The Effect of Using Instagram Influencers in Building Conseva's Brand Awareness

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The Winners, 21(1), March 2020, 67-73 P-ISSN: 1412-1212

DOI: 10.21512/tw.v21i1.6497 E-ISSN: 2541-2388

The Effect of Using Instagram Influencers in

Building Conseva’s Brand Awareness
Paulina Tjandrawibawa*
Creative Industries Faculty, Visual Communication Design Department, Universitas Ciputra
CitraLand CBD Boulevard, Made, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60219, Indonesia
[email protected]

Received: 25th June 2020/ Revised: 07th July 2020/ Accepted: 20th July 2020

How to Cite: Tjandrawibawa, P. (2020). The effect of using instagram influencers in building conseva’s
brand awareness. The Winners, 21(1), 67-73.

Abstract - Rapid growth of social media marketing alone can facilitate and add value to their
development leads to abundant brands’ promotion for products. Besides, it does not cost much, so it is
their products or services. One of the many ways is considered more efficient. The impact on sales will
promotion through influencers on Instagram. Recently, be significantly large if customers visit the site and
it is known that companies using Influencer marketing understand what the brand offers. One of the goals of
tend to keep going up since such particular way is effective marketing is to introduce the existence of a
considered to be quite effective to increase brand product to consumers. Moreover it is essential to bring
awareness. However, the average data obtained from the brand image into the customers’ minds, so the
various journals and articles is data from medium to brand will become one of customers’ top preferences
large scale companies both locally and internationally. (Haryanto, 2009).
Therefore, the research was conducted to examine Among other social media platforms, Instagram
whether the use of Instagram influencers to increase is one of the most popular platforms globally with
brand awareness is also effective for micro-scale local active users more than 1 billion. In Indonesia, there are
brands by taking examples from one of Surabaya 60 million Instagram users, thus Indonesia made it into
lifestyle brands called Conseva. The research was fourth place of the countries with the most Instagram
conducted with a quantitative method focusing on users after America, India and Brazil (
collecting numerical data to see the results of the This particular platform, which has been purchased by
growth of followers and visits obtained by Conseva Facebook, is also ranked fourth as the most used social
before and after using Instagram influencers. If the media in Indonesia, which is as much as 79% of the
number of Instagram followers and visits to Conseva total population.
increases, it means that brand awareness has also With the increasing use of Instagram, the
increased and vice versa. term ‘Instagram influencer’ also appears, which is
part of influencer marketing and a type of marketing
Keywords: instagram influencer, influencer marketing, that works with individuals who create content on
brand awareness, microbrand social media and these individuals have quite a large
audience (Kl, 2019). Evans et al. (2017) stated that
many people follow an individual because of their
I. INTRODUCTION popularity. Influencers are also referred as “insta-
famous” which means micro-celebrity who is famous
The way people communicate and obtain for works produced on Instagram media only.
information has changed since social media platforms Allen (2017) also revealed that these popular
were found. Social media also changes the way individuals also have the influence to convey the
consumers communicate and share information about message of a brand to a larger market. Therefore,
brands so that consumers are now able to think, discuss, these individuals are referred to as influencers because
and share their experiences with certain brands (The they are able to influence their followers in the media.
Nielson Company, 2011). This means brands have a This has been proven by the data collection conducted
new channel to connect more straightforwardly to their by Talaverna (2015) where 82% of consumers have
consumers in more organic way (Glucksman, 2017). a tendency to follow the recommendations of their
Many companies assume that applying internet favorite influencers.

*Corresponding Author 67
is also increasing from year to year since 91% of
respondents or 3.640 marketing agencies, brands and
other professional industries surveyed by Influencer
Marketing Hub believe that influencer marketing is an
effective form of marketing.
However, from the information provided by
the Influencer Marketing Hub, 55% of respondents
spend funds above 10.000 US dollars or around Rp
140.000.000,00 per year for influencer marketing.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of
companies surveyed are not micro scale. Based on
Indonesian Law No. 20/2008, micro businesses are
businesses that have an annual turnover of at most Rp
300.00.,00,.00. According to data from the Ministry
Figure 1 Statistical Data of of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises,
Leading Social Networks in Indonesia micro scale businesses are the largest types of
Source: Statista businesses in Indonesia, to develop it to a larger scale,
tough competition and limited funds for marketing
In the midst of intense business competition, become the challenges.
new brands certainly need a strategy to increase brand
awareness so that potential buyers have the ability
to recognize or remember that the brand is part of
certain product categories (Longwell, 1994). Based
on Rakuten data (Rakuten Marketing, 2019), 65% of
consumers find a new brand or product at least once
a week from an influencer. Therefore, in the era of
rapid use of social media as a marketing strategy,
it is important for brand owners to work together
with influencers to increase their brand awareness
(Uzunoglu, 2014).
According to Delzio (2015), brand awareness
on social media can be measured using metrics such
as number of followers and “hits/visits/page views”,
while according to Erskine (2019) in addition to Figure 2 Estimated Influencer Marketing
the two metrics there are other metrics like views, Growth Globally
impressions, shares and comments that can be used as Source: Influencer Marketing Hub
brand awareness measurement. If the number of these
metrics shows an increase or has a high number then it
will have a positive impact on brand awareness. Other data and journals studied also rarely
Based on the benchmark report from the mention the effectiveness of using influencer marketing
Influencer Marketing Hub (Influencer Marketing, for a brand owned by a micro scale business. Tabellion
2020), the main purpose of companies using influencers and Esch (2019) also stated that marketers have not
is to increase brand awareness. The use of influencers been able to decided which influencer marketing

Figure 3 Growth of Indonesian Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprise in year 2017-2018

68 The Winners, Vol. 21 No. 1 March 2020, 67-73

strategies providing the most positive impact on their number of figures shows the effectiveness of the
brand as the question itself has not been fully answered content displayed by influencers in introducing
by the published journals. It can also be assumed that Conseva brand products. The data was collected in
the marketers do not only mean to promote big and January and February 2020 and compiled in a table to
popular corporate brands but also other brands owned be compared.
by various company scales.
Therefore, the research aims to find out whether
the influencers will also obtain positive results in III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
increasing brand awareness of a micro business.
In the research, Conseva brand, a lifestyle brand Found in 2015, Conseva brand derives its name
from Surabaya which is managed under CV Kreasi from the Latin word conservatio that means keeping or
Consindo, is chosen as subject because of its business conserving. The brand was established as an alternative
size classified to micro business category. to the low-quality manufactured goods that lead to a
“throw away” mentality causing environmental issues.
Hence, Conseva aims to create emotionally durable
products that people want to keep and enjoy for a long
period of time. Conseva’s first product was printed
scarves with hand-drawn style botanical illustrations.
To the present, in addition to the scarves collection,
Conseva has also released other products such as tote
bags, pouches, clothings, stationeries, and fashion
The main target market of Conseva brand are
the upper middle class females aged 24-35 years, who
live in big cities in Indonesia, and particularly like to
buy products with unique illustrated images that can
be worn daily for casual occasion. Therefore, the first
Figure 4 Conseva Brand Instagram step in formulating an influencer marketing strategy is
Source: Instagram to choose influencers who have followers with similar
ages in accordance with Conseva brand target market.
It is considered essential reach influencers who come
II. METHODS from Surabaya—the home city of Conseva brand, and
The research uses quantitative methods focusing Jakarta—the city of origin of most buyers for Conseva
on numerical data collection (Babbie, 2010). Analysis products. Influencers chosen are also micro influencers
of this numerical data is required to find out the number who have a total of 1.000 - 100.000 followers (De
of followers and page visits on Conseva’s Instagram Veirman et al., 2019) because their endorsement
page before and after using influencer marketing. prices are still suitable for micro scale businesses.
In order to answer the research question, target Besides its suitability for decent sized marketing
population needs to be defined for sampling process budget, study conducted by Kay et al. (2020) found
(Taherdoost, 2018). Approximately 50,000 people are that compared to macro influencers, micro influencers
the followers of three Instagram influencers who were are more efficient in increasing consumer outcomes
selected to endorse Conseva’s product. They are all as they have a smaller audience scope that provide
women aged from 24 to 35 living in Indonesia’s largest greater interaction with their followers than large-
cities, and having interest in fashion and design. scale influencers. Conseva had also approached macro
The research uses simple random sampling influencers for fee comparison and their fees were at
technique which can be understood easily and has least twice higher than micro influencer which will not
projectable results (Malhotra & Birks, 2007). In this be financially suitable for micro scale business.
research, measuring brand awareness can be achieved Huey & Yazdanifard (2014) stated that in
by comparing data before and after random sampling. order to be successful in social media marketing, the
If influencers’ followers have interest in Conseva first crucial step is to decide the target consumers.
brand, they would visit or follow Conseva’s Instagram According Kampamba (2015), determining consumer
account. An increase in the number of followers and market can use demographic segmentation by using
page visit on Conseva’s Instagram account means that major variables—age and gender—as these are the
their brand awareness started growing. On the other most used aspects and can be measured easily. Besides
hand, if the number remains the same or decreasing, demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation
it means Conseva needs to evaluate their influencer was also applied as Conseva brand is based in
marketing strategy. Surabaya, and the majority of their customers live in
Influencers will also be asked for data on the Jakarta.
number of views, shares and comments on each The selection of influencers was done in
influencer’s Instagram. In all three metrics the high several ways, namely asking for recommendations
from acquaintances who have reached influencers

The Effect of Using Instagram Influencers..... (Paulina Tjandrawibawa) 69

for their business, direct observation from Instagram The micro influencers chosen by Conseva are
by seeing circle of friends from influencers, using referred to as Influencers A, B, and C. Real names are
the Sociobuzz platform and Omnifluencer, a tool to not used to avoid performance generalization of these
measure the engagement rate of Instagram accounts influencers. Influencer A is a Surabaya socialite which
to see the effectiveness of influencers in promoting has around 30.000 followers with an engagement rate
a product. According to Jaakonmäki et al. (2017), (ER) by 2,25%. Influencer B is a model from Jakarta
the engagement rate is an indicator that measures with nearly 70,000 followers with an ER by 1,61%.
the amount responses and interactions received by Influencer C comes from Surabaya, which has around
posting a content on social media. This interaction can 14.000 followers on Instagram with an ER by 1,58%.
be measured by the number of likes and comments Influencers with ER below 2,4% are still chosen
that influencers get from followers when making paid because of the factors mentioned previously.
posts from a brand to market the brand’s products or Each influencer promoted different types of
services on Instagram (Hughes et al., 2019). If the items. The two influencers from Surabaya were given
influencer is able to create interesting content for the a scarf and a totebag from Kalimantan collection
product, it is likely that followers will respond to the that has fun and colorful illustration of Kalimantan
content so that the engagement rate will be high. animals and plants. The scarf size is 110 x 110 cm,
and is made of silky satin fabric. As for totebag, it was
made of thick canvas with lining and the size is 31 x
37 cm. Scarf and totebag were chosen due to a more
affordable price for the purchasing power of Surabaya
residents, where scarf is Rp 330.000,00, and totebag is
Rp 190.000,00.

Figure 5 Types of Influencers

Source: Casting Asia

Omnifluencer tool was used to list micro

influencers based on their engagement rate. Total 31
micro influencers from Surabaya and Jakarta were Figure 6 Influencer Searching Result Using
listed and known that their engagement rate range Omnifluencer Tool
was between 0,32% -5,9%. According to Semeraro Source:
(2019), a pretty good rate for micro influencers
(1.000-100.000 followers) is 2,4%. However, because
some of these micro influencers have set rates similar
to macro influencers, the choice is narrowed down
even smaller. There are also other considerations in
choosing an influencer, such as influencer’s personality
and character; 1) responsive, 2) cooperative, and
3) communicative. Besides, the brand should find
influencers who have a good sense of fashion. It
is expected that they are able to combine the main
product with other items into a complete outfit. That
way would enhance the look of the product, and give
ideas on how to wear them. The next factor is the pose,
which should naturally bring out suitable character
(fun, feminine, etc.) to the product. Lastly, it is their Figure 7 Kalimantan Scarf Worn by a Model (Non-
photography skills that matters, including quality of Influencer) and Kalimantan Totebag
images based on photo composition, photo resolution, Source: Conseva Instagram
backgrounds and filters.
The overall look of the influencers’ Instagram is
also important to be considered to see the effort they The influencer from Jakarta was given a 100%
put on when making Instragram posts. cotton top with a Sumatran animals and plants motif

70 The Winners, Vol. 21 No. 1 March 2020, 67-73

that also has a fun vector illustration style. The clothing left the audience unaware about the product’s fabric
price is Rp 595.000,00 which is more suitable for the benefits and the illustration story. This is in line with
purchasing power of the people of Jakarta compared to the opinion of Anderson (2019), in which an influencer
Surabaya. As stated by Jakarta provincial government, should be able to create a narrative and story about a
per capita income or average income of Indonesians product that is promoted to attract the attention of their
who move up to the middle class and above leads to an followers and not just pushing products.
increasing purchasing power of people who live in the The comment section of the influencer’ post are
capital. With an average higher salary, the community all about the physical appearance of the influencer,
tends to spend more for their needs (Ulf, 2019). the location of the photo shoot, and the photographer,
Fereidouni & Tajaddin (2015) conducted a study on where no comments mentioned about Conseva
consumption expenditure and its correlation with products. However, in terms of adding visitors to
wealth. They found that people with higher income Conseva Instagram profile and website, influencer B
will also have higher consumption spending. brought the highest number compared to the other two
In addition, there are quite a lot of local brands influencers. This is most likely due to the number of
in Jakarta that have similar products, namely clothing followers owned by influencers B is far higher than
with original illustrations with almost similar price influencer A and C.
ranges. This indicates that Jakarta market is familiar As for influencer A, the promotion was only
with similar products and prices. posted on Instagram story, so number of comments
received cannot be seen. Influencer A created a
video content showing unboxing of Conseva scarf,
accompanied by a brief narrative about the scarf
illustration, showing the shape, other details as well
as how the scarf looks when it is worn to complete an
outfit. As a result, there was an increase in Conseva
follower numbers but only four people and two of
them are fake accounts, where there are no followers
on the account. However, Conseva received a private
message from two people asking for the scarf price
which means that the content created by Influencer
A attracted the attention of the audience to do further
requirements regarding product descriptions that have
the potential to purchase. The low follower growth
Figure 8 A Non-Influencer Model Wearing Tops could be caused by low video quality and also lacking
made of 100% Cotton of alternative fashion style as Influencer A was not
with Sumatran Animals and Plants Illustration quite creative in giving ideas to wear the scarf in
Source: Conseva Instagram various ways. According to Hird (2013), Instagram
is different from other social media because Instagram
The following data are given by the influencers is putting emphasis on visual strategy, thus in order
and Conseva Instagram after the influencers posted on to make people engage more with a content, it should
their Instagram story and feed. From data in Table 1, have visual appeal (Syrdal & Briggs, 2018). Audience
it was found that influencer B with the highest number also looks for fashion style variety in a content created
of followers apparently did not increase the number outside traditional fashion media (Choi, 2016).
of Conseva brand followers at all. The unsuccessful The last promotion was posted by Influencer C,
follower increase could be caused by influencer’s photo who posted 2 photos. The first photo was influencer
shoot, which did not show product at close range, so C using a totebag that was photographed from long
the detailed illustrations are not clearly visible. distance and the second photo was totebag detailed
Influencer B also did not describe the product at illustration. The quality of photos provided by
the caption part, just mentioning the brand name which influencer C is better than influencer B because

Table 1 Data

Views Shares Comments Conseva Followers Conseva Profile

increase Visits total amount
Influencer A 3.000 - N/A 4 98
(30.000 follower)
*Instastory on January 7th, 2020
Influencer B 15.222 0 24 0 137
(70.000 follower)
*Instagram post on February 7th,

The Effect of Using Instagram Influencers..... (Paulina Tjandrawibawa) 71

Table 1 Data (Continued)

Views Shares Comments Conseva Followers Conseva Profile

increase Visits total amount
Influencer C 1.290 0 14 2 75
(14.000 follower)
*Instagram post on February 21st,
Source: Personal data

influencer C is using DSLR camera so when the photo advantages so that influencers can briefly describe
is zoomed-in, it does not look pixilated or blur. them in the caption section to attract followers’
Due to the image quality, it could be the reason attention. Influencers might not be aware of the product
influencers C received positive comments about the advantages and thus, a brand needs to explain it to
totebag compared to influencers B who did not get any influencers. Secondly, the influencer service user must
comments on Conseva’s products. The same idea was also know the requirements for the photos; 1) how
expressed by Teo et al. (2019) that visual-centric social the photo shoot should be taken i.e. long distance or
networking sites, such as Instagram, require good close distance shoot, 2) how to style the product and 3)
quality photos to influence consumers’ perceptions of the product details which should be highlighted since
the quality of products being promoted. In addition to brand owners has better understanding of the product
the photo quality factor, since influencer C followers benefits and uniqueness better than influencers.
are somewhat smaller than the other two influencers, Thirdly, influencers must inform or ask influencers
the possibility to engage with followers will be higher, to include appropriate hashtags to approach a wider
which can be seen from the fact that influencer C audience.
replied to almost all comments on her post. Anger & The findings of the research will contribute
Kittl (2011) also argue that quantity is not the same as to the benefit of local brand owners in Indonesia
quality. In this case, although influencer C does not who have limited budget for marketing. The market
have as much followers as the other two, influencer C competitiveness justifies the need to try various
build great engagement with the followers. That way marketing strategies including Instagram influencer
is considered to have more positive impact compared marketing. Although the research only takes three
to influencers with a large number of followers that influencers, and the result turns out to be far from
most of them are not an active user of Instagram. expectations, it is hoped that other local brand owners
might want to incorporate the points to optimize the
use of influencer marketing to get better results.
IV. CONCLUSIONS For future research, it can be continued by
increasing number of Instagram influencers in
The results show that after doing endorsements, endorsing products and using advance analysis
the use of influencer marketing for Conseva’s micro- method such as hypotheses testing method, to get a
scale brand turned out to be less impactful. Costs more accurate measurement of brand awareness.
incurred to pay influencers are not proportional to the
addition of followers since Conseva only gained six
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