Impact of Diet On Obesity Divya Singh .. Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of Ayush
Impact of Diet On Obesity Divya Singh .. Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of Ayush
Impact of Diet On Obesity Divya Singh .. Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry of Ayush
Managern 189
Divya Singh
.. Desai National Institute of Yoga, Ministry Of Ayush Govt ,, 1 d. N
,~fo,arJ' Delhi ' . oJ n uz, ew
CaUses of obesity:-
Obesit · . ·
If y is generally caused by eating too much and moving too httle.
d but do not bum off the
ume h"tgh amounts of energy particularly fat an sugars,
nergy thr ' 1 gy will be stored
by the ough exercise and physical activity, much of the surp us ener
bo<Jy as fat.
Weioht Management through Exercise & Yoga 190
1. Calories .
·s measured in units called cal ones. The average physic a11 y activ
The energy val ue o f food i . . .
and the e
calories a day to maintain a healthy weight,
man nee d s ab out 2 ,500 . avera
physicall y active woman needs about 2,000 calories a d~y. This amount of calories rn!e
sound high, but it can be easy to reach if you eat certain types of food. For example :~
Eating a full pizza.
2. Poor diet
Obesity does not happen overnight . It develops gradually over time, as a result of poor diet
and lifestyle choices, such as:
• eating large amounts of processed or fast food - that's high in fat and sugar
• drinking too much alcohol - alcohol contains a lot of calories, and people who drink
heavily are often overweig ht
• eating out a lot - you may be tempted to also have a starter or dessert in a restaurant,
and the food can be higher in fat and sugar
5. M
• eating larger portions than you need - you may be encourag ed to eat too much if
your friends or relatives are also eating large portions
• drinking too many sugary drinks - including soft drinks and fruit juice
• comfort eating - if you have low self-estee m or feel depressed , you may eat to make
* ar
yourself feel better
• Unhealth y eating habits tend to run in families. You may learn bad eating habits *C
from your parents when you're young and continue them into adulthood .
• Eating lots of saturated fat can raise your cholester ol and increase your risk of heart
disease. Saturated fat is found in:butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and palm oil ~s of :
,cakes ,biscuits etc. DJedicati
3. Lack of physical activity mtludin,I
Lack of physical activity • Many peopIe have
is another important factor related to o besity. Weight !
. . . .
Jobs that mvolve s1ttmg at a desk for . cars, rat her
most of the day · The Y a1so re1y on their 6, (
. . .
than walking or cyclmg. For relaxation, many people tend to watc h T V , browse the .mternet lhegasl
or play computer games, and rarely take regular exercise ·If you ,re not active enouah, you lbown t
. O
do not use the energy provided by the food you eat' and th e extra energy sume 1s
stored by the body as fat. you con
4. Genetics
Obesity can occur due rare genetic symptoms like the "P d . .
"L . lSyndrome"etc there's no reason rawher-w1lh Syn d rome "(PWS)[2] ' lrid ~v
weight. Y mo5t people cannot Jose ~is
t through Exercise & Yoga 194
Weight Managernen
. heart failure
• Congesuve
• Cancer. ..
• Gout and gouty arthntlS
• Back problem . rth ·tis) of the knees, hips, and the lower back
__.l,..;tis (degener ative a n
• Osteoai uu •
• Sleep apnea.
. ( rding to yoga, ayurve da and naturop athY)
·t through diet acco
Management of ob esi Y h lthcare plan. food is regarde d as medicine at rn
. t mponen t of a ea .mportan t compon ent of d'1sease managernan
Diet is an 1mportan co
d . ·
Diet (Aahar) 1s an 1
regarde d as a medicin e 1
.Diel .
systems of me 1cmeh· ·mportant to health, that it is often
Right food 1s so muc
1 . t ingle factor respons ible for. health and also
. . d as one importan s
now bemg recognize . M cam·son 'the right kind of food 1s the most impon
. d · tO Sir Robert c ' .
d1sease2. Accor mg . f h Ith· and the wrong kind of food 1s the most import
single factor in the promot10 n o ~a ' '
single factor in the promotion of disease 2.
Classification of food . . . .
. .fi • found in regard to food items m vanous systems of medicine·
Various class1 1cat10ns are
Some of these concepts in brief are as under:
for transporting dissolved nutrients and waste from the body. To remain healthy , this is
important to have a balance of all these essentia l compon ents in the diet.
II. Concept of diet in Ayurve da
• In Ayurveda diet is given extreme importa nce. Accord ing to Ayurve da, the diet
should be simple, easily digestible, and small in quantity . n Ayurved a, obese
persons are included under AstaNin ditapur usha(A thiDeer ga, AthiHraswa,
AthiStoola, AthiKrusha, AthiGou ra, AthiSw eta, Athi Roma and Aroma) .
• ~a tbya is referred to the Ahara and Vihara, which causes pacification of the
disease. Example:-milk product s, fatty foods, meat, fish, day sleep etc.
• Apalbya is re~erred to the Ahara and Vihara, which causes complications ao
. te,
aggravate the disease Example ..-d ry f 00d , green gram,h ot water,h oney,fasung
· e
e a s: az
. _Management through Exercise & yoga
, ,.1ghl
'l.~ ~
'µ Ayurveda, further emphasizes that diet . 195
' • · • . ary cons1dcrati ·
:•. of every prescnpt10n m Ayurvedic th on is an imponant co
erapy. Sometim ct· mponent
is a complete treatment. According to A h . es, ietary management itself
· l d
given map anne way then a separate mc d"arya .
Lohmbar · ·
aJa, if wholesome diet is
. • e icmal treat
the diet itself can take care of the disea s· . .ment may not be required as
se. 1m1larly if h
permitted, then also treatment is not re . d unw olesome diet is being
quire as the di ·
in that case3 sease 1s not going to be cured
III. Concept of diet in Yoga
Shrimat Bhagavad gita defines they 1. ct·
og c 1et as under:
'iih181d481U4 <{"fi,le!Fq ~ I
~1if4~jqGfl~RI <UlTI' ~ <i:mf II ~\9 11
1. Sattvik food
~:th·qcifeilij 3 ~~<<Nlfa~q~;u: I
~: ~ : ~ lffl ~ : 81fi.qcfi~<il: II 1:; 11
Foods dears to those in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify
one's existenceand give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such foods are
juicy, fatty, wholesome, and pleasing to the heart. (17.8).Those foods which are
fresh, whole, natural, of good quality yet mild, neither over nor undercooked are
experienced as lending a calm alertness and at the same time a state of quiet energy.
Such foods are called sattvic.
Rajasik food
ifi<tcf¥{1R>;cfuIIc~6uiM ~lt fcta:1 ~ -i : I
31161(1 <l.iil8f4!i ~:lq~Ticf;lft4Std,I: II ' II
Foods that are too bitter too sour, salty, hot, pungen t, dry and burning are dear to
' · ery and disease. 17. 9
those in the passion. Such foods cause d"1stress, mis . .
. . eal that which stimu 1ates
Food which is cooked a great deal to increase its taS te app ·
. & Yoga
h Exercise .
1ent throug
weig ht
Mnn:u1.en ds up 111etabolism and. actlvates is callect r . l9G
- ystem,spee e usually con side red rajasic. aJasic. S
th nervous[fee,
e s , and tobacco ar
tea , ~ch
food s as co
Tarnasik rood
. · qt a~ ~~ I
~~ c- • ~t4fjl4SI. II ~o II
~q fq ~< I ~
~oe than three hours before bei ng eate n, food that .
d prepared more d onsistino of rem 1s ta
Foo s ·d and foo c O nan ts and unt ouc hab le thi . Sleless
decomposed and putn ' ess 17. 10 ngs is d '
. the ear 10'
those in mode of darkn .
. "d d ,, partly spoiled, hav e bee n pro ces sed
f ds which are ea ' a great deal h
Those oo · h no spark of life about them, 1ac k the vita .' ave be
lity off d en
preserved in some w::;ly :::k ed are called tamasic.
alive or has been rec oo that ~
• Easily digestible.
. . .
• Complete1Y fulfil1 s the averaoe
nutritional needs of an 1nd 1v1dual, when used in ,
combination. proper
• Most ideal diet for those who are engaged in higher A ell
me nta l pursuits. r11-ul1S
Th e Yoo
ic concept of food takes into con side rati on the total dimension of human existenc ;11 an
Apart from the atoms and molecules, from which t
our gro ss physical body is made of, we
all possess Prana, mind, intellect, emotions and spiritua
l dimensions. Yoga is that process i;atura
by which we can bring in an integration of the entire
per son alit y at all these levels. The ~ f(
stamina of the body is to be developed, the Pra na sho
uld be flown freely, the mind should ~etth
calm down, the emotions should be stabilized and cult
ured. In totality the bliss should arise f!OPeT
to keep oneself happy and healthy.
A balanced diet according to Yoga
~ -~ ~ ~- ~ -
1qq1~ d.
II ~ o II
'J.-i4d~fcH1i:sft~fita16R :~M~?.ld
It is
. the diet wh'ic h re st0res balance at all levels. The Yo
gic die t beli eve s in the conceptof ~t ou
Mitahara This po tul
· s ates that the final effect of inta ke of die t depend · o follow1
three factors: s upon the followin=
Quality of food: It should be · ~le in
Quantity of food· H sattvik and more akin to the nat ura l from of it.
. d ~edici
the rest one forth · h alf of the stomac h should be fille ·th rqu1d an
d wit h foo d, one forth Wl 1
s ould be empt f h
Stateofmind whil takin· %to~
· Y or t e free flow of air (ga ses ).
rehsh the food a de g food· Wh1"l uid
· e during meals one sho uld be calm and quie · t· sh0
' n not be enga ed . . '
g ma ny form of inte nse thin kin g acuvity. . .
,ent through Exercise & Yogn
~ ~ t:,n:igen
~ ,,·((l!hl • N
'\ , concept of diet 1n aturopathy 197
l' ·. l, to Naturopnthy, accumu lation of waste and , , .
' . ,rdtll:- . th" h
f diseases unsmg w1 m t e human organi, systenuc pois
. . .,
' ,.\ t'\ < • I . ons is the cause of th ,
' ·oritY o
1 . . , . sm. n nnturopu tl c
111:IJ •itino obesity smne of them are explai·ned b 1Y
many methods · ·ire
.-~ for tre• 0 1
e ow:- '
I 1,~cu
. tfheraPY .
()it thel11PY is a process of any disease b . .
Dil'l . . th di . . . Y mcludm g curat' & . .
i... . ,e ingredients m e et. Modify ing your diet . t ive avoiding
~. revenn' ...
~ i.. P te optimum health is diet therapy. Wherein our dimt o a much .
more b l
a anced form to
·ti-:_ "i promo e constitu tes 99'¾ off f
~~- need most part of the healthy balanced food to recover & k , o ast ood, our
t l'(}(ly
eep away the diseases.
fasting . . . . .
stinl! is the pracuce of w1lhngly restrammg from some or . fo d d . k
J de I Fa th d f f . '111 o ' rm s or both for a
~~- ,,.,riod of time.Me o s o asung are water, juices or raw vegetabl
tv ·, · r- . • . . . .
. .
• 0!1\l't, and most effective method 1s hme JUiee fasting. During fasting tl b d The
e JUtces. best, safest
' b
' , 1e o Y urns up and
:\cretes huge amount s of accumu lated wastes. We can help thi, .
. . . s c1eansmg process by
drinking alkaline Juices.
:n u.,~ t- , Weight Reduction
Awell monitored & systema tized natural diet with lots of vegetables & fmits gives obvious
results of weight loss. It focuses on adequate consumption of water that supports the natural
h\lffiaJ~ diet and helps one to reduce weight faster but in the healthiest way.
iy i1 illij • Proper body functions
1gaiitht Natural food when consum ed fresh or cooked doesn't lose its nutritional value unlike the
the~b:: junk foods that has more of toxicity than nutrient value that gradually affects the system .
.thec i Diet therapy and fasting helps in elimina ting the toxins while retaining cmcial nutrients for
bli~\.\t proper functioning of the body.
Obesity is nowadays very commo n disease not only in adults but in growing ch~ldren 's t?o
we can see the symptoms of this disease. There are many treatments for treaung_ obesity
but out of them only diet therapy and exercise are the one which is cost effe~ttve,e~sy
;in llt1' followed and sustainable method of treating obesity. Even th0 ug h me d'icme ·
i· th
r:ini!t·· erapeutic effect quantity of medicin e is always less than that Off00d· o 1·et plays a maJor
rol · '
e in maintain good health. By its nature of pathya and apathya in different alternativ
f ·
llledi . 11
1fi~ cines can become treatme nt for both hea ltl1 and sickness· ..Hence o owmg
appr •
opnatepathya,avoiding apathya or by fasung. lead a better hte.
one can
,i f
Weight Management through Exercise & Yoga
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Health 1
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which w
Yoga pfo
as mentl
v&l }S
or Phys '