G.R. Nos. 149430-32 February 23, 2004 People of The Philippines, Appellee, vs. CARMELO CATBAGAN, Appellant. Decision Panganiban, J.

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G.R. Nos. 149430-32 February 23, 2004 sum of P100,000.00 as moral damages, and also the amount of P50,000.

ages, and also the amount of P50,000.00 x x x for actual

damages. Finally, respecting complainant Ernesto Lacaden, the accused is directed to pay
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, him the sum of P50,000.00 as and for moral damages and the sum of P6,400.86 as actual
vs. damages.
"With costs against the accused."2
Except for the names of the victims, two (2) similarly worded criminal Informations3 in
PANGANIBAN, J.: Criminal Case Nos. 1082-M-984 and 1083-M-98,5 both dated July 21, 1998, charged
appellant as follows:
There can be no self-defense, whether complete or incomplete, unless the victim had
committed unlawful aggression against the person who resorted to self-defense. "That on or about the 15th day of March, 1998, in the [M]unicipality of San Jose del Monte,
[P]rovince of Bulacan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
The Case above-named accused, armed with a gun, caliber .9MM pistol, and with intent to kill one x x x,
did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with evident premeditation and
Carmelo Catbagan appeals the May 19, 1999 Decision1 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of treachery, attack, assault and shoot with the said caliber .9MM pistol said x x x, hitting the
Malolos, Bulacan (Branch 21), in Criminal Case Nos. 1082-M-98, 1083-M-98 and 1099-M-98. latter on the different parts of his body, thereby inflicting upon him mortal wounds which
In these cases, he was convicted of homicide, murder and frustrated murder, respectively. directly caused the death of the said x x x."6

The decretal portion of the RTC Decision reads as follows: For the third crime, the Information,7 also dated July 21, 1998, charged appellant with
frustrated murder allegedly committed in this manner:
"In sum and considering the foregoing findings, the Court hereby resolves and so states that
the defense has not been able to overcome the moral certainty established upon the "That on or about the 15th day of March, 1998, in the [M]unicipality of San Jose del Monte,
accused’s culpability. Stated otherwise, the prosecution has successfully discharged its [P]rovince of Bulacan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
undertaking herein. Accordingly, this Court finds and so holds that accused Carmelo above-named accused, armed with a caliber .9MM pistol, did then and there wilfully,
Catbagan is GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crimes of Homicide in Crim. Case No. unlawfully and feloniously, with intent to kill, evident premeditation and treachery, attack,
1082-M-98, Murder in Crim. Case No. 10[8]3-M-98 and Frustrated Murder in Crim. Case No. assault and shoot with the said caliber .9MM pistol one Ernesto Lacaden y Tacata, thereby
1099-M-98. inflicting upon him physical injuries, which ordinarily would have caused the death of the said
Ernesto Lacaden y Tacata, thus performing all the acts of execution which should have
"In Criminal Case No. 1082-M-98, the Court hereby credits the accused with the mitigating produced the crime of murder as a consequence, but nevertheless did not produce it by
circumstance of incomplete self-defense pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Revised reason of causes independent of his will, that is, by the timely and able medical assistance
Penal Code. In which event, what should be imposable as penalty is the minimum of rendered to said Ernesto Lacaden y Tacata which prevented his death."8
Reclusion Temporal. Considering the application of the Indeterminate Sentence Law,
accused Carmelo Catbagan is hereby sentenced to suffer the indeterminate prison term of Appellant was arraigned on August 26, 1998 in Criminal Case Nos. 1082-M-98 and 1083-M-
ten (10) years and one (1) day of Prision Mayor maximum to fourteen (14) years of Reclusion 98. With the assistance of counsel de oficio,9 he pleaded not guilty to both charges.10
Temporal minimum. Thereafter, he was arraigned in Criminal Case No. 1099-M-98, in which, with the assistance
of his counsel de oficio,11 he also pleaded not guilty.12
"In Criminal Case No. 1083-M-98, absent any circumstance that would aggravate the
commission of the crime, the accused is sentenced to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Upon motion of appellant, the three cases were consolidated. After pretrial, trial on the merits
Perpetua together with the accessory penalties. ensued, and the lower court eventually promulgated its assailed Decision. Counsel13 for
appellant filed the Notice of Appeal14 on July 5, 1999, but upon discovering that it contained
"In Criminal Case No. 1099-M-98, since the crime committed is Murder in its frustrated stage, an error in the designation of the court to which the case was being appealed, he filed an
it is the penalty next lower in degree that should be imposed, which is Reclusion Temporal. amended Notice of Appeal on September 10, 1999.15
However, with the application of the Indeterminate Sentence Law, accused Carmelo
Catbagan is hereby sentenced to suffer the indeterminate prison term of ten (10) years of The Facts
Prision Mayor medium to fifteen (15) years of Reclusion Temporal medium.
Version of the Prosecution
"In addition to the foregoing, the accused is also directed to pay the heirs of deceased Celso
Suico the sum of P500,000.00 in loss of earning capacity, P50,000.00 as indemnity for In its Brief,16 the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) presents the prosecution’s version of
Suico’s death, and the further sum of P100,000.00 as and for moral damages. With respect the facts as follows:
to deceased Danilo Lapidante, the accused is ordered to pay his heirs the sum P400,000.00
in loss of earning capacity, the sum of P50,000.00 as indemnity for Lapidante’s death, the

"Danilo Lapidante, an employee of the Manila Water Company, held his birthday party on
March 15, 1998, one day in advance of his actual birthdate. That was intended to "After causing the mayhem, Catbagan then proceeded eastward to the main road.
accommodate his many relatives and friends who trooped to his residence that Sunday at Thereupon, Charles Lacaden picked up the weapon of the PSG man and threw it to a vacant
Block 5, Lot 28, Phase C-1 Francisco Homes, Barangay Mulawin, San Jose del Monte, lot somewhere at the rear of the house and lot of Lapidante. As a consequence of the injuries
Bulacan Province. As it was already summertime, and on account of the big attendance, the they sustained, Sgt. Suico died on the spot; Lapidante later died in the hospital in Lagro,
party had to be held in a vacant space within the fenced perimeter, with vehicular and Quezon City; whereas Jun Lacaden had to be treated and confined at the East Avenue
pedestrian steel gates. In front thereof was a narrow concrete street. Medical Center, Quezon City.

"Inasmuch as Lapidante saw to it that drinks like gin and beer and appetizers were plenty, "Police investigators went to the scene and there recovered some pieces of evidence.
even before 10:00 A.M., inevitably, the revelers were already displaying excitement. Some
were engaged in singing over a ‘karaoke,’ while one Sgt. Celso Suico of the Philippine Air The .45 caliber Springfield pistol of Suico was retrieved in a place at the back of the
Force and of the elite Presidential Security Group, who lived in another phase of the Lapidante residence. With a bullet vertically standing on the chamber, it had misfired due to
subdivision, demonstrated his exuberance by firing shots into the air with his Armalite rifle. some vital defects. There were six (6) live ammunitions of the .45 caliber pistol excluding the
Since the gunshots continued to ring out, and election gun ban was then in effect, the vertical one. No empty shell of .45 caliber pistol were recovered. There were nine (9) empty
attention of Carmelo Catbagan, an investigator of the Criminal Investigation Service, shells of the .9 mm pistol; and a deformed slug of the same weapon, aside from many shells
Philippine National Police, whose residential unit was just one block away south of the from the Armalite rifle.
Lapidantes, was called.
"Upon examination of Sgt. Suico’s body, Dr. Dominic Aguda of the National Bureau of
"When, by 5:00 p.m., Catbagan went there to verify from the group who among them had Investigation found four (4) gunshot wounds, to wit:
been firing the rifle, no one of those within the fenced area gave a positive answer. The
embar[r]assed Catbagan left the place. Coincidentally, some minutes before that, Lapidante, No. 1 - left upper chest;
driving his owner-type jeep, conducted home some of his guests. Accompanying him were
Sgt. Suico and his companion Ernesto ‘Jun’ Lacaden. Even as they returned the Armalite to No. 2 - left chest above left nipple;
the PSG’s residence at Phase M, Suico substituted it with a government-issued Springfield .
45 caliber pistol which he tucked to his waistband as they went back to rejoin the party. No. 3 - left anterior portion of forearm;

"By about 5:30 p.m., while the celebrants were being entertained with a song by the eldest No. 4 - right palm (inside)
daughter of Lapidante, Catbagan with [Zosimo] (Jess) Fababier returned to Lapidante’s place
on board a motorized tricycle. This time, after he alighted on the street in front, when "Dr. Aguda concluded that the victim died from massive bleeding of the four injuries. The
Catbagan inquired about the gunshots of the Armalite, Sgt. Suico answered that ‘It’s nothing; most fatal was wound No. 1 as it perforated the aorta and the right upper lung. Death
it’s just a part of the celebration’. Suddenly, a piece of stone hurled from the direction of the therefrom was instantaneous. He opined that this wound was inflicted in a level from a higher
celebrant’s house landed on a tree and thence to the body of Catbagan. Irritated and reacting plane, whereas the others may have been inflicted on some level with the victim. Suico died
thereto, the CIS agent directed Fababier to look for the one who threw the stone. of massive bleeding.

"At that moment, Sgt. Suico got out of the pedestrian steel gate and extended his hand "As regards the victim Lapidante, as shown by Dr. Aguda’s schematic sketch and the post-
towards Catbagan in the street as he introduced himself as being a PSG. Completely mortem autopsy report, the entry wound was at the left side of the back, exiting at the right
ignoring the gesture of the latter, Catbagan drew out his .9mm automatic pistol and with both anterior portion of the chest in a forward and upward trajection. The bullet hit the upper left
hands holding the gun, fired successively at Suico, who when hit stretched out his hand, tube of the left lung and then penetrated the upper lobe of the right lung. The victim also died
shouting ‘Huwag (Don’t) Pare.’ Despite this Catbagan fired more shots at the victim who fell from massive bleeding.
on the pavement, bloodied and dying from mortal wounds.
"From the shapes and measurement of the wound of entry, Dr. Aguda stated that the
"As the shots were fired, Jun Lacaden who was taking a nap on the front seat of the owner- (weapon) firearm used in the shooting of the two victims were probably the same, they being
type jeep parked on the other side of the street, in front of the residential unit of Aida approximately 1 x 1 cm.
Villanueva, was abruptly awakened. Not fully aware of what happened, he disembarked
therefrom without knowing what to do. Unexpectedly, two shots were also fired at him by "With respect to Jun Lacaden, Dr. Cristina Atienza of the East Avenue Medical Center found
Catbagan. One bullet found its mark in the body of Jun Lacaden who then fell down. that he was hit at the right side of the back, the scapular and the bullet exited at the
uppermost part of the left arm, near the armpit. She said that as the slug entered the thoracic
"Almost simultaneously, Catbagan directed his attention to Lapidante who was then inside cavity, they had to insert a tube to evacuate blood. Said victim was confined for more than
their compound in the vicinity of their steel main gate. Upon the prompting of his wife Rosita one week, and it would have taken another 30 days for the victim to resume his usual
for him to run and evade the assailant, the celebrant turned towards the main door of their activity."17
house. But before he could reach the safety of their abode, two rapid shots were aimed by
Catbagan at him, one of which hit him in the upper part of his body. Version of the Defense

rushing towards his own house, gather his children and leave. At around 6:30 in the evening,
Appellant argues that he was justified in shooting the victims, as he was merely defending he was picked-up by police authorities for investigation.
himself and fulfilling his sworn duties. On the basis of these justifying circumstances, he
insists on his acquittal. In his Brief,18 he summarizes his version of the facts as follows: "JONATHAN BELLOSILLO, the Barangay captain of Barangay Mulawin, Francisco Homes
San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, confirmed that a complaint/report was made by Carmelo
"The defense had a different version of the circumstances that led to the shooting incident on Catbagan at his home office, anent a gunfiring incident, at around 4:30 in the afternoon of
March 15, 1998. On said date, between 9:00 and 11:00 in the morning, ERNESTO PURBOS March 15, 1998. The Barangay Captain likewise testified on the several complaints he
heard successive gunshots coming from the residence of Danilo Lapidante at San Francisco received against Danilo Lapidante, for conducting gambling and Jun Lacaden, for mauling
Homes, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. The gunshots numbered about ten (10) in the span of incidents.
two (2) hours. Alarmed and scared, as there were children then playing in the vicinity, he
went to the house of Carmelo Catbagan to report the gun firing incident. He pleaded "The accused, CARMELO CATBAGAN, testifying on his behalf, averred that he is a regular
Catbagan, known in their place as a policeman, to maintain the peace in the neighborhood. agent of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), with a rank of Crime
He was worried that the children might be hit accidentally by the revelry. Catbagan retorted Investigator I. As a regular agent of the CIDG, he was issued two (2) official firearms, a 9MM
not to mind the revelers, as they were just drinking. He then went home. Jericho pistol and a.38 caliber revolver. His principal duties were to protect the innocent
against deception, [and] against violence, arrest felons, and in general, to respond to all calls
"At around 4:00 in the afternoon, he again heard successive gunshots coming from the house for public assistance.
of the Lapidantes. The gunshots were louder and rapid in succession. Fearing for the safety
of the children playing in the vicinity, he again proceeded to the house of Catbagan, pleading "On March 15, 1998, he was at his residence at Block 5, Lot 11, Phase 6-1, Francisco
the latter to pacify or maintain order in the place. Catbagan replied that he would call the Homes, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, tending to his five (5) children. His wife was then in
attention of the Barangay Captain and advised him to go home. the province. At around 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning, he heard several burst[s] of gunfire
coming from the direction of the rear portion of his house. A neighbor, Ernesto Purbos, then
"ZOSIMO PAVABIER corroborated the testimony of witness Ernesto Purbos. On March 15, came to his house complaining about the gunshots. ‘Manong Erning’ wailed that the gunshots
1998, between the hours of 9:00 and past 11:00 in the morning, he heard several gunshots might accidentally hit the children playing in the street. Having told from where the gunshots
coming from the house of Danilo Lapidante. The reverberating gunshots were again heard at came from, he pacified the complainant telling him that the revelers were just engaged in
around 4:00 in the afternoon, prompting him to go out to the street to observe the commotion. merrymaking and that they will just stop later on. Ernesto Purbos then went home.
In the street, he saw children playing as well as a group of his neighbors talking about the
gunshots coming from the house of the Lapidantes. The neighbors were complaining that the "The peace in the vicinity was again disturbed at around 4:00 in the afternoon of the same
children might be accidentally hit and that there was a gunban. On his way home, he met day. Loud burst of rapid gunshots, to the tune of the song ‘Let’s Go’, were again heard
Carmelo Catbagan, who asked if he would accompany him to the barangay captain to report coming from the same direction as that in the morning. From his experience, he knew that the
the incident. Catbagan was then limping and there was something bulging in his waist. They firearm used was an armalite (M-16). Two of their neighbors came to him complaining about
proceeded to the house of the barangay captain onboard a tricycle. Upon reaching the place, the gunshots. He advised them to go to the barangay captain and he will just follow after
the wife of the barangay captain informed them that her husband left for the police precinct finishing his chores. He then heard a woman scream, complaining that the shots were being
and instructed them to proceed to the house of the Lapidantes as the barangay captain might directed towards the firewall of the house neighboring that of the Lapidantes. Ernesto Purbos
be already there. Catbagan then told him to proceed to the barangay hall to call upon the likewise returned, echoing his previous complaint about the gunshots. He assured Purbos
tanods, but the place was closed. They then proceeded to the house of Danilo Lapidante. that he would act on his complaint, but first he would go to the barangay captain to report the
incident. He then got his service firearm and went out. On his way to the house of the
"At the residence of the Lapidantes, they found several persons engaged in a drinking barangay captain, he met Zosimo Pavabier, who likewise complained of the gunshots. He
session. Catbagan then introduced himself as a CIS and inquired who fired the firearm. The asked Pavabier to accompany him and the two of them proceeded to the house of the said
merrymakers ignored Catbagan and continued their merrymaking. Seconds later, somebody official. When they reached their destination, however, the wife of the barangay official told
threw a fist sized stone at Catbagan, hitting the lat[t]er on the shoulder. The stone came from them that her husband has gone to the Police on the Block Headquarter. Learning the
the side of the kitchen of the Lapidantes. Catbagan directed him to find out who threw the purpose of their visit, the wife told them to just proceed to the vicinity in question as her
stone. After he had taken five steps, he saw Danilo Lapidante emerge from the side of the husband might already be there. On their way, they went by the barangay hall to fetch some
kitchen, rushing towards Catbagan. About the same moment, Jun Lacaden and Celso Suico ‘tanods’, but the place was closed. They then proceeded to the house of the Lapidantes.
were likewise proceeding towards the gate. Lacaden then went on the side of Catbagan, who
was stepping backward, while Suico, uttering that he is a PSG, drew his .45 caliber pistol and "Upon reaching the house of the Lapidantes, Catbagan and Pavabier noticed that the
cocked it. Instinctively, Catbagan drew his gun and fired at Suico, hitting the latter with three Barangay Captain was not yet there. They likewise noticed that there were several persons
shots. Lacaden, who was attacking Catbagan from the side, was shot by the latter once. having a drinking spree inside the compound. Catbagan introduced himself as a CIS and
Seeing what happened to his companion, Danilo Lapidante hurriedly retreated towards his inquired upon the group who fired the gunshots. The merrymakers, however, ignored him and
house, shouting repeatedly ‘akina iyong mahaba’. Catbagan made one shot upward, yelling laughed. As he was telling the group that: ‘Don’t you know there are many residents here and
at Lapidante, ‘pare, pare, huwag kang tatakbo’. As Lapidante continued proceeding towards you might hit somebody’, a fist sized stone was thrown which hit his left shoulder. The stone
his house, Catbagan fired at him once. Taken aback by the sudden turn of events, he came from the rear of the house of the Lapidantes. Alerted by the hostility of the crowd, he
retreated towards his house and just peeped over the window. He then saw Catbagan instructed Pavabier to look for the one who threw the stone at him. As Pavabier was about to

comply with his instructions, Danilo Lapidante emerged from the side of his house and received from the gunfire of the assailant."20 It credited appellant with incomplete self-
rushed to where he was standing, uttering: ‘ano ba ang problema pare?’ About the same defense, because he supposedly lost the right to kill or even wound the victim after the
time, two more persons suddenly came out of the compound of the Lapidantes, rushing and unlawful aggression had ceased.
encircling him. One of the aggressors, Ernesto Lacaden, was toting an ice-pick on one hand
and positioned himself at his side. The other, whose identity he did not kn[o]w at that The RTC refused to qualify the crime against Suico. Ruling that there had been no evident
moment, went straight to him, drew a gun from his waist and cocked it, after which, aimed the premeditation and treachery in the killing, it found appellant guilty only of the crime of
pistol at him, uttering ‘Pare PSG ito’, in an arrogant voice. Threatened of his safety, he drew homicide.
his own gun while stepping backward and fired at the aggressors.
As regards the victim Danilo Lapidante in Criminal Case No. 1083-M-98, he was undisputedly
"Simultaneously, Danilo Lapidante retreated towards his house, shouting: ‘Akina yung unarmed, as he was inside his own premises -- within his fenced front yard -- at the time of
mahaba, yung mahaba’, while Jun Lacaden attacked him coming from the side, with the ice- the incident. Thus, the lower court found no act of aggression on his part. It held that "the
pick. Catbagan side stepped and fired a shot at Lacaden before turning his attention at belief on the part of [appellant] that the victim was about to retrieve a rifle from the doorside
Lapidante. He fired a warning shot, uttering: ‘Tumigil ka, huwag kang kikilos’. Lapidante, of the house, existed only in his imagination."21 Consequently, "there was no moment for
however, did not heed Catbagan’s warning and continued rushing towards his house, as if to [appellant] to validly state that his own life [was] in imminent danger from Lapidante."22
get something. Fearing that Lapidante might be able to get hold of the long gun, Catbagan
fired a shot at him once. Aside from rejecting self-defense, the trial court also held that treachery had attended the
killing, because the unarmed victim had unexpectedly been shot while his back was towards
"Concerned for his safety and that of his family, Catbagan brought his five children to the appellant.
house of his sister in Malabon, Metro Manila. He then surrendered himself and his firearms to
his superior officer at the CIDG Office. Finally, in Criminal Case No. 1099-M-98, the court a quo found that Ernesto Lacaden had
been shot in the back, apparently while "in the act of fleeing from the fury of gunfire from
"ATTY. VIRGILIO PABLICO Y TABALBA, Chief of the CIDG Legal Office and immediate [appellant]."23 It did not accept the allegation that the victim had been carrying an ice pick at
superior of the accused, testified on the latter’s official duties and functions as well as his the time of the shooting. Nonetheless, it explained that even if he indeed had one at the time,
voluntary surrender on March 16, 1998[.] Accordingly, accused Carmelo Catbagan was he could not have done any real harm to appellant who was just too far from him. Absent any
appointed as a regular and non-organic member of the CIDG, with a rank of Criminal clear and convincing proof that Lacaden committed unlawful aggression, self-defense --
Investigator I. His official functions include the authority to conduct investigation of cases whether complete or incomplete -- could not be appreciated.
involving violations of the Revised Penal Code and other special laws, to effect arrest and to
conduct search in accordance with existing rules, to take sworn statements and to appear as The RTC found the crime against Lacaden to be qualified by treachery, as he had not posed
a witness in appropriate forum. As a regular agent, Catbagan was issued and authorized to any imminent danger to appellant. It ruled that treachery was proven by the following
carry a firearm. The issued firearm to Catbagan was a 9MM Jericho pistol, with Serial No. circumstances: (1) the fact that the victim was running away from the scene of the crime; and
000748. Catbagan, as a CIDG agent, was likewise deputized by the COMELEC and granted (2) appellant’s use of his .9 mm automatic pistol, a lethal weapon used to wound the former’s
an exemption to carry firearm during election period. vital organs. Since death did not ensue by reason of causes independent of the will of
appellant, the court a quo found him guilty of frustrated murder.
"On March 15, 1998, at around 8:00 to 10:00 in the evening, he received a telephone call
from Agent Catbagan, informing him that he was involved in a shooting incident, wherein he Hence, this appeal.24
was able to shoot three (3) persons. Two (2) of the protagonists allegedly died and the other
was wounded and taken to a hospital. Catbagan intimated that he wanted to be put under his The Issues
custody as soon as he made arrangements for his children’s security. On March 16, 1998, at
around 1:00 in the afternoon, Catbagan presented himself to Police Superintendent Edgardo Before us, appellant assigns to the trial court the following alleged errors for our
Acuña together with his service firearm."19 consideration:

Ruling of the Trial Court "I

The RTC held that appellant did not know who had fired the gunshots at Lapidante’s party; The court a quo gravely erred in finding accused-appellant Carmelo Catbagan guilty beyond
thus, he could not claim that he had gone there to perform his duty to make an arrest. reasonable doubt of the offenses charged in Criminal Case Nos. 1082-M-98, 1083-M-98 and
Consequently, it brushed aside his defense of fulfillment of duty, or lawful exercise of a right 1099-M-98, respectively.
or office. It did not give credence, either, to his invocation of self-defense.
With respect to Celso Suico in Criminal Case No. 1082-M-98, the trial court ruled that there
was unlawful aggression on the part of the victim, but that the means employed to repel such The court a quo gravely erred in failing to rule that accused-appellant Carmelo Catbagan
aggression was unreasonable. It "entertain[ed] serious doubts on the right of the [appellant] acted in the fulfillment of his sworn duties and/or acted in self-defense in the commission of
to continue firing at Suico after the latter was dispossessed of his gun due to the injuries the offenses charged.

circumstances may it be said that the accused was justifiably there to perform the duty of
"III making the arrest in accordance with existing laws and rules."30

Granting arguendo that the accused-appellant’s guilt was proven beyond reasonable doubt, At most, appellant was in the house of the Lapidantes to determine who had fired the
the court a quo still committed a reversible error in not considering the attendance of the gunshots that were heard by the neighborhood. But the fatal injuries that he inflicted on the
mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender in the imposition of the appropriate penalties victims were not a necessary consequence of the performance of his duty as a police officer.
for the offenses proved during the trial."25
Indeed, his "presence at the scene of the incident [was] all in the legitimate performance and
In sum, the issues to be resolved are as follows: 1) whether appellant was justified in fulfillment of a sworn duty."31 He was duty-bound to find out who had fired the gun that day
shooting the victims as a direct result of his "fulfillment of a lawful duty" and "self-defense"; 2) and to maintain peace and order in the neighborhood. But his act of shooting of the victims
whether he could be credited with the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender; and 3) cannot be justified. His presence at the scene of the incident should be distinguished from his
whether the characterization of the crimes and penalties imposed by the trial court was act of shooting them.
Appellant cites People v. Cabrera32 to support his argument that he was performing his duty
The Court’s Ruling and was thus justified in shooting the victims. There is an important distinction between the
present case and Cabrera. In the latter, the disturbance had been created by the victim in the
The appeal is partly meritorious. presence of the accused, who therefore had the duty to immediately intervene and subdue
the former, who was causing danger. In the present case, appellant had no personal
First Issue: knowledge of who had fired the gunshots. Thus, his duty at the time was simply to determine
who was the subject of the complaints of the residents of the village. It was never shown,
Fulfillment of a Lawful Duty though, that the shooting was in furtherance of or was a necessary consequence of his
performance of such duty.
In criminal cases, the prosecution has the burden of establishing the guilt of the accused
beyond reasonable doubt. But once the commission of the act charged is admitted, the To be sure, the right to kill an offender is not absolute, and may be used only as a last resort,
burden of proof shifts to the accused, who must now prove the elements of the justifying and under circumstances indicating that the offender cannot otherwise be taken without
circumstances cited.26 bloodshed. The law does not clothe police officers with authority to arbitrarily judge the
necessity to kill. It may be true that police officers sometimes find themselves in a dilemma
Appellant invokes his lawful performance of duty as one such circumstance, arguing that "his when pressured by a situation where an immediate and decisive, but legal, action is needed.
presence at the scene of the incident, prompted by the complaints in their neighborhood and However, it must be stressed that the judgment and discretion of police officers in the
his own personal knowledge relative to the wanton discharge of a firearm, the effectivity of performance of their duties must be exercised neither capriciously nor oppressively, but
the election gun ban, his coordination with the authorities of the barangay, and the inquiry he within reasonable limits. In the absence of a clear and legal provision to the contrary, they
made to the revellers, were all in consonance with the legitimate performance of a sworn must act in conformity with the dictates of a sound discretion, and within the spirit and
duty."27 Citing these specific facts, he argues that he was justified in shooting the victims. In purpose of the law.33
effect, his contention is that, being a regular agent of the Criminal Investigation and Detection
Group (CIDG) of the Philippine National Police (PNP), he was justified in maintaining public Second Issue:
order, as well as in protecting and securing life and property.
Although he is correct in arguing that he had the legal obligation to maintain peace and order,
he was not justified in shooting the victims. Article 11 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) Appellant also invokes the principle of standing one’s ground when in the right. Allegedly,
provides that a person who acts in the fulfillment of a duty or in the lawful exercise of a right since he had the right to be where he was, "the law does not require him to step aside when
or office does not incur any criminal liability. Two requisites must concur before this defense his assailant is rapidly advancing upon him with a deadly weapon."34 We clarify. Article 11 of
can prosper: 1) the accused must have acted in the performance of a duty or in the lawful the RPC provides:
exercise of a right or office; and 2) the injury caused or the offense committed should have
been the necessary consequence of such lawful exercise.28 "ART. 11. Justifying circumstances. – The following do not incur any criminal liability:

These requisites are absent in this case. Appellant was not performing his duties at the time 1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the following
of the shooting, because the men he shot had not been indiscriminately firing guns in his circumstances concur:
presence, as he alleges. Further, as found by the RTC, "nothing was mentioned in [his] direct
testimony that he was there to effect an arrest."29 Said the trial court: First. Unlawful aggression;

"While he might have heard of gunfire, since there is no proof to the effect that Catbagan had Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it;
personal knowledge that it was Suico who had been firing the Armalite, under no

Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself." the wrongful intent to cause injury -- as in this case. Thus, Suico’s act of aiming a cocked gun
at appellant is sufficient unlawful aggression.
In self-defense, proof by clear and convincing evidence is incumbent upon the accused.35
Appellant cannot rely on the weakness of the evidence for the prosecution, which can hardly The second element of self-defense -- reasonable necessity of the means employed to
be disbelieved after he himself admitted that he had shot the victims.36 A judicial confession prevent or repel it -- requires the following: 1) a necessity of the course of action taken by the
constitutes evidence of a high order, on the presumption that no sane person would person making the defense and 2) a necessity of the means used. Both the course of action
deliberately confess to the commission of an act unless moved by the desire to reveal the taken and the means used must be reasonable.47
Appellant argues that he was justified in wounding Suico, because the latter was armed with
As the RTC correctly did, we should look at the circumstances of the shooting in the case of a deadlier weapon and was still persistently aggressive after being shot the first time. The
each victim. former maintains that "[t]he fact that [he] struck one blow more than [what] was absolutely
[necessary] to save his own life, or that he failed to hold his hand so as to avoid inflicting a
Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Suico fatal wound where a less severe stroke might have served the purpose, would not [negate]
self-defense, because [he], in the heat of an encounter at close quarters, was not in a
The first requisite of self-defense is unlawful aggression by the person who is eventually position to reflect coolly or to wait after each blow to determine the effects thereof."48
injured or killed by the accused.
The means employed by the person invoking self-defense is reasonable if equivalent to the
This Court is convinced that the RTC’s finding of unlawful aggression on the part of Suico is means of attack used by the original aggressor.49 Whether or not the means of self-defense
supported by the records, and we see no reason to disturb those findings. Ruled the lower is reasonable depends upon the nature or quality of the weapon, the physical condition, the
court: character, the size and other circumstances of the aggressor; as well as those of the person
who invokes self-defense; and also the place and the occasion of the assault.50
"Under the given situation wherein the Sergeant cocking the pistol was one who was trained,
and skilled in the handling of guns, plus the fact that he was drunk, the Court cannot blame The RTC made a definitive finding on the unreasonableness of the means employed by
accused Catbagan to believe and fear that Suico would attack him in that mock appellant as follows:
"However, what followed, as testified by witnesses was that Catbagan continued firing even
The prosecution presented, in fact, conflicting accounts of how Suico had been shot. The while Suico was pleading ‘Huwag pare!’ with outstretched hand and open palm of his right
shooting allegedly happened after he had offered a handshake to appellant,39 according to hand. While the accused asserted that he had to fire his gun and hit Suico with more shots to
Rosita Lapidante, the wife of another victim. On the other hand, Charlie Lacaden, the brother totally disable him, the same cannot be believed by the Court, if we take stock of Dr. Aguda’s
of still another victim, gave testimony that conflicted with hers. Suico was allegedly shot by testimony that with the injured arm and that on the chest being inflicted with the first ‘double
appellant when the former turned his back to the latter. tap’ shots; the victim would have had much difficulty to retaliate. In fact, Catbagan himself
stated on clarification questions that the .45 caliber gun of the victim fell already so that the
On the other hand, appellant40 and Defense Witness Zosimo Pavabier41 positively and threat of continued aggression was no longer present.
consistently testified that it was Suico who had first drawn and aimed his gun at appellant.
This assertion was confirmed by the physical evidence that the victim’s gun had a live bullet xxx xxx xxx
sandwiched between its breechblock and chamber.42 This fact proves that the gun was
cocked and fired, but that the bullet was jammed in the process. "On this point, the Court entertains serious doubts on the right of the accused to continue
firing at Suico after the latter was dispossessed of his gun due to the injuries received from
The prosecution tried to explain this occurrence by inconsistent and incongruous statements. the gunfire of the assailant. Additionally, we cannot accept as credible Catbagan’s statement
According to the testimony of Rosita, Charlie took the gun from Suico’s belly then aimed it at that he had to fire again at Suico inasmuch as the latter had stooped acting to pick up his
appellant, but the gun did not fire because it was defective.43 According to the testimony of own pistol from the pavement. If ever the victim was positioned that way, it was more of the
Charlie, on the other hand, he took the gun because he was afraid that appellant would come impact of the bullets that hit him. The logical explanation can be derived from the presence of
back, but that he later threw it towards the rear portion of the house.44 Thus, the RTC the entry wound in the inside of Suico’s right palm."51
These findings are well-supported by the evidence on record. Clearly, the nature and the
"As regards the proof that Suico’s gun misfired due to vital defects in its mechanism, the number of gunshot wounds -- debilitating, fatal and multiple -- inflicted by appellant on the
Court suspects that the firearm was tampered with to create the scenario that the PSG man deceased shows that the means employed by the former was not reasonable and
was without fault. In fact, Mrs. Lapidante and Charles Lacaden’s testimonies regarding what commensurate to the unlawful aggression of the latter. The unreasonableness becomes even
was done to the gun after the incident are in conflict with each other."45 (Italics supplied) more apparent from the fact, duly admitted by appellant himself, that Suico had obviously
been inebriated at the time of the aggression. It would have thus been easier for the former to
Unlawful aggression is an actual physical assault, or at least a threat to inflict real imminent have subdued the victim without resorting to excessive means.
injury, upon a person.46 In case of threat, it must be offensive and strong, positively showing

Finally, as to the element of lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person resorting Referred to here is the rule that if it is clear that the purpose of the aggressor in retreating --
to self-defense, appellant has sufficiently established that he went to the house of the or, as in this case, Lapidante’s rushing towards his house -- is to take a more advantageous
Lapidantes to find out who had fired the gunshots earlier that day. There was therefore position to ensure the success of the attack already begun, the unlawful aggression is
absolutely no provocation from him, either by unjust conduct or by incitement, that would considered still continuing; and the one resorting to self-defense has a right to pursue and
justify Suico’s acts of cocking and aiming a gun at him. disable the former.57

Not having proven all the elements of self-defense, appellant cannot use it to justify Obviously, this rule does not apply to Lapidante, because 1) there was no clear purpose in
sufficiently his fatal shooting of Suico. Having proven a majority of the elements, however, the his act of retreating to take a more advantageous position; and 2) since he never attacked
former may still be credited with a mitigating circumstance in accordance with Article 1352 of appellant in the first place, the former could not have begun any unlawful aggression and,
the RPC. hence, would not have had any reason to take a more advantageous position. How could
there have been a continuation of something that had never been started? If any aggression
Circumstances Surrounding the Shooting of Lapidante was begun in this case, it was by Suico, not by Lapidante.

With respect to Lapidante, he allegedly rushed towards his house to get hold of the Hence, no unlawful aggression by Lapidante was shown. Because the presence thereof is a
"mahaba," so appellant had no other recourse but to shoot him. The purpose of the victim in statutory and doctrinal conditio sine qua non of the justifying circumstance of self-defense58
rushing towards his house was supposedly to recover the advantage he had previously -- complete or incomplete -- we need not examine the presence of the other requisites.
enjoyed. Hence, it is argued that unlawful aggression was present.
Circumstances Surrounding the Shooting of Lacaden
We disagree with appellant’s averments. Unlawful aggression presupposes an actual,
sudden and unexpected attack or imminent danger thereof. Such aggression refers to an Appellant asserts that Lacaden attacked him with an ice pick from the side. Allegedly, this act
attack that has actually broken out or materialized or is at the very least clearly imminent; it clearly showed unlawful aggression on the latter’s part. All the pieces of evidence on record,
cannot consist merely of any oral threat or intimidating stance or posture. 53 however, point to the absence thereof.

In this case, the RTC was categorical in ruling that the perceived danger was more in the Most crucial is the position of the gunshot wound. As testified to by the doctor who had
mind of appellant than in reality. The circumstances did not point to any actual or imminent treated the victim, its point of entry was on the right side of the back, just below the
peril to his life, limb or right. On the part of Lapidante, the act of running towards his house scapula.59 This incontestable fact belies the claim of appellant that he was attacked by
can hardly be characterized as unlawful aggression. It could not have imperiled appellant’s Lacaden with an ice pick. Such attack would have required the latter to face him; and,
life. logically, a gunshot entry wound would have been in the front -- not in the back -- portion of
Lacaden’s body. The wound in the back of the victim clearly shows that he was shot while his
In a previous case,54 this Court ruled that "a threat even if made with a weapon or the belief back was turned to appellant. Hence, there was no unlawful aggression on the part of the
that a person [is] about to be attacked, is not sufficient, but that it is necessary that the intent former.
be ostensibly revealed by an act of aggression or by some external acts showing the
commencement of actual and material unlawful aggression."55 We agree with the RTC’s Neither was any ice pick presented in the proceedings before the RTC. Appellant maintains
ratiocination, which we quote: that his testimony, coupled with that of Pavabier, is sufficient to establish the existence of the
weapon. But the prosecution witnesses, including the victim himself, testified otherwise -- that
"With respect to the incident involving the victim Lapidante, it is not disputed that he was there was no unlawful aggression during the incident, much less with the use of an ice pick.
unarmed as he was inside his own premises within the fenced area in front of his house. The RTC held thus:
What acts of aggression against Catbagan which he did are not apparent to us. To this Court,
the belief on the part of Catbagan that the victim was about to retrieve a rifle from the "In the case of Jun Lacaden, he was shot in the back which could only corroborate the
doorside of the house, existed only in his imagination. evidence to the effect that he was also in the act of fleeing from the fury of gunfire from
Catbagan. As to the allegation of the latter that Jun Lacaden had an icepick, that claim is
"Aside from its intrinsic ambiguity, the claims of the defense witnesses about the alleged rather nebulous. Firstly, as veteran criminal investigator, he should have taken, kept and
utterance of Lapidante about ‘Ang mahaba!’ an[g] mahaba!’ do not sit well with this Court. presented that said instrument to augment his legal excuse. Secondly, if really there was one,
Indeed, we are not convinced that he could have uttered that statement since the evidence it is rather surprising why he did not demand Jun Lacaden for its surrender initially as he
points to the fact that he and his friends had just arrived from another phase of the passed thru the pedestrian steel door and subsequently while the latter had positioned
subdivision upon having delivered thereat, the Armalite of Suico. On the contrary, Lapidante himself near the owner-type jeep.
appeared to have been gripped by fear and was obviously trying to escape from harm.
Indeed, there was no moment for Catbagan to validly state that his own life [was] in imminent "More importantly, granting that Jun Lacaden had an icepick, and/or had any design to
danger from Lapidante."56 launch an attack against Catbagan, the former was just too far a distance away to do real
harm to the accused. From 6-7 meters, as clarified from the accused himself, it is ridiculous
Neither do we accept the contention that unlawful aggression by Lapidante was shown by his for us to believe that Jun Lacaden could stab him. More so because the accused himself
act of rushing towards his house for the purpose of taking a more advantageous position. testified that the two arms of Jun Lacaden were raised upward which is not to mention that

Catbagan had already demonstrated his proficiency and accuracy in the use of his .9 mm and 2) the deliberate and conscious adoption of the means of execution.66 It is also the
automatic pistol. Thus, there was, like that of Lapidante, no occasion to find as existing, the running case law that where treachery is alleged, the manner of attack must be proven.67
element of unlawful aggression."60 Such attack must be sudden and unexpected and without the slightest provocation on the
part of the victim, who is thus deprived of any real chance for self-defense, thereby ensuring
Appellant has presented no sufficient reason to overturn these conclusive findings of the trial the commission of the crime without risk to the aggressor.68
court. Aside from being completely in accord with logic and human experience, they are too
solid to be debunked by him. With respect to the shooting of Suico, there was no treachery. The shooting was perpetrated
in a frontal encounter as shown by the location of his wounds. Appellant did not make any
Third Issue: deliberate, surprise attack against him or consciously adopt a treacherous mode thereof. As
established, he shot the victim after the latter had aimed, cocked and fired a gun at him.
Voluntary Surrender
As to the shooting of Lapidante, the RTC qualified the crime to murder because of the
Finally, appellant argues that even on the assumption that his guilt was proven beyond presence of treachery. According to the trial court, the shooting was unexpected, he was
reasonable doubt, he is still entitled to a mitigating circumstance. According to him, he unarmed, and his back was turned towards appellant when the incident occurred. Treachery
voluntarily surrendered to the authorities after the occurrence of the incident, a fact not only was also appreciated in the shooting and wounding of Lacaden, since he had been shot at
uncontroverted but even admitted by the prosecution. the back. Further, even if he had posed no imminent danger to appellant, the former was
nevertheless shot with a .9 mm automatic pistol -- a lethal weapon. For this act, the latter was
For voluntary surrender to mitigate criminal liability, the following elements must concur: 1) convicted of frustrated murder.
the offender has not been actually arrested; 2) the offender surrendered himself to a person
in authority; and 3) the surrender was voluntary.61 It is sufficient that that act be spontaneous The mere fact that the attack against Lapidante and Lacaden was perpetrated when their
and clearly indicative of the intent of the accused to surrender unconditionally, because there backs were turned did not by itself constitute treachery or alevosia.69 Whether the mode of
is either an acknowledgement of guilt or a desire to save the authorities the trouble and the attack was consciously adopted, and whether there was risk to the offender, must be taken
expense that would necessarily be incurred in searching for and capturing the culprit.62 into account.70 Treachery cannot be considered when there is no evidence that the accused
had resolved to commit the crime prior to the moment of the killing; or that the death of the
It was established that on the night after the shooting incident, appellant called up his victim was the result of premeditation, calculation or reflection.71
immediate supervisor, Atty. Virgilio Pablico, to tell him about the incident that had occurred
that afternoon and to convey the former’s intention to surrender.63 The following day, In this case, it is evident that the decision to shoot Lapidante and Lacaden was suddenly
appellant surrendered himself and his firearm to Police Supt. Edgardo Acuña, the chief of the arrived at after the confrontation with Suico had already occurred. Even if the positions of the
Assistant Directorate for Intelligence.64 This surrender is evidenced by a Progress Report65 victims were vulnerable, there was still no treachery, as appellant did not deliberately adopt
signed by Police Chief Superintendent Efren Quimpo Fernandez. such mode of attack. Its presence was negated by the fact that the shootings had sprung
from the unexpected turn of events. The treacherous character of the means employed does
At the time of his surrender, appellant had not actually been arrested. He surrendered himself not depend upon its result, but upon the means itself -- upon appellant’s purpose in
and his firearm to a person in authority, the chief of the Assistant Directorate for Intelligence employing it.72
of the Philippine National Police. Finally, the surrender was voluntary and spontaneous; it
thus showed an intent to surrender unconditionally to the authorities. In fact, in the Treachery cannot be appreciated where, as in this case, there is nothing in the records that
aforementioned Progress Report, appellant had given the same narration of events he later shows that appellant pondered upon the mode or method of attack to ensure the wounding
gave in court; moreover, he owned responsibility for the shooting. Thus, we credit him with and the killing of the victims; or to remove or diminish any risk to himself that might arise from
the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. the defense that they might make.73 His decision to shoot them was clearly sudden. In the
absence of treachery, the killing of Lapidante and the wounding of Lacaden cannot be
Final Issue: qualified to murder and frustrated murder, respectively.

Crimes and Penalties The allegation of evident premeditation was correctly rejected by the lower court. For this
aggravating circumstance to be appreciated, the following must be proven: 1) the time when
Appellant was convicted of homicide, murder, and frustrated murder for the shooting of Suico, the accused decided to commit the crime; 2) an overt act manifestly indicating that the
Lapidante and Lacaden, respectively. In determining the crimes committed and in imposing accused clung to such determination; and, 3) between the decision and the execution, a
the proper penalties, it is necessary to look into the qualifying circumstances alleged in the sufficient lapse of time that allowed time to reflect upon the consequences of the act
three Informations. Treachery and evident premeditation were both alleged; thus, there is a contemplated.74 None of these elements has been established in the case at bar.
need to ascertain their presence or absence in the commission of the acts, in order to
determine the crimes committed by appellant. Undeniably, the shooting of the victims was done without any prior plan to kill or attack them.
As previously stated, appellant began shooting at them after a cocked gun had been aimed
To establish treachery, the following must be proven: 1) the employment of such means of and fired at him. This fact negates any finding that he had already previously conceived the
execution as would give the person attacked no opportunity for self-defense or retaliation;

shooting, and that he then manifestly clung to his determination to commit the crime after a be sentenced to an indeterminate sentence, the maximum term of which shall be that which
sufficient lapse of time. may properly be imposed under the Revised Penal Code; and the minimum of which shall be
within the range of the penalty next lower than that prescribed by the Code -- in this case,
Having rejected both treachery and evident premeditation in the killing of Suico and arresto mayor.
Lapidante, we hold appellant guilty only of homicide in both cases. But for the shooting of
Lacaden, a careful review must be made of the crime that was actually committed. The RTC In Criminal Case No. 1083-M-98, appellant is found guilty of homicide, for which the penalty
charged him with frustrated murder and found him guilty thereof; but, as ruled above, no prescribed by law is reclusion temporal.90 Again, considering the presence of the generic
qualifying circumstance was proven. Thus, his crime can only be frustrated homicide, in mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender without any aggravating circumstance, the
which evidence of intent to kill is essential, however.75 It bears stressing that such intent penalty shall be imposed in its minimum period.91 The Indeterminate Sentence Law is also
determines whether the infliction of injuries should be punished as attempted or frustrated applicable to this case. Hence, appellant should be sentenced to an indeterminate sentence,
murder, homicide or parricide; or as consummated physical injuries.76 the maximum term of which shall be that which may properly be imposed under the Revised
Penal Code; and the minimum of which shall be within the range of the penalty next lower
Homicidal intent must be evidenced by acts that, at the time of their execution, are than that prescribed by the Code -- in this case, prision mayor.
unmistakably calculated to produce the death of the victim by adequate means.77
Finally, as to Criminal Case No. 1099-M-98, appellant is found guilty of less serious physical
The principal and essential element of attempted or frustrated homicide or murder is the injuries, for which the penalty prescribed by law is arresto mayor. Again, considering the
assailant’s intent to take the life of the person attacked.78 Such intent must be proved clearly presence of the generic mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender without any
and convincingly, so as to exclude reasonable doubt thereof.79 aggravating circumstance, the penalty shall be imposed in its minimum period.

Although the injury sustained by Lacaden was inflicted by appellant, the facts do not support Coming now to pecuniary liabilities, the heirs of the victims Suico and Lapidante in Criminal
a finding that the latter had been impelled by an intent to injure to the point of killing the Case Nos. 1082-M-98 and 1083-M-98, respectively, are entitled to a fixed sum representing
former. The intent to kill is absent in this case. It was found that the shooting was sudden and civil indemnity for death. Death indemnity is currently fixed at P50,000.92 This kind of civil
unexpected, having been brought about by a confrontation between appellant and Suico and indemnity is separate and distinct from other forms of indemnity for damages and is
the commotion that ensued. The absence of such intent was, in fact, even more apparent in automatically awarded without need of further proof other than the fact of death and the
the testimony of appellant, who said therein that he did not even look at the victim anymore. responsibility of the accused therefor.
The former’s attention was concentrated on the latter, who was shouting, "Ang mahaba, ang
mahaba!"80 Proof of moral damages was presented through the testimony of Lapidante’s wife. The RTC’s
award of such damages herein is excessive, however, considering that it is not meant to
The intent to kill, an essential element of the offense of frustrated or attempted homicide, enrich an injured party. 93 Hence, in Criminal Case No. 1083-M-98, the amount thereof
must be proved by clear and convincing evidence and with the same degree of certainty as should be reduced to P50,000. In the other two cases, there being no proof of moral
that required of the other elements of the crime.81 The inference that such intent existed damages, the award therefor is deleted. Moral damages cannot be granted in the absence of
should not be drawn in the absence of circumstances sufficient to prove it beyond reasonable proof.94
doubt. If it was absent but wounds were inflicted, the crime is not frustrated murder, but only
physical injuries.82 In this case, the expert opinion of the doctor who treated Lacaden was It is also proper to award compensation to the heirs of the victims for loss of earning capacity,
that it would take the latter thirty days to heal and recover from the lone gunshot wound and pursuant to Article 2206 of the Civil Code.95 The documents presented, coupled with the
to resume his normal work.83 Thus, a finding of less serious physical injuries84 is proper. testimonies of Elsie Suico and Rosita Lapidante, are sufficient bases for the award.

Although the charge in the instant case is frustrated murder, a finding of guilt for the lesser At the time of his death, Suico, forty-four (44) years old,96 was receiving a monthly take-
offense of less serious physical injuries may be made, considering that the essential home pay of P942.70,97 as proven and admitted. To compute his net earnings, we multiply
ingredients of this lesser offense are necessarily included in or form part of those constituting this amount by 12 to get his annual income; then deduct the reasonable and necessary living
the graver one.85 In the same manner, a conviction may be for slight or serious physical expenses which, in the absence of contrary evidence, is pegged at 50 percent of the
injuries in a prosecution for homicide or murder, inasmuch as the infliction of the former, earnings. Applying the formula "Net earning capacity = [2/3 x (80 – age at time of death) x
when carried out to the utmost degree, could lead to the latter offense. Such conviction may (gross annual income – reasonable and necessary living expenses)],98 we arrive at a loss of
be made, without intent to kill -- an essential element of the crime of homicide or murder.86 earning capacity of P135,748.80.

To summarize, in Criminal Case No. 1082-M-98, appellant is found guilty of homicide, for Applying the same formula to Lapidante who was thirty-five (35) years old99 at the time of his
which the penalty prescribed is reclusion temporal.87 Since he proved a majority of the death, with a monthly take-home pay of P10,004.24100 and an additional income of
elements of self-defense -- unlawful aggression and lack of sufficient provocation -- the P1,000.00 for slaughtering pigs,101 we arrive at a loss of earning capacity of P1,980,763.20.
penalty prescribed by law may be lowered by two degrees88 to prision correccional. His heirs are also entitled to actual damages in the amount of P13,850 for hospital and
Considering further the presence of the generic mitigating circumstance of voluntary funeral expenses. These expenses are supported by receipts.102 The receipt103 for the
surrender without any aggravating circumstance, the penalty shall be imposed in its minimum amount of P6,000 -- which also mentions a remaining payable balance of P6,500 -- was not
period.89 The Indeterminate Sentence Law is applicable in this case. Hence appellant should

properly identified and characterized; thus, we should exclude it from the award of actual

Finally, with respect to the civil indemnities for Lacaden, the award for actual damages -- for
hospitalization and medicines -- should be P4,589.86, as only this amount was properly
covered by receipts.104 The amount of P1,831, allegedly for hospital services, was included
in a list presented by the victim, but was not properly supported by any receipt or record;
thus, we cannot grant such amount.

WHEREFORE, the appeal is partly GRANTED and the assailed Decision MODIFIED. In
Criminal Case No. 1082-M-98, Appellant Carmelo Catbagan is found guilty beyond
reasonable doubt of homicide and is SENTENCED to a prison term of one (1) month and one
(1) day arresto mayor as minimum; to one (1) year and six (6) months of prision correccional
as maximum. In Criminal Case No. 1083-M-98, he is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
homicide and SENTENCED to a prison term of six (6) years and one (1) day of prision mayor
as minimum; to twelve (12) years and one (1) day of reclusion temporal as maximum. In
Criminal Case No. 1099-M-98, he is found guilty of less serious physical injuries and
SENTENCED to a prison term of one (1) month and one (1) day of arresto mayor.

Appellant is also ORDERED to pay the following amounts: 1) to the legal heirs of Suico,
P50,000 as indemnity ex delicto and P135,748.80 for loss of earning capacity; 2) to the legal
heirs of Lapidante, P13,850 for actual damages, P50,000 as indemnity ex delicto, P50,000 as
moral damages, and P1,980,763.20 for loss of earning capacity; and 3) to Lacaden,
P4,589.86 for actual damages. Costs against appellant.


Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Ynares-Santiago, Carpio, and Azcuna, JJ., concur.


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