(M) JSS College of Education (K. R. Gaur)

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1 Microsoft Word

MS-OFFICE: - It is an official packages developed by Microsoft Company situated in USA and

whose owner is Mr. Bill Gates, to cater all kinds of official requirements.
It can be categories as follows: -
1. MS-Word (Word Processing Application)
2. MS-Excel (Electronic Spreadsheet Application)
3. MS-PowerPoint (Presentation Program)
4. MS-Access (RDBMS)
Note: - RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.

MS-Word (Word Processing Application): - It is a word processing application developed by

Microsoft Company situated in USA. It is an important part of MS-OFFICE. It is used creating
business letters, notes, resumes (Bio-Data), memo and book publishing etc. which require
complex level of formatting capabilities.

File: - Document
Extension: - .doc
Document: - It is a collection of individual pages.

Features: -
1. It provides auto text facility.
2. It provides auto format facility.
3. It supports OLE (Object Linking Embedding).
4. It provides header/footer facility.
5. It provides auto correct facility.
6. It provides Mail-merge facility.
7. It provides templates.
8. It provides track changes facility.
9. It provides macro creation facility.
10. It provides spellings and grammar check facility.
11. It provides password facility.
12. It provides tables and auto formatting capability in tables.

Fixed components of windows based application: -

1. title bar
2. control menu box ( Alt + Spacebar )
3. minimize button
4. maximize / restore button
5. close button (alt + F4)
6. menu bar (hot key : the underline character ) File invoking menu : Alt + Hot key
7. standard toolbar
8. formatting toolbar
9. ruler
10. vertical scroll bar
11. horizontal scroll bar
12. status bar

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2 Microsoft Word
File Menu (Alt+F): -
1. New (Ctrl+N): - This menu command is used to open an untitled blank document.
2. Open (Ctrl+O): - to open an existing document.
3. Close (Ctrl+F4): - to close document.
4. Save (Ctrl+S): - to save a document.
5. Save As: - to save a document with some new name or to save another location.
6. Save as Web Page: - to save the file in HTML format (a Web page), so that it can be
viewed in a web browser, and sets other options such as the web page title and location
where the file will be saved.
7. Versions: -to saves and manages multiple versions of a document in a single file. After
you save versions of a document, you can go back and review, open, print, and delete
earlier versions.
8. Page Setup: - to set page margins, paper size, paper source, page orientation, and other
layout options for the active file.
9. Print Preview (Ctrl+F2): - to look on preview before printing.
10. Print (Ctrl+P): - to print a document on the paper.
11. Send To: - to send current document as E-Mail or Fax etc.
12. Properties: - This menu command displays the properties of the current documents i.e.
size of the documents, path documents etc.
13. 1. C:\My Documents\a.doc last
2. C:\My Documents\b.doc 4
3. C:\My Documents\c.doc files
l. C:\my Documents\d.doc address
14. Exit (Alt+F4): - to come out from the Microsoft Word.

Edit Menu (Alt+E): -

1. Undo (Ctrl+Z): - to undo the last actions.
2. Redo (Ctrl+Y): - to redo the undo actions. It is just opposite undo command.
3. Cut (Ctrl+X): - to cut the selected text or objects and places it on the clipboard.
Note: - Clipboard: - It is a temporarily storage area inside the RAM.
4. Copy (Ctrl+C): - to copy the selected text or objects and place it on the clipboard.
5. Paste (Ctrl+P): - to paste cut or copied matter of the clipboard viewer. This command as
available only if you have cut or copied an object, text, or contents of a cell.
6. Paste Special: - to paste as a link or embedded the clipboard contents between two
objects. E.g. you can change source object it will automatically reflected target object.
7. Paste as Hyperlink: - to paste copied matter of the clipboard as a hyperlink. This
command is available only if you have cut or copied the contents of a cell or data from
another program.
8. Clear (Del): - to clear the selected text or objects.
9. Select All (Ctrl+A): - to select whole documents by a single command.
10. Find (Ctrl+F): - to find specified text within documents.
11. Replace (Ctrl+H): - to replace find text.
12. Go To (Ctrl+G): - to jumps the specified page, line, section, bookmark, footnote, endnote
13. Links: - This menu command displays or changes information for each link in the current
file, including the name and location of the source file, the item, the type, and whether the
link is updated automatically or manually. This command is unavailable if the current file
contains no links to other files.
14. Object: - to edit the object.
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3 Microsoft Word

View Menu (Alt+V): -

1. Normal (Ctrl+Alt+N): - Switches to normal view, which is the default document view for
most work-processing tasks, such as typing, editing, and formatting etc.
2. Web Layout: - Switches the active document to web layout view, which is an editing
view that displays your document as it will appear in a Web browser.
3. Print Layout (Ctrl+Alt+P): - Switches the active document to print layout view, which is
an editing view that displays your document as it will print. Print layout view uses more
system memory, so scrolling may be slower, especially if your document contains many
pictures or complex formatting.
4. Outline (Ctrl+Alt+O): - Switches to outline view, in which you can examine and work
with the structure of your file in classic outline form. Work in outline view when you
need to organize and develop the content of your file.
5. Toolbars: - to shows/hides different toolbar such as standard toolbar, formatting toolbar,
drawing toolbar etc. In addition you can create your custom toolbar.
6. Ruler: - to shows or hides ruler.
7. Document Map: - to turns on off the document Map, a vertical pane along the left edge of
the document window that outlines the document structure. Use the document map to
quickly browse a long or online document and to keep track or your location in it.
8. Header and Footer: - to define header and footer.
9. Footnotes: - to define footnote.
10. Comments: - to define comments.
11. Full Screen: - to display active document in a full screen, hides most screen elements so
that you can view more of your document.
12. Zoom: - to controls how large or small the current file appears on the screen.

Insert Menu (Alt+I): -

1. Break (Ctrl+Enter): - to inserts a page break, column break, or section break at the
desired location.
2. Page Numbers: - to inserts page numbers that automatically updates when you add or
delete pages.
3. Date and Time: - to inserts date and time to available formats in Microsoft word at the
desired location.
4. AutoText: - to inserts an AutoText entry. In addition you can create your customs
AutoText entry.
5. Field: - to inserts a field at the desired location. Use fields to insert a variety of
information automatically and to keep the information up-to-date.
6. Symbol: - to inserts symbols and special characters from the fonts that are installed on
your computer.
7. Comment: - to inserts a comment on a selected text or objects.
8. Footnote: - to inserts footnote or endnote on a selected text or objects.
Note: - 1. Footnote always comes at the bottom of the pages.
2. Endnote always comes at the end of documents.
9. Cross-reference: - to inserts a cross-reference to an item i.e. footnote, endnote, bookmark
etc. in a document.
10. Caption: - to inserts captions (label) for table, figures, equations etc.
11. Index and Tables: - to creates indexes, tables of contents, tables of figures, tables of
authorities, and other similar tables.

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4 Microsoft Word
12. Bookmark: - to creates bookmarks which you can use to mark selected text, graphics,
tables, or other items.
13. Textbox: - to inserts a textbox at the desired location. Text boxes help you arrange text
and add text to graphics.
14. Object: - to inserts an objects from the external application such as bitmap image, clip art,
work art text effects at the desired location.
15. File: - to inserts a file from another word processing application.
16. Hyperlink (Ctrl+K): - to inserts a hyperlink of selected files as a link. The hyperlink as
link between other applications.
17. Picture: - 1. Clip Art to
2. From File inserts
3. WordArt selected
4. Auto shapes pictures
Format Menu (Alt+O): -
1. Font: - to changes the font (different writing styles) i.e. font style (Regular, Bold
(Ctrl+B), Italic (Ctrl+I), Bold Italic), font size, font color, underline (Ctrl+U) style, font
effects, character spacing, text effects etc.
2. Paragraph: - to changes paragraph indents, text alignment (Left (Ctrl+L), Right (Ctrl+R),
Centered (Ctrl+E), Justify (Ctrl+J)), line spacing, pagination, and other paragraph
formats in the selected paragraph.
3. Bullets and Numbering: - to Adds bullets or numbers to selected paragraphs and modifies
the bullets and numbering format.
4. Borders and Shading: - to Adds borders and shading to selected text, paragraphs, table
cells, page border, or pictures.
5. Columns: - to changes the number of columns in a document or a section of a document.
6. Tabs: - to sets tabs stops positions.
7. Drop Cap: - to formats a letter, word, or selected text with a large initial- or “dropped”-
capital letter. A “drop cap” is traditionally the first letter in a paragraph, and it can appear
either in the left margin or dropped from the base line of the first line in the paragraph. It
is widely used in newspaper.
8. Text Direction: - to rotate the drop letter i.e. bottom to top or top to bottom.
9. Change Case: - to changes the selected case as follows: -
1. Sentence case – Kahnu guar
2. lower case – kahnu gaur
4. Title Case – Kahnu Gaur
10. Background: - to changes the selected color or background pictures, gradient, textures,
pattern fill.
11. Theme: - to add a new theme in a web page. Theme is a set of undefined elements and
colour screen for background, image, bullets, fonts and other documents elements.
12. Auto format: - to format your document automatically as per give format in ms-word.
13. Style: - to define a new style as per user requirements. Style is a combination of formats.
14. Frame: - to define a new frame.

Tools Menu (Alt+T): -

1. Spelling and Grammar (F7): -The spelling checker is a very flexible and powerful tool
that automatically checks spellings in a paragraph or the entire document. It finds and
corrects the spelling errors but it does not consider the context of words. For e.g. it cannot
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5 Microsoft Word
check the improper uses of various words, namely form in a place of form or number in
place of knows.
Reddish line: Spelling mistakes
Greenish line: Grammar mistakes
The Grammar checker evaluates a document for grammatical errors word uses
collection of rules while reading a document. It also gives you the flexibility of deciding
which rule you want to use.
Steps to check spelling & Grammar: -

(i) Click on tools menu.

(ii) Click on spelling & grammar
Press F7 key
(iii) Correct the sentence by selecting a suggestion in the suggestion boxes.
(iv) Click on change button.
2. Language: - (i) Thesaurus (Shift+F7): - it is a words electronic database that contains
words with similar meaning. It defines selected words and often alternative terms. When
you are not sure of a particular word meaning or you think you are use a particular word
to often or when you cannot come up with write word use word thesaurus.
Steps: -
(1) Select the word for which you want to locate a similar meaning of word.
(ii) Click on tools menu.
(iii) Click on language.
(iv) Click on thesaurus.
Press Shift+F7.
(v) Thesaurus dialog box will appear.
(vi) Click the replace button to replace the selected words in a document.

(ii) Hyphenation: - This tool reduces the regard ness of the right edge of the text by inserting
hyphenation in a word.
3. Word Count: - This tool count total number of pages, words, characters, paragraph and
line in a document.
(i) Click on tool menu.
(ii) Click on word count menu command.

4. AutoSummarize: - This tool automatically summarized the key points in the active
document. You can use an auto summarize command to create an executive summary or
an abstract.
5. Auto Correct: - This tool automatically correct the text as you type. It provide following
option: -

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6 Microsoft Word

6. Track Changes (Ctrl+Shift+E): - This menu command is used to trace out changes made
by unauthorized persons.
7. Protect Document: - This menu command is used to protect a document from
unauthorized used by supplying a password. Ms-word provides three modes of protection
in a document: -
(i) Track Changes: Trace out the changes.
(ii) Comments: Display message at the status bar.
(iii) Form: Do not display any message.
8. Macro: - This menu command is used to create keyboard macro. Macro is a recording the
formatting applied on a document so that the same can be used again and again.
9. Templates and Add-Ins: - This menu command is used to add additional features in ms-
10. Customize: - This menu command is used to customize your document environment i.e.
to work with your choice toolbar button, shortcut key and pattern etc.
11. Option: - This menu command is to change default settings of ms-word i.e. screen
appearance, printing editing, spelling and other option.
12. Mail Merge: - This menu command is used to merge two documents one is known as
main document and another is known as data source. It is being merge to provides a
meaningful documents, it produces form letters, mailing labels, envelops, catalogs and
other type of merge documents.
Steps to Mail Merge: -
(i) Design the main document (prepared main document).
(ii) Click on Tools menu.
(iii) Click on mail merge menu command.
(iv) Click on create under main document.
(v) Click on form letters.
(vi) Click on Active window.
(vii) Click on Get Data under data source.
(viii) Click on create data source.
(ix) Now select the desired fields you want.
(x) Click on Ok Button.
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7 Microsoft Word
(xi) Save the document with some new name.
(xii) Click on Save.
(xiii) Click on Edit Data Source.
(xiv) Input Number of records you want.
(xv) Click on Ok.
(xvi) Click on Insert merge field and place the fields at the desired location.
(xvii) Click on View Merged Data (<<ABC>>).
(xviii) Click on merge to new document press Alt+Shift+N.
Table Menu (Alt+A): -
1. Draw Table: - to draw a table with customize rows and columns.
2. Insert: - to insert a readymade table with specified rows and column.
3. Delete: - to delete table.
4. Select: - (i) Table: - to select whole table.
(ii) Column: - to select whole column.
(iii)Row: - to select whole row.
5. Merge Cells: - to merge (combine) two or more cells.
6. Split Cells: - to split (break) a cell into specified numbers of cells.
7. Split Table: - to split a table into two parts.
8. Table Auto format: - to format table as per give format by ms-word.
9. AutoFit: - (i) Distribute Rows evenly: - to standardize size of rows i.e. all the
rows will be equal height. (ii) Distribute Columns evenly: - to standardize size of
column i.e. to make all the column will be equal width.
10. Headings: - to activate headings rows repeat, same headings on every new page
will be display.
11. Cell Height and Width: - to set height and width of the cell.
12. Sort: - to sort the data item in particular order that may be either in ascending or
descending order.
13. Formula: - to make out numerical calculation in ms-word by choosing appropriate
14. Gridlines: - to show or hide gridlines of a table.

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