Photosynthesis in C4 Plants

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Photosynthesis in C4 Plants

Ervin Ade Prasetyo

Based on the type of photosynthesis, plants are divided into
three major groups, namely C3, C4, and CAM (Crassulacean Acid
Metabolism). C4 and CAM plants are more adaptive in the area hot
and dry when compared with C3 plants. However, more C3 plants
adaptive to high atmospheric CO2 content conditions. Most
agricultural plants, such as, potatoes, soybeans, and cotton are plants
of the C3 group. Plant C3 and C4 is distinguished by the way COz
binding of the atmosphere and the starting product is produced from
forosintesis process.
The C + plant is so named because the result of the Calvin cycle
is carbonic acid 4. The C4 plant is more adaptive in hot tropical
regions. In plant C4, CO2 bound by PEP carboxylase (CO 2 binding
enzyme in plant C4). PEP carboxylase does not can bind O2 so there
is no competition between COz and Oz. The location of COz binding
is in the mesophyll cell. CO2] that has been bound by PEP
carboxylase then formed OAA and converted to malic acid. Malic
acid is transferred from the mesophyll to the sheaths of the carrier
files (a group of cells outside the xylem and phloem are numerous
containing chloroplasts). The malic acid is decarboxylated to CO 2
and pyruvic acid. COz is bound by RuBP. Due to the high
concentration of COz and the location of the sheaths of the carrier
files on the inside, Oz has no chance to bind with RuBP,
photorespiration is very small.
PEP has a binding power m-t s-t the rate of photosynthesis is
very high. against CO2, with CO2 below 100 m mol photosynthesis in
C4 plantsonlyincreases slightly with the increase of Co2 in the
environment. By increasing CO 2 in the atmosphere, C3 plants will be
more fortunate than C4 plants in terms of excessive coz utilization.
PEP carboxylase has a higher binding power to coz than RuBp
carboxylase. therefore, in C4 plants with very low Co2 content, even
lower than normal air concentrations, it can still be fixed to pEp

1. Introduction
basically there are only two divisions of C3 and plant C4 but,
plant C4 there is another unique way that is CAM, where there is
separation of C3 and C4 cycle process based on time. C4 plants
generally have a unique leaf anatomy so that C4 and C3 processes
occur on separate leaf parts and RUBISCO is in the leaf part which
has high CO2 and low O2. Plant C4, has a characteristic leaf
anatomical shape called Anatomy Kranz. Vascular circles in plants
C4 are surrounded by two cell-cell layers such as rings. The deepest
cell layer is called the "bundle sheath" cell, and is rich in chloroplasts
containing amylum (amyloplasts) but lacks the grane. This is different
from the outer cell ring on the mesophyll. Because there are two types
of chloroplasts or. The main function of kranz anatomy is to provide a
place for CO2 to concentrate on RuBisCO, thus, photorespiration can
be avoided. To maintain high CO2 concentrations in the bundle
sheath compared to the mesophyll, the limiting layer on the crane
section has a small conductance of CO2, this is reinforced by suberin
Although there is a cranz anatomy in every C4 plant, there are also
some plant species that use the C4 mechanism in the absence of a
layer of Kranz tissue. Suaeda araloscapica, Bienertia cycloptera,
Bienertia sinuspersici and Bienertia kavirense (all chenopods) are
terrestrial plants located in dry areas, salty depressions in the desert
region of Central Asia. The plant turned out to use the CO2
concentration mechanism of a single cell C4 (Hamim, 2005)
C 4 plants in hot conditions in the tropics more efficiently use
CO2 than C3 plants, because C4 plants can minimize photorespiration
while increasing photosynthesis. This can be seen in the production of
cane sugar, and the maize increases during the dry season.
(Rahmawati, 2009)
2. photosynthetic activity
1. Plant C4 is a plant group that prepares the dark reaction of
photosynthesis through the 4 carbon / 4C line (Hatch - Slack
Line) before entering the Calvin cycle, to minimize
photorespiratory requirements.
2. At first CO2 is fixed by Phospho Enol Pyruvate (PEP) to
produce Oxalo Acetic Acid / OAA (4C). Furthermore, OAA
is converted into Malic Acid (takes place inside the leaf
3. The malic acid then diffuses from the mesophyll cells to the
sheath cells of the carrier carrying a lot of chloroplasts
surrounding the bundle sheat cells.
4. In the cytoplasm of these cells malic acid is converted to
pyruvic acid and CO2. Eventually CO2 is brought into
chloroplast and bound by RDP, continuing into the Calvin
5. carbon dioxide, which then enters the Calvin cycle to form
sugar and starch. Pyruvic acid (C3), is transported back to the
mesophyll cell portion which is then converted back to PEP.
(Hesti, 2015)
3. conclusion
1. In this type of photosynthesis CO2 from the environment was
first introduced into 4-carbon acid in a cell known as mesophyll.
This acid is transported to another cell known as a cell casing
bundle. In this cell, the reaction is reversed, CO2 is released and
then used in normal photosynthetic pathway (C3). The
incorporation of CO2 into a 3-carbon compound is catalyzed by
an enzyme known as Rubisc
2. In hot and dry environments photosynthesis of C4 is more
efficient than C3 photosynthesis. This is due to two reasons. The
first is that the system does not undergo photorespiration, a
process that conflicts with photosynthesis (see below). The
second is the plant can keep their pores closed for a long time,
thus avoiding water loss.
3. Although C4 photosynthesis is clearly favorable in hot and dry
climates, this is not true in a cool and humid environment. This
is because C4 photosynthesis is more complex: it has more steps
and requires special anatomy. For this reason, unless
photorespiration or water loss is a significant problem,
photosynthesis of C3 is more effective. This is why most plants
do photosynthesis C3.
4. Plants that do photosynthesis C4 can keep their stomata closed
more than their C3 equivalents because they are more efficient
in combining CO2. This minimizes water loss.
5. Rubisco added oxygen. In situations where photosynthesis is
rapid (at high temperatures, high light levels or both), there are
so many O2 available that this reaction becomes a significant
problem. Plant C4 solves this problem by maintaining a high
CO2 concentration in the corresponding leaf portion (cell casing

4. References
Hamim. 2005. Respon pertumbuhan spesies C3 dan C4 terhadap
kekeringann dan konsentrasi CO2 tinggi.Biosfera.22(3): I05-I
Hastilestari, B.R. 2015. Plastisitas sistem fotosintesis pada
tanaman CAM. Pros. Sem. Nas. Masy. Biodiv. Indon. l(4) :864-
Rahmawati, D., Nasir, M., Sudjino, Dewi, K.2009. Fisiologi
Tumbuhan. Fakultas Biologi UGM, Yogyakarta.

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