Discussion Notes Template

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Discussion Notes Name ________________________

Topic ________________________

1. List at least 3-5 things you learned from the articles. Short, bulleted statements are fine.

For the brookings article:

I learned that currently, AI refers to “machines that respond to stimulation consistent

with traditional responses from humans, given the human capacity for
contemplation, judgment, and intention.” I did not know this.

I learned that AI algorithms can use digital data, sensors, or remote inputs. They
can combine information from many different sources and analyze the material
instantly. They have the ability to act on the insights from that data.

I learned that some AI systems manage school enrollments. They compile

information on desired schools, neighborhood location, student interests, and assign
students to particular schools based on that material.

From the ted talk:

I learned that Artificial intelligence or computers can read X-ray, play games, translate. I did
not know they had this ability

I learned that computers will not take over humans anytime soon. I hear a lot of false
information everywhere that AI will take over humans and now I know that that’s false.

I learned that there must be some regulation on computer technologies.

3. What ethical issues do you think are related to these topics? Think individual, societal,
and global.

It would be unethical for artificially intelligent boots to affect our behavior

and interaction.

It would be unethical for an AI system to have bias. For example, it would be

unethical for an AI software used to predict future criminals to show bias
against black people.

It would be unethical for AI to take over people’s jobs and people to have a
loss of jobs as a result.

One ethical concern is if we should treat robots like humans and whether or
not they should be granted human rights or citizenship.

2. Has this topic or how could this topic affect you personally or professionally?

When I was in high school, I took a robotics course, and we had a project
where we built a robot. The robot that we made was capable of doing
human-like tasks such as organizing spaces and moving things around. At
the time, we were not taught what ethical issues are or what artificial
intelligence are. Now that I read the articles and watched the videos, I
understand artificial intelligence. It is a concept that many people have
misinformation about.
4. Do you agree or disagree with what you read/watched? Why?

For the brookings article:

I agree that artificial intelligence is poorly understood. I think that one reason why it is
poorly understood is because there is not a uniformly agreed upon definition. As the
article says, “the lack of clarity around the term enables technology pessimists to warn
AI will conquer humans, suppress individual freedom.” In addition, I agree that it is
important for AI software systems to have the three qualities: intentionality, intelligence
and adaptability. I also think that it’s important to make ‘sure each of the qualities
accords with basic human values.’ I believe that the AI features can move ‘civilization
forward in progressive ways’. We need to have ethical considerations because AI can
turn into dystopia; it can be problematic. AI algorithms are capable of doing many
things (such as changing the temperature of a room) and I think that as long as the
systems conform to the essential human values, “there is little risk of AI going rogue or
endangering human beings.” If a software is designed poorly or based on biased
information, it can endanger humanity. System designers need to incorporate ethical
values in algorithms in order to ‘make sure they correspond to human concerns.’ I
believe that it is important to make sure that AI ethics are taken seriously. In order for
this to happen, we need to hire ethicists that work with corporate decisionmakers and
software developers. This will help the societies increase the chances that AI systems
are intelligent, adaptable and intentional in addition to conforming to human values. If
this happens, the countries can advance and get the benefits of artificial intelligence.

For the ted talk

I agree with the the video that with some regulation, computers can ease the human work and
make our daily jobs more easy. This can be beneficial to humans.
However, computers should not take over humans. They should assist humans. There is a fine
line between assisting humans and taking over them. I believe that there should be a boundary
for that.
What are 3-5 questions you have about what you read?

According to the article, many people lack a detailed sense of AI and confuse it with super-
powered robots or hyper-intelligent devices. How can we educate people more about AI?
According to the article, AI systems can sometimes not conform to important human values.
This can cause AI systems to endanger human beings. How can we make sure that AI
systems conform to important human values?
According to the article, “Figuring out how to reconcile conflicting values is one of the most important
challenges facing AI designers. It is vital that they write code and incorporate information that is
unbiased and non-discriminatory. Failure to do that leads to AI algorithms that are unfair and unjust.”
How can we make sure that they incorporate information that is unbiased and non-discriminatory? As
the article says, failure to do it can cause AI algorithms to be unfair.

How can we regulate computer technologies?

Does the government or private companies should be in charge of the computer technology

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