Biological Control: Tatiana Z. Cuellar-Gaviria, Lina M. Gonz Alez-Jaramillo, Valeska Villegas-Escobar

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Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

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Role of Bacillus tequilensis EA-CB0015 cells and lipopeptides in the

biological control of black Sigatoka disease
Tatiana Z. Cuellar-Gaviria a, b, Lina M. González-Jaramillo a, b, Valeska Villegas-Escobar a, *
CIBIOP Group, Biological Sciences Department, Universidad EAFIT, Carrera 49 No. 7 Sur - 50, Medellin, Colombia
Banana Research Center, Augura, Conjunto Residencial Los Almendros, Km 4, Carepa, Colombia


• Lipopetides of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 reduce the severity of black Sigatoka disease.

• B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 cells colonize the leave surface of banana plants.
• B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 cells produce surfactins lipopeptides on the leave surface.
• The mode of action of B. tequilensis product involves competition and antibiosis.


Keywords: Black Sigatoka disease is a devastating fungal pathogen that affects banana crops worldwide and is caused by the
Bacillus tequilensis ascomycete fungus Pseudocercospora fijiensis. In an effort to mitigate the environmental impacts of chemical
Pseudocercospora fijiensis fungicides, microbial biological control agents (MBCA) have been developed. However, a comprehensive un­
Banana plants
derstanding of the modes of action of these products are needed to enhance their efficacy under field conditions.
Phyllosphere colonization
Consequently, the functional role of different components of a Bacillus tequilensis EA-CB0015-based product was
Lipopeptides studied to understand their role in conferring protection to banana plants against the infection of P. fijiensis.
Under this perspective, we evaluated the effect of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 lipopetides on the severity of black
Sigatoka disease, as well as the ability of the bacterial cells to colonize and produce lipopeptides on the leaf
surface of banana plants (Musa AAA cv. Williams). Our work provides evidence that lipopetides significantly
reduce the disease severity and that the bacterial cells colonize the leaf surface of banana plants inoculated with
P. fijiensis during the first 48 h of incubation. Furthermore, we were able to detect an increased production of
surfactins during colonization using mass spectrometry analysis. Altogether, our results suggest that the bio­
logical control strategies implemented by the MBCA product against P. fijiensis involves a direct interaction via
antibiosis, as well as an indirect interaction via competition of nutrients and space.

1. Introduction and aquatic ecosystems (Wightwick et al., 2010; Zubrod et al., 2019).
Moreover, due to the rapid development of chemical fungicide resis­
Black Sigatoka disease affects banana crops worldwide and it is tance, the current strategy represents an imminent threat to banana
caused by Pseudocercospora fijiensis (formerly known as Mycosphaerella production systems (Arango Isaza et al., 2016). As a result of the prob­
fijiensis), a Dothideomycetes fungus that produces necrotic lesions on the lems caused by chemical pesticides, strict regulations have been
leaves, reducing the photosynthetic area, causing alterations in the imposed and some chemical products, such as chlorothalonil that is
quality of the fruit, as well as significantly reducing crop yields widely used in banana crop systems, have been banned in Europe due to
(Arzanlou et al., 2008; Marín et al., 2003). The control of this disease safety concerns (Regulation No. 2019/677) (The European Comission,
accounts for more than 25% of the total production costs and relies 2019). Given these reasons, there has been growing interest in finding
mainly on regular applications of chemical fungicides (De Bellaire et al., more sustainable alternatives that are safer and more environmentally
2010); representing a risk to the environment and health of terrestrial friendly. Such strategies include the use of microbial biological control

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Villegas-Escobar).
Received 18 June 2020; Received in revised form 15 December 2020; Accepted 18 December 2020
Available online 29 December 2020
1049-9644/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

agents (MBCAs) to fight plant pathogens. A variety of MBCAs have been experimental use. A spontaneous and recurrent morphological variant
developed for different crop systems, however, low efficacy in field (MV) of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015, was isolated in this study from the
conditions is a persistent problem, which, in part, could be attributed to liquid culture of the WT strain after 120 h of incubation at 30 ◦ C and 150
the lack of understanding of the biological basis and modes of action rpm in D media (33.4 g/L glucose, 32.5 g/L yeast extract, 4.0 g/L
behind the control of the disease (Ellis, 2017). MgSO4*7H2O, 1.0 g/L (NH4)2 SO4, 0.5 g/L K2HPO4, 0.5 g/L KH2PO4,
In an effort to develop a MBCA product that could be used to control 0.042 g/L MnSO4*4H2O, 0.031 g/L CaCl2) (Mosquera et al., 2014). The
the severity of black Sigatoka in banana plants, the bacterial strain Ba­ purified MV had a flat and mucoid colony morphology that differed
cillus tequilensis EA-CB0015, previously reported as B. subtilis EA- greatly from the small and wrinkled colony morphology of the WT. The
CB0015, was selected among 648 isolates obtained from the phyllo­ biomass of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (MV) was stored at − 80 ◦ C in
sphere of banana plants, due to its outstanding in vitro ability to inhibit Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB, Merck) with 20% (v/v) glycerol (PanReac) and
the growth of P. fijiensis (Ceballos et al., 2012). Subsequent studies led to activated on 50% Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA; Oxoid), at 30 ◦ C for 48 h prior
the identification of the production of different lipopeptides by the experimental use.
bacterial strain during culture conditions, including: fengycins, iturins Cultures of P. fijiensis were obtained according to Gutierrez-Monsalve
and surfactins (Mosquera et al., 2014; Villegas-Escobar et al., 2013). et al. (2015). Briefly, isolated ascospores were grown on Potato Dextrose
Additional studies also led to the optimization of the culture media used Agar (PDA; Merck) supplemented with 200 μg/mL chloramphenicol, for
in the production process to achieve greater amounts of biomass and 10 to 15 d at 28 ◦ C and then, fragmented using distilled water and glass
metabolites (Mosquera et al., 2014). Moreover, the efficacy of the beads. Fragmented mycelia were then inoculated in 50 mL of Sabour­
formulated MBCA product in reducing the severity of the disease was aud-2% dextrose broth (Merck) supplemented with 200 μg/mL chlor­
corroborated in different greenhouse and field evaluations (Gutierrez- amphenicol for 8 to 10 d at 30 ◦ C and 150 rpm, time after which the
Monsalve et al., 2015; Villegas-Escobar et al., 2016). More recently, it fungal inoculum was homogenized using an IKA ULTRA-TURRAX®
was found that both, fengycins and iturins produced by B. tequilensis EA- Tube Drive P control workstation. For greenhouse experiments, the
CB0015 inhibited the micellar growth and ascospore germination of fragmented mycelia were resuspended in sterile water to a final con­
P. fijiensis in vitro (González-Jaramillo et al., 2017). centration of 2.5 × 105 fragments/mL, and to ensure adherence and
Previous studies have suggested that lipopeptides produced by establishment on the leaves, the following components were added: 3%
different MBCAs play an important role in the control of the disease, not (w/v) carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC; Protokimica), 0.5% (v/v) Tween®
only in terms of protection against the plant pathogen, but also, in terms 20 (Amresco), and 2% (w/v) Sabouraud-2% dextrose broth (Merck).
of ecological competence and population establishment (Debois et al.,
2014). In accordance with this idea, there is strong evidence that the 2.2. Identification of the morphological-variant (MV) of B. tequilensis
colonization of MBCAs, containing living microorganisms, is an impor­ EA-CB0015
tant trait for the control of different diseases (Hao et al., 2017; Honeker
et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2019). When MBCAs are applied to crops, they can DNA extraction of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (MV) was performed
act via different modes of action to control plant disease, involving using the UltraClean® Microbial DNA Isolation Kit (MoBio Labs)
either direct or indirect interactions with the pathogen. Among the in­ following the instructions of the manufacturer. The 16S rRNA gene was
direct modes of action, there is the induction of systemic resistance or amplified by PCR using the universal primers 8F (5′ - AGAGTTT­
priming, as well as the competition for nutrients and space, while direct GATCCTGGCTCAG − 3′ ) and 1492R (5′ - CGG TTA CCT TGT TAC GAC TT
mechanisms can include hyperparasitisms or antibiosis (Köhl et al., − 3′ ) (Hendrickson et al., 2002). The PCR cycles consisted in an initial
2019). Toward this end, previous research performed with B. tequilensis denaturation step at 95 ◦ C for 3 min, 35 cycles including a denaturation
EA-CB0015 suggest that the mode of action could be associated with step at 95 ◦ C for 1 min, an annealing step at 55 ◦ C for 1 min, followed by
antibiosis (Ceballos et al., 2012; González-Jaramillo et al., 2017; an extension step at 60 ◦ C for 1 min and a final extension cycle at 72 ◦ C
Gutierrez-Monsalve et al., 2015; Mosquera et al., 2014; Villegas-Escobar for 10 min. Amplified samples were used for product purification and
et al., 2013). However, studies to understand the mode of action Sanger sequencing. The obtained consensus sequence was deposited in
implemented by the MBCA, based on B. tequilensis EA-CB0015, and the the GenBank (accession no. MT527175) and compared to the 16S rRNA
interactions of the bacterial strain with the infected plant were lacking. gene sequence of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) using a pairwise
In order to gain a better understanding of the mode of action of the alignment with Clustal Omega 1.2.3 (Fig. S1).
MBCA product to control black Sigatoka disease in Musa AAA cv. Wil­
liams, we aimed at investigating three main points: i) the ability of the 2.3. Biofilm formation assay
lipopeptides produced by the bacterial strain to reduce the severity of
the disease in greenhouse conditions; ii) the colonization ability of The (WT) and (MV) of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 were assessed for
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 using catalyzed reporter deposition–­ pellicle biofilm formation in static culture conditions. For this purpose,
fluorescent in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) as well as scanning elec­ LBGM media composed of LB broth (10 g/L tryptone (Oxoid), 5 g/L
tron microscopy (SEM); and iii) the in situ production of lipopeptides of yeast extract (Oxoid) and 10 g/L NaCl (Merck)), supplemented with 1%
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 on the leaf surface of banana plants using high glycerol (v/v) (PanReac) and 0.1 mM MnSO4 (Merck) was used, as
performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/ previously described by Shemesh and Chai, 2013. In brief, the bacterial
MS). By investigating the mode of action of the MBCA product, we morphotypes were grown in LB broth at 37 ◦ C and 200 rpm to mid-log
gained important insights about the interaction between the plant, phase (OD600 = 0.5). Then, 4 µL of culture were transferred to 4 mL of
pathogen, and MBCA; knowledge that is essential to potentially enhance LBGM in 12-well plates (NEST). Plates were incubated in static condi­
the efficacy of the MBCA against the disease. tions for 48 h at 30 ◦ C. Images were taken using a 7.1 MP digital camera
(Kodak EasyShare P712).
2. Materials and methods
2.4. Purification of lipopeptides
2.1. Microorganisms and growth conditions
To purify the active metabolites produced by B. tequilensis EA-
Fresh bacterial cultures of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 wild-type (WT) CB0015 (WT) and (MV), a solid phase extraction protocol, was imple­
(GenBank accession no. KC006063) (Ceballos et al., 2012), were mented (Arroyave-Toro et al., 2017; Villegas-Escobar et al., 2013).
routinely obtain by activation of frozen cultures on 50% Tryptic Soy Briefly, both morphotypes of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 were cultivated
Agar (TSA; Oxoid) and incubation at 30 ◦ C for 48 h prior any separately in D media under the aforementioned conditions, and

T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

Amberlite® XAD16N 20–60 mesh (Sigma) was added after 12 h of until the negative control treatment reached a necrotic area of about
inoculation. The amberlite resin was recovered from the culture broth 45% of the leaf, which occurred 34 dpi. Disease severity was assessed by
after 108 h and washed three times with distilled water. The adsorbed measuring the necrotic area of each leaf. Necrotic area (%) was calcu­
components were eluted using 200 mL of 100% methanol (MeOH) and lated by dividing the measured necrotic area by the total area of the leaf.
evaporated using a rotary evaporator (Yamato RE-300) at − 50 psig and To calculate this area, each harvested leaf was photographed on the
50 ◦ C. The obtained solid residue was resuspended in 10 mL of distilled abaxial side using a 7.1 MP digital camera (Kodak EasyShare P712).
water and the resulting sample was fractioned through solid-phase Necrotic area calculation was performed by processing the images using
extraction (SPE), using a C18 column (HF Mega BE-C18, 10 g; Agi­ ImageJ software (
lent). The column was preconditioned using 100% MeOH, followed by
water and fractions were eluted by consecutive 80 mL solutions of: 2.6.2. Trial 2: Colonization ability of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) and
water, 50% MeOH, and 100% MeOH. The solvent of the last fraction, detection of lipopeptides
referred to as SPE100, was evaporated at reduced pressure (-50 psig, For this trial, we used five-months-old banana plants cv. Williams
50 ◦ C). The solid residue of the (WT) was resuspended in the original and inoculated leaves number one and two of each plant with P. fijiensis
volume of the liquid culture (200 mL of 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 7.5) on the axial and abaxial sides. After 48 h of incubation with the path­
(55.0 μg/mL). The solid residue of the morphological variant was used ogen, the corresponding treatment was applied to both sides of the
only for detection purposes under the reverse phase RP-HPLC. To leaves: (i) biomass-WT, (ii) MBCA-WT, or (iii) water as negative control.
calculate the relative concentration of lipopeptides produced by the Treatments were mixed with CMC and Tween 20, and applied using the
(WT) and (MV) morphotypes, we used the area under the curve MiniSpray gun, as mentioned above. A plant from each treatment was
(measured in mAU*min) of the corresponding peaks obtained from the harvested for analysis at the following time points: 0, 12, 24, 48 h, and
HPLC’s chromatogram. Fig. S2 shows the HPLC chromatograms of lip­ 20 dpi. The last timepoint was dictated by the day at which the negative
opeptides produced by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) and (MV). control reached stage 1 of the disease according to the scale proposed by
Gauhl (1994). We inoculated five plants per treatment and placed them
2.5. Production of treatments based on B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 in the greenhouse at 90% humidity, 28 ± 4 ◦ C and natural light source
with a 12 h photoperiod. Plants were arranged using a CRD.
For the production of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 based treatments
(MBCA-WT, CFS-WT, biomass-WT, and MBCA-MV), a single colony of 2.7. CARD-FISH hybridization and scanning electron microscopy
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) or (MV) was transferred to 20 mL D media
(Mosquera et al., 2014) and incubated at 30 ◦ C, 150 rpm overnight. The To determine the colonization ability of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015
seed culture (20 mL) was then transferred to a 1000 mL flask containing (WT), leaf number one of each plant was cut in half along the midrib,
180 mL of D media and incubated for 108 h, at 30 ◦ C and 150 rpm. The and each half was fixed for either catalyzed reporter deposition–­
final composition of the MBCA (WT or MV) contained the bacterial fluorescent in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) or scanning electron mi­
biomass as well as the supernatant containing the metabolites produced croscopy (SEM). Samples used for CARD-FISH hybridization were fixed
by the corresponding bacterial morphotype. To obtain the CFS-WT, the with NaCl 0.85% and 96% ethanol (1:1 ratio) and stored at − 20 ◦ C until
aforementioned (WT) bacterial culture was centrifuged twice at 4500 processing. The protocol used for CARD-FISH hybridization was adapted
rpm for 15 min and the supernatant was filtered twice through a 0.2 μm according to the protocols presented by Wendeberg (2010) and Teira
cellulose membrane (Advantec MFS, Inc) to remove the remaining et al. (2004). In brief, samples were permeabilized, treated for inacti­
bacterial cells. Lastly, the bacterial biomass of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 vation of peroxidases, and hybridized using the probe HRP-Bsub-ss-
(WT) was obtained under the same conditions and the recovery of the 0463-aA-22A (Posada et al., 2018). Then, samples were treated with
bacterial cells was performed by centrifugation at 4500 rpm for 15 min, amplification buffer and CF®555 dye (Biotum). Previous to microscope
followed by the resuspension of the pellet in sterile-distilled water to a observation, samples were treated with 4′ ,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole
final concentration of 8.6 X 108 CFU/mL. R37606 (DAPI, Invitrogen) and Citifluor AF1 (Electron Miscroscopy
Science). Samples were analyzed under the fluorescence microscope
2.6. Greenhouse trials AxioScope A.1 (Carl Zeiss), using the corresponding filter. Pictures were
taken with Axiocam ICm 1 (Carl Zeiss) and images were processed using
2.6.1. Trial 1: Biocontrol efficacy of the metabolites produced by the software ZEN 2 (blue edition) (Carl Zeiss).
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) Samples used for SEM evaluation were fixed using 2.5% glutaral­
A greenhouse evaluation was performed to evaluate the disease dehyde in phosphate buffer solution pH 7.4 for 4 h; followed by suc­
reduction obtained by the SPE100 fraction of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 cessive washes in 25%, 50%, and 70% ethanol for periods of 20 min.
(WT), containing the lipopeptides (Lipopeptides (WT)). For this, six- Samples were then stored at 4 ◦ C in 70% ethanol until processing. Before
months-old banana plants (Musa AAA cv. Williams, Cavendish sub­ images were taken, the leaves were processed in 96% ethanol for 24 h
group), having between 5 and 6 true leaves, were inoculated with and coated with gold prior visualization under the SEM (FEI QUANTA
fragmented mycelia of P. fijiensis on the axial and abaxial sides of leaf 250).
number one. Inoculated plants were incubated for 48 h for pathogen
establishment. Then, using a MiniSpray gun (Discover®), calibrated at 2.8. Detection of the in-situ production of lipopeptides
60–80 drops/cm2, different treatments were sprayed, keeping a 30 cm
distance during application. Two treatments were included: (i) lip­ To extract lipopeptides from banana leaves, an extraction protocol
opeptides produced by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) and (ii) MBCA- reported by Kinsella et al. (2009) was implemented with minor modi­
MV. Additionally, two positive controls were included: (iii) MBCA- fications. We included the following treatments: i) a positive control that
WT, (iv) CFS-WT, and a negative control (v) water. Each treatment consisted on the application of the MBCA product (WT) containing the
was mixed with CMC 3% (w/v) and Tween 20 0.5% (v/v) prior inocu­ lipopeptides, harvested 0 hpi, ii) the bacterial biomass of B. tequilensis
lation to ensure adherence to the leaf surface. EA-CB0015 (WT), and iii) a negative control that consisted of infected
Banana plants were arranged in the greenhouse with natural light leaves treated with water. In brief, the metabolite extraction procedure
source of 12 h photoperiod; maintaining humidity and temperature was performed to 3 g of the harvested leaf tissue at each time point (0,
conditions at 90% and 28 ± 4 ◦ C, respectively. Plants were distributed 12, 24 and 48 hpi). Tissue samples were submerged in 30 mL of aceto­
using a complete randomized design (CRD), using 7 replicates per nitrile containing 0.05% trifluoroacetic acid and placed in an ultrasonic
treatment and 3 plants per replicate. The experiment was conducted bath for 10 min. Then, each sample was placed in the rotary evaporator

T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

(Yamato RE-300) at − 50 psig and 50 ◦ C, resuspended in 20 mL of fractionation experiments were converted to .mzXML and deposited in
methanol, and filtered through 0.2 µm nylon membrane (Sartorius MASSIVE (MSV000086176).
Biolab). Samples were evaporated again and the solid fractions were The MS2 analysis was performed by using mass spectral molecular
used for MS analysis. networking (Aron et al., 2020; Watrous et al., 2012). The molecular
For MS analysis, samples were resuspended in 5% of a buffer networking analysis was performed in the Global Natural Product Social
composed of 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile and then diluted to reach a Molecular Networking platform (GNPS, Analysis
concentration of 1 mg/mL. Samples were analyzed using high- of the data was done by grouping the mzXML files in four groups (G1:
performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole Orbi­ treatments with the biomass of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015; G2: negative
trap high-resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap MS/ control, G3: standards, G4: positive control). The following parameters
MS). A C18 column was used for HPLC separation. The solvent system were used for the construction of the network: precursor and fragment
consisted of 0.1% formic acid (solvent A) and 0.1% formic acid in ion mass tolerance of 0.02, minimum cosine score of 0.7, minimum
acetonitrile (solvent B). Twenty (20) µL were injected per sample and matched fragment ions of 4, library search minimum matched peaks 6,
metabolites were eluted using a gradient program that went from 20 to score threshold of 0.7. Visualization of the network as nodes and edges
100% B for 29 min. The optimized parameters for the MS spectra con­ was done using Cytoscape 3.8.0 (
sisted of 70,000 of resolution, 3e5 AGC, 80 ms of maximum injection
time, and for the MS2 spectra the parameters were as follows: 17,500 2.9. Statistical analysis
resolution, 2e5 AGC, and 80 ms of maximum injection time. Purified
iturins, fengycin and surfactins produced by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 The data corresponding to the greenhouse Trial 1 (section 2.6.1) was
(WT) were used as standards. MS raw data obtained in the MS2 analyzed using R v4.0 (R Core Team, 2020). Analysis of variance was

Fig. 1. Effect of lipopeptides of B. tequilensis

EA-CB0015 (WT) on the severity of black
Sigatoka disease and phenotypic differences
between the (WT) and morphological variant
(MV) of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015. (A)
Greenhouse evaluation of the effect of the
lipopeptides produced by B. tequilensis EA-
CB0015 (WT) on the percentage of necrotic
area of banana leaves inoculated with
P. fijiensis. MBCA-WT refers to the microbial
biological control agent product containing
the biomass and supernatant of B. tequilensis
EA-CB0015 (WT). CFS-WT refers to the cell
free supernatant containing metabolites and
spent media components of B. tequilensis EA-
CB0015 (WT). Lipopeptides-WT refers to
lipopeptides extracted from the culture of
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT), containing
iturins, fengycins and surfactins. MBCA-MV
refers to the microbial biological control
agent product containing the biomass and
supernatant of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015
(MV). Control label refers to the application
of water as negative control. Necrotic area
(%) was calculated by dividing the measured
necrotic area by the total area of the leaf (n
= 7). The presented data correspond to the
average necrotic area per treatment.
Different letters above each bar indicate
significant differences between the mean of
the treatments according to multiple ranges
LSD with 95% confidence (p-value = 0.0009).
Standard error of the mean is presented for
each bar. The pictures below each bar are
representative for each treatment and show
the necrotic area produced by P. fijiensis 20
dpi. (B) This table presents differences on the
production of lipopeptides (iturins, fengy­
cins, and surfactins) of the (WT) and (MV) of
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015. The values shown
in (mAU*min) represent the sum of the areas
under the curve of each peak obtained from
the RP-HPLC chromatogram (Fig. S2), which
is proportional to the concentration of the
lipopeptide in each sample. Reduction (%)
indicates the reduced production of lip­
opeptides in (MV) with respect to (WT) for
each lipopeptide. (C) Pellicle biofilm forma­
tion of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) and
(MV) in LBGM media after 48 h.

T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

carried out by ANOVA, with 95% confidence interval. LSD multiple is impaired in the production of lipopeptides (Fig. 1B). This result could
comparison test was used to analyze the differences between group also suggest that the colonization ability of the (WT) strain could be
means. Normality of data was checked using Shapiro-Wilk test, inde­ enhancing the biocontrol activity, as B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (MV) is
pendence was confirmed by Durbin-Watson test, and homogeneity of impaired in its ability to form pellicle biofilm (Fig. 1C). Therefore, we
variance was assessed using Leven’s test. next aimed at identifying if the bacterial cells present in the MBCA (WT)
product were capable of colonizing the leaf surface after being applied
3. Results on banana plants infected with P. fijiensis.

3.1. Lipopeptides produced by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 reduce the 3.2. B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) can colonize the leaves of banana
severity of black Sigatoka disease in banana plants plants infected with P. fijiensis

We had previously evaluated the biocontrol activity of different Inspection of different areas of the treated leaves showed coloniza­
components of the biofungicide based on B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) tion of the bacterial biomass under both evaluated conditions, that is
and showed that the cell-free supernatant (CFS), containing the me­ when applying the MBCA-WT product or when applying the bacterial
tabolites produced by the bacterial strain, reduced the development of biomass-WT alone. Progressive increments in bacterial population was
disease in a greater extent than the bacterial biomass alone (Gutierrez- evident as time elapsed (Figs. 2 and 3). At time zero, only a few isolated
Monsalve et al., 2015). However, to further characterize the mode of cells of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) were detected. However, after 24
action employed by the MBCA, we extracted the lipopeptides produced and 48 h we observed abundant cell populations and formation of
by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) (iturins, fengycins and surfactins) and biofilm-like structures. The size of the bacterial structures within the
evaluated the effect of the combined metabolites on the severity of black biofilm corresponded to that of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (2.0 ± 0.2 µm).
Sigatoka disease (Fig. 1A). Analysis of necrotic areas showed that Also, we detected a reduced population of bacteria colonizing the leaf
treatments with the MBCA-WT and CFS-WT, caused a significant surface when we evaluated 20 d after inoculation. Although inspections
reduction of necrotic area (73.1% and 60.3%, respectively) when of the negative control treatment, revealed the presence of some isolated
compared to the negative control. Treatment with the extracted lip­ bacteria, there was neither indication of abundant bacterial populations
opeptides produced by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) also showed a nor formation of bacterial biofilms. The progressive colonization
significant reduction of the necrotic area, however this occurred in a observed in this evaluation could suggest that once the bacterial cells
lesser extent (40.8%), suggesting that either the concentration of the land on the leaf surface, they are able to multiply and possibly, actively
extracted lipopeptides (55 μg/mL) was lower than the one found in the produce lipopeptides during phytopathogen interaction. Hence, to test
MBCA (WT), or that other metabolites could be contributing to the this hypothesis, we evaluated the ability of the bacterial biomass of
reduction of the disease symptoms. On the other hand, the application of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) of producing lipopeptides on the leaf
the MBCA-MV, which showed 99.87% identity to 16S B. tequilensis EA- surface of infected banana plants.
CB0015 (WT) rRNA gene sequence (Fig. S1), did not cause reduction
of the necrotic area; suggesting that the lipopeptides are a key compo­
nent ingredient of the MBCA (WT) product, as the morphological variant

Fig. 2. CARD-FISH hybridization micrographs of banana leaves infected with P. fijiensis and treated with the microbial biological control agent product (WT) or the
biomass of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT). Detection of the colonization of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) at different time-points after the application of the microbial
biological control agent product based on B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) (MBCA-WT), or the bacterial biomass of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) (Biomass-WT).
Infected leaves treated with water are labeled as (Control). CARD-FISH hybridization was performed using the probe HRP-Bsub-ss-0463-aA-22A with CF®555 dye
and reported using fluorescent microscopy. Micrographs correspond to the overlapping images obtained with filters FITC and Cy3. Red cells correspond to hybridized
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015. Thick white arrows point at hybridized bacterial cell structures; white arrow heads indicate biofilm structures (bf); and thin white arrows
show fungal mycelia (fm). White bars indicate 5 µm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs of banana leaves infected with P. fijiensis and treated the microbial biological control agent product (WT) or the biomass of B. tequilensis EA-
CB0015 (WT). Micrographs showing bacterial colonization at different time-points after the application of the microbial biological control agent product based on
B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) (MBCA-WT), or the bacterial biomass of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) (Biomass-WT). Infected leaves treated with water are labeled as
(Control). Thick white arrows indicate bacterial cell structures; white arrow heads indicate biofilm structures (bf); thin white arrows show fungal mycelia (fm); and
white star indicates an extra cellular matrix-like structure (ECM). The scale bar for each time point in indicated at the bottom right of each micrograph.

3.3. B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 produces surfactins on the surface of network (Fig. 4), several nodes had spectral library matches to surfactins
banana leaves infected with P. fijiensis (Table S1, Fig. S5A), and interestingly, that cluster reported a 1.24-fold
increase of spectral counts for the treatment with the biomass of
The ability of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) to produce previously B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 when compared to the negative control
identified lipopeptides (Mosquera et al., 2014; Villegas-Escobar et al., (Table S2), suggesting that the bacterial strain produces surfactins in the
2013) when inoculated on the surface of banana leaves infected with leaves which could confer advantages in the colonization process. The
P. fijiensis, was analyzed by mass spectral molecular networking. The other clusters in the network with features of m/z values between
resulting network (Fig. S3) reflects the molecular diversity captured in 902.393 and 1091.69, although not annotated, also have a 1.18-fold
mass spectrometry experiments by computing the relationships of the increase in the number of spectral counts for the B. tequilensis treat­
MS2 spectra as spectral similarity. Therefore, to capture the distribu­ ment when compared to the negative control (Table S2). When
tions of the different lipopeptides families, the network was filtered in searching for iturins, the cluster with features at m/z 1043.55 and
Cytoscape to obtain the nodes that contained the MS data of surfactins 1057.57 were manually annotated by analyzing the MS2 spectra and
(Fig. 4), iturins (Fig. S4A) and fengycins (Fig. S4B). In the filtered corresponded to C14 and C15 iturin A (Fig. S5). These features were

Fig. 4. Refined molecular network of the metabolic

profile of different extracts obtained from the leaves
of banana plants. Molecular network after filtering the
complete network with parent masses between 900
and 1200, RTmean from 850 to 1200 s. The nodes
shown in the figure only include those that were
detected in the B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 biomass
treatment. The size of each node is proportional to the
number of spectral counts. The different colors of the
nodes correspond to: cyan: standards (surfactins,
fengycins and iturins); red: extracts of plant leaves
inoculated with the biomass of B. tequilensis EA-
CB0015 and the phytopathogen P. fijiensis; purple:
negative control (extracts of leaves inoculated with
P. fijiensis); and green: positive control (extracts of
leaves inoculated with the MBCA product and
P. fijiensis at time 0 hpi). This figure was created using
Cytoscape Version 3.8.0 (
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.)

T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

detected in the standard, positive control and negative control, but not B. anthracis, B. subtilis, among others (Kim et al., 2014; Penterman et al.,
in the B. tequilensis biomass treatment. Other features, with masses and 2014; Robleto et al., 2007; Sastalla and Leppla, 2012). The inclusion of
retention times related to iturins, were found in the network (Fig. S4A), B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (MV) as a treatment was based on the rationale
and the sum of spectral counts of all features were 3.4-fold higher in that the inoculation with this morphological variant, would not have an
B. tequilensis treatment than in the negative control (Table S2). Finally, effect on the reduction of the disease, given the loss of important
fengycins were only detected in the standards, as shown in the network phenotypic traits such as lipopeptides production and biofilm formation.
in Fig. S4B, and other features with masses and retention times related to As expected, we observed that the inoculation with the morphological
this lipopeptide family were also detected with more spectral counts in variant did not show significant differences when compared to the
B. tequilensis treatment than in the control (Table S2). control. This finding could possibly suggest that the loss of the above­
mentioned phenotypic traits are important features in the biocontrol
4. Discussion strategy implemented by the MBCA (WT) against P. fijiensis. However,
we need to further explore the genetic/transcriptomic basis for the re­
Inconsistent results on the efficacy of MBCAs remains a topic of in­ ported phenotypical differences among these two morphotypes; such
terest as it will have an impact in the broader acceptance and imple­ studies are currently being performed in our laboratory.
mentation of biological based products (Adesemoye et al., 2009; Pertot In the evaluated pathosystem, establishment of P. fijiensis on the leaf
et al., 2017). Hence, in-depth understanding of ecological interactions surface and penetration through stomata is crucial for infection and
and modes of action demands consideration. The efficacy of a MBCA is disease development. Both, ascospores (sexual spores) and conidia
likely based on the strategy implemented for the application of the (asexual spores) are infective structures that germinate on the leaf sur­
product and thus, understanding the mode of action involved in the face during epiphytic growth (Churchill, 2011). Usually, it takes about
specific pathosystem, may increase the rates of success. In this context, two to three hours after spore deposition for germination to take place.
the present study provides evidence that the colonization ability and Then, germ tube penetration through stomata takes place after 48–72 h
production of lipopeptides by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 are among the (Fouré and Moreau, 1992; Stover, 1980). Once in the mesophyll, hyphal
strategies implemented to reduce the development of black Sigatoka growth occurs and usually, it takes around three to four weeks after first
disease in banana plants (Musa AAA cv. Williams, Cavendish subgroup). symptoms emergence for the leaf to die (Gauhl, 1994; Stover, 1972).
We show that the CFS-WT reduced the development of black Siga­ Taking into account the dynamics of pathogen establishment, along with
toka disease to the same extent than the MBCA-WT product, a finding the results obtained from the spatiotemporal colonization of the MBCA,
that was previously described by Gutierrez-Monsalve et al. (2015). we hypothesize that the colonization of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT)
Additionally, we demonstrated that treatment with the extracted lip­ between 24 and 48 h after inoculation is an important part of the mode
opeptides reduced the necrotic area of the leaf, suggesting that the of action against P. fijiensis. Our finding of the bacterial biomass being
metabolites contained in the extracted fraction were capable of inhib­ capable of colonizing the leaf surface after a couple of days, supports the
iting the growth of the fungus. Similar results involving the production idea that B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 could be competing for nutrients and
of lipopeptides have been described in other pathosystems and have space with P. fijiensis. At the same time, given that we detected a higher
been related to the control of different disease (Alvarez et al., 2012; amount of spectral counts of surfactins in the samples treated with the
Gong et al., 2015; Pertot et al., 2017; Romero et al., 2007). Notwith­ biomass of strain EA-CB0015, suggests that the bacterial cells produce
standing this observation, when the effect on disease severity reduction surfactins on the leaf surface (Fig. 5), which in turn further favors
of the extracted lipopeptides-WT was compared to the CFS-WT and the colonization and biofilm formation; findings that have been supported
MBCA-WT, the extent of necrotic area reduction was smaller. This result in previous studies with different Bacillus species (Chowdhury et al.,
could suggest the presence of additional metabolites in the CFS-WT that 2015; Zeriouh et al., 2014). Although the production of iturins and
have not been identified for this bacterial strain. Amongst the arsenal of fengycins ions was not supported by our MS/MS data, we identified MS1
antimicrobial metabolites that are known to be produced by Bacillus spp. features with the same reported masses for these molecules during the
there are non-ribosomally synthesized peptides (NRPs), polyketides expected retention times. However, is possible that due to the low
(PKs), and ribosomally synthesized peptides (RPs) (Caulier et al., 2019; abundance of these ions, the additional fragmentation step did not take
Stein, 2005). Even though the NRPs iturin and fengycin are among best place and hence, we cannot ensure that these molecules were produced.
characterized lipopeptides with antifungal activity, other metabolites Difficulties in detecting such metabolites have been related to the in­
such as bacilysin, rhizocticins, octapeptins, bacillibactin, bacillaene and teractions of these molecules with the surrounding environment, or to
marolactin have also been reported for their antifungal activity (Bor­ the interference of detection with other plant-derived compounds
isova et al., 2010; Caulier et al., 2019; Cochrane and Vederas, 2016; Devi (Raaijmakers et al., 2010).
et al., 2019; Özcengiz and Öğülür, 2015). Therefore, it could be possible Most of the reports on bacterial colonization of plants that exist to
that some of these metabolites are produced by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015. date correspond to studies done in the rhizosphere and involve different
Thus, further analysis on the potential of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) pathosystems than the one evaluated in this work (Bais et al., 2004;
of producing additional bioactive compounds remains to be evaluated. Cazorla et al., 2007; Hao et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2019). Evaluations done
To further corroborate the hypothesis that the lipopeptides produced in the rhizosphere of banana plants by Gamez et al. (2019) and Posada
by B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) were responsible for the disease con­ et al. (2018) report the colonization ability of beneficial Bacillus strains
trol, we performed multiple attempts to genetically transform our (WT) after 24 hpi and up to 30 dpi. Nonetheless, a significant smaller number
isolate; however, neither natural competence, electroporation, proto­ of reports have evaluated the in situ colonization on the phyllosphere. To
plast electroporation, transfection, nor nanotube-mediated trans­ our knowledge, this is the first study to present bacterial colonization on
formation worked for this purpose (data not shown). Reports on the the phyllosphere of banana plants during the interactions with
difficulties to transform undomesticated strains have been previously P. fijiensis. Among the colonization studies that have been done in the
known. Given that there are inherent differences regarding the strain phyllosphere, the strains Pantoea agglomerans and Erwinia herbicola were
restriction and modification systems, the determination of ideal pa­ evaluated on bean leaves and colonization was traced up to 24 hpi
rameters for transformation are usually strain specific (Heinze et al., (Axtell and Beattie, 2002; Leveau and Lindow, 2001; Tecon and Leveau,
2018; Romero et al., 2006). Hence, we decided to evaluate the effect of 2012). Our work provides evidence that bacterial colonization in the
the spontaneously generated morphological variant of B. tequilensis EA- phyllosphere can still be detected to some extent 20 dpi, in spite of the
CB0015 (MV) on the reduction of the severity of the disease. The severe environmental restrictions of this habitat.
emergence of such spontaneous mutants has previously been described Although establishment on the phyllosphere may be limited due to
for different bacterial species such as P. fluorescence, P. aeruginosa, the harsh environmental conditions, including scarcity of nutrients as

T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

Fig. 5. Proposed mode of action implemented by the microbial biological control agent product based on B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT). The MBCA product, based
on B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) reduces the severity of black Sigatoka disease when inoculated on the leaves banana plants via competition of nutrients and space
and antibiosis. ECM: extracellular matrix surrounding the bacterial cell. Illustration created with

well as rapid fluctuations in physical conditions such as temperature, UV treatment with the MBCA. Such evaluations have provided important
radiation, and humidity (Vorholt, 2012), biofilm formation is a strategy insights in other pathosystems (Gerin et al., 2018; Lysøe et al., 2017).
that may allow bacteria to cope with these adverse conditions (Romero, Lastly, performing whole genome sequencing (WGS) of the bacterial
2013). A successful establishment and bacterial colonization could be strain could help gain additional understanding of the control
attributed to specific phenotypes of the inoculated bacteria, such as the mechanisms.
production of surfactin, which can act as signaling molecule in the Our work provides a more in-depth knowledge about the modes of
activation process of biofilm formation (Lopez et al., 2009). Moreover, action of the product. We show evidence that the biomass of
the presence of surface active metabolites have also been reported to B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT), is capable of colonizing the surface of
allow the movement of bacteria towards nutrient rich locations, influ­ Musa AAA cv. Williams leaves infected with P. fijiensis. Moreover, our
encing the water content dynamics and indirectly contributing to the findings suggest that the lipopeptides produced by B. tequilensis EA-
limitations of nutrients of the pathogen (Köhl et al., 2019). Another CB0015 (WT) significantly reduce the severity of black Sigatoka dis­
factor that may influence bacterial establishment on the phyllosphere is ease in greenhouse evaluations and also, that surfactins are actively
the production of indole-3-acetic-acid (IAA) by the colonizing bacteria. produced by the bacterial biomass after the application on the leaf
Production of this plant hormone has been related to the leakage of surface of banana plants infected with P. fijiensis. Given the collected
nutrients by the host plant, favoring bacterial division (Vorholt, 2012). evidence, we propose that the MBCA product, based on B. tequilensis EA-
In fact, the production of both, surfactin and IAA, have previously been CB0015 (WT) reduces the severity of black Sigatoka disease via (i)
reported for B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (Ceballos et al., 2012; Mosquera competition of nutrients and space and, (ii) antibiosis.
et al., 2014). Hence, it is possible that the colonization of B. tequilensis
EA-CB0015 (WT) provides Musa AAA cv. Williams plants with an indi­ 5. Conclusions
rect protection mechanism via competition of nutrients and space,
preventing the expansion of P. fijiensis and its penetration through sto­ Successful development of MBCA to fight plant pathogens relays in a
mata. A second proposed mode of action of the MBCA product is anti­ basic understanding of the modes of action taking place during the
biosis, a direct mechanism that involves the antagonist interaction interaction with the host plant as well as the pathogen. Hence, under­
between the antifungal metabolites produced by B. tequilensis EA- standing the biology of the interactions that occur in planta conditions,
CB0015 (WT) and P. fijiensis; interaction that can possibly lead to may result in better application strategies and improved efficacy of
membrane permeabilization of fungal cell wall as previously suggested MBCA products. Our findings indicate that the lipopetides produced by
(Dunlap et al., 2019; Gong et al., 2015). Given the complexity of in­ B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 (WT) can control the severity of black Sigatoka
teractions new or unexpected mechanisms for the MBCA may be disease in Musa AAA cv. Williams. Moreover, it was identified that the
revealed in future evaluations. For instance, performing RT-qPCR biomass of the MBCA (WT) product is capable of colonizing the leave
analysis could help determine more specific information regarding the surface, while actively producing surfactins. Hence, we propose that the
growth dynamics of B. tequilensis EA-CB0015 over the leaf surface and its mechanisms employed by the MBCA product based on B. tequilensis EA-
interaction with P. fijiensis. Further studies using this technique could CB0015 (WT) to reduce the severity of black Sigatoka disease, involves
help reveal the time course expression of genes associated with the the synergy of two modes of action that include the competition of space
production of lipopeptides, biofilm formation, motility, quorum sensing, and nutrients, as well as antibiosis.
among other genes that may relate to biocontrol mechanisms, as well as
it will allow to identify if P. fijiensis mycelia is being reduced upon

T.Z. Cuellar-Gaviria et al. Biological Control 155 (2021) 104523

CRediT authorship contribution statement related anamorphs on banana. Persoonia Mol. Phylogeny Evol. Fungi 20, 19–37.
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