Returning To The Workplace Checklist: Gartner For Legal & Compliance
Returning To The Workplace Checklist: Gartner For Legal & Compliance
Returning To The Workplace Checklist: Gartner For Legal & Compliance
Returning to
the Workplace
© 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_I_GBS_963735
Implications for the Chief Privacy Officer
• Increased employee privacy risks from temperature checks and • Increased regulatory uncertainty as more data protection
health screenings for nonremote employees authorities issue guidance on employee monitoring, health
tracking and other issues
• Increase in third-party privacy risks from vendors going remote
• Prepare for an increase in privacy’s workload as the organization
takes on more digital transformation and cost-cutting measures
Things to do now
Work with IT to ensure remote employees have access Advise leaders about new forms of employee monitoring,
to secure devices and collaboration tools. including temperature checks, health screenings and
location tracking (including whether these are necessary
Use an awareness email, training, intranet post, or similar or advisable in the first place).
strategy to reinforce remote work best practices with
employees. Perform a PIA or DPIA on proposed employee monitoring
changes or enhancements involving personal data.
Partner with IT or IS to reinforce phishing awareness.
Create procedures and guidance for HR, real estate, IT
and other groups involved in employee screening and
Review third-party agreements to determine where privacy
monitoring as employees return to work.
risks might have increased as vendors go remote.
Update employee monitoring policies. Prepare to update the board on new or enhanced privacy risks
stemming from remote workers and employee monitoring efforts.
Create function-specific privacy training for groups involved
in monitoring, such as IT, HR and real estate. Look for other privacy implications unique to your organization.
© 2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_I_GBS_963735