LECTURE 19: Reflector Antennas: 18.3 Intelsat E S (Ant B T)

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LECTURE 19: Reflector Antennas

1. Introduction
High-gain antennas are required for long-distance radio communications
(radio-relay links and satellite links), high-resolution radars, radio-astronomy,
etc. Reflector systems are probably the most widely used high-gain antennas.
They can easily achieve gains of above 30 dB for microwave and higher
frequencies. Reflector antennas operate on principles known long ago from
geometrical optics (GO). The first RF reflector system was made by Hertz back
in 1888 (a cylindrical reflector fed by a dipole). However, the art of accurately
designing such antenna systems was developed mainly during the days of WW2
when numerous radar applications evolved.



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The simplest reflector antenna consists of two components: a reflecting
surface and a much smaller feed antenna at the reflector’s focal point.
Constructions that are more complex involve a secondary reflector (a
subreflector) at the focal point, which is illuminated by a primary feed. These are
called dual-reflector antennas. The most common main reflector is the parabolic
one. Other common reflectors are: cylindrical, corner, and spherical.

2. Principles of parabolic reflectors


A paraboloidal surface is described by the equation (see plot b)

ρ ′2 =4 F ( F − z f ), ρ′ ≤ a . (19.1)
Here, ρ ′ is the distance from a point A to the focal point O, where A is the
projection of the point R on the reflector surface onto the axis-orthogonal plane
(the aperture plane) at the focal point. For a given displacement ρ ′ from the axis
of the reflector, the point R on the reflector surface is a distance rf away from
the focal point O. The position of R can be defined either by ( ρ ′, z f ) , which is a
rectangular pair of coordinates, or by (rf ,θ f ) , which is a polar pair of
coordinates. A relation between (rf ,θ f ) and F is readily found from (19.1):
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2F F
=rf = . (19.2)
1 + cosθ f cos 2 (θ f / 2)
This is the equation of the paraboloidal surface in polar coordinates. Other
relations to be used later are:
2 F sin θ f θ f 
=ρ ′ r=
f sin θ f = 2 F tan  . (19.3)
1 + cosθ f  2 
The axisymmetric (rotationally symmetric) paraboloidal reflector is entirely
defined by the respective parabolic line, i.e., by two basic parameters: the
diameter D and the focal length F (see plot b). Often, the parabola is specified in
terms of D and the ratio F/D. When F/D approaches infinity, the reflector
becomes flat. Some parabolic curves are shown below. When F / D = 0.25 , the
focal point lies in the plane passing through the reflector’s rim.
F/D=1/2 F/D=1/3 F/D=1/4





0 Focal point




-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1
The angle from the feed (focal) point to the reflector’s rim is related to F / D as
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 1 
θ 0 = 2arctan  . (19.4)
 4( F / D ) 
The focal distance F of a given reflector can be calculated after measuring its
diameter D and its height H 0 (see plot b):
F= . (19.5)
16 H 0
Eq. (19.5) is found by solving (19.1) with ρ ′ = D / 2 and z f= F − H 0 . For
example, if F / D = 1 / 4 , then H 0 = D / 4 ⇒ H 0 = F , i.e., the focal point is on
the reflector’s rim plane.
The reflector design problem aims at matching the feed antenna pattern to the
reflector. Usually, the feed pattern must be at about a –10 dB level in the direction
of the rim, i.e. F f (θ = θ0 ) = −10 dB (0.316 of the normalized amplitude pattern).
The geometry of the paraboloidal reflector has two valuable features:
• All rays leaving the focal point O are collimated along the reflector’s axis
after reflection.
• All overall ray path lengths (from the focal point to the reflector and on to
the aperture plane) are the same and equal to 2F .
The above properties are proven by the GO methods, therefore, they are true only
if the following conditions hold:
• The radius of the curvature of the reflector is large compared to the
wavelength and the local region around each reflection point can be treated
as planar.
• The radius of the curvature of the incoming wave from the feed is large and
can be treated locally at the reflection point as a plane wave.
• The reflector is a perfect conductor, i.e., Γ = −1 .
The collimating property of the parabolic reflector is easily established after
finding the unit normal of the parabola,
∇C p
nˆ = . (19.6)
∇C p

Nikolova 2016 6
F − rf cos 2 (θ f / 2 ) =
Cp = 0 (19.7)
is the parabolic curve equation [see (19.2)]. After applying the ∇ operator in
spherical coordinates, ∇C p is obtained as
θ f  θ f  θ f 
−rˆ f cos2   + θˆ f cos   ⋅ sin 
∇C p = , (19.8)
 2   2   2 
and, therefore,
θf θf
nˆ =−rˆ f cos + θˆ f sin . (19.9)
2 2
The angle between n̂ and the incident ray is
θ f 
cos α i =−rˆ f ⋅ nˆ =cos  . (19.10)
 2 
According to Snell’s law, α i = α r . It is easy to show that this is fulfilled only if
the ray is reflected in the z-direction:
 θ f   θ f 
cos α r = zˆ ⋅ nˆ = ( −rˆ f cos θ f + θˆ f sin θ f ) ⋅  −rˆ f cos   + θˆ f sin    =
     2  2 
zˆ 
nˆ (19.11)
θ f  θ f  θ f 
= cos θ f ⋅ cos   + sin θ f ⋅ sin  2  = cos  2 .
 2     
Thus, we proved that for any angle of incidence θ f the reflected wave is z-
The equal-path-length property follows from (19.2). The total path-length L
for a ray reflected at the point R is
L =OR + RA =rf + rf cosθ f =rf (1 + cosθ f ) =2 F . (19.12)
Notice that L is a constant equal to 2F regardless of the angle of incidence.

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3. Aperture distribution analysis via GO (aperture integration)
There are two basic techniques for the analysis of the radiation characteristics
of reflectors. One is called the current distribution method, which is a physical
optics (PO) approximation. It assumes that the incident field from the feed is
known, and that it excites surface currents on the reflector’s surface as
J=s 2nˆ × H i . This current density is then integrated to yield the far-zone field. It
is obvious that the PO method assumes that the reflector has a perfectly
conducting surface and makes use of image theory. Besides, it assumes that the
incident wave coming from the primary feed is a locally plane far-zone field.
With the aperture distribution method, the field is first found over a plane,
which is normal to the reflector’s axis, and lies at its focal point (the antenna
aperture). GO (ray tracing) is used to do that. Equivalent sources are formed over
the aperture plane. It is assumed that the equivalent sources are zero outside the
reflector’s aperture. We first consider this method.
The field distribution at the aperture of the reflector antenna is necessary in
order to calculate the far-field pattern, directivity, etc. Since all rays from the
feed travel the same physical distance to the aperture, the aperture distribution is
of uniform phase. However, there is a non-uniform amplitude distribution. This
is because the power density of the rays leaving the feed falls off as 1 / rf2 . After
the reflection, there is practically no spreading loss since the rays are collimated
(parallel). The aperture field-amplitude distribution varies as 1 / rf . This is
explained in detail below.

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GO assumes that the power density in free space follows straight paths.
Applied to the power transmitted by the feed, the power in a conical wedge stays
confined within as it progresses along the cone’s axis. Consider a conical wedge
of solid angle dΩ whose cross-section angle is dθ f . It confines power, which
after being reflected from the paraboloid, arrives at the aperture plane confined
within a cylindrical ring of thickness d ρ ′ and area dA = 2πρ ′d ρ ′ .
Let us assume that the feed is isotropic and it has radiation intensity
U = Π t / 4π , where Π t is the transmitted power. The power confined in the
conical wedge is d Π = Ud Ω = (Π t / 4π )d Ω . This power reaches the aperture
with a density of
d Π Πt d Ω
ρ ′)
Pa ( = = . (19.13)
dA 4π dA
The generic relation between the solid angle increment and the directional-angle
increments is
d Ω =sin θ dθ dϕ , (19.14)
(see Lecture 4). In this case, the structure is rotationally symmetric, so we define
the solid angle of the conical wedge as
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=dΩ ∫0=
(sin θ f dθ f )dϕ f 2π sin θ f dθ f . (19.15)

The substitution of (19.15) and dA = 2πρ ′d ρ ′ in (19.13) produces

Π t 2π sin θ f dθ f Π t sin θ f dθ f
=Pa ( ρ ′) = . (19.16)
4π 2πρ d ρ ′ ′ 4π ρ d ρ′ ′
From (19.3), it is seen that
d ρ′ F
= = rf , (19.17)
dθ f cos 2 (θ f / 2)
dθ f 1
⇒ = , (19.18)
d ρ ′ rf
Π t sin θ f 1 Π t 1
Pa ( ρ ′)
⇒= = . (19.19)
4π rf sin θ f rf 4π rf2
 

Equation (19.19) shows the spherical nature of the feed radiation, and it is
referred to as spherical spreading loss. Since Ea ∝ Pa ,
Ea ∝ . (19.20)
If the primary feed is not isotropic, the effect of its normalized field pattern
F f (θ f ,ϕ f ) is easily incorporated in (19.20) as
F f (θ f ,ϕ f )
Ea ∝ . (19.21)
Thus, we can conclude that the field at the aperture is described as
F f (θ f ,ϕ f )
(θ f ,ϕ f ) Em e − j β 2 F ⋅
Ea= . (19.22)
The coordinates ( ρ ′,ϕ ′) are more suitable for the description of the aperture field.
Obviously, ϕ ′ ≡ ϕ f . As for rf and θ f , they are transformed as
4 F 2 + ρ ′2
rf = , (19.23)
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θ f = 2arctan
. (19.24)
The last thing to be determined is the polarization of the aperture field
provided the polarization of the primary-feed field is known. The law of
reflection at a perfectly conducting wall states that n̂ bisects the incident and the
reflected rays, and that the total electric field has zero tangential component at
the surface, i.e.,
Eτi + Eτr =
0, (19.25)
Er + Ei = 2(nˆ ⋅ Ei )nˆ ⇒ Er = 2(nˆ ⋅ Ei )nˆ − Ei . (19.26)

Ei Er

Since | Ei |=| Er | , from (19.26), it follows that

eˆ r = 2(nˆ ⋅ eˆ i )nˆ − eˆ i . (19.27)
Here, eˆ i is the polarization vector of the incident field, and eˆ r is the polarization
vector of the reflected field.
The aperture field distribution is fully defined by (19.22) and (19.27). The
radiation integral over the electric field can now be found. For example, a circular
paraboloid would have a circular aperture (see Lecture 18), and the radiation
integral becomes
2π D /2
F f ( ρ ′,ϕ ′) j βρ ′ sin θ cos(ϕ −ϕ ′)
I E = [ (eˆ r ⋅ xˆ )xˆ + (eˆ r ⋅ yˆ )yˆ ] Em ∫ ∫ e ρ ′d ρ ′dϕ ′ . (19.28)
0 0
In the above considerations, it was assumed that the aperture field has uniform
phase distribution. This is true if the feed is located at the focal point. However,
more sophisticated designs often use an offset feed. In such cases, the PO method
(i.e., the current distribution method) is preferred.
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4. The current distribution (PO) method (surface integration)
The basic description of this approach and its assumptions were already given
in the previous section. Once the induced surface currents J s are found on the
reflector’s surface, the magnetic vector potential A and the far-zone field can be
calculated. In practice, the electric far field is calculated directly from J s by
e− jβ r
E far − jωµ
4π r ∫∫ [
J s − (J s ⋅ rˆ )rˆ ] e j β rˆ ⋅r′ ds′ .
 
Sr J s ,⊥rˆ

Equation (19.29) follows directly from the relation between the far-zone electric
field and the magnetic vector potential A,
E far = − jω A ⊥ , (19.30)
which can written formally as
E far =− jω A − (− jω A ⋅ rˆ )rˆ =− jω ( Aθ θˆ + Aϕ φˆ ) . (19.31)
This approach is also known as Rusch’s method. The integral in (19.29) is usually
evaluated numerically by computer codes in order to render the approach
versatile with respect to any aperture shape and any aperture current distribution.
In conclusion, we note that both the GO and the PO methods produce very
accurate results for the main beam and first side lobe. The pattern far out the main
beam can be accurately predicted by including diffraction effects (scattering)
from the reflector’s rim. This is done by augmenting GO with the use of
geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) (J.B. Keller, 1962), or by augmenting
the PO method with the physical theory of diffraction (PTD) (P.I. Ufimtsev,

5. The focus-fed axisymmetric parabolic reflector antenna

This is a popular reflector antenna, whose analysis is used here to illustrate
the general approach to the analysis of any reflector antenna. Consider a linearly
polarized feed, with the E field along the x-axis. As before, the reflector’s axis is
along z. Let us also assume that the field of the feed is represented by
e − j β rf ˆ
E f (θ f , ϕ f ) ≈ Em θ f CE (θ f ) cos ϕ f − φˆ f CH (θ f )sin ϕ f  . (19.32)
rf  

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Here, CE (θ f ) and CH (θ f ) denote the principal-plane patterns. The expression
in (19.32) is a common approximation of a 3-D pattern of an x-polarized antenna
by knowing only the two principal-plane 2-D patterns. This approximation is
actually very accurate for aperture-type antennas because it directly follows from
the expression of the far-zone fields in terms of the radiation integrals (see
Lecture 17, Section 4):
e− jβ r E
=Eθ j β [ I x cos ϕ + I yE sin ϕ + η cosθ ( I yH cos ϕ − I xH sin ϕ )] , (19.33)
4π r
e− jβ r
= Eϕ j β [-η ( I xH cos ϕ + I yH sin ϕ ) + cosθ ( I yE cos ϕ − I xE sin ϕ ) . (19.34)
4π r
The aperture field is now derived in terms of x- and y-components. To do this,
the GO method of Section 2 is used. An incident field of eˆ i = θˆ f polarization
produces an aperture reflected field of the following polarization [see (19.9) and
θ f  ˆ θ f  θf ˆ θf  ˆ
eˆθr = 2(nˆ ⋅θˆ f )nˆ − θˆ f = 2sin   n
ˆ − θ f = 2sin  2 ⋅
 −rˆ f cos + θ f sin  −θ f
 2    2 2 
 θf θf  ˆ  θ 
⇒ eˆθr =
−rˆ f  2sin ⋅cos  −θ f  1− 2sin 2 f
=−rˆ f sin θ f − θˆ f cosθ f . (19.35)
 2 2   2 
Similarly, an incident field of eˆ i = φˆ f polarization produces an aperture reflected
field of the following polarization:
eˆϕr = −φˆ f . (19.36)
Transforming (19.35) and (19.36) to rectangular (x and y) coordinates at the
aperture plane gives:
−xˆ cos ϕ f − yˆ sin ϕ f ,
eˆθr =
eˆϕr =
+ xˆ sin ϕ f − yˆ cos ϕ f .
Superimposing the contributions of the θˆ f and φˆ f components of the field in
(19.32) to the aperture field x and y components produces

Nikolova 2016 13
e− jβ 2 F
θ f ,ϕ f ) Em
Ea (= × {−xˆ CE (θ f )cos 2 ϕ f + CH (θ f )sin 2 ϕ f 
rf (19.38)
−yˆ CE (θ f ) − CH (θ f )  sin ϕ f ⋅ cos ϕ f }.
In (19.38), the magnitude and phase of the vector are expressed as in (19.22).
Note that a y-component appears in the aperture field, despite the fact that the
feed generates only Ex field. This is called cross-polarization. If the feed has
rotationally symmetric pattern, i.e. CE (θ f ) = CH (θ f ) , there is no cross-
polarization. From equation (19.38), it is also obvious that cross-polarization is
zero at ϕ f = 0 (E-plane) and at ϕ f = 90 (H-plane). Cross-polarization is
maximum at ϕ f = 45 , 135 . Cross-polarization in the aperture means cross-
polarization of the far field, too. Cross-polarization is usually unwanted because
it leads to polarization losses depending on the transmitting and receiving
It is instructive to examine (19.38) for a specific simple example: reflector
antenna fed by a very short x-polarized electric dipole. Its principal-plane
patterns are CE (θ f ) = cosθ f and CH (θ f ) = 1 . Therefore, it generates the
following aperture field:
e− jβ 2 F
a Em  −xˆ (cosθ f cos 2 ϕ f + sin 2 ϕ f ) −yˆ (cosθ f −1)sin ϕ f cos ϕ f  .(19.39)
An approximate plot of the aperture field of (19.39) is shown below.

y H-plane

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We also note that cross-polarization decreases as the ratio F / D increases.
This follows from (19.4), which gives the largest feed angle (θ f ) max = θ 0 . As
F / D increases, θ 0 decreases, which makes the cross-polarization term in
(19.39) smaller. Unfortunately, large F / D ratios are not very practical.
Finally, we add that a similar analysis for a y-polarized small dipole feed leads
to an expression for the aperture field similar to the one in (19.39) but with a
polarization vector
xˆ sin ϕ f cos ϕ f (1 − cosθ f ) − yˆ (cosθ f sin 2 ϕ f + cos 2 ϕ f )
eˆ a = . (19.40)
1 − sin 2 θ f sin 2 ϕ f

An example is presented in W.L. Stutzman, G. Thiele, Antenna Theory and

Design, of an axisymmetric parabolic reflector with diameter D = 100λ and
F / D = 0.5 , fed by a half-wavelength dipole located at the focus.



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ϕ = 45 ,135


The results above are obtained using commercial software (GRASP) using PO
methods (surface current integration).
Cross-polarization of reflectors is measured as the ratio of the peak cross-
polarization far-field component to the peak co-polarization far field. For
example, the above graph shows a cross-polarization level of XPOL=−26.3 dB.

6. Offset parabolic reflectors

One disadvantage of the focus-fed reflector antennas is that part of the
aperture is blocked by the feed. To avoid this, offset-feed reflectors are
developed, where the feed antenna is away from the reflector’s aperture. The
reflectors are made as a portion of the so-called parent reflector surface. The
price to pay is the increase of XPOL. That is why such reflectors are usually fed
with primary feeds of rotationally symmetrical patterns, i.e. CE ≈ CH , which
effectively eliminates cross-polarization.

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The analysis techniques given in the previous sections are general and can be
applied to these reflectors, too. Generally, the PO method (surface currents
integration) is believed to yield better accuracy. Both, the PO and the GO
methods, are accurate only at the main beam and the first couple of side-lobes.
Offset reflectors are popular for antenna systems producing contoured
beams. A contoured beam is a beam, the cross-section (or footprint) of which has
a shape that conforms to a desired Earth region such as a country or a continent.
To obtain such beams, multiple primary feeds (usually horns) are needed to
illuminate the reflector at different angles. Such multiple-antenna feeds may
constitute a significant obstacle at the antenna aperture and offset reflectors are
indeed necessary.

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7. Dual-reflector antennas
The dual-reflector antenna consists of two reflectors and a feed antenna. The
feed is conveniently located at the apex of the main reflector. This makes the
system mechanically robust, the transmission lines are shorter and easier to
construct (especially in the case of waveguides). The virtual focal point F is the
point from which the rays transmitted toward the reflector appear to emanate
after reflection from the subreflector.
The most popular dual reflector is the axisymmetric Cassegrain antenna. The
main reflector is parabolic and the subreflector is hyperbolic (convex).
A second form of the dual reflector is the Gregorian reflector. It has a concave
elliptic subreflector. The Gregorian subreflector is more distant from the main
reflector and, thus, it requires more support.
Dual-reflector antennas for Earth terminals have another important advantage
beside the location of the main feed. They have almost no spillover toward the
noisy ground, as do the single-feed reflector antennas. Their spillover (if any) is
directed toward the much less noisy sky region. Both, the Cassegrain and the
Gregorian reflector systems have their origins in optical telescopes and are
named after their inventors.
The subreflectors are rotationally symmetric surfaces obtained from the
curves shown below (a hyperbola and an ellipse).

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The subreflector is defined by its diameter Ds and its eccentricity e . The shape
(or curvature) is controlled by the eccentricity:
c > 1, hyperbola
e=  (19.41)
a < 1, ellipse
Special cases are
• e = ∞ , straight line (plane)
• e = 0 , circle (sphere)
• e = 1, parabola
Both, the ellipse and the hyperbola, are described by the equation
zs2 xs2
− = 1. (19.42)
a2 c2 − a2
The function of a hyperbolic subreflector is to convert the incoming wave
from a feed antenna located at the focal point F ′ to a spherical wave front w that
appears to originate from the virtual focal point F. This means that the optical
path from F ′ to w must be constant with respect to the angle of incidence:
F ′R + RA = F ′V + VB = c
+ a + VB . (19.43)
F ′V

Nikolova 2016 19
RA = FA − FR = FB − FR , (19.44)
( FA = FB because the reflected wave must be spherical)
⇒ F ′R − FR = c + a − ( FB − VB) = c + a − (c − a ) = 2a . (19.45)
Note: Another definition of a hyperbola is: a hyperbola is the locus of a point
that moves so that the difference of the distances from its two focal points,
F ′R − FR , is equal to a constant, 2a .

The dual axisymmetric Cassegrain reflector can be modeled as a single

equivalent parabolic reflector as shown below.


The equivalent parabola has the same diameter, De = D , but its focal length is
longer than that of the main reflector:
 e +1
Fe =  ⋅ F = M ⋅ F . (19.46)
 e −1 
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Here, M =+ (e 1) / (e − 1) is called magnification.
The increased equivalent focal length has several advantages:
• less cross-polarization;
• less spherical-spread loss at the reflector’s rim, and therefore, improved
aperture efficiency.
The synthesis of dual-reflector systems is an advanced topic. Many factors
are taken into account when shaped reflectors are designed for improved aperture
efficiency. These are: minimized spillover, less phase error, improved amplitude
distribution in the reflector’s aperture.

8. Gain of reflector antennas

The maximum achievable gain for an aperture antenna is

= D=
Gmax u Ap . (19.47)
This gain is possible only if the following is true: uniform amplitude and phase
distribution, no spillover, no ohmic losses. In practice, these conditions are not
achievable, and the effective antenna aperture is less than its physical aperture:

=G ε=
ap Du ε ap Ap , (19.48)
where ε ap ≤ 1 is the aperture efficiency. The aperture efficiency is expressed as
a product of sub-efficiencies:
ε ap = er ε t ε sε a , (19.49)
er is the radiation efficiency (loss),
ε t is the aperture taper efficiency,
ε s is the spillover efficiency, and
ε a is the achievement efficiency.
The taper efficiency can be found using the directivity expression for aperture
antennas (see Lecture 17, Section 5):

Nikolova 2016 21

∫∫S Ea ds′

D0 = 2 .A
λ ∫∫ | Ea |2 ds′

∫∫S Ea ds′
⇒ Aeff = A
∫∫S | Ea |2 ds′

Aeff 1 ∫∫S Ea ds′

⇒ ε t= = A
. (19.52)
Ap Ap ∫∫S | Ea | ds
2 ′

Expression (19.52) can be written directly in terms of the known feed antenna
pattern. If the aperture is circular, then
2π a 2

∫ ∫ Ea ( ρ ′,ϕ ′) ρ ′d ρ ′dϕ ′
εt = 0 0
2π a
. (19.53)
π a2
∫ ∫ | Ea ( ρ ′,ϕ ′) |2 ρ ′d ρ ′dϕ ′
0 0

Substituting ρ ′ r=
f sin θ f 2 F tan(θ f / 2) and d ρ ′ / dθ f = rf in (19.53) yields
2π θo
θ f 
4F 2
∫ ∫ F f (θ f , ϕ ′) tan  2

 dθ f dϕ ′

εt = 2 0
2π θo
. (19.54)
∫ ∫ | F f (θ f ,ϕ ′) |2 sin θ f dθ f dϕ ′
0 0

All that is needed to calculate the taper efficiency is the feed pattern F f (θ f ,ϕ ′) .
If the feed pattern extends beyond the reflector’s rim, certain amount of power
is not redirected by the reflector, i.e., it is lost. This power-loss is referred to as
spillover. The spillover efficiency measures that portion of the feed pattern,
which is intercepted by the reflector relative to the total feed power:

Nikolova 2016 22
2π θ0

∫ ∫ | F f (θ f ,ϕ ′) |2 sin θ f dθ f dϕ ′
εs = 0 0
2π π
. (19.55)
∫ ∫ | F f (θ f ,ϕ ′) |2 sin θ f dθ f dϕ ′
0 0

The reflector design problem includes a trade-off between aperture taper and
spillover when the feed antenna is chosen. Taper and spillover efficiencies are
combined to form the so-called illumination efficiency ε i = ε t ε s . Multiplying
(19.54) and (19.55), and using a = 2 F tan(θ 0 / 2) yields
2π θo
D θ θf
ε i = f2 cot 2 0
4π 2 ∫ ∫ F f (θ f ,ϕ ′) tan 2
dθ f dϕ ′ . (19.56)
0 0


Df = 2π π
, (19.57)
∫ ∫ | F f (θ f ,ϕ ′) |2 sin θ f dθ f dϕ ′
0 0

is the directivity of the feed antenna. An ideal feed antenna pattern would
compensate for the spherical spreading loss by increasing the field strength as
θ f increases, and then would abruptly fall to zero in the direction of the
reflector’s rim in order to avoid spillover:
 cos 2 (θ o / 2)
 , θ f ≤ θo
F f (θ f ,ϕ ′) =  cos 2 (θ f / 2) (19.58)
0, θ f > θo

This ideal feed is not realizable. For practical purposes, (19.56) has to be
optimized with respect to the edge-illumination level. The function specified by
(19.56) is well-behaved with a single maximum with respect to the edge-
The achievement efficiency ε a is an integral factor including losses due to:
random surface error, cross-polarization loss, aperture blockage, reflector phase
error (profile accuracy), feed phase error.
A well-designed and well-made aperture antenna should have an overall
Nikolova 2016 23
aperture efficiency of ε ap ≈ 0.65 or more, where “more” is less likely.
The gain of a reflector antenna also depends on phase errors, which
theoretically should not exist but are often present in practice. Any departure of
the phase over the virtual aperture from the uniform distribution leads to a
significant decrease of the directivity. For paraboloidal antennas, phase errors
result from:
• displacement of the feed phase centre from the focal point;
• deviation of the reflector surface from the paraboloidal shape,
including surface roughness and other random deviations;
• feed wave fronts are not exactly spherical.
Simple expression has been derived 1 to predict with reasonable accuracy the loss
in directivity for rectangular and circular apertures when the peak value of the
aperture phase deviations is known. Assuming that the maximum radiation is
along the reflector’s axis, and assuming a maximum aperture phase deviation
m, the ratio of the directivity without phase errors D0 and the directivity with
phase errors D is given by
D  m2 
≈ 1−
D0  2 
. (19.59)

The maximum phase deviation m is defined as

| ∆φ |= | φ − φ |≤ m , (19.60)
where φ is the aperture’s phase function, and φ is its average value. The aperture
phase deviation should be kept below π / 8 if the gain is not to be affected much.
Roughly, this translates into surface profile deviation from the ideal shape (e.g.
paraboloid) of no more than λ / 16 .

D.K. Cheng, “Effects of arbitrary phase errors on the gain and beamwidth characteristics of radiation pattern,” IRE Trans. AP,
vol. AP-3, No. 3, pp. 145-147, July 1955.

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