Social Studies 1116
Social Studies 1116
Social Studies 1116
China, Japan
6. Russia's national legislative body, the Federal Assembly, is made up of the __________ lower
chamber) and the Council of the Federation (upper chamber)
8. The nomadic Mongols, whose power reached its eminence in the 13th-century empire of
___________, have inhabited Mongolia since the 12th century.
9. _____________ have ranked as the second largest religious group in South Korea.
10. _____________is the government controlled by one person who uses force to stay power.
11. The first banknotes came out in _________ after December 29, 1768.
12. __________ is the government elected by the people where private individuals can own businesses.
13. Another long-range economic strength of Japan is _________________.
14._________ is a situation where there is no government and where rival groups struggle to take over.
15. _______________is the government ruled by the force of one political party.
16. The Japanese judiciary is under the control of the Executive branch.
20. China is still closed to foreign companies which is why their economy has not improved to this time.