Mailbox Alarm: Small Circuitscollection

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of time that the lights remain illuminated depends on the

total current consumption and the size of the Goldcap. If
you have enough space, don’t skimp, and instead select
D1 D3 IC1
one with a bit more capacitance. 78L06 1N4001
You can experiment with the circuit to your heart’s content,
R1 R2
but note that the Goldcap cannot tolerate voltages greater


D2 D4 C1 C2
than 5.5 V. With a 6-V regulator followed by a voltage drop
100n 100n
of 0.6V across the diode, we have 5.4 V. 4x 1N4001

To calculate how long the LEDs will remain illuminated, you GOLDCAP 1F
D6 D7

can use the formula time = (capacity) × (voltage change) ÷


(current). For example, suppose there are five LEDs draw-

024110 - 11
ing 2 mA each. When the Goldcap is fully charged, the
voltage across it is 5.4 V. Once it has been discharged to
2.5 V, the LEDs will scarcely generate any more light. The volt- minutes. With a 0.1-F capacitor the duration is half a minute, but
age change is thus 3 V. The length of time that the lights with al value of 22 F the duration is 110 minutes, or nearly
remain on is therefore (1 F) × (3 V) ÷ (0.01 A) = 300 s, or 5 two hours! (024110-1)

Mailbox Alarm 014

Pradeep G. +12V

Here’s a 555-based project that can be used as mailbox alarm. R2 R2 R3



By suitable mounting of the LED and the phototransistor, the cir-

cuit is able to detect when a letter is dropped in your mailbox.
4 8
Our younger readers should know that a ‘letter’ is not the
7 R
result of hitting any of the A-Z keys on the PC keyboard, but R4
IC1 C3

a precursor of the email message. For some mysterious reason, OUT

some people are still sending messages to each other using D1 6
555 47µ LS1
2 TR
letters. In case you’ve never seen one, a letter is usually con- T2
tained in an ‘envelope’, it takes ages to deliver and can some- or 5 1
2N5777 C1 C2 ≥ 8Ω
times be seen in the hands of a life form called ‘postman’, BC547

47n 100n
which is an antediluvian version of the anonymous Postmas-
ter at your ISP. 010077 - 11

When the mailbox is empty, light emitted by the green LED

is detected by the phototransistor. In this condition, the 555 IC The loudspeaker may also be mounted inside the mailbox, with
is held disabled via its pin 4. When a letter is dropped in the a few holes drilled in the mailbox side panel acting as a grille.
box, the disable condition is lifted and an alarm sound — not The LED and the phototransistor should be spaced a few
remotely resembling the Windows You have New Mail sound centimetres apart.
— is produced by the loudspeaker (min. impedance 8 ohms). (010077-1)

Crystal Tester 015

K.-H. Lorenz mental-mode crystals up to approximately 24 MHz. For over-
This general-purpose crystal tester can be used to test and tone crystals, however, only the fundamental frequency can
measure quartz crystals having frequencies from 30 kHz to be measured. For example, the counter will indicate a fre-
100 MHz. It is suitable for use as a front-end accessory for a fre- quency of 20 MHz for a 5th-overtone crystal that oscillates at
quency counter to directly measure the frequencies of funda- 100 MHz.

12/2002 Elektor Electronics 31

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