Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts

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Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts

Article  in  The American archivist · March 2020

DOI: 10.17723/0360-9081-83.1.204


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Amanda Wick
University of Minnesota Twin Cities


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204 Carli V. Lowe

Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts

By Dennis Meissner. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2019. 212 pp.

Softcover, EPUB, and PDF. Members $49.00, nonmembers $69.00.
Softcover ISBN 978-1-945246-07-4; EPUB ISBN 978-1-945246-09-8;
PDF ISBN 978-1-945246-11-1.

A rranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts, by Dennis Meissner,

is the second volume in the Society of American Archivists’s (SAA) Archival
Fundamentals Series III edited by Peter J. Wosh. Meissner is the retired deputy
director of Programs at the Minnesota Historical Society, a Fellow of the Society
of American Archivists (as well as its former president), and, along with coau-
thor Mark Greene, the creator of the “More Product, Less Process” (MPLP) inno-
vation in archival processing methods.
The intention of the Archival Fundamentals Series is self-explanatory—the
series seeks to provide practical, baseline introductions to key concepts and
functions of the archival profession. In addition to instructing readers in key
concepts, Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts purports to provide
practical methods (i.e., workflows and tools) for arrangement and description
that can be applied equally to physical and digital formats. This volume in par-
ticular is written for new archives professionals to use as a blueprint for the
most fundamental activities of the profession—arrangement and description of
archival materials. Because this set of activities is also the one most likely to be
performed by professionals who have not received classical archives training
through an educational program, this volume’s utility as a ready reference tool
is incredibly important. Based on the broad audience alone, this volume within
the Archival Fundamentals Series must have the greatest clarity and accessibil-
ity to nonarchives professionals.
Structurally, Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts is broken
down into a brief introduction to theory and practice that provides criti-
cal context to the reader (“The Context and Significance of Arrangement and
Description”), then principles of both arrangement and description (“Principles
of Arrangement” and “Principles of Description”), and two chapters on mechan-
ics of arrangement and description (“Physical Processing and Arrangement” and
“Describing Materials”). Two final chapters are given over to nontextual for-
mats, “Arranging and Describing Nontextual Formats” and “Emerging Trends
and Theoretical Shifts” in arrangement and description, respectively. In addition
to these basics, the book offers seven appendixes that include a glossary and
examples of best practices in finding aid authoring, EAD encoding, a crosswalk

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Partnering Preservation
Reviewswith Sustainability 205

between descriptive standards, and an exhaustive set of recommended readings

for deeper understanding of theory and practice.
There are a few exceptional aspects to this volume. Meissner does an excel-
lent job clarifying some archaic practices that are grounded in theory (e.g., why
accession numbers are not used as collection numbers) and clearly elucidating
the different types of standards used in description. The latter, especially, is
very well done as it provides a clear picture of how different standards uti-
lized by archivists fit together—in other words, when to follow certain models
over others. This can be a confusing space for even experienced archivists,
and I appreciated the refresher. The author also selects a very thoughtful and
extremely comprehensive set of supplementary information in the appendixes,
several of which will be earmarked for reference in teaching future volunteers
in my collecting area. Generally speaking, the volume represents a very clear,
well-organized, and structured breakdown of critical areas of archival practice
that will be immediately useful and accessible to members of the profession,
volunteers, interns, and/or students—regardless of degree of formal training.
Despite the clarity of the writing and the general practicality of this work,
as one would expect given its inclusion in the Archival Fundamentals Series,
larger issues represent a growing tension within the archival profession regard-
ing the usefulness of traditional finding aids for our users. The functionality of
a hierarchical finding aid in the current web-based “search” paradigm versus the
“browse” paradigm for which finding aids were originally designed (as physical
or digital manifestations of a narrative document) is surprisingly not addressed.
As Meissner points out, the arrangement of archival materials is key because it
introduces critical context that shows the intricate links between records that
define a collection or series; and the finding aid is the access point for sharing
this context and arrangement with users. Meissner still expects users to browse
the entirety of a finding aid or, at the very least, have easy and obvious access to
its hierarchies as a reference point to absorb context.
The advent of new tools like ArchivesSpace and other content management
systems make perusal of an entire finding aid relatively obsolete with their
unique and targeted search capabilities that produce results that could be col-
lection-, series-, folder-, or item-level listings. While we would like to think that
users are gleaning important contextual information and a clear understanding
of the relationships between the records and hierarchies of a collection, limited
user experience data suggest the contrary.1 Meissner does touch on this briefly
within this volume (pp. 9–11, 64–65), and he has done so in greater detail in
previous publications.2 However, it seems to be a larger predicament worthy
of a profession-wide conversation around the utility of finding aids as research
tools for our users and how we can improve content management systems to
better display contextual information—a conversation that can be started in

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206 Carli V. Lowe

this series, but is worth revisiting in other forums. Should we continue to train
archivists and processing staff in traditional finding aid design if the finding aid
itself (in its totality) is no longer useful to our users?
New, efficient processing methodologies focusing on immediate access to
materials heighten the challenges to context in online finding aid databases.
At their finest, as Meissner describes, these methodologies result in well-artic-
ulated intellectual arrangement of materials as expressed through descriptive
finding aids brimming with contextual information, typically leaving the physi-
cal reality of the records or papers in original order and housing (p. 23). Under
older processing methodologies, materials would be physically rearranged to
reflect their intellectual ordering and to introduce context, meaning research-
ers would be able to infer a certain level of context from the materials colocated
with files within a box. Today’s efficient methods do not introduce that mirrored
aspect of physical and intellectual arrangement, which represents another lost
opportunity for researchers to infer or directly learn critical contextuality for
collections. Meissner details these efficient processing methods clearly and well
in the volume, but he does not caution readers about their potential impact on
the research process of our users. I would have liked him to address this tension
in this book as it is fundamental to our profession today.
A second, somewhat glaring, absence in this volume is the lack of atten-
tion to socially conscious and inclusive description practices—which are given
a nod in the “Emerging Trends and Theoretical Shifts” chapter, but not incor-
porated as a foundational principle for how archivists seek to describe archival
materials. The movement toward more inclusive and equitable description prac-
tices is certainly not new, nor is it emerging. It is the culmination of more than
a decade of work, and the wealth of community-generated controlled vocabu-
laries that have developed over the last few years, as well as the theoretical
grounding, should have been presented as fundamental to the practice of archi-
val description, in my opinion.
Reparative description, a critical extension of inclusive and equitable
description practices, could have been put forward as more of an “emerging
trend.” There is a vigorous, ongoing discussion about this very topic in the
profession, and the lack of mention in this publication is startling. Perhaps
Meissner chose to not include it because it is not universally accepted prac-
tice, but I feel that his authoritative perspective on arrangement and descrip-
tion would be uniquely valuable as we consider opportunities for expanding
traditional description practices. As theory evolves, the Archival Fundamentals
Series has an obligation to make definitive statements and codify practice. This
volume could have presented a major opportunity for codifying certain initia-
tives in socially conscious description, and I am saddened to see the work of so
many reduced to an “emerging trend.”

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Reviewswith Sustainability 207

Along with the absence of socially conscious description practices, Meissner

glosses over arrangement and description peculiarities of digital and nontextual
formats. The appendixes do not direct interested parties to workflows for these
types of materials, nor do they contain lists of relevant software packages, tools,
or equipment necessary for proper arrangement and description of nontextual
formats. While the author purports that the volume covers both digital and
physical materials, the utility of the volume is clearly weighted toward physical
records. This is not a serious detriment given the myriad of special consider-
ations for the wide variety of nontextual formats that exist today. It would be
a herculean task to cover entirely the amorphous world of nontextual formats
and, upon publication, the information would be completely obsolete.
A more minor quibble that is certainly not the fault of the author is that
the publication timeline for this volume runs counter to the 2016–2019 change
process for the most recent DACS principles updates.3 Because they were not
finalized prior to publication, Meissner was left to discuss out-of-date principles,
which is unfortunate in this “back to basics” guide. The most glaring example
of this disconnect is the new deemphasis, or deprioritization, of the concept
of original order in the 2019 updates to DACS. In contrast, Meissner maintains
original order as foundational to arrangement (pp. 22–23).4 This is most clearly
demonstrated on page 22, “Sitting firmly atop the foundation provided by
respect des fonds and provenance is original order, which has a relevance and
importance for arrangement and description that is difficult to overstate.” The
new DACS principles, which were originally posted for comment in June 2017,
then revised for formal public comment in August 2018, and passed in August
2019, detail the decision to not elevate original order as a descriptive principle.5
Overall, Meissner addresses two of the most important aspects of the
archival profession in this engaging, clearly written volume. His breakdown
of theory and practice, as well as the provision of his own, unique perspec-
tive on arrangement and description is very valuable given his prominence
within the field on these two topics. I found Arranging and Describing Archives
and Manuscripts to be useful as a reference point and will direct volunteers
and interns to specific sections, especially those touching on granularity ques-
tions about arrangement (p. 32), archival descriptive standards (pp. 40–56), and
the “how to” for creation of useful descriptive metadata (pp. 111–12); how-
ever, I find that I personally have more questions for Meissner after reading
it. Indeed, I had high hopes that the author would use this volume as a means
to open critical conversations within the profession about arrangement and
description, especially with regard to the future of the finding aid and the
fundamental importance of socially inclusive description, but instead found a
well-written guide to practice that feels a bit outdated.
© Amanda Wick
Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

The American Archivist    Vol. 83, No. 1    Spring/Summer 2020

208 Carli V. Lowe

Rachel Walton, “Looking for Answers: A Usability Study of Online Finding Aid Navigation,”
American Archivist 80, no. 1 (2017): 30–52,
See Dennis Meissner, “First Things First: Reengineering Finding Aids for Implementation of EAD,”
American Archivist 60, no. 4 (1997): 372–87,
TS-DACS has moved toward a continuous improvement model, leveraging GitHub for ongoing
requests for change to principles and standards, alike. This new approach diverges from previous
practice of codifying DACS in a publication that would be reviewed periodically.
Meissner does mention “challenges to original order” in his “Emerging Trends” chapter (p. 144),
but this change to the DACS principles is not referenced in his writing on the topic.
Society of American Archivists’ Technical Subcommittee on Describing Archives: A Content Standard
(TS-DACS), Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) (2019). Most up-to-date documentation is
available on GitHub at

The Digital Archives Handbook: A Guide to Creation,

Management, and Preservation

Edited by Aaron D. Purcell. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019.

270 pp. Softcover and EPUB. Softcover $50.00, EPUB $47.50.
Softcover ISBN 978-1-5381-2238-9; EPUB ISBN 978-1-5381-2239-6.

T he Digital Archives Handbook seeks to provide practitioners with the “who,

what, and how of digital archives” (p. xx). Bringing together archivists and
experts, Aaron D. Purcell has created a guide on how to handle digital archives.
The volume is divided into two sections, the first addressing practices and pro-
cesses and the second detailing specific types of materials and archival envi-
ronments. Functional aspects of digital archives, such as infrastructure, access,
donors and deeds of gift, institutional commitment, and researchers’ needs,
are illustrated with real-world examples. Each of the ten chapters in the book
is written by a practitioner or expert who has hands-on experience with digital
archives. Much like Purcell’s book about donor relations, Donors and Archives:
A Guidebook for Successful Programs (Rowman and Littlefield, 2015), this volume
is intended to be a practical guide to help archivists begin managing digital
archives and not stay mired in theory or presumptions of ideal situations.
The first five chapters in part 1, “Processes and Practices,” address the fun-
damentals of digital archives. In “Acquisitions, Appraisal, and Arrangement,”
Lisa Calahan writes about the acquisition, appraisal, and arrangement of digital
materials at University of Minnesota Libraries. Dorothy Waugh tackles descrip-
tion and access in “Description and Delivery,” with examples of the Salman
Rushdie computers at Emory University. These two chapters demonstrate how

The American Archivist    Vol. 83, No. 1    Spring/Summer 2020

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