Tandoori Hippie 01042011

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YOU www.bangaloremirror.com/you BangaloreMirror | FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2011 23



Anu Sharma (l) and Arun Jayaprakash (r)

Hipsters: My guests for the evening were Murgh Biryani, the latter as pleasing to
Arun Jayaprakash, project manager at the olfactory system as it was to the
Hewlett-Packard, and Anu Sharma, busi- palate. The Gajar ka Halwa was the sav-
ness development manager at Cisco. ing grace among the desserts. They also
have a decently stocked bar, with a few
A joint: The ambiance wins hands down. cocktails too. We tried a Passion Martini
The unique chairs in the reception area and found it to be quite good.
are an attention grabber — check out
the barber’s chair! The restaurant is di- Sloppiness: The Achari Paneer Tikka
vided into several sections — an alfres- was bland, and lacked flavour. Among
co area that overlooks the Ring Road, the main course dishes, the Macchi
another which faces a giant LCD screen Hara Masala was quite a disappoint-
beaming the day’s cricket match or ment thanks to the spinach invasion
Kastoori Kabab long-legged models on FTV and a third, and overly salty fish. Desserts were
Chicken more private area, which offers a spicy quite a sad affair as we were told that
dekko of various hot spices, which the Rajbhog and Cham-Cham we’d or-
forms a part of the unique decor. A sax- dered were over, after confirming avail-
ophone, a trumpet, an old radio, a ability. The Phirni we got was actually

Chai Bar that serves chaats, samosas, rotis and a dessert. gramophone, a grandfather clock and sour and the Rasgullas way too rubbery.
many such trinkets vie for your atten- Most desserts are available on the
PARKING: Valet parking available
golas etc.
tion as you make your way inside where menu only. So check with the staff be-
TANDOORI HIPPIE SIGNATURE DISH: the dining area is at once rustic and hip. fore reserving space in your tum-tum for
Kastoori Kebab,
the sweet treats.

Lahori Seekh Kebab, Chooza Kebab Yes.
Manu Prasad Soul food: The hippie soul restricts itself
[email protected] Tandoori Hippie, #541-543, to the decor and doesn’t make its way Service: Despite some delay in getting
COST: For `1,000, you could share Mother Earth Building, 4th Floor, Amarjyoti into the menu, which is all tandoor. A the main course dishes, specially the
raditional tandoor meets a lassi, a starter, a couple of Layout, Intermediate Ring Road, Domlur - couple of shorbas, and some salads biriyani, and the dessert mix-up, the
nomadic hippie culture is non-veg main course dishes, a few 70. Ph: 41500787. make an appearance before we get into earnestness of the staff wins you over.
equal to “fun dining” (that’s the meat of the menu. There are quite a
what the people behind the Lahori Sheek few kebabs to choose from, including Verdict: Drop in for some decent tan-
restaurant call it). The restau- Kabab seafood kebabs. The main course offers doori fare set in an ambiance you’re un-
rant is in-between fine dining and the some options for the vegetarians as likely to find elsewhere. It would be
monotonous North Indian restaurants well, in addition to the standard non- great if the mash-up in the name could
that dot the city. Though the menu vegetarian tandoori dishes. be translated onto the menu too.
sticks to the tried and tested tandoor
fare, the ambiance and enthusiastic Hipness: The special Zafrani Lassi, The writer is a brand consultant who is
service staff give this place a unique- though priced a tad high, is excellent always on the look out for a restaurant
ness that warrants a visit. and quite filling. The flavourful and suc- that serves him right.
culent Kastoori Kebab served on the
GENESIS: Tandoori Hippie is a ven- seekh, as well as the Lahori Seekh Ke-
ture of Just 4 Hospitality, owned by bab, with just the right texture and FOOD
Himesh Arora, Tarun Arora and flavour, are both good starters to try. AMBIENCE
Lucky Singh and they began opera- The Aloo Chutneywala, with its unique SERVICE
tions last month. They also run a gravy makes a good dish for vegetari-
lounge bar called Loveshack on the ans. They also did a good job with the Bangalore Mirror reviews
floor above. Tandoori Hippie has a Gosht Rogan Josh and the Hyderabadi anonymously and pays for meals
lunch buffet and in the evenings, a

» CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 variably I will need to meet some-

one or be present at a social do. I
not too big to take along with me in
the flight. Typically work keeps me
am a gym freak and can’t travel out anywhere between 3 to 6 days at
two-day stops I take a smaller bag without my workout clothes. a stretch and that’s what I need to
than usual, for anything between prepare for.
three and ten, it’s a medium-sized Travel mantra: I have realised I don’t
bag that I use and adjust according need to carry any slippers — my What’s in the bag: The best way to
to preference. crocs — with me. The hotels provide pack for business trips is looking at
them. things that can let you have as many
What’s in the bag: Normally, I trav- combinations. So I put in 3 to 4
el in my work wear, so once I have “I PICK COLOURS THAT shirts. Of these 2 to 3 will be more


reached I head straight to work. formal than the other. I wear one in-

This is true for any morning flight formal jacket and carry another for-
I may take. I match the clothes to mal one. Business wear can actually

KALLOL BORAH, Founder Lukup

my shoes since I can only be carry- pass off for social meets. I stick to
ing one pair of formal footwear. I colours that let me mix and match.
match the trousers to either my Media My travelling kit is one that has been
black or brown shoes. So if it’s the Itinerary : Travels 15 days a month especially out together for my busi-
brown ones, I’ll take along a pair of ness trips and always stays in the bag.
khaki pants and one in blue (this Luggage rack: I am beginning to car-
includes what I have worn, if need- ry less and less simply because I want Travel mantra: I now shop keeping
ed I get a pair laundered at the ho- relief from checking in baggage. This my travel requirements in mind, so
tel). Along with the shirts, I carry has forced me to buy a bag that’s not shoes, clothes, everything gets an
one set of casual wear because in- too small to carry all I need and yet added perspective.

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