W9 Module 7 Job Design and Work Measurement

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Module 007 Job Design and Work Measurement

At the end of this module you are expected to:

1. Define relevant terms related to job design and work measurement
2. Analyze phases of employment cycle
3. Examine ways on how to gain competitive advantage
4. Scrutinize concepts and procedures on labor planning, methods analysis
and ethics

Job Design and Work Measurement

Let’s discuss job design and work measurement first and later, relate them with each other.
What is job design? According to Definition of work/job design. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2018, from
https://oshwiki.eu/wiki/Definition_of_work/job_design, job design is utilized to assess how tasks or the
whole job is organized within the work environment and then ensure that these are well-matched to the
employee’s attributes. Administrative changes that are required to improve working conditions are the
focus of job design. There is a guarantee that the worker is able to accomplish what is required in a safe
and healthy fashion if there is a properly designed job. Because of that, physical and psychological strain
are reduced. The following issues are also identified if there is no proper job design:
 Work overload
 Repetitiveness
 Limited work control

Because of that, there is an improvement of occupational safety and health (OSH) within the
organization. A more healthy, engaged and productive employees could be the result of a well-
designed job and surely will benefit not only employees but the organization as well.

Is there any relevance of job design to the organization? Well, of course the answer is YES.
According to the same source, work activities will have a mental and physical demands on workers
and if the said work activities will be kept to within acceptable levels, performance as well as the
well-being and health will be maintained. Job design principle application should aid in identifying
suitable facilities, machines, furniture and tools that are designed and allocated to be compatible
with the worker’s attributes, strength, inclusive of size, information-processing capacity, aerobic
capacity and expectations. Job design also aims to improve the health of employees by allowing
them more control on the job which lead to reducing the work related stress that may result to
serious problems in health .

When a new job is created or when the job or work is no longer fit to the worker or exceed
the capacity of employee, job design should be occurred within the organizations. Monitoring
procedures in place so as to assess continuously workers’ safety, health and levels of perfor mance
should be done by effective business organizations.

From the same source, the steps to follow in designing a job were given and these are the
following :
1. Assess current work practices.
Course Module
2. Analyze tasks
3. Design the job
4. Implement the new job design gradually.
5. Re-evaluate job design on a continuous basis.

Human Resource Strategy for Competitive Advantage

What is the objective of a human resource strategy? According to Human
Resources, Job Design and Work Measurement (n.d.) Retrieved July 23, 2018 from
Design.ppt , manage labor and design jobs so that people in the organization will be
efficiently and effectively utilized.

Likewise, according to Human Resource Management and Competitive Advantage

(n.d.) Retrieved July 20, 2018 from
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9ce6/70115d23076fc7093d42aad42cbaaf210636.pdf ,
success of any organization depends on how it manages its human and non -human
resources. Non-human resources may include capital, land and equipment while human
resources pertain to people in the organization. Function of human resource management
(HRM) focuses on the people aspect of management. Practices that aid the organization deal
effectively with its people during the various phases of employment cycle are what human
resource management is all about. The said phases of employment cycle according to the
same source are the following:
1. Preselection phase – Planning practices are involved in this phase. Decision on
what types of job openings will exist in the upcoming period what qualifications
are necessary to perform these jobs are also determined are made.

 Human resource planning – Managers are able to anticipate and meet

changing needs related to acquisition, deployment and employee
utilization through human resource planning. An overall plan or strategic
plan is first map out. Then, through demand and supply forecasting, the
number and types of employees needed to carry out successfully its
overall plan are estimated. The firm is able to plan its recruitment,
selection and training strategies through the information gathered from
demand and supply forecasting.

 Job analysis – a systematic procedure wherein the gathering, analyzing

and documenting of data and information about particular jobs is done.
What specified through this analysis type are the things which each
worker does, the qualifications of worker who will perform the job and
the work conditions. Information on Job analysis process is utilized so that
all the HRM practices will be planned and coordinated including the

 Determination of job qualification for the purpose of recruitment

 Choice of the most appropriate techniques for selection process
 Development of training programs
 Development of rating forms for performance appraisal
 Helping to determine rates of payment
 Performance standard setting for productivity enhancement

2. Selection phase – Employees are selected by the organization in this phase.

Recruiting, assessing the qualifications and selection of applicants who are most
qualified are included in the selection process.

 Recruitment – process of locating and attracting job applicants for

particular positions are the reasons why business organizations use
recruitment. Candidates may be recruited internally or externally.
Internally, current employees who seek to advance or change jobs are
recruited while in recruiting externally, recruiting people outside the
organization. Identifying the right manpower out of the applicants quickly
,with efficient cost and in legal way is the aim of recruitment practices.

 Selection –assessment and selection process of job candidates are

involved in this process. Selection processes should be technically sound
and legal in order for them to be effective.

3. Post selection phase – HRM practices which involve managing of people

effectively when they have “come through the door” are being developed by the
organization during this phase. Maximizing the performance and the level of
satisfaction of employees by providing them with the needed knowledge and
skills for them to be able to perform the job and by creating energizing conditions
as well as directing and facilitating the employees efforts towards organization’s
achievement of objectives.

 Training and development – these are learning experiences that are planed
so as to teach workers on how to have effective performance at present
and in the future. Jobs at present are the focus of training while preparing
employees for possible jobs in the future is the focus of development.
Improving performance in an organization through knowledge and skill
enhancement among employees is the reason why training and
development practices are designed.

 Performance appraisal – Organizations are able to weigh the adequacy of

job performances of employees as well as to communicate the said
evaluations to the said employees through performance appraisal. So as
for the employees to continue appropriate behavior and to correct
inappropriate ones which in turn motivate the latter is one of the
objectives of appraisal systems. Performance appraisals can be used by
management as tools for making HRM-related decisions which include the
process of promoting, demoting, raising pays and discharging employees.

 Compensation – Compensation involves pay and benefits while pay refers

to the salary or wage employees earn. How about benefits? These are
compensation forms which are provided to employees in addition to their
pay – employee discount or health insurance. Compensation practices

Course Module
have the aim of helping the organization in establishing and maintaining
loyalty and competency among the workforce at an affordable cost.

 Productivity improvement programs – Rewards to job behavior tied by

productivity improvement programs. Rewards may be financial or
nonfinancial. Financial rewards may include pay raises and bonuses while
non-financial rewards like job satisfaction which is an improved one. To
make employees motivated to have appropriate job behaviors is the aim
of such programs.

Who should be doing the development and implementation of HRM practices?

According to the same source, both human resource professionals and line managers are the
ones accountable for HRM practices. Effective HRM practices are the result of an interplay
between managers and HR professionals. Success of performance appraisal system of a firm
depends on both parties’ ability to do their jobs correctly. The ones who develop the system
are the HR professionals while the ones who provide the actual per formance evaluation are
the managers.

1. Establishing procedures and methods related to HRM

2. Monitoring and evaluating HR practices.
3. Advising and assisting managers on HRM-related matters


1. To implement HRM practices.

2. To provide HR professionals with needed input..


According to the same source, by effectively managing the human resources of a firm,
it can gain a competitive advantage over competitors. Competitive advantage refers to the
firm status achievement when gaining a superior marketplace position which is relative to
tis competition. It can be accomplished or achieved by a firm in two ways - through product
differentiation or cost leadership.

1. Cost leadership – in this method, the business which produced at the lower cost
provides the same products or services as its competitors . In this way, the firm
earns a better return on its human resources and capital.

2. Product differentiation – in this method, the business firm produces what buyers
preferred to buy. This aim can be accomplished by:

 Producing a more quality product than what is offered by its competitors

 Providing innovative services and products which are not delivered by its
 Choosing a superior location which is more accessible to consumers
 Packaging and promoting its products to create the higher quality

Competitive advantage is being created through product differentiation if the

customers of business organization are willing to pay enough to cover any extra cost
in the production. An important source of competitive advantage is the HRM practice
of an organization. Enhancement of firm’s competitive advantage can be done by
creating both product differentiation and cost leadership. 16 HRM practices which
enhance competitive advantage were also given by the same source and these are the
1. Employment security – Employees’ commitment, loyalty and the
willingness to have an extra effort for the benefit of an organization can be
generated through organization’s long term commitment to workforce.
An example of this long term commitment is employment guarantee that
no employee will be retrenched for lack of work.

2. Selectivity in recruiting –Careful selection of right employees in a right


3. High wages – To attract better qualified applicants, high wages should be

offered to applicants. Aside from this, there will be less turnover and can
send a message that the business firm really values its employees.

4. Incentive pay – Giving incentives to employees who have enhanced

performance and profitability level.

5. Employee ownership – Providing employees with such things likes profit-

sharing programs and shares of company stocks.

6. Information sharing – Sharing of information to employees so as to

appreciate how their own interests and those of the company is provided
in information sharing.

7. Participation and empowerment –Decentralization of decision making and

participation encouragement as well as empowering worker in controlling
their progress at work.

8. Teams and job redesign –Interdisciplinary teams utilization for

coordinating and monitoring work.

9. Training and skill development – Assurance that employees and managers

can have a competent performance with regards to their jobs is achieved
through providing the necessary skills needed by workers . Likewise,
through this, it demonstrates the commitment of firm to its employees.

10. Cross-utilization and cross-training – Training people to do different tasks

can enable them to perform several jobs which can make their work more
interesting. Likewise, through this, management is able to provide greater
flexibility in scheduling work .
Course Module
11. Symbolic egalitarianism – It refers to an equal treatment among

12. Wage compression – Productivity gains may be achieved trough pay

compression – size reduction of employees’ differences with regards to

13. Promotion from within – By filling job vacancies through employees’


14. Long-term perspective – There should be a realization that achievement

of competitive advantage through the workforce is not a one day shot deal
so there is a need for a long term perspective .

15. Measurement of practices – Measuring practices in the business

organization is useful in providing feedback to employees and to the
company on how relative is performance to measurement standard.

16. Overarching philosophy – having a fundamental philosophy which

connects individual practices into a coherent whole.

Labor Planning

Labor planning or workforce planning according to P. (2018, April 11). Workforce

Planning Is Essential to High-Performing Organizations. Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
planning.aspx is essential to high-performing organizations.

How about strategic workforce planning. What is it all about? According to Four
steps of workforce planning. (2018, March 02). Retrieved August 6, 2018, from
https://cardinalatwork.stanford.edu/engage/news/four-steps-workforce-planning ,
strategic workforce planning refers to how a team or an organization do the analysis of
workforce and determination of steps which should be taken to prepare for future talent
needs. It is a human resource tool for anticipating employment needs and it is critical to
planning staff training, designing the organization structure and developing the team goals
and objectives.

From the same source, the four steps in the workforce planning were given and these
are the following:
1. Analyze the organization’s talent supply
Business managers should to the internal and external talent assessment. The
following questions may be asked in this step:
 Does the organization team consist of long-tenured talents who will be
retiring soon and will possible leave significant gaps to the team?
 What are the present team strengths and how do they map to our
current needs?
 Are the needed talents that the team needs in the current market?
 What will it cost the organization in acquiring new talent?

2. Consider the future needs

Review the future business plans and objectives. Gather data and
information on what the team needs to accomplish, projected staffing levels and
workload changes. What are the critical competencies in achieving objectives.

3. Identify the gaps

Identify the organization’s needs. Find the difference between supply and
demand assessments that you had.

4. Find the solution

Address the gaps in the organization’s current and future staffing needs.
Opportunities should be assessed to train and develop current employees and
hiring externally should be considered to complement the current team’s skills. If
the recruitment is done outside, ask where would the business go and how many
new hires the business organization needs. Once the gaps are solved, integraton of
the new talent into your current team should be managed.

Job Design
What is job design? According to Job Design (n.d.) Retrieved July 20, 2018 from
https://www.cedu.niu.edu/~bailey/ftf564/jobdes.pdf, job design refers to the
specifications of the contents, methods and relationships of jobs so as to satisfy
organizational and technological requirements as well as the personal and social
requirements of the job holder. Its focus is on designing the transformation of inputs into
outputs and considers the human and organizational factors that influence that

There are different aspects of job design and from the same source, these a re the
1. Work organization
 Re-arrangement or replacement of work (ex. Teaming, work group,
automating, division of labor)
 Giving additional tasks/responsibility to the worker (job enlargement)
 Job rotation

2. Job structuring
 Giving responsibility for different levels/types of work (job enrichment)
 Granting over work (autonomy)
 Self-organization (time/process management)

3. Location/scheduling

According to the same source, job design changes which should be implemented at
the individual level are the
 With optimum variety
 Whole task which is meaningful

Course Module
 Optimum work cycle
 Standard and feedback result control
 Job preparation and auxiliary tasks
 Utilization of valued knowledge, skills and effort
 Perceivable contribution to end product

While at the group level, organization should provide

 Physical proximity where individual jobs are interdependent or are stressful
 Independent job grouping so as to provide a whole task that contributes to the
end product or control over standards and feedback of results
 Communication channels
 Promotion channels

Ergonomics and the Work Environment

What is ergonomics? According to Ergonomics. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
https://ehs.unc.edu/workplace-safety/ergonomics/, refers to the study of people in their
working environment. An ergonomist is the one who designs or modifies the work to fit the
worker and not in the other way around. Elimination of discomfort an injury risk due to
work is the goal of ergonomics. In an organization, the first priority in analyzing the
workstation is the employee. The three main characteristics which are actually the
ergonomic stressors namely force required to complete the task, an static or awkward
working postures that are adopted in completing the task and the repetitiveness of the task
should be considered in evaluating a job because any one of these factors or any combination
of these factors may place a worker at a greater risk of discomfort.

Actually, according AIHA Protecting Worker Health. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018,
from https://www.aiha.org/about-ih/Pages/an-ergonomics-approach-to-avoiding-office-
workplace-injuries-and-illnesses.aspx , the main goal of ergonomics is to design the
workplace so that it will accommodate the variety of human capabilities and limitations so
as to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Measures such as administrative controls
– employee rotation or training, as well as changes to work practices are often more
feasible initially when designing ergonomic hazards out of the workplace. Ergonomics
application to the work place will aid both employees and employer to strike a proper
balance between staff capabilities and work requirements which will lessen the MSDs
among the members of the business organization.

Methods Analysis

According to Method of Analysis in the Production Management (n.d) Retrieved

August 6, 2018 from
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/60dc/81a256101f9d43f867d83eb1ef669e8658b7.pdf ,
the types or methods of analysis used in the production management are the theo retical
and problematic analyses. These can be recognized in strategic and detailed planning. The
method analysis is important in production management because it provides theoretical
ingredients for understanding and conceptualizing production plan ning and management
in construction. The first one, the problematic analysis has the aim of proving a strategy
whereas theoretical analysis aims at outline a plan. The starting point of the theoretical
analysis which will be carried out is the result of the strategic plan .It was emphasized in
the same source that the start point of analysis in the production planning relates to the goal
to be achieved - the end point of the schedule or a predetermined cycle time. On the other
hand, the analysis end point is something already known and it is the starting point of the
schedule in the production planning. With regards to production planning, the analysis
endpoint can be either the day in which the production starts or the information regarding
the necessary resources to produce something in a predetermined period of time.

The Visual Workplace

What is a visual workplace? According to The Visual Workplace. (2018, February 13).
Retrieved August 6, 2018, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Visual_Workplace, a
visual workplace refers to a continuous improvement paradigm. Many visuality iterations in
the continuous improvement are integrated and codified in this system. It also refers to a
self-explaining, self-ordering, self improving and self regulating work environment wherein
what should happen , happens – on time, every time, day or night because of visual devices.
A visual workplace which is defined by devices is designed so as to share information
about the operations of organization visually so as to make human and machine
performance more exact, safer, more reliable, more repeatable and more reliable. This is
accomplished parallel with new employee engagement and contribution level generation
which in turn lead to an improved alignment within the enterprise and significant bottom
line benefits. This level of information can be seen and understood without supervision,
need for an explanation or coaching in an effective visual workplace.

Likewise, it was emphasized in the same source that the key principle is to install vital
information visually as close to the point of use as possible, when a methodology is applied ,
it targets the motion – moving without working. It was implemented originally and refined
in manufacturing settings.

Labor Standards

What are labor standards? According to Definition of Terms - Labor and Employment.
(n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2018, from http://nap.psa.gov.ph/ru12/DEFINE/DEF-LABO.HTM
, the minimum requirements prescribed by the existing laws, rules and regulations and other
issuances relating to wages, living allowances and other monetary and welfa re benefits,
occupational health and safety and other standards designed to improve work conditions
are said to be labor standards.

To protect workers and laborers in the Philippines, Labor Code of the Philippines PD
442 was created and amended. According to Labor Code of the Philippines PD 442, As

Course Module
Amended(n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2018, from http://www.laborlaw.usc-
law.org/lawsbank/pd-442.htm, the labor code is divided into 6 books namely:
1. Book 1 – Pre-employment
2. Book 2 – Human resource development
3. Book 3 – Conditions of employment
4. Book 4 – Health , Safety and Social Welfare benefits
5. Book 5 – Labor relations
6. Book 6 – Post Employment

The said books have different chapters. And as employee and employees of a business
organization, awareness of the contents of labor code should be considered not only for
themselves but of course for the achievement of the two main objectives – to give satisfaction
to customers and to earn profit wherein employers and employees will benefit from them.


What is ethics? According to What is ethics? (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
http://www.ethics.org.au/about/what-is-ethics, ethics answers how should one live. It
shapes the way an individual lives. Ethics are for all. Being ethical forms a part o f what
defines individuals as human beings. It is choosing from right and wrong. Ethical problems
which are complex ones can be individual and can be widespread and systemic which
involves organizations, groups or whole communities. It provides a framework for
answering questions as well. Ethics allows individuals to be consistent in our judgment ,
provide reasons for beliefs and to examine opinions critically. It also allows individuals to
act in a manner that are compatible with a set of principles and core values.

An individual who belongs to an organization should have the knowledge and apply
work ethics. What is work ethic? According to What is work ethics? (n.d.) Retrieved July 20,
2018 from https://www.squ.edu.om/Portals/107/pdf/9%20-
%20What%20is%20work%20ethics.pdf , work ethics refers to the cultural norm which
advocates being personally responsible and accountable for the work one does and is based
on belief that work has intrinsic value. It is applied usually to characteristics of people both
at work and lay. It is associated with individuals who work hard and do a great job.

Likewise, according to Ethics in the Workplace (n.d.) July 20, 2018 from
pdf , ethics which refers to the application of moral principles, standards of behavior, or set of
values regarding proper conduct in the workplace as individuals and in a group setting, should be
considered in any workplace and all business organizations should take consideration on the
 Respect
 Trustworthiness
 Fairness
 Responsibility
 Caring

Communication is the key for relationship between and among the following:
management/supervisors, customers, and colleagues/employees. In the same source, good
workplace ethics , ways on how to encourage good and benefits of good ethics in the
workplace and these are the following:
 Stay productive
 Be accountable of own action
 Taking initiative
 Be punctual
 Stay positive
 Take pride in own work
 Set good example
 Think critically


 Fair treatment
 Recognition
 Fair consequences
 Clear and consistent communication
 Have office procedures and policies
 Provide trainings
 Transparency
 Have plans of actions
 Constructive feedback


 Desirable work environment for all
 Loyalty from employees
 Produce best results
 Build good references
 Recognition
 Growth and expansion
 Good office morale

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals

1. Definition of work/job design. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2018, from
2. Human Resources, Job Design and Work Measurement (n.d.) Retrieved July 23,
2018 from http://www.sul.ishik.edu.iq/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Human-

Course Module
3. Human Resource Management and Competitive Advantage (n.d.) Retrieved July
20, 2018 from
4. P. (2018, April 11). Workforce Planning Is Essential to High-Performing
Organizations. Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
5. Four steps of workforce planning. (2018, March 02). Retrieved August 6, 2018,
from https://cardinalatwork.stanford.edu/engage/news/four-steps-workforce-
6. Job Design (n.d.) Retrieved July 20, 2018 from
7. Ergonomics. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018, from https://ehs.unc.edu/workplace-
8. AIHA Protecting Worker Health. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
https://www.aiha.org/about- ih/Pages/an-ergonomics-approach-to-avoiding-office-
workplace-injuries-and- illnesses.aspx
9. Method of Analysis in the Production Management (n.d) Retrieved August 6, 2018
10. The Visual Workplace. (2018, February 13). Retrieved August 6, 2018, from
11. Definition of Terms - Labor and Employment. (n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2018,
from http://nap.psa.gov.ph/ru12/DEFINE/DEF-LABO.HTM
12. Labor Code of the Philippines PD 442, As Amended(n.d.). Retrieved August 6, 2018,
from http://www.laborlaw.usc- law.org/lawsbank/pd-442.htm
13. Introduction to International Labour Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
http://www.ilo.org/global/standards/introduction-to- international- labour-
14. What is ethics? (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
http://www.ethics.org.au/about/what- is-ethics
15. V. (2017, May 01). Work Ethics. Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
16. Erskine, M. B. (n.d.). Saint Leo Blog. Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
https://www.saintleo.edu/blog/how-to-develop-a-good-work-ethic- in-5-easy-steps
17. What is work ethics? (n.d.) Retrieved July 20, 2018 from
18. Ethics in the Workplace (n.d.) July 20, 2018 from
19. Workplace Ethics 101: The Basics (n.d.) Retrieved July 20, 2018 from

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

1. Motivating Employees through Job Design (n.d.) Retrieved July 20, 2018
from http://open.lib.umn.edu/organizationalbehavior/chapter/6-2-
2. Job design | tutor2u Business. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
3. Ergonomics in the Workplace (n.d.) Retrieved July 20, 2018 fron
4. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20,
2018, from https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/ergonomics/

Online Instructional Videos

1. Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement. (2017, April 17). Retrieved
August 6, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0g04gW57V0
2. J. (2016, September 21). Job Design and work Measurement. Retrieved August 6,
2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jymYilN6h2U
3. Human Resource, Job Design and Work Measurement IBA 4D. (2015, May 20).
Retrieved August 6, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1KVjWdIkuE

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