Bai Tap Bo Tro Tieng Anh Lop 1

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Unit 1 In the park

Exercise 1 Look and write

ball Bill Ba book

Exercise 2 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) It’s a book. b) Hi , I’m Bill. c) It’s a ball. d) Hi , I’m Ba.

Exercise 3 Put the words in the correct order

a) It’ s – book – a b) a – ball – It’s

……………………………… ………………………………

c) I’m – Ba – Hi , c) I’m – Bill – Hi,

……………………………… ………………………………

pg. 1
Unit 2 In the dinning room
Exercise 1 Look and write
cat car cake cup

Exercise 2 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) a dog c) a cup
b) a book

d) a car f) a book
e) a cake

Exercise 3 Look and write missing letters

a) c _ p b) _ _ r c) ca _ d) _ _ _e

pg. 1
Unit 2 In the dinning room
Exercise 4 Look and write the number

a) I have a car . 3 b) I have a cup.

c) I have a cake. d) I have a cat.

Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order
a ) have – I – a – cat


b) car – I – have – a


c) I – have – cup – a


d) cake – have – a – I


pg. 2
Unit 2 In the dinning room
Exercise 7 Circle the starting sound

a b c a b c

a b c a b c

a b c a b c

Exercise 8 Trace

pg. 3
Unit 2 In the dinning room
Exercise 9 Read and color by number :

1= Blue

2= Grey

3 = Brown

4= black

Exercise 10 Trace and write

pg. 4
Unit 3 At the street market
Exercise 1 Look and write:

apple Ann bag hat

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

h_t _ pple _ nn b_g

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) Hi , I’m Ann.

b) This is my bag.

c) This is my hat.

d)This is my apple

pg. 1
Unit 3 At the street market
Exercise 4 Look and circle

a) apple b) cake a) bag b) hat a) Rosy b) Ann

a) car b) bag a) cup b) plane a) bat b) ball

Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order

a) This – hat – is – my ………………………………………

b) Hi – Ann – I’m ………………………………………

c) my – This – apple - is ………………………………………

d) is – my – This - bag ………………………………………

e) This – is – cat - my ………………………………………

pg. 2
Unit 3 At the street market
Exercise 6 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) Hi , I’m Ba . b) Hi , I’m Bill. c) This is my apple.

d) This is my dog. e) This is my bag. f) This is my book.

Exercise 7 Look and trace

pg. 3
Unit 3 At the street market
Exercise 8 Look and match :




Exercise 9 Look and color by the number :

pg. 4
Unit 4 In the bedroom
Exercise 1 Look and write:

Dan door desk dog

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

_ _ sk d_g _ an _ _ or

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) Hi , I’m Dan.

b) It’s a door.

c) This is my desk.

d)This is my dog

pg. 1
Unit 4 In the bedroom
Exercise 4 Look and circle

a) door b) desk a) cat b) dog a) Bill b) Dan

a) dog b) desk a) cup b) ball a) apple b) cake

Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order

a) This – dog – is – my ………………………………………

b) Hi – Dan – I’m ………………………………………

c) door – is - It ………………………………………

d) is – my – desk - This ………………………………………

e) Hi – Ann – I’m ………………………………………

pg. 2
Unit 4 In the bedroom
Exercise 6 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) Hi , I’m Dan . b) Hi , I’m Ann. c) It’s a desk.

d) This is my dog. e) This is my bag. f) This is my hat.

Exercise 7 Look and write : desk or door

a. There are two books on the _______________.

b. There is a dog near the ___________________.

c. There is a duck on the ____________________.

pg. 3
Unit 4 In the bedroom
Exercise 8 Look and match :





Exercise 9 Connect the D’s. Color them orange.

pg. 4
Unit 4 In the bedroom
Exercise 10 Look and circle the best answer

0. What is this? It is a ……………. 1. What is this? This is my ……………..

a. book b. bag c. ball a. cup b. hat c. car

2. This is ………. 3. This is a ……………..

a. Hoa b. Mary c. Ann a. desk b. door c. dog

4. This is ………... 5. This is a …………..

a. Ann b. Ba c. Dan a. cat b. mouse c. dog

pg. 5
Unit 4 In the bedroom
Exercise 11 Trace

Exercise 12 Color by number :

1 = blue

2 = brown

3= green

4 = white

5= black

6 = pink

pg. 6
Unit 5 At the fish and chip shop
Exercise 1 Look and write:

chips Tim milk fish

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

ch _ _ s _ _ lk T_m f___

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) Hi , I’m Tim.

b) I like milk.

c) I like chips.

d) I like fish.

pg. 1
Unit 5 At the fish and chip shop
Exercise 4 Look and circle

a) cake b) fish a) chips b) bread a) Bill b) Dan

a) Tim b) Ann a) cake b) milk a) banana b) apple

Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order

a) milk – I - like ………………………………………

b) Hi – Tim – I’m ………………………………………

c) I – fish - like ………………………………………

d) chips – I - like ………………………………………

e) apples – I - like ………………………………………

pg. 2
Unit 5 At the fish and chip shop
Exercise 6 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) Hi , I’m Tim . b) Hi , I’m Ann. c) I like milk.

d) I like chips. e) I like fish . f) I like apples.

Exercise 7 Look and write

like don’t like

I chips. I milk.

I fish. I apples.

I fish. I cake.

I chicken. I milk.

pg. 3
Unit 5 At the fish and chip shop
Exercise 8 Read and match.

Hi. I’m Bill. I like milk.

Hi. I’m Ba. I like apples.

Hi. I’m Ann. I like chips.

Hi. I’m Dan . I like chicken.

Hi. I’m Tim . I like fish.

Exercise 9 Read and compelete the sentences.

a) It’s a ………………………. b) It is …………………….door.

c) I like ………………………. d) Hi , I ……………………Tim.

e) I don’t like ………………… f) I like ………………………...

pg. 4
Unit 6 On the farm
Exercise 1 Look and write:

eggs hens Ben umbrellas

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

_ _ brella e__s B_n _ _ _s

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) Hi , I’m Ben.

b) They are eggs.

c) They are umbrellas.

d) They are hens.

pg. 1
Unit 6 On the farm

Exercise 4 Look and circle

a) eggs b) chips a) bags b) umbrellas a) Tim b) Dan

a) Bill b) Ben a) dogs b) cats a) cats b) hens

Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order

a) umbrellas – They – are ………………………………………

b) Hi – Ben – I’m ………………………………………

c) eggs – are - They ………………………………………

d) hens – They – are ………………………………………

pg. 2
Unit 6 On the farm

Exercise 6 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) Hi , I’m Tim . b) Hi , I’m Ben. c) They are cats.

d) They are eggs. e) They are balls. f) They are dogs.

Exercise 7 Look and circle the best answer

1) I like ………………… a) fish b) milk c) chips

2) …………………are eggs. a) This b) They c) It

3) I like …………………….. a) fish b) apples c) milk

a) dogs b) hens c) cats

4) I have two ………………

5) They are ………………… a) hens b) bags c) umbrellas

pg. 3
Unit 6 On the farm
Exercise 8 Read and circle the correct answer

1) I have a pet …………………

a) cat
b) dog
c) hen
2) My hen is …………………
a) little and yellow
Can you see my pet hen ? b) little and brown
c) big and brown
My hen is little.
3)My hen can …………………
a) lay lots of eggs.
My hen is brown.
b) hop

My hen can lay lots of eggs. c) jump high

Exercise 8 Sort out the words into the correct category

Short Vowel

/e/ /i/ /a/

eggs – apple – chips - bed – Tim – fish – hen - Ben – milk – hat – Ann - bag

/e/ /i/ /a/

…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

pg. 4
Unit 7 In the backyard
Exercise 1 Look and circle the correct words

a) girl a) garden a) girl a) gate

b) goat b) girl b) garden b) garden
c) garden c) goat c) gate c) goat

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

i r l a e a t r d e n

Exercise 3 Connect the g’s. Color them red :

pg. 1
Unit 7 In the backyard
Exercise 4 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) There is a hen. b) There is a garden. c) There is a goat.

d) There is a hat. e) There is a hen. f) There is a girl.

Exercise 5 Look and write

goat cat girl hen

a) ) There is a ________ in the garden. b) There is a ________in the garden.

c) There is a ________ in the garden. d) There is a ________on the desk.

pg. 2
Unit 7 In the backyard
Exercise 6 Put the words in the correct order

a) is – There – a – girl


b) There – a – goat - is


c) is – There – a – gate


d) a – garden – There - is


Exercise 7 Circle the beginning sound for each picture .







pg. 3
Unit 7 In the backyard
Exercise 8 Look at picture and complete the sentence

a) I like ………………………. b) It’s a …………………………

c) I have a …………………….. d) I have a ……………………..

e) This is my …………………. f) This is my …………………..

i)There is a……………………… j) This is my …………………..

Exercise 9 Look and complete the sentences.

a) Hi, I …………….. Ben.

b) There …………….. a hen in the garden.

c) There is …………….. book in the bag.

d) It …………….. a car.

d) This …………….. my dog.

e) There is …………….. hat on the desk.

f) I have …………….. book.

g) What …………….. this ? It’s a ball.

h) What do you like ? I …………….. chips and fish.

i) They …………….. eggs.

pg. 4
Unit 8 In the playground
Exercise 1 Look and write:

hair hand Hoa head

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

_a_d ___d _ oa _ air

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) Hi , I’m Hoa .

b) Touch your hair.

c) Touch your hand.

d) Touch your head.

pg. 1
Unit 8 In the playground
Exercise 4 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) Hi , I’m Ba. b) Hi , I’m Ben. c) Hi , I’m Hoa.

d) Touch your head. e) Touch your hand. f) Touch your head.

Exercise 5 Look and circle the correct words

1) Touch your ………………… 2) Touch your …………………

a) head a) head
b) nose b) hand

3) Touch your ………………… 4) Touch your …………………

a) hand a) ears

b) hair b) hand

pg. 2
Unit 8 In the playground
Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order

a) your – nose – Touch


b) your – head – Touch


c) your – Touch – hair


d) your – hand – Touch


e) your – hip – Touch


f) Touch – ears – your


pg. 3
Unit 8 In the playground
Exercise 6 Circle the right pictures :









pg. 4
Unit 9 In the shop
Exercise 1 Look and write:

boxes mops bottles pots

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

b x e s m p s b t t l e s p t s

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) There are mops.

b) There are bottles.

c) There are boxes.

d) There are pots.

pg. 1
Unit 9 In the shop
Exercise 4 Look and write :

There is There are

a) …………………. a mop. b) ………………….mops.

c) ………………….boxes. d) ………………….a box.

e) …………………. a bottle. f) ………………….bottles.

h) …………………. a pot.
g) ………………….pots.

i) …………………. a ball. j)………………….balls.

l) …………………. a hen.
k) ………………….hens.

m)………………….a book. n)………………….books.

pg. 2
Unit 9 In the shop
Exercise 5 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) There is a box. b) There is an apple. c) There are boxes.

d) There are apples. e) There is a bottle. f) There is a mop.

g) There are hats. h) There are pots. i) There is a goat.

Exercise 6 Put the words in the correct order

a) are – There – pots

b) There – bottles – are


c) boxes – are – There


d) are – mops – There


pg. 3
Unit 9 In the shop
Exercise 7 Look at the piture and write with There is or There are

a) There are boxes. b)…………………………………… c)……………………………………

d)…………………………………… e) …………………………………… f)……………………………………

Exercise 8 Make questions for the underlined parts

a) There is a cat in the garden.

How many cats are there in the garden ?

b) There are two bottles on the desk.


c) There is an apple in the box.


d) There are three mops in the shop.


e) There are four books on the desk.


f) There is a ball in the box.


pg. 4
Unit 9 In the shop
Exercise 9 Write the correct vowel to complete each word

a e i o

c t h t

d g f s h

h n m l k

pg. 5
Unit 9 In the shop
Exercise 10 Find the mistakes and correct them.

a) There is a box .

There are boxes.

b) There is a goat.

c) There are pots.


d) There is a bottle.


e) There are books.


Exercise 11 Cross out that doesn’t rhyme

1) a) hat b) bag c) cat d)


2) a) fish b) hen c) egg d) Ben

3) a) dog b) mop c) pot d) hen

4) a) fish b) book c) milk d) chips

5) a) hat b) bag c) cat d) six

6) a) hop b) egg c) stop d) not

pg. 6
Unit 10 At the zoo
Exercise 1 Look and write:

monkey mother mouse Mary

Exercise 2 Look and circle the correct words

Mother / Father Ann / Mary goat / monkey mouse / hen

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) She is my mother.

b) There is a monkey.

c) She is Mary.

d) There is a little mouse.

pg. 1
Unit 10 At the zoo
Exercise 4 Put the words in the correct order

a) is – He – Bill b) She – Ann – is c) He – Dan - is

He is Bill. ………………………………… …………………………………

d) is – Mary – She e) Ben – He - is f) She – Hoa - is

…………………………….. ………………………………… ………………………………

Exercise 6 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) There is a cat. b) There is a dog. c) There is a hen.

d) There is a pig. e) There is a monkey. f) There is a mouse.

pg. 2
Unit 10 At the zoo
Exercise 7 Look and circle the correct words

a) …………… is Mary. a) His b) Her

b) It is a ………………………. a) monkey b) mouse

c) She is a ……………………. a) boy b) girl

d) ……………………… Ba. a) He b) She

e) It ………………….my hand. a) are b) is

f) There……………….…boxes. a) are b) is

Exercise 8 Find the mistakes and correct them

a) She is Anna . b) It’s a mouse.

She is Mary. …………………………………….

c) He is Ben. d) There is a box.

……………………………………. …………………………………….

e) There are boxes. f) Touch your hand .

……………………………………. …………………………………….

g) There is a goat. h) They are hens.

……………………………………. …………………………………….

pg. 3
Unit 10 At the zoo
Exercise 9 Circle the letter that makes each picture name’s beginning sound.

h a m l h c g d

d e f d c a a b c

Exercise 10 Look and answer

a) What is this ? b) What is this ? c) What is this ?

It’s a monkey. …………………………….. ……………………………..

d) What is this ? e) What is this ? f) What is this ?

…………………………….. …………………………….. …………………………….

pg. 4
Unit 11 At the bus stop
Exercise 1 Look and write:

sun truck running bus

Exercise 2 Look and circle the correct words

bus / ball jumping / running plane / truck sun / star

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) Look at the sun.

b) Look at the bus.

c) Look at the truck.

d) He is running.

pg. 1
Unit 11 At the bus stop
Exercise 4 Put the words in the correct order

a) It – bus – is - a b) truck – is – a – It

………………………………….. ………………………………..

c) at – Look – the – sun d) running – He – is

…………………………………… ………………………………..

e) Look – the – umbrella – at f) He – jumping – is

…………………………………… ……………………………………

Exercise 5 Look and write the missing letters

b s t r k s n

d c k c p n d e r

pg. 2
Unit 11 At the bus stop
Exercise 6 Read and complete the sentences.

a) Look at the ………………… b) Look at the ……………

c) Look at the ………………… d) He is ……………….

e) Look at the ………………… f )Look at the ……………….

g) There is a ………………… h)A dog is ……….the table.

Exercise 7 Complete the lyrics

It’s a sunny day.

It’s a …………………………..

It’s a …………………………... It’s a sunny today.

The boy is running.

The boy is………………………….

The boy is………………………….

The boy is running in the ………………………….

pg. 3
Unit 11 At the bus stop
Exercise 8 Sort out the words into the correct category

Short Vowel

/e/ /i/ /a/ /u/

sun - eggs – apple – chips - duck bed – Tim – fish

bus- hen - Ben – milk – hat – Ann – bag – run -under

/e/ /i/ /a/ /u/

…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………

…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………

…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………

…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………

Exercise 9 Circle the short vowels and write the word.

a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u

box ___ ___

a e i o u a e i o u a e i o u

___ ___ ____

pg. 4
Unit 12 At the lake
Exercise 1 Look and write:

lake lemons leaf Lucy

Exercise 2 Look and circle the correct words

leaf /lake Lucy /Ann apples/ lemons leaf / lake

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) Look at Lucy.

b) Look at the lemons.

c) Look at the leaf.

d) Look at the lake.

pg. 1
Unit 12 At the lake
Exercise 4 Put the words in the correct order

a) lemons – at – Look - the b) at – Look – the - lake

………………………………….. ……………………………………..

c) at – Look – the – sun d) at – Look - Lucy

…………………………………… ……………………………………..

e) Look – the – leaf – at f) Look – Mary - at

…………………………………… ……………………………………..

g) the – truck – at – Look h) the – bus – at – Look

…………………………………… ……………………………………..

Exercise 5 Look and tick () or cross ()

a. I like apples. b. Look at the lake. c. Look at the sun.

d. She is Mary. e. He is running. f. Look at the bus.

pg. 2
Unit 12 At the lake
Exercise 6 Look and choose the correct words

a) Look at the leaf/lake. c) I like apples / lemons.

b) He / She is running. d) Look at the eggs/ lemons.

e) Look at the star / sun. f) There is / are a mouse.

g) There are / is boxes. h) She is Hoa / Lucy.

Exercise 7 Read and complete the sentences.

a) Look at the ………………… b) I like………………………

c) He is………………………….. d) …………at the lake .

e)………………… Lucy. f) Look at the ……………….

pg. 3
Unit 12 At the lake
Exercise 8 Circle the beginning sound

a b c a b c k l m e f g

c d e e f g j k l e f g

Exercise 9 Write the beginning letter for each picture :

1. 2.

3. 4.


pg. 4
Unit 13 In the school canteen
Exercise 1 Look and write
Nam noodles Nick nuts

……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

Exercise 2 Look and read. Put a tick or cross in the box.

a. She is Lucy. b. I like chips. c. Look at the lemons

d. I like nuts. e. He is Ben. f. He is Dan.

g. Look at the lake. h. There are pots. i. I like nuts.

pg. 1
Unit 13 In the school canteen
Exercise 3 Look and circle the correct words

a) He’s having noodles /nuts. b) She’s having nuts/ apples c) He’s having fish /chips

d) He’s having a cake / nuts e) She’s having an lemon /apple f) She’s having chips/fish

Exercise 5 Find the mistakes and correct them

a. She’s having noodles b. She’s having chips. c. He’s having rice.

He’s having noodles ………………………………….

d) She’s having a pizza. e) He’s having noodles. f) He’s having fish.

…………………………………. …………………………………. ………………………………….

pg. 2
Unit 13 In the school canteen
Exercise 5 Look and write : like or don’t like

a) I like milk. d) I ………………. juice.

b)I …………………. noodles e) I ………………. chips.

c) I …………………. cake. f)I ……………. apples.

g) I …………………. fish. h) I ……………….lemons

Exercise 6 Put the words in the correct order

a) I – chips – like
b) is – Lucy – having – noodles
c) He – having – is – nuts
d) noodles – Dan – likes
e) lemons – She – likes
f) chips – Ben – having – is
g) She – apples – likes

pg. 3
Unit 13 In the school canteen
Exercise 7 Look and complete the sentences

a) Nam’s having noodles. He isn’t having fish

b) …………………………………………………….

c) …………………………………………………….

d) …………………………………………………….
Exercise 8 Read and write
He She They

a) ………………are having rice. b) ………………is having chips.

c) ………………is having chicken. d) ………………is having chips.

pg. 4
Unit 13 In the school canteen
Exercise 9 Circle the beginning sound

a b c a b c k l m e f g

l m n f h g j k l e f g

Exercise 10 Write the beginning letter for each picture :

pg. 5
Unit 14 In the toy shop
Exercise 1 Look and write
tiger Tony turtle teddy bear

……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

Exercise 2 Look and circle the correct words

a) tiger a) teddy bear a) ball

b) car b) turtle b) car

c) bear c) hippo c) robot

a) plane a) robot a) tiger

b) car b) ball b) teddy bear

c) tiger c) car c) car

pg. 1
Unit 14 In the toy shop
Exercise 3 Look and write

Yes, it is. No, it isn’t

a) Is it a robot ? b) Is it a teddy bear ? c) Is it a turtle ?

………………………… ………………………… …………………………

d) Is it a ball ? e) Is it a robot ? f) Is it a car ?

………………………… ………………………… …………………………
Exercise 4 Look and write

a) I can see a teddy bear. b) …………………………….. c) …………………………….

d) ……………………………. e) ……………………………. f) …………………………….

pg. 2
Unit 14 In the toy shop
Exercise 5 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) I can see a turtle. c) I can see a ball. d) I can see a turtle.

b) I can see a car. e) I can see a robot. f) I can see Nick.

Exercise 6 Look and write
Yes, I can. No , I can’t.

a) Can you see a turtle ? b) Can you see a car ? c) Can you see a ball ?
No , I can’t. …………………………. ………………………….

d) Can you see a robot ? e) Can you see a tiger ? f) Can you see Tony ?
…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….

pg. 3
Unit 14 In the toy shop
Exercise 7 Put the words in the correct order
a) see – a – I - can – ball
b) I – teddy bear – can – see – a
c) a – tiger – I – can – see
d) Tony – see – I – can
e) see – I – can – Tim
f) turtle – can – I – see – a
g) I – a car – can – see
h) can – see – Dan – I
Exercise 8 Read and color

a. I can see a blue ball. b. I can see a brown teddy bear. c. I can see a green turtle .

pg. 4
Unit 14 In the toy shop
Exercise 9 Circle the beginning sound

s t u m n o l m n

l m n f g h g h i

Exercise 10 Write the beginning letter for each picture :

pg. 5
Unit 15 At the football match
Exercise 1 Look and write
foot father football face flag

………………… ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

Exercise 2 Look and circle the correct words

a) father a) head a) face

b) foot b) hair b) foot

c) football c) face c) hand

a) flag a) hair a) foot

b) father b) hand b) football

c) foot c) foot c) face

pg. 1
Unit 15 At the football match
Exercise 3 Look and tick ( ) or cross ()

a) They’re watching football. b) He’s holding a flag. c) Touch your head.

d) Touch your face. e) Touch your foot. f) She’s holding a flower.

Exercise 4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences

a) My father’s playing ………………. b) Touch your………………. c) Touch your………………

d) She’s holding a ………………. e) He’s ………………. flag. f) Touch your……………….

pg. 2
Unit 15 At the football match
Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order
a) mother – The – has – face – a – lovely
b) watching – is – The – father – football
c) Touch – face – your
d) Nick’s – a flag – holding
e) foot – Touch – your
f) is – my – This – face
g) a book – holding – Tony’s
Exercise 6 Look and circle the correct words.

a) Touch your head/face. b) Touch your hand/ nose.

c) Touch your head /foot. d) She’s holding a book/ball.

e) He’s holding a car /flag. f) She’s holding a book/flag

pg. 3
Unit 15 At the football match
Exercise 7 Look at each picture . Circle the letter that makes the beginning

s t u m n o l m n

e f g f g h g h i

e m f e f g m n o

Exercise 8 Circle the right pictures :




pg. 4
Unit 16 Doing the housework
Exercise 1 Look and write
washing window Wendy water

…………………………. …………………………. …………………………. ………………………….

Exercise 2 Look and match

a) Look at the window.

b) I can see Windy.

c) Look at the white cat .

d) He’s washing the window.

e) I can see water.

pg. 1
Unit 16 Doing the housework
Exercise 3 Read and circle the correct words

a)She’s washing / watching TV. b) He’s washing his hands / foot.

c) She’s next to the window /water. d) I can see Tony/ Wendy.

Exercise 4 Put the words in the correct order
a) can – Wendy – I
b) I – a window – can – see
c) water – I – can – see
d) Look – the – white cat – at
e) He’s – the – window – washing
f) football – My father’s – watching

pg. 2
Unit 16 Doing the housework
Exercise 5 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) He’s washing the window. b) They’re washing the window.

c) Look at the flag . d) They’re watching football.

Exercise 6 Look at each picture . Circle the letter that makes the beginning

s t u m n o l m n

u v w f g h g h i

e m f e f g u v w

pg. 3
Unit 16 Doing the housework
Exercise 7 Circle the odd one out

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.
a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.
a. b. c.

pg. 4
Unit 17 At the birthday party
Exercise 1 Look and write
Peter present pizza popcorn pasta

……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

Exercise 2 Look and match

a) Let’s have pizza.

b) There is a present.

c) Let’s have pasta.

d) Let’s have popcorn.

e) I can see Peter.

pg. 1
Unit 17 At the birthday party
Exercise 3 Read and write
present birthday party Peter popcorn pasta

a) Today is Anna’s …………….. b) This is my ………………… d) I’m ……………………

c) Let’s have ……………………… d) Let’s have …………………… f) There is a ……………today.

Exercise 4 Put the words in the correct order

a) have - pasta - Let’s
b) popcorn - Let’s – have
c) Let’s – chips – have
d) pizza – have – Let’s
e) chips – I – like
f) Today – Peter’s birthday – is
g) Peter – having – is – a party

pg. 2
Unit 17 At the birthday party
Exercise 5 Read and tick () or cross ()

a) Let’s have chips. b) Let’s have pizza. c) Let’s have pasta.

d) Let’s have pizza. e) Let’s have pasta. f) There is a ball.

Exercise 6 Read and circle the correct words

1) I see a ………… 2) Touch your ……… 3) I can see …………

a) tiger b) turtle a) face b) head a) Mary b) Wendy

4) She’s having ………… 5) Let’s have ………… 6) Look at the …………

a) rice b) pasta a) pasta b) chips a) lake b) leaf

pg. 3
Unit 17 At the birthday party
Exercise 7 Look at each picture . Circle the letter that makes the beginning

w t u w f p t f w

m n l f n l m n l

n o p u v w f g h

Exercise 8 Look and color

pg. 4
Unit 18 In the countryside
Exercise 1 Look and write
rabbit river road rainbow

……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

rain _ _ _ ___d ra _ _ _ _ ri _ _ _

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) I can see a road.

b) I can see a rabbit.

c) I can a rainbow.

d) I can see a river.

pg. 1
Unit 18 In the countryside
Exercise 4 Read and write
sky road rabbit

a) I can see a rainbow across the …………………..

b) Can you see a river near the …………………..

c) Can you see a ………………….. in the field.

Exercise 5 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) I can see a road. b) I can see a rainbow. c) I can see a rabbit.

d) I can see a river. e) I can see a present. e) I can see a desk.

f) I can see a flag. g) I can see a tiger. h) I can see a leaf.

pg. 2
Unit 18 In the countryside
Exercise 6 Put the words in the correct order
a) can – I – see – a – road.
b) I – a – river – can – see
e) rainbow – I – can – see – a
f) a – see – can- robot – I
g) rabbit – I – can – see – a
h) window – I – can – see – a
i) flag – can – see – I – a
Exercise 7 Look and write
Yes, I can. No , I can’t

a) Can you see a river ? b) Can you see a desk ? c) Can you see a rabbit ?

d) Can you see a road ? e) Can you see a turtle ? f) Can you see a rainbow ?

pg. 3
Unit 18 In the countryside
Exercise 8 Circle the odd one out :
a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

Exercise 9 Look at each picture . Circle the letter that makes the beginning

w t u w f p t f w

u t r f n l w r t

n o p u v w f g h

pg. 4
Unit 19 At the sea
Exercise 1 Look and write
sand sail singing sea

……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

s__ _ _ nging sa _ _ _ _ il

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) I can see the sea.

b) I’m singing.

c) I can see the sand.

d) I can see a sail

pg. 1
Unit 19 At the sea
Exercise 4 Read and circle the correct words

a) She is singing / swimming. b) They are singing /swimming.

c) It’s sunny / rainy d) Look at the lake / sand

ê) Look at the sky / sun. f) Look at the sand / sea.

Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order

a) see – sea – I – can – the
b) I – sail – can – see – a
c) the – I – can – see – sand
d) They – singing – are – the – sand - on
e) Look – the – at – sky
f) sun – Look – at – the

pg. 2
Unit 19 At the sea
Exercise 6 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) Look at the river. a) Look at the sun. c) I can see a sail.

d) She’s running. e) He’s swimming. f) I can the sand.

Exercise 7 Circle the r’s :

pg. 3
Unit 19 At the sea
Exercise 8 Look at each picture . Circle the letter that makes the beginning

w t u w f p t f w

u t r r s w w r t

n o p u v w r s w

Exercise 9 Color by number

1 = green

1= blue

3= purple

4= grey

5= pink

6 = orange

pg. 4
Unit 20 On the field
Exercise 1 Look and write
Kate kitten bike kite

……………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

_ _ tten ki _ _ bi _ _ _ _ ate

Exercise 3 Look and match

a) She is Kate.

b) She’s riding a bike.

c) I can see a kitten.

d) I can see a kite.

pg. 1
Unit 20 On the field
Exercise 4 Read and circle the correct words

a) She is singing / swimming. b) He’s flying / fly a kite.

c) She’s riding a bike /car. d) He’s sing / singing.

ê) He / She is reading a book. f) He’s playing with a kitten / rabbit.

Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order

a) see –– I – can – Kate
b) She – a bike – is – riding.
c) Kate – a kite – flying - is
d) kitten – The – is – playing – a leaf - with
e) He – a book – is - reading

pg. 2
Unit 20 On the field
Exercise 6 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) I can see Kate. a) She’s singing. c) He’s swimming.

d) She’s running. e) She’s riding a bike. f) He’s flying a kite.

Exercise 7 Read and complete the sentences

a) He’s …………… a bike. b) ……… is singing. c) He’s flying a ………

d) She …………. singing. e) He is ………………. f) I’m……………..

pg. 3
Unit 20 On the field
Exercise 8 Look at each picture . Circle the letter that makes the beginning

w t u k l m t f w

u t r r s w w r t

n o p u v w k l m

Exercise 9 Circle the odd one out :

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

pg. 4
Unit 1 In the park
Exercise 4 Look and complete the sentences

Exercise 5 Look and match

1) Hi , I’m Bill.


2) It’s a book.


3) Hi , I’m Ba.


4) It’s a ball.

pg. 2
Unit 1 In the park
Exercise 6 Look and circle the correct words

a) book a) bird a) bee

b) bee b) ball b) book

a) ball a) bird a) ball

b) apple b) book b) bed

Exercise 7 Trace

pg. 3
Unit 1 In the park
Exercise 8 Find and color Ba, Bill , the ball and book.

Exercise 8 Color by numbers

1 = yellow

2= blue

3= green

4= red

5= orange

6 = grey

pg. 4

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