Explain The Key Components of Robot With Block Diagram

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1. What is robot? Give the robot classification of robot joint.

2. What is robot and robotics?

3. Difference between robot and robotics.
4. What is the key component of a robot? Write down the function of
actuator and manipulator.
5. Explain the key components of robot with block diagram.
6. What is robot work envelope ? Explain SCARA robot configuration with
joints and links.
7. What is robot work envelope and date zone?
8. What is robot configuration? Describe SCARA and Anthropomorphic
robot configuration with joints and diagram.
9. Describe different type of robot configuration with joint and links.
10. What is link and joint ? Write robot prismatic and revolute joints
with necessary diagram.
11. What is robot kinematics? Explain forward and backward
kinematics of robot.
12. What is robot programming? Classify and briefly explain offline
programming method.
13. Define and classify actuator.
14. What is piezoelectric material ? How it can be used as a robot
15. What is stepper motor? Describe the working principle and
function of stepper motor.
16. What is stepper motor? How stepper motor acts as an actuator in a
robot movements?
17. What is piezoelectric actuator? explain the effect of piezoelectric
actuator in a robot.
18. Differentiate between pneumatic and hydraulic actuator.
19. Mention the Kinematic pair name of the following figure-
20. What is IR? Mention the application of IR in a textile industry.
21. Explain the key components of robot with block diagram.
22. What is degree of freedom?


1. What is sensor ? mention different type of sensor.

2. What is light sensor? Describe photovoltaic and photo resistor light
3. What is distance sensor? How we can use ultrasonic distance sensor to
measure the water level.
4. Write short note on biosensor and proximity sensor.

1. What is PLC? What are the consideration of choosing PLC.

2. State the key component of a PLC? Write down the function of every
component of PLC.
3. Compare between microprocessor and microcontroller. Which one is the
best for use?
4. What are the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller.
5. "PLC is a designed for harsh industrial environment against higher
temperature, dust and vibration"explain the statement with detail
6. What is servo motor? what is the difference between typical DC motor
with encodesr and servo motors ?

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