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Abstract Submission Template IMReCESA 2021

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Abstract Submission to the International Multidisciplinary Research Conference

on Education, Sciences and Arts (IMReCESA 2021)






TITLE OF THE RESEARCH The Plurality of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism Amidst

the Selfie and Inclusivity Generation in Social Change

ABSTRACT OF THE Limit exists only in our minds. The onset of the
RESEARCH digital era has created avenues of connectivity and
(200-WORDS) convenience wherein the landscape has now become
borderless. The generation calls for us to adapt profusely
with having to engage with the multitudes of information
ahead of us. The shift to the ‘avatar’-life and living were
made more evident with uncertain and complex
scenarios, thus, there was one basic rule – we all had to
Survival meant to be able to adapt in a multi-
faceted generation where data mandates power in the
society. Human behavior started accepting the plurality of
being multi – in language and in culture.
As defined, multilingualism is being able to adapt
to the evolvement of syntax and dialogue (Lewis, 2019).
The younger generations are able to assimilate different
languages simply because the information through multi-
media is right at the click of their fingers.
In a similar plane, multiculturalism is an effect of
the involvement of multi-media and the evolvement of
multi-lingual capacities of human behavior (Nieto, 2013).
The study investigates the dynamics of multilingualism
and multiculturalism to social change and how the selfie-
generation of individualism can be flipped to an inclusive
generation of equity in diversity.
Pag e 1


Date 2021‐02‐14

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Limit exists only in our minds. The onset of the digital era has created avenues of connectivity and convenience wherein the landscape has now become borderless. The generation calls for us to
adapt profusely with having to engage with the multitudes of information ahead of us. The shift to the ‘avatar’‐life and living were made more evident with uncertain and complex scenarios,
thus, there was one basic rule – we all had to survive. Survival meant to be able to adapt in a multi‐faceted generation where data mandates power in the society. Human behavior started
accepting the plurality of being multi – in language and in culture. As defined, multilingualism is being able to adapt to the evolvement of syntax and dialogue ﴾Lewis, 2019﴿. The younger
generations are able to assimilate different languages simply because the information through multi‐media is right at the click of their fingers. In a similar plane, multiculturalism is an effect of
the involvement of multi‐media and the evolvement of multi‐lingual capacities of human behavior ﴾Nieto, 2013﴿. The study investigates the dynamics of multilingualism and multiculturalism to
social change and how the selfie‐generation of individualism can be flipped to an inclusive generation of equity in diversity.

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