Panel 1 (B) : Taking Stock of Developments in Cooperation Between United Nations and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms

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Panel 1(b)

Panel 1(b): Taking stock of developments in cooperation

between United Nations and regional human rights
International Workshop on Enhancing Cooperation between
United Nations and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms
4 October 2016, Geneva, Palais des Nations

Dr. Seree Nonthasoot

Representative of Thailand to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights
The ASEAN Community

Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 2

ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 3

ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights
Ø Inaugurated in 2009 (according to Article 14 of the ASEAN Charter)
Ø 10 Representatives, each appointed by respective ASEAN Member State with the term of 3
years, renewable once
Ø Created as a consultative body with 14 mandates and functions, pertaining to promotion &
protection of HRs
Ø The Chair of AICHR is the Representative of the country serving as the Chair of ASEAN
Ø Decision based on consultation and consensus
Ø Required to hold two regular meetings, average number of meetings per year = 6
Ø Line of reporting to the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting with an annual interface
Ø Interacting with CSOs through Guidelines on the AICHR’s Relations with Civil Society
Organisations, based on ECOSOC Guidelines for NGOs and adopted in 2015 [Currently 11
CSOs have been endorsed with consultative status]
Ø Interacting/Cooperating with a number of UN agencies (UNWomen, UNICEF, OHCHR, UNDP,
Ø Apart from Workshop on RHRM organized in Bangkok in 2014, no regular cooperation with
other RHRMs
Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 4
ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism

Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 5

Ratification to Core Human Rights Treaties

Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 6

Previous Cooperation with UN
• Technical cooperation/ sending experts to join workshops
• Cooperating on CRVS and right to nationality (lapsing in 2014)
• Cooperating with individual representatives on CRVS (Birth registration)
• Cooperating with ASEAN Commission on Women and Children (ACWC) on nationality
• Support institutional capacity building and organization of various events
• Provide technical support on development of regional plan of action on elimination of
violence against children and against women (launched in 2015 by ACWC)
UNDP (recent)
• Access to justice (Thematic study on legal aid)
UNESCO (recent)
• Education rights/ the role of media/ cultural rights
Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 7
Priority Programmes for 2017
Disability Rights Business and Human Rights
• Mainstreaming disability rights • Launched in 2014 the first thematic study on
across ASEAN pillars/organs CSR
• Set up a Task Force to develop a • Follow up and consider developing Regional
Regional Action Plan to mainstream Action Plan on BHR, in parallel with promotion
the rights NAPs?
Anti-Trafficking in Persons, especially Human Rights, Environment and Climate Change
Women and Children • Organized already two workshops on the
• Encourage ratification of ASEAN subject
Convention against Trafficking in • Planning a follow up workshop on the
Persons, especially Women & development of a regional transboundary EIA
• Mainstreaming right-based
approach to trafficking
Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 8
Areas for Further Actions/ Considerations
Ø Review and revision of the Terms of Reference to enhance protection mandate
Ø Enhanced cooperation with National Human Rights Institutions (currently 5 in ASEAN),
especially in extraterritorial cases, eg transboundary environmental issues and irregular
Ø Institutionalize interface with UN agencies that have already been in contact (UNWomen,
Ø Establish interaction with other UN agencies (ILO, WHO, World Bank)
Ø Improving standards and requirements for engagement with CSOs (review of the
Ø Engagement with UPR process of Member States (currently varies among different
Ø Cooperation with other regional mechanisms [AICHR organized in Bangkok in 2014
“Workshop on Regional Mechanisms on Human Rights”  reorganize in 2017?] Possible
focus  “standard-setting by RHRMs” or “Business & HRs: the role of RHRMs” or “SDGs
& Development of ASEAN Regional Indicators”
Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, AICHR Thailand 9

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