Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Cracking Resistance Using The Semi-Circular Bend Test (SCB) at Intermediate Temperatures
Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Cracking Resistance Using The Semi-Circular Bend Test (SCB) at Intermediate Temperatures
Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Cracking Resistance Using The Semi-Circular Bend Test (SCB) at Intermediate Temperatures
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D8044 − 16
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D8044 − 16
3. Terminology 6.1.1 Axial Loading Device—The load apparatus shall be
3.1 Definitions: capable of maintaining a constant deformation rate of 0.5
3.1.1 Jc—critical strain energy release rate (kJ/m2), value mm/min.
used to evaluate mixture resistance to cracking. 6.1.2 Environmental Chamber—A chamber capable of
maintaining 60.3 °C of the climatic intermediate temperature
3.1.2 U—strain energy to failure (kJ) is the area under the calculated in 8.4.
loading portion of the load versus deflection curves, up to the 6.1.3 Control and Data Acquisition System—The system
maximum load measured for each notch depth. shall include a data acquisition system comprising analog to
digital conversion or digital input, or both, for storage and
4. Summary of Test Method
analysis on a computer. The system shall be capable of
4.1 A semi-circular specimen is loaded monotonically until measuring and recording three signals during the test including
fracture failure occurs under a constant rate of deformation in load, displacement, and chamber temperature at a sampling
a three-point bending load configuration. The load and defor- rate of 10 Hz. The minimum resolution of the measurements is
mation are continuously recorded and are used to compute the provided in Table 1.
strain energy for a given notch depth. The test is repeated at
6.2 Measurement Devices:
multiple notch depths to compute the critical strain energy
6.2.1 Load Measuring Device—The load measuring device
release rate, Jc. High Jc values are desirable for fracture-
shall consist of an electronic load cell, designed for placement
resistant mixtures. A Jc value ranging from 0.5 to 0.60 kJ/m2 is
between the load platen and piston, with the minimum capacity
typically recommended to ensure adequate fracture resistance
and sensitivity stated in Table 1. The load cell shall be
of the mixture.
calibrated in accordance with Practices E4.
4.2 This test procedure considers the elasto-plastic/visco- 6.2.2 Axial Deformations—Axial deformations shall be
elastic relationship of asphalt mixtures and fracture mechanics measured with linear variable differential transformers (LVDT)
(Mull, et al., 2006, Anderson 2005 and suggested by Wu et al., or other devices capable of measuring displacement within the
2005). range and tolerance provided in Table 1. The LVDT shall be
calibrated in accordance with Practice E3029, Class B.
5. Significance and Use 6.2.3 Temperature—Chamber temperature shall be mea-
5.1 The critical strain energy release rate, Jc, is used to sured with Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) or other
compare the cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures prepared suitable devices accurate to within 6 0.3°C.
with different binder and aggregate types prepared to meet the 6.3 Gyratory Compactor—A gyratory compactor and asso-
volumetric requirements of differing traffic levels tested at ciated equipment for preparing laboratory specimens in accor-
intermediate temperatures. dance with Test Method D6925 shall be used.
5.2 This engineering property is a performance indicator of 6.4 Saw—The saw shall be capable of producing three
intermediate temperature cracking. different notch sizes ranging from 0 to 50 mm. The width of the
NOTE 1—The quality of the results produced by this standard are saw blade shall be <3.5mm.
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing the procedure
and the capability, calibration, and maintenance of the equipment used. 6.5 Test Fixture—The loading frame shall consist of a
Agencies that meet the criteria of Specification D3666 are generally loading rod and two sample support rods. The schematic of the
considered capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/ test apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. The diameters of the loading
inspection/etc. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with and supports rods shall be 25 mm and the anvil span shall be
Specification D3666 alone does not completely assure reliable results. 127 mm.
Reliable results depend on many factors; following the suggestions of
Specification D3666 or some similar acceptable guideline provides a 6.6 Reaction Surface Treatment—Polytetrafluoroethylene
means of evaluating and controlling some of those factors. (PTFE) strips are used to reduce friction between the specimen
and the lower two support rollers.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Load Test System—A load test system consisting of an 7. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units
axial loading device, environmental chamber, and control and 7.1 Semi-circular bend testing may be performed on field
data acquisition system. The test system shall meet the mini- cores or laboratory prepared test specimens. (See Practices
mum requirements specified in Table 1. (See Practices E2309/ D5361/D5361M and D979/D979M.)
7.2 Laboratory-compacted asphalt mixture samples:
7.2.1 Specimen Size—The specimens shall be 150 mm in
TABLE 1 Test System Minimum Requirements diameter by 120 mm thick.
Measurement Range Accuracy 7.2.2 Air Void Content—Prepare a minimum of three gyra-
Load Measurement 0 to 10 kN ±1% tory specimens at the target air void content using the Super-
and Control pave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) according to Test Method
Displacement Measurement 0 to 30 mm ± 0.5 %
and Control D6925 at the target air void content 6 0.5%. The typical air
Temperature Measurement 5 to 35 °C ± 0.3 °C void target for the test specimens is 7.0 %.
and Control Range
NOTE 2—The specimen air voids are calculated using Test Methods
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D8044 − 16
D2041/D2041M, D2726/D2726M, D3203/D3203M, and D6857/ compacted sample height by approximately 15 6 5 mm such that the
D6857M. semi-circular shaped specimens with two cut faces have a final thickness
of 57 6 1 mm.
7.2.3 The semi-circular shaped specimens are prepared by
first cutting a 150 mm diameter by 120 mm thick specimen into 7.3 Samples Cored from Asphalt Pavement:
two equal circular test samples 57 mm thick. These samples are 7.3.1 Roadway cores can be used if pavement layer thick-
cut along its central axis into two equal semi-circular samples. ness is between 38 and 60 mm. Cores shall be taken full depth
The height (radius) of the two samples shall be within 1 mm of so that no prying action is needed to extract the cores from the
each other. pavement. Care shall be taken to avoid stress or damage to the
NOTE 3—Some practitioners believe that the test should be conducted interface during coring, handling, and transportation. The cores
on specimens with two cut faces. If this approach is used, increase the shall be trimmed such that only a single layer is tested.
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D8044 − 16
7.3.2 Roadway core specimens shall be approximately 8.3 Set the environmental chamber temperature and allow it
150 mm diameter with all surface of the perimeter perpendicu- to stabilize to the test temperature 60.3°C. A dummy specimen
lar to the surface of the core within 6 mm. If the thickness of with a temperature sensor mounted to its center can be
the core being tested is greater than 57 mm, it shall be trimmed monitored to determine when the specimen reaches the test
with a wet masonry saw to a height of 57 mm. temperature 60.3°C. In the absence of a dummy specimen, the
7.3.3 The semi-circular shaped specimens are prepared by specimens should be placed in the environmental chamber set
slicing the 150 mm diameter specimen prepared in 7.2.3 along at the test temperature for a minimum of 2 6 0.5 h to reach the
its central axis into two equal semi-circular samples. The required temperature equilibrium.
height (radius) of the two halves shall be within 1 mm of each NOTE 6—Dummy specimens are typically the same material as the test
other. specimens.
7.4 Notching—A straight vertical notch is cut along the 8.4 Select test temperature based on the climatic intermedi-
symmetrical axis of each semi-circular specimen. The location ate temperature performance grade temperature as defined in
of the notch shall be in the center of the specimen within Specification D6373, AASHTO M320, or M332 and provided
0.3 mm. The three nominal notch depths are 25 mm, 32 mm, below in Eq 1:
and 38 mm. The notch depth tolerance is 6 1.0 mm. The width PG HT1PG LT
PG IT 5 14 (1)
of the notch shall be <3.5 mm. 2
NOTE 4—Ruggedness testing between four laboratories has shown the where:
Jc for split samples to have a within laboratory COV of 9.9 % for PG IT = Intermediate performance grade temperature (°C),
specimens with notch widths between 1.3 mm and 3.4 mm. The specimens
PG HT = Climatic high performance grade temperature, and
should be symmetrical about the cut notch.
PG LT = Climatic low performance grade temperature.
7.5 Aging—Laboratory-prepared test specimens shall be 8.5 After temperature equilibrium is reached, apply a pre-
long term temperature-conditioned in according to AASHTO load of 45 6 10 N for a maximum duration of 30 s to specimen
R30. Roadway cores need not be aged prior to testing. to ensure the sample is seated properly. After ensuring the
7.6 A minimum of four semi-circular specimens shall be sample is level, release the load.
tested at each of the following notch depths: 25 mm, 32 mm, 8.6 Begin to apply load to specimen in displacement control
and 38 mm. at a rate of 0.5 mm/min ensuring that time, force, and
displacement are measured and recorded at a sampling rate of
NOTE 5—A loose mix aging method is under development that may be
able to achieve the AASHTO R30 level of aging in 12 to 24 h, NCHRP 10 Hz. Test may be terminated when the applied load decreases
9-54 Long Term Aging of Asphalt Mixtures for Performance Testing and to 25 % of the peak load.
Prediction. The long term temperature aging is needed to account for
binder source, RAP, RAS and rejuvenators on mix performance (Reinke, 9. Calculation or Interpretation of Results
et al., 2009, 2015, Cooper, et al. 2014, 2015). 9.1 The critical value of J-integral (Jc) is determined using
Eq 2:
8. Procedure
8.1 Inspect the fixture to ensure all contact surfaces are Jc 5 S D
21 dU
b da
clean and free of debris. Place the PTFE tape or pads to reduce
friction caused by interactions between the specimen and
testing fixture during loading. The PTFE pads can be placed Jc = critical strain energy release rate (kJ/m2),
between the specimen and the bottom support rollers. b = sample thickness (m),
a = notch depth (m),
8.2 Load the specimen in the fixture, ensuring the specimen U = strain energy to failure (kJ), and
is centered and making uniform contact (level) on the support dU/da = change of strain energy with notch depth (kJ/m).
rollers (as shown in Fig. 2).
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D8044 − 16
FIG. 2 Examples of SCB Test Fixtures for a Universal Testing Machine (a and b) and a Marshall Press (c) or AMPT (d)
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D8044 − 16
9.1.1 Strain energy to failure, U, is the area under the shown in Fig. 4. The slope of the linear regression line
loading portion of the load versus deflection curves, up to the represents the change of strain energy with notch depth
maximum load measured for each notch depth (shown in Fig. (dU/da). Determine the coefficient of determination (R2) for the
3). Calculate the strain energy using the quadrangle rule regression line. The coefficient of determination (R2) is ex-
provided in Eq 3: pected to be equal or greater than 90 % for asphalt mixture
1 tested.
U 5Σ i51 ~ u i11 2 u i ! 3 P i 1 2 3 ~ u i11 2 u i ! 3 ~ P i11 2 P i !
9.6 Divide the slope of the linear regression line by the
(3) average sample thickness to calculate the critical strain energy
where: release rate, Jc.
Pi = applied load (kN) at the i load step application, NOTE 8—A reference for the test procedure and analysis is Test Method
Pi+1 = applied load (kN) at the i+1 load step application, E399.
ui = crosshead displacement (m) at the i step, and
ui+1 = crosshead displacement (m) at the i+1 step. 10. Report
NOTE 7—An alternative analysis method is to fit the load versus
displacement curve for each notch depth with a sixth order polynomial and 10.1 The report shall include the following parameters:
integrate from the origin to the displacement that corresponds to the 10.1.1 Asphalt mixture type,
maximum load. Report the test results according to Practice E29.
10.1.2 Test temperature, °C,
9.2 Examine the load versus displacement curves for each
10.1.3 Specimen air voids, %,
specimen to verify that the linear region of the data trace is
consistent. Inconsistencies can be caused by machine 10.1.4 Specimen thickness, mm,
compliance, sample seating, sample preparation, or other 10.1.5 Notch depth per sample, mm,
factors. 10.1.6 Strain energy (U) to failure per notch depth, kJ.
9.3 Calculate the strain energy, U (kJ) for each sample using 10.1.7 Average strain energy (U) per notch depth, kJ,
Eq 3 or instructions in Note 7. 10.1.8 Standard deviation of strain energy (U) per notch
9.4 Apply Practice E178 to test replicates at each notch depth, kJ,
depth to identify the presence of outliers in the data set at a 10.1.9 Coefficient of variation of strain energy (U) per notch
confidence level of 90 %. Remove any outliers from the data depth, %,
set. 10.1.10 Coefficient of determination of standard deviation
9.5 For all observations plot U versus notch depth and of U versus notch depth, %, and
model the data with a linear regression line, an example is 10.1.11 Jc, value, kJ/m2.
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FIG. 4 Example of Notch Depth Versus Strain Energy Plot Used to Determine (dU/da)
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