Book Answer Summaries Chapter 2 7 1

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Chapter 2:

2.1 Suggest the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for
managing the development of the following systems:

• A system to control antilock braking in a car

o Safety Critical System
o Plan Driven approach with requirements analysed carefully
o Waterfall model most appropriate with formal transformations between different
development stages.
• A virtual reality system to support software maintenance
o Cutting edge and UI dependent for usability
o Incremental or Spiral with some UI prototyping
o Agile process may be used
• A university accounting system that replaces an existing system
o Requirements fairly well known
o Reuse based approach is appropriate
• An interactive travel planning system that helps users plan journeys with the lowest environmental
o Complex UI which is stable and reliable
o Incremental development approach most appropriate
o System requirements will change as user experience is gained

2.2 Incremental software development could be very effectively used for customers who did not have a
clear idea about the systems needed for their operations. Discuss

• Based on the idea of developing initial implementation, getting user feedback and evolving
software through several versions.
• Either plan driven, agile or mixture.
• Customer can evaluate systems at a relatively early stage.

2.3 Consider the integration and configuration process model shown in Figure 2.3. Explain why it is
essential to repeat the requirements engineering activity in the process.

• Firstly requirements spec involve proposing initial requirements for the system
o Brief descriptions
• Refinement stage, reusable components and applications discovered for refinement.
o Modified to reflect available components and system spec is redefined.

2.4 Suggest why it is important to make a distinction between developing the user requirements and
developing system requirements in the requirements engineering process

1) User Requirements describe the system functions and features from the perspective of a user. These are
usually abstract. System requirements provide a more detailed explanation of the procedure.

2) User requirements are written in plain and natural language. System requirements are more detailed
with specific specifications that could be part of a contract.

3) User requirements start with gathering information, identifying important aspects, and understanding
System Requirements can only be implemented after the user requirements are understood and finalised.
2.5 Using an example, explain why the design activities of architectural design, database design, interface
design and component design are interdependent

Design of architecture:
• System overall structure is defined.
• Discuss reason for interdependency

Design of Database:
• Define structure of database as representation.

Design of interface:
• Interface defined here.
• Ease of use

Component design and selection

• Reusable components matching requirements are defined here

All design activities above should be followed and integrated. Therefore these work together and can be
called interdependent

2.6 Explain why software testing should always be incremental, staged activity. Are programmers the best
people to test the programs that they have developed?

Software testing:
• Each program is tested for correct functionality
• Complete program divided into small modules, tested individually. (UNIT TESTING)
• Then whole system is tested with the programs tested above. (SYSTEM TESTING)
• Beta version released and end user checks (CUSTOMER TESTING)

Programmers are not the best persons

• Hard to find own errors.
• Best skills to develop but not to test.

2.7 Imagine that a government wants a software program that helps to keep track of the utilization of the
country’s vast mineral resources. Although the requirements put forward by the government were not
very clear, a software company was tasked with the development of a prototype. The government found
the prototype impressive, and asked it be extended to be the actual system that would be used. Discuss
the pros and cons of taking this approach

• Allows changes to prototype
• Customer sees prototype and modifications made before design is created
• Better implementation
• Satisfied customer

• Additional cost for prototype creation
• Delays due to extra time creating prototypes
2.8 You have developed a prototype of a software system and your manager is very impressed by it. She
proposes that it should be put into use as a production system, with new features added as required. This
avoids the expense of system development and makes the systems immediately useful. Write a short
report for your manager explaining why prototype systems should not normally be used as production

• Prototype anticipates changes required

• Requirements engineering prototype helps with elicitation and validation
• System design process: used to explore software solutions in UI development

• Minimal UI and not intuitive

• No error detection
• Vague error messages
• Not viewed as high quality product, only development aids.

2.9 Suggest two advantages and two disadvantages of the approach to process assessment and
improvement that is embodied in the SEI’s Capability Maturity framework

• Focused on software engineering processes and practices used
• Led to significant improvements in capabilities

• Too much overhead in formal process improvement in small companies
• Maturity estimation with agile processes is difficult

2.10 Historically, the introduction of technology has caused profound changes in the labour market and,
temporarily at least, displaced people from jobs. Discuss whether the introduction of extensive process
automation is likely to have the same consequences for software engineers. IF you don’t think it will,
explain why not. If you think that it will reduce job opportunities, is it ethical for the engineers affected to
passively or actively resist the introduction of this technology?

• Reduce human error in code creation

• Potential to produce similar or better software than conventionally produced software
• Cost reduction

• Standardised components used, increasing software reliability and cost reduction in future
• Automation assists software to address primary issues in the development process. (complexity,
reliability, and productivity)
Chapter 3

3.1 At the end of their study program, students in a software engineering course are typically expected to
complete a major project. Explain how the agile methodology may be very useful for the students to use
in this case

• Team centered, assisting with interaction.

• Phase release, showing updates as they work
• Specification, design, and implementation are interleaved.
• No detailed system spec and design docs is minimized.

3.2 Explain how the principles underlying agile methods lead to the accelerated development and
deployment of software.

• Individual and interactions over processes and tools

o This means that the team can focus on the development of working software
• Working software over comprehensive documentation
o Rather the programmer’s time is focused on the development and testing of code.
• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
o This allows useful functionality to be developed and delivered earlier than would be possible
if contracts were required.
• Responding to change over following a plan
o There is significant overhead in changing plans to accommodate change and the inflexibility
of a plan means that work may be done that is later discarded.

3.3 Extreme programming expresses user requirements as stories, with each story written on a card.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to requirements description

Adv of stories:
• Represent real situations arising so systems support common user operations
• Easy for users to understand and critique stories
• Represent increments of functionality

• Liable to be incomplete
• Focus on functional requirements
• Representing system requirements such as performance and reliability are impossible
• Relationship between architecture and user stories is unclear.

3.4 In test-first development, tests are written before the code. Explain how the test suite may
compromise the quality of the software system being developed.

• The test suite could become outdated by the time the actual code is written and not test every
vulnerability that the code may have.
• If tests aren’t reviewed, and further tests written, undetected bugs may be in system release.
3.5 Suggest four reasons why the productivity rate of programmers working as a pair might be more
than half that of two programmers working individually

• Pair programming leads to continuous informal reviewing. Discovers bug quicker than individual
• Informal sharing is implicit. Reducing need for documentation and time required for another’s work
• Encourages refactoring – reducing costs of subsequent development and changes in the future can
be done quicker
• People are likely to spend less time in fine-grain optimization. Both focus on essential features
which are produced quicker.

3.6 Compare and contrast the Scrum approach to project management with conventional plan –based
approaches. Your comparison should be based on the effectiveness of each approach for planning the
allocation of people to projects, estimating the cost of projects, maintaining team cohesion, and managing
changes in project team membership

Scrum Approach: Conventional plan-based Approaches:

Effectiveness Best for small-medium sized projects. Best for Large security and safety
applicability: required projects.
Planning allocation of The whole team is involved in the A manager will break down the work
people to projects: project. No project managers. Planning parts and assigns the parts to teams of
is participated by everyone. members involved.
Estimating Cost on Easier to estimate costs as the project Determined during initial planning
projects: develops throughout the increments of phases. Cost is difficult to determine
software development, as the amount due to the amount of time needed
of time needed for development can be and product feasibility being
predicted easily. undeterminable.
Maintaining team Teams are always working together on Teams are working on different parts
cohesion: the same increment and everything is of a system, therefore smaller teams
visible to everyone. work together as opposed to one large
Frequent meetings held and tracks team working together, not knowing
backlog of work what other teams are doing
Managing changes in Lesser number of members in the Requires larger amounts of members
project team project team due to all everybody to ensure the teams have sufficient
membership: working together. members.

3.7 To reduce costs and the environmental impact of commuting, your company decides to close a
number of offices and to provide support for staff to work from home. However, the senior management
who introduce the policy are unaware that software is developed using Scrum. Explain how you could use
technology to support Scrum in a distributed environment to make this possible. What problems are you
likely to encounter using this approach?

Use of technology:
• Video conferencing
• Scrummaster should be located with development team to be aware of everyday problems
• Product owner should visit developers to establish good relationships with them
• Real time communication through informal communication, I.E. instant message and video calls.
• Continuous integration, all team members can be aware of state of product at any time
• Common development environment for all teams
• Development requirement daily meetings but not possible in distributed environment
• Communication gap can occur between members
• Changes lead to slow the entire development of project
• Pair programming benefits detection and evaluation of errors.

3.8 Why is it necessary to introduce some methods and documentation from plan-based approaches
when scaling agile methods to larger projects that are developed by distributed development teams?

1. Project Planning:
a. Essential when developing software with larger teams to ensure right people are available
when needed
b. Ensure delivery schedules are aligned
2. Requirements analysis
a. Important to decide how to distribute work across teams and ensure each team has some
understanding of other teams’ work
3. Design documentation:
a. Import so teams develop independently with having access to software under development.
4. Risk management:
a. Required to ensure all teams understand risks faced and organize their work to minimize
these risks.
b. Useful to cope with different delivery schedules.

3.9 Explain why agile methods may not work well in organizations that have teams with a wide range of
skills and abilities and well-established processes.

Having to switch from their well-established process to a new process might set them back on time that
they could use to develop.

3.10 One of the problems of having a user closely involved with a software development team is that they
“go native.” That is, they adopt the outlook of the development team and lose sight of the needs of their
user colleagues. Suggest three ways how you might avoid this problem, and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach.

1. Involve multiple users in the development team.

a. Different perspectives
b. Better coverage of user tasks
c. Disadvantages are cost, and getting user engagement and conflicts.
2. Change the user who is involved with the team.
a. multiple perspectives.
b. Disadv. Each user takes time to be productive
3. Validate user suggestions with other user representatives
a. Advantages are independent check on suggestions
b. Disadv. Is slowing down development process to do checks.
Chapter 4

4.1 Identify and briefly describe the four types of requirements that may be defined for a computer-based

1. User Requirements: which is the requirements that are statements in natural language plus diagrams
of the services the system provides and its operational constraints.
2. System Requirements: A structured document setting out detailed description of the systems
functions, services and operational constraints. Define what should be implemented. It may be part of
a contract between client and contractor.
3. Functional Requirements: these are the statement of the services the system should provide, how the
system should react to particular input and how the system should behave in particular situations.
4. Non-functional requirements: Constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as
timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards etc often these are applied to
the system as a whole rather than individual features or services.

4.2 Discover ambiguities or omissions in the following statement of the requirements for part of a drone
system intended for search and recovery:
The drone, a quad chopper, will be very useful in search and recovery operations, especially in remote
areas or in extreme weather conditions. It will click high-resolution images. It will fly according to a path
preset by a ground operator, but will be able to avoid obstacles on its own, returning to its original path
whenever possible. The drone will also be able to identify various objects and match them to the target it
is looking for

• How will the drone determine when to take a picture

• Where will the pictures be stored
• What is the memory capabilities of the storage facility
• Will the drone be able to take pictures at night
• Can the ground operator change the path during flight
• What will happen if the drone cannot locate the original path after avoidance of obstacles
• Can more than one target be uploaded
• What will happen when the target is found
• Is a location saved on where the target is found
• How will the drone notify the ground operator that the target is found
• Can the ground operator request the drone to return before the preset path is complete

4.3 Rewrite the above description using the structured approach described in this chapter. Resolve the
identified ambiguities in a sensible way

Function Search and Recovery Drone

Description Drone used during search and recovery to find the target on a set path
Input Target image and set path
Source Ground operator
Outputs High-resolution images matched to target
Action The drone fly according to the preset path and take high-resolution
images until the target is matched to the images taken
Requires Preset path and target image
Precondition Target image must match images taken
Post condition Target is found
Side effects Target is not found or matched
4.4 Write a set of Non-functional requirements for the drone system, setting out its expected safety and
response time

• Drone travel range, when exceeded warning sent to operator

• Response time
• Feedback sent to operator in reasonable time specified.

4.5 Using the technique suggested here, where natural language descriptions are presented in a standard
format, write plausible user requirements for the following functions.

1. An unattended petrol pump system that includes a credit card reader. The customer swipes the
card through the reader, then specifies the amount of fuel required. The fuel is delivered and the
customer’s account debited.

Function Issue gas

Description Issue gas by deducting the payment from the user’s credit card based on
the monetary amount or amount of litres advised by the user
Input Monetary amount or litres with credit card details
Source Credit card and input details
Outputs The required gas is issued
Action Gas filling station is at zero state
User swipe credit card and advise either the monetary amount or litres
System validate the user’s credit card and credit availability
Validation process should be returned within 5 seconds
When the card validation is returned as success, the system indicates to
the user to fill the car
When the advised monetary amount or litres are reached the system
stops with the filling action and advise the user to return the nozzle in
the original state
The system debits the credit card and issue a receipt.
The receipt should be issued within 5-10 seconds
The user interface should be easy to navigate and understand
The display should output real-time the amount of litres and amount
already pumped.
The display should be bright during night time hours
The nozzle should be able to sense when the fuel tank is overflowing and
stop pumping

Requires The monetary amount or litres and a credit card

Precondition Credit card is valid and credit is available
Post condition The requested gas is issued to the user
Side effects None

The cash-dispensing function in a bank ATM.

Function Issue cash
Description Issue cash by validating the user’s debit card and Pin and debiting the
account by the specific amount advised by the user
Input Monetary amount with debit card details
Source Debit card and advised amount
Outputs The advised amount of cash is issued to the user
Destination Debit account with amount
Action Initially the cash dispensing system is at zero state
User swipes/inserts card and enter the secret pin associated with the
System validates the pin entered against the card
If validation is successful the system request the amount to be
User advise the amount
The system validate the amount against the account balance
If the balance is sufficient, the cash is issued to the user.
If the balance is insufficient the system display the amount available for
withdrawal and allow the user to change the amount requested.
The user can cancel the transaction at any time before the cash is issued
When cash is issued successfully the bank balance is debited with the
amount issued.
System interface should be intuitive
The system should alert the user audibly when transactions are
completed and prompt the user when the card is left in the reader
Requires An amount and a valid card
Precondition Valid debit card and pin
Post condition The cash is issued to the user
Side effects None

In an internet banking system, a facility that allows customers to transfer funds from one account held with
the bank to another account with the same bank

Function Internal fund Transfer

Description Transfer funds by deducting the amount from the user’s account and
input it into the account specified by the user
Input Account number of receiver
Source Transfer fund from source account to destination account for a specific
Outputs The required funds are transferred to the destination account
Destination Amount input and destination account
Action Initially the fund transfer system is as zero state
User select the fund transfer menu option
User specify the from account from the list of available accounts
User specify the amount to be transferred
User specify the account to where the funds should be transferred
System validate the destination account details specified
System validate the specified amount against the balance available in the
from account
When validation is successful the funds is debited against the from
account and credited to the destination account
Notification sent to the user that the transaction was successful
Notification sent to the receiver to notify of the transfer
User logs out of the system and system returns to zero state
Requires Sign on onto the system
Destination account details
Precondition User have valid online banking log in details
The destination account details are correct
Available funds in the from account
Post condition The required funds are transferred from the source to the destination
Side effects None

4.6 Suggest how an engineer responsible for drawing up a system requirements specification might keep
track of the relationships between functional and non-functional requirements

• Keeping track is difficult because non functional are sometimes system level requirements rather
than requirements specific to a single function(s).
Functional requirement Related non-functional Non-functional requirement
system requirement
The system shall provide an Safety requirement: No Timing requirement: the
operation which allows release of steam shall be valve must open completely
operators to open the permitted if maintenance within 2 seconds of the
release valve to vent steam work is being carried out on operator initiating the action
into the atmosphere any steam generation plan

• Or a requirements verification document.

4.7 Using your knowledge of how an ATM is used, develop a set of use cases that could serve as a basis for
understanding the requirements for an ATM system

Withdraw cash:
Actors Customer, ATM, accounting system
Inputs Customer’s card, PIN, Bank account details
Outputs Customer’s card, Receipt, bank account details
Normal operation Customer inputs his card into the machine
He is prompted for a pin which is entered on the keypad
If correct, he is presented with a menu of options
The withdraw cash option is selected
The customer is prompted with a request for the amount of cash
required and enters the amount
If there is sufficient funds in the account, the cash is dispensed, a receipt
is printed and the account balance is updated.
The card is returned to the customer who is prompted by the machine to
take the card
Exception Invalid card: Card is retained by machine. Customer is advised to seek
Incorrect pin: customer is requested to rekey Pin. If incorrect after 3
attempts, card is retained by machine and customer is advised to seek
Insufficient balance: Available balance is displayed to customer and
allow customer to renter a valid amount

Display balance:
Actors Customer, ATM, Accounting system
Inputs Customer’s card, PIN, Bank account details
Outputs Customer’s card, Receipt, bank account details
Normal operation The customer authenticates using his card and associated PIN
Customer select Display balance option
The Current balance of their account is displayed on the screen
Option is given to print the balance on a receipt
Other menu options displayed to customer or terminate the transaction
The card is returned to the customer
Exception Invalid card: Card is retained by machine. Customer is advised to seek
Incorrect pin: customer is requested to rekey Pin. If incorrect after 3
attempts, card is retained by machine and customer is advised to seek

Print statement:

Actors Customer, ATM, Accounting system

Inputs Customer’s card, PIN, Bank account details
Outputs Customer’s card, Printed statement, bank account details
Normal operation The customer authenticates using his card and associated PIN
Customer select Print statement option
The last five transaction on their account is printed
Receipt with transaction is issued to the customer
Other menu options displayed to customer or terminate the transaction
The card is returned to the customer
Exception Invalid card: Card is retained by machine. Customer is advised to seek
Incorrect pin: customer is requested to rekey Pin. If incorrect after 3
attempts, card is retained by machine and customer is advised to seek

Change PIN

Actors Customer, ATM, Accounting system

Inputs Customer’s card, PIN, Bank account details
Outputs Customer’s card, Printed statement, bank account details
Normal operation The customer authenticates using his card and associated PIN
Customer select Change PIN option
He is prompted twice to input the new PIN
System validate that the input are the same
The new PIN number is encrypted and stored on the card
Other menu options displayed to customer or terminate the transaction
The card is returned to the customer
Exception Invalid card: Card is retained by machine. Customer is advised to seek
Incorrect pin: customer is requested to rekey Pin. If incorrect after 3
attempts, card is retained by machine and customer is advised to seek
Pins do not match: The customer is prompted to repeat the process to
reset the PIN

Deposit cash:
Actors Customer, ATM, accounting system
Inputs Customer’s card, PIN, Bank account details
Outputs Customer’s card, Receipt, bank account details
Normal operation Customer inputs his card into the machine
He is prompted for a pin which is entered on the keypad
If correct, he is presented with a menu of options
The Cash Deposit option is selected
The customer is prompted for the amount of cash to be deposited and
inputs the amount.
He is issued with a deposit envelope in which he should put the cash
then return it back into the machine
The account balance is updated with the amount deposited but marked
as uncleared funds. Once the bank has verified the amount the funds are
released as cleared funds.
A receipt is issued
The card is returned to the customer who is prompted by the machine to
take the card
Exception Invalid card: Card is retained by machine. Customer is advised to seek
Incorrect pin: customer is requested to rekey Pin. If incorrect after 3
attempts, card is retained by machine and customer is advised to seek
No cash deposited within 1 minute of envelope being issued, the
transaction is terminated and card returned to the customer
4.8 To minimise mistakes during a requirements review, an organisation decides to allocate two scribes to
document the review session. Explain how this can be done

• Record each defect mentioned and any suggestions for process improvement.
• Often the author plays this role, ensuring log is readable and understandable.

4.9 When emergency changes have to be made to systems, the system software may have to be modified
before changes to the requirements have been approved. Suggest a model of a process for making these
modifications that will ensure that the requirements document and the system implementation do not
become inconsistent

4.10 You have taken a job with a software user who has contacted your previous employer to develop a
system for them. You discover that your company’s interpretation of the requirements is different from
the interpretation taken by your previous employer. Discuss what you should do in such a situation. You
know that the costs to your current employer will increase if the ambiguities are not resolved. However,
you also have a responsibility of confidentiality to your previous employer

• When differences in requirement interpretation, the requirements validation is carried out or

checked if it has been completed.
• It’s the process of checking requirements correctly define the system requirements.
Chapter 5

5.1 Scope creep can be defined as a continuous increase in the scope of a project that can significantly
increase project cost. Explain how a proper model of the system context can help prevent scope creep

• Early Stage:
o Define system boundaries
o Decide what functionality should be included with processing and operations in mind.
o Check possible overlaps in functionality with existing systems and decide where new
functionality should be implemented.
• Later on:
o Definition of context and dependencies that a system has on its environment.
o Producing simple architectural model is first step in this activity.
• Context model
o Shows that the environment includes several other automated systems.
o UML activity diagrams may be used to show business processes in which systems are used.

5.2 The way in which a system boundary is defined and an appropriate context model is created may have
serious implications on the complexity and cost of a project. Give two examples where this may be

• Social and organizational concerns mean the position of a system boundary may be determined by
non technical factors
• For example, a system boundary may be deliberately positioned so that the complete analysis
process can be carried out on one site
• In developing the specifications you have to decide whether the system should focus exclusively on
collecting information about consultations or whether it should also collect personal patient
information (Mentcare example)
• The cost and complexity for the system to integrate to various other system will increase if this
becomes an integrated Healthcare system reading data from various other systems and also
providing data to those systems.
5.3 You have been asked to develop a system that will help with planning large-scale events and parties
such as weddings, graduation celebrations and birthday parties. Using an activity diagram, model the
process context for such a system that shows the activities involved in planning a party and the system
elements that might be used at each stage.

5.4 For the Mentcare system, propose a set of use cases that illustrates the interactions between a doctor,
who sees patients and prescribes medicine and treatments, and the Mentcare system.

Actors Doctor, Patient records system

Description The doctor enters the patient’s Unique Identification data into the
Mentcare system
The Patient records system transfer basic patient information to the
doctor to view e.g. Personal information, diagnoses, previous
recordings, treatment information
The doctor records his session with the patient in the Mentcare
system eg date, time, diagnoses
The doctor records the treatment prescribed in the Mentcare system
Data Patient’s personal information, treatment summary
Stimulus User command issued by the doctor
Response Confirmation that the patient’s record in the Mentcare system has
been updated
Comments The doctor must enter a valid unique Identification number to be
able to access the patient’s data
The doctor must have appropriate security permissions to access the
patient information
5.5 Develop a sequence diagram showing the interactions involved when a student registers for a course
in a university. Courses may have limited enrolment, so the registration process must include checks that
places are available. Assume that the student accesses and electronic course catalog to find out about
available courses

5.6 Look carefully at how messages and mailboxes are represented in the email system that you use.
Model the object classes that might be used in the system implementation to represent a mailbox and an
email message
5.7 Based on your experience with a bank ATM, draw an activity diagram that models the data processing
involved when a customer withdraws cash from the machine

5.8 Draw a sequence diagram for the same system. Explain why you might want to develop both activity
and sequence diagrams when modelling the behaviour of a system.
The models are used to explain the system in different perspectives
• An external perspective
• An interaction perspective
• A structural perspective
• A Behavioural perspective

• Activity diagram(structural perspective)

o Activity diagram are used to define business process models
o Program flows of activities are illustrated by activity diagram
• Sequence diagram (interaction perspective)
o These diagrams are used to model interaction between the actors and the objects within
the system
o Sequence diagram are used to model the collaboration of objects based on time stamp

5.9 Draw state diagrams of the control software for:

1. An automatic washing machine that has different programs for different types of clothes

2. The software for a DVS player

3. The control software for the camera on your mobile phone. Ignore the flash if you have one on
your phone

5.10 In principle, it is possible to generate working programs from a high-level model without manual
intervention when using model-driven architectures. Discuss some of the current challenges that stand in
the way of the existence of completely automated translation tools.

• A particularly difficult problem for automated model transformation is the need to link the
concepts used in different CIMS.
• Off-the-shelf tool support is not availabe, so when MDA is introduced into an organisation, special-
purpose translators may have to be created to make use of the facilities available in the local
environment. Companies do not want to develop or maintain their own tools or to rely on small
software companies for tool development.
• It doesn not always follow tha the abstractions that are useful for discussions are the right
abstractions for implementation. You may decide to use a completely different implementation
approach that is based on the reuse of off-the-shelf applciation systems.
• For most complex systems, implementation is not the major problem – requirements engineering,
security and dependability, integration with legacy systems and testing are all more significant.
Consequently the gains from the use of MDA are limited.
• The arguments for platform indepence are only valid for large, long-lifetime systems, where the
platforms become obsolete during a system’s lifetime. For software products and information
systems that are developed fo rstandard platforms, such as Windows and Linux, the savings from
the use of MDA are likely to be outweighed by the costs of its introduciton and tooling
• The widespread adoption of agile methods over the same period that MDA was evolving has
diverted attention away from model-driven approaches.
Chapter 6

6.1 When describing a system, explain why you may have to start the design of the system architecture
before the requirements specification is complete

• Architecture has an impact on the nonfunctional requirements and can influence the functional
requirements too.
• Early stage of agile development:
o Focus on designing an overall system architecture.
o Incremental development is not usually successful.
o Refactoring components in response to changes is relatively easy
o Refactoring architecture is expensive because most system components will need to be
• Architecture designed before requirements spec is complete because:
o Allow manufacture of hardware by subcontractors and provide models for system costing.
o you need to model the architecture to identify subsystems and associate the requirements
with these subsystems.
• Main reasons for the above:
o Means for structuring
o Model for estimating system costing
o Allow manufacture of hardware by subcontractors.

6.2 You have been asked to prepare and deliver a presentation to a nontechnical manager to justify the
hiring of a system architect for a new project. Write a list of bullet points setting out the key points in your
presentation in which you explain the importance of software architecture

Software architecture affects:

• Performance
• Robustness
• Distributability
• Maintainability

• Stakeholder communication
• System analysis
• Large-scale reuse

6.3 Performance and security may pose to be conflicting non-functional requirements when architecting
software systems. Make an argument in support of this statement

Performance means few large components are used.

• Reducing component communication

Security means using a layered architecture, which required more than one component to implement
security validation.
6.4 Draw diagrams showing a conceptual view and a process view of the architectures of the following

1. A ticket machine used by passengers at a railway station

2. A computer-controlled video conferencing system that allows video, audio and computer data
to be visible to several participants at the same time
3. A robot floor-cleaner that is intended to clean relatively clear spaces such as corridors. The
cleaner must be able to sense walls and other obstructions.

6.5 A software sysem will be built to allow drones to autonomously herd cattle in farms. These drones can
be remotely controlled by human operators. Explain how multiple architectural patterns can fit together
to help build this kind of system

• Manages fundamental behaviors and data of the application

• Responds to requests and instructions
• Notifies observers in event driven systems when information changes.
• Could be a DB or any number of data structures or storage systems

• The view provides the UI element, rendering data from the model into a form suitable for UI
• Controller receives input and makes calls to model objects and view to perform various actions.
• These work together to create the 3 components of MVC
6.6 Suggest an architecture for a system (such as iTunes) that is used to sell and distribute music on the
internet. What architectural patterns are the basis for your proposed architecture?

Client-server model.
• iTunes store music in a database where clients can search these tracks by music details via a web
based interface.
• Music can be purchased and downloaded via a web based interface.

6.7 An information system is to be developed to maintain information about assets owned by a utility
company such as buildings, vehicles, and equipment. It is intended that this will be updatable by staff
working in the field using mobile device as new asset information becomes available. The company has
several existing asset databases that should be integrated through this system. Design a layered
architecture for this asset management system based on the generic information system architecture
shown in figure 6.18

There are three types of layers for architecture of an asset management system:
• User interface layer: user can access web services using the browser
• Business logic layer: user has some options. User goes to the business logic layer and access the
data on the data access layer
• Database layer: user sees the stored procedures, different views, table and SQL server
6.8 Using the generic model of a language processing system presented here design the architecture of a
system that accepts natural language commands and translates these into database queries in a language
such as SQL.

6.9 Using the basic model of an information system, as presented in Figure 6.18, suggest the components
that might be part of an information system that allows users to view box office events, available tickets
and prices, and so eventually buy tickets.

Web browser

Login Credential Data validation Event schedule

Authentication manager

Event info manager Security management Data exchange

Transaction management
Event database

First layer: UI

Second layer includes login components and obtain event schedules

Third layer implement security, maintain information

Fourth layer contains DB and transaction management

6.10 Should there be a separate profession of ‘software architect’ whose role is to work independently
with a customer to design the software system architecture? A separate software company would then
implement the system. What might be the difficulties of establishing such a profession?

The difficulties that may arise by the establishment of such a profession are:
1. Difficulty in the implementation
2. The company that would implement the system may find difficulty in understanding the
3. Incompatibility of the architecture with the developing system
4. Architecture may not satisfy all the technical requirements
5. Re-work or redesign is needed sometimes, due to incompatibility or change in technical
Chapter 7

7.1 Using the structured notation shown in Figure 7.3, specify the weather station use cases for Report
status and Reconfigure. You should make reasonable assumptions about the functionality that is required

System: Weather station

Use case: Report status
Actors: Weather information system, weather station
Data: The weather station sends a status update to the weather information system giving
information about the status of its instruments, computers and power supply.
Stimulus: The weather information system establishes a satellite link with the weather station and
requests status information.
Response: A status summary is uploaded to the weather information system
Comments: System status is usually requested at the same time as the weather report.

System: Weather station

Use case: Reconfigure
Actors: Weather information system, weather station
Data: The weather information station sends a reconfiguration command to the weather station.
This places it into remote control mode where further commands may be sent from the
remote system to update the weather station software.
Stimulus: A command from the weather information system.
Response: Confirmation that the system is in remote control mode
Comments: Used occasionally when software updates have to be installed.

7.2 Assume that the mentcare system is being developed using an object-oriented approach. Draw a use
case diagram showing at least six possible use cases for this system
7.3 Using the UML graphical notation for object classes, design the following object classes, identifying
attributes and operations. Use your own experience to decide on the attributes and operations that should
be associated with these objects.
1. a telephone
2. a printer for a personal computer
3. a personal stereo system
4. a bank account
5. a library catalogue

7.4 A shape can be classified into 2-D and 3-D. Design an inheritance hierarchy that will include different
kinds of 2-D and 3-D shapes. Make sure you identify at least five other classes of shapes.
7.5 Develop the design of the weather station to show the interaction between the data collection
subsystem and the instruments that collect weather data. Use sequence diagrams to show this interaction

7.6 Identify possible object in the following systems and develop an object-oriented design for them. You
may make any reasonable assumptions about the systems when deriving the design.
1. A group diary and time management system is intended to support the timetabling of meetings
and appointments across a group of co-workers. When an appointment is to be made that
involves a number of people, the system finds a common slot in each of their diaries and
arranges the appointment for that time. If no common slots are available, it interacts with the
user to rearrange his personal diary to make room for the appointment
2. A filling station is to be set up for fully automated operation. Drivers swipe their credit card
through a reader connected to the pump; the card is verified by communication with a credit
company computer, and a fuel limit is established. The driver may then take the fuel required.
When fuel delivery is complete and the pump hose is returned to its holster, the driver’s credit
card account is debited with the cost of the fuel taken. The credit card is returned after
debiting. If the card is invalid, the pump returns it before fuel is dispensed.
7.7 Draw a sequence diagram showing the interactions of objects in a group dairy system when a group of
people are arranging a meeting
7.8 Draw a UML state diagram showing the possible state changes in either the group diary or the filling
station system

7.9 When code is integrated into a larger system, problems may surface. Explain how configuration
management can be useful when handling such problems

Configuration management aims:

• Changes made by different developers do not interfere with each other
• Always possible to create a specific version of a system

Without it, it’s easy to lose track of changes each dev. Makes to code and for changes made by one
Essentially CM tracks and keep changes made to ensure previous changes are kept and not overwritten.

7.10 A small company has developed a specialized product that it configures specially for each customer.
New customers usually have specific requirements to be incorporated into their system, and they pay for
these to be developed. The company has an opportunity to bid for a new contract, which would more than
double its customer base. The new customer also wishes to have some involvement in the configuration of
the system. Explain why, in these circumstances, it might be a good idea for the company owning the
software to make it open source.

The key benefits of open source are is that it opens up development to a wide range of developers and so
accelerates the development and debugging of the product. This reduces cost of expansion when customer
base increases. The company can then make the money back from providing “free” software can be made
back by charging for the specialisation of the software for it’s customers. Thereafter any developer can
make changes to said system, reducing the load on the original developers.

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