Nursing Department Quality Indicators (Wards) : S.No Formula

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For the month of : ______________ Dept:_________________

S.No Formula Numerator Denominator

Percentage of No. of medication errors reported 3 73

Medication errors x 100
No. of Patients under medication

No. of patients who develop

new/worsening of pressure ulcers x 1000
Incidence of hospital
acquired pressure ulcers Total no. of patient days

Number of falls
3 Incidence of falls x 1000
Total number of patient days 3 15

4 Percentage of patients Number of Adverse Drug Reactions

with Adverse Drug x 100
Reactions 2 73
Number of patients under medication

5 Number of Nursing assessment done

within 30 mins of admission/transfer x 100
Percentage of Nursing into the ward 73 2190
Assessment done within
30 mins of admission or Number of admissions/transfers done
transfer into the ward in the particular ward

Number of case sheets handed over to

6 Case sheets handed over MRD within 24 hrs of discharge
to MRD within 24 hrs of x 100 60 69
discharge Total number of discharges in that
For the month of : ______________ Dept:_________________

S.No Formula Numerator Denominator

Number of Nursing Initial

Percentage of Nursing Initial Assessment done within 15 mins of
Assessment done within 30 admission/ transfer into the ward x 100
mins of admission/ transfer into Number of Admissions done/
the ward transfers done to the paricular ward

Number of Doctors Initial

Assessment done within 15 mins of
Percentage of Doctors Initial admission/ transfer into the ward
assessment done within 30
2 Number of Admissions done/ x 100
mins of Admission/ transfer
into the ward transfers done to the paricular ward

Number of falls
3 Incidence of falls x 1000
Total number of patient days

No. of patients who develop new/worsening of pressure ulcers

4 Incidence of hospital acquired
pressure ulcers x 1000
Total no. of patient days

Number of Needle Stick Injuries

Needle Stick Injuries reported
5 x 1000
Total Number of Inpatient Days

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