Review Lipid Shortenings

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Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048


Lipid shortenings: a review

Baljit S. Ghotra, Sandra D. Dyal, Suresh S. Narine*
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, Agri-Food Materials Science Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2P5

Received 14 August 2002; accepted 27 August 2002

A critical introduction to lipid shortening systems is provided. The review covers types, formulations, functionality, and proces-
sing conditions required for the production of lipid shortening systems. Furthermore, lipid shortenings and their production are
placed within the context of recent advances in the areas of crystallization, structural elucidation, and mechanical modeling of fat
crystal networks in general. The various unit operations involved in the production of lipid shortenings are examined in light of the
evolution of structure (both at the crystalline and microstructural levels) and derived physical functionality.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fat crystal networks; Lipids; Shortenings; Crystallization; Hydrogenation; Interesterification; Physical properties; Mechanical modeling


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1016

2. History of margarine/shortening production ........................................................................................................................... 1017

3. Shortening ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1017

4. Functions of shortening ........................................................................................................................................................... 1018

5. Types of shortening.................................................................................................................................................................. 1018

5.1. All-purpose shortening .................................................................................................................................................... 1018
5.2. Fluid shortenings............................................................................................................................................................. 1019
5.3. Cake shortening............................................................................................................................................................... 1019
5.4. Icing shortening ............................................................................................................................................................... 1020
5.5. Filler fat shortenings ....................................................................................................................................................... 1020
5.6. Bread shortening ............................................................................................................................................................. 1021
5.7. Frying shortening ............................................................................................................................................................ 1021
5.8. Pie crust shortening ......................................................................................................................................................... 1022
5.9. Pastry shortening............................................................................................................................................................. 1022
5.10. Confectioner’s fat ............................................................................................................................................................ 1022
5.11. Dry shortenings ............................................................................................................................................................... 1022

6. Classification of oils and fats ................................................................................................................................................... 1022

7. Polymorphism and microstructure ........................................................................................................................................... 1025

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-780-492-9081; fax: +1-780-492-

E-mail address: [email protected] (S.S. Narine).

0963-9969/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0963-9969(02)00163-1
1016 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

8. Crystallization .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1030

9. Formulation and blending ....................................................................................................................................................... 1035

10. Processing................................................................................................................................................................................. 1036

10.1. Hydrogenation................................................................................................................................................................. 1036
10.2. Manufacturing................................................................................................................................................................. 1039
10.3. Tempering and effects of emulsifiers................................................................................................................................ 1041
10.4. Interesterification............................................................................................................................................................. 1041

11. Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1043

References ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1043

1. Introduction The production of shortenings is integrally related to

the types of fats and oils used, and to the way in which
The word ‘fats’ refers to the lipid food group, and is these fats and oils crystallize and form solid networks.
used to mean both fats and oils. More than 50% of our This is due to the fact that the solid crystalline fat net-
normal fat intake is in the form of ‘invisible’ fat; i.e. works are responsible for delivering the macroscopic
unseparated oil and fats in foods such as grains, nuts, physical functionalities expected from the various types
dairy products, eggs, meat, etc. (FAO, 1977). In such of shortening systems; by the way they melt, the hard-
natural food products, which include vegetable oils and ness and compliance of the network, and even the con-
fats, the lipid content and composition are more or less sistency and particulate nature of the network. Section 6
fixed, with minor variations depending on the season. of the review provides a number of classification
Therefore, the nutritional and functional properties due schemes for fats and oils. These range from molecular
to the lipid content of these natural food products are classification, classification by source, by crystal type or
also fixed. Shortenings and margarines are tailored fat polymorph, and by end use. It has been established for
systems whose nutritional and functional properties decades, that due to the polymorphic nature of fat
have been manipulated in order to deliver specific con- crystal networks, and the fact that the various poly-
sumer needs. In fats such as margarine and shortening, morphs formed by the same ensemble of fat molecules
the functional characteristics of natural fat systems have can demonstrate significantly different physical proper-
been modified to provide desirable consistency and ties, that it is important to control the crystal type and
keeping quality in the end product. These modified fats habit of shortening systems. Therefore, Section 7 is a
offer special functional utility to baking, confectionery, short review and description of the polymorphism of fat
and cooking applications. Being one of the most flexible networks, and the way they may impact shortening
basic food ingredients, it is expected that the use of functionality. More recently, researchers have accumu-
shortening and margarine will continue to grow. lated immense evidence which establishes that the
Such modified fat systems have to satisfy a host of microstructure of shortening systems not only play a
physical functionality and health/nutritional require- pivotal role in determining the physical properties of fat
ments. These types of requirements are sometimes at crystal networks and therefore shortening systems, but
odds with each other in terms of the ingredients that are also that the microstructure of a fat crystal network
required to deliver specific functionality. In this manner, from the same ensemble of molecules can be drastically
potentially harmful hydrogenated fats are common different due to differences in the way the system is
ingredients required for consistency, whilst those health processed and stored. Section 7 therefore also includes a
enhancing triacylglycerols (TAGs) such as oleic acid short review of the microstructural level of structure of
and other essential fatty acids (Oomah & Mazza, 1999) fat crystal networks. The theory of crystallization is
must also be included (and do not always aid in the central to an understanding of the reasons why and
consistency requirements). processing pathways via which the polymorphism and
This review attempts to provide the reader with a hierarchical structure of the fat network is established.
comprehensive introduction to shortening systems. The Therefore, Section 8 provides a short introduction to
review is organized thus; Section 2 provides a brief the fundamental phenomena governing crystallization
chronology of the development of shortenings, Sections in general, and a short review of the area of fat crystal-
3 and 4 provide the definition and description of the lization in particular. This section hopefully will provide
functions of shortening systems, and Section 5 provides the reader with an appreciation of the complexity of the
an introduction to the many different types of short- crystallization process, especially as it applies to fat
enings; their specific functions and typical formulations. crystallization and its effect on subsequent network for-
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1017

mation at higher levels of structure. Section 9 deals with techniques for refining fats and oils were developed, and
formulation and blending of shortening systems, whilst fatty raw materials such as cottonseed oil, corn oil,
Section 10 is a discussion of the processing considera- coconut oil, soybean oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil
tions that are important in producing shortenings. In began to be used. A process for the liquid-phase hydro-
particular hydrogenation, actual manufacturing para- genation of oils was patented by Norman in 1903
meters, tempering, the effects of emulsifiers, and the use (Manderstam, 1939) and this title was passed to the
of interesterification techniques are reviewed. No British firm Joseph Crossfield and Sons (Mattil, 1964b).
attempt is made to exhaustively examine any of the par- In 1909, Procter and Gamble Company acquired the
ticular areas as this is neither within the scope nor intent American rights to the Crossfield patents. Soon after
of this review. An exhaustive review of any of the topics that (in 1911) Procter and Gamble Company introduced
covered, for example, interesterification, would take its hydrogenated shortening, ‘Crisco’, on the market.
much more space than this entire introductory review, Since then, hydrogenation was employed by every pro-
and in fact such works already exist in the literature. ducer of shortening/margarine (Mattil, 1964b). This
technological advancement, in general, can be regarded
as the renaissance of the margarine and shortenings
2. History of margarine/shortening production industries. Until 1940, margarine carried a negative
implication as a cheap butter substitute. The Food and
The following is a brief chronological review of some Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States pub-
of the highlights of the development of the shortening/ licized a standard of identity for margarines in 1941.
margarine industry. The development of margarines This gave margarine the status of a food substance in its
and shortenings are interlinked. Technological develop- own right. Further innovations in the techniques of
ment in the production of one greatly influenced the processing such as bleaching, deodorization, fractiona-
other. Shortenings, as they are known today, gradually tion, winterization, and refining of raw oils and fats,
evolved as a result of a combination of economic fac- together with the mechanization of the processing
tors, technological developments, and competitive industry, have increased the ability of the industry to
endeavor. meet specific functional and nutritional requirements. In
Attempts to produce a replacement product for butter addition to processing techniques, important quality
started in Europe during the middle of the nineteenth improvements were achieved by genetic engineering of oil
century, mainly due to the high prices for butter. The crops (e.g. by breeding rapeseed into canola, which is
first acceptable butter substitute was produced by the almost free of erucic acid and is also free of undesirable
French chemist Mege Mouries in 1869, on commission sulfur compounds; El-Shattory, deMan, & deMan, 1981).
from Emperor Napolean (Andersen & Williams, 1965a;
Chrysam, 1985). The tallow fraction he used proved to
be a very good raw material in providing desirable con- 3. Shortening
sistency and favorable melting behavior in the mouth.
Soon after the introduction of the first butter substitute Shortenings are fats formulated from oil and base oil
on the market, several inventors patented various (often with a plasticizer and an emulsifier) (Mattil,
modifications of Mouries’ process. In the beginning, 1964a). Shortenings are considered quasi-plastic mate-
lard was used as a primary shortening agent owing to rials, but this alone is not enough to define shortenings.
the relatively easy processing requirements to produce Their name is derived from the ‘shortness’ they impart
an acceptable consistency (Bodman, James, & Rini, to the food products they are contained within. The
1951; Chrysam, 1985; Weiss, 1983). It was not until the term ‘shortening’ refers to the ability of a fat to lubri-
middle and later parts of the nineteenth century, when cate, weaken, or shorten the structure of food compo-
world demand for edible fats increased, that serious nents so that they function in a characteristic way to
attention was given to the development of alternatives provide desirable textural properties to a food product.
for lard. One such substitute was developed in the Uni- In a baked product, without shortening, gluten and
ted States of America by Roudebush in 1873. Roude- starch particles adhere to each other and give the sen-
bush used tallow, softened by adding an edible oil such sation of hardness and toughness when chewed (Mattil,
as cottonseed oil, and churned the melted fat mixture 1964a). However, if shortening is present, the fat breaks
with fresh milk or cream to prepare a substitute to lard the continuity of the protein and starch structure. This
(Andersen & Williams, 1965a). Mouries’ American enables the lubrication of gluten particles, which pro-
patent was granted in December 1873 and was acquired duces a tender and well-aerated bakery product (Chry-
by the United States Dairy Company who began short- sam, 1985; Mattil, 1964a). In frying applications,
ening manufacture in the United States. After 1873, shortenings allow for quick, uniform heat transfer dur-
shortening production reflects mostly American devel- ing cooking, and aids in the formation of a moisture
opments. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, barrier (Chrysam, 1985).
1018 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

4. Functions of shortening Marangoni, 1999b), but the reader will be introduced to

fat nomenclature as part of this review.
Shortenings induce a number of desirable functions in
bakery foods (Andersen & Williams, 1965b; Chrysam,
1985; Pyler, 1952; Weiss, 1983). These are as follows: 5. Types of shortening

 tenderness and texture; ‘Shortening’ when classified by its end use, may also
 mouth feel; refer to products that are not 100% fat. In some appli-
 structural integrity; cations, such as puff pastry manufacturing, water-in-oil
 lubrication; emulsions are the shortening agents of choice. Short-
 incorporation of air; enings fall into a number of categories which are deter-
 heat transfer; and mined by the functional requirements of the product.
 extended shelf life. Many shortening functions are described by the indus-
try in terms of the solid fat content (SFC) profiles.
Three factors have traditionally been attributed with Typical SFC profiles of shortening systems are sum-
the determination of the ability of a particular fat or oil marized in Table 1.
shortening to perform one or more of the previous
functions. These are: 5.1. All-purpose shortening

1. The ratio of the solid phase to the liquid phase of These are manufactured with or without emulsifiers.
the shortening. The unemulsified shortenings are especially suitable for
2. The plasticity of the shortening. cookies, crackers, and frying. All purpose emulsified
3. The oxidative stability of the shortening. shortenings contain five to eight percent of mono- and
di-glycerides of intermediate Iodine Value (I.V.) (Weiss,
However, in this review article it will be discussed that 1983). Iodine value measures the degree of unsaturation
a host of additional variables combine in a complex in fats). These shortenings are used primarily for icing,
manner to define the solid/liquid ratios and plasticity of cakes, etc. where creaming performance (i.e. the incor-
shortenings. For example, the size and shape of the poration of air into the shortening system) is most
aggregates of microstructural elements, the shape of desired. This type of shortening may be prepared by
crystal aggregates (microstructural elements), the spatial partial hydrogenation of a base oil to an I.V. of between
distribution of the solid phase, and the crystallization 65 and 80. It may also be prepared by blending oils that
kinetics under a particular set of processing conditions have been hydrogenated to a low SFI and low I.V.,
are all important variables that can affect solid/liquid added to approximately 10% long chain saturated fats
ratios and plasticity. The nomenclature mentioned ear- (such as stearins) or flakes (highly hydrogenated base
lier have previously been developed (Narine & oil; e.g. fully hydrogenated soybean) (Chrysam, 1985).

Table 1
Typical SFC values for US margarines

Types of shortening Solids % at Solids % Solids % Solids % Solids % Solids %

10  C at 21.1  C at 26.7  C at 33.3  C at 37.8  C at 40  C

Stick margarine5 28 16 12 2–3 0 NR

Soft tub products5 13 8 6 2 0 NR
Liquid oil + 5% hard fat5 7 6 6 5.4 4.8 NR
Baker’s margarine5 27 18 16 12 8 NR
Roll-in margarines5 29 24 22 16 12 NR
All purpose shortening2 23 19 NR 14 NR 11
26 19 NR 13 NR 7
Modified lard1 25 11 9 6 3 NR
Lard1 25 20 12 4 2 NR
Icing shortening6 34 28 27 22 18 NR
Pie crust shortening4 23 20 18 12 NR 4
Fluid shortening7 8 8 NR 7 NR 6
Frying fats2 42 29 NR 13 NR 3
Filler fat3 44 30 25 13 NR 2.5
Puff pastry5 26 24 23 22 21 NR
NR 21 20 16 15 NR

NR=Not Reported. 1Weiss, 1983; 2Chrysam, 1985; 3Chrysam, 1985; 4Cochran, 1981; 5Wiedermann, 1978; 6Chrysam, 1985; 7Gawrilow, 1980.
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1019

The melting point of any fat system employed as a crystallization include oxidized polymerized oils (brown
shortening should be below body temperature to pre- oils), fatty acid esters of dextrin, fatty acid esters of dis-
vent a greasy mouth feel (as in the case of table mar- accharides (such as sucrose esters), fatty acid esters of
garines). Monoglycerides, lactylated monoglycerides, polyglycols, and sorbitol (higher alcohols). Air incor-
propylene glycol esters, lecithin, polyglycerol esters, poration in this type of shortening should be minimized
polysorbate 60, and sodium stearoyl lactylate are the for good performance; since small air bubbles will
most commonly used emulsifiers in shortenings (Chry- associate with the crystals present and cause these to
sam, 1985; Weiss, 1983). Fig. 1 shows the chemical rise towards the surface resulting in a non-homogenous
structure of some of these common emulsifiers (Wan, product (Chrysam, 1985; Gillies, 1974).
1990). Gawrilow (1973) provided the formulation for a
typical multipurpose shortening (Table 2). 5.3. Cake shortening

5.2. Fluid shortenings Cakes with enhanced physical functionality are made
by the use of super glycerinated shortenings (Chrysam,
Because of the significant convenience in storing, 1985). These contain added mono- and di-glycerides as
pumping, and metering fluid shortening, there is a con- emulsifiers. Mono- and di-glycerides possess marked
stantly increasing demand for the production of these surface activity due to their content of both oil loving
liquid-shortening systems. Fluid shortenings comprise a (lipophilic) and water loving (hydrophilic) groups.
relatively small (less than or equal to 15 micron) and Saturated monoglycerides are preferred for cakes
stable beta crystalline phase in a fat network (more on because these form complexes with the amylose fraction
crystalline classification and characteristics are included of starch; which lead to softer crumbs and longer shelf
later in this review). A typical formulation is comprised life (Krog, 1977). If the original batter contains many
of a hard fat (e.g. lard) and an emulsifier (e.g. lecithin) small air cells, the final cake will have a larger volume
and is processed through slow cooling of the melted fat and a fine (close) grain. If the original air bubbles are
accompanied by slow agitation (Chrysam, 1985; fewer and larger, the final cake will have a smaller
Gutcho, 1979). The product formed retains its fluid volume and a coarse (open) grain. The cake shortening
state for extended periods. Lecithin in the formulation plays a large role in determining the degree of distribu-
acts as a crystal inhibitor. It prevents co-crystallization tion of the air in batter.
between liquid and solid triglyceride components when In cake shortening, the fat system, typically composed
the system is subjected to slow cooling. Examples of the of soybean oil base stock and cottonseed oil hard stock
types of crystal inhibitors effective in preventing co- (fully hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated), undergoes

Fig. 1. Chemical structures of common emulsifiers (Wan, 1990).

1020 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Table 2 and aeration. High melting fats are used in icing short-
Formulaton for a multipurpose shortening (Gawrilow, 1973) ening in order to impart body over an extended tem-
Tallow 65.6% perature range (Chrysam, 1985). For good aeration and
Cottonseed oil 21.9% stability, mono- and di-glycerides are added (2–4% w/w
Monoglycerides & diglycerides 6.2% of the shortening). Improvement in aeration is observed
Triglycerol monostearate 4% by the addition of hydrophilic emulsifiers such as poly-
Lecithin 1%
sorbates or polyglycerol esters to icing shortenings (Chry-
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate 1.3%
sam, 1985). These hydrophilic emulsifiers also improve
melt-in-the-mouth characteristic (Chrysam, 1985).
a crystalline phase change from beta-prime to beta crys-
tals under widely fluctuating temperature conditions. A 5.5. Filler fat shortenings
reduction in cake baking performance results from such
changes. This happens because the large plates of solid Filler is a name given to the composition used in
fat, associated withbeta crystals, are much less effective bakery products where one layer of a filler mixture is
in entrapping dispersed air. Plastic shortenings, in the inserted between two horizontal pieces of cookies or
unstable beta-prime phase when prepared, are more wafers in a sandwich fashion. A filler fat is one of the
desirable over those plastic shortenings which are in the ingredients present in the formulation of a filler mixture.
stable beta phase. Filler fats should be quite firm in order to provide sup-
Canola oil has successfully replaced hydrogenated port for the fragile cookies. At the same time, it should
shortening in layer cakes when used with appropriate not snap or squeeze out when pressed or broken (Chry-
levels of water and an emulsifier system of mono- sam, 1985). For this reason, filler shortenings must have
glycerides, polysorbate 60, and sodium stearoyl lactylate a high solid content at room temperature so that it does
(Vaisey-Genser, Ylimaki, & Johnston, 1987). In recent not slide when the cookie is eaten. The fat must melt
years, emulsifier research has enabled the production of completely at mouth temperature so as not to induce a
cake shortenings that depend very little on structure or waxy mouth feel. The SFC profile of a good filler fat is
Solid Fat Content (SFC) of the TAG portion (Gillies, significantly steeper than the SFC profile of an all-pur-
1974). A typical formulation for such a shortening has pose bakery shortening (as shown in Fig. 2). The steeper
been reported in the literature (Gillies, 1974; Matsui, curve represents a good filler fat. A good filler fat has a
Tomita et al., 1971) and shown in Table 3. The liquid short plastic range with high SFC at low temperature
TAG used in the formulation was soybean oil, cottonseed and approximately zero SFC at 40  C. A small percen-
oil, rapeseed oil, or a mixture of any of these. The solid tage of hard fat is sometimes added to ensure quick set
TAG used in the formulation was obtained by hydro- after the filler mixture is deposited on the cookie (Weiss,
genating soybean oil, cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil, corn 1983). Another requirement for a good filler fat is sta-
oil, or an animal oil or fat. The product obtained from bility at higher temperatures without oiling out or
such a formulation has favorable baking properties for use sticking; since this makes the products unappealing
in any cake-making process. In addition, the shortening (Gillies, 1974). A typical filler fat has a formulation
has considerable fluidity which makes it easy to handle containing partially hydrogenated fat (lard and tallow)
even at lower working temperatures such as 5  C. with a high content of carbon-18 fatty acids and a
vegetable oil (coconut oil and palm kernel oil) contain-
5.4. Icing shortening ing high proportions of lauric acid (Kidger, 1966).
Typically, a ratio of 60:40 of partially hydrogenated fat
Cream icings contain sugar, water, and up to 40% to vegetable oil is used. Weiss (1966) reported that
shortening. These icings are dependent on the SFC in the addition of 1–5% emulsifier (higher fatty acids esters of
shortening for their consistency. It is important to use a polyglycerols) based on the shortening composition
beta-prime stable shortening for producing smoothness imparts good properties to the filler shortening.

Table 3
Formulation for a cake shortening (Gillies, 1974; Matsui et al., 1971)

Vegetable liquid triglyceride 80–90%

Solid triglycerides 0.5–4%
Glyceride mono- &/or di-fatty acid esters 0–3%
Propylene glycol mono & di-fatty acid esters 8–16%
Lecithin 0.1–2%
Polyoxyethyelene glycol mono-% & or di-fatty acid esters 0–5%
Cane sugar fatty acid ester 0–5%
Glyceryl lactic mono- &/or di-fatty acid esters 0–5%
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1021

undergone by a fat or oil.) Fats and oils from different

sources have different levels of stability under such
conditions. A large number of factors influence the
deterioration of frying fat (Paul & Mittal, 1996; Sinram
& Hartman, 1989):

1. The turnover rate of the fat. (Defined as the

number of times the same oil is used for food
frying purposes).
2. The type of the food material (e.g. its moisture
3. The type of the frying process.
Fig. 2. Steep and flat SFC profiles [Steeper curve represents a filler fat
4. The operating condition of a frying process (e.g.
(data plotted from Chrysam (1985)]. [Flat curve represents an icing fat exposure to moisture, oxygen, etc.).
(data plotted from Chrysam (1985)]. 5. Temperature.
6. Degree of unsaturation of the frying fat.
5.6. Bread shortening
The most important characteristics for a good frying
These shortenings have a wide plastic range at room shortening are flavor stability, frying stability, and oxi-
temperature. The term ‘plastic’ implies a solid, non-fluid, dative stability (Covington & Unger, 1999). Unhy-
non-pourable, and non-pumpable shortening at room drogenated oil may be used if the turnover rate is high.
temperature. A typical formulation of a plastic short- Shortening containing significant levels of linoleic acid
ening is shown in Table 4 (Gillies, 1974; Nelson, 1969). (as in unhydrogenated soybean oil) should not be used
The average shortening content in a bread formula- for frying purposes. Unsaturated fatty acids are very
tion is about 3% based on flour weight. Bread dough is unstable in terms of oxidation and their incorporation
formed after mixing flour, shortening, yeast, water, salt, in food decreases the shelf life of the fried product.
and other ingredients of importance. The bread dough Corn, sunflower, and cottonseed oils are the most sui-
is then mixed, and the mixing results in aeration of the table oils for frying purposes (Chrysam, 1985). Some-
bread dough due to the viscoelastic nature of the dough what higher stability is achieved by using less
(Elmehdi, 2001). Shortening has the function of provid- polyunsaturated liquid oils such as peanut, palm-olein,
ing lubrication in the process of dough mixing. Doughs or low linoleic sunflower oil. High smoke point is
are then molded, and panned (sheeted), then placed in a another prerequisite for frying fats (Black & Mattil,
proofing cabinet for ‘proofing’. Proofing increases the 1951). (Smoke point is defined as the temperature at
volume of the dough by allowing the gluten to regain its which a fat gives off thin continuous wisps of smoke
elasticity and the yeast to produce gas. It is during when heated under specified conditions.) Hydrogenated
proofing that dough rises. The proofing is done at lauric fats are also used for frying but are only suitable
37.5  C for 70 min (Elmehdi, 2001). Presence of suffi- for low moisture and low temperature frying. The extent
cient SFC in the shortening is necessary to strengthen to which the solid fat content of the shortening affects
the dough and therefore provide gas retention during the palatability of the food depends on the temperature
these initial stages of baking. Too much fat can inhibit range over which food is to be consumed and the
rising of dough during proofing. amount of fat normally absorbed by the food. Because
deep frying shortenings are present on the surface of
5.7. Frying shortening foods, a high melting point can cause a greasy or waxy
taste in the mouth. Due to this reason, snack food
An increase in temperature dramatically raises the should be fried in a low-melting point fat (Chrysam,
rate at which fatty acids react with oxygen, promoting 1985). Chrysam (1985) also stated that use of coconut
rancidity, and therefore raising the peroxide value. oil results in a thin and non-greasy texture in a fried
(Peroxide value measures the extent of oxidation food. For this reason, coconut fat is a good frying fat.

Table 4
Formulation of a plastic shortening (Gillies, 1974; Nelson, 1969)

Partially hydrogenated blend of soybean (85%) & cottonseed (15%) oils (I.V. 75) 93.5%
Monoglyceride of vegetable oil containing fatty acid group 4.2%
Propylene glycol monostearate 1.8%
Polyoxyethylene (20), sorbitan monostearate (PH 7.0) 0.5%
1022 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Potato chips should be fried in oil containing low solids and imitation dairy products. The crystallization beha-
since fat comprises almost half of the weight of the fin- vior of cocoa butter is complex and attempts to describe
ished chip. Coated doughnuts require a high stability, it are plentiful in the literature (for a good review, see
high melting frying fat. If the SFC is too high, there will Bricknell & Hartel, 1998). Cookies and other snack
be poor adhesion of powdered sugar coatings. If the items are frequently coated with chocolate. Cocoa but-
SFC is too low, glazes will not stick and there will be ter is the fat of choice used for this purpose. The SFC
too much adhesion of powdered sugar; which may fall profile of cocoa butter is unique being very high at room
off in clumps or become oil soaked (Weiss, 1983). temperature with a sharp melting point at about 32–
35  C (as shown in Fig. 3 and Table 5). Careful tem-
5.8. Pie crust shortening pering of chocolate is necessary to obtain a covering
that is smooth and glossy. If the cocoa butter in the
In pie manufacturing, the function of the shortening is covering undergoes crystal transformation (because of
not to provide aeration but rather to provide lubricity temperature fluctuation), it takes on a dusky look
and tenderness without seriously affecting the water referred to as chocolate bloom (Bricknell & Hartel,
absorbing properties of the flour. Lard (with or without 1998; Schlichter-Aronhime & Garti, 1988; Seguine,
hydrogenated lard flakes) has been used for piecrust. 1991; Willie & Lutton, 1966). Interestingly, acetoglycer-
Flakiness of the piecrust is attributed to the grainy ides, due to their crystal habit can also be used for
crystal structure of the fat. The function of the fat is to coating purposes (Feuge, 1955). A process for making
tenderize and shorten the crust as well as to prevent confectioners fat involves an interesterification between
sogginess (Chrysam, 1985). Emulsifiers are detrimental a lauric fat (palm kernel oil, coconut oil, etc.) and one
to flakiness as they cause uniform fat dispersion. So, the or more esters of monohydric alcohols and fatty acids
SFC profile of a pie crust shortening is similar to an all- having 12, 14, and 16 carbon atoms. These fatty acids
purpose shortening for good performance. are desirable as confectioners fat as they impart brittle-
ness or snap in confections (Brown, Gooding, &
5.9. Pastry shortening Knight, 1970; Gillies, 1974).

Pastry fats must be highly structured fats with a fat 5.11. Dry shortenings
crystal matrix; which provides required spreading char-
acteristic yet retain moisture under the conditions Three kinds of dry shortenings have been reported
encountered during its extrusion onto dough. The shear (Gillies, 1974). These are pelletized fat, powdered fat,
force generated in extrusion tends to break fat/water and free flowing starch-shortenings. The pellets have a
emulsions. In a puff pastry, the shortening is layered center of soft fat surrounded by a coherent coating of a
between sheets of dough. The shortening is not mixed harder fat (Davies & Worstall, 1966). Such products are
into the unleavened flour or dough but is placed on top relatively easy to store and distribute. The powdered fat
of the dough and folded to form several alternating is non-greasy. Hayashi and Takama (1968) gave a pro-
layers of dough and fat. The fat keeps the layers of cess to manufacture powdered fat by mixing fat with
dough separate and flaky and the moisture contributes microcrystalline cellulose and water-soluble protein.
the ‘puff’ as it turns to steam during the baking process After that, the resulting mixture is emulsified and spray
(Chrysam, 1985). A continuous process for forming a dried.
pastry shortening has been developed (Gutcho, 1979; Free flowing starch-shortening compositions are
Kriz & Oszlanyi, 1976). A mixture of 70% prime steam called dry baking mixes. These are used for sweet
lard (obtained by injecting steam during rendering of dough, biscuits, cake, and piecrust mixes. Dry baking
hogs’ fat in a closed vessel) and 30% hydrogenated mixes are made by incorporating shortening into flour,
soybean oil (I.V. 82 & melting point 26.7  C) is used in sugar, non-fat milk solids, emulsifiers, and salt. Piecrust,
the formulation. The resulting mixture of fat is rear- for example, should contain about 35–45% shortening
ranged by interesterification. This shortening has a very on a dry basis. The resulting mixture should be dry to
good functionality for roll-in pastry applications while the touch and the shortening should not exude from the
providing good mouth feel in the finished baked pro- mix.

5.10. Confectioner’s fat 6. Classification of oils and fats

These fats have a short plastic range. In addition to There are many methods that may be used to place
cocoa butter, hard butter replacements (such as Kaomel, fats and oils into classes. As a result, the classification of
Temcote, and fractionated palm kernel oil) and cocoa fats and oils vary according to their end use. For short-
butter substitutes are extensively used in confectionary enings and margarines, fats may be classified by fatty
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1023

acid chain lengths, degree of unsaturation, dominant

polymorphic form, source, consumption, and those 2. A carboxylic acid group
fatty acid species which dominate that particular fat. Natural oils exhibit a wide range of physical
Vegetable oils and solid fats are not alike. Solid fats properties which are influenced by the degree of
come from both animal and plants sources and are unsaturation, the length of the carbon chain, the
usually solid at room temperature. Oils are produced isomeric form of the fatty acids, the molecular
mainly from plants and are liquid at room temperature. configurations of the TAG molecules, and the
The most common oils are extracted from seeds (saf- polymorphic state of the fat (Dziezak, 1989;
flower, sunflower, sesame, canola, flaxseed), beans (pea- Formo, Jungermann, Norris, & Sonntag, 1979b).
nut, soy), grains (corn, wheat germ), fruits (avocado,
olive), and nuts (almond, coconut, walnut, palm kernel).
Fats and oils contain mainly TAG molecules. TAGs Fats and oils are alike in that both are made up of
are formed if all of the OH groups of a glycerol mole- fatty acid molecules. These can broadly be discussed
cule [C3H5(OH)3] are esterified by fatty acid moieties under four basic types, as shown in Fig. 6. Because these
(R1, R2, and R3) as shown in Fig. 4. fatty acids differ in their molecular structure, they differ
The essential elements of fatty acid structure are sim- in their behavior during processing and in the body
ple. There are two essential features (Fig. 5): after consumption. Saturated fatty acids are shaped like
a straight line (as shown in Fig. 7). Triacylglycerides
1. A hydrocarbon chain consisting of saturated fatty acids can easily align
The chain length ranges from 4 to 30 carbons; themselves in a close packing to form a compact mass
12–24 is most common. (Charley, 1982). For instance a saturated fat is one that
The chain is typically linear and usually contains
an even number of carbons. However, in the
presence of a double bond or double bonds the
chain becomes kinked.

Table 5
Melting point ( C) and SFC values of natural fats (Weiss, 1983)

Fat Melting SFC value ( C)

point ( C)
10 21.1 26.7 33.3 37.8 Fig. 4. General chemical structure of a TAG.

Butter 36 32 12 9 3 0
Cocoa butter 29 62 48 8 0 0
Coconut oil 26 55 27 0 0 0
Lard 43 25 20 12 4 2
Palm oil 39 34 12 9 6 4
Palm kernel oil 29 49 33 13 0 0
Tallow 48 39 30 28 23 18
Fig. 5. Chemical structure of a saturated fatty acid.
1024 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Fig. 6. Classification of triacylglycerides.

stays hard at room temperature and is not easily oxi- unsaturated oils. Both require careful handling to pre-
dized. Palm kernel oil and coconut are good examples vent rancidity due to oxidation. The super-unsaturated
of the saturated fats. Monounsaturated fatty acids have fatty acids are molecules with three kinks (Fig. 7). These
a single ‘kink’ in their molecular strand (as shown in are found mostly in fish tissue and in the seeds of black
Fig. 7). Unsaturated fatty acids on the central (sn-2) or currant, evening primrose, and flax plants. These must
on the terminal (sn-3) carbon atoms of glycerol mole- be carefully protected to preserve their nutritional qua-
cule interfere with the close packing of triacylglycerides. lities.
Such disrupted packing of triacylglycerides makes crys- Fats consisting of highly saturated or long chain fatty
tal formation more difficult, thereby lowering their acids will generally have a higher melting point than
melting point and increasing their susceptibility to oxi- those possessing a high content of unsaturated or short
dative deterioration (Charley, 1982). Olive and canola chain fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids can have dif-
oils are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. Poly- ferent isomeric forms which have different melting
unsaturated fatty acids have two kinks (as shown in the points. They naturally exist in the cis-form, but can be
Fig. 7) and this makes the resulting TAGs more reactive converted into the trans-form during partial hydro-
than the TAGs comprising monounsaturated fatty genation (Dziezak, 1989). Crystalline forms in which
acids. Safflower and corn oil are well known poly- fats may exist may be categorized as alpha-, beta-, and
beta-prime. This classification will be dealt with below.
Weiss (Weiss, 1983) classified a number of fats accord-
ing to their crystallizing nature as shown in Table 6. A
large number of oils and fats are available which are
classified based on their source and consumption (Dzie-
zak, 1989; Formo, Jungermann, Norris, & Sonntag,
1979a). Below are a number of fatty acids types by
which fats are also characterized, as well as source and
consumption classifications.

1. Linolenic acid group

Oils of this group contain appreciable amounts
of linolenic acid but may also contain oleic acid
and linoleic acid. Flaxseed oil and soybean oil,
with its 7% linolenic acid content, is the best
example of this group.

2. Oleic-linoleic acid group

The examples of this group are cottonseed, olive
oil, palm, peanut, sunflower, and safflower oil.
Cottonseed oil consists of 73% of unsaturated
fatty acids. The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is a
native of West Africa. Palm oil contains equal
Fig. 7. Chemical structure of a saturated, monounsaturated, poly- amounts of saturated and unsaturated fatty
unsaturated, and superunsaturated fatty acid. acids.
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1025

Table 6 6. Milk fat

Classification of fats and oils according to crystal habit (Weiss, 1983) Wide varieties of short chain fatty acids distin-
guish butterfat from other fats. It comprises 500
Beta type Beta-prime type Alpha
separate fatty acids of which 20 are major com-
Soybean Cottonseed Acetoglycerides ponents and the remainder occur in trace quan-
Safflower Palm tities (Dziezak, 1989; Formo et al., 1979a).
Sunflower Tallow
Sesame Herring
Peanut Menhaden 7. Animal depot fats
Corn Whale These include lard (rendered from the fatty tis-
Canbra Rapeseed sues of hog) and tallow (rendered from fatty beef
Olive Milk fat (butter) tissues). Tallow is more saturated than lard and
Coconut Modified lard
Palm kernel Sardine
crystallizes in beta-prime phase (Weiss, 1970).
Cocoa butter 8. Marine oils
Marine oils include those from manheden, her-
ring, sardine, and whale. These are highly unsa-
turated oils.

3. Lauric acid group

These are the least unsaturated of all the edible
oils. The typical example for this group is coco-
nut oil (Cocos nucifera) which consists of 94% of 7. Polymorphism and microstructure
saturated fatty acids. Palm kernel oil is an
example of an oil which is less saturated com- Another important way to characterize fats and oils is
pared to coconut oil. through the predominant crystalline phase, or poly-
morph, that tend to form upon crystallization. Scientists
4. Erucic acid group have been aware of the existence of two or more distinct
The important members of this group are mus- crystalline forms of the same substance since the 1820s.
tard oil, ravison oil, and rapeseed oil. All are When the same ensemble of molecules can pack in dif-
characterized by high erucic acid (an unsaturated ferent arrangements on crystallization, depending on
22-carbon fatty acid) content (40–50%). Of the the processing conditions, the substance is said to
erucic acid group, canola, a derivative of rape- demonstrate polymorphism. The different polymorphic
seed oil, is important to the shortening industry. states of a particular substance often demonstrate quite
Canola oil is obtained from the seed of a geneti- different physical properties (such as melting behavior
cally modified relative of the mustard family and hardness), but on melting yield identical liquids. In
called the low-erucic acid rapeseed (LEAR) or fact, the first indicator ( 1849) that and acylglycerides
canola (EI-Shattory et al., 1981; Vaisey-Genser exist in different polymorphs was that these compounds
& Yalimaki, 1989). The major differences demonstrate multiple melting behavior (Chapman,
between canola and original rapeseed oil are 1962; Hagemann, 1989).
reduced levels of both glucosinolates (which The elucidation of the predominant packing arrange-
contribute to the sharp taste in mustard and ments demonstrated by TAG molecules through pri-
rapeseed) and licosenic and erucic acids (two marily X-ray diffraction is perhaps the most important
fatty acids not essential for human growth) in advancement in the academic pursuit of an under-
canola (EI-Shattory et al., 1981). ‘Canola’ is a standing of the structure of fat crystal networks, and
combination of two words, Canadian and oil. In therefore the structure and physical properties of short-
the 1970s, Canadian plant breeders produced ening and margarine systems. Therefore, it is of impor-
canola through traditional plant breeding tech- tance to acknowledge the pioneering work of Malkin
niques. Canola-based shortenings have been used and co-workers; the first group to utilize powder X-ray
in cakes, yeast breads, pastries, and cookies diffraction to demonstrate conclusively that the multiple
(Vaisey-Genser & Yalimaki, 1989). melting behavior of glycerides were due to polymorph-
ism (Clarkson & Malkin, 1934). Since then, it has
5. Vegetable butters extensively been reported that fats crystallize in different
These are highly saturated fats. A typical exam- polymorphic forms (Filer, Sidhu, Daubert, & Long-
ple is cocoa butter. It has a pleasant chocolate enecker, 1946; Garti, Wellner, & Sarig, 1981; Garti,
flavor and odor (Dziezak, 1989) and is used Welliner, & Sarig, 1982; Haighton, 1959, 1976; Hoerr,
principally in chocolate confections and candies. 1960; Krog, 1977; Kuroda & Sato, 1987; Lutton 1945,
1026 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

1950; Lutton & Jackson, 1950; Riiner, 1970, 1971a, short spacing at 0.42 nm, the beta-prime form refers to a
1971b; Rivarola, Segura, Anon, & Calvelo, 1987; orthorhombic perpendicular subcell, with Bragg short
Schlichter-Aronhime & Garti, 1988; Thomas III, 1978; spacings of 0.42–0.43 and 0.37–0.40 nm, and the beta
Wiedermann, 1978; Wilton & Wode, 1963). Malkin and form refers to a triclinic parallel subcell with a Bragg
co-workers worked with tristearin and assigned nomen- short spacing of 0.46 nm. Fig. 8(a), (b), and (c) shows
clature to the four forms they detected. However, later diagrammatic representations of the various subcell and
work by other researchers, mainly by Lutton (1945, layered structures.
1950) and Filer and co-workers (Filer et al., 1946) con- In addition to X-ray diffraction, a number of other
tested Malkin and co-workers assignation of the differ- techniques are employed in the identification of the dif-
ent polymorphic forms. Over the years, many ferent polymorphic forms. Vibrational spectroscopy has
researchers have used different terminology for describ- been used as early as the 1950s to determine fat poly-
ing the identical polymorphic forms (Chapman, 1955; morphism (Amey & Chapman, 1984; Chapman, 1960a,
Chapman, Akehust, & Wright, 1971; Kellens, Meeus- 1964; Freeman, 1968; O’Connor, DuPre, & Feuge,
sen, & Reynaers, 1992; Lovergren, Gray, & Feuge, 1955; Yano, 1998; Yano, Kaneko, Kobayashi, Kodali,
1976; Riiner, 1970; Willie & Lutton, 1966). Presently, Small, & Sata, 1997a; Yano, Kaneko, Kobayashi, &
the nomenclature suggested by Lutton & Lutton, 1950) Sata, 1997b). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) mea-
is used extensively. The basis of this nomenclature stems surements have also been used since at least the 1960s to
from short spacing structural data observed in powder study molecular mobility in polymorphs (Arishima,
X-ray diffraction of triacylglyceride crystals. Sugimoto, Kiwata, Mori, & Sato, 1996; Boceik, Ablett,
Well-described reviews of the Lutton scheme of & Norton, 1985; Calaghan & Jolly, 1977; Chapman,
nomenclature has appeared in the literature (Larsson, 1960a, 1960b; Eads, Blaurock, Bryant, Roy, & Croas-
1966; Lutton, 1950; Yano, 1998). The main structural man, 1992; Hagemann & Rothfus, 1983; Norton, Lee-
factors used to characterize the different polymorphic Tuffnel, Ablett, & Bociek, 1985). Atomic force micro-
forms are the subcell structure and the layered structure scopy has also been used as a tool to study the structure
of a TAG crystal. The subcell structure refers to the of TAGs (Birker & Blonk, 1993).
packing mode of the hydrocarbon chains of the tria- The polymorphic phase of the fat portion of a short-
cylglyceride molecules and the layered structure arises ening or margarine system affects the macroscopic phy-
out of the repetitive sequence of the acyl chains which sical properties of the system tremendously. The melting
form a unit lamella along the hydrocarbon axis. The behavior of the fat is determined by the polymorph
subcell and layered structures give rise to the short and present. The melting points of beta and beta-prime
long Bragg spacings referred to in X-ray diffraction polymorphs of some common TAGs are compared in
studies of fat polymorphism. The long spacings are Table 7 (deMan & deMan, 2001). In the case of tris-
observed around 1–15 2- (referring to the position of tearin, the melting point of the a polymorph is 53.5  C,
the X-ray detector with respect to the direction of inci- whilst that of the beta form is 73.0  C.
dence of the X-rays), and the short spacings are The shape and sizes of the crystals and crystal aggre-
observed around the 2- region of 16–25 (Gibon, Dur- gates (microstructural elements) found in a shortening
ant et al., 1986). The long spacings are dependent on the or margarine network is affected by the polymorphic
chain length and angle of tilt of the component fatty form of the crystals to a different extent in different fats
acids present in the triacylglyceride molecules. The short (Berger, Jewel, & Pollitt, 1979; Hoerr, 1960; Hoerr &
spacings are independent of the chain length (Jacobs- Waugh, 1955; Kellens et al., 1992). The level of graini-
berg & Ho, 1976). The short spacings are used to char- ness of the shortening product may therefore be attrib-
acterize the polymorphic forms and the long spacings uted in part to the polymorphic form, however, the
are used by some authors to signify polytypism. The same polymorph may have widely different micro-
three main polymorphic forms based on observations of structures (Kellens et al., 1992), leading to coarser
subcell packing are the alpha (a), beta-prime (b0 ) and aggregates of crystals and therefore increased graini-
beta (b) forms; and are listed here in order of increasing ness. The beta-prime polymorph is usually the most
thermodynamic stability or, in order of decreasing free functional in fat products, due to its small crystal size
energy. It is interesting to note that Ostwald’s law of ( 1mm) and thin, needle shaped morphology. The
intermediate stages governs the formation of poly- shapes and sizes of crystals and crystal aggregates
morphic phases of a substance during crystallization. (microstructural elements) greatly affects the macro-
This law states that the first crystal formed during crys- scopic elastic constant and hardness of the fat network
tallization possesses the highest free energy with the and therefore the shortening product (Cornily &
least thermodynamic stability. The polymorphic forms leMeste, 1985; Marangoni, 2000; Marangoni & Narine,
then go through successive modifications until the most 2001; Narine, 2000; Narine & Marangoni, 1999a, 1999b,
stable stage is reached (Albanese, 1985). The alpha form 1999c, 1999d, 1999e, 1999f, 2000, 2002a, 2002b, sub-
refers to a hexagonal subcell and demonstrates a Bragg mitted for publication)
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1027

Fig. 8. Typical subcell and layered structures.

1028 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Fig. 8. (continued).

The factors which influence the stability of a beta- palm oil has a beneficial effect on the polymorphic sta-
prime polymorph have been listed by deMan (deMan & bility of margarines and shortenings. Addition of palm
deMan, 2001): oil delays or prevents conversion of beta-prime crystals
into the beta form (Persmark, Melin, & Stahl, 1976).
1. Fatty acid chain length and diversity. Lutton (1950) investigated the polymorphism of C16–
2. TAG carbon number and diversity. C18 mixed TAGs. According to Lutton, Palmitic–Stea-
3. TAG structure. ric–Palmitic (PSP) exists in a beta-prime form, whereas
4. Presence of a specific TAG. Stearic–Palmitic–Palmitic (SPP) and Palmitic–Stearic–
5. Level of liquid oil present in a fat system. Stearic (PSS) exhibit both beta and beta-prime char-
6. Temperature fluctuation during storage. acteristics. Conversion of the beta-prime form to the
beta form results in the formation of large crystals
All of the factors, in conjunction with the processing (deMan & deMan, 2001). The polymorphic tendency of
history, affect the polymorphic behavior in general of a some major solid TAGs in margarine and shortenings
fat system. It has been reported that the addition of are summarized in Table 8 (deMan & deMan, 2001).
Hydrogenated soybean oil exhibits a beta form as well
Table 7 as several intermediate forms of crystals (deMan,
Melting points of beta and beta-prime polymorphs of some common deMan, & Blackman, 1989). DeMan and coworkers
TAGs (deMan et al., 1989) observed the polymorphic behavior
TAG Beta-prime polymorph in  C Beta polymorph in  C of hard fats dissolved in canola oil at the levels of 20%,
50% and 80%. All of the hard fat mixtures resulted in
PPP 56.7 66.2 the beta form of crystal except palm which showed sta-
SSS 64.2 73.5
PSP 68.8 –
bility of the beta-prime crystal form. The palmitic acid
POP 30.5 45.3 content of some fats and oils are tabulated in Table 9
SOS 36.7 41.2 (deMan & deMan, 2001; Kamel, 1992).
SOO 8.8 23.7 The polymorphism, crystallization, formulation, and
OOO 11.8 5.1 processing of palm oil has been commented upon and
LOO 28.3 23.3
studied extensively (Duns, 1985; Kawamura, 1979; Rii-
LLO 3.02 25.2
ner, 1971a; Timms, 1985; Yap, deMan, & deMan, 1989).
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1029

Table 8 nificantly influenced by the microstructure has been

Polymorphic tendency of major solid TAGs in margarines and short- known for decades (e.g. reviewed by deMan & Beers,
1987), but work by the Marangoni group established
Number of carbon atoms TAG Polymorphic from means via which to quantify the microstructure and to
quantitatively link the microstructure to the rheological
48 PPP Beta
50 PSP Beta-prime
behavior of the network. The microstructure is so
52 PSS Beta-prime named because one can observe this level of structure
54 SSS Beta under a light microscope, typically from length ranges
greater than 0.5 mm. It is generally accepted that when
one refers to the microstructure of fat crystal networks,
Palm oil is incorporated into canola margarines to one is referring to the length range bounded by 0.5 and
increase the diversity of fatty acids thereby preventing 200 mm. The fact that the microstructure of fat crystal
or delaying the formation of beta crystals (Ward, 1988; networks are easily changed by modification of the
Yap, & de Man, 1989). The TAG composition of palm processing conditions under which the network is
oil is shown in Table 10 (deMan & deMan, 2001). When formed, and the importance of the microstructure to the
palm oil is mixed with canola oil, the homogeneity of rheological properties of the network have been noted
the fatty acid chain length is reduced and this promotes by a number of researchers (Heertje, Leunis, van Zeyl,
beta-prime crystal formation and stability (Shen, & Berends, 1987; Heertje, van Eendenburg, Gorne-
deMan, & deMan 1990). The major TAG in palm oil is lissen, & Juriaanse, 1988; Marangoni & Rousseau, 1996;
POP, which, on hydrogenation, yields PSP. The PSP is Shukla, & Rizvi, 1996). The relationship of micro-
responsible for the exceptional beta-prime stability structure to rheology, in particular, has been the subject
(deMan & deMan, 2001). The techniques that are com- of much study, and this area has been reviewed by
monly used to stabilize beta-prime crystal in fats are Narine and Marangoni (1999c, 2002). In particular, a
summarized in Table 11. number of models have been developed by Marangoni
Much interest has been recently focused on the (2000), Narine and Marangoni (1999b), Nederveen
microstructural level of structure of fat crystal net- (1963), and Van den Tempel (1961), and to relate the
works, especially since the work of the Marangoni structure of the fat network to its rheological properties.
group at the University of Guelph beginning in the late Furthermore, it has been well-demonstrated that
1990s (references to follow). Of course, the fact that the although other parameters of importance such as the
macroscopic physical properties of the network (parti- solid fat content and polymorphism of networks may
cularly hardness, elastic modulus and texture) is sig- not change with changes in processing conditions, that
large changes in physical properties may still be noted
Table 9 with concomitant changes in microstructure.
Palmitic acid content (%) of some fats and oils (Kamel, 1992) The quantification of microstructure has been a diffi-
cult task, mainly due to the difficulties in imaging
Type of oil Palmitic acid content (%)
microstructure, and as well to the complexity of this
Canola 4 level of structure. Light microscopy has perhaps been
Soybean 11 the most utilized method for imaging the microstructure
Olive 14
Cottonseed 29
of fat and shortening networks (Flint, 1984, 1991; Inoe,
Palm 44 1987; Yiu, 1985). In particular, polarized light micro-
Lard 24 scopy has been the most utilized since the anisotropy of
the crystalline phase of the fat network is birefringent,
allowing the network to be viewed under cross polar-
Table 10 izers. However, this form of microscopy introduces
TAG composition of palm oil some errors. Firstly, not all of the crystalline entities are
viewed under cross polarizers, so that any such pictures
TAG Carbon number %
are ‘missing mass’. Furthermore, for structures to be
PPP 48 6.0
PPS 50 0.0
PSP 50 0.5 Table 11
POP 50 26.0 Techniques commonly used to stabilize beta-prime crystals
PPO 50 6.0
PLP 50 7.0 1. Addition of beta-prime tending fat to a beta tending fat
POO 52 19.0 2. Incorporation of palm oil in a blend to disrupt its homogeneity
POS 52 3.0 3. Incorporation of a selectively hydrogenated fat
PLO 52 4.0 4. Incorporation of diglycerides and sorbitan esters
OOO 54 3.0 5. Chemical interesterification
1030 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

resolved, glass slides must be made of the material, and known as melting. Crystallization may be defined as a
the materials must be sufficiently thin so as not to sig- first order transition of an ensemble of molecules from
nificantly attenuate the transmitted light. This results in the liquid state to the solid state in such a manner that
the structure being constrained to grow with one of its the molecules within the solid state pack in a regular
dimensions (the thickness dimension) being severely repeating manner to form a solid lattice. The main fea-
limited. However, if these limitations are taken under ture of crystallinity is long-range order. The ensemble of
consideration, valuable information may be gleaned molecules constituting a crystalline substance is in reg-
from polarized light micrographs. For example, Narine ular array over extended regions within each individual
and Marangoni developed a method to quantify micro- crystal. The type of bonding that is present in a crystal
structures of fat crystal networks using polarized light determines the nature of the crystalline state. Therefore,
micrographs (Narine & Marangoni, 1999a). This if the type of bonding is due to Van der Waals/London
method involves calculating a mass fractal dimension forces, the bond strength is weak, and results in a crys-
and a number of other methods have been developed or talline state that is characterized by close packing of
are under development by the Marangoni group (per- weakly attracted molecules. If the bonding is due to
sonal correspondence with Dr. Marangoni). ionic forces, the crystalline state is characterized by
Electron microscopy has also been used extensively to giant aggregates of positive and negative ions clearly
study the structure of fat crystal networks (Brooker, packed in a way consistent with a net neutral charge.
1990; Buchheim, 1982; deMan, 1982; Heertje, Leunis et Covalent bonding results in giant molecules with direc-
al., 1987; Heertje, van der Vlist, Blonk, Hendrickx, & ted bonds, where packing is determined by valency
Brakenhof, 1987; Kalab, 1983; Sargeant, 1988). How- number and directions. In the crystals of TAG mole-
ever, this method also has some limitations; the sample cules that one would expect to find in shortening and
usually has to be frozen, leading to much of the nor- margarine systems, the bonding is due to Van der Waals
mally liquid oil becoming solid. Furthermore, it is diffi- forces, and therefore the corresponding crystalline state
cult to get an idea of the bulk structure as one observes is characterized by close-packed weakly attracting TAG
the structure along a fracture line. Confocal laser scan- molecules. Furthermore, the length and flexibility of
ning microscopy has also been used to image fat net- these molecules, coupled with the weakness of the
works (Heertje, van der Vlist et al., 1987), as has bonding, results in many different possible packing
multiple photon microscopy (Marangoni & Hartel, arrangements, or polymorphs. In addition, the variety
1998; Xu, Zipfel, Shear, Williams, & Webb, 1996), and of molecular species typically found in natural fats and
atomic force microscopy (Narine & Marangoni, 1999c). oils results in a significant percentage of the total
Narine and Marangoni developed nomenclature for ensemble of molecules remaining in the liquid or liquid
the microstructure of statically crystallized fat networks crystalline state, i.e. a significant percentage of the more
(Narine & Marangoni, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 1999d). In unsaturated triglyceride molecules will remain in the
a typical confectionery fat or shortening system which liquid or liquid crystalline state. Furthermore, there can
has been cooled statically, one can observe individual be a variety of crystalline sizes and shapes, as well as
crystals (e.g. needle shaped beta-prime crystals) at the sintering in between crystals. Therefore, it is not sur-
lower range of the microstructural level of structure. prising that instead of the sharp melting points that is
Additionally, in such systems one can observe clusters associated with crystalline materials, fat crystal net-
of the individual crystals. Narine and Marangoni, in the works such as those encountered in most shortening
references cited earlier, suggested that such clusters be systems demonstrate melting ranges rather than melting
referred to as microstructural elements. The micro- points.
structural elements are typically in the order of two to The crystallization process may be divided into indi-
six microns in length. In some systems, and particularly vidual events of nucleation, crystal growth, and crystal
in cocoa butter that has been statically crystallized, one ripening. However, these events are not necessarily, and
can observe large clusters, made up of aggregations of in fats not usually, chronological; once primary nuclea-
microstructural elements. Narine and Marangoni sug- tion has been achieved. Therefore, after primary
gested that these larger structures be referred to as nucleation and subsequent growth, one can encounter
microstructures. Microstructures in statically crystal- secondary nucleation whilst growth continues, and
lized cocoa butter, tallow, palm, and lard have been crystal ripening during growth. Therefore, the process
observed, ranging from 40 microns to 200 microns. can be very difficult to model theoretically.
Nucleation can only be achieved via supersaturation
or supercooling. These terms are used to describe what
8. Crystallization amounts to thermodynamic driving forces; which are
required to form the smallest stable solid entity from a
The crystalline state may be defined as one that dif- liquid phase, since there is a free energy barrier opposed
fracts X-rays and exhibits the first order transition to the formation of the solid phase. The thermodynamic
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1031

driving force essentially allows the molecules in the (1991), the classical nucleation theory described by
liquid phase to form some sort of liquid lamellar struc- Volmer (1939) has a number of shortcomings. Firstly, a
ture which grows to a critical size before forming a solid macroscopic model is applied to the microscopic
nucleus. ordered domains. Furthermore, Gibbs free energy
A solution is supersaturated if it contains more of a changes generated from equilibrium thermodynamics is
component than can be theoretically dissolved within it used in the classical theory as a measure of the activa-
at a particular temperature. The supersaturation of a tion Gibbs energy; which is strictly a kinetic parameter.
solution is measured as the quantity ln, and is given by Regardless, the classical nucleation theory is used in the
the ratio of the fraction of solute in the supersaturated lipid area extensively, and is therefore reproduced here.
solution (Cs) to the amount of solute in a saturated The Gibbs free energy change due to the formation of
solution (C), at the particular temperature: an ordered domain is given by:
G ¼ GS S þ GV V; ð5Þ
ln ¼ ln : ð1Þ
where GS is the change in the surface free energy (due
to surface tension), GV is the change in free energy of
The driving force for crystallization in a super- the system per unit volume (due to the enthalpy of
saturated solution is the difference in chemical potential, fusion), and V is the volume of the ordered domain.
, between a supersaturated solution and a saturated G ¼ ; ð6Þ
solution, and is given by (for ideal solutions):
sol ¼ Rg T:ln; ð2Þ
where  is the surface energy and S is the surface area of
the ordered domain. Therefore, for an ordered domain
where Rg is the universal gas constant and T is the considered spherical, with radius r:
temperature. It should be noted that unless the phase
GS S ¼ 4r2 ; ð7Þ
behavior of the many TAG families usually present in a
typical fat is known and supports it, making an S ¼ 4r2
assumption of ideal solution behavior is not necessarily
valid. and
Relative supercooling refers to the degree to which the 4
sample has been cooled, T, with respect to the melting V ¼ r3 : ð8Þ
temperature, TM, of the crystallized sample and is given
T ¼ ðT  TM Þ: ð3Þ Therefore,
G ¼ 4r2  þ r3 GV : ð9Þ
Supercooling is usually required for the crystallization
of one or more components from a melt; as opposed to
a solution. The supercooling of the sample also provides For there to be a net decrease in the free energy of the
a thermodynamic driving force for the formation of system, the ordered domain must attain a critical size of
nuclei, and a chemical potential that drives nucleation r , where G is maximum and is referred to as the
may be defined as: activation energy of nucleation, G (as mentioned
TM  T before, this is a kinetic parameter). One can calculate
melt ¼ H ; ð4Þ this value of r by differentiating Eq. (9) with respect to
r, and equating to zero:
8r 3 þ 4r 4GV ¼ 0; ð10Þ
where H is the enthalpy of fusion.
Nucleation (via the chemical potentials provided by
either supercooling, supersaturation, or a combination) therefore
occurs via bimolecular reactions which lead to the for-
mation of ordered domains (Kloek, 1998). Beyond a 4r 3½2 þ r GV ¼ 0; ð11Þ
certain size, further addition of molecules to such
ordered domains result in a decrease in the Gibbs free and
energy of the system, and therefore when such ordered
domains grow beyond a critical size, r , a nucleus is 2
r ¼ : ð12Þ
formed. As described by Kloek (1998) and Lyklema GV
1032 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Therefore, the activation free energy for nucleation is crystallized or nucleated due to supercooling. This may
given by: result in saturation or supersaturation of the other
    component or components. Clearly both of these phe-
2 2 4 2 3
G ¼ 4 þ  GV ð13Þ nomena should be considered for the formation of
GV 3 GV nuclei, through the formation of liquid lamellae in the
16 3 32  3 liquid phase; which then subsequently leads to the for-
! G ¼  ð14Þ mation of a stable nuclei (Boistelle, 1988; Larsson,
G2V 3 G2V
1994). The activation free energy for nucleation of a
16  3 stable critical nucleus and the critical size of the nucleus
! G ¼ : ð15Þ both decrease on increase of supersaturation or super-
3 G2V
cooling. It is however very difficult to determine both
parameters of supersaturation and supercooling for a
If the molar volume of the ordered domain (or corre- crystallizing system, and therefore, as a good approx-
sponding crystal lattice) is given by VM , then the free imation, in practice only supercooling is usually con-
energy change per unit volume of the system may be sidered for crystallization of TAG molecules from the
written in terms of the chemical potential of the system: melt. Toro-Vazquez and coworkers (Toro-Vazquez,
 Didildox-Alvarado, Herrera-Coronado, & Charo-
GV ¼ : ð16Þ Alonso, 2001) makes the case that supercooling is the
important parameter to consider for crystallization
from the melt by pointing out that the bulk surrounding
For solutions, where the chemical potential is pro- the surface of a growing crystal in the melt does not
vided by supersaturation [and recalling Eq. (2)]: change as drastically as in crystallization from solution.
Rg Tln The number of nuclei formed per unit time and
GV;sol ¼ ; ð17Þ volume is referred to as the nucleation rate, J. This rate
depends on the maximum molecular collision frequency,
given by kT h , with h being Planck’s constant. It is
and for melts, where the chemical potential is provided important to note that the rate will also depend on the
by supercooling [and recalling Eq. (4)]: configuration of the colliding molecules (more on this to
T follow). The rate of nucleation per mole of molecules
GV;melt ¼ H : ð18Þ can then be written as an Arrhenius-like activation
energy equation, with the previously derived expressions
for the activation energy for nucleation, G , being
From the above the activation free energy for nuclea- used in its appropriate form:
tion for solutions and melts may be respectively be given NkT ðG Þ
by Eqs. (19), and (20): J¼ e kT : ð21Þ

16  3 VM 2
Gsol ¼ : ð19Þ In Eq. (21) N is Avagadro’s number and K stands for
3 R2g T 2 ðlnÞ2 Boltzman’s constant. However, it should be noted that
there are some barriers to nucleation that are inherent
16  3 T2M V2M
Gmelt ¼ : ð20Þ and some that arise as a function of the crystallization
3 ðHTÞ2 process itself. These barriers are related to the diffusion
of molecules with the appropriate configuration to the
Therefore, the activation free energy for nucleation is interface between the bulk and the growing nucleus.
lowered by increases in both supersaturation and Therefore there is a diffusive term and an entropy term,
supercooling. Furthermore, from Eqs. (12) and (16), as the molecule that has diffused to the interface must
increases in these two parameters also may result in the also be in the right conformation to participate in the
decrease of the critical size of the nucleus. growing surface of the nucleus. A decrease in tempera-
From the foregoing discussion, the concepts of ture to provide supercooling results in an increase in
supersaturation and supercooling are both connected viscosity and a concomitant decrease in molecular dif-
with the lowering of the activation free energy for fusion. Additionally, the crystallization process itself
nucleation. Clearly one is more applicable for solutions, increases the viscosity of the medium. For the long,
whilst the other is applicable for melts. However, the flexible TAG molecules, the entropy term can become
situation becomes more complex when one considers important. The loss of entropy on incorporation into a
that a melt may often be a solution of one or more nucleus is given by H=TM . The probability that a
components, and as one or more components may be fraction, , of the molecules in the melt is in the correct
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1033

conformation for participation in the surface of the

Ghet ¼ fðÞG ; ð23Þ
nuclei is given by eð R Þ . Although it is strictly not cor-
rect, since viscosity is a function of time and tempera-
ture, both of which change over the crystallization where
process, one may assume that the fraction of molecules
given by also takes into consideration viscosity bar- 1
riers. Scaling this probability by the maximum collision fðÞ ¼ ð2 þ cosÞð1  cosÞ2 ; ð24Þ
frequency, and defining the activation free energy for
molecular diffusion of a mole of molecules in the correct
conformation to the growing surface of the nucleus as and therefore
GD , leads to the Fischer–Turnbull Equation: > 0 4 fðÞ 4 1: ð25Þ

J¼ e kT e kT : ð22Þ Shortening and margarine systems almost exclusively
undergo heterogenous nucleation. Furthermore, the
situation is rarely as straightforward as presented above.
It is important to note that Turnbull and Fischer The surfaces providing nucleation sites are rarely well
developed Eq. (22) from the expressions derived above characterized flat surfaces, and the evaluation of such
(Turnbull & Fischer, 1949), and from studies on the surfaces and their wettability is inaccessible in the com-
germination of drops of a liquid in a gas (Becker & plex systems crystallized in shortenings and margarines.
Doering, 1940; Volmer & Weber, 1926) for the homo- The nucleation processes described up until this point
genous nucleation of a solid in a liquid. Throughout the have been primary nucleation. Margarine and short-
treatment before, with the given assumptions, only ening systems also can undergo secondary nucleation;
homogenous nucleation was considered. which is defined as nucleation occurring due to the pre-
Heterogenous nucleation occurs when there are sence of growing crystals in the melt or solution.
impurities which act as catalytic nucleation sites for According to Kloek (1998) and Garside (1987), there
crystal growth. Solid impurities which are larger in are three different types of secondary nucleation:
size than the ordered domains formed in the bulk apparent, true, and contact. Apparent secondary
liquid are necessary for heterogenous nucleation. The nucleation occurs due to fragments of crystals from
walls of the containing vessels, blades of impellers, growing crystals acting as new nuclei. True secondary
emulsifiers, native mono- and di-glycerides, minor nucleation occurs when ordered domains (liquid lamel-
polar lipids, and even dust particles can provide cat- lae), which are smaller than the critical nucleus size, are
alytic nucleation surfaces. These impurities act as cata- induced by the presence of growing crystal lattices.
lysts by lowering the activation free energy for These ordered domains disturb the steady state of liquid
nucleation. Therefore, the activation free energy for lamellae, and can lead to the enhancement of nuclea-
heterogenous nucleation is smaller than that for homo- tion. Contact secondary nucleation results from colli-
genous nucleation; resulting in reduced demands for sions of crystals with other crystals, with the walls of the
supersaturation or supercooling for nucleation to occur containing vessel, or with the impeller blades, etc. Clearly
when there are suitably large impurities present. The the phenomenon of secondary nucleation adds yet
activation free energy for heterogenous nucleation another layer of complexity to a very complex process.
depends on the wetting angle, , between the nucleus, Crystal growth on the established nuclei in a super-
the foreign substrate, and the liquid phase (refer to saturated solution or melt which is below the melting
Fig. 9). If we assume that the surface of the foreign temperature, TM , is governed mainly by the efficient
catalyst is flat and that the nucleus is a semi-sphere, we removal of the heat of crystallization. The attachment
can express the activation free energy for heterogenous of TAG molecules to the surface of growing nuclei is the
nucleation as a function of the activation free energy for next limiting factor to the kinetics of growth, since as
homogenous nucleation: pointed out by Ovsienko and Alfintsev (1980), the
entropy of fusion of triglycerides is quite high
( kT M
 60). It should also be noted here that increases in
viscosity (a function of both the progress of crystal-
lization as well as supercooling) can also significantly
affect the mass transfer of molecules to growing sur-
faces; a point that has been convincingly raised by
Toro-Vazquez and co-workers (Toro-Vazquez, Briceno-
Montelongo, Dibildox-Alvarado, Charo-Alonso, &
Fig. 9. Heterogeneous nucleation. Reyes-Hernandez, 2000; Toro-Vazquez et al., 2001).
1034 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Boistelle (1988) and Garside (1987) have both provided It should be mentioned that if the rates of nucleation
excellent in-depth reviews of crystal growth. and crystal growth are known as a function of super-
The growth mode via which the crystal grows is a cooling or supersaturation; it would be possible to
function of the smoothness of the growing surface. As model the crystal size distribution as a function of time
explained by Sloan and McGhie (1988), the smoothness (Kloek, 1998). In the special case of constant rates of
of the growing surface is a function of the entropy fac- nucleation and growth, and assuming spherical crystals,
tor, kT M
. For materials with low entropy of fusion the the Avrami equation formulates the volume fraction of
planes of the growing surface are rough, and initiation solids, , as a function of time (Avrami, 1939a, 1939b;
of new growth layers is relatively easy. For materials Kloek, 1998):
with high entropy of fusion, such as TAGs, the densely
packed planes forming the growing surface are smooth, 1
and initiation of new layers are relatively difficult.  ¼  3C Jt4 ; ð27Þ
However, planes which are not as densely packed may
exhibit intermediate roughness for materials with high
entropy of fusion. For the purposes of this review arti- where it is assumed that no impingement or aggregation
cle, it is sufficient to say that for less densely packed of crystals occur. Much has been written in the litera-
planes of TAG crystals, which may imply a rough sur- ture on the use, misuse, and manipulation of the Avrami
face, the growth rate is approximately proportional to equation in its application to fat crystallization, and the
the local supersaturation. This may be explained quali- reader is referred to this literature (Khanna & Taylor,
tatively by considering that ordered domains necessary 1988; Long, Shanks, & Stachurski, 1995; Marangoni,
for growth can easily attach to kinks on the surface, 1998; Supaphol & Spruiell, 2000; Toro-Vazquez, 2001;
resulting in continuous growth. Typically, this type of Toro-Vazquez, et al., 2000; Toro-Vazquez & Dibildox-
continuous growth occurs at high levels of super- Alvarado, 1997; Wright, Hartel, Narine, & Marangoni,
saturation or supercooling. For densely packed crystal 2000; Wright, Narine, & Marangoni, 2001).
planes, which present a smooth growing surface, the The overall crystallization rate is affected by the fol-
crystals grow via a ‘layer-by-layer’ progression through lowing factors (Best, 1988; deMan, 2000; Toro-Vazquez
secondary nucleation events on the smooth surface. et al., 2001):
Therefore, on the smooth surface, for growth to occur
a nucleus of critical size must be formed; to which
molecules will then attach to form another layer of the 1. Heat transfer rate.
smooth surface. Consequently, the growth kinetics may 2. Mechanical agitation rate.
be modeled in a similar manner to that used to model 3. Additives and impurities.
nucleation kinetics in the bulk and described before. 4. Bulk viscosity.
The growth rate is proportional to the rate of nucleation 5. Formulation of fat systems.
on the surface, and one can therefore define an activa-
tion free energy of nucleation for the surface. Therefore,
the crystal growth rate is an exponential function of Crystal growth continues until the individual mole-
supersaturation or supercooling (based on the develop- cular fat aggregates begin to touch. At a low degree of
ment given before of homogenous volume nucleation). supercooling, crystal growth predominates whereas
Ovsienko and Alfintsev (1980), and Rousset (2002), nucleation predominates at high supercooling (deMan,
provided an equation for the crystal growth rate, C : 2000). As the degree of supercooling increases, the size
ao TM  2 VM of fat crystals will be smaller because of the formation
C ¼ K1 e 3kTHT ; ð26Þ of a larger number of nuclei. This, in turn, has an
important effect on the texture of a fat system (deMan,
where K1 is a constant that depends on the character- 2000). During post crystallization processes an increase
istics of the crystal and ao is the radius of the molecules. in hardness has been noticed (deMan, 2000). This
However, it must be pointed out here that the crystal increase in hardness is known as ‘sintering’. Sintering is
growth rate is dependent on many other factors besides described as the formation of solid bridges between fat
the smoothness of the growth surface and secondary crystals. Due to sintering, fat crystals form a network in
nucleation of a surface nucleus of critical size. Other oil due to mutual forces of adhesion (deMan, 2000).
factors such as viscosity, diffusive mass transfer, mole- Controlling formation of crystalline microstructure in
cular conformation, surface defects, microscopic and shortenings and margarines is critical to obtain desired
macroscopic shear rates, impurities, and the mole- texture and quality. However, undesirable changes in
cular diversity of the fats encountered in shortening crystalline structure can lead to total loss of quality. Con-
systems, all play a role in influencing the rate of trolling crystallization involves careful choice of the ingre-
crystallization. dients to promote desired structure, proper processing
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1035

conditions, and storage conditions. Such an approach perature and therefore providing a fat crystal network)
maintains the desired crystalline structure and prevents while the di-saturated and mono-saturated TAGs
undesired crystallization. Controlling crystallization is (Group II) provide both lubricity and structure (Wie-
not an easy task since our understanding of how para- dermann, 1978). That is, they are solid at room tem-
meters influence crystal formation and growth is lim- perature and melt at body temperature. The lower
ited, and even the theories presented here are hampered melting, more unsaturated TAGs (Group III and IV)
by being simplistic and fraught with sometimes unrea- can provide lubricity.
sonable assumptions. Group I is used to formulate fluid margarines by
blending a high proportion of unsaturated TAGs and a
low proportion of trisaturated TAGs. Group II TAGs
9. Formulation and blending provide both lubricity and structure. Groups III and IV
are used to prepare soft tub products and all hydro-
The choice of different fats and oils in a blend used genated stick products, (Wiedermann, 1978).
for manufacturing shortening is more a function of The effects on the polymorphic stability of the final
empirical experience as opposed to scientific choice. Not product due to the addition of palm oil to hydrogenated
much is predictively known about the cumulative effect oils have been studied in detail in literature (deMan,
of different physical and chemical properties of fats/oils Shen et al., 1991; Shen et al., 1990; Ward, 1988; Yap,
present in a blend. The physical properties typically 1988; Yap et al., 1989). Though palm oil is a beta-prime
monitored are melting profiles, SFC, and polymorph- tending fat (Wiedermann, 1978) and rapid cooling of
ism/polytypism. The chemical properties monitored are palm oil results in the formation of beta-prime crystals,
the composition of fat/oils, diversity of fatty acids, slow cooling tends to favor beta crystal formation.
length of carbon chain, etc. It is important to relate Hydrogenated canola and soybean oils tend to crystal-
changes in chemical properties, due to blending, to pre- lize in the beta form because of their low diversity in
dictive changes in physical properties. This is important fatty acid content (Wiedermann, 1978). Canola contains
for optimizing a perfect blend to suit individual appli- about 95% of C-18 fatty acids (deMan & deMan, 2001).
cations. Of course, the situation is even more challen- Vegetable fats containing 10% of palmitic acid tend to
ging when one considers that the processing conditions crystallize in the beta form (Wiedermann, 1978).
used for manufacturing the shortening also plays a sig- Whereas those having 20% of palmitic acid have the
nificant role in determining the physical properties of tendency to crystallize in the beta-prime form (Wie-
the product. dermann, 1978). Lard and cocoa butter are the excep-
The melting point and the SFC values of some major tion to this statement (Weiss, 1970, 1983). Canola and
natural fats are shown in Table 5 (Weiss, 1983). The soybean oil contain 5 and 11% palmitic acid, respectively.
fatty acid composition of some major fats and oils are The palmitic acid content of palm oil is 40%. Palm oil
shown in Table 12 (deMan & deMan, 2001; Kamel, (hydrogenated and unhydrogenated) crystallizes in the
1992) and the properties of the TAGs of some major beta-prime form because of greater diversity of fatty acid
fats and oils are shown in Table 13 (Wiedermann, 1978). content. Palm is therefore incorporated into shortening
Table 13 groups the TAGs into four groups which formulations that contain hydrogenated canola and soy-
demonstrate similar physical properties. The diversity of bean oils in order to prevent or delay crystallization into
palmitic acid in some major fats is shown in Table 9. the unwanted beta form (Ward, 1988; Yap et al., 1989).
The palmitic acid content plays an important role in Yap (1988) studied the behavior of canola oil upon the
promoting polymorphic stability as has been discussed addition of palm oil. Palm oil was added up to fifteen per-
before. The compositional differences of TAGs can cent of total blend, to the canola oil before and after
promote very different physical properties. For exam- hydrogenation. It was observed that this addition changes
ple, through modification of crystal structure. The the crystallizing behavior of the whole blend from beta to
shortening industry has learned, albeit empirically, how beta-prime character (Yap, 1988). It can be concluded that
to manipulate these differences in the compositions of palm oil has the potential to change the crystalline beha-
TAGs in order to satisfy the product needs. Wie- vior of the product (i.e. from beta to beta-prime).
dermann (1978) has related the physical properties of a Both beef tallow and lard are obtained from animal
number of TAGs in shortening systems to desirable sources. However, the polymorphic behavior of these
functional properties. fats differ widely. Beef tallow crystallizes in the beta-
The distribution of fatty acids on each TAG molecule, prime form whereas lard crystallizes in the beta-form.
the quantity of each TAG species, and the proportions The beta-prime form of beef tallow is due to the pre-
and types of each fatty acid depends on the fat source as sence of Palmitic–Stearic–Palmitic (PSP) and Palmitic–
well as on the processing history. From Table 13, it can Stearic–Stearic (PSS) whereas the beta-form is attrib-
be observed that trisaturated TAG (Group I) can pro- uted to the Palmitic–Oleic–Palmitic/Palmitic–Palmitic–
vide structure (by virtue of being solid at room tem- Oleic (POP/PPO) compound (Timms, 1979).
1036 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Table 12
Fatty acid composition

Fatty acid Canolaa (%) Rapeseeda (%) Sunflowera (%) Palm oilb (%) Soya oilb (%)

Palmitic acid (P) 4 3 4 46 11

Stearic acid (S) 2 1 3 5 4
Oleic acid (O) 58 17 34 39 23
Linoleic acid (L) 21 14 59 9 54
Linolenic 11 9 – 0.5 8
Gadoleic acid 2 11 – – –
Erucic acid <1 45 – – –

Values in percentages of total fatty acid present.

deMan and deMan, 2001.
Kamel, 1992.

10. Processing
These factors influence the macroscopic functionality
The macroscopic physical functionality of shortening that is related to physical properties like melting point,
and margarine fat systems is dependent on a number of SFC, and rheological properties. Out of these, the
factors: rheological properties and melting properties of a fat
mixture are further dependent on polymorphism and
1. relative percentages of individual oils and fats polytypism (the crystalline state of the fat system),
present in a formulation (Wiedermann, 1972, packing density, spatial distribution, and size and shape of
1978; Weiss, 1983) the microstructure of the resulting network. The rheology
2. processing conditions such as rate and degree of of a fat system is determined by its consistency and tex-
cooling, mechanical working, and final product ture. Consistency depends not only on the solid-to-liquid
temperature (Haighton, 1965, 1976; Moziar, ratio present at different temperatures but as well on the
deMan et al., 1989; Rivarola et al., 1987; Tho- various structural levels within the shortening network.
mas III, 1978; Wiedermann, 1978), and Desirable solid-liquid ratio can be achieved by blend-
3. presence of emulsifiers as additives (Garti et al., ing and controlling hydrogenation. Oils are chosen for
1982; Krog, 1977). their particular crystal habit. Crystal habit is also affec-
ted by the conditions of processing. The polymorphic
modification or crystal habit of the fat composition is a
Table 13
Compositional/functional relationships (Wiedermann, 1978) very important property. For example, it is important,
for example, because beta-polymorphs are desirable in
Groups Melting point ( C) TAG chocolate products whereas beta-prime polymorphs are
I 65 SSS desirable in shortenings and spreads (Wiedermann,
61.1 SSP 1978). Beta polymorphs, being large crystal, give a
60 SPP desirable snap in chocolate products, whereas beta-
56.1 PPP
prime polymorphs, being small crystals, give smooth
II 41.6 SSO mouth feel in table spreads. Types of processing treat-
37.7 SPO ment that affect the structure of a fat at the micro-
35 PPO structural, crystalline, and molecular levels are
32.7 SSL hydrogenation, interesterification, fractionation, and
30 SPL
blending (Wiedermann, 1978). The degree of cooling
27.2 PPL
rate and shear during processing also greatly affects the
III 22.7 SOO microstructure.
15.5 OOP
6.1 SOL 10.1. Hydrogenation
5.5 OOO

IV 1.1 SLL Vegetable oils are too soft for margarines or short-
1.1 OOL enings because of their liquid nature, while on the other
2.7 PLO hand saturated fats are too hard. Depending on the end
4.2 PLL use, most shortening fat systems require hardness that is
6.6 OLL
intermediate. Hydrogenation or the hardening process,
13.3 LLL
is a saturation process (Bailey, Feuge, & Smith, 1942).
S, stearic acid; P, palmitic acid; O, oleic acid; L, lauric acid. Hydrogen is added to the double bonds of unsaturated
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1037

fatty acids, thus transforming them to saturated fatty agitation favors non-selectivity and suppresses the for-
acids, which in turn converts oil into solid fat. In the mation of high melting trans-isomers (Bailey et al.,
case of complete hydrogenation, arachidonic, linolenic, 1942). Beal and Lancaster (1954) studied the effect of
linoleic, and oleic acids present in the original oil will agitation and batch size on the rate of hydrogenation,
convert entirely into the corresponding saturated acids and on the stability of the fat. They observed that the
(Bodman et al., 1951). Hydrogenation can therefore be rate of hydrogenation increased with an increase in the
defined as a process which imparts oxidative stability to degree of agitation of an oil or mixture of oils. Fur-
oils. Thus, this process maintains the organoleptic thermore, the stability of the fats increased with an
characteristics of oils for longer shelf life. Firmness in increase in the hydrogenation batch size. High tem-
margarines is increased by the hydrogenation of the perature of the oil during hydrogenation favors greater
base stock due to the formation of saturated and trans selectivity and thus results in more TFA generation
fatty acids (TFA; Mensink & Katan, 1993), as shown in (Coenen, 1976; Mattil, 1964b). Mattil (1964b) reported
Fig. 10. Acids of high molecular weights appear to that high hydrogen gas pressure during hydrogenation
hydrogenate less readily than low molecular weight increased the rate of hydrogenation and caused a
acids (Mattil, 1964b). Fully hydrogenated oil is decrease in the selectivity of the reaction. Such condi-
obtained when all the double bonds are saturated; tions favor less TFA formation. Furthermore, Mattil
otherwise the oil is referred to as partially hydrogenated also stated that high catalyst concentration favored
oil. Depending on the conditions applied during the selectivity with large amounts of TFA formation. High
process, hydrogenation can be classified into two types: catalyst concentration increases the rate of hydrogena-
selective and non-selective hydrogenation. Factors that tion (Mattil, 1964b).
affect the hydrogenation process and consequently the Normally hydrogenation is done under less selective
resultant products, are the temperature of the oil mix- conditions. In non-selective hydrogenation, lower tem-
ture, hydrogen gas pressure, catalyst activity, catalyst peratures and higher hydrogen pressures are applied in
concentration, agitation of the mixture, and time dura- the presence of spent nickel as a catalyst (Mattil,
tion of the process (Bodman et al., 1951; Chrysam, 1964b). SFC profiles of selectively hydrogenated oils are
1985; Coenen, 1976; Mattil, 1964b). Selectivity (Select- much steeper than the oil processed to approximately
ivity refers to the hydrogenation of acids containing the same degree of hydrogenation (or same iodine
active methylene groups in preference to acids devoid of value) under non-selective conditions. An oil with a
such groups) can make a lot of difference in the final steeper SFC profile typically has a very narrow plastic
composition of TAGs and consequently affects the range whereas a fat system with a flat SFC profile typi-
melting profile of the product obtained as a result of cally has a wide plastic range (as shown in Fig. 2). The
hydrogenation (Bailey 1951; Bailey et al., 1942; Beal & degree of selectivity in hydrogenation also affects the
Lancaster, 1954; Chrysam, 1985; Mattil, 1964b). The crystal stability of the resulting fat. A study carried out
relationship of the catalyst, temperature, and pressure by Yap (1988) showed that selectively hydrogenated
to the selectivity of the hydrogenation reaction for oil canola oil formed a mixture of beta-prime and beta
has been studied extensively (Bailey, 1951). It has been crystals; whereas non-selective hydrogenation resulted
reported that selectivity is directly proportional to the in the beta form of crystals. Incorporation of trans fatty
temperature applied during hydrogenation (Bodman et acids through selective hydrogenation favors beta-prime
al., 1951; Coenen, 1976). Increases in the degree of crystallization (Naguib-Mostafa & deMan, 1985).

Fig. 10. Hydrogenation.

1038 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Therefore it becomes difficult to obtain desirable

acceptability in terms of melting profile, low trans-acids,
and favorable polymorphic behavior (and indirectly
rheological behavior) by sticking to only one technique
of hydrogenation. Thus, hydrogenation conditions are
manipulated to choose the most desirable set of proces-
sing parameters. Tables 14 and 15 depict a summary of
the effect of process parameters on the selectivity of the
hydrogenation process.
Human diet has traditionally contained low levels of
TFA. TFAs are formed by bacteria in the rumen of
ruminants. Therefore, these TFA are found in the fats
and oils obtained from ruminant-derived products such
as cow’s milk and butter (Hay & Morrison, 1970;
Smith, Dunkley, Franke, & Dairiki, 1978). The values
of TFAs of such products reported in the literature are
one to nine percent of the total fatty acids (Woodrow &
deMan, 1968a). In addition to this natural TFA occur-
rence in food products, partial hydrogenation of oils that
are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) also gen- Fig. 11. Molecular structure of cis and trans isomers of C18:1.
erate TFAs (Scholfield, Davison, & Dutton, 1967). In a
number of surveys done, it has been reported that mar-
garines contain TFAs in the range of 35–60% (Beare- (Fig. 11). The cis configuration produces a bend in the
Rogers, Gray, & Hollywood, 1979) and shortening, fry- molecule, whereas the trans configuration resembles
ing, and cooking fats contain up to 50% TFAs (Hecker & more the straight chain of saturated fatty acids.
Melcher, 1978). During partial hydrogenation, some double bonds are
All unsaturated fatty acids have at least one carbon– isomerized into trans fatty acids from their cis configur-
carbon double bond. In the cis configuration the two ation (Scholfield et al., 1967). Trans fatty acids have
carbon moieties are on the same side of the double bond similar melting points to that of the corresponding
and in the trans configuration they are on opposite sides saturated fatty acids and are very important con-
tributors to the functional properties of hydrogenated
Table 14 products. This has recently become a controversial
Summary: hydrogenation health issue. Many studies have been done on the bio-
Influence of process conditions
logical effects of trans-fatty acids in animal and human
subjects (Anderson, Grande, & Keys, 1961; Anderson
Increase in Parameter affected and Coots, 1967; Beveridge & Connel, 1962; Coots,
Degree of selectivity Trans-isomer formation 1964a, 1964b; Emken, Rohwedder, Dutton, Dejarlais, &
Adolf, 1979; Erickson, Coots, Mattson, & Kligman,
H2 pressure Decreases Decreases
1964; Johnston, Johnson, & Kummerow, 1957; Kum-
Temperature Increases Increases
Agitation Decreases Decreases merow, Mizuguchi, Arima, Cho, & Hunang, 1978;
Mavis & Vegelos, 1972). However, some controversial
results were reported regarding their effect on the meta-
bolism and vital organs of the respective subjects under
Table 15 experimental conditions. Kummerow and coworkers
Summary: factors affecting selectivity of a hydrogenation process
(Kummerow et al., 1978) reported the adverse effects of
Hydrogenation conditions affecting selectivity hydrogenated fat on the development of atherosclerotic
Reaction parameter Selective Non-selective
lesions in swine. In human subjects, it has been found
hydrogenation hydrogenation that diet containing trans acids cause an elevation of
plasma cholesterols, triacylglycerides and phospholipids
Temperature High Low
(Anderson et al., 1961). These results are supported by
H2 Low High
Agitation Low High Vergrosen (1972) and Houtsmuller (1978). However,
Catalyst concentration High Low (spent) Vergrosen (1972) also reported that trans acids are less
Trans-isomer formed High amount Low amount hypercholesterolemic (increase in plasma cholestrol
SFC curve shape (Fig. 3) Steep Flat level) than the shorter-chain saturates, lauric and myr-
Crystal stability Beta prime or mixture Beta only
istic, but more hypercholesterolemic than either palmitic
of beta-prime and beta
or oleic. The fact that trans fatty acids have a higher
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1039

melting point than their corresponding cis-isomers sug- 3. temperature treatment;

gests that the incorporation of the trans fatty acids into 4. mechanical working;
cellular membranes may affect the properties of the 5. super cooling;
membrane and its function (Chapman, Owens et al., 6. polymorphism;
1966). High levels of trans fatty acids are considered to 7. properties of the crystals: size, number, and
be a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (Reddy & composition; and
Jeyarani, 2001). Industry and regulatory agencies are 8. spatial distribution, size, and shape of the
beginning to work together to ensure that the manu- microstructure.
facture of shortenings do not amplify TFA intake. It is
expected that USA Food and Drug Administration Processing, therefore, is as equally important as the
(FDA) will establish regulations governing the percen- design of the oil blend; in the determination of the phy-
tage of allowed TFAs in edible oil products in 2002. sical properties and performance of shortenings. For
Specialty oils such as Trisun and Sunola oils (based on example, whipping of margarines up to fifty percent
sunflower seed oil) do not require hydrogenation for overrun. (Overrun is defined as incorporation of air into
good stability and performance (Mag, 1994). These the product that results in decreasing the bulk density,
have potential uses in manufacturing trans-free short- increasing hardness, and in allowing the use of softer
enings. Recently, it has been reported that it is possible (unsaturated) oil blends, (Gorman, Bluff, Christie, &
to prepare TFA-free bakery shortening (puff/cake/bis- Glenview Kraft, 1960). Formulation of the blend and
cuit) using Mango and Mahua fats and their fractions subsequent processing conditions regulates the type of
(Reddy & Jeyarani, 2001). Reddy and Jeyrani (2001) crystal formation and subsequent network formation.
and Kok and coworkers (Kok, Fehr, Hammond, &, The type of crystals formed has a direct influence on the
White, 1999), have successfully prepared a shortening morphology of the solid structure (microstructure) that
without any hydrogenation treatment. They also traps the liquid phase of the shortening/margarine
demonstrated that such a product has functional (Haighton, 1976; Thomas, III 1978; Wiedermann,
properties comparable to most of the commercial 1978). Haighton (1959, 1976) reported that the hardness
shortenings. of margarine in terms of yield value has a strong corre-
Further research is required in the following important lation to the solid content. The manufacturing process
areas: itself can have significant impact on the solid content of
the finished margarine. Margarines are typically manu-
1. Improvements in the hydrogenation process for factured by quick chilling of the fat blend using a swept
use in the manufacture of trans-free shortenings. surface heat exchanger (Unit A, Fig. 12), followed by
2. Effects of trans fatty acids on the physiology and holding in crystallization tubes before molding or
biochemistry of vital organs such as the heart. forming. Depending on the rate of cooling, the relative
3. Manipulations of the processing conditions time spent in the heat exchanger and crystallization
under which shortenings/margarines are pro- tubes, whether the fat is ‘worked’ in the crystallization
duced to deliver comparable functional proper- tubes, and the temperature of the crystallization tube,
ties without needing to hydrogenate. the solid content, and the crystal type and micro-
structure of the resulting network is greatly affected.
Within our laboratory, our efforts are concentrated The temperature in the crystallization tube is usually
around understanding relationships between molecular 2  C higher than the temperature in Unit A, due to the
ensembles, processing conditions, crystalline and liberation of heat during crystallization (Haighton,
microstructural structure of the shortening network, 1976). If the rate of crystallization is low, the margarine
and between all levels of structure of the network and is typically very soft (Haighton, 1976). The fat continues
physical functionality of the shortening. In this manner, we to crystallize in the holding tubes and usually needs
hope to build a comprehensive understanding of the ways hours to reach complete crystallization. Various
in which the starting materials and processing conditions arrangements of Unit A and crystallization tubes are
affect the functional properties of the final network. applied for different kind of shortening manufacturing,
as shown in Fig. 12. For stick margarines, the super-
cooled fat is allowed to solidify without agitation. This
10.2. Manufacturing post crystallization, in the absence of agitation, favors
the formation of strong networks characterized by sin-
There are number of factors that influence the final tering between network structures and the product
physical functionality of shortenings and margarines: demonstrates a narrow plastic range. When a specific
characteristic is desired, the use of an additional work-
1. proportions of solids to liquids; ing unit, after super cooling in the scraped surface heat
2. viscosity of the liquid; exchanger, is required.
1040 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Fig. 12. Production of shortening.

A scraped surface heat exchanger consists of a steel lize in the beta-prime form increased with the increasing
shaft rotating in a stainless steel tube. A suitable coolant cooling rate. Woodrow and deMan (1968b) investigated
(e.g. ammonia) cools the tube externally. The rotating the polymorphic behavior of milk fat after slow cooling
shaft is fitted with scraper blades. At high rotation and rapid cooling. Slow cooling resulted in a mixture of
speeds, these blades scrape the inner surface of the tube beta-prime and beta crystals. Rapid cooling of milk fat
due to the applied centrifugal force. High internal pres- resulted in the formation of the alpha form which even-
sure and shearing actions induce fast nucleation and tually transformed into beta-prime and beta upon hold-
crystallization in a very short residence time. The length ing the sample at 5  C. It has been known from the
of required crystallization time varies depending on the literature that TAGs with simple and symmetrical fatty
fat compositions used in the formulations. Incorpora- acids tend to exhibit typically alpha, beta-prime, and
tion of a higher melting beta-prime tending oil to a base beta forms; whereas those with asymmetrical mixed
stock can induce the crystallization of the entire fat into fatty acid moieties tend to form beta-prime crystals
a stable beta-prime form (Thomas III, 1978). The effects (Hagemann, 1989; Sato, 2001). During processing, the
of such formulation practice and processing conditions cooling rate and agitation is controlled. Hoerr (1960)
have been studied extensively by Rivorola and co-w- reported that rapid crystallization of a fat system indu-
orkers (Rivarola et al., 1987) for blends of hydrogenated ces the formation of small crystals throughout the soli-
sunflower and cottonseed oil. For strong beta-tending difying mass. The small crystals then transform into
sunflower oil, it was found that the tendency to crystal- large aggregates. Narine and Marangoni (Narine &
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1041

Marangoni, 2002b) also observed these effects. This well as in other related food products. Yuki and cow-
property contributes to the creaming abilities of a orkers (Yuki et al., 1990) observed an increase in the
shortening (Hoerr, 1960), when small beta-prime crys- rate of fat crystallization when sucrose fatty acid esters
tals are preferred due to the increased ability to incor- (Palmitate and stearate types) are used as emulsifiers.
porate air bubbles. The addition of sorbitan esters stabilizes the inter-
mediate beta-prime form during crystallization and pre-
10.3. Tempering and effects of emulsifiers vents the formation of the beta-form (Garti et al., 1981,
1982). Sorbitan tristearate is effective as a crystal inhi-
Tempering is the process whereby fats attain the phy- bitor in margarines. It is assumed that the beta-prime
sical state in which they are normally utilized. Temper- crystal form of fat crystal networks accommodate sor-
ing involves a time–temperature relationship where a bitan tristearate. The stearic hindrances prevent the
shortening is held for 1–10 days after initiation of formation of the more densely packed beta-crystal form
crystallization during processing at temperature which (Krog, 1977). Canola oil in combination with an emul-
may either be lower or higher than the temperature at sifier hydrate containing monoglycerides, polysorbate
which the shortening is packed (Moziar et al., 1989). 60, and sodium stearoyl lactylate, was used in a white-
During tempering, the crystals transform to the pre- layer cake formulation (Vaisey-Genser et al., 1987). It
ferred polymorphic form. Lack of tempering adversely was observed that such an emulsifier system permits a
affects the functional properties of shortening/margar- reduction in the fat content of cake formulation from
ine products. Tempering of shortenings result in sig- 53% to approximately 11% without loss in the quality.
nificantly better functional properties. For example, Therefore, the use of emulsifiers has the potential to be
higher cake volumes can be obtained by using tem- very economical for the oil and fat industry. However,
pered cake shortening in a cake mix, whereas fresh, no comprehensive theory exists which links emulsifier
untempered shortening gave lower cake volumes (Gil- structure to function in the crystallization process.
lies, 1974). It has also been reported that tempering
affects the firmness of the shortening (Nor Aini, 2001). 10.4. Interesterification
Some shortening may continue to change in structure
even after the tempering process. This can lead to Interesterification (IE) is an acyl rearrangement
among, other detriments, a potential defect in margar- reaction used to modify triglyceride melting and crys-
ine texture called ‘graininess’ (Vaisey-Genser, Vane et tallization properties while maintaining their nutri-
al., 1988). Proper temperature control during sub- tional quality (although some nutritional quality may
sequent storage of the product reduces such undesirable be lost by the removal of beneficial fatty acids from the
physical defects (Hoerr, 1960). sn-2 position of a TAG molecule). Interesterification
Tempering also delays the polymorphic transition causes a rearrangement of fatty acids within, and
from beta-prime to beta crystal forms (Moziar, de Man, between TAGs on a glycerol backbone (Macrae, 1983).
& de Man, 1989). The beta-form has a tendency to grow This results in the formation of a new TAG that may
in size upon standing; especially at room temperature. not have existed in the original fat. IE reactions can be
When this happens there is a loss in creaming ability of driven chemically or enzymatically. In chemical IE a
the shortening (Chrysam, 1985). Tempering of short- chemical catalyst such as sodium metal or sodium alk-
ening and plastic fats at constant temperatures is an oxide is used to promote acyl rearrangement around
expensive process. Maintaining and rotating inventories the glyceride molecule (Macrae, 1983). In enzymatic
of the products in large godowns creates logistic IE, biocatalysts, such as microbial lipases are used for
problems. the acyl migration around the glyceride molecule. The
Emulsifiers in shortening systems may be defined as acyl exchange can proceed in a controlled manner by
substances which have the potential to control poly- replacing the chemical catalysts with biocatalysts
morphism and modify the crystallization properties of (Macrae, 1983; Seriburi & Akoh, 1998). Lipase-cata-
fats (Krog, 1977). The effect of emulsifiers on the crys- lyzed reactions, unlike chemical IE, do not produce by-
tallization and the development of polymorphic forms products (Seriburi & Akoh, 1998).
of fat have been studied by a number of researchers Two forms of reactions are recognized; random and
(Nakamura, 1997; Nasir, 2001; Rivarola, Anon, & Cal- directed interesterification (Young, 1980). In directed
velo, 1988; Sato, 1999; Yuki, Matsuda, & Nishuimura, interesterification, the reaction mixture is cooled, which
1990). In addition to the aforementioned functions, causes the crystallization of high melting TAGs present
emulsifiers also primarily impart stability to emulsions, in the liquid oil phase. Such conditions disturb the
control agglomeration of fat globules, and stabilize aer- equilibrium of the liquid phase; thereby directing the
ated systems (Krog, 1977). Nasir (2001) reported that reaction to form more high melting fractions (Young,
using de-oiled lecithin as an emulsifier delays the crys- 1980). Cottonseed oil containing twenty four percent
tallization process and inhibits fat bloom in chocolate as saturated fatty acids is liquid at room temperature.
1042 B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048

Directed interesterification, using sodium methoxide or failure and infants with food allergies and digestive
ethoxide or sodium/potassium alloy as a catalyst, can be problems. SL has also been used as a valuable
used to turn cottonseed oil into solid fat at room tem- component in designing infant formula, beverages,
perature (Young, 1980). Wiedermann and co-workers snack bars, confectionary products, and supplements
(Wiedermann, Weiss, Jacobson, & Mattil, 1961) worked for non-clinical uses, such as for maintaining health or
on the chemical IE of lard, which has a tendency to bodybuilding (Haumann, 1997). Softly (Softly, Huang,
form beta crystals. With chemical IE, modified lard with Finley, Petershein, Yarger, Chrysam et al., 1994)
beta-prime crystal form was obtained. Wiedermann and worked on IE of hydrogenated vegetable oils to form
coworkers (Wiedermann et al., 1961) found that final Salatrim. Salatrim is a family of structured TAGs con-
product characteristic depended heavily on the time and taining at least one short chain fatty acid and at least
temperature relationships used in the treatment. one long chain fatty acid (e.g. stearate) on each glycerol
Cocoa butter TAGs are high in stearic acid, which molecule. Because of its chemical design, Salatrim pro-
have a sharp melting profile at 37  C (Fig. 3). Cocoa vides five calories per gram, versus the nine calories per
butter fat melts in the mouth to give a cooling sensation gram of typical fats (Haumann, 1997). Salatrim is pre-
and a smoother mouth-appeal effect. Palm oil TAGs are pared by IE of hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as soy
high in palmitic acid and have a melting point of 23  C. or canola, with triacetin and/or tripropionin and/or tri-
Therefore, palm oil is liquid at room temperature. butyrin. Lee and Akoh (1997) used two immobilized
Conversion of some common lauric fats (such as palm lipases (IM 60 from Rhizomucor miehei and SP 435 from
oil) into cocoa-butter fat substitute can be achieved by Candida antarctica) to synthesize a number of SL.
interesterification. A process is reported in which che- Native lard consists of grainy crystals with large
mical IE is employed to convert lauric fats into confec- spherulitic aggregates. Chemical IE of native lard results
tioners’ fats (Brown et al., 1970; Gillies, 1974). The in fine crystals and reduced fat spherulite aggregates
process involves the IE of lauric fats with alkyl fatty (Rousseau, Hill et al., 1996). IE of lard–canola oil
acid esters (fatty acids having 12, 14, and 16 carbon (LCO) mixtures leads to reduced spherulite and low-
atoms) at temperature between 80  C and 140  C. The density aggregate formation. This has a direct effect on
following equation illustrates the process: the hardness index (HI) of these fat blends. It was
reported by the Marangoni group (Marangoni & Rous-
Lauric fat þ Alkyl esterðsÞ ! New TAG seau, 1998) that the hardness index of lard and LCO
increased after IE. Marangoni and Rousseau (1998)
þ New alkyl esters reported that the G0 (Elastic modulus) of all LCO
blends increased as a result of IE; while G0 of palm oil
The IE is carried out using an alkali metal alkoxide as and soybean oil (POSBO) blends was not affected by IE.
catalyst, such as sodium methylate. Gleason (1960) also A lot of work has been done on the enzymatic IE of
reported a process for manufacture of an improved cake palm oil blends (Kurashige, Matsuzaki, & Takahashi,
shortening utilizing IE of lard with itaconic acid (pro- 1993). This results in improvement in the handling
pylenedicarboxylic acid). Cakes baked using such properties of the palm oil at low temperatures. Palm oil
shortening have a fine uniform texture with an increase was blended with either canola or soybean oil and these
in crumb volume. blended oils were then modified by enzymatic selective
Many studies have been done on the chemical IE and IE utilizing an immobilized lipase that had 1, 3- posi-
enzymatic IE of the TAGs that affect the hardness and tional specificity (Kurashige et al., 1993). They reported
spreadability of fat systems (Foglia, Petruso, & Feair- that enzymatic IE lowered the SFC of the treated blend.
heller, 1993; Forssell, Kervinen, Lappi, Linko, Suortti, No such effect was reported when a similar blend was
& Poutanen, 1992; Lee & Akoh, 1997; Marangoni & subjected to chemical IE. Therefore, it was concluded
Rousseau, 1998; Moussata & Akoh, 1998; Rousseau, that enzymatic IE is a useful treatment to improve the
1996; Rousseau, Forestiere, Hill, & Marangoni, 1996; fluidity of blends of palm and canola oil.
Rousseau & Marangoni, 1998; Seriburi & Akoh, 1998). By employing IE, the manufacturing industry may be
TAGs containing mixtures of short, medium, and able to achieve freedom from hydrogenation odor and
long chain fatty acids attached to the glycerol backbone trans-fatty acids in the final product. Lard and high
for specific functionality are called structured lipids (SL) oleic sunflower oil (Trisun) were interesterified at 55  C
(Haumann, 1997). Their first food use has been in the for 24 h with SP 435 lipase (obtained from Candida
confectionary industry. Enzymatic IE, because of sub- antartica) to produce plastic fats (Seriburi & Akoh,
strate specificity, is widely used for producing SL. Sev- 1998). Seriburi and Akoh (1998) reported that 60:40 (w/
eral factors have prompted the increasing interest in w) ratio of lard to Trisun had the widest plastic range
structured lipids. SL offer metabolic advantages in (from 3 to 26  C). Their study demonstrated that enzy-
chronic health conditions such as impaired gastro- matic interesterification of saturated fat (lard) with an
intestinal functions, liver disease or congestive heart unsaturated vegetable oil (Trisun) can be used as an
B.S. Ghotra et al. / Food Research International 35 (2002) 1015–1048 1043

alternative to partial hydrogenation for commercial Canada, Toro-Vazquez group in Mexico, Hartel group
applications. The proportions of lard and Trisun can be in the USA, etc.), the preparation of structured lipids
varied to produce various plastic fats with different solid via interesterification (the Marangoni group in Canada,
fat contents. Moreover, IE can increase the stability of Akoh group in the United States, etc.), and the eluci-
unsaturated TAGs. Moussata and Akoh (1998) worked on dation of the crystallization structure of the established
the lipase-catalyzed IE of melon seed oil. The stability of polymorphic forms (the Sato group in Japan). The vast
melon seed oil is low because of its high content of linoleic amount of scientific literature from these groups and
acid (C18:2). In the experiment, melon seed oil was inter- others must not be discounted. This review has attemp-
esterified with high oleic sunflower oil. After inter- ted to group the literature relevant to shortenings in an
esterification, palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), and easy to understand description of the state of the
oleic acid (C18:1) contents increased at the sn-2 position of understanding of the field, but it is impossible in one
TAG. Due to such rearrangement of fatty acids among review to also take into consideration the many discrete
TAGs, stability of the melon seed oil was increased. pieces of advancements that have been made in the
Weiss (1983) used IE to form an acetoglyceride. IE of areas mentioned earlier. Certainly even with the volume
TAGs with triacetin (glycerin triacetate) yields acet- of work out there, we are still very far from a predictive
oglyceride (Weiss, 1983). These are waxy solids which conceptual understanding of the relationships men-
are stable in the alpha crystalline form. They have tioned at the beginning of this section of the report. It is
emulsifying properties (Gehrke, Marmor, Henry, & the objective of our research group at the University of
Greenberg, 1959) and can be used as coating fats (Luce, Alberta to collate the knowledge offered on the various
1967) and as whipped toppings (Anonymous, 1968). areas, to identify the gaps as that knowledge pertains to
an understanding of shortenings and margarines, and to
do targeted experimental and theoretical development in
11. Conclusions the shortenings and margarines field. Much of this effort
can borrow from the excellent work done on the general
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