown by the stochastics and CCI oscillators there was
bullish momentum divergence as price was lower, but
stochastics and CCI itself were higher. The test of the lower
day was also the second candle of the three-candle morning
star formation.
Note, that on the first day there is a large dark candle. The
middle day is not a perfect star, because there is a small
lower shadow, but the upper shadow on top of a small reall
body gives it a star quality. The third candle is a large white
candle which completes the reversal. Note how the third
candle recovered nearly to the highs of the first day and
occurred on strong volume. Also observe the buy signal
generated by stochastics on the day of the Morning Star.
After this candle, Merck bounced higher reaching a peak
near $32 several days later. The Morning Star, true to its
name, had seen Merck's prospects brighten considerably.


Candle theory identifies four kinds of stars: morning,

evening, doji and shooting. I now want to focus on the
shooting star.

The shooting star can only appear at a potential market top.

If you are looking at a daily chart, then it is possible that
this candle will warn of a reversal in the Minor uptrend.
Since a minor uptrend typically lasts between six and fifteen
days, the swing trader should be very alert if the Minor
uptrend is mature.

If a shooting star occurs after a candle with a large real body

it typically is that much stronger a warning since it shows
price can not sustain high levels. The day the shooting star
occurs, the market should ideally gap higher (although with
stocks rather than commodities, this gap is sometimes not

The stock should then rally sharply. At this point, it appears

as though the longs are in complete control. Sometime
during the day, however, profit taking ensues. The stock
closes near the unchanged market, as shown by a small real
body. A shooting star therefore has a small real body and a
large upper shadow. Typically, there will be either no lower
shadow or a very small one. Here is a graphic representation
of a shooting star candle:
The small real body shows that the bulls and bears are at
war with each other. Whereas the bulls had been in control
during the uptrend, the two sides are now evenly matched.

The Semiconductor Index provides a clear example of why it

is important to pay attention to the shooting star candle.
The semis bottomed with the rest of Nasdaq in late April at
376.64. On that day, the $SOX broke support at 380
intraday, but then rallied strongly to close within the
previous range. Note the hammer-like candle (it has a small
upper shadow so is not a "classical" hammer) and long lower
From here, the $SOX commenced a strong rally which lifted
the index nearly 64 points or approximately 17% in 24
trading days to the 440 level. At this point, both Nasdaq
and the $SOX hit resistance. The $SOX tried to break 440
on six separate occasions, but was unable to do so. Finally
it retreated to just below 420 and began another rally back
toward resistance.

Toward the end of June, it broke through 440 intraday,

briefly approaching important resistance (not shown on this
chart) near the 450 level where it had stalled twice before in
November 2004 and March 2005. The candle that formed
was a shooting star. Note how the large upper shadow went
above the upper Bollinger band and the small real body.
The $SOX had tested important resistance and failed.

The next trading day, it sold off sharply bearishly engulfing

the real body of the star candle. The $SOX then retreated
to support near 418. The trader who missed the
implications of the shooting star, would have needlessly held
semiconductor stocks through a sharp decline. If you can
accurately recognizing the shooting star candle, then you'll
have another important tool to assist you in spotting early
signs of a reversal. The candle will warn of the end of a
Minor uptrend before trend following tools such as moving
averages or MACD. Recognize the shooting star or suffer the
slings and arrows of stock market misfortune.



Below you will find an illustration of the "inverted

hammer" candlestick:

The reason that the inverted hammer looks so familiar is

that it is identical in appearance to the shooting star
discussed above. The difference is that the shooting star
occurs at the end of a long uptrend. The inverted hammer,
on the other hand, occurs after a significant decline has
taken place.

If you examine the inverted hammer carefully, it hardly

looks like a bullish candle. Prices opened low and then rallied
strongly. By the close of trading, however, the stock has
given back almost all of the day's gains. That leaves a small
real body and a very large upper shadow. If anything, the
candle looks bearish. The bulls could not sustain a rally, so
the bears took the stock back toward its lows for the day.

So, why should this candle potentially set up an important

reversal? My theory is that the inverted hammer often is a
signal that shorts are beginning to cover their positions.

Here is my reasoning. Since the inverted hammer can only

occur after a sustained downtrend, the stock is in all
probability already oversold. Therefore, the inverted
hammer may signify that shorts are beginning to cover. In
addition, traders who have held long positions in the
security, most of whom are now showing large losses, are
often quick to dump their shares by selling into strength.
This will also serve to drive the stock back down.

With this candle, it is imperative to watch the next day's

trading action. If the stock opens strongly and remains
strong during the day, then a key reversal is likely in

Not every inverted hammer will tune you in to this kind of

short-covering situation. However, when you do see its
appearance on a chart, then I suggest you do two things.
First, check the short interest in the stock. Second, if that
short interest is substantial, then follow the stock closely the
next trading day. Recognition of the inverted hammer may
help you build market-beating profits.

National Information (EGOV) is a small cap stock that

provides web building and software services to local, federal
and the federal government. Prior to when this chart was
taken, the stock had been in a narrow trading range with
resistance just under $5.50 and support just over $4 for
nearly six months.
EGOV peaked at $5.44 in early March and by late April had
retreated to $4.13, a support level in the vicinity of its
October low. On the day the stock bottomed, EGOV went
outside the lower Bollinger band. Although it formed a large
black candle, note the large lower shadow as well,
confirming that there was support just over $4.

The next day, EGOV formed an inverted hammer. The real

body was small, and the upper shadow probed back toward
the middle of the previous candle. The alert trader would
have noticed that daily stochastics was bullishly divergent
during this period. Again, bullish divergence occurs when
the momentum indicators make a higher low while price
itself is making a lower low. Since momentum often
proceeds price, it can be an important signal a reversal is

That reversal came the next day, as EGOV formed a large

white candle that reached approximately half-way back into
the bottoming candle of two days previous. From there,
EGOV traded into resistance at $4.60, backed off to a test of
support and then rallied sharply toward $5. The inverted
hammer signaled the stock was close to a low.



When you visualize the harami candle, you should imagine

that the first candle is like a mother and the second candle
the child that emerges from its belly. That is where the
name harami or pregnant comes from.

The harami candle can occur both after an uptrend or

downtrend. To keep this discussion clear, however, for the
sake of example I will assume a stock is in a uptrend.
Immediately preceding the harami candle, there should be a
large, real body dark candle. When this candle occurs, the
bulls appear to be fully in the driver's seat.

The next day, however, a small real body candle appears

within the larger real body. This is the harami candle. In
my experience, the signal is more powerful if the second
day's candle is near the middle of the trading range of the

Experts tend to disagree about whether the harami day

needs to be of the opposite color from the large, clear candle
day. Clearly, the reversal signal is more potent if it is the
opposite color, as this color change shows that the decline
has stalled. The bulls are now on strong ground and are
engaged in a struggle for power with the bears. The upper
and lower shadows can be of any size, and theoretically
could even go above the real body of the clear candle day.
In practice, however, the harami day's shadows are often
small and are typically contained well within the real body of
the previous day's candle.

Always look carefully at the next day's candle -- the one that
follows the harami candle. Sometimes harami merely
signifies that the stock is entering a period of consolidation
(the shares will trade sideways). If, however, the stock
you're examining rallies the day after the harami candle
takes place, then there is an increased likelihood that the
shares have put in a Minor bottom.

Polycom is a company that makes equipment for video-

conferencing. As the 150-day moving average shows, the
shares have been in a long-term downtrend. In late May,
PLCM hit a low of $14.80 and then rallied close to resistance
formed by the declining 150-day moving average at $17.99
in mid-May. From there, the shares fell rapidly, breaking
the previous low of $14.80 in late June and continuing down
to $13.97 at the beginning of July.
The day before the haramai appeared, PLCM fell from near
the $15 range to just below $14. A large dark candle
appeared on the chart, marked by volume, approximately
250% higher than normal.

When the harami appeared the next session, it held well

above the lows of the previous day. The day after, a doji-
like candle appeared, suggesting that the bears were not
able to force prices any lower. From there, PLCM rallied
nicely. By mid-month, the shares were testing $16, a gain
of nearly 50% of the ground lost during the decline. Note
that the stochastics buy signal from oversold levels which
confirmed the harami candle did not come until several days
after the candlesticks signaled the reversal.

While the harami candle is considered less potent than many

of the key reversal candles, it nevertheless has substantial
predictive power. If it occurs in a stock in which you have a
position, then you should be alert to a change in trend from
up to sideways, or even up to down. (If the stock is in a
downtrend, then the harami candle can also warn of an
impending period of sideways trading, or perhaps even an
uptrend.) The next time you observe the harami candle,
take heed, as it can provide you with a valuable tool to help
you protect your profits.



In Japanese, the term marubozu means "close-cropped."

Other common names for the marubozu include "shaven
head" or "shaven bottom." Typically, the marubozu is a long
candle that implies the day's trading range has been large.
A marubozu candle lacks either an upper or lower shadow.
On rare occasions it can lack both an upper or lower
shadow. I am going to add a new term to candlestick
terminology and call a long candle without either an upper
or lower shadow a "full" marubozu.
If you spend a lot of time at the trading screen, then you
probably realize that a full marubozu is a very unlikely
occurrence. Even after a strong up gap, most stocks
experience a minor reversal, which leaves a small lower
shadow. The same is true for the down gap. In addition, if
a stock has moved sharply higher during the day, day
traders often seek to nail down profits toward the end of the
session. This creates a small upper shadow. Conversely, if a
stock has sharply declined, then some short sellers will
generally cover before the close of trading. Because of this,
stocks rarely close on their absolute low. In these cases
there will be a small lower shadow.

When a "full marubozu" occurs, or one that is very close to

full, it is very well worth noting. If it is a white candle, then
it signals extreme conviction among buyers. Conversely, if it
is a dark candle, then it indicates sellers were eager to flee.
As always, you should pay careful attention to the next day's
trading to see if there is follow through. A full or nearly full
Marubozu implies that there is strong buying or selling
interest depending on the color. If there is follow-through
early the next day, the stock is likely to trend in that same
direction for the next few sessions. That awareness can be
important for the trader.

Below you will find an illustration of a stock which forms

many nearly full marubozu candles, Amerada Hess (AHC) an
oil company. Why does Amerada form so many marubozu
or close to marubozu candles? It is because trading in the
stock correlates very close with the price of crude oil. When
oil is down the stock sells off usually falling consistently
during the day. The reverse is true when oil rises.

As shown by the 50-day moving average which is sloping

higher and below the share price, AHC was in a strong
uptrend during this period. In less than a two-month period
that were eight candles that were close to full Marubozu.
Five of these candles were up. If one had bought any time
after the Maurbozu candle within two trading days in all
cases, the trade was profitable. That is because the
Marubozu signaled a strong thrust in the trend often after a
short period of consolidation.

Interestingly, the three downside maurbozu which occur

starting in mid-June were not bearish even though prices
closed at or pennies from their low. Instead they were
taken by traders as an opportunity to jump into the stock.
The "full marubozu" is not generally considered a major
candlestick. In my opinion, however, it should be added to
this category. Although it is infrequent, this candlestick
tends to be significant when it occurs. If you observe it in a
stock you own -- beware.



Here is an interesting question -- which candle is most

opposite of the marubozu? Since the marubozu can be either
white or black, the correct answer here cannot be another
marubozu candle. Instead, in my mind, opposite candles
include both spinning tops and high waves. I've provided
you with an illustration of both of these candles below.

Why should these candles be considered opposites relative

to the marubozu? When a marubozu candle occurs, it shows
a great deal of conviction on the part of the market. A black
marubozu portrays a very weak market in which the sellers
are eager to exit and willing to get out of their positions at
almost any price. Meanwhile, a white marubozu portrays the
opposite situation, where buyers are willing to pay higher
and higher prices to enter the stock.

In contrast, spinning tops and high wave candles denote

situations where the market is having difficulty coming to a
consensus on a security's value. They portray a market in
which uncertainty and indecision prevail. Neither the buyers
nor the sellers have a clear sense of which direction the
market will head. The forces of supply and demand are
equally balanced.
What is the difference between the spinning top and the
high wave? In the spinning top, the shadows are relatively
small and the candle has a very small range. When
combined with low volume, traders may be expressing

A high wave candle, on the other hand, portrays a situation

where there is an active tug of war between the bulls and
the bears. This candle shows a market that has lost a clear
sense of direction. If it occurs on high volume, then it
indicates the market's general confusion about the direction
prices are headed.

Zimmer Holdings (ZMH) is a company which makes artificial

joints used in such operations as hip and knee replacements.
Prior to this chart, the stock had been within a prolonged
wide-swinging trading range with much of the action
concentrated in the mid-$70 to mid-$80 range.
In late April, Zimmer peaked at $83.70 outside the upper
Bollinger band and began a slow, rolling decline that brought
it back to the lower Bollinger band in both mid-May and
early June. At the June low we can observe first a high
wave candle and on the next trading day a spinning top.
Note on the high wave the long upper and lower shadows.
With its small real body, the candle is close to a long-legged
doji. On the next trading session, the spinning top occurred.
Both of these candles occurred near key support just above
$75. Take note of the very light volume on both of these
sessions. The volume was well below the moving average

All together, the technical indicators and two candles

suggested that doubt and confusion existed in the minds of
both buyers and sellers. Sellers were no longer motivated to
exit the position, but buyers were not willing to step forward
either. That situation changed the next day, when ZMH
bounced sharply off support and formed a large white
candle. On this session, Zimmer's future direction became
clear in the short term -– up.

ZMH ultimately recovered to a high of $81.28, before

succumbing to profit taking and retreating to support near
$75. But for the alert trader, the combination of candle
signals and technical indicators signaled a good opportunity.

As the old cliché goes -- "when in doubt, stay out." The

spinning top and high wave candles express doubt and
confusion on the part of the market when it comes to ZMH.
When the market does tip its hand, however, a good trading
opportunity can be seized by the alert trader.

The three black crows candle formation does not happen

very frequently in stock trading, but when it does occur
swing traders should be very alert to the crow's caw.

The candlestick's metaphor is three crows sitting in a tall

three. On the day the first black crow makes its appearance,
the formation is most predictive if the first "crow" -- or dark
candlestick -- closes below the previous candle's real body.

Two more long-bodied consecutive down days then ensue.

On each of these days, it appears as if the stock wants to
regain its former strength, as the stock opens higher than
the close on the previous day. By the end of each session,
however, the sellers regain control and the stock drops to a
new closing low. Here is what three black crows candlestick
pattern looks like:

Note that the lower shadows on three black crows are small,
or in some cases even nonexistent. Although three black
crows is a complete pattern in and of itself, traders should
always be alert to what happens on the fourth day after the
pattern is formed. Since there has been intense selling
throughout the pattern, the stock may be overextended to
the downside. However, if the stock continues its negative
pattern on the fourth day, then it is likely that the issue is
going much lower.
The chart of Macromedia (MACR) was taken during the
period the stock was acquired by Adobe Systems. During
this time, MACR advanced from a late April low of $32.68 to
an early June peak of $44.67. MACR then began to weaken,
but found support just above the $42.50 level. Note the
large black candle about 10 days into the decline. The lower
shadow probed the $40 area, a key level of round number
Several days later, the first of the three black crows formed
just above $40. The second crow broke decisively through
the $40 level and the third crow took the shares down
toward $38. By this time, MACR had fallen almost $4 in
three days and on a very short term basis was substantially
oversold. Oversold conditions may be relieved by a stock
going either up or sideways and in this case MACR went
laterally for the next four days. Eventually, the shares
tested $35 before finding a short-term bottom.

Three black crows is an infrequent, but powerful candle

formation. After observing its occurrence, the trader should
likely resist the temptation to short since the issue is already
short-term oversold. Rather, in most cases, the better
approach is to watch the stock carefully. If it rallies weakly
and then begins to falter, a short position can in most cases
safely be initiated with a stop just above the high of the first
black crow.



The bullish counterpart of three black crows is known as

"three white soldiers" and is considered by some candle
theorists as one of the most bullish candle patterns.

The three white soldiers pattern is most potent when it

occurs after an extended decline and a period of subsequent
consolidation. When a particular stock posts a decline
followed by a sideways movement, the appearance at that
point of three white soldiers signals that higher prices are
likely ahead.

The first of the three advancing white soldiers is a reversal

candle. It either ends a downtrend or signifies that the stock
is moving out of a period of consolidation after a decline.
The candle on day two may open within the real body of day
one. The pattern is valid as long as the candle of day two
opens in the upper half of day one's range. By the end of
day two, the stock should close near its high, leaving a very
small or non-existent upper shadow. The same pattern is
then repeated on day three.

Although this candle pattern is very potent when a stock is

at or near its lows, it should be regarded skeptically if it
appears following a long advance in price. If you spot three
white soldiers after a sustained rally, then it may mean a top
is near. Be on the alert then for a reversal candle such as a
doji or negative engulfing.

An extremely interesting example of three white soldiers

occurs in the Biotech Index ($BTK). Two charts are
necessary to illustrate a stunning reversal marked by three
white soldiers.

The first chart focuses on the period from late December to

early March. The Biotech index peaked along with the rest
of the market in late December at 555. From there is began
a steady downtrend. Note the very strong selling
throughout this period.
There were several factors which tipped the alert analyst
that the Biotech had changed course. The first was a
hammer like candle outside the Bollinger band. Note also
the bullish divergence in stochastics on this second bottom.
Bullish divergence occurs when price makes a lower low and
the momentum indicator a higher low. The first of three
white soldier candles was also a bullish engulfing again
providing strong evidence that the index was turning

The $BTK then rallied with a vengeance. This advance can

be more clearly seen in the second chart provided. The
decline from late December to early April took more than
three months and saw the biotechs lose nearly 70 points. In
three days, this group rallied to an intraday peak of 515.69,
a recovery of 34 points or nearly half of the ground lost in
three months.

Note how the biotechs went from one end of the Bollinger
band to the other and stochastics from oversold to
overbought. The three white soldiers had consumed a lot of
buying power! After that the biotechs went sideways for
most of the month resolving the overbought condition. .

The "three white soldiers" pattern does not occur frequently,

but as a swing trader you should definitely be on the lookout
for it. These soldiers make great allies in your battle for
swing trading profits.



In my experience, "tweezers" candles do not occur all that

often in the stock market. However, when they do indeed
take place, they are almost always significant.

What are tweezers candles?

Candlestick theory recognizes both a tweezers top and a

tweezers bottom. The tweezers formation always involves
two candles. At a tweezers top, the high price of two nearby
sessions is identical or very nearly so. In a high priced
stock there may be a few cents variation and I believe it
should still be considered a tweezers. At a tweezers bottom
the low price of two sessions that come in close succession
is the same.

For simplicity, let's talk just about the tweezers bottom. In

some instances, the tweezers bottom is formed by two real
candlestick bodies that make an identical low. In other
instances, the lower shadows of two nearby candles touch
the same price level and the stock then bounces higher. A
third possibility is that the lower shadow of one day and the
real body of a nearby session hit the same bottom level.

Most traders are familiar with a double bottom or double

top. For this formation to occur, the chart you're looking at
should generally show at least fifteen trading days between
the two tops or bottoms. The double top or bottom is
typically a forecasting formation that applies to
Intermediate-term reversals.

In my mind, the tweezers pattern is analogous to a very

short-term double top or double bottom. What the tweezers
candles say is that prices held twice at the exact same level
or very close to it. At the bottom, sellers were not able to
push the stock lower. At the top, the bulls were not able to
drive prices higher. Tweezers thus signify very short-term
support and resistance levels.

Tweezers sometimes occur on two consecutive trading

sessions. In these cases they are relatively easy to spot.
However, they can also occur several sessions apart -- say
six or eight. (If they are spread further apart than that, then
the formation is beginning to approach the double bottom or
top described above.) When the tweezers occur
consecutively their forecasting value generally increases.
Why? Well, in these cases a bullish or bearish move has
been absolutely stopped in its tracks and is more likely to

As with any candles, swing traders should carefully watch

the price action that occurs immediately after the tweezers
candles. If the tweezers bottom is to be a meaningful
reversal, then the low formed by the two candles should
hold. If the bottom is penetrated, then prices are likely to
descend to at least the next important support level. The
opposite is true for a tweezers top.

Burlington Northern Railroad (BNI) was a stock on fire as

investors bid up much of the Dow Jones Transportation
Average of which it forms a part. The stock ran from the
low $46 range in early February to a peak of $56.28 in late
March, a price that formed a peak for the stock. Burlington
then formed a small head and shoulders top and then took a
round trip right back to the $46 level in mid-April.
A tweezers bottom them marked the conclusion of the
selling pressure. The first low occurred at $46.59. Eight
trading days later, BNI tested $46.54, five cents lower then
the first tweezers candle. Note the long lower shadows on
both candles saying sellers were eager to step in and buy in
this zone of support.

I have also included a 150-day moving average on the chart.

Note that the moving average was sloping up. to define the
long term trend, I typically put the 150-day moving average
on the chart. When it is rising and below the share price, it
provides support and often stops a correction particularly
the first time it is tested.

From the mid-$46 range, BNI rallied to $51.62 on May 6th

and $51.59 on May 9th. These days were Friday and
Monday, so they were consecutive. A tweezers top stalled
the recovery and the shares again pulled back falling this
time to a low just over $47.

Tweezers candles do not occur as frequently as other

candles such as dojis. When they do arise, however, they
generally give rise to high-probability trading opportunities.
Recognize this candle formation and you'll have a much
easier time extracting money from the market.


A gap is a 'hole" in the chart. It occurs because on a

particular day a stock opens or closes much higher or lower
than on the previous session. The cause of a gap can be
varied. Some common reasons for gaps are earnings
announcements, important corporate news or even large
moves in the overall market at the opening of trading.


The trader should be able to identify four different types of

gaps: area (common), breakaway, continuation (measuring)
and exhaustion.

An "area" gap occurs within a trading pattern such as a

triangle, rectangle or base. Typically, the "area" gap is of
little significance. Since area gaps are often filled quickly,
they conform to traditional wisdom that gaps are filled. The
stock Aladin Knowledge Systems (ALDN) shows two
examples of area gaps. In both case these gaps were
quickly filled.
A "breakaway" gap is an entirely different matter. The
"breakaway" gap ends a consolidation pattern and happens
as prices break out. Often, a "breakaway" gap occurs on
very large volume, as the supply available within the
consolidation pattern has been consumed and bidders who
want to enter the stock must pay up for it. A genuine
"breakaway" gap will often not be filled for weeks or months
(if ever).

The chart of Conagra (CAG) shows a breakaway gap which

occurred on enormous volume.
Note how the stock tried to rally back toward resistance at
$25.44 on the gap of the gap. It failed right below that level
and left an enormous upper shadow. Volume on that day
was about 350% high than normal levels. If the stock were
to approach $25.44 again it will face very strong resistance
as all the buyers who have the chance to get out at close to
breakeven will be tempted to do so.

A "continuation" gap occurs within a rapid straight-up

movement. This type of gap is also known as a "measuring"
gap because it usually occurs approximately halfway through
the move. "Continuation" gaps may eventually be filled, but
it should take some time to do so as the stock needs to first
peak, reverse, and finally trend in the opposite direction.
A fascinating example of a continuation gap occurs in the
chart of Brinter Intl. (EAT), a restaurant chain. The stock
peaked just shy of the $40 level in March and hit a low of
$33.19 in late April. After a snappy recovery, the stock
closed at $36.95 on June 8th. Note the move from $33.19 to
$36.95 was $3.76.

The next day EAT gapped up on news that the company was
boosting both its quarterly and full year earnings outlook.
The stock opened at $39.25, backed off to $38.65 and
closed over round number resistance at $40. A continuation
gap typically takes place approximately half-way through the
move. If you add the prior move of $3.76 to the low of the
gap day, $38.65, the target becomes $42.41. The stock hit
$42.40 several trading days later!

An "exhaustion" gap occurs at the end of a price move. If

there have been two or more gaps before it, then this kind
of gap should be regarded very skeptically. A genuine
"exhaustion" gap is filled within a few days to a week.

BHP Billiton is an Australian mining stock which trades on

the New York Stock Exchange. The company tends to form
many gaps since the trading which takes place in Australia
before the NYSE opens dramatically influences BHP'
performance on that day.
In mid-June, however, note that BHP made an unusual
number of gaps in a row, even for this stock. The third gap
formed a doji and the stock reversed, filling the top and
middle gap, but finding support at the bottom one. With
gaps I often find that the "three strikes and you're out" rule
applies. The third gap is often the final one.

When a trader sees a gap, he or she should immediately

ask, "What kind of gap am I witnessing?" Often it will take
some time to come to a final conclusion. What seems to be a
breakaway gap, for example, may over the next several
weeks be filled and that filling may be an important catalyst
to take trading action in the opposite direction.


Candlestick theory, while less detailed about gaps, provides

some important additional insights. Japanese theory does
not distinguish between the types of gaps. Nor does it even
use this term. Instead a gap is called a "window."
Whereas a great deal of emphasis in candlesticks is given to
reversal patterns, a window is considered a continuation
pattern. In other words, trading is highly probable to
continue in the same direction after the window as it did
before it.

In his work on candlesticks, Steve Nison advises traders that

they should typically trade "in the direction of the window."
If a particular stock is declining when the window" occurs,
then it is highly probable that the decline will continue. If the
stock is rising when the window occurs, then it should
continue to rally.

Once a window has occurred, it becomes an important

support and resistance area. If the window occurred in a
downtrend, then on any subsequent rally the upper end of
the window should turn back prices. If the window was
created in an uptrend, then when prices rally the bottom
edge of the window should be the lowest point of decline.
Further candle theory holds that the test of all open windows
is likely. The key thing to examine is what happens on this

When the alert swing trader spots a window in a rising

trend, he or she should expect, for a time, that the price will
continue higher. Eventually, however, prices will reverse and
will test the open window. On this test, prices should hold at
the lower edge of the window, which is now important
support. If, however, this support level is violated and
selling pressure persists, then it is likely that the trend has
reversed. The swing trader should now go short in the same
way he or she would if a horizontal support level had been

In a downtrend, the opposite is true. After the initial

window, the decline should continue. Eventually resistance,
which is at the upper edge of the window, should be tested.
If buying pressure persists and is able to move prices
beyond this upper window, then the swing trader should go
long in the same way they would if a resistance level were



Combining western wisdom and eastern insight on gaps,

what then are some key trading tactics you can take away?
The principles below should be applied within the context of
other chart messages such as moving averages, trendlines
and stochastics. That said, here are several trading
principles based on gaps:

1. On spotting a gap in a daily chart, immediately

question yourself as to which of the four kinds of gaps it is.
2. Generally, short-term trades should be in the direction
of the gap. The larger the gap and the stronger the volume,
the more likely it is prices will continue to trend in that
3. If an "area" gap is identified, then the swing trader
should look for a short-term peak. When prices begin to
move back toward the gap, a trade may be placed
anticipating the gap will be filled.
4. Upon identifying a "continuation" gap, the trader
should, other factors considered, buy quickly. The trader
should then use the measuring principle, which applies to
this gap, to identify the short-term target.
5. A "breakaway" gap also provides an immediate buy
point, particularly when it is confirmed by heavy volume.
6. The third upside gap raises the possibility an
"exhaustion" gap has occurred. Swing traders should look
for the gap to be filled in approximately one trading week. If
the gap or window is filled and selling pressure persists,
then that issue should be shorted. If the gap is the third one
to the downside, then traders should be alert for a buy

As powerful an analytical tool as gaps are, generally they

should not be acted on in isolation. View the gap within the
context of the other technical messages given by the chart.
For a complete system of gap analysis, traders should apply
both western and eastern concepts of gap analysis.
Hopefully, this summary of gaps has filled in some "holes" in
your knowledge of how to apply this technical analysis


Now that you have read 21 Candlesticks, I have a challenge

for you. Take a sheet of paper and see how many of the
candlesticks you can name from memory. After you've done
that, review the ones you missed until you can write all 21
by heart.
Next, go back and draw the candlestick diagrams next to the
text. Again, see how many your can draw from memory.
Go back and check your results against the earlier chapters
of this book. Repeat this exercise until you can name and
draw all 21 candles.

The benefit of this exercise will be that you will be able to

recognize the 21 candles when they occur in trading
situations. If you are a short term trader, this will help you
immeasurably pick up on key continuation and reversal
patterns. If you trade intraday, you will be much more
sensitive to changes in the ebb and flow of supply and
demand as signaled by candles.

Good luck and good trading!


Dr. Melvin Pasternak has studied and traded the stock

market for more than 40 years, having made his first trade
in 1961. For more than a decade he taught classes in
technical analysis for TD Waterhouse and also instructed
stock market classes at the college level for many years.

Melvin holds both Ph.D. and M.B.A. degrees and writes a

trading oriented newsletter called the Swing Trader at

Dr. Pasternak is a regular technical analysis commentator

for CBC radio, Canada's national radio station. His stock-
picking methods have been profiled in several newspaper

Dr. Pasternak actively trades his own account where the

methods described in this book form a key part of his
decision making. In his best year, he multiplied his account
several hundred percent and completed more than 80% of
his trades profitably..

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