Twilight 2013 - Player Characters - Americans (93GS1501)

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Player Characters

G-1 (Administration)

Design: Keith Taylor

G-2 (Intelligence)

Copyright © 2009 by 93 Games Studio.

Except for the purposes of reviews, reproduction without the written permission of 93 Games Studio is
expressly forbidden. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any form or by any means, without the
prior written permission of 93 Games Studio. Character sheets and other game aids contained in this book may
be reproduced for personal use. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyright by 93 Games Studio.

Twilight: 2013 is based on Twilight: 2000 by Game Designers’ Workshop, and is published under license. The mention
of or reference to any company or product in this product is not a challenge to any trademark or copyright concerned.

G-3 (Operations)

Written By: David Ahrens

G-4 (Logistics)

Production Director: Keith Taylor

Editing: Keith Taylor

Layout & Typesetting: Keith Taylor

Art: Tyler Windham and Scott Norman

G-6 (Communication)

Additional downloads can be found at the 93 Games Studio website

The following characters can act as ready-made PCs or as supporting roles as star NPCs for a GM to use in any
number of scenarios. Most location and event details are intentionally left vague to allow for their introduction
into a number of storylines taking place within the USA or storylines requiring an American character or two.
Bruce Miller

Synopsis: Bruce Miller is, in many ways, the

definition of the every man. A commercial long
haul tractor-trailer driver, he finds peace and
calm on the open road but holds the memories
of his family and friends close. A large man who
now works to insulate himself from the world
as a way of protection, he is a true friend who
will go the extra mile for you once he lets you in.

Growing up in Middle America, Bruce Miller
was a normal American teen. A decent student
who, rather than play sports, chose to help his
father working as a new home subcontractor and
spent his summers helping build houses. lost his son to a bout of the H1N1 flu. He will go
After graduating, he married his high school to great lengths to protect this ball cap, sacrificing
sweetheart and followed in his father’s footsteps into almost anything to ensure its constant presence.
what he thought would be a long and distinguished As the situation throughout the United States
career in construction and contracting. Two years became more tense and violent, he acquired his
later, he became a father with the arrival of his son only other signature item: a Smith & Wesson .357
and two years after that, he had a daughter. Life Magnum revolver. When it’s not strapped to his
was good in the Miller family. They had a good hip, the weapon is always within arm’s reach. He’d
paying job, a “nuclear family”, and a house that he seen too many victims on the road to let himself be
had been fixing up and keeping current. unprepared.
Eventually, the new house market began to Seeing the world situation for what it was
weaken and business dried up. With a wife and becoming and realizing that he couldn’t afford to
two children, Bruce knew he had to find a more be home more to help take care of and protect his
consistent source of income to support his family. family, he and his wife made a difficult decision.
He applied to several different positions in multiple Together, they agreed that she should take their
fields, yet was unable to get hired into a job that daughter and stay with family just outside of Las
paid enough to feed his family. Vegas. They figured the more southern location
As a final desperate option, he elected to learn would help keep the winters more manageable and
a new trade and turned to the Truck Master trade the proximity to the modern city would help with
school where he learned to drive a commercial big finding any medical care for issues that may arise.
rig tractor-trailer. Bruce soon learned that as much Due to the Chinese nuclear and special
as he enjoyed the camaraderie on a construction operations attacks, Bruce lost contact with his wife
site, he found he also loved the solitude of a life on shortly after she got herself established and hasn’t
the road for several days at a time. The solitude heard from her since.
was liberating in a sense, but he looked forward The Chinese activity wreaked enough havoc
to every homecoming. Nothing could compare to that he was unable to sustain his truck with either
that enthusiastic greeting from the kids and the parts, proper maintenance or fuel. Now, without
“Welcome Home” kiss from his wife. his truck, he’s slowly migrating towards Las
A few months into his new job, his young son Vegas in the hopes of reuniting with his wife and
gave him a gift that he is never without: a ball cap daughter.
with Bruce the shark from the movie Finding Nemo
smiling and saying “Hello.” This hat took on even
greater significance only three years later when he

For the Regular version:
Baseline (TOTAL WEIGHT: Regular = 58.0kg; Plus an additional 40.5kg
Experienced = 57.0kg )
For the Experienced version:
Outfit, mild weather (1.3kg) Plus an additional 39.5kg
1 x pair work boots (2.3kg)
1 x undercover vest (2.3kg)
1 x pair of sunglasses (--) Additional History (Experienced)
1 x well worn ball cap (trucker’s cap) w/ Bruce the
Shark (--) **Prior to his wife and daughter moving to Las
1 x holster (0.2kg) Vegas.**
1 x IFAK (0.6kg)
1 x CB radio, hand-held (2.0kg) After two years on the road it became apparent
1 x Multi-tool (0.3kg) that his family was still in need. They were making
1 x Folding knife (0.2kg) enough money, but only just enough. When the
1 x .357 Magnum service revolver (1.2kg) bills started piling up, Bruce knew he had to do
4 x speed loaders (0.4kg) more.
66 x total .357 Magnum rounds (0.3kg) Operation Iraqi Freedom was in full swing,
1 x .30-06 Hunting rifle, holt action (3.4kg) Saddam had been removed from power and the
1 x Telescopic, Mag-2 sight (0.4kg) United States now needed a consistent logistics and
1 x sling (0.2kg) supply line. Bruce heard from others on the road
48 x total .30-06 rounds (1.6kg) about the contracts being offered for truckers to
perform convoy duty in Iraq. The call of the money
was too much for a desperate man. A few short

Bruce Miller, Regular

Rank: None
Age: 29
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Blue/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.91m/76.6kg/Athletic/O+
Last Year: Displacement
Attributes: Awareness 8, Coordination 8, Fitness 9, Muscle 10, Cognition 6, Education 6, Personality 7,
Resolve 8; CUF 5, OODA 4.
Skills: Agriculture Novice (1), Climbing Novice (2), Construction Professional (8), Driving /Tracked /Heavy
Professional (12), Electronics Competent (4), Hand-to-Hand Novice (3), Language – Native (English), Longarm
Novice (3), Mechanics Competent (7), Persuasion Novice (2), Sidearm Competent (5), Streetcraft Competent (4).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 5/10/10, Serious 10/20/15, Critical
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 6, Moderate 10, Serious 14, Critical 18.
Carrying Capacity: CL 20kg, ML 30kg, EL 58kg, DL 116kg.
Movement: Sprint 15m, Run 11m, Trot 9m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 6kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 2,400 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 5
Rads: 32
SP: 8 of 8
Advantages: Direction Sense (2) = +3 bonus to navigation checks and successful COG check allows him to
retrace his movements of the past 24 hours; Indefatigable (2)
Disadvantages: None
Equipment Dice: 1
Contacts: 3 x information (veteran, experienced, regular); 1 x reinforcement (veteran); 3 x service (2 x regular,
veteran); 2 x trade (veteran, regular).

months later, Bruce found himself running almost him unconscious. After being stabilized, he was
daily convoys from Kuwait to Baghdad and back. Medevac’d out and spent the next year in hospitals
Bruce made many friends but lost several of and rehab for a traumatic brain injury. Never fully
them to ambushes and attacks during his time in recovered, his hearing and stamina were affected
Iraq. He even had a few close calls, himself. While and he continues to suffer the occasional flashback.
resupplying a FOB, one attack left his right arm Due to these injuries, the U.S. government
injured enough that he could no longer effectively compensated him for the remainder of his contract,
defend himself. It was because of this, he focused but found him to be unsuitable for the rigors of
his efforts on learning to shoot his revolver with Iraqi convoy duty.
his off hand. After his wife and daughter left for Las Vegas,
Another attack was a little too close for his he was able to get a “milk run” contract with the U.S.
comfort and changed his life. Toward the end of government that would later evolve into support
his second tour, Bruce’s “lucky” enough to be the of the military efforts both against Mexico as well
one in his convoy to be the target of a roadside as the counter-insurgency operations against the
bomb. Though the cab was armored, the blast was Chinese infiltrators.
powerful enough to blow in the windshield and
rip off the door, injuring him enough to render

Bruce Miller, Experienced

Rank: None
Age: 46
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Blue/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.91m/76.6kg/Athletic/O+
Last Year: Displacement
Attributes: Awareness 8, Coordination 8, Fitness 9, Muscle 9, Cognition 7, Education 6, Personality 7, Resolve
9; CUF 6, OODA 5.
Skills: Agriculture Novice (1), Climbing Novice (2), Construction Professional (8), Driving /Tracked /Heavy
Expert (26), Electronics Professional (13), Hand-to-Hand Competent (5), Language – Native (English), Longarm
Competent (6), Mechanics Professional (14), Persuasion Novice (2), Sidearm Professional (11), Streetcraft
Professional (9).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 5/9/9, Serious 9/18/14, Critical 14/27/18.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 6, Moderate 10, Serious 15, Critical 19.
Carrying Capacity: CL 19kg, ML 29kg, EL 57kg, DL 114kg.
Movement: Sprint 15m, Run 11m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 6kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 2,400 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 6
Rads: 32
SP: 5 of 5
Advantages: Direction Sense (2) = +3 bonus to navigation checks and successful COG check allows him to
retrace his movements of the past 24 hours; Indefatigable (2); Ambidexterity (sidearm)(3)
Disadvantages: Flashbacks (2) = When ambushed or surprised, must make RES check. Failure means he
cannot act during the first exchange of fire; Hard of Hearing (1) = -1 to all AWA checks regarding hearing; Short
Winded (1)
Equipment Dice: 4
Contacts: 4 x information (veteran, experienced, 2 x regular); 2 x reinforcement (2 x veteran); 4 x service (2
x regular, veteran, green); 3 x trade (veteran, 2 x regular).

Sarah Jenkins She finally got her opportunity to travel
when her department head required her talents
and skills in Paris to work with French analysts
regarding new activity in a high-interest terrorist
organization. Because this trip would require a
Synopsis: Sarah Jenkins started out as a model couple of side trips into the Middle East, Sarah
student with a drive and desire to work for the learned some basic defensive combat and survival
U.S. State Department and see the world. Out skills, courtesy of the agency. Ultimately, the
of college, she joined the CIA and intended to terrorist activity she was working on would
use the Agency as a stepping stone into the State culminate in the Stade de France attack, though
Department, but the world had other plans for she missed being in the country by mere hours.
her. She and her team wouldn’t hear of the tragedy
until they had already returned to the States.
History As the events of the world became more and
more chaotic, she was traveling more than she
Growing up as an only child provided
had expected. Eventually, due to this constant
countless opportunities for Sarah to pursue and
movement, the CIA permanently issued her the
embrace virtually any hobby or interest that
weapons she has on hand. She was given the
suited her. As she got older, she found that
option for longer range weapons, but with her
she had a love of languages and acting. Like
poor eyesight and relatively low ability at long
most young girls, she dreamt of having her own
range shooting, she figured she would need
television show that would allow her to segue
to use a weapon for defensive purposes only.
into the movies.
Sarah figured she’d leave the longer range gear
As she entered high school, she continued
for those with a need to reach out further
to perform in the drama club, but found her
fondness for language and learning to be a
stronger calling. Eventually, she was overcome
with the desire to travel and see and experience
the various cultures the world had to offer. She
entered college with the intention of building
skills she could use as to gain entry into the
international entertainment markets. She
graduated with a degree in Dramatic Theater
and continued to dabble in learning languages.
The post-college years proved to be an
unexpectedly eye-opening time for her. Though
she had the degree and skills, directors and
producers weren’t exactly beating a path to
Sarah’s door to make her “The Next Big Thing.”
Considering her education and natural talent for
languages, she decided the best way to travel on
her limited budget was to join the government.
After several unsuccessful interviews with the
State Department, she took a chance with the
Central Intelligence Agency.
To her surprise, Sarah was hired as a
translator and analyst of various electronic
media and documents. In order to gain further
legitimacy and credibility in her job and to
make herself more marketable to the State
Department, she pursued higher degrees in
Linguistics and European History.

Sarah Jenkins, Regular
Rank: None
Age: 27
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Blonde/Blue/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.7m/61kg/Athletic/O+
Last Year: Displacement
Attributes: Awareness 8, Coordination 8, Fitness 9, Muscle 8, Cognition 9, Education 9 (Linguistics, Theater
Arts, European History), Personality 9, Resolve 8; CUF 4, OODA 5.
Skills: Computing Competent (6), Deception Competent (5), Driving Novice (3), Forensics Professional (12),
Hand-to-Hand Novice (3), Language – Native (English), Language (French) Professional (8); Language (Latin)
Professional (6), Language (Russian) Competent (3), Longarm Novice (2), Performance (Dramatic Acting)
Competent (5), Persuasion Competent (6), Sidearm Novice (2), Streetcraft Novice (3).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 5/9/9, Serious 9/18/14, Critical 14/27/18.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 5, Moderate 9, Serious 13, Critical 17.
Carrying Capacity: CL 18kg, ML 28kg, EL 54kg, DL 108kg.
Movement: Sprint 14m, Run 11m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 6kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,900 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 5
Rads: 44
SP: 8 of 8
Advantages: Natural Talent (Languages) (3); Advanced Student (4); Beauty (2) = +1 bonus to social interaction
with others with a sexual preference for females.
Disadvantages: Nearsighted (4) = Visual range limit reduced by 2 bands when not wearing corrective lenses
(not applicable when using magnifying devices for long range observation); Irradiated (2)
Equipment Dice: 2
Contacts: 3 x information (regular, experienced, veteran); 1 x reinforcement (veteran); 4 x service (3 x regular,
veteran); 3 x trade (2 x veteran, regular).

EQUIPMENT For the Experienced version:

Plus an additional 38.8kg
Baseline (TOTAL WEIGHT: Regular = 54.0kg;
Experienced = 55.0kg)
Additional History (Experienced)
Outfit, mild weather (1.3kg)
1 x pair hiking boots (1.7kg) Thanks to her stellar efforts and results as an
1 x undercover vest (2.3kg) analyst, Sarah was singled out for specialized training
1 x pair prescription eyeglasses (--) as a field agent. The combination of her language skills,
1 x pair of prescription sunglasses (--) sultry appearance, and new position led her to several
1 x holster (0.2kg) locations in and throughout Europe as well as many in
1 x IFAK (0.6kg) the CONUS.
1 x tactical radio (1.0kg) In each case her focus was on intercepting, reading,
1 x Multi-tool (0.3kg) copying, and questioning materials, citizens, soldiers,
1 x Folding knife (0.2kg) POWs, and detainees. Her attention was solely on
1 x Beretta 92 (1.0kg) gathering and gleaning any and all useful intelligence
3 x loaded, 15-round, 9mm magazines (0.9kg) and information on military activity, illegal immigration,
1 x MP-5 submachine gun (3.4kg) terrorism and insurgencies.
5 x loaded, 30-round, 9mm magazines (3.5kg) Though her weapon-handling skills greatly
1 x sling (0.2kg) improved since her time as an office analyst, she
maintained her philosophy of maintaining and
Notes: utilizing weapons specialized in the close-in fight.
For the Regular version:
Plus an additional 37.8kg

Sarah Jenkins, Experienced
Rank: Espionage 3
Age: 37
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Blonde/Blue/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.7m/61kg/Athletic/O+
Last Year: Urban Survival
Attributes: Awareness 8, Coordination 8, Fitness 9, Muscle 8, Cognition 9, Education 9
(Linguistics, Theater Arts, European History), Personality 10, Resolve 9; CUF 5, OODA 5.
Skills: Computing Professional (9), Deception Professional (8), Driving Novice (3), Forensics /Forgery Expert
(20), Hand-to-Hand Competent (5), Hand Weapons Novice (3), Language – Native (English), Language
(French) Professional (8); Language (Latin) Professional (6), Language (Mandarin Chinese) Professional (6),
Language (Russian) Professional (6), Longarm Professional (10), Medicine Novice (1), Performance (Dramatic
Acting) Competent (7), Persuasion Professional (9), Sidearm Professional (12), Streetcraft Professional (8).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 5/9/9, Serious 9/18/14, Critical 14/27/18.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 5, Moderate 9, Serious 14, Critical 18.
Carrying Capacity: CL 18kg, ML 28kg, EL 55kg, DL 110kg.
Movement: Sprint 14m, Run 11m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 6kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,900 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 7
Rads: 132
SP: 6 of 6
Advantages: Natural Talent (Languages) (3); Advanced Student (4); Beauty (2) = +1 bonus to social
interaction with others with a sexual preference for females.
Disadvantages: Nearsighted (4) = Visual range limit reduced by 2 bands when not wearing corrective
lenses (not applicable when using magnifying devices for long range observation); Irradiated (2)
Equipment Dice: 5
Contacts: 4 x information (2 x regular, experienced, veteran); 2 x reinforcement (regular, veteran); 4 x
service (3 x regular, veteran); 3 x trade (2 x veteran, regular).

Daniel Morris His neighbor was a member of the local
Sheriff’s Department, and they would occasionally
share a beer at their fence. It was through his
neighbor that Daniel learned of the local law
enforcement life. It was through this introduction
Synopsis: A man who started out aimless with that he found his new purpose in life after losing
a narrow view of life, Daniel Morris has since his wife and unborn child. If he could help bring
developed a strong sense of purpose and conviction. a little order to the world, then that was what he
A troublemaker in school, he has gone on to be a was going to do.
Sheriff’s Deputy and corrections officer who finds a After graduating the academy, he joined his
sense of accomplishment in dealing with crowd and local department and performed occasional patrols
riot control, especially those in a detention or prison and responded to routine calls. However, the area
environment. He lives to bring and maintain order that he was most interested in and volunteered
out of chaos. for most was working the detention facilities and
crowd control duty for events ranging from simple
History parades through full-on labor strikes and political
rallies. Once again, he felt his new calling was to
Growing up in the Industrial Belt, Daniel
maintain order, especially where there was chaos
Morris was one of “those kids” always skipping
or the potential for it.
school during his teen-age years. Seemingly
As his world started to change environmentally
always in trouble, he frequently found himself just
and demographically, he, like many others from
shy of getting kicked out of his parents’ house or,
his town, chose to move south to warmer climates.
worse yet, having to pull jail time. Though he may
Considering the state of the nation during these
have challenged authority, he knew the difference
years, Daniel had no trouble finding a place
between just causing trouble and conducting
where his background, skills and badge would be
actual criminal behavior.
Never really having any drive or a higher
One of his more challenging aspects of life
calling during his formative years, Daniel never
leading up to, during, and after The Last Year,
applied himself at school, or at any of his part time
was finding a reliable source for his one true vice:
jobs. He always did just enough to finish things
cigarettes. It was a habit he’d acquired as a teen
and move on. The only thing he really enjoyed
and one that he never truly was able to shake.
and applied himself to was wrestling. He was
good enough that he lettered and made the varsity
team all four years of high school. Growing up, he
never aspired to be anything more than another
one of the workers in his town’s industrial sector.
His plan always consisted simply of graduating,
joining the union, and pulling a standard day’s
wage in the factories and coming home to a wife
and a television.
His first few years out of high school went
according to plan and he made a good living as
a local machinist’s union worker and eventually
married a girl from his old rival high school. As
time went on, he found this to be nowhere near as
rewarding as he had thought it would be. Every
day he’d watch his town decline a little more, his
friends would continue on with their lives and
he’d grow more and more irritated. He knew he
had to do more. His life was forever changed one
August evening when his pregnant wife was killed
in an accident when her car was hit by a drunk
driver running a red light.

Daniel Morris, Regular
Rank: Senior Police Officer
Age: 29
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Brown/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.75m/53kg/Slight/O+
Last Year: Twilight Warfare
Attributes: Awareness 7, Coordination 7, Fitness 7, Muscle 7, Cognition 5, Education 6, Personality 5, Resolve
6; CUF 4, OODA 4.
Skills: Artisan (welding) Novice (2), Driving Competent (4), Forensics Novice (1), Hand-to-Hand /Grappling
Professional (12), Hand Weapons /Grappling Competent (5), Intimidation Competent (7), Language – Native
(English), Longarm Competent (7), Mechanics /Machinist Competent (5), Persuasion Novice (1), Sidearm
Competent (6), Streetcraft Competent (5), Support Weapons Competent (5).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 4/8/8, Serious 8/16/12, Critical 12/24/16.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 4, Moderate 7, Serious 10, Critical 13.
Carrying Capacity: CL 17kg, ML 25kg, EL 48kg, DL 96kg.
Movement: Sprint 14m, Run 10m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 5kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,700 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 7
Rads: 63
SP: 7 of 7
Advantages: None.
Disadvantages: Addiction (tobacco)(1) = if he goes a full day without tobacco, he suffers -1 to all checks the
following day
Equipment Dice: 5
Contacts: 2 x information (2 x green); 1 x reinforcement (regular); 2 x service (regular, veteran); 2 x trade
(veteran, green).

EQUIPMENT 63 x 12-gauge buckshot (3.8)

1 x sling (0.2kg)
Baseline (TOTAL WEIGHT: Regular = 48.0kg; 1 x Tactical grenade launcher (2.7)
Experienced = 54.0kg ) 20 x 37mm tear gas rounds (4.0)
20 x 37mm stun rounds (4.0)
Fatigues, mild weather (1.2kg) 1 x sling (0.2)
1 x pair combat boots (2.0kg)
1 x undercover vest (2.3kg) Notes:
1 x ballistic helmet (1.5) For the Regular version:
1 x helmet visor (--) Plus an additional 13.7kg
1 x pair of sunglasses (--)
1 x gas mask (1.0) For the Experienced version:
3 x gas mask filters (0.9) Plus an additional 19.7kg
1 x holster (0.2kg)
1 x IFAK (0.6kg)
1 x tactical radio (1.0kg) Additional History (Experienced)
1 x Multi-tool (0.3kg)
1 x Hand cuffs (0.3) As time went on after moving south, people
1 x Telescoping baton (0.5) became more desperate which led to rampant
1 x Pepper spray can (0.1) cases of every man for themselves and families
1 x .40 S&W handgun (0.9kg) turned on other families. This new era led to an
3 x loaded, 12-round, .40 S&W magazines (0.9kg) abundance of arrests, which led to even more stress
1 x 12-gauge pump shotgun (3.6kg) on an already overcrowded detention system.
35 x 12-gauge slugs (2.1) With the extra strain on law enforcement, there

were fewer officers available to keep order within With his strong sense of law and order, the
the corrections facilities which meant Daniel had conduct of some of his peers became unpalatable.
his hands quite full. After the riot suppression, he viewed several of the
Some of his peers rapidly lost their patience guards the same as he viewed the very criminals
with the situation and became more brutal when they were assigned to keep watch over. After being
the inmates would act up to the point where Daniel continually ignored or deflected by his superiors
was questioned on more than one occasion when when he tried to report the abuses, Daniel decided
inmates were beaten or killed. As “luck” would he could no longer be part of a system that was,
have it, he was also on duty during one of the most in his eyes, little better than the criminals it was
brutal prison riot suppressions in United States created to contain. Fed up, he finally left, taking
history. It was this event that led to Daniel’s to the road in search of a community with a need
second relocation. for a law enforcement professional.

Daniel Morris, Experienced

Rank: Police Sergeant
Age: 41
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Brown/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.75m/53kg/Slight/O+
Last Year: Twilight Warfare
Attributes: Awareness 7, Coordination 7, Fitness 8, Muscle 9, Cognition 5, Education 6, Personality 5, Resolve
7; CUF 6, OODA 6.
Skills: Artisan (welding) Novice (2), Driving Competent (4), Forensics Professional (8), Hand-to-Hand /
Grappling Professional (14), Hand Weapons /Grappling Professional (8), Intimidation Professional (11),
Language – Native (English), Longarm Professional (11), Mechanics /Machinist Competent (6), Persuasion
Competent (5), Sidearm Professional (11), Streetcraft Professional (11), Support Weapons Professional (11),
Tactics Competent (6).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 5/9/9, Serious 9/18/14, Critical 14/27/18.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 4, Moderate 8, Serious 12, Critical 15.
Carrying Capacity: CL 19kg, ML 28kg, EL 54kg, DL 108kg.
Movement: Sprint 15m, Run 11m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 6kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,700 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 10
Rads: 56
SP: 5 of 5
Advantages: None.
Disadvantages: Addiction (tobacco)(1) = if he goes a full day without tobacco, he suffers -1 to all checks the
following day
Equipment Dice: 3
Contacts: 3 x information (2 x green, regular); 2 x reinforcement (regular, veteran); 3 x service (regular,
veteran, experienced); 2 x trade (veteran, green).

Wendy Simmons need to hear the Truth. Her path to this end was a
Journalism degree through a large and respected
university. At college, she worked for a time on the
school newspaper staff and even had a short stint
with the college radio station. Unfortunately, her
Synopsis: Wendy Simmons is a survivalist who college media career was cut short thanks to her
used to be a very popular, very controversial blog- continued push to spread her news. It wasn’t all for
ger. Convinced that the every major world event in nothing, though. Through her work, she met the
history was manipulated by a key cabal of powerful man she would eventually marry.
individuals and families, each of her entries became Sharing the common bond, the Wendy and her
more inflammatory than the previous. The more husband established a very popular, daily fringe blog.
popular her blog became, the more convinced she This blog addressed everything from current news
was that the U.S. government was targeting her. to the latest in conspiracy theories, often combining
When the nukes fell and her husband disappeared, the two. On several occasions, they garnered the
her theories were confirmed…at least in her own attention of the legal system and were placed on a
mind. government watch list, but they were never charged
with anything.
The events leading up to the last year only served
History to provide more fuel for Wendy’s fire. What’s more,
her skills and persuasiveness were so effective that
To look at her, a person would never guess this her popularity continued to grow to the point that,
seemingly unassuming Southern Belle was a self- in certain circles, her blog was as popular as some of
created, controversial, popular icon with countless the major news outlets.
followers who hang on her every written word. On that fateful day in 2012 when the Chinese
Wendy Simmons was one of the most popular people nukes fell around the United States, Wendy’s husband
in the years leading up to the Collapse that people had made a trip to the city and never returned. To
never saw…or at least they didn’t know if they had. this day, Wendy is convinced that the timing of the
Born and raised in a small, out of the way attack and the fact that it happened when they were
community in southern Alabama, she grew up as finally getting their word out to more people than
many children in the area: learning to live and play ever only prove that she was getting too close to the
in the outdoors. Her father believed that every girl inner circle orchestrating the end of the world. It
needed to know how to handle a gun and how to live was enough to quiet her down, but not enough to
off the land. He was also the one who planted the stop her drive to uncover what she considered to be
seeds of a deep seated paranoia about the workings the Truth.
of the government and world events. According to
him, the Confederacy would never have been formed
if it hadn’t been for the work of the inner circle of the
Union Masons, but the Confederacy got too powerful
to remain a puppet which destined it to lose the
Civil War – thanks once again to the Masons. He
continually shared this belief with Wendy and she
has never let it go.
As Wendy grew, she became more interested in
television, radio, books and internet articles about
conspiracy theories. Though she knew the details
were fictional, the X-Files was one of her favorites
because she believed the ideas were founded in
Truth. The more she saw, heard and read, the more
she believed it.
After high school, Wendy decided she needed
to have an avenue to share what she knew and find
out more about the global conspiracies. In her
mind, even those who don’t want to believe still

Wendy Simmons, Regular
Rank: None
Age: 27
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Green/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.75m/47.7kg/Slight/O+
Last Year: Displacement
Attributes: Awareness 7, Coordination 7, Fitness 7, Muscle 7, Cognition 7, Education 7 (Journalism),
Personality 7, Resolve 8; CUF 4, OODA 5.
Skills: Archery Novice (3), Computing /Programming Professional (9), Driving Novice (3), Electronics
Competent (6), Fieldcraft Competent (7), Hand-to-Hand Novice (2), Language – Native (English), Longarm
Competent (4), Persuasion Professional (12), Sidearm Competent (4), Streetcraft Competent (5).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 4/8/8, Serious 8/16/12, Critical 12/24/16.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 4, Moderate 7, Serious 11, Critical 15.
Carrying Capacity: CL 17kg, ML 25kg, EL 50kg, DL 100kg.
Movement: Sprint 14m, Run 10m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 5kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,400 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 8
Rads: 10
SP: 8 of 8
Advantages: Fast Learner (2) = +5% chance of gaining a skill point from a learning experience; Beauty (2) =
+1 bonus to social interaction with others with a sexual preference for females.
Disadvantages: Hyperarousal (1) = when ambushed or surprised, must make OODA check. Failure means
1st action is to ready fastest weapon or use the weapon currently readied and take a snap shot/strike at most
obvious target without determining if target is an actual threat or not.
Materialistic (1) = Suffers psychological damage at standard TN when a piece of personal equipment is
Equipment Dice: 1
Contacts: 3 x information (2 x regular, veteran); 1 x reinforcement (regular); 3 x service (green experienced,
veteran); 2 x trade (experienced, green).

EQUIPMENT 1 x 23kg Compound hunting bow (1.8)

40 x hunting arrows (4.0)
20 x target arrows (2.0)
Baseline (TOTAL WEIGHT: Regular = 50.0kg ; 3 x Smoke grenades (1.5)
Experienced = 50.0kg )
Fatigues, mild weather (1.2kg) For the Regular version:
1 x pair combat boots (2.0kg) Plus an additional 18.4kg
1 x undercover vest (2.3kg)
1 x holster (0.2kg) For the Experienced version:
1 x Field medical kit (1.9kg) Plus an additional 18.4kg
1 x Personal (licensed) radio (0.5kg)
1 x Gill net (1.5)
1 x Fishing kit (4.0) Additional History (Experienced)
1 x Multi-tool (0.3kg)
1 x Working knife (0.5) Instead of losing her husband during the PRC
1 x Glock 17 handgun (0.6kg) nuclear strike, he was killed in a multi-vehicle
4 x loaded, 17-round, 9mmPB magazines (1.3kg) accident during a trip to the city several years
1 x SKS rifle (3.6kg) before the United States was attacked. Wendy
100 x 7.62x39mm rounds (2.2) remains convinced that he was specifically
1 x sling (0.2kg) targeted in order to be silenced.

Feeling that her safety was no longer some level of power. So much so that she lost
guaranteed, Wendy collected a few key items, any guise of objectivity. She found herself on the
gathered the bug-out bag they had created in the wrong side of the law and, before the Last Year,
event they needed to make a quick get-away and there was a warrant for her arrest. This was the
disappeared into the woods. Her plan was, and wrong kind of attention for her. She has kept a
has remained, to fall back and rely on the lessons low profile and went to ground, but has not lost
taught to her by her father. her drive to uncover the true conspiracy.
Without a permanent address, Wendy became
more brazen in her efforts and more aggressive
when confronting those she felt were holding

Wendy Simmons, Experienced

Rank: None
Age: 35
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Green/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.75m/47.7kg/Slight/O+
Last Year: Survivalist
Attributes: Awareness 7, Coordination 7, Fitness 7, Muscle 7, Cognition 7, Education 7 (Journalism),
Personality 7, Resolve 8; CUF 6, OODA 7.
Skills: Agriculture Competent (5), Animal Husbandry Competent (5), Archery Competent (4), Artisan
(Gunsmithing) Competent (5), Computing /Programming Professional (9), Driving Novice (3), Electronics
Competent (6), Fieldcraft Professional (8), Hand-to-Hand Novice (2), Language – Native (English), Longarm
Professional (8), Mechanics Novice (3), Medicine Competent (5), Persuasion Professional (10), Sidearm
Professional (8), Streetcraft Novice (3).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 4/8/8, Serious 8/16/12, Critical 12/24/16.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 4, Moderate 7, Serious 11, Critical 15.
Carrying Capacity: CL 17kg, ML 25kg, EL 50kg, DL 100kg.
Movement: Sprint 14m, Run 10m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 5kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,400 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 9
Rads: 4
SP: 6 of 6
Advantages: Fast Learner (2) = +5% chance of gaining a skill point from a learning experience; eauty (2) = +1
bonus to social interaction with others with a sexual preference for females.
Disadvantages: Hyperarousal (1) = when ambushed or surprised, must make OODA check. Failure means
1st action is to ready fastest weapon or use the weapon currently readied and take a snap shot/strike at most
obvious target without determining if target is an actual threat or not.
Materialistic (1) = Suffers psychological damage at standard TN when a piece of personal equipment is
Equipment Dice: 11
Contacts: 3 x information (2 x regular, veteran); 2 x reinforcement (2 x regular); 3 x service (green experienced,
veteran); 2 x trade (experienced, green).

Roberto GonzaleS

Synopsis: Roberto Gonzales is a very religious

man who also strongly values family and
responsibility. The middle of five children, he
found ways to express himself in ways unique from
his older and younger siblings. Wanting to help
defend his nation and help protect and maintain
his family, he joined the Army and has seen action
in several theaters.

Roberto Gonzales was born the middle of five
children in a deeply religious, Latin-American
family in northern New Mexico. The Gonzales
family immigrated several generations ago yet they
remained very traditional, speaking Spanish in the A few events and rampant rumors of Hispanics either
home and practicing Roman Catholicism, all while impersonating military members or being sympathizers
being very proud of being Americans. within the ranks, created a tense and untrusting
Being the middle child presented him with atmosphereformanyLatinos,regardlessoftheirallegiance.
plenty of opportunities to be overshadowed or
simply overlooked due to the attention drawn by his EQUIPMENT
older and younger siblings. Roberto’s expressive
and creative outlet was to take up the acoustic guitar. Baseline (TOTAL WEIGHT: Regular = 54.0kg;
Initially, his training was on more classical and folk Experienced = 54.0kg )
work as well as more Latin American influenced
music. However, as time went on, he discovered he Fatigues, mild weather (1.2kg)
had a strong appreciation for contemporary country 1 x pair desert boots (1.8kg)
music. 1 x Tactical vest (3.8kg)
After high school, Roberto’s sense of obligation 1 x Ballistic helmet (1.5)
and duty led him to enlist in the U.S. Army. After 1 x Holster (0.2kg)
basic training, he was sent into the artillery branch, 1 x IFAK (0.6kg)
specifically into tube artillery, both towed and the 1 x Tactical radio (1.0kg)
self-propelled M109 Paladin system. Initially, he 1 x Multi-tool (0.3kg)
wasn’t terribly excited to be selected for this new 1 x Bayonet (0.5)
branch, but true to form, he embraced the new 1 x M9 handgun (1.0kg)
opportunity and found that he not only enjoyed this 4 x loaded, 15-round, 9mmPB magazines (1.2kg)
kind of work, but he was good at it as well! When 1 x M4 rifle (2.5kg)
he left for basic training he received a special gift 8 x loaded, 30-round, 5.56x45mm magazines (4.8kg)
from his mother, a medallion of Saint Sebastian, the 1 x sling (0.2kg)
patron saint of soldiers and athletes. This, along 1 x fore grip (0.1)
with the rosary from his Confirmation, is always 1 x Saint Sebastian medal on a chain around neck (--)
with him, under every circumstance. 1 x Rosary (--)
His first few years, he worked to excel at his craft,
progressing up through the ranks. He participated Notes:
in combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and then For the Regular version:
in the American campaign into Mexico. During Plus an additional 33.3kg
the Mexico campaign, he found himself eyed
suspiciously whenever he would come across other For the Experienced version:
units or military members who didn’t know him. Plus an additional 33.3kg

Roberto Gonzales, Regular
Rank: Specialist (enlisted rank 3)
Age: 26
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Brown/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.76m/58.9kg/Normal/O+
Last Year: Twilight Warfare
Attributes: Awareness 7, Coordination 7, Fitness 8, Muscle 9, Cognition 6, Education 6, Personality 6, Resolve
7; CUF 5, OODA 5.
Skills: Artillery /Guided Professional (8), Artisan (Guitar) Novice (3), Climbing Novice (2), Computing
Competent (4), Driving Novice (2), Fieldcraft Competent (5), Gunnery /Guided Competent (4), Hand-to-Hand
Competent (4), Hand Weapons Novice (2), Instruction Novice (2), Language – Native (English), Language
– Native (Spanish), Medicine Novice (3), Longarm Competent (7), Sidearm Competent (5), Support Weapons
Novice (1), Tactics Competent (4).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 5/9/9, Serious 9/18/14, Critical 14/27/18.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 4, Moderate 8, Serious 12, Critical 15.
Carrying Capacity: CL 19kg, ML 28kg, EL 54kg, DL 108kg.
Movement: Sprint 15m, Run 11m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 6kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,800 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 7
Rads: 57
SP: 8 of 8
Advantages: Fast Learner (4) = +10% chance of gaining a skill point from a learning experience.
Disadvantages: Can’t swim (1) = all swimming-related skill checks handled as Unskilled, swim speed of 0.
Judeo-Christian Code (3) = Suffers psychological damage with TN of -2 (or worse) when he violates his code,
but all efforts to induce him to violate suffer a -5 penalty.
Equipment Dice: 3
Contacts: 1 x information (regular); 2 x reinforcement (experienced, veteran); 2 x service (green regular); 1 x
trade (regular).

Additional History (Experienced) is well versed in the Stinger man-portable surface-

to-air missile as well as the Avenger short-range
After two assignments in field artillery, air defense systems. In a unique turn of events,
Roberto’s aptitude drew him the attention of those Roberto found himself detailed as an air defense
higher up his chain. The world was changing and asset to protect the very unit he had left when he
those same leaders saw the massed numbers of cross-trained.
the Russian and Chinese air forces for the threat Eventually, the fighting and attrition on
they would become. With this new attention on the ground grew to the level that the need for
potential enemy air threats, Specialist Gonzales experienced artillery troops became more prevalent
was involuntarily cross-trained into the air defense and Sergeant Gonzales was sent back into field
artillery. artillery.
While he did train on the Patriot long range
surface-to-air missile system, his area of expertise
was in the short-range fight. Because of this, he

Roberto Gonzales, Experienced
Rank: Sergeant (enlisted rank 4)
Age: 38
Hair/Eye Color/Handedness: Brown/Brown/Right-handed
Height/Weight/Build/Blood Type: 1.76m/58.9kg/Normal/O+
Last Year: Twilight Warfare
Attributes: Awareness 7, Coordination 7, Fitness 8, Muscle 9, Cognition 6, Education 6, Personality 6,
Resolve 7; CUF 7, OODA 7.
Skills: Artillery /Guided Professional (15), Artisan (Guitar) Competent (4), Climbing Novice (2), Computing
Competent (7), Driving /Tracked Competent (7), Electronics Novice (3), Fieldcraft Competent (6), Gunnery
/Guided Professional (10), Hand-to-Hand Competent (4), Hand Weapons Competent (4), Instruction
Competent (6), Mechanics Novice (3), Language – Native (English), Language – Native (Spanish), Medicine
Competent (5), Longarm Professional (8), Sidearm Competent (7), Support Weapons /Guided Competent
(7), Tactics Professional (11).
Wound Thresholds (head/torso/limbs): Slight 1/1/1, Moderate 5/9/9, Serious 9/18/14, Critical 14/27/18.
Fatigue Thresholds: Slight 4, Moderate 8, Serious 12, Critical 15.
Carrying Capacity: CL 19kg, ML 28kg, EL 54kg, DL 108kg.
Movement: Sprint 15m, Run 11m, Trot 8m, Walk 4m, Stagger 2m, Crawl 1m, Travel 6kph.
Nutritional Requirements: 1,800 calories per day
Starvation Threshold: 9
Rads: 80
SP: 6 of 6
Advantages: Fast Learner (4) = +10% chance of gaining a skill point from a learning experience.
Disadvantages: Can’t swim (1) = all swimming-related skill checks handled as Unskilled, swim speed of 0.
Judeo-Christian Code (3) = Suffers psychological damage with TN of -2 (or worse) when he violates his code,
but all efforts to induce him to violate suffer a -5 penalty.
Hard of Hearing (1) = -1 to all AWA checks regarding hearing
Equipment Dice: 3
Contacts: 1 x reinforcement (veteran); 2 x service (green regular).


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