Reaction Engg. & Thermodynamics Lab: Department of Chemical Engineering

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CHC3950 Reaction Engg.




Course Number and Title CH 3950 Reaction Engg. & Thermodynamics Lab
Credits 1.5
Course Category Departmental Core (DC)
Pre-requisite(s) ---
Contact Hours (L-T-P) 0-0-3
Type of Course Laboratory Course
Course Assessment Report Preparation and Submission 40 Marks
Viva-voce 20 Marks
Sessional 60 Marks
End Semester Examination:
Viva-voce and/or Practical 40 Marks
Grand Total 100 Marks

1. Understand the significance of reaction rate constant & the role of catalyst in chemical reactions.
2. Know the objective of multiple reactor system.
3. Feel the importance of working in a group.
4. Write technical reports on their own.
5. Learn safe working procedures and a sense of responsibility and punctuality

1. Determine the Residence Time Distribution and plot RTD curve in a single CSTR. Find the
MRT for a given flow rate. Use a 5N NaOH solution as tracer.
2. Determine the Residence Time Distribution and plot the RTD curve for a system of series of 3
CSTRs. Find the MRT for a given flow rate. Use a 5N NaOH solution as tracer.
3. Determine the Residence Time Distribution and plot the RTD curve for a Tubular vessel. Find
the MRT for a given flow rate. Use a 5N NaOH solution as tracer.
4. Kinetic study of a non-catalytic homogeneous liquid-phase second-order reaction in a batch
reactor: Determine the reaction rate constant for the saponification of ethyl acetate with sodium
hydroxide. [Equimolar] Kinetic study of a non-catalytic homogeneous liquid-phase second-order
reaction in a batch reactor: Determine the reaction rate constant for the saponification of ethyl
acetate with sodium hydroxide. [non-Equimolar]
5. Kinetic Study of a non-catalytic solid-fluid reaction.
6. Determine the partial molar volume of a binary liquid mixture (ethanol-water) at the ambient
conditions as a function of concentration.
7. Kinetic study of a non-catalytic homogeneous liquid-phase second-order reaction in a CSTR:
Determine the reaction rate constant for the saponification of ethyl acetate with sodium
8. Kinetic study of a non-catalytic homogeneous liquid-phase second-order reaction in a plug flow
reactor: Determine the reaction rate constant for the saponification of ethyl acetate with sodium

1. Levenspiel, Octave, Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition (2005), John Wiley & Sons,
2. Fogler, Scott H., Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4th Edition (2008), Prentice-
Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Smith, J.M., Chemical Engineering Kinetics, 5th Edition (2002), McGraw-Hill, New York.
CHC3950: Reaction Engg. & Thermodynamics Lab
Page Size: Report should be written on 29.5 cm X 23-Size (Thesis size) bond paper (A4).
Cover Page: It should contain the following:
Title of Experiment : ………………………………………………………………….
Experiment No. : ………………………………………………………………….
Date of conducting : …….………………...………………………………………….
Date of submission : ………………………………………………………………….

Conducted By:

(1)-------------------------------------- (2) --------------------------------- (3) ----------------------------

(4)------------------------------------- (5) -------------------------------------------------------------------
Group No. -------------------------------------------- Batch No-------------------------------------------
Submitted by: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Faculty No. ------------------------------------------ Enrolment No. ------------------------------------
Contents of Report
1. Objective: Mention the objectives of the experiment point-wise.
2. Theory: It should be brief and to the point. Detailed derivations etc.
Should be omitted. However, relevant references may be given.
3. Description of the A short but otherwise complete description of the set-up
Experimental Set-up: including all important dimensions should be mentioned
along with a neat sketch of the experimental set-up .The
sketch should be drawn with a pencil only.
4. Procedure: Describe experimental procedure points-wise.
5. Observation & Results Observations should be given in tabular form. Relevant results
should be presented in tabular/graphical forms. All the
graphical form. All the graphs should be drawn with pencil
6. Sample calculations Complete calculations of one run should be given. Each
partner should give sample calculations for separate runs.
7. Discussion of the Results In the light of relevant theory, observations and errors,
discuss critically the results obtained. If the result
show some trends, discuss that also.
8. Conclusions: Important conclusions drawn from the study should be
mentioned point –wise.
9. Errors: Errors in the experimentation should be identified and
their Sources discussed.
10. Suggestions: Suggestions regarding the overall improvement of the
experimental setup/measurements should be discussedbriefly.
11. References: All the relevant reference from where theory, data, and
experimental procedure etc. is taken must be properly
mentioned at the end of the report.

1. Come to the laboratory class well prepared with the theory and observation
2. Make rough sketch of the experimental setup and note down on it all the need dimensions and
3. All observations and sketches are to be made on bond sheets (A4) only by each student. Get
the signature of the Instructor on them at the end of the class and attach them with the final
report. Observations should be complete with all required data, and information.
(Atmospheric pressure and temperature to be noted)
4. Separate report is to be prepared by each student for each experiment. Each student should
make sample calculations for separate run.
5. Report of the performed experiment is to be positively submitted on the next schedule turn,
failing which the student will not permitted in the class.
6. All reports are to be compiled in one file at the end of the year, which will be required to be
submitted at the time of his viva-voce examination.

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