PWC Case Competition

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PWC Case Competition

The Quality of life

Need Statement

● Plan currently in the works is to relocate Fleetwings’ corporate headquarters. Their current location in the
San Francisco Bay area is not suited to their multiyear rapid growth plan, because of space limitations, the
high cost of living, and a business plan that focuses on rapid expansion.

● The challenge that Fleetwings has been facing is to evaluate the three finalist municipalities in terms of the
quality of life that they would offer their over 35,000 employees. The challenge is made difficult by the fact
that “Quality of Life” is a subjective term and not particularly easy to quantify. This is where PWC comes into
picture, helping them come down to a conclusion.
Current Situation
• One of the world’s fastest growing online consumer marketplaces,
• The largest employers in the San Francisco Bay area.
• Located just south of the Financial District
• Provides workspace for over 35,000 professional and support staff.
• Works on the philosophy that “ Data is king”
• Any business decision taken is data driven and is given with quantifiable results.
• Looking to change Headquarters
• Narrowed search into three municipalities
• Have certain business goals to achieve by 2025 and 2035
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Our Model

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Weighing Factors

● Quality of life is truly a subjective term but

there are a few factors that contribute to
the quality of life much more than others.

● We grouped and weighted them to see how

each company fares when it comes to all
these major factors.
Weighing Factors

Similarly, some of the major

factors that are important for
your company have been
weighed and put into
Our Solution
● From the model we designed, Del Perro came out as an overall winner.
● Every city had its pros and cons but we factored out everything that we believed were consistent to
your needs.
● Reiterating your need, we put great emphasis on the quality of life of the employees who were moving
in from a city like San Francisco. Everything ranging from the number of households to the minutes it
takes to get to work, played some role or another in helping us make this choice.
● Also, we kept in mind the long term goals of your company. We ensured that Del Perro not only
provided the stability, right costs, and the best value of money but also had enough talent base for
future expansion.
Why Del Perro? Based on the weighting system we
used, Del Perro received the
Company growth
and stability Company Expenses Talent base
maximum cumulative score. It had
amazing resources for talet base, was
a bit expensive for living, but being
in the cheapest state favoured it.

Its total score was 385 out of a total

of 500 as compared to 320 for
Jannington and 335 for Freedville.

Expansion by cities Cost of living

Employee Relocation
In order to be fair to the employees, a relocation
package would vary depending on how expensive
the city/state is.

Texas and Illinois are one of the cheapest states

in the country with Texas providing the most
‘bang for the buck’.

Going by the rates, if the company moves from

San Francisco to Del Perro in Texas, the same
salaries could provide much more value to the
money earned.

● Lesser distance between the ‘population’

and ‘number of households’ lines
implies that the city has more
households available to people.

● The best statistic is shown from the city

Del Perro,Texas

72% Employee
Households have
families with children.
Weather Texas

● While moving people from San Francisco, Texas gives

them a warmer weather throughout the year as
compared to Illinois and North Carolina which typically
get much colder in winters.

San Francisco North California
Del Perro
= 10 minutes International Airport
is a transportation hub for several
airlines and provides easy access
to business and recreational
Del Perro centers around the world

Jannington Del Perro is ranked as one of

top 10 most bikeable
cities in America.

● Lesser transportation time means more time available for family and work.
For a big company like yours, setting up headquarters in any state
means buying a huge piece of land. Hence, it is almost a necessity
that land prices are low. This allows for two things:

● There is great scope of company expansion in terms of land. It

allows flexibility and opens up more choices if the company
plans to set up factories or warehouses near the headquarters.

● For people moving in, buying a house would end up being a

cheaper option as compared to renting over the long run.

● All of this, eventually adds up to the stability and makes the

headquarters a great place for both administrative and living
● Although, Del Perro has a
lower high school graduation
rate, more people end up
going to college and
completing their bachelor’s
degree here.

● If at any point of time, if

your company wants to
recruit, there will be no
shortage of skilled
Job Growth

● A good job growth shows that the

economy is booming which is
advantageous for both company and
employees equally.
● new job creation and competition can help
in improving incomes and working
conditions for existing jobs.
Disposable Income

● Just a very rough

idea of the
disposable income
available to
● The graph takes in
account the
income tax, the
property tax and
sales tax.
Weighted Factors
How PwC can help?
Before the relocation: After Relocation:
• Data Analytics • Job efficiency growth using digital fitness
• HR function and transformation • Tax and Auditing
• Global Mobility • People Strategy
• Rewards and Benefits • Employment Laws
• US inbound Tax • Crisis and restructuring
• Tax and Auditing • People Analytics
• People Analytics • Customer Impact
• Diversitures • Product and Service Innovation
Thank you
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