Marketing BAD - Suger Free Biscuit

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Independent university, Bangladesh


Course Title: Consumer Behavior

Course Instructor: Mr. Suman Prasad Saha
Course: MKT 481
Section: 02

Team: Marketing BAD


➢ Faiza Farhin 1720122

➢ Sayed Hossain 1722017
➢ Abid Faisal 1821456
➢ Rizwan Haider 1731114
➢ Noorus Sabah 1731142
➢ Nazmul Hossain 1730272

Date of Report Submission: 9/01/2021

Trio of Needs (Nazmul Hossain – 1730272)
An element of trio is the need for achievement. Individuals with a strong achievement need often
regard personal accomplishment as an end in itself. Achievement has clear and strong elements
of Maslow’s ego and self-actualization needs.

This printed advertisement is for bisk farm sugar free biscuit. The motivation in this
advertisement shows that the consumer can achieve fitness by consuming this sugar free biscuit.

It also indicates the product will reduce the tough schedule of diet in a tasty way because it is
masala cream cracker with no added sugar. So, health-conscious people can have a healthy and
fit life without any hustle.

At last, the advertisement shows the physiological achievement of an individual.

Dogmatism (Abid Faisal – 1821456)

High Dogmatism

The below ad is an ad targeted toward people of high in dogmatism. Highly dogmatic consumers
will not prefer innovative products or services. They always choose to go for a product or brands
that are well-established in the industry. They are less inclined to set aside their beliefs & choose
an innovative product.

In order to make them accept the innovation, Britannia decided to promote an ad that contains an
appeal from an authoritative figure. In this case, Abir Chattergee, a Tollywood actor, to reduce
reluctancy towards new/innovative product in highly dogmatic consumers.

Low Dogmatism

The below ad is an ad targeted towards people of low in dogmatism. Low dogmatic consumers
do not stick to traditional alternatives and explore new opportunities to get better benefit than
existing products. They are likely to prefer those products that stresses factual differences,
product benefits & other product usage information.

In order to appeal to low dogmatic consumers, Lexus Zero highlighted the fact in its ad that the
product has low calorie, zero sugar so that it might appeal & make low dogmatic consumers
interested to try the product.
Need for Cognition (Mohammed Sayed Hossain – 1722017)

High Need for Cognition

In High NFC, there is an individual who demonstrates an intrinsic motivational NFC for just about
any cognitive task. The picture, which is given above, clearly showing product-related information
or description, like all the nutritional information about Anmol sugar-free biscuits are given for the
consumers who are diabetic patients and are more concerned and responsive to the product. So
that the consumer can evaluate product quality and distinguish between brands. Consumers often
seek a written message and printed advertisement. In high NFC, there is no external incentive that
influences others to engage with NFC.
Low Need for Cognition

In Low NFC, Individuals seek an extrinsic motivational incentive to engage in NFC. low NFC
consumers will rely upon or be more concerned about the background or peripheral aspects of an
ad. The consumer will be more concerned about the model or well-known celebrity, background
music, and cartoon message as given in the picture, as it is more effective in changing attitudes
and subjective norms.
Ethnocentrism (Rizwan Haider – 1731114)

High Ethnocentrism

Danish is a Bangladeshi company and has been in here for a very long time and is connected
with many Bangladeshi’s emotion as well. As we can see it is the one and only diabetic biscuit in
Bangladesh and the motto says ‘Need balance in life’ therefore, this biscuit is for those who are
looking to keep their diabetes in control and balancing with the enjoyment of the biscuit and their
diabetic level. They also participated in World Diabetes Day in order to send the message of ‘Good
food eating habits will lead to preventions and keeping the diabetes in control.
Product Personality and Geography (Faiza Farhin – 1720122)

The above picture of Maryland Cookies Sugar Free Choc Chip shows product personality and
geography. The reason it falls under this category is that this product Maryland Cookies Sugar Free
Choc Chip possesses a strong geographical association. Though Maryland Cookies Sugar Free
Choc Chip is manufactured in United Kingdom, Maryland is a state of USA. Maryland Cookies
recipe is brought in UK from USA. It reminds people of the Maryland place as if they are in
Maryland USA and enjoying the Maryland Cookies Sugar Free Choc Chip. Employing geography
in this product’s name, the product’s manufacturer Burton Biscuit Company creates geographic
personality for the product. Such geographic personality can lead to geographic equity for the
brand, meaning that in the consumer’s memory, the knowledge of the brand reflects a strong
geographic association.
Stereotype (Noorus Sabah – 1731142)
The Physical Appearance of a model in an advertisement and physical appearance of a product
often influence consumer judgments. So, for that advertisers must ensure the rational match
between the product advertised and physical attributes.

This is a printed advertise of Britannia Sugar-Free Digestive Biscuit. It is one of the most popular
brands in Pakistan. Now I would like to explain how this advertise representing Physical
Appearance -

1. The most visible thing in this picture is the model here, who are very beautiful and
attractive also have perfect body structure. Now as it is a sugar free biscuit which
obviously indicates healthy food, for that advertise have to use someone healthy to
represent this product. By using this healthy and fit model advertiser indicating that this
biscuit is healthy choice to get healthy life. So, by choosing this healthy sugar free
biscuits consumer can achieve a healthy and fit body like the model.

2. Now I would like to point out the 2nd visible part of this advertise is the background
picture of the model, which is a hillside view, which represents the nature. It means that
the product is properly natural, no artificial things are added here. Also, the sunrise view,
yoga position of the model represents that consumer can have this biscuit in the morning
after doing exercise because it is healthy for breakfast.

3. My last point out thing is the packaging of the product. Where customers can see the
picture of where grain which means this product is made from wheat flour, which is
really good natural source for health, easy to digest, keep stomach full for a long period
of time.

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