VIVA Questions 01

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1. Ballast water system / management.

2. MARPOL and its annexes.
3. SECA / ECA – percentage of sulphur emission allowed in ECA zone
5. Sewage treatment plant.
6. Oil Record Book
7. Purpose of incinerator, what can we burn in it?
8. SOX and NOX – what are the regulations. What are the systems to control Sox and NOX
9. What is SOPEP?
10. What are the STCW courses that you have done?
11. Sewage disposal regulations
12. Regulations for pumping out engine room bilges.
13. Who is a designated person ashore?
14. Annex V – what garbage can be thrown overboard? What cannot be discharged overboard?
15. What is MLC?

Fire Fighting / Safety

1. How to fight oil fire.
2. CO2 extinguisher
3. CO2 system – operating principle, regulations
4. Precautions before releasing CO2
5. LEL & UEL
6. Enclosed space entry – dangers
7. What will you do if 2 persons collapse in enclosed space and you are standing outside?
8. What is a permit? What is a hot work permit?
9. Enclosed lifeboat
10. Quick closing valve
11. How to fight Electrical fire.
12. What is IG plant in tankers? What are the safeties provided?
13. Under what circumstances will you abandon ship?
14. Oxygen deficiency in ballast tank.
15. Procedure for launching lifeboat / life raft?
16. What are the fixed firefighting systems in Engine Room?
17. What action is to be taken in case of engine room fire?
18. How many lifeboats / life rafts are there in a ship?
19. Lifeboat equipment.
20. Some lifesaving equipment available on ships?
21. Types of firefighting systems available on ships.
22. Fire triangle / tetrahedron
23. What are the uses of following in a lifeboat davit (winch): centrifugal brake, dead man’s handle,
tricing pendant, bowing-in tackle?
24. What are the different fixed firefighting systems on ship? Operation of any one.
25. What is international shore coupling?
26. What are the checks to be carried out on SCBA?
27. Enclosed space entry procedure.
28. Fixed firefighting systems for Engine Room.
29. What precautions are to be taken before entering pump room on tankers?
30. What is the hyper mist system? How is it operated?
31. What are the different types of fire sensors?
32. What is the hydrostatic release of the life raft?
33. Why HALONS are not used for extinguishing fire?
34. What is spontaneous combustion?
35. Precautions to be taken before entering CO2 room
36. Dangers of hot work – precautions to be taken
37. SCBA – air available time
38. What will happen during blackout?
39. What is a deck seal?
17. Where is the emergency fire pump located? Regulations for emergency fire pump.
40. What is an emergency escape?
41. Difference between checklist & Permit?
42. Precautions before entering a battery room?
43. Testing of smoke detector
44. How does foam extinguish fire?
45. Precautions for lathe machine work
46. Emergency bilge suction
47. What are remote stops?
48. What is UMS ship?
49. Different portable fire extinguishers

Main Engine, Auxiliary Engine

1. Who invented diesel engine?
2. Difference between 2-stroke and 4-stroke – which one is more efficient?
3. Why is 2-stroke engine preferred on ships?
4. What are the safeties provided in Main Engine starting air line?
5. What is surging of turbocharger?
6. Cause of scavenge fire? What action is to be taken in case of scavenge fire?
7. What is stuffing box in a two stroke engine?
8. What is the difference between M/E and A/E governor?
9. M/E starting interlock
10. What are the different types of scavenging?
11. What are the safety devices on auxiliary engines?
12. What is the cause of crankcase explosion? What safety precautions can be taken?
13. Material of liner, piston, crankshaft, bearing.
14. Cause of explosion in air starting line and what is the safety provided?
15. Name some alarms on main engine.
16. Name some alarms on generator.
17. What do we check while sending fuel sample for lab inspection?
18. Cause of misalignment of crankshaft?
19. Which card shows exhaust and scavenge details?
20. How is the injection affected if fuel pumps plunger and helix worn out?
21. Why is exhaust grouping done?
22. What is TBN?
23. If O ring of liner is leaking, from where will the cooling water leak out?
24. What happens if the tappet clearance is more/less?
25. What does it mean if crankshaft deflection shows negative?
26. Which type of pump is used to supply Lubricating Oil?
27. If fuel of high viscosity is used, what action should be taken immediately?
28. How is scavenge port arranged for uniflow system?
29. What will detect over speed in generator?
30. How does a piston ring seal?
31. What are the disadvantages of water cooling?
32. What is penetration of fuel?
33. What is bumping clearance in compressor?
34. What is wear ring in a pump?
35. Difference between centrifugal & reciprocating pump?
36. Purpose of steering gear?
37. How is fuel injected in main engine?
38. What is mist catcher in air cooler?
39. Cylinder liner lubrication
40. What to check in running ME plant?
41. What is the viscosity at atomization?
42. Safeties and interlocks in main engine.
43. How will you check main engine performance?
44. What is the purpose of LO in engines?
45. How do you prevent contamination of LO in ship?
1. What is the purpose of boiler on board?
2. Types of boilers.
3. Name the boiler mountings.
4. How to start boiler from cold?
5. Can we bypass the safeties of a boiler in an emergency?
6. Boiler water test
7. What is the full form of ESD Boiler?
8. How is air removed from boiler?
9. If boiler water pH is 7, what action is to be taken?
10. What chemical is added to boiler water to improve alkalinity?
11. What is shrinking and swell in boilers?
12. Boiler blow down – process, frequency?
13. What is flame eye in boiler? What will happen if it does not work?
14. Purpose of gauge glass in boiler? How many? Blow through procedure.
15. How does a rotary cup burner work?
16. Pre purge and post purge
17. How is fuel atomized in boiler?
18. What is Y-Z burner / Steam assisted burner?
19. Boiler Safety Valve
20. Boiler safeties

Auxiliary Machinery
1. What are the safeties in air compressor?
2. What is back pressure valve in refrigeration plant?
3. What is the telemeter in a steering system?
4. What are the various types of pumps used on board ship? Give examples.
5. Working principle of a fresh water generator; function of air/brine ejector.
6. Working principle of purifier.
7. Application of thermodynamics in your home.
8. What is a thermostat?
9. Oily water separator working principle (with detailed working – coalesce etc.)
10. Explain the refrigeration cycle with the help of a simple diagram.
11. What is high temperature corrosion?
12. Domestic fridge – frosting causes and remedy.
13. What is the function of gravity disc?
14. What is the function of the thrust block? Where is it located?
15. Name the parts of a purifier.
16. What is a paring disc?
17. What is the RPM of purifier motor and bowl?
18. Parts of centrifugal pump
19. What is provided in the discharge line of reciprocating pump for damping?
20. Why multi stage compressors are used – how does it affect performance?
21. What will happen if gear pump is reversed?
22. What is gland packing?
23. Misalignment between pump and motor?
24. Purifier – oil water interface
25. What is stern tube? Location? Purpose?
26. What is vapour pressure?
27. Quick Closing Valve
28. How to start a centrifugal pump? Checks before starting a centrifugal pump.
29. Compressor unloaded working
30. What is coalescence?
31. Working principle of FWG and OWS

1. What is the full form of SCADA and PLC?
2. What is a PID controller?
3. Level measurement and flow measurement
4. Principle of flow through a reducer.
5. What is the theory of the venturimeter? Which scientist developed the theory behind this?
6. How does O2 analyzer work?
7. Explain with diagram the working principle of flapper nozzle mechanism
8. What does PID stand for? How does proportionality affect control system?
9. What is viscosity? How does a viscotherm work?

1. Emergency generator.
2. Preferential trip.
3. Reverse power trip.
4. Why do we check insulation resistance? How?
5. What is live and neutral wire in single phase electrical circuit?
6. What is AVR in alternator?
7. What are the safeties in Main Switch Board?
8. What are the safeties on the electric motor starter panel?
9. What conditions are to be met before taking alternator on load?
10. How do we come to know of an earth fault on board?
11. What is a megger test?
12. Types of motor starters?
13. What is a current transformer and potential transformer?
14. What are the electrical safeties on a steering gear?
15. What is the relation between KVA, KW and KVAR?
16. What is short circuit?
17. If Over current trip and fuse are of same rating, which will go off first?
18. Conversion – AC to DC, DC to AC
19. What do you mean by power factor?
20. Real power vs apparent power
21. What is single phasing?
22. What is earth fault?
23. How does an AC fan work?
24. What is a transistor?
25. What is a diode and where is it used? What is biasing of a diode?
26. What is a Zener diode?
27. Parallel operation of generators – sync checks.
28. Star Delta starter
29. What is residual magnetism?
30. What is a brushless generator?
31. Insulated neutral vs Earthed neutral
32. Precautions against electrical shock
33. Protections provided for electric motor

Ship Co and Naval Arch

1. What is collision bulkhead?
2. What do you mean by tonnage?

HR Questions
1. Why do you want to join Merchant Navy? Main 2 things driving you.
2. Why do you want to join this company?
3. When you are joining ship, whom to report to?
4. If C/E asks you to do something wrong, what will you do?
5. What if you are put to cleaning jobs?
6. How long do you plan to stay in this company?
7. How long will it take to become C/E?
8. How will you contact the company if Master/C.E. are wrong?
9. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
10. If you have some problem with other crew member, what will be your first step?
11. What is your favourite food? How will you survive if you don’t get it?
12. Have you ever interacted with foreigners?
13. Do you have any food restrictions?
14. Why should we select you?
1. Non Destructive Testing
2. FWG
3. Purifier
4. MARPOL Annexes

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