206 Glossary
over engineering and procurement than personnel with engineering, safety, and
an EPC strategy would give operational knowledge and experience
El dinero Spanish for "the money" Hold points places in the manufacturing
Engineering and procurement inte- process where the customer requires the
grated project phase to design, specify, work to stop while some specific action
purchase, and contract for everything (like an inspection or test) is taken
necessary to execute and initially operate Holds areas on a drawing (usually sur-
a project rounded by a cloud) that are lacking
EPC engineering, procurement, and con- necessary information to carry out the
struction; generally refers to a contract work
or contracting strategy IDC interdisciplinary checks; design
EPCM engineering, procurement, and quality measure to check design out-
construction management; generally re- puts; assures that discipline engineers
fers to a contracting strategy that gives have an opportunity to check the impact
the client more control than an EPC of other engineers' design work on their
strategy over construction own
project must order this equipment before Milestone project date specified in a
project approval in order to receive it contract at which certain deliverables
on time; generally requires a special are due or certain events shall happen
funding request
Model contract or PO template used by
Loop testing continuity testing of instru- contract (or PO) formulation teams to pro-
ment or electrical circuits to verify me- duce a specific contract (or PO) document;
chanical completion templates help ensure uniformity and
Management working with and through consistency while allowing for necessary
individuals and groups to accom- variations
plish organizational goals (Hersey and Nonconformance deficiency or deviation
Blanchard, 1982) from requirements (found by any means)
Management by Objectives (MBO) sys- in a product that must be corrected by
tem of management based on establish- the project management
ment of a cascading set of increasingly Organization chart see Figure 3.2
detailed objectives, which are mutually
agreed on between bosses and subordi- P&ID piping and instrumentation dia-
nates; focuses the work on overall organi- gram indicating the essential details of
zational goals; under the fight management a process or subprocess
style, all levels work in a serf-controlling Package engineer project engineer respon-
manner toward these aligned goals and ob- sible for an engineering work package, a
jectives, which should be achievable and purchase order to be delivered, or a portion
measurable, i.e., specific results delivered of a manufacturer's scope of supply
at an agreed time
Patrons management sponsors that can
Management of change (MOC), or change help accelerate an individual's career
management project control process to
ensure the orderly coordination, control, PEP (Project Execution Plan) compre-
approval, and implementation of project hensive implementation plan that covers
changes (including changes to the design) all aspects of the client's, contractor's,
vendor's, or other responsible party's
Manufacturing production of equip- work on a given project
ment and materials; consists of plan-
ning, engineering, procuring, develop- Personal effectiveness how well an in-
ing, producing, testing, and delivery to dividual performs his or her job; see
the customer Chapter 6
Materials purchased items such as wire, Power potential for influence (Hersey
pipe, steel, and more and Blanchard, 1982)
Mechanical completion documented con- Present value profit value of a future net
stmction status for an area or system that cash flow stream discounted back to its
indicates that it is completely built, hooked present total value; the annual rate used to
up, and tested so that it is safe to be com- discount each year's cash flow back to the
missioned or operated on a trial basis. present is usually a fixed percentage such
as 10% or 15%; PV10 would be the net
Mega-project project that is extremely
profit discounted back at 10%
large with a total installed cost of
approximately $1 billion U.S. or more Procurement purchasing and contracting
Glossary 209
Systems engineer project engineer respon- the details or project systems and area
sible for a system or group of systems engineering
Systems engineering initial phase of Verificationconfirmation that a work
project detailed engineering or manu- product meets its specified require-
facturing when systems are defined, ments
engineered, and specified
WBS work breakdown structure; detailed
Technical requisition technical require- listing of every significant part of the
ments for a purchase order prepared by contractual work; includes components,
the engineering team subcomponents, work packages, and
Total area responsibility project engi- other project deliverables
neer's mind-set that he or she is com- Widget humorous name for a manufac-
pletely responsible for everything that tured product
has to do with his or her area
Witness points activities in the manufac-
Validation overall demonstration that a turing process that the customer wants
product functions as designed to observe
Variation order same as change order; Work-arounds approach to get around a
some projects use variation order for problem or mitigate risks; synonymous
contract changes and change order for with contingency plans
purchase order changes
Workface slang for the level in an orga-
Vendor party to a purchase order who nization where work actually is done;
agrees to provide the goods and services analogous to the "coal-face" in a coal
Vendor data engineering data required mine
from manufacturers; it is necessary Work-hour hour worked by a man or
to engineer interfaces and complete woman